RIP Dota 2

Do you feel it in the air Yea Forums? Tonight's the night of Dota 2's official death.

TI9 didn't save it. And now with the most recent ban wave unjustly banning so many players I think it's time.

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>Most recent ban wave unjustly banning so many players

What happened?

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Rolled out a new ban wave banning anyone under 4,000 behavior score, which is a lot of people. Also banned many boosters, smurfs, alts, etc. You have an account tied to a phone number. The attachment is permanent.

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Absolutely stunning.

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Based Valve keeping people from playing assfaggots.

seems pretty fucked up to just ban en masse like that when they were cool with all of these players before.

post yfw you don't play dota 2

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LoL chads report in.

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Who cares? The game is free, just make a new account.

but muh $800 cosmetic sword

>Rolled out a new ban wave banning anyone under 4,000 behavior score
Wait, so doesn't this mean that anyone that only played the game once years ago and left will also be banned?

I haven't played for years and my conduct rating is 9k+

Good, fuck mobacancer, I hope League of Losers is next

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Good, fuck toxic players and smurfs.

No idea, I stopped playing after 7.00

>I haven't played for years and my conduct rating is 9k+
How would you know, liar?

>Also banned many boosters, smurfs, alts, etc. You have an account tied to a phone number. The attachment is permanent.

because I reinstalled the game to see if I'm banned


Not him but i have hundreds of dollars of cosmetics attached to my account and id be furious if i still played the game

You aren't VAC'd so you can trade, but you would have to buy a new phone and get a new number if you want to play ranked again.

i only played this game because of my exgf and i remember having a 4kmmr account 4 yrs ago. i dont wanna have to install it again to see if its banned. i like the game still, sad its going to die this way.

you seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post!

Most of the worthwhile cosmetics in dota are untradeable

Going to login to my 12 year old account to see if im banned, probably not.

How do you even drop below 4k conduct?

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Valve trying to suck Tencent's dick. Glad I never gave a shit about assfaggots.

False reports happen all the time in low mmr and low bs games.

Wow that's sad. I thought most everything was tradable pre 7.00

Don't get me wrong I'm glad they banned leavers and smurfs, but this "behavior score" bullshit is dystopian socialist retardation.

>MOBA games

unless you're Brazilian, Chinese, or Russian this shouldn't affect you

lolchads win again

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>below 4000
You have to try to get your score that low it doesn't just happen by chance.

>banning anyone under 4,000 behavior score
that seems awfully high for them to be autobanning for 20 years. like this dude who revealed he had a like 500 behavior score I can understand, but 4k seems like a lot

what is this commie chink shit? fuck steam

Valve and Blizzard are both shitting the bed the past year while Chairman Sweeney Tiananmens PC gaming

Can you feel it calling in the air tonight?

Oh lord

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>lelbabby stealing gulag posts
like clockwerk

>retards blindly believing the threshold is 4k goodboy points
>people with 300 points can still queue for ranked

How dead is LoL? I'm not memeing, I haven't heard anything about it in literal years. Though Dota is the same for me, except for TI.

>low mmr
Stop being garbage then? 99th percentile with a 9900 behavior score here.
Based Valve banning third worlders and smurfs that don't know how to interact with people

I'm a complete shithead who feeds both accidentally and on purpose and shit talks my own team continuously and I've got a 7000. My friend literally starts every match by calling the first person to talk a nigger over the mic and is, in all respects, an even bigger dick than I am and he still has 5k. 4k is absolute awful shit tier and you really have to be an astounding cunt to get there.

sorely tempted to do this

They're not banning people under 4k. They're banning people with 3 digit scores and who smurft/exploit/sell accounts. You always get a warning before you get banned for shit talking and even that ban only lasts 6 months the first time you get it. Everyone who got permabanned are dirty vodkaniggers or huemonkeys who exploited the server crash exploit and are now crying because they are too stupid to understand that actions have consequences.

>banned for shit talking
What happened to getting muted? Did daddy Gaben not think it was enough?

hope we're all enjoying seeing the Chinese Social Credit Score rolled out globally. Remember to suck the cock of all your SjW teamies or they'll report you to Big Brother for .02 points to be added to your score! Don't make them think you're being passive aggressive though or they'll report you for being toxic anyway and you'll lose 10 points.

league keeps growing
it takes me like 5 minutes to find an all pick normal match in dota 2, on league it takes me less than 30 seconds to find a normal draft match and you can choose where you want to play

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It's very rare. Blasting nigger on repeat through an open mic would take months for you to get banned. More if you win more then you lose.

how the fuck do you get under 4k i abandon a lot of times if the match sucks and am at 8k

>twitch viewer numbers

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Does Riot not give real numbers? Streaming isn't the same as playing, and there's been a history of blatant chink botting.


oh I didn't realize it was that hard to go down that low
t. 10k good boy


Get fucked shitters

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No score shown. Fake news dotabab

>he plays assfaggots
jesus, how terrible

>been a history of blatant chink botting.
Valve literally moved TI to China, stop believing the retard propaganda. Or don't it doesn't matter. Dota is dead with this update.

stay mad ivan

What score do you even start with if you're a new account?


Not sure how one negates the other. I stopped playing Dota years ago, and as I mentioned, I only watch TI. And I was as happy as anyone that the Chinks were cucked out of another title after Gabe moving it to their motherland.


This is amazing. All the butthurt illiterate south american dumbfucks are losing their minds on the steam forums. See you in 20 years.

>8 kills per game

its in Sweden next year

>Does Riot not give real numbers? Streaming isn't the same as playing, and there's been a history of blatant chink botting.
Why are you so fucking stupid? More viewers for the game means more interest in the game. The more interest you have in a game the more likely you will play it.

>playing dota 2 past ti3
giant mistake, ive been playing league of legends way more and having actual fun
>inb4 hurr durr china tencent shill!!11
fuck off valve is trash now

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Look at them scream and cry. Its fucking glorious

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>playing MOBA cancer
I am better then both of you

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yeah no. I have 3k behavior score and playing right now.

valve is china's bitch now

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>autistic smash underage
I don't think so

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How do you even drop below 8k?
All you need to do to reach 8k is to:
1. Not be a megadick
2. Not going mongoloid on mic after a fuckup
3. Not going complete mongoloid when things are not going your way
4. You can talk to strangers, Just Do Itâ„¢

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Unlike LoL we don't base our lives on ESPORTZZZZZ. The average solo q game has tons of kills. Esports is for fags, but youre a gay dotard so you would know.

even smellies like me are better then literal gutter trash moba players lmao fag

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Overwatch is the only game worth playing in 2019. I do main healer and yes I do get great blow jobs from my dps.

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>Going to login to my 12 year old account to see if im banned.
so, what's the verdict?

>dont hurt other peoples fee fees or we ban u forever
glad its dying desu

>More viewers for the game means more interest in the game.
Not really. A game could have a more established streaming scene, a player demographic that tends to watch streams more along with several other parameters that makes its streams have larger viewer numbers.

That said Dota 2 is smaller than LoL, and likely dying at a faster rate.

But user.
There is more meaningful ways to hurt people than flailing like a retard. Trash talk in itself is meaningless unless it inflicts pain, where randomly flailing with words in outrage like a mongoloid will fail your painful words.

I love the fact you didn't even reply to the post, and just went with some shitty implying quote.
But without the needed metacommentary to bring it out as a real meme, or hurtful words.

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>Trash talk in itself is meaningless
If this was the case they wouldn't be banning it. Dota 2 is a literal daycare.

It also has a larger subreddit, bigger /vg/, bigger forum, etc. Any metric you want to bring up then there you go. More matches played, more everything. But nope, because there are no numbers published dotards just stick their head into the sand and go NO ITS NOT :(

I'm not even joking, i call everyone a subhuman nigger every single match i play and i have never even been muted or placed in low prio. I don't know what you have to do to get your behaviour score that low

Because its a cycle.
You lose control, you respond by flailing in all chat or team chat like a retard. People spot you are retarded, so you feed because they don't pity you.
And because they spot that you are a mongoloid now, you see they don't pity you, and as a result you escalate into feeding.

Then this turns into a cyclic retard rage behavior cycle, which meant that once behavior rating was implemented these people spiral into one area where they just rage against each other, and buy accounts because at some point being out retarded isn't fun.
Banning in itself is just a tool along this cycle of feedback, to stop account buying from being a proper economic way to reset your behavior score.

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1. any of the metrics you mentioned is unrepresentative or severely flawed when it comes to comparing player numbers or player growth; attempting to do so is as comical as using TI prize pool amounts and TI viewership to argue that Dota isn't dying
2. I didn't even claim that Dota has more players (quite the opposite)

Dota died with 7.62


Just finished downloading and installing. I haven't played for years, my conduct is 4.5k - says I have 9 reports lol

>1. any of the metrics you mentioned is unrepresentative
You're doing exactly like I say. "no only one metric matters!" All metrics of popularity point to LoL going up and Dota going down. Facts are facts.

Riot just today confirmed that they are at 8mil
daily concurrent players. You are really in a bubble if you think Dota is anywhere near as popular as League

just checked and they actually did

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