Has Russia ever made a good video game?
Has Russia ever made a good video game?
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>Trudeau is well above average height
>still manages to look like a complete faggot
Is this a Canadian thing or????
Only the CCCP.
He's a frenchie so that's the way it goes
Nice try Ivan keep your clown in his car or tent (country) doesn't matter.
its the frog part of leafland
its also noteworthy that Ontario and Quebec bring out the worst politicians in history.
Putin could unironically fuck tradeu yo lmao
Is Trudeau a good president? I'm not Canadian so I doni't know
what a cute twink
Xi looks like he'd rather be in some dingy mahjong parlor chewing betel nut.
trudy's got a big head
Leaf Land's leader is a faggot.
Literally pushed relief workers put of the way for a photo op in Bracebridge during a massive flood and everyone was telling him to fuck off.
The one guy he thinks he can flex on and it's motherfucking Putin.
A French Canadian thing maybe
The Canadian prime minister can be this cute!
>he says while he ignores that Russian on the right and his balding head that makes him look like a cuck
He thinks Isis members can be turned into useful allies. He pays them out millions of dollars, instead of executing them. Thinks they'll be like Vegeta from dragon ball or someshit...
Only a matter of time before he loses the election is forced to become a cockslut camboi
I hate that despite all the scandals and terrible policies and lies, that he's going to win another 4 years in October because dumb upper middle class 26 year old women will all vote with their cunts
Ya ever heard about this game were you fit blocks into places and you have to make lines to get points or something?
Imagine being this fucking stupid.
He lied about as much as Trump did, so make a decision based on that
Imagine going to bat for a balding manlet like Putin because Trudeau triggers you
>making fun of a guy because they're balding
given that well over 70% of men lose some amount of hair in their time i would say doing this is probably anti-men
It's not like the other options are better. That Maxime guy and Elizabeth May have 0 chances, PC is literally Liberal-Lite and I don't trust them especially with Ford fucking up Ontario atm. and anyone that votes for Pajeet needs to be exiled for treason.
I think PCs have a solid chance though
Can't wait for Alberta to become the 51st state while Canada dissolves.
Realistically no
Putting aside the progressive attitudes, he's not even great by liberal standards. He hasn't done much to help the economy for any class (low, mid, or high) hasn't even started on most of his campaign points from before (election reform) and even one of the few things he managed to get through with marijuana has been a shit show (delays, poor quality product, limited access, its estimated that we've lost a bit in terms of money already)
The worst part is that the other candidates aren't much better, but not in a "well, at least he's not the worst" way, but in a "wow, they're all equally shit" way
Is Putin a manlet or is Trudea just tall?
makes me do the big think
dont forget poor posture and lack of neck
I can't wait
Alberta is like the Iowa of Canada, America already has enough worthless flyover states leeching off of the federal dime, thanks but no thanks
>Canadians are so disconnected politically that Justin wins literally because "DUDE WEED" and "he cute"
The average Canadian doesn't even understand how our elections work and half the fucking news there is about Trump.
Hate to break it to you, but Alberta has a ton of refugees
putin? i wouldnt be surprised; anything that weakens the rest of the world empowers russia. especially since the US and Israel are the ones fighting ISIS directly
I'd love to know of a single case where men voted with their dicks.
Putin is like 5'7 or something. He's a manlet but people would be fools to think manlets can't be tough. Was a bunch of hairy manlets who beat the shit out of big bad gauls. Was half-naked manlet arabs who slaughtered the Romans and Perisans. Was manlet Turks who slaughtered everybody.