Admit it, you'd do the same thing if you were in his position

Admit it, you'd do the same thing if you were in his position.

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Literally who?

I'd go about it in a different way but there's no doubt I'd be the guy who thinks he's smarter than he actually is and get fucked over for it.
That's why I saved him, because I want to make it with him.

Yes, I would.

Attached: cara3-31.png (230x624, 44K)

>I'd go about it in a different way but there's no doubt I'd be the guy who thinks he's smarter than he actually is and get fucked over for it.
Why would you put yourself at risk like that when you already know there's a 0% chance of survival.

Nah, none of his 300iq plans really achieved much besides making everyone distrust him

Because I don't know any other way, and I'd say fuck the percentages.

Die? Probably, but I'm not so get fucked idiot.

>Ending where you can save Nao
>No ending where you can save Joe

>he let Sou die
Come on, do you really think Kanna's going to do anything interesting?

of course not, but I saw my opportunity to wipe out that smug dipshit, I don't care if I get a bad end for it

No I would be a fat, scared guy in his undies.
If they give me clothes then I still would be fat and scared to die.

No because I'm not a fucking idiot lmao
Sou literally almost got himself killed during the first main game thanks to his plan, only reason he lived was because Kai became suspicious by stealing the laptop, had the incredibly bad luck to be the sage and they completely fucked him over by finding a way to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Kai was a safe vote

The correct thing to do when in a death game is mostly get along with everyone and try to work as a team, but if you ever get in danger or have a really good opportunity to gain a massive advantage then take it

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I would just marry Safalin.

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Chapter 3 when?

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>tfw you didn't fall for Q-Taro's jewish tricks
Only found out much later about the soda ending, felt pretty good.

I just realized how thicc Nao is.

>Chose Nao
I'm sorry



You're not sorry.

I am.
I murdered them all just to keep Nao safe.

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Was it really necessary to have Nao piss herself during her execution?

nao calvo

Very important.

It was crucial to the plot. Nao's piss shall reveal Sou's mystery.

Delete this

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is she human or doll? I'm leaning towards human

I love Kai!

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She's human, like Miley.

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I love Miley!

Attached: Sue.png (356x624, 86K)

Good, that means we can fall in love and get married and have many children

What would each of the Ga Shines be like as mommies?

No because it's clear Sou's situation is a self-fulfilling prophecy. They tell him he has 0% chance of surviving so he becomes an asshole troll to try to survive as long as possible but in doing so, he's actually making his chances to survive impossible because his actions will always lead to them voting for his death. This is why it's 0%, because the gamerunners telling him his odds will always cement it in stone no matter what.

>we'll never know what his eggs benedict tasted like.

Sorry user, she's mine.

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So why did they target this dude in particular to show the percentages?
If what says is true, then if the game masters hadn't shown him anything, he would've had a better shot at surviving.

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Maybe they want to test him and see if he can make a miracle happen by actually surviving.

Why were non-candidates even a part of the game to begin with? Kai is the only one who's reasoning for being in the game I understand.

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Isn't Nao only there by coincidence since she was driving with Mishima when he was kidnapped?

What the hell am I looking at?

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How can one man be so smug with a heart so full of bitch?

the scariest thing in a horror game is a thing that's not supposed to be scary

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At first I thought they just took non-candidates Joe and Nao because they didn't want to leave witnesses to the kidnappings, but if that was the case, they wouldn't have left Sara's mom there like that.
I'm guessing the non-candidates are there to help influence the actual candidates somehow, and Gashu wanted to interfere by rigging the 2nd main game. Then Miley got pissed at him for not letting it play out like it should.

When is someone gonna make a copy of the main-game that anyone can play?

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just play secret hitler

Honestly, the main game is kind of shit on its own. It's all the interactions and motivations the players bring into the main game, and use as the basis to decide who should die that make it so compelling.
If you wanted to replicate that in game form though, you would probably need some form of secondary "role card" in addition to commoner, keymaster, sage, and sacrifice, something to determine personality or secondary goals for your character, or possibly even a "hand" of those kinds of cards so that people could get interesting combinations of traits each time. There's probably a good card game hidden in here somewhere, but I'm too tired to work it out.

>tfw sara is the only girl still alive


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>Who is Reko
>Who is Kanna
>Who is Alice

all according to plan

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What game is this


Attached: cara19-3.png (300x624, 60K)

Danganronpa V4
But seriously, it's called Your Turn to Die. You can play it online for free and you should leave this thread immediately

Lieman's wacky escapades, featuring Samurai Onna.

Attached: cara5-31.png (500x624, 67K)

Thanks for the answer and thanks for the heads up. Neato, loved danganronpa.

hell yeah mother effer

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did you try to save joe?

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Your Turn to Die, an RPG maker game where you kill off all the female characters to have free reign over your reverse harem.

>Come on, do you really think Kanna's going to do anything interesting?
Yes, actually. She's mini-Sou at this point, and Sou already had his character arc

I can't quite understand what's going on in that pic

Don't tell me you missed the true ending, user.

Attached: cara4-3.png (480x624, 100K)

Trade with Q tarou at the end of chapter 2 part 1.

dude just click faster lmao

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I got ya, pal.

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Thank you

what is the yellow stuff supposed to be?

You burgers don't put mustard on your cakes?

Melted Burger Kings crown

Caramel. She's supposed to be covered in chocolate and caramel.

I know how to save this thread

tumblr posting time

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you won't fool me, Joeposter

Isn't this just a roundabout mafia? I've tried playing mafia with people before and I'm absolute shit at it, it would probably suck