Guilty Gear

Look at this fucking retarded Elphelt play.
And he still won, un-fucking-believable.
I really don't get ASW balancing, why the fuck is Baiken STILL such a shit low tier?
Hope they buff her (if she's in), among other things, like that ground to air overhead thing and low altitude airdash tatami. Make em' a bit easier on the hands please. They could add button DPs and it'd be a lot better.
Throws are also stupid, them being based on proximity is a bad design decision and the window to combo after one is too tight.

GG2020 lookin' hype af though

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You missed a throw punish at 0:02.
There was no reason you should have been hit by any of those 5H's.
You don't have to use Azami to mount an offense.

If you use Azami and eat it at any point it is YOUR FAULT. Azami should not be a crutch to escape pressure, it should be used after educated reads and preferably only if you have burst

epic bait

>rank 1
>baiken literally dashing forward into elphelt's attacks like a retard and failing to block properly
You know, when you fags pretend to play the game it's always hilarious.

>Throws are also stupid, them being based on proximity is a bad design decision and the window to combo after one is too tight.
Are you fucking stupid? There are three scenarios to do a combo after a grab. EVEN WITH meter.
>High RISC
>In the corner
>Tick throw

Going in for a grab in the fucking midscreen is so risky. I'm not saying to not do it, but you're a dumbass for thinking it should be that free.

OP is a faggot but I will say I am very sad that Baiken was changed for Xrd to appease the Sol players in terms of function. It does genuinely feel like she lost her identity for azami.

the reason GG leaks players and has trouble getting new people into the scene is the retarded amount of mechanics you have to know because they are universal ON TOP of knowing your own character specific mechanics AND the specific mechanics of the opposing characters.
this can lead into some bullshit like a few characters getting rekt by being fucked in the ass by univeral mechanics giving them an disadvantage thanks to conflicting with their own mechanics. and some characters getting massive boost no matter what arcsys tries to do because the universal mechanics give an insane boost to those specific characters' own mechanics, to the point that nerfing the character will do fuck all in the end thanks to the synergy between mechanics

i haven't seen bad 3d stages in a 2d fighting game since MVC2.

It is not GG's fault that you didn't jump Day 1. It is not GG's fault you refuse to go through tutorials and lessons that it provides explaining and providing scenarios of which to use the mechanic. It is not GG's fault that you refuse to learn to block. Or use your resources for FD instead of just super. So that you could complain about long combos and not realize that's why burst is there. Or dead angle. Or Blitz Shield.

It is your fucking fault. Scrub. And no character suffers because of the universal mechanics.

Well it is kinda GG's fault. Sure GG has one of the best tutorials and training modes out there but with a game as complex as GG there needs to be more to educate casual players. I imagine most of them just go to combo mode, learn a little bit, and then go straight into online and get bodied. Like maybe as you are playing an online match you have a popup telling things you should be doing in the matchup or something like that. I'm sure GG2020 will be a massive improvement on this front from what they are saying.

>the game gives many options to educate, but I want more because I'm still not perfect
You can be taught basics and how to start thinking of improvement, but it's always up to the individual how much effort they are willing to put in themselves. Other than punish situations and optimal combos, there is almost never a universally correct option, but a tutorial cannot suddenly trigger your brain to recognize the patterns of the game and human opponents.

go back to /afgg/ you dumb tranny

Hilariously bad gameplay, I really hope that Baiken isn't you. Full meter the entire time, do literally anything with it. Hell, after the elphelt spent her meter you could have immediately blocked anything, got deadangle knockdown because this elphelt is a mashing retard, and iad Tatami YRC her wakeup and chip her out. Really anything but what you did would have won the round.

I get you, there definitively has to be willingness from the person to achieve improvement but I'm thinking that if GG want's to reach a wider audience it might have to do some of the work. I don't think most people can just "start thinking of improvement." You can see from how like 90% of LoL players are Silver or below, they don't know how to improve even if they play hundreds of games. Sure a tutorial system won't make them suddenly able to play at an expert level but it will probably put them in the right direction to improve.

That's god awful play from Baiken but tiers are pretty trash in Xrd, to be fair. Anyways, the next GG is probably going to be easier so don't worry.

I do think that Elphelt can be some real bullshit but come on, the Baiken is jumping into attacks that're already in start up.

To be fair you were baited pretty hard like 3 times
>fell for the frame trap between 3H and 5K even though Elph failed to convert it into Bridal Express (probably either misinput it as it's 214K or outright didn't thought he'd get it so he reacted late)
>You airdashed after he backdashed, which is exactly what he wanted and ate a Counter Hit Super
>not learning your lesson, you airdashed into the high grenade

Like he did play you like a fiddle. Baiken is not an unga character, stop trying to get in recklessly like that.

I'm all for teaching people, but I do think it's hard to fault the developers for this, as the genre as a whole by its nature demands you put you feet to the fire for the brunt of it through it's speed and mechanical demands, even if you have some knowledge of the theory.
Habits die hard, and I will admit I repeat the same mistakes over and over at times, so it's hard for many people without at least some of a 'winner's' mindset to persevere enough to witness enough growth before they give in.

yeah no matter what they do fighting games will always be hard

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Things like a fighting game being popular or not is completely coincidental, honestly. The only reason Street Fighter is as popular as it is worldwide is merely being at the right time and the right place in the arcade. If you follow the game's comunity a lot don't even like V but many stick to it because of the brand.
On the other hand you have King of Fighters, that game has all the necessary ingredients to be niche as fuck. It's really damn hard to play at high levels, has immense depth, and it has very unusual aesthetics for a fighting game. Yet in Latin America of all places it has a huge scene with diehard fans. I can tell because I am Mexican and they aired the finals of AnimEVO on open television and as far as I can find they're one of the few who even streamed the thing. The reason for their success? Because SNK boards on Arcade machines (AoF in the early 90's and KoF in the late 90's early 00's) were cheap as fuck and were everywhere so people played it because it was what was available.

In order for a game like Guilty Gear to reach mass popularity in the levels of, say, Smash, Marvel, Street Fighter, etc. it needs to strike a miraculous coincidence. And quite honestly I am not sure myself if it's good for Guilty Gear to not be as niche as it is. Being niche is what allows the GG to still have the depth that it has and how it's core soul of the series has never really "sold out". If you read the interviews for the next game what they said is not that they want the next game to be easier to for newer players, but rather for it not "look too hard" for newer players in terms of presentation.

I don't think the genre is as hard as it is, but rather people put benchmarks for themselves way too highYou'd be suprised how far you can get by learning just a chain of Poke -> S/HS -> 2D in neutral and know how to follow up your Oki and focus on using your tension bar for defense.


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Luckily amputees turn me off, so I picked best girl instead (Millia)
Elph a qt.

You played right into him. All you did was jump into attacks when you had no reason to even push the offensive that hard. You didn't use any of your 100 meter to make an approach safe. What was your gameplan? He literally blew all his meter on a super, you could have just chipped him in one move.

I really dislike what they did to her design. She was exactly my fetish then they turned her into a titty monster, which is exactly the opposite of my fetish.

Should I get into guilty gear now or when the new game comes out?

Was planning on pirating the old games and get to see the story first hand instead of watching some neckbeard tell me the story on youtube.

Baiken isn't bad at all most Baiken niggers just suck.

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I bought the game for Baiken, but stayed for the music.

>Faust cured May
Thanks Doc

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i bet none of you light blue faggots will see me right now

I wish ECPC played more, no fucking body wants to create a damn lobby.

I'm pretty sure no one knows what the story even is. I'd say you should play now so you can get a head start when the new one comes out.

The best time to start is now
But 2020 is set to redo the entire formula, but they always say that

Guess I'll watch that neckbeard on Youtube and then watch the story.

Also, damn all characters look difficult, people told me to try Sin because he was easy, and I still struggle doing his combos.

west coast niggas come fight

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I see you are a man of culture as well.
Daisuke better bring back The Man with the Fans for 2020.

do what I did
Watch/play the XRD and Rev 2 Arcade/Storymodes and just look up terms and then backtrack. It's not perfect and I'm not a story expert but I understand basically where everyone is in the story moving up to 2020, which is all I really bought Xrd for since I sensed a new one was coming out soon

how long is the story mode btw?

like five hours each
BUT if you just want to read it and don't let them finish their lines it's considerably shorter, like massively

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did anyone join

check and find out

I'll join if you don't mind a little bit of lag, I'm from Australia.

>a little bit of lag
>I'm from Australia

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yes i do mind

Nice dodge

>I'm from Australia.

Some aussie joined my american room in tekken and spent the entire time fucking bitching about everyone else's connections

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