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Im sorry i snuck downstairs and ate all the icing off my moms cake.
hrmmm, that is quite portable
I'm sorry I posted Sneed on Yea Forums once.
The protruding analogs are my biggest issue.
Just make Switch Clamshell already
What am i apologizing for?
what if they made a switch mini that was twice as thick and was twice as powerful?? we could play zelda at 60fps if my math is correct
Well considering that the Vita was too big and the lite is bigger still, I'd say it's not quite there yet
Of it was 4 times as thick then we’d e playing in 4K 240 FPS+
>just make it into the worst electronic design in history
No thanks. I'm so glad cell phones got past this retarded design philosophy that is designed to break no matter how careful you are.
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
>breaking flip phones
Are you actually retarded?
Are you retarded? I have SP from 2004, 1st gen DS still working perfectly fine. Never had issue with any clamshell device I ever had.
You've been very bad. Your punishment:
You're getting locked up with the felonious Bolus.
it would be like a brick though and it would get really hot. you'd have to like put it on a table and hook it up to the wall.
Vita slim is skinnier than a switch lite.
alright, I'm impressed. And now sort of want one, in the hypothetical world where I am a multimillionaire.
>he doesn't know science
Metal fatigues and eventually breaks when bent too much. Also, wires can shift their location and get crimped. This is a problem in all clam shell designs and can't be avoided unless your parts are communicating wirelessly, which is subject to its own issues. It may not be super common, but it sucks knowing you did everything in your power to take care of a piece of equipment just for it to stop working on you. I've fixed this shit for people on many occasions and it is especially a pain in the ass with smaller electronics where wires and such have no wiggle room.
For what?
I have a working original Xbox 360. Does that mean RROD never happened? Is a 30% failure rate or higher acceptable as long as you have one example of yours working? A bad design doesn't mean your shit is going to fail. It means you have an increased odd of it failing.
When do you guys think we will actually get bendable screens on portable consoles?
Apple might do that. They did it with their phones.
When they are fucking dirt cheap to produce. People don't want to spend over $300 for a handheld when they will spend $1500 for a phone they will throw away in 2 years.
This. If anything this model is LESS portable than the original Switch because you can't take the joycons off and put them in a separate pocket.
Now compare it to the small 3DS.
I want one but am scared the joycon will fuck up onme
DS line was better.
>get og switch
>analog drift happens
>send in your shit joycons and use backup joycons while waiting for them to return
>get switch lite
>analog drift happens
>send in your whole unit and wait weeks before being able to play games again
Good luck Switch Lite bros...
>>send in
Imagine being a slave to warranty.
Just learn to fix your shit, cuck.
You are retarded.
Clamshells are far from bad designs, any moving parts are subject to damage, true, but that doesn't mean good implementations don't exist.
>comparing RROD which is design failure to body desgin
Do you have any statistic on SP failure rate due to clamshell design or you just talking shit?
Sorry for what?
Is this what you see when you overdose on quaaludes
>Just learn to fix your shit, cuck.
>Just learn to waste money on new parts for something that shouldn't be breaking to begin with
Good goy
blessed be thee
>buy new joycons
>switch the analog sticks with my old drifting ones
>return the new ones to the store
Im sorry that i put up a no name tax for 7 years
DS Lites are notorious for the right hinge breaking despite taking care of them. Mine simply cracked when opening it one day despite me never dropping it or opening it too wide. Never bothered to replace it and just taped it back together again.
I'm sorry 2004
you do realize they cheap out of switch hardware. Most phone nowaday is stronger than the switch.
>Do you have any statistic on SP failure rate due to clamshell design or you just talking shit
It is above 0% which is the failure rate due to cables bending when not in a clamshell design.
>b-b-but doing everything I can to cause hardware to fail is a good thing because I-I-I likes it?
What is even the point of the clamshell user? There is literally no benefit. Dual screens is just a gimmick that games don't actually benefit from. Are you incapable of protecting the screen without a clamshell? So you will take a guaranteed chance of failure over you just not being retarded? Please tell me what is so great about clamshells that make it where you want to throw in more ways for the system to break in ways that isn't your fault.
Sure bad designs happen.
Joycons drift, and they don't even need clamshell for that.
Phones are for making calls.
Retards like you, who go online and tell other people to do this shit is the reason this shit is going away. I bought my PSVita for $100 due to being one of the earlier people that knew how to edit prices on my cellphone then you god damn pieces of shit had to go and share that with the world getting it shut down. Now walmart is getting more tight assed about returns and eventually you won't be able to pull something like this off anymore. Shut the fuck up online and go suck on your boyfriend's dick... If someone isn't smart enough to figure this out on their own, they don't deserve to pull it off.
Yeah both me and my brothers broke. My brother got his fixed and it broke again
>Guaranteed chance of failure
user, think about the words you just used.
It's wider and less portable than literally every device in that picture. How about you fucking apologise
I am pretty sure any device have failure rate above 0% user.
There are benefits, clamshell design protects screen, helps with ergonomics while allowing for smaller device. So like pretty important things in portable console?
Dual screen is the best gimmick to date for portable consoles as well. But even without it clamshell is desirable.
>Probably still has the shitty stick design that leads to drifting
>Can't just swap out the controls anymore
I'd buy one if not for this colossal design fuckup.
no he didn't do it
Now compare the screen to the Vita 1000's.
>user, think about the words you just used.
How about you think about the words I used? A chance does not have to exist. For example, the chance of your electronics dying from you spilling milk on it is completely dependent on you carrying milk. You decided whether or not that chance exists by whether or not you carry milk around your electronics. However, designing an electronic to be a clamshell means that the chance of it failing from the clamshell design will always be present. That is a guaranteed chance, and not a possible chance. How fucking hard is this to understand?
>Vita can’t emulate PS2 game because it’s too underpowered.
>Nintendo Switch can emulate GC games perfectly once modders and hackers finally get a crack at the system.
This makes me cry every now and then.
Most phones have better parts than Switch and are more powerful on paper but typically throttle the fuck out of hardware for heat reasons. Switch beats out as an actual gaming device
Pocket-able handhelds are the biggest meme. The last one I was able to get in my pockets without the biggest fucking bulge protruding from my side was the Advanced SP. I -can- fit my 3DS in my pockets, but it looks fucking stupid and there's no room for something else more important. To say nothing that things like the Vita and Switch need a carrying case with them because you need to protect the sticks.
Just throw it in a backpack like a sane person.
>I am pretty sure any device have failure rate above 0% user.
Not all failure rates are the same. Designs increase or decrease failure rates and clam shell designs increase failure rates.
>clamshell design protects screen
Nope. In fact the ONLY screen in my 32 years that has EVER suffered any damage was a clam shell. Thanks Nintendo for ruining my perfect record...
>helps with ergonomics
Actually complete opposite. Having the balance of weight between your hands is more ergonomic than having the center of gravity elsewhere. Clam shell designs aren't ergonomic.
>Dual screen is the best gimmick
The fact that you called it a gimmick says enough, but either way I disagree with what you meant. Not a single game has benefited from it. If you focus on one screen, you lose focus on the other screen. A normal human can navigate to specific menu items in about the time it takes to shift focus so I don't see any benefit. Multiple games play just as well on a single screen than they do with multiple screens. It is an interesting gimmick, but a completely unnecessary gimmick that hurts the hardware.
I heard his sentence was extended for breaking out of prison in search of the hydrocarbons he needs
fucking this
Definitely gonna get the grey one. Wouldn't normally pick grey, but between that and turquoise and bright yellow.
They couldn't give us some more color options? Maybe Maroon, Navy, or Dark Green?
There are suit pockets, and 3DS fits without issue here.
Fuck off ESL shitposter.
I love my Nintendo switch!
This is the case with all emulation. GC emulation on PC requires a potato, while PS2 emulation without a bunch of fuckery requires a somewhat decent PC.
Vita is old as shit tho. Not a fair comparison especially when the psp outperformed the DS in emulation
>Desing incrase or decrase failure rate.
true, question if is it worthy trade
>One example of yours damage?
How it went?
Idk man, 3DS is comfy, any half decent clamshell design isn't top heavy enough to be noticable. And thanks to not having screen in the middle(or havving it smaller like in DS line) you can actually grip the console better without having to add more plastic on the sides. Which as I said is benefit to ergonomics and portability.
>Dual screen is the best gimmick
Sure you can do almost as well without it, but I disagree with that not a single game befitted from it. In FE it's comfier to look at screen below than to open menus. Especially when you are in middle of moving your unit. I don't really care about dual screen desu, but none other gimmick comes close to it's usefulness.
How the fuck is it this shit doesn't have bluetooth
But it does
My bad. I assumed since the OG doesn't this one doesn't either
i am sorry i cheated on my diet and got onion rings at jack in the box 2 days ago
Nah. The PSP Go was the perfect sized handheld and amazing for actually taking around. I’d say it’s the last good portable.
I have one and I love it but it gets uncomfortable quickly when playing psp games. I have this thing that holds it on top of a ps3 controller which is fucking fun to use. Playing gb and gba games I play regularly. Great console and easy as shit to hack. Bought the cord to hook it up to a TV but I got it from a Russian vendor on eBay and it'll take a month. Pic related the thing I was talking abt. Thanks for reading my blog
For what?
But it does
If you have enough time to type that, you aren't putting enough focus on your man's dick. Get back to it bitch...
I don't know about you, but when I'm wearing a suit I don't really need or want a portable on me.
Fucking finally a nintendo handheld that is not a fucking clamshell. It's been so long since the GBA.
Sure mate, there are people who work in suits, or are wearing sport jackets to work.
I wish it was that but dockable. My Switch joycons are finally starting to come off without pressing the button. Still has to be intentional, but the joycons in general give it a flimsy feel for a mostly unused feature.
Lite not being dockable is the biggest joke here.
They could sell dock separately and it still would be good deal. But no fucking HDMI out is too much for it...
I carry a vita slim around, and it barely fits in my jeans. This thing is close, but I wouldn't be comfortable with the how snug those sticks will be in a pocket
This thing is cargo pants portable, jeans or regular pants will break it I'm sure
Isnt the newest phone that is out rn the most powerful device that runs official mario games?
it been like that since that shitty mario runner came out a few years back
I'm waiting for the Switch Lite XL desu, the Switch Lite is too small for my hands.
my phone can emulate wii games at full speed, and play some ps2 jrpgs. phones kick the switches ass in terms of power
And they cost twice as much
what game do you constantly play that you always carry your vita? im intrigued
ratchet and clank HD is something i always go back to, but its a hacked model and i have emulators and PSP games
I heard that he just needed some air, but got caught for driving high
that's what you get for driving 10 miles over the speed limit
well comeone, which games do you emulate? im mostly playing freedom unite or portable 3rd
im going through every mega man battle network on it, finishing up the first one soon. for PSP stuff i have littlebigplanet, gitaroo man, rockband unplugged, ape escape on the loose, and dragon ball z tenkaichi tag team. have a few PS1 games too, like legend of legaia and spyro 1-3
Do you have a regular 3ds or an XL? Because I can fit a regular one in my pockets just fine, and the xl just barely fits with a noticeable bulge sticking out
And no, I don't wear cargo shorts
Yet they cost way more and have a lot of thermal throttling because, well, they don't have proper cooling systems
I'm not defending the switch, but phones are just shit for real gaming