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Other urls found in this thread:

Where should I pre-order?

>pre-ordering a game sold in episodes

The industry might be dead but plenty of people are still kicking the body.

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If there's 30 hours of content per then does it really matter if it's episodic

Thought that was Negan. And I don't even like TWD.

the new tifa is best tifa

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What if we never find out how it ends?


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25 hours
>assorted auto combat
24h 55m
5 minutes

If this wasn't a remake and that was a possibility it still wouldn't bother me. As long as I get what I paid for
I wasn't aware that people have played it yet. Was it good?

>Nomura game
automatically shit

yes, especially when they could just release the damn thing.

they have the story, they have the game, the only reason why it's episodic is to fleece extra money.

leak red xiii nigger

You have a lisp, Ferdinand?

This is stupid, the remake has been massively expanded. There would be years more development to do and then it wouldn't be worth it because people would bitch if it cost more than $60, even if the story went for 150 hours.
You talk like the whole thing is finished now.


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OK, how about this for a justification;

I fucking hate episodic shit, i have playing 1/5th of a game, and then waiting up to a year for it to finally finish... it's a slow, pointless shitshow and makes me not enjoy it, because it's a fucking cocktease until the full thing is available, and by that time, i'm bored of it.

if it is a massive expansion, then adjust your projections and costs accordingly.
Maybe don't bite off more than you can chew.

Would you ever be happy paying $200 for a single game then? Are you pissed off when a trilogy doesn't just drop all at once?
Can you see why you're a fucking dumb cunt?

Can't wait to see what Vincent looks like, though I'm expecting it to be something like this.

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Isnt this president shinra? I remember him being a fat comical stuffed shirt though. I guess this doesn't seem like a necessarily bad choice for him instead, but they just better actually follow through on it cohesively

Heidegger's the comical one. The President was always serious.

>tfw i won't pay an extortionate amount for a piece of a game, when they've said themselves it could be years between releases.

>tfw they're already rolling out "extra" packages, $330 for episode one, plus some random shit

>tfw you turn into a bitch because i'll wait until something is complete before i play/watch it.

It's because of people like you that all they see is a fucking dollars, i'll keep my money until it's all done thanks.

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game will be great

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Nice Reddit spacing
>>tfw they're already rolling out "extra" packages, $330 for episode one, plus some random shit
Post sauce.
You wait for whatever you want, I'll be playing it and having fun when it launches.

He's talking about the edition with the steelbook/figure/artbook/mini OST

Oh, so a collector's edition like literally every other AAA game has?

>Cant argue shit, calls reddit spacing like some kind of petulant child insult.

I'll wait, you'll be playing PART of it when it launches, and then you'll be blueballed to fuck for ages afterwards, meanwhile, i'll spend my money on other COMPLETE games, and by the time the last episode/complete game comes out, it'll probably be a lot cheaper anyway.

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>before i play/watch it.
kys you little shit.

the nerd talked about trilogies, implying movies, hence the "watch"

lrn2reading comprehension, kiddo

Are there any JRPGs with gameplay and/or RP elements?
Not interested in arbitrary spreadsheet management for linear storylines inhabited by one-dimensional nipponese writing.

Walt Disney?

Why is he a hologram now instead of actually showing up?

>trilogies are exclusive to movies
this is the best bait i've read in my entire life

Kill yourself, shit smear.

it makes sense

It ruins the impact. The fucking president himself shows up to confront AVALANCHE, it really showed how much the Shinra hated the group.
I like a lot of the changes but the hologram is dumb.

yeah but it's cool though

It is kinda cool looking, but I still like him showing up better story-wise.

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I know people won't give a shit, but I have to get this off my chest. For me, this is it. This is the last chance I am giving them. I've been a long time FF fan since the beginning. For years, people have said the same things again and again, "the old square is dead", "they can't make good FF games anymore", "everyone that made their real games is either dead or gone from the company now", etc, etc. And for a while, I didn't believe this. I defended them. I defending 13 when it first came out. Then I played. And I stopped defending it. I slightly defended 13-2 and Lightning Returns, and after buying and playing it, I regretted that as well. I decided to give their next one the final chance at making a good, original, new, FF title, and 15 was terrible for me, I hated it. I know some here will call it bullshit, that will say I won't give up on the series, no matter how bad it gets, but this isn't FF we are talking about, this is a remake of FF7. It they really are incompetent. If the company really is full of failures. If they really can't get on the SAME FUCKING PAGE for this project, THIS project compared to all others, then there really is no more hope for Square Enix as a company, or Final Fantasy as a franchise. I respect the episodic treatment, I want them to go all out, and put everything they have behind this. Once all of the episodes are out, I will buy them, and play them, and reserve judgement on them until then. But any and all patience and good will I have had towards Square Enix at this point is fucking gone. Forever.

Because in the original game, why didn't Barret fucking shoot him?
>he isn't a killer
I didn't say kill him, I said shoot him, like in the foot or arm? They could have captured the fucking president of shinra then and there, why didn't they? Isn't that a plothole?


>Hurr why does a collector's edition with a big figure cost $300
You sound like a child. Unlike you, I can play a 40 hour game and happily wait for the next installment.

>summons are boss fight only scripted events
Defend this shit you fucking cucks

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>summons are boss fights
this isn't XIII

You cannot read.

They're not episodes, they're full games.

It's the equivalent of calling Mass Effect 1 2 and 3 "episodes" because they continue the incomplete narrative from one to the other. That's not how it works.

Play Arts isn't even that good.
Just get the edition without the figure and buy the figure without the motorcycle if you want.


Even XIII wasn't this bad.

>summons are boss fight, only scripted events.

What bothers me is the Wutai shit. The hologram is acceptable, even if I admit it's cooler for him to walk out himself and not even fact check who Cloud is supposed to be. But the rewriting of Wutai seems weird. The war is over, Wutai's strongest warrior is a teenager who gets carsick.

wait till you see the......

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I don't recall Mass Effect being a trilogy remake of a previous game where the story was already finished

It's kinda obvious that the president is telling AVALANCHE how they'll be remembered after Airbuster deals with them

Who the fuck actually uses summons? They're weak and waste MP and take forever to play a long retarded movie attack for no reason. Why on earth would anyone actually want to use summons? I'd be happier if they just removed them altogether personally.


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I look forward to you defending removing more gameplay such as chocobo breeding, submarine, tiny Bronco,etc

Final Fantasy VII Remake, despite its title, is not a remake. It's a brand new series of games based on Final Fantasy VII. If you haven't grasped that yet I'm not sure what to tell you.

It's like calling the new Tomb Raider trilogy remakes. They're not, they're new games based on the original Tomb Raider. They just took the characters and story and added new stuff and did their own thing with it and made a completely different type of series of games out of it. Final Fantasy VII Remake is a similar situation.

this shit needs a rework this shit is the only minigame I disliked
Even though I sucked at snowboarding I at least didn't spend my time squinting at the screen in a poorly controlled submarine trying to find the next enemy

you're not even supposed to get summons until after midgar so it's kinda neat they got them into the game

how can anyone take this shit seriously
it's too realistic, they look like cosplays, aeris looks creepy as hell

>deleting the shitty RTS Fort Condor minigame in favor of Dynasty Warriors hack and slash
i do not mind this desu

Midgar remastered

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Agreed, there shouldn't even be summons in this game. In the original you don't get any summons until you're long out of Midgar.

Yet another thing SE is shitting the bed on and fucking up with the remake.

are we really bringing this certified hood shitpost back

are we going to bring "game ends before shinra raid"?

they're in midgar so they can pander to impressionable redditors

Because they look cool.
But there's no reason to animate them fighting when they could have just turned into a cutscene. It's a waste of resources and it makes me doubt if they'll be doing all the summons in the game

>they'll be doing all the summons in the game
they obviously won't, but we'll get new ones like the DLC guys shown off

A little to late for that trump you made it a train wreck of failure and catering to zoomers congratulations how does it feel to RAPE and butcher 7? does it feels good? to know you killed it by making a watered down version of a great game? Well i have to give it to you loser you sure know how to rake in the zoomers like a plague. Tell cuck enix to go fuck themselves and let them know i'm not buying this ever.

1-10 and tactics for life PRAISE SQUARESOFT!

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Nigger can you even read? I'm not defending shit, I'm criticizing the fuck out of it.

The whole game takes place in Midgar, yet you can summon Shiva and Ifirt? That shit is retarded. The battle system is retarded. The "watchmen of fate" horseshit is retarded. The whole remake looks like a trainwreck and I have no plans to waste my time or money on playing it.

BULLSHIT, if i can't use the knights of the round then this is the worst remake since Robocop.

For fucks sake! Even Xenogears was better than this!

>until you're long out of Midgar.
actually, you get it in chocobo ranch. It's okay if you don't remember because on my playthrough I didn't even notice it was there

dumb frogposter as usual

KoTR seems like one of the ones they'll save for the next few remakes.

Wonder if they'll make Biggs, Wedge and Jessie survive this time.

>Implying it will ever be good in 7 remake trash edition
Pic related this is how we save final fantasy by taking out the trash know as zoomers.

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>a collector's edition of a piece of a game with a big figure and exclusive DLC cost $300

Who is to say they wont release another collectors edition with extra DLC for the second segment?
the third?

I wouldn't buy the extra shit version even if it was $60.

I'm not interested in additional shit, and kudos to you for playing something incomplete for an estimated 30 hours with no conclusion, i'm just not that dense.

They're obviously doing that since it's iconic, but I expect most of them to be gone

>me want flashy cutscene and strong summon!!!

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yeah though you're assuming they haven't drastically changed the plot and with the survival of AVALANCHE and the inclusion of summons as scripted sequences we can see that it has changed quite a bit

Collectors editions being in the $100-$150 range, I'm used to seeing those, but when's the last time one came out over $300?

>survival of AVALANCHE
i mean they already changed up a lot of shit but let's not get our hopes up here

I doubt it since you see the plate dropped with only the three original survivors around. Jessie seems super prominent but it's probably just to make it super sad before she bites the bullet. They'll probably die in a different way and more than just Barrett will mourn them (I'm really expecting them to push a romance angle with Jessie and Cloud) but I don't think they're living.

Oh no, it's the giant ghost of Walt Disney seeking unholy retribution on Nomura's game for having sullied classic Disney movies and characters with anime bullshit!

>Muh graphics
Eat shit and die zoom zooms

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How is this any different from sequels?
If FF7R was called Big Sword Game 1, would you not buy it because there's a chance of the company releasing Big Sword Game 2?
>who is to say they wont release another collectors edition with extra DLC for the second segment?
They will, that's not even up to speculation, it's 100% guaranteed
>with no conclusion
You would know the conclusion if you played the original. The remake isn't about the story, it's about the presentation and gameplay

i came i saw it's shit.

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Have you played Half Life? Did you wait for all three star wars episodes before you watched them? Do you never watch currently airing tv shows?
This was $800

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>The remake isn't about the story, it's about the presentation and gameplay

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keep reading OP as make midair great again, anyone else?

>The remake isn't about the story, it's about the presentation and gameplay

fuckin hell user, ISHYGDDT

lmfao looks like i'm done in this thread, all sense has gone.

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You fucking retards would buy a remake for a story you already know, do you also buy new books when they change the cover? Ever since the dawn of times all that people wanted from this was graphics, there you have it


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>do you also buy new books when they change the cover?

Yes faggot. Fantasy series always do this to me where they change the art halfway and then rerelease the old books with new art. Then I have to buy the entire series with the same art. Nothing less will satisfy my pride.

>The remake isn't about the story, it's about the presentation and gameplay
Y I K E S ! ! ! !

i hate modern square character design. everyone, even Shinra looks like some j-pop/k-pop wannabe. look at this ugly trash

>>The remake isn't about the story, it's about the presentation and gameplay

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This guys gets it.

Xenogears is better than nothing

Welcome to modern Cuck enix. They are nothing compared to SquareSoft.

I mainly want to see how his limit breaks will work. Hopefully his forms will be playable this time.

>Asian characters look asian

>Implying Walt wouldn’t give a stamp of approval when he sees the money it made.


It's because SE packages their expensive as fuck figures with them. It's the cost of the game, plus the cost of the fucking Bring Arts and vehicle.

So it's a dynamic version of turn based?

If you've played FF12 it's sort of like it.

Industry will be dead if we don't preorder

I haven't but I played the original ff7 when it came out and I don't mind watching characters auto fight for minimal damage while the bars charge up instead of them just standing around and bouncing slightly.

Well you can choose to select it via the difficulty menu.

>I don't mind watching characters auto fight for minimal damage while the bars charge up instead of them just standing around and bouncing slightly.
Why? It is pointless and actually slower than a turnbased game.

So what if the auto mode was just an excuse for smoothbrained retards who found conventional action gameplay to hard(the kind ff15 was designed for)
And they actually make the gameplay itself fun like kh2 or something

>fun like kh2
unironically yikes.

>condom farts

And the other mode is the same except you don't automatically widdle away their health?
Is it though?

I have a feeling that he will look like remake Tseng But I hope I'm wrong

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No, it's for people that wanted to play turn-based combat in a remake of a turn-based combat game. I'm not gonna use it, but its not a hard concept to follow

Arr gooks rook arike

He won't even be in the game. You gotta wait 7 more years to see him in the sequel.


Don't even remind me of that stupid shit.


What if SE just suck at action rpgs and I can just go play Tales instead?

but the mechanics aren't remade

So did anyone explain to this person that FFVII invented what they're describing?

>FFVII invented
I just realized this probably isn't the case. It's late. Give me a break.

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