Game devs cant design armor

All video games armors looks like shit.
I want to see if Yea Forums can prove me wrong with examples of vidya armors that doesnt look like crap.

Inb4 >OP is a realismfag. No, i am not one of those cunts who goes: Not like real life = BAD. i just dont have any images of good looking vidya armors.

HARD MODE: Not using those armors from Dark Souls games that are heavily based on real life armors.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bump for vidya armor

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Says you

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This here is the ideal chief.

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I'm trying to understand the imagery. Why do most of them look like they're praying and why are all of them stepping or crushing some lion/beast?

They could just copy this shit but it looks like ass.

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>you will never be as comfy as 1374 knight

Attached: fc.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Halo pre-343 has god tier armor designs, that and the vehicles are the things I can say still hold up.

Anything else, OP?

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The armors you posted look like crap tho.

They are praying. These are found on top knights sarcophagus tops. The bottom part is the knights or the knight's lords heraldry.

Those are sketches of Funeral effigies or brasses, sort of monument for deceased people(who could afford it). They are generaly representing someone laying down or sleeping, so not exactly stepping on dogs and lions. I heard the the dogs and lions have some form of meaning, like dying at home or dying on the battlefield but i never found a source for that. They are indeed praying, many are carved i this position but there are exceptions.

From what i was told, very few are actually used to cover some form of sarcophagous or tomb.

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Thanks for the history lesson Anons, do you guys just like reading about knights?

All other responses you got and will get are shit. Amano was the best designer by far to work in the videogame industry, it's too bad his designs were never fully exploited.

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the armor in OP looks shit too

all video games armors look like shit
>btw all video game armors that look realistic don't count

True some are but yes you are right. If you visit westminster abbey you can view originals over a thousand years uninterrupted.

Have a read of this.

Those blocky boots looks so heavy, chief must have some really strong ankles.

Good stuff.

what game?

Power armor is for pussies

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Did not said that armors that look realistic don't count.

Kingdom Come Deliverance
Either that, or Darklands

Attached: Hounskull Knight.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

What's going on in that image? Are you petting a cat or a dog?

Based. Post helmet.

Are that Knigga who lurks around?

anyways nice hourglass gauntlet.

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These are english knights aren't they?

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>why arent my games more boring

Which one?

It's just some animal pelts in the back that's all.

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Where/when/why did those x across the chest/back leather strap things originate and what purpose did they serve?

>all video game armor bad
>video game armor that look good no count haha btfo
Good thread.

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The real stuffs better than fantasy it actually works unlike retarded stormtroopers or game logic.

You can literally walk through somebody and there is nothing they can do. Mail is body tight and custom fitted.

Attached: boob armor.png (1905x783, 719K)

>posts shit directly based on real life


Attached: butt armor.png (1406x697, 529K)

>haha fantasy thing dumb and impractical lol

I think they're meant to hold up the shoulder plates. I'm no expert though, and am only guessing.

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No fucking shit real arnor is practical and works.

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you forgot to say pic unrelated, user

For Honor has the worst armor I've ever seen in a video game. It's like someone took high fantasy WoWshit and tried to make it realistic, except they've never seen real historical armor in their life and only have half-remembered dark souls designs to go off of.

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Looks based.

Attached: English Royal Lancer.png (800x1050, 689K)

Attached: Elden Ring.png (1234x662, 342K)

But what is it about his design that makes the blatant disregard work?

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The only thing that really bothers me about most of Warden's armors is that its a bunch of straps, over plates, over padded armor over chainmail. Its kind of busy. Lawbringer is better, incidentally one of the most fashionable heroes in For Honor too.

Attached: Lawbringer.jpg (1365x768, 71K)

I'm a total pleb so their designs largely works for me.

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It's fantasy leather armour.

To my knowlodge, the closest thing that looks like that is as a form securing the arm harness of gladiators or as form of securing a breast plate with crossing backstraps in the late middle age. I would easily bet that any thing beyond the function of securing some part of armor is fantasy, but who knows, there is plenty of weird shit out there.

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Why is fantasy Leather armor so dumb?

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>Power armor is for pussies!
>can only take a couple hits until their vision is full of blood and shit

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If you really want a reason for it, it is because the artist saw the chest as a space to be filled. The only versions of that class that has armor on their chest/stomach are the females.

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I blame studded leather personally.

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Flawless taste.
I'm still more of a fan of MkV because of how sturdy and tank-like it looks.

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1374-kun is an heretic. He should be punished

when is someone gonna make a Hundred Years' War game

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Bladestorm see these designs

Attached: Joan of the city of Arc.jpg (1920x1080, 383K)

Only the best Souls series armor set.

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>xbox 360 and ps3
yeah good luck finding this anywhere

Why a fucking tree needs a armor?

Bladestorm Nightmare is also on current generation consoles, Nightmare is Bladestorm vanilla plus an optional fantasy setting.

Attached: Edward the Black Prince.jpg (2400x2200, 1.04M)

>has to use his power armor to sprint, use a flashlight, or swim
>can't sprint and use flashlight at the same time because they use the same power source
>regenerating power does not actually power the power armor, only those three things
>has to steal batteries from dead cops to power his power armor

deforestation is killing our planet

That gap bellow the breastplate upsets me.

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>only posting realistic armor

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Good lord, these fuckers were pretty shit at drawing, weren't they?

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>keep thinking to play DD again
>have played it to death and know it inside out
I hope DD2 doesnt go full retard like the MMO did and take the grounded aesthetic and turn it into generic MMO aesthetic, the armour in DDO was fucking stupid, all the normal looking stuff was complete garbage and everyone looked like a Korean MMO character past a point.

Yeah it was nice.

Attached: TOTerror KnightM.png (550x544, 245K)

that works. as a history fag I dont really trust the japanese to do the war justice but it looks amusing enough

The shield and lack of full face protection make zero sense for that kind of armor. The shield would have been completely unnecessary.

Absolute unit

Attached: Unit.png (1349x1872, 3.81M)

Really depends on what people describe as studded leather. Usually, when I see studded leather, I give them the benefit of the doubt and assume the studs are rivets holding metal plates in place, which would be a brigandine. But sometimes it’s clearly obvious that it’s just a leather jerkin with studs.

Make the shield 2 times bigger and cover the fucking face

fucking weebs

They just never cared to put effort into it beyond a bare minimum since they weren't all about extolling the physical form like the greeks were.

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>10.5 heads tall
/r/ing that chart of male protagonists by head:body ratio, p sure this is some Herculean shit right here

dudes basically a space marine at this point

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>covering up the face when you're not jousting or charging in on a horse.

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These are drawings of stone carvings...

Wut about this boys with nice feather hat

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He’s clearly fighting. Based on the rest of his armor, there’s no way he’d have a helm without full faced protection. And since he’s fighting, he’d have his visor down for sure. A full harness doesn’t work if your most vulnerable spot is opened up to the world.

Christ do people really think the only effective armor was full body?

pea head man


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No, it just looks better than the others.

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In their defence, those drawings in the pic are made by victorians, so it may or may not be a good representative of the original thing.

I dislike any medieval game where characters do not wear helms.

advanced power armor is 10/10

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Dragon's Dogma really had such great fashion, as long as you didn't care too much about stats.

We always bitch about unrealistic armor but what about shields? I cant think of a single game where you hold your shield in the right way

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Hydra helmet looks dumb though

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Also some of these are brasses which is neither sculpted stone or a painting.

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If Elite Knight and Faraam Set didn’t exist, this would’ve been the iconic armor of the souls series

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For all of For Honor’s aesthetic choice, I will say that the Warlord is the only character I’ve seen in vidya who uses a sword and board correctly. Mostly because he bothers to keep his shield raised whilst attacking and exposing as little of himself as possible

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This set is the only reason I like playing through Sotfs

Attached: alonne-s-set.jpg (300x287, 31K)

Nioh crossover when?

Notice how the ones in full plate don't carry shields.
Only fucking retards would wield a shield with full plate armor.

google "Dark Souls"

fuck i didnt read the second part until after i posted that

I mean Chief is a genetically engineered super soldier so

Those grave carving illustrations aren’t known for accuracy when it comes to armour. Not a good image to start with.

>male luna armor looks better while female teo armor looks better
explain this

Why step on poor pupper?

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>crow's knees
Is this some medieval meme?

Those aren't dogs/lions. Those are representations of a demon/satan and they're crushing it beneath their heel like a good Christian should.

>how thoust faire, fellow knights?

Those men are all laying down, so at worst they're resting their feet on the lion.

They're meant to mirror the old christian sculptures of angels stepping on satan and about to skewer the fuck with a spear. In this case, the knight does not yet have heaven's weapon but they step on a demon regardless because it's their duty. But yeah, it looks awkward since they're lying down. It's a necessity if nothing else.

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Sounds a lot like a tipical depiction of st Michael the archangel. You might be confunsing one thing for another.

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Try chopping a steel-plated tree down and see if you can or not.

And the alien designs. The flood are actually terrifying.


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