We got archived again
if things don't pick up before my stopping point at 12am EST then ill close it early and post round 4 at 12pm ESTget those last votes in people
Queen Yea Forums Tournament - Round 3 Continued
here i don't think hit my quota for sexy video game girls in these threads ill just bolster that number
bracket user, you think if the tournament had different girls, it would be more popular?
big fan of Dr. Naomi if i was to have nominated anyone to this i would have nominated her to be completely honest
Honestly no everyone would be salty about the girls but i'm sure as soon as the guy bracket starts up it will be A little more popular then this i agree with most of Yea Forums when it comes to a good portion of the character building on the girl candidates vs the character building on the guy candidates at least that is how i feel
So brackets why are we dying?
yesterday was more lively but i don't think death will stop me from at least finishing the girls bracket
Wait are you implying our Queen will go without a king?
No he isn't implying that.
no my idea is that the king will maybe go smoother
No because this is clearly a Yea Forumsmblr culture thing.
Should we do a Smash Room to make things better?
Since some of the nominations in the bracket are garbage, who would you have nominated? Who would you have replaced with them? There are two free ones with fucking "Purple Puffle" and Cacodemon
naw boi Cacodemon was worthy in my book
also id replace like most of the FE cast for literally anything
>both ddlc characters get voted out in the first round
Is Kirby in the boy games?
yes he is
where is 2B?
Nobody nominated her.
Nobody nominated Etna either.
Hey Brackets. How is she doing?
Do we have a curbstomp or close call?
Brackets won't reveal that.
Are you guys doing this lame crap cause other boards are doing it or other boards are doing this lame crap because we are doing it.
> Rosalina vs. Cynthia is R3 when it could easily be a matchup in the semis/grand finals with the right bracket.
At least it won't be predictable at the end
We felt like it would be fun Friend.
not till tommarow so you have to wait
Fair enough.
Reminder, this might happen.
30 mins left till i close the polls
Fair enough.
Voted. Sorry this isn't getting a lot of attention, hope things go better over time.
Thank You OP.
Thank You.
Shit tier waifus desu
>Edea lost but Agnes still on the run.
>Bayo vs Samus
>Hat kid vs Okami
Oh shit i didn't realise Yea Forums was doing this too
Just went to vote, but it's closed. Alas.
Oh hey Op, I was the guy who asked why other boards don't do this. I think it's just cartoons are more about the characters than video games are. If Yea Forums had a Waifu of the Year competition, I think the problem would be that there are simply too many options and anime is very seasonal as well. Also did none of you nominate an Assaulton?
I didn't nominate anyone.
I missed out too. As a Yea Forumstard I'm surprised this even exists considering how ADHD and angry we are.
It was most the guy who asked Yea Forums to do a mr and Miss competition.
He named a lot of Capcom and Square Characters.
Who would you have voted for/nominated if you did know?
Not him, but the notable votes I would have made would be Chun over Tifa and Midna over Zelda. Oh and definitely Glados.
Well here' hoping they made it to the next round.
Plain Doll, Malon or some other zelda character like a zora or Gerudo or something, Alice from American Mcgee, Big Sister Moon from Rain World, Amazon, A Warframe, and a Witch from L4D to name a few.
Frankly these nominations are a little lame if i could be so bold. Like there's not 2B, who's crazy popular and I don't see Cammy White or Cortana, or any Pokemon trainers/gym leader(or pokemon). These aren't my picks but the fact they're not here is strange to say the least. I might be blind or wrong but still
Why? Voting is closed for now. I'd vote if I could.