At what point did you realize it was the best FPS ever made?
At what point did you realize it was the best FPS ever made?
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Well everyone talked a lot about Half-Life... wait you got the wrong picture OP lol!
Not with those maps
the wads created by the community made it so. Doom II itself is trash.
When I played a ton of user made levels and realized how good the base design of the game is (enemy designs, weapons, movement, etc.). It'd be super cool if someone made a modernized version of Doom and Quake, with a easy but modern map maker for like Reflex.
People who likes Doom 2 always had bad taste.
I was excited for snapmap that Doom2016 had but then it wasn't good and they removed it for Eternal. sadpanda
before i played duke nukem 3d obviously
Back in 1995 it was simply the best. Not that zoomers will ever understand that nor do they want to they rather remain willfully ignorant and that's ok because there allowed to be stupid and autistic. I can hear there screams chimping out and it makes me laugh lol. Thank god i'm not a zoomer i would blow my head clean off if i had shit taste.
Those 3rd person cuts were a mistake, they undoubtedly take away the immersion.
And then 1996 rolled around and Quake became the best FPS ever made.
And so on and so forth from there as FPS games improved and improved.
but chocolate doom and gzdoom make the game hold up incredibly well
That whole sequence takes away from the immersion.
>can be shot several miles from a giant railgun at ultrasonic velocity
>can crash through several feet thick steel walls
>gets hurt by an imp limp-wristedly smacking him in close range
when I was 7 and my older brother showed it to me and I hadn't played any other shooter yet
Well I was more thinking about the immersion of being fired from a cannon and crashing into a wall. I think it would've been better to go through that whole sequence in first person.
Except that DOOM now goes out of its way to canonize gameplay.
>health coming out of enemies is Doomguy's ability to absorb power from dead foes
>HUD is just your visor info
>as is enemies flashing for Glory Kill
The "story" of the game here is that Doomguy launched himself out of a railgun and througha reinforced space station wall but then was still vulnerable to physical attacks from tiny demons. It's a story inconsistency.
doom 1 is superior desu
map design of doom 2 sucks
Doom 1 and 64 are better.
pretty sad how legitimately good games like Timesplitters 2 will forever be niche, meanwhile reeking chodes like Doom 2 will sucked dry until the end of time. what a world we live in.
>Console FPS
>judges games based on platform instead of actual gameplay
>doesn't know what emulation is
you have a very low IQ. not surprising given that you play Doom 2.
DOOM 2 is one of the most patrician vidya ever made.
>Doom 1 is one of the most patrician vidya ever made
>gameplay consists of navigating brown and grey levels aesthetically augmented only by the occasional splash of bright neon blue or green, wherein the player is tasked with killing a handful of the same enemies over and over with the same weapons over and over and all difficulty comes entirely from wrote memorization of enemy locations and understanding of basic weapon mechanics
>also features a canonically jewish protagonist and you can't even aim vertically
Remind me which one has the SSG.
I consider it on par with 1. 1 has better level design and music, 2 has one of the best vidya shotguns ever and cool enemies.
the imp is really buff, you don't realize how strong he is
>Doom 2 had shit musi-
I didn't say it had shit music, just not as good as 1.
Doom 64 does, the best Doom with a SSG.
>thinking this trash is good
nigger, please
When I sat down and played it for the first time, about two years ago.
>Thinking it's not
>not posting Nightclub as well
its a good picture retard
this just sounds boring and unoriginal honestly. it's like somebody took an alice in chains song, removed half of the instrumentation and converted it to MIDI
When I heard Hangar 18 for the first time I thought in the opening section of it that it was a cover of this.
if DOOM2 didnt have such awful maps it would be the GOAT but no
Holy shit, you're right.
>not just posting the whole OST
>What are WADs
Based retards.
WADs =/= Doom 2
>have to mod the game to make it playable
I was talking about the game on its own merits obviously. Mods or fan content shouldn't be taken into consideration when judging the game alone.
>game needs fat virgins to make content for it to be good
Is there an official consensus on the most iconic doom monster of all time?
Needs more green glowy shit. My vision needs to be guided, otherwise I might get confused and sad!
Cacodemon and Cyberdemon
Is this even a question?
I always hated that fucking dumb haircut they gave for Doomguy in the covers
Its is, and I figured so. I've been out of the game for awhile and I like to hear other's opinions.
Cacodemon is one of the most iconic vidya enemy designs. You can even get plushies of the little guys.
how else would you know its futuristic?
I agree with this however Doom 2's maps are pretty good if you have freelook on. Especially on maps like Downtown where theres fucking imps a million floors above you in buildings you can't even fully see if you dont have freelook on
I think cacodemons are pretty iconic but its most certainly imps in Doom 1 & Revenants in Doom 2 (imo)
Why not? The game shipped with the tools to create content for it.
that would be quake 3, retard
That doesn't change anything user, you still want to evaluate the game based solely on the original content provided by the developers. However game having mod support out of the box can be seen as a plus.
Seeing as we're no longer living in 1994, I don't see it as unreasonable to factor in the thousands of Doom 2 levels released since then.
Even then, Doom 2's vanilla levels really aren't THAT bad. The city levels suck, The Pit sucks, but the rest range from "fine" to "pretty good".
You evaluate a game on what it has to offer.
Wads/mods are not part of the base game.
I think the cannon actually protects you with a gravitational forcefield.
at the point when i realized i can use oblige to make huge maps for metroid dreadnought.
Quake is notably better.
halo 1 is better
When i got to the city level
....but it's second to chex quest
fucking immaculate taste
You dense, user?
Here's a fun thing to do
>Go to
>Pick your favourite doom song (from any doom game)
>Pick another song (vidya, real etc.) and mix it
>Post results
Did not expect this to work
>At what point did you realize it was the best FPS ever made?
August of '96
That's like saying HL2 is good because of Garry's Mod
That's really fucking stupid
I hate what Doom has become
Could be worse.
your suppose to put a bad game as an example user
I actually like Doom 3 though
It's clearly not trying to be like the earlier games like the new ones are (and failing).
game sucks and fucks ass and sage