>combat shown
>shooting giant oil dipped monsters in the woods
>shooting skeleton soldiers in a trench with explosions everywhere
>stealth shown
>interesting traversal/management mechanics
>will have multiplayer elements
>it’s a movie!!!
Most of Yea Forums unironically are real brainlets.
At least Kojima is being honest and straight with people, he has told you himself this is basically a new genre of video game that he has come up with.
Who fucking knows if it'll be good. Maybe it's your taste maybe it's not but he's made something new and that's pretty cool and interesting. Just because a brainlet themself can't imagine making a new genre doesn't mean it's not possible.
>he has told you himself this is basically a new genre of video game that he has come up with.
It won't catch on. Admit it.
Imagine being such a pretentious hack that you believe you're defining a new genre
You kojima drones are truly a whole new level of cocksucking brainlets
we get it Konami.
You're still mad.
But paying people to shitpost in Yea Forums of all places is honestly kind of pathetic.
I don't know that and neither do you. Why even say something so stupid.
I like his comparison to stealth games. He knows lots of people hate stealth games and i am one of them, personally i hate stealth games. Whoever made the first stealth games didn't know if it would catch on, it could be hated by everyone but you never know.
The only way to find out if a genre has a crowd is to create it, put it out there, and let the test of time do its thing.
This should of been the box art
Just don't buy it if you don't like the look of it user
Seems like he's just copying dark souls multiplayer and then spinning up some bullshit to make it sound innovative
t. retard with low IQ and no imagination actually thinks he can have an opinion
t. Hack cocksucker
>he has told you himself this is basically a new genre of video game that he has come up with
If you never played an open world game with tower climbing, sure.
The monster(s?) looks extremely unoriginal kinda like the uroboros from RE5, the characters name like die-hardman( really kojima??) and the fact that the last game he made it was a total disappointment kinda wanna make skip this one.
Yes i am sucking his cock by simply stating that nobody knows if this new unique game is good or not while you are sperging out over the idea that a new genre could possibly exist.
It doesn't have any of the aspects of Dark Souls multiplayer? Dark Souls you leave messages, do coop and fight others. None of those things are in Death Stranding. In Death Stranding you share items and build communal structures in the environment. None of those things are in Dark Souls.
Did you even play Dark Souls?
>western/E3 prsentation
>artsy slow paced cinematic trailer
>TGA/japanese version of trailer
>shows action, goes in depth about game mechanics present in game, showcases situations
what did kojimbo mean by this
Is for the limited edition, it will be $400 shekels goy
>shitting on Shinkawa monster design
Shit taste. Even for a kojima fan.
>homo demon is the only one with a unique colour
yeah, I'm thinking they're the good guys
That's he's redpilled to the fact american audiences are retards that just like big flashing images instead of meaningful mechanics or gameplay?
Half of that cast are b tier literally whos
>Most of Yea Forums unironically are real brainlets.
It's almost as if videogames are a low IQ, low education hobby
what is this poster style called and why the fuck does everyone use it recently?
its like the OT star wars posters but idk if thats where they originated from
what's a high education hobby?
Why do these hacks always copy Star Wars? It wasn't even a good movie to begin with, even in 1977.
No, Im questioning your judgement that the hack of Kojima's caliber could ever usher in a new genre you absolute low iw trash
He says while posting on a video game board on a cambodian forum that has a board for numerous hobbies and interest, and every single one of those boards is full of mouth breathers that drool on their keyboards.
Incredible deduction.
model trains
amateur astronomy
The poster is call original poster or OP for short. The posters replying are all called anons.
I know for an absolute fact that it’s nintendies that are calling this a walking simulator and Kojima a hack over and over.
I wonder how someone gets introduced to model trains
Kojima's been doing this shit for years. Started with MGS and never stopped, always been very heavily influenced by cinematography. Also believe he's a huge movie nerd.
Wouldn't expect anything less and it sounds interesting to play something from Kojima entirely different than what's out atm, or another MGS title
Or maybe not everyone on Yea Forums understands how or why DS is in anyway "groundbreaking" and "new"
Games not groundbreaking and new are walking sims?
Wrong. Videogames can be based.
That is a movie poster, yes.
Nothing about Death Stranding looks appealing. Babies are gross and disgusting and having to carry one around is stupid. Walking around and pissing as the core mechanics are lame. What exactly are we supposed to be hype about here? According to Kojima it's just one of multiple sequels he's making up as he goes along so even he probably has no idea what it's even about.
Yea Forums - model trains, aircraft, rocketry, and amateur astronomy
>Walking around and pissing as the core mechanics are lame.
They’ve showed off shooting/driving/stealth too you massive faggot. Was walking the only mechanic in botw or any other open world game?
What is egoraptor doing with that baby?
Raising it on behalf of its father.
Are you just too stupid to not stay hidden or what? Why would you hate stealth games, and dont say they are too slow because Death Stranding is slow as fuck.
I never heard of a movie that allowed tje watchers to custom shape the content of it while watching it
>Death Stranding is slow as fuck.
Not him but didn’t you see Sam running around at sonic speeds using his exoskeleton suit? Did you not see the hover board or motorcycle yet?
>get these amazing posters
>meanwhile this is the game cover we're getting
No i just think they're boring i don't find them fun. I don't enjoy hiding somewhere and taking note of every enemy position and then sitting there watching them to see their patrols so i can plan a strategy that takes time to execute properly.
It's just boring to me. I don't need games to be braindead button mashers but i like being able to just do things as i want to do them and not sit around a lot.
For the record i'm not shitting on stealth games i just used them as an example of a genre that is for a specific type of audience. It's not a genre i personally enjoy but that doesn't make it shit.
mgsv all over again
and mgs 4 and 3 in america
You summed up the logic of haters for every AAA Sony game that comes out.
I know what your talking about. They use blue and orange on every fucking poster. Every fucking one.