What are Yea Forums's favorite RTS games?
What are Yea Forums's favorite RTS games?
i dont know where you got that image but it made me upset to see the aoe remaster instead of classic aoe sprites
it makes me upset to see fucking dawn of war 3
just wait for aoe4
Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War had too much potential and was fun as fuck to play against people back when everyone was just learning. I really wish competitivefags didn't ruin RTS. sometimes we just want to fucking have fun and build an empire, not grind hours on end to get the top ranking or whatnot. When are these stupid zoomers going to realize that's NOT fun?
For those of you who don't know, this had FPS perspective, ACTUAL combat controls that makes Skyrim's look like shit, and that's saying a lot. It had functional navy mechanics YEARS before Empire: Total War. Why none of these goddamn lazy ass billion dollar corporations never went in this direction is beyond me. Imagine Warcraft IV like this? Instead we get WCIII remastered, with half the functionality this game had.
Stronghold & Stronghold Crusader
RA2 & Tiberian Sun (never played Generals tho)
Settlers 2
Tzar:Burden of Crown
Dark Reign
Total Annihilation
Supreme Commander
>Dark Reign
My nigga.
Empire earth 2. Like a real time civ game.
Nemesis of the Roman Empire had a food requirement system for soldiers that made combat and supplying on large maps pretty neat. Actually had to build supply depots and ferry goods
Nothing else really stood out from that game besides that but I thought it was a cool feature and would've liked to see more of it, added new tactical depth though of course the AI didn't really bother with that
The one that got me on board, not only with RTS games, but with PC gaming. When I first saw TA as a kid I instantly knew it was something so unbelievably awesome that there was no way it could work on my N64.
I will acknowledge that Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance is the superior game but there's a special place in my heart for TOTAL ANNIHILATION.
Anyone remember this? Always wanted to get this, ultimately never did.
I've been enjoying They are Billions. Anyone else here feel like sharing their thoughts on that title?
This. 12 years later and there's still nothing else like it.
American Conquest
Red Alert 2
Supreme Commander/Forged Alliance
I don't like RTS games.
That's ok user.
Does Rise of Nations count?
Why wouldn't it? RoN is fucking great.
2003 Empires Dawn of the Modern World
Was the best, still is the best.
Unfortunately the studio which made it died way back but you can get it on GoG now. Never understood the longevity of AoE2 when games like EDotMW exist and just surpass it, yet die in AoE2's shadow.
>Microsoft murdered Ensemble Studios
AoE is gone, no matter how MS milks it.
>He doesn't know
>Made by Relic
They're good. But not the original devs.
that game was fucking A+ user
Red Alert 2, DoW 1, XCOM, and Supreme Commander 2.
mostly the C&C series, may it rip in piece.
first gen DoW and CoH too.
and pic related, its not the best game but I'm fond of it regardless
The best RTS of course: Rise of Nations.
>Supreme Commander 2.
Surely the 2 is a typo.
Whats so great about generals compared to other C&C titles?
It's a guilty pleasure.
actually kill yourself
it cut out all the melodrama and it's just high speed low drag fun
Nah. I can like what I want - I never played the first and I won't allow elitism to get in the way of enjoying a game I like.
So fuck off fag.
Forged Alliance is markedly better in pretty much every way, though.
I'm gonna shoot up your house kiddo
Meanwhile, on the real world, the game is at its highest point in popularity
Just pirate it, it usually works on windows 7, with occasional crashes.
I really do hope that someone will remake the SAGE engine. There's a few projects that I've seen, but they are half-baked hobby projects.
Total annihilation was thee best
>threatens to shoot people alongside a brucie meme
punch on like a real man ya fuckin softcock. I'll see ya in the car park
This fucker right here knows his shit.
Starcraft: Brood War
I only play Dawn of War Soulstorm for that UA mod. I like looking at tiny (actually really big) spessmen beating the shit out of each other. And I like 40k.
>implying the FMVs weren't great
I unironically get anxiety playing FA in a competitive manner, and get bored with turtle wars. Not the guy you're replying to but Sup Com 2 is just my speed. Shame the multiplayer is pretty dead
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Mein negro. I forgot about this game, but remember loving it. This and Stronghold Crusader were probably some of my most played games and favorite RTSs.
Ive always just loved sitting back and building a cool empire and duking it out with friends.
Star Wars:Empire at War/AoEII
Wargame RD still
is the aoe2 remaster out yet? I want to play a rts but I'm too much of a shitter to play starcraft.
Ground Control 2
November, but you can practice on voobly
you mean with the original version? I still have my age of kings discs somewhere but I never bought the expansions. what is the balance like now? is feudal rushing with huns still op?
i like the concept of RTS games but im not good at them so i don't like playing them very much
i played WC3 a ton but 99% of that were custom maps
On DE, man-at-arms into longswordsmen rushing seems much more viable because almost all races get an upgrade that takes off a big chunk of the swordsman line cost.
Yes m'lord
No idea, I barely play anymore due to lack of time, but from what I see on streams, franks are the top tier right now.
I think you need conquerors to be able to play on populated servers on voobly, and HD to play the newer expansions there.
I just checked the lobbies and there are 15 people playing age of kings, somehow
how good is the balance? I want to play as the gooks or alberto barbossa.