Trails of Cold Steel 3 Demo

It's out, why aren't you playing it?

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Can't romance Claire in 3 and 4 so I lost interest

Play Rean's demo

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Haha... how could I forget?

geez, haha... thanks for remindming me. that's our user!

how do we stop this man?

Haha, I wouldn't know how...

haha we dont

>literally a retold of CS1 but with what CS2 was suppossed to be
>still has filler and padding somehow
>ends on a blatant cliffhanger

Haha... that's CS3 for you.

>wanting to romance traitors

Saw chinksects stream. I'm good with stopping with 3rd, or maybe Ao.

I wanted romance Sharon imagine my surprise when fucking Anton fucked her...

Meanwhile Ricky still forever alone.


fucking dropped if true
I at least wanted the Alisa Sharon 3P if she isn't romanceable herself but if it's cuckshit fucking PEACE

Rean is for Musse.

I thought cold steel was a hedgehog.

Haha, that's our Rean Coldsteel for you...

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He does things no ordinary man would consider.

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Because I don't play a garbage series.

Oh boy, you're not gonna like CS4 one bit if you liked the character relationships developed in Liberl and Crossbell haha

does any of it carryover to the real game?



I want to give NISA a chance but they really dropped the ball with the translation.

They copy pasted Rean's first craft description for the second one, but even messed up the formatting for it. Theres only a month till release, are physical copies going to ship with this?!

XSEED has questionable choices in their script but atleast there is some semblance of QC. Someone please contact the producer.

Why are you so desperate to push this meme? Rean has a conversation with Estelle, that's literally it. If in your mind a girl having a simple talk with another guy is considered cucking then you're more mentally ill than I thought. On top of that the game literally ends with a wedding between two characters who start their romance in the Trails series.

Looks like you can play the whole prologue chapter

oh nononono

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Thanks user
Now i just have to beat CS2

Well said Mussefriend.

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it's unironically not fair

She stayed true to her faction how is she being a traitor?

Rean "Imma hit this blunt" Schwarzer

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She was a traitor to /ourguy/ Rean



>He didn't preorder the deluxe edition.

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what i the selling point of this game, game play wise?
pls don't say story or dating sim aspects,
at least persona games have some nice randomly generated dungeons and the smt demons

what's even in it that'd be worth it

You get to play as the most chad protagonist of all Japanese media, Rean Schwarzer, for the third time.


I can understand that European and American players have little criticism of it.

If you play start at "-Sen No Kiseki"

Then the work of the four-part song looks "still ok"

If you played Sora no Kiseki 1FC+2SC+3rd

Zero no Kiseki

Ao no Kiseki

Then, you start playing Sen No Kiseki", you will feel that Electronic Arts has a reputation and integrity that is much higher than Falcom.

I don't know if you have ever felt that way. You are very passionate about and deeply fascinated by a work. Then you find that the author who wrote the script has changed. You never recognize the beautiful world again.

Some are just cheap scripts and full of Mary Sue stories.

I don't know if you have experience watching A Song of Ice and Fire. The next chapter turns into Guilty Crown.

As uncomfortable as eating faeces, KUSO GAME

PC when

Costumes and accessories, if that's your thing. Like 22 DLC packs of costumes and accessories.
Pre-ordering the game in general gets you at least two exclusive outfits no matter the edition, Rean's edgelord outfit and Juna's Lloyd outfit, and PS+ members get the deluxe edition for 20 bucks cheaper right now.

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Because the summaries I've seen of CS 1 and 2 don't excite me and there's a lack of documentation on the cute moeshit moments of the best romance-able waifus. I have enjoyed and winced at the wonderful summaries of how Gary Stu Rean "Haha that's our Rean, steal yo gurl" Schwarzer is. I've read some shit off the wikis, played a bit of Cold Steel 1 and can't say I feel motivated to slog through those long games, even with NG+ saves. Nice to know that supposed consensus is CS3 is the best of the 4 apparently but it's a low bar.

Why is Millium in the OP animation of Cold Steel 4?
What are your favorite tracks?
I wish there was an instrumental track for this, I love the guitar/bass at the end, wish I could find more shit like that

Yeah Sharon doesnt have events in IV and when she return to party you only see her in a sidequest dating Aston for the "last day" the one that make you choose girl but limited to your close ones

This but unironically

For me, it's Emma.


Soon Haha

Will there ever be another protagonist that can match up to Rean Coldsteel?
Keep in mind that we're still getting 1 more game in which Rean will inevitably get even more focus.

i just want a steellbook
i don't even have a ps4

So long as its cold steels equivalent to 3rd then I dont really care

>really like lift off
>"no way they top this"
how do they do it

>END OF SAGA will end the Erebonian saga
>Announce a new project
>Scans have Rean in them

the erebonia shit ended, it's like sc where the liberl stuff ended but we still got the 3rd

Reancentrism is OVER and DONE. It's time to move on.

>Play as your favorite characters from previous entries
>They're all limited and they suck

>he thinks it's over for Rean
Haha, come on now. We've only just stopped holding back on Rean's journey.

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>Estelle in Zero
>Has her father's S-craft from 3rd, showing in a clever way through gameplay that she's become stronger since we've last seen her

>Estelle in CS4

God Cold Steel is such rancid shit.

Is this real? We aren't going to get Lacrimosa of Dana 2: Eletric Boogaloo where they fuck up the translation and patch it up 6 fucking months later again, are we?

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I'm sorry Lloyd but Rean...

Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III

Charge forward and lead the next generation.

The Erebonian Empire stands stronger than ever, and tensions mount like never before seen in the continent of Zemuria. Annexations abound. Crossbell and North Ambria are in Erebonian chains. Furthermore, the mysterious society of Ouroboros has begun to slither once again.

Rean Schwarzer, the Ashen Chevalier, has been hailed as a hero of the Erebonian Civil War, having helped to bring it to a swift and decisive end. Rean is now an instructor at Thors Military Academy, a place entwined with his greatest joys yet also with his greatest sorrows. A new Class VII is formed, with its alumnus Rean as its mentor.

Inflections of the past and conflicts of the present, Rean must grapple with both the shadow that hangs over Erebonia and the shadow that hangs over his own heart.

Somehow I know Mishy's on suicide watch right now haha

I can't believe Rean got raped and forced into marriage by an autistic swordswoman...

>TiTS team go to Hamel to get some closure
>Rean comes along because why not.

Like I was wondering before. Does anyone actually want to play as Rean? All I was thinking about in CS4's prologue was wanting to stick with Estelle and co. Literally who gives a fuck about Rean and his endless melodrama and stupidity.
Fuck off.

>autistic swordswoman
You mean best girl, refer to her by the proper term you fuck

But Instructor weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

Nothing I see about the limited edition mentions DLC

Haha, that's him alright for you...

>Not wanting to play as the biggest chad to ever exist

Legitimately one of the most amusing scenes in CS4. It's just hilarious how CS4 went full harem after CS3 seeming like it was dialing it back.



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the only thing i noticed is that they used seventh slash for his s-craft instead of seventh form but i don't even know if it's form or slash in japanese
story wise? it was 4 games already so for the future he needs to take the backseat but gamepaly wise he is way more fun than estelle, lloyd or kevin

Will people finally stop holding back in 3? I dont think I can handle another game of that....

haha...about that

....Haha. No.

Laura is a wonderful woman, but unfortunately my heart will always belong to another.

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No one ever stops not holding back in this series haha

Finally, someone with taste.

You mean rapist.

Yes story wise. Haremshit and gundams ruined cold steel.


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the mecha shit was fine, valimar was best girl and robo stuff was always in the series, bonding events are cancer

Estelle gets a stick
Lloyd gets tonfas
Rean gets trained by the most powerful swordsman in Zemuria a talking robot and a transformation.

Imagine being an Angelica fag

Haha that's our Rean for you

Doesn't exist

They exist?
Angelica is easily the worst character in Cold Steel.

How can one man be so based...

What does Estelle think of the fact her bf is prettier than her?

Yeah that’s him alright...

as if

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Rean, please impregnate my daughter.

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Mine first!

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i mean if you go by that estelle is the daughter of the most powerful man in the entire continent and lloyd is the chosen one by the magic loli of miracles

I can't. She's easily the worst girl in the series.

Get in line.

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>op posts best girl
>nobody is discussing her
So, what do you think about Renne?

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Painfully underused in 4.

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If you add an "a" to her name she becomes Reanne

Colossal if not false

>lloyd stays as strong as rean through pure willpower

Based lloydo


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God Towa is so adorable.

what if Rean was a girl, would she attract all the boys to her yard of still be a pussy magnet?

Imagine enrolling in a military academy and your instructor is an actual fucking midget

Haha, what are you doing here Kondo...

Is this series fun? Haha...

Crow/Jusis/Gaius husbando wars
Tita and Estelle getting cuckqueened
Lloyd overcoming her hymen barrier

Waifu fags and LN harem shit needs to get the fuck out of this series for the next set of games but question, is there any sort of import system for vita saved data?

This would be more interesting than what we got

Haha...There is no import system at all.

Haha, perhaps

This aren't even all of them in the demo

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Haha, user...


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For me its Aurelia.

What's wrong with the mechs?

>he still plays Trails after Cold Steel trashed the tension and purpose behind its ongoing narratives and made its world-building an irreparable joke
Kuku... as expected of our Senfags...

Why are Jusis, Ash and Musse the only good sen characters?

Yeah I'm thinking this is based

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>he doesn't pirate each game so he can laugh at how bad they get
Hehe...stop holding back user

Imagine Joshua sitting on the sidelines with his dick in his hands while Estelle resolves everything with Loewe.

Cold Steel is the only decent part of the sen franchise, get fuck skyniggers

does the team making cold steel just hate everything that came before cold steel or something?

>Cold Steel is the only good part of the Cold Steel franchise

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>he doesn't know
Haha... they're the same team who made Sky and Crossbell haha

Wow thanks Falcom glad i did those max runs and financially supported you.

freddy is so cute!

she seems to enjoy it most of the time, she certainly loved his performance in the play.

Haha... that's our Vita user for you!


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Thanks for paying for my third house faggot

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>actually buying these kusoge instead of downloading them
That's our user...

Sank u fo praying

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When is /ourguy/ going to get another game? Or is he just too strong to be a protagonist now?

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Save yourselves the burden and just go play Three Houses. I was astounded at how it was basically just "Good Cold Steel".

Never. I am still fucking livid over his treatment in CS4.

>The silver maiden
>The ashen demon
Literally soulless ripoff

What'd they do to him in CS4?

They came out with a demo?

>go play Three Houses
play what?

really? not even a new director or anything? So what happened then? did the lead writer get trapped in a room and forced to watch nothing but Infinite Stratos for a year before the games release or something?

Three Houses has more soul than Cold Steel ever did. It was actually amazing to play a game where the cast was allowed to interact with each other without pins and needles. When I came off my Blue Lions run I thought "Yeah, this is a group of friends that'd fight to the end for each other".

When I finished Cold Steel 2 I could only think "If Rean were to leave the room with the rest of Class 7 staying behind, there'd be some awkard as fuck silence".




well duh, i'm asking what changed that lead the people who wrote Ao no Kiseki to decide to write haremshit.

They wanted the Persona audience.

The search for more money

Haha... who knows?

its more, these games were always littered with shitty anime tropes of the time and its just the current ones its stealing are worse than that of the 2000's

Here's the sad truth --
Kiseki is always chasing anime trends, but it's really slow. Sky was chasing 90s anime, Cold Steel is chasing 2010s+ anime, which is just constant battle harem shit.

Calvard will be Isekai.

Rean gets isekai'd into a septerrion simulating calvard. Rean will be the protagonist forever!

we already had isekai with the 3rd

what are the romance options for this one? i know they're limited

3rd was isekai already

But isekai protagonists are op faggots who don't have any enemies even remotely near their level. How will they justify the protagonist losing and needing backup at just the right moment for the 20th time?

The MC will be a person of the outside like McBurn


That should have been the maximum, but don't worry your little haremshitter head, Cold Steel 4 rectifies this by making nearly every female a love interest and also chainging Celine into a cute girl as well so you can romance her too.

Only Laura Alisa and tits mcglasses
They ramped it back up in 4

>Muh sword, muh training

You forgot Sara who has a kiss scene
and you can't romance Celine, her and Duvalie only have platonic endings

Alisa, Laura and Emma are straight up romance.
Everyone else either gets mutual'd, cockblocked or blue balls you again, at least until 4 where they reverse it and give you 8 more options to pick from.

Meh, both her and Duvalie have scenes where they outright blush and get stuttery while talking to Rean. Good enough to sate waifufags.


renne is a good girl!

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>tfw 4".

Seriously Yea Forums. Should I just kill myself now? Should I even bother? I mean what the fuck

fun fact, Falcom allowed 3 dragons to be used in a Compile Heart game:
True Zoro-Agruga this one is a legit CS3 spoilers
and one I don't know where it's from

Guys, you're scaring me.

>the absolute state of CSfags
It's called Ragnard

Become a twink

>and one I don't know where it's from

This is god tier bait.

>Todo de mi

>everyone shits on Rean
>CS4 is absolute shit until you get him back and then it actually becomes kino for a bit

that's not really true, OP isekai is a slightly newer subgenre of isekai which was around for a little bit before it. although it is true OP isekai has gotten insanely popular compared to the normal kind.

I will be honest, I have only played Trails in the Sky FC, CS1 and CS2.

For some reason I thought it was from a YS game

i played it in jp when it released

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>FC, CS1 and CS2.
>he chose the three worst games in the series

>Try to get all my online friends into Sky
>They all turn me down
>One guy tells me he's played Cold Steel though but isn't really interested in Sky

>He's the same guy who's always talking about the latest haremshit Isekai
>He watches them all 'ironically'

Your average Cold Steel fag.

Haha that's our xsneed!

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Thats Nisa

lost causes, don't bother

should I play it if I've never played a game in the series before?

based retard

She's pretty cute.


>boomers in the sky still seething


You only need to know these facts
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble family
>final student of a legendary swordsman
>secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good
>such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but he makes all the men wet too
>his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name
>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
>masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers
>wields a katana and can teleport behind you
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in trails in the sky
>grows up to become a teacher, can romances his underage students
>just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred ayylmaos who appeared at the last second
>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
>becomes an national hero
>is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
>can marry any girl of his choosing, will impregnate them with his chad thundercock
>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
>every single piece of lore and world building for 9 games revolves around him
>turns the future of his series into a glorious unsalvagable trainwreck, sits back comfortably because he got his happy ending
>gets raped by a girl in a cave
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua and Tita away from Agate
>is the writer's favourite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing

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Can't choose between Laura and Emma lads

Although every girl in Trails is at least high tier unironically

You'll be confused on levels you didn't think was even possible but whatever go for it


Couldn't even get through the first game why would I be arsed to pay full price to play the third?

>muh sword, muh training, muh honor
>oppai, demure, witch that is shit at magic

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Rape Cave sealed it for me.

Both are boring but atleast Emma has a hot body to compensate so...

Cuz I'm playing through Crossbell so I know what the hell is going on.

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Not funny.

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I will be honest, FC bored me but I was younger when I bought it when it came out on the PSP.

Didn't know that most of FC was spent to set-up SC

go with Laura. It's rare to date a sword autist

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God I wish I could find a woman like that.

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Emma is shit after she takes off the glasses

I'll be happy if they decide to make more games in that setting and just move it to other locations mentioned like kiseki, and adding a card game as well. I can drop this series if they keep maintaining the quality of Sen 2 & 4.

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remember, you're here forever

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Oh my brothers. I just know he's smiling up at us from Gehenna.

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>implying he's really dead
>implying any major character actually dies in kiseki

>terrible ps2 looking graphics
>but made sure to make aurelia's tits bounce and her abs have definition
haha that's our falcom

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>Any Cold Steel girl
>High tier

Oh god. I'd maybe call Celine and Sharon 'okay'. All the other are shit. Sara is almost okay until you realize she's just badSchera.

Based Rean. Can't wait for Sen 5 to continue his story.

I hope it has idols too, but going by the concert scene in cs1 they can't afford it

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They got their priorities straight haha

Okay but Musse is hot as fuck and Sara's boobs are fucking huge.

*blocks your path*

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You forgot about Sen 5.5 (the sidestory) and then the inevitable Sen 6 when they don't actually tie up all the loose threads in Sen 5 haha...

God she is perfect. I can't stop masturbating to her.

>meanwhile at falcoms other game.

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Don't want to experience the game until I buy it day one.


>still no doujins

Looks like the protagonist of a shitty LN to be honest

Damn you

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Isn't that part of Sen IV a straight up ripoff from act 1 in Sen 2?
I guess Sen does have some kino moments

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I just don't fucking get it user.

Adol inspired all LN protags

Yeah that's Adol alright.

jesus christ it's a lion get in the car

ikr they literally write themselves too

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The entire segment of Rean's rescue in 4 was kino as fuck I don't care what anyone says

Irrelevant puke-haired nobles need not apply.

When will they make their move?

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Gagharvfags need not to apply

Sen 5 NG+ Door after you 100% all content and solo the final boss using only machias and elliot

God those sauna scenes.

We'd go away if you stopped ripping us off so much.

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Never because they're irrelevant

I would unironically love it if Sen 5 brought back doors with mega plot twists

Rean literally fucked Crossbells only hope for independence, thanks a lot you easy fucking slut

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Why'd they do my fucking boy Kurt like that? Why???

Seven relics bestowed to humanity by the world's creator god... Huh, I wonder where that idea came from?

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captain planet?

>testing out my new ultrawide monitor
>mfw trails has proper support but Ys only gets black bars
Very gay desu

I'm pretty sure the game was delayed so that they could remove those problematic scenes for Snoy.

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Crossbell doesn't deserves independence

Based Durante

God I wish someone would do that to me. Even once. Even a guy.

but that's in 4

Based and hahapilled


I'm sorry Joshua but Rean is just...

>tight ass
>big bouncing breasts
>toned abs

I don't care for the character maybe because I only played up to CS2, but damn she is perfect


She only gets like 5 minutes of screentime in 2 when she shows up to fight One Eyed Johnston outside Heimdallr.

Yeah I know, which is why I will probably like her when I get CS3 in a month since I know she has a much more active role.

Whatever ever happens to Crow?
Does he come back?

Based indeed.

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At the end of CS4 I could finally think to myself:

"Ah, they are reunited and together at last."

Is PC version better than PS4?

Is it true they are making more of this shit?

Yes. Please look forward to it.

Does this have original audio from the start?

How is it better?

They couldn't finish it in 4 games? What about a new series?

It is.

Supports higher resolutions and frame rates than the ps4 version. Also lower load times.

>Have a huge amount of playable characters in CS4
>Still limited to Class VII shitters for the final dungeon
Whats the point?

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This is where the Rean jokes go too far.

>new series

They are making an epilogue like Sky Third and starting Calvard after.

Do the save files follow from previous games?

How long do you get to play as SSS and the Brights?

During the live stream a while ago they said they had some stuff for Sen to wrap up that one team was working on, and that the other team was working on the next arc in the saga.

CS3 does not have an import option.
The prologue only and various side missions.

So it doesn't matter where I play the first two? Maybe I'll get into this one on 2021


Nice thanks. I'll have to check if my potato pc can run those two games, I have the vita versions but I kinda don't want to play them since they don't have the original audio and the improvements from the pc version. I have a ps4 I don't really want to support that platform too much

CS1 and 2 were made to work on the gpd win so I am sure even a potato could run it with settings down

Why is she even massaging her tits?

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Japanese """Humor""""

why not?

Is the entire Coldsteel series just one big shitty LN adaptation? How can Kondou actually think any of it is good?

Oppai inspection day

CS5 will reveal it was all fanfiction written by Tio.

I knew it!

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The worst part is that even if they move away from the stupid highschool haremshit, magic darkness dick Rean still exists, and Kondou will always shove his shitty pet waifu mascot characters in.

Well fie IS going to calvard...



*holds back*

Just did the prologue demo and I already like nu-VII more than old VII

Same desu, I love all of them in nu-VII

Yeah why can’t it be mature and have almost no anime or Japanese tropes like SC or Ao...

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Wean ditched them for a reason.

Ah yes, because having some shitty cliched anime humor is the same as the game revolving around a teenager in highschool with dark powers that has girls tripping over themselves to be in his harem.

I liked it, normal is pretty easy but hard is good enough, the orders and the defense gauge are a nice addition to the battle system and the boss ability to enhance seems like it will be a cool way for them to have mid battle power ups.
I am looking forward to the game even more now.

After 1st game I didn't even feel like playing the 2nd one and I already spoiled myself about pretty much everything in the next games.

Why did this shit need 4 games? 2 would have been enough for the story they tried to tell.

Falcom stopped holding back

Don't worry, new students become irrelevant in the next game.

Blame the Vita, they had to split the first two games because of it.
For the last two...yeah there is no excuse on that at least the cliffhanger from 3 was cool, until they ruin it by spoiling everything with just the 4th game previews and opening.


It isn't finished yet, Kondo needs a 5th game to complete Rean's story.

Once again. I told you people so. I warned you people that Trash rean was not up to the task. Estelle and Joshua would have solved this entire fiasco in 2 games, Kevin in 1. Here we are 4 games in and Rean has had to still get help from the entire cast of the entire series just to barely slip by. What a fucking clown.

How fast could this whole story have ended if people didn’t hold back?

I imagine there would be a lot more deaths.

No steam no buy.

They tried to make it two and its easy to tell. CS2's pacing is dogshit and has a shit ton of padding and would've worked better in the same game as CS1, but CS1 already took its time introducing everything and by the end of it the game would've been long af, but even so I think they should've tried. CS1 and CS2 both took me 50-60 hours each there are many 100+ hour JRPGs and Cold Steel would've benefitted greatly even if they needed an extra year to add everything in. Don't know about CS3 and CS4, but even with the extra chapter they are doing it seems to just be a similar situation to 3rd where we do a victory lap with these characters and get conclusions to some plot points and open up more ideas and plot points for Calvard.

>Kondo needs a 5th game to suck Rean's dick.
You made a little spelling error, but I fixed it for you.

This. And make sure it has steam achievements too. I need another perfect game to show off on my user profile. Nothing less will satisy my gamer's pride.

It doesn't even need to be that much longer there's a lot of shit they could cut, there's really no need to have that many characters in the first place.

My wife, Rean Schwarzer.

Hurry up and beta test my game i need the Superior version that is steam.

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I own all the games on Steam, but getting this on PS4 because I like to get series physically which would be great if PC got a physical release but I digress. Wish I could have the series all on one platform and don't really want to rebuy the games I already played unless I get a really good deal. May dip if they localize Crossbell in a remake they been teasing or even remake Liberl.
Yeah pretty much, overall at least based on my playthroughs the length of the game would only really need to be 50-80 hours. Because even CS1 had a lot of shit they could've cut that doesn't add the the experience nor to the lore or story.

Haha, oh user...Remember when we were promised that 3rd was the last game? And then 4th was definitely the finale? Why do people still think the 5th will be the end of Cold Steel?

This arc clearly needs at least one more game. Maybe two.

Are we talking in general or just CS?
In TiTS Loewe kills Estelle on Liberl Castle and everything is over.
In Zero Yin kills everyone in the tower and that’s it.
In CS1, I think only the sword rapist’s dad holds back, and maybe Crow kills everyone but Rean on the ending so you need to wait until CS2 for one of the Enforcers to kill Rean.

>Remember when we were promised that 3rd was the last game?

This. There are still some girls left over that Rean didn't headpat yet.

I just downloaded Trails in the Sky today and will work my way through the whole series!

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I'm gonna use the rest of this month to start up and finish Ao no Kiseki.

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It's a really slow series but try to stick with it.

Fuck off with you Nintendo shilling

shirley does the same thing in sen 3

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3H is mediocre at best, worse than Sen 2.

Don't forget to play Crossbell before Cold Steel. Played through the seven games in English in about 7 months.

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Why can't it be October already?

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Adol's wfe looks like THAT?

Yo Rean I'm passing my orbal car driving loicense test today wish me luck

So you can have a harem and be a dense LN protagonist as long as you are not in high school and have no Dark powers?
That was a close call for Lloyd then. Don’t know if Joshua is safe though.

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Lloyd and Joshua are not even LN protagonist material. Why are you shitposting on Kiskei?

Haha, lloyd's just helping his community like a good cop.

Joshua isn't dense that's Estelle.

Estelle isn't that dense after SC

Joshua is more like he doesn’t care about any girl except Estelle and Kloe and Josette just give up on their own.

Ohnonono croaabros

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I liked the kuudere loli, but the gameplay and graphics feel like they are from the PS2 era.

>mfw going from blade to blade II
Will CS3 have blade III or some kind of alternative? Is it better?

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vantage masters is incredible and actually deep

Way better. Or at least it's not based entirely on luck.

Got a single cameo in a panaroma shot at the end of CS4. Poor fella.

PC release when?

I hope you guys are ready for PEAK Falcom animation. Truly, AAA-tier animations.

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At best 1-3 years or longer It may even go to never ever status.

Prease undastandu

What the hell? Why?

No idea just guessing for all i know it could be on PC next month.

The main reason I'm not getting it is because I refuse to buy shit for $60 at this point, so no sale no buy more like, and good luck on getting a sale on physical games.

Should of been on steam in the first place.

Don't scare me bro. I am old already, can't take surprises like I used to. Been waiting for this game since CS2 PC release.

>Don't scare me bro
This is my fetish.

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I really hope a port actually happens.

Either we get it in a year or were all fucked i feel.

The fact NISA has been very hush about it makes me feel even if we do get it, it will be a ways off.

actually made me cringe

Sounds about right. Might as well start playing something else because were all in for the long run if i owned NISA i would of included a steam release with consoles instead of this exclusive garbage.

>actually playing this trash game
>not just watch the glorious chinaman 50 hrs livestream


I think they don't want a Ys 8 situation again. So they will announce it when its nearly done.

Wanted to join in on the hype next month with Cold Steel III, should I wait for a PC port with optimal performance?

Up to you. I'll wait but i'm busy with other games.

honestly wish they somehow kept using the old graphic style

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There will be an announcement after the PS4 release.

Jesus Christ man. Do you even know what LNshit is? Joshua isn't even remotely close.


I love her so much bros...

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Someone told me that Kevin only appears in good Kiseki games. Is that true

is great !

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Vantage masters. It's so terrible that blade feels an awesome game.


If by that you mean infodumps yes.

I cant find it on steam.

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Oh user it's not there...yet.

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May not ever come to steam and if it does expect it to release in 6-12 months minimum. Don't even know if NISA will announce one is happening.


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That's our falcom writers alright

Animations team is really holding back!

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Should I get it on PS4 or wait for PC port?

I do not enjoy having to pick up a console for one game. It's time companies made a change. It's 2019 get over it and move on.

I love how every single console game is the game you would buy a console for, but you don't want to buy a console for one game. Stop being poor.


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There are still a lot of bitches waiting to get fucked by our Rean haha

Good now make sure you avoid /fg/ as much as possible or you will be spoiled

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>falcom games still have shit tier animation even after they left vita

They will stop holding back for next gen right guys?

Ys 9 looks animated at least.

I assume they finally have money to do that.

>party members just disappears during exploration in TGS demo

Sorry user, they are still holding back haha

...this is fucking sad. I could probably get better work out of a random group of college kids

Are these retards high?

Should I buy Trails of Cold Steel 3 or Sakura Wars V on Wii?



Probably not.

honestly, Trails 1 and 2 were a bore most of the time. I'm gonna wait until trail 3 is 20 or less before buying it. Probably a few years down the line.

give me pc version dammit

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You do realize theres more than just cold steel right? When you just say trails can be confusing.

world building of this is your thing they did fantastic job i even liked the story even though they did get a little retarded at the end of the cold steel 4 i also liked most of the characters in the game

you have good taste

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it is kinda popular in japan and i have no problem to admint that i love it too the serie have certain charm about it i would not be afraid to call it my favorite jrpg serie

Does Sara get a good ending in CS4? I been committed to her since CS1 and want to give her all my love.

But Sky 1 + 2 are about a teenage boy with dark powers that has girls and one man tripping over themselves to be in his harem. Not to mention "Kyaaaaa! He saw me naked when I walked in on him in the bath!" and a whole chapter dedicated to a school festival.
Anyone who thinks Cold Steel is an exception compared to what came before is being intellectually dishonest, or just plain retarded.

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It's official.

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you can romance her in cs4 and have good end with her

Don't you need to pay extra for the good end?

Because I haven't finished like 5 games that comes before it, makes no sense to do before that.

what? if you want spoiler and some funny animations

for all the hate rean gets here he certainly have big following

Falcom has never been particularly original with its writing.
It's just that modern anime cliches are much less tolerable than those from the 90s.

daily reminder that both cold steel games are rated 95% on steam

They are lovely games

Good games, amazing ports

>NISA got Trails

I hope NISA gets their shit together for it. Leery as fuck they can handle something like trails without major issues.

Dean does it again.

Demo seems fine.

Trails in the Sky 91% kek imagine being estelle fag

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Where have you been?

Its literally the same people doing the fanfic.


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Sara bros rise up!

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Want Sara to kiss me on the dick

Because fuck sony

Good. Glad to hear it.

I just stopped coming to these threads after I assumed future games weren't coming after 2.

There's a CS fanfic?

>I just stopped coming to these threads after I assumed future games weren't coming after 2.

That was kind of a quick judgement considering the general timeline these games get announced

>There's a CS fanfic?
He's talking about the western release.

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Why would anyone want to continue playing a sequel to one of the worst sequels of all time? And why does it look like an early PS2 game in HD when it was developed in 2017? It just further proves that waifufags will gobble anything up as long as they can play as a self-insert and be a chad with a harem.

it is fantastic serie the only people who hate it are sky fags


I've played them all, even Crossbell. The peak was Sky SC. Crossbell is extremely overrated, and people are mostly right about Cold Steel. Trails fans are delusional.

Haha that's our Xsneed!

I loved Sky so played Crossbell and loved crossbell played Cold steel and loved the first game and was very turned off by Cold steel 2. I think Cold Steel 3 will benefit from Rean taking a different position as a character and a smaller central cast while also continuing plotlines even from Crossbell. Loved SC and Ao the most though, but I am a newfag.

then don't play it i like cold steel more than the older games

That's because you're a low IQ waifufag. You also adore Nepshit and Atelier because they have cute girls in them.

is legend of heroes: trails in the sky a good game to start with if I've never played any other games in the series before?

Guilty as charged.
October is going to be fucking great.

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Crossbell or at least Ao has the best pacing out of all trails games it looked like they made progress with their writing even if those stories weren't that appealing. With cs they went backwards for some reason.

I love Aurelia!

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Thats the game you SHOULD start with followed by Sky SC, Sky the Third, Zero and Ao no kiseki(both you can easily find on as they dont have official translations) then Cold steel series.

Yeah probably but there are upsides to that like missing spoilers so it works out.

You must save before el boss in the prologue and then defeat it in the full game to get the achivement, right? Is there any other detail like this I'm not aware of?

Thanks user.

> Zero and Ao no kiseki
are they crucial or safe to skip?

they are boring and very slowburn

The entire series is one long story there's no skipping

If you want to play CS3 and 4 then you should play them especially before the epilogue of CS2 so you might as well play them in order of release and they are considered some of the most consistent games in the series. And as stated, all these games run into each other and Zero and Ao overlap a bit with Cold Steel 1 and 2 and these character appear again in CS3 and 4 to finish out some storylines and plots. So yes, if you care about the actual running story and don't want to miss a lot of stuff that will be crucial later, I say play them is a mandatory.

ok thanks anons

Because Cold Steel 1 and 2 (and even some parts of 3 and 4) were written before they even had an idea to make Zero and Ao.

Even so the wriitng in SC and Third are still miles better than most the shit in Cold Steel 1 and 2.

Not really. Maybe the basic groundwork for the overarching plot was written, but the meat and potatoes of the story wasn't written until after Crossbell game out. It went through a bunch of drafts anyway. First it was gonna be about soldiers. Then they changed it to high school kids with Alisa as the MC. Then they changed the MC to Rean and added a bunch of Persona elements to the gameplay.

Well, yes, but the general outline of CS existed before the 3rd. I remember Kondo's interview where he said that CS2's ending was written a long time ago.

>Alisa as the MC

I really hope with the harem shit they don't try to steer away from having a female MC for an arc in future games.

hopefully they will give us another chad
who the fuck wants to play as female protag

Estelle unironically is the best written of the protagonists

The pacing is still awful, and the final dungeon goes on and on forever and is just a drag from start to finish. I'd say the Azure Tree is one of the worst final dungeons of all time.

A dungeon being long and compelx doesn't make it the worst of any dungeon its a fucking dungon and thats to show the abolsute scale of it all.


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The gist of Ao's ending was already revealed in Ao. The only new stuff that CS2 added was cast development and a bit of extra lore bits regarding the Divine Knights and Erebonia's history. Everything else could be surmised from the stuff Lechter and Kilika tell you and Ao's ending movie.


So thoughts on NISAs work so far?

It's one of the best final dungeons ever though.

It's Kevin.

yuri calvard mc soon

Nope, it's shit. It's so unimaginative that you enter different realms to fight each boss, and then return to a dull white floating in space area. The bosses are all cringe as well, aside from Arios. Each of them, like in SC, have personal connections with one of your party members and they have extremely shitty dialog. Shirley is just a fucking mess of a character. Peopel are supposed to take her seriously and consider her strong, when she's just a skinny teenager with a rifle with a chainsaw bayonet.

Thanks for betatesting, consolecucks

Emma is so bland her tits can't save her.

Trails games are the most boring games I've ever completed.
I'm surprised anyone ever talks about them.

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Everyone playing the demo: be sure to not hold back! Haha

Why didn't Falcom use Fire Emblem's support conversations as a basis for Bonding Events instead of Persona's Social Links? It feels like they could have done development way better that way, considering most of the support conversations wouldn't have to be one-on-one time with Rean. You could have had stuff like:
>Gaius and Elliot shooting at the shit at the cafe
>Machias and Alisa having target practice at a shooting range
>Laura and Jusis sparring in the training room
>Emma tutoring Fie
>Sharon shopping with Alisa
It would just get more interesting as the CS arc went on.

Alright so who's the cannon girl for Rean in 4.

There is no canon girl

The fanbase is obsessed. Ys 1,2, Ark, Felghana, Origin and VIII are the only good games Falcom's ever made.


Alisa is the closest

Crow, Altina and Rean make a family. Kind of like Estelle, Joshua and Renne

This choose your own adventure shit is really harmful to all their interconnections and world building they've done. I wonder how badly Rean's games will have damaged the overall story when all is said and done

No one, because it's financially unviable to have 15+ series wide choices for him, so he'll be alone instead whenever he reappears. Waifufags would boycott Falcom if they made a canon choice for them, hence why even Lloyd is friendzoned in CS4.


>new arc comes out
>as you start new game it asks
>this happens in every game for 20 years

Lloyd's too busy being a cop after all haha.

Man that sucks. Really miss when games just had actual romantic plots and the waifufags were quarantined to fan fics. It's so boring now just picking a name out of a text box so the anime girl can say she loves (You).

>58 matches
/fg/ ruined Kiseki forever. I remember I started ironically shitposting with haha and :3 in 2017, and it's just gotten 1000 worse since then.

Who would be Sen's equivalent to Kevin for 3rd? I don't think we have a character with a mysterious enough backstory. 4 was a pretty done deal.

Estelle and Joshua's romance was written out and no waifu bullshit and its easily one of the best romance stories and developments in games and by far the best in Kiseki.

It's Rixia

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Has kondo mentioned how close they are to done now after sen 4?

Like 60%

Reminder that Kondo thinks that romance was a mistake.

That's a lie

Everything I have been hearing about Kondo and shit especially since Cold Steel started fucking baffles me especially with his gay love for Rean. Didn't he write like almost all of FC by himself or some shit? What the hell happened to this man.

Lashing out because he kept getting haha' d by his stakeholders.

He stopped holding back

Not exactly.
>Chen Yun Yun: Which parts of Sora no Kiseki embarrassed you?

>Kondo: I’m actually not too proud of the whole product. (laugh) When we were making Sora no Kiseki, it was during the period that we were trying to transition the Legend of Heroes series into the Kiseki series. Since the Legend of Heroes series is such an important franchise for Falcom, the whole team was working on it, including a younger me which had the feeling of “I don’t want to lose against the seniors.” As a result, a lot of effort went into the game. When I look back at it, it makes me quite embarrassed as there are a lot of story points which were too obvious, and things too unyielding such as making Estelle and Joshua a pair of lovers.

>Interviewer: From the entire Kiseki series, which character are you the most attached to?

>Kondo: It has got to be Rean. This whole time these five years... even longer than Estelle!... I've been with Rean since he entered school until the end of Sen 4. There's not really any specific scene/line from him, but I've just become deeply attached to him during this whole time. While I've portrayed him for longer than others, I feel like he's also been the most human character. Estelle was a very pure character... always courageous, brilliant throughout her time. In comparison, Rean has a lot of weak and rough elements to him. He's relatable like how you view your family, you don't always just see the good parts... you see each other's weak and timid sides too. So in that sense I'd say I'm even more attached to Rean than either Estelle or Lloyd. I think Rean is the most deeply (and longest) protrayed character in Kiseki series. By the way, every time I always feel sorry for Rean. Like "Yamero, yametekureee" and all that (laughs).

estelle got creator ntrd...

Crow, Altina, Rean will be the trio that will appear in the next games kinda like Estelle, Joahua, Renne and Lloyd, Elie, KeA

What a load of bullshit and self-wanking