Still convinced video games aren't dead ?
Still convinced video games aren't dead ?
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Yes I cannot wait for the Nintendo presentation where Pew Die Pie FT. Kizuna Ai take the stage.
Jesus christ.
Don't have to worry about nintendo and their directs
>nintendo or any of he big 3
>ever going near pew die pie
>celebrities have never been to e3 before
zoom zoom
>social good
Is this some kind of newspeak shit?
i want out of this clown world
Too bad they dont make games anymore
Yeahh. switch fans are always starved
As someone who doesn't know much about internet celebs, who would get in then? Review Tech USA Guy? Jake Paul?
the fuck is an influencer?
an e-celeb who is paid to shill
Ninja, Collider, Rooster Teeth, etc
Fancy word for blogger
This is the dumbest shit I've ever fucking read. E3 is not open to the public you shouldn't worry about what Millennials and Gen Z think the point is to woo your investors, and retailers with a bonus of showing the game off to the public. The reason E3 is in the shitter now is because they've forgotten this.
It's not nintendo that proudly announced an interactive movie for their system this summer
I work in advertising and do not believe for one second that anyone seriously put the word "chits" in their fucking deck
it's a celebrity that keep saying how much he likes to consume a product, and that accept money to pretend your shit has been part of his life since his childhood.
Hey don't forget it can also mean a teenager or child under the age of 18 that is whored out by their parents. Often by posting half naked pictures of themselves on Instagram.
>gender quality, STEM
>E3 relevant
Yes nothing says video games like women completing useless degrees stating how totally smart they are.
>E3 relevant social good efforts (e.g. gender equality, STEM)
Why are they flushing their brand down the toilet like this?
Nintendo has a similar problem, wherein they prefer flashy cinematic games over all else. Look at Astral Chain and Xenoblade for example.
someone with a lot of social media followers. they pay them to take pictures with their crap and shill it.
>oh wow dancing and showing my tits is hard I sure love Bung energy drink!
do you even remember
>booth babe?
now we got tons of them, with a new name
>Retards literally just now realizing E3 is literally just a giant ad to get retards to buy shit games
>social good
>E3 relevant social good efforts
>social good COMPONENTS
how do these people who speak like fucking robots get so successful
how do they manipulate people
how do they manipulate ME?
How can people stomach other people irl, fucking BO infested neckbeard shitfest
Only three of Astral Chain's missions are really cinematic in any way though. The tutorial stage, the second stage, and the last stage. And all three balance it out with a good amount of gameplay.
there's half naked picture of Ryan?
sounds pretty based honestly
i havent been hearing much about ninja ever since he left twitch.
I wonder if it was an intern who had to write up those points or if it was an out of touch market researcher who doesn't understand why people watch E3 in the first place.
Video games dies when publishers shifted from quality products to maximizing profits, right around the time of the original Xbox era
booth babes were just decoration, though, they're not really similar
Sony did the right thing fleeing that sinking ship
>every single year E3 becomes a massively lampooned event with tons of people who are just hired to hype things up or are average nerdy devs with low charisma forced to go on stage being made fun of en masse through cringe compilations and memes
>everybody, even the normies, have caught on to downgrades and scoff at any hard work put on screen as just smoke and mirrors
>any chance of genuine enthusiasm from the crowd is met with accusations of paid off audience members
>the majority of the games that are big revenue generators are the type that are bought by ultra normies that don’t watch these kinds of things anyway and just buy the next year edition of the game
Fairly granted, some of these things are the fault of the publishers themselves, but at this point it absolutely makes sense from a business perspective to not waste your money and time reserving a spot just to invite people to make fun of you
the last e3 I watched was the 2015 one. and before that the 2010 shitshow. E3 have always been a meme
I garantee you they have no idea about how to make this work, and even less any sort of contacts to fill those "influencer" slots they want.
Why is this happening? :(
People are really easy to manipulate. Pushing guilt, and feigning victimhood are just two really, really effective methods.
I don't know why anyone ever paid attention to E3 unless they were hotly anticipating new info about something they already knew about.
>Kizune walks on stage and gets smashed with a giant mallet by based Nina Struthers
I'll believe that as soon as every Astral Chain thread stops being porn dumps and console war shitposting.
This is 100% because of you faggots jerking off over Keanu Reeves.
Nice one retards. You did this to yourselves.
Nobody related to vidya, probably some random hoe from isntagram or who knows what kiddy friendly shit they will do
If you want discussion you're in the wrong place. I'm sure /m/ has some good threads though.
professional paid shill. they are worse than snormal shills since they are celebrities to boot
Industry name for e-celebs
That sounds fucking great if just for the novelty of it happening.
>social good
>gender equality
toppity kekkity
How about shifting towards better games?
>implying i even cared
Yeah, I think she's in
it makes sense if you consider that all stream only events arent part of E3, so in reality E3 is already EA, Ubisoft and the PC show, who are already heavily using meymey celebs to entertain the audience.
Nah E3 has been doing this kind of stuff for years just on a small scale. The real reason is that since the internet has killed a need for a yearly conference like this E3 has to desperately find a way to cling to life. Why should these companies keep doing these huge press and investor conferences when just dumping random internet news conferences with a white background is just as effective.
Wait. so there aren't going to be Presentations anymore?
Shit, I was going to post the same thing but less chink.
yep, this
bet you regret your pepegas and pogchamps now Yea Forums
jack black, the talk show dude, and will smith have been doing their damage way before keanu you dumbass.
They've been dead. Now they're turning into a zombified horde that is reading to eat your wallets.
oh man, thanks to all the good games that won't be coming out, I'll have plenty of time to finish my backlog!
Codename for an attention whore.
marketing speak for eceleb
I hate that "youtubers" are now called "influencers". The corporations are literally admitting that they are paying them to be viral marketers.
This. Keanu raked in the tweets. Of course they took notice of that.
And they honestly believe people would still care if he was talking about gender equality. E3 is fucking done.
yeah, in fact they havent announced anything for this summer
There's very few games coming out anymore to make presentations around. Instead of just showing trailers for the same game 4 years in a row, they're thinking they'll start talking about their charities and social media efforts to Youtube dorks
No. They're just trying to get people to give a shit but they're missing the real reason why no one cares anymore. Dinosaurs have a very poor grasp on reality. Even if gen Z or the Millennial care more about social trash the real reason they don't watch E3 press conferences is because they can just read a recap on some garbage blogsite in a fraction of the time.
And E3 is no longer the premiere place to announce and showcase brand new never before seen games. They do get announced still sure but games are announced pretty regularly elsewhere and through other means. Like Sword and Shield for all it's faults is probably Nintendo's highest profile game this year and it was announced months before E3, as was Astral Chain. Sony didn't even go this year and they barely put effort into anymore when they do.
>Pew Die Pie
No corporation will ever go anywhere near him again because he refused to sell out to the sjws.
Yep its about time for me to bow out of this hobby. My backlog is large enough.
both names sound retarded
Technically it's because youtubers are no longer tied to a single platfrom. They're not "Youtubers" anymore they have instagram, twitter, twitch, and all those other shit platforms.
The correct term should really be "ECeleb Faggot"
I'm playing a video game right now. They're fine.
I think that would be the number one reason to skip 2077. Nothing kills muh immersion quicker than John Wick showing up
why dont you faggots make your own videos game then? so i have something to play. lazy fucks.
Microchads will still have a press conference.
Phil knows this is an opportunity to make the E3 spotlight shine on xbox alone.
As opposed to what? Being for marketers dressed as journalists?
no company would touch that fucking swede, hes like poison to social justice warriors
"Giving back"/"social good"
The fuck does that even mean?
virtue signalling and shoving your head up your own ass to sniff farts.
you could be the best programmer in the world with the best designs and systems
but no one is gonna buy your game if it doesnt look good / if it doesnt have style. You NEED an artist.
Only bloggers care about that shit anyways.
walking talking ad
>Have handheld games and console games for the longest time
>merge those into one console
>only currently support one platform (unlike previously where they supported two platforms)
>You could assume
>That would mean double the games for this platform
You'd be wrong.
they won't call them youtubers because 1) it contains a trademark and 2) youtube's relevance is dying almost as fast as E3
What exactly is wrong with 90% of that? I thought you tards believed in the free market? If so then you'd understand bad ideas will tank and good will rise.
Or are you calling the cornerstone of your financial philosophy flawed? Because you don't get to have it both ways, cupcake. Either you get out of the way and let money dictate what succeeds or you want to control the market by only having what you already support. Keep in mind no industry survives stagnation.
Those bullet points are the most soulless thing I've read all week
>I thought you tards believed in the free market?
Not everyone here is from /pol. The free market is demonic.
God forbid we might have to go outside for entertainment one day
But they still go to E3?
It has nothing to do with video games. It's just shallow stale "Why hello fellow young people" marketing that is doomed to get in the way of things the actual market wants to see. The fact that customization (Something most games now have) has also pretty much made it so that most people can be whatever they want with no need sad pathetic for pandering marketing.
because it is a way to generate interest in games if you have to sit through a 1 hour conference
,maybe we should go back to the old days when they had sales figures and business talk in addition to games.
>This is 100% because of you faggots jerking off over Keanu Reeves.
Was I supposed to NOT bust one out to Keanu? What kind of world do you think this is?
Who the fuck can pitch this in 2019 and keep their fucking job?
That was kind of the point. E3 was for investors, retailers, and press. That was also why they scaled back down in like 06-07 or so after losing perspective and trying to out do one another with massive booth displays. It's a private convention for people in the industry that's now trying really hard to be for the commoner. At this point they should just open doors to the public if they want the public to care.
>Possibly more cringe than ever
I am ready.
>he looks even happier in real life
I didn't like what I saw of David Cage's new game but I'm glad he's even happier looking in real life
>porn dumps
This is where I know you are just speaking outta your ass because there’s little to no lewds regarding the series. Maybe one or two drawings of Marie or FeMC. Every thread I’ve been into either have people discussing the missions, collectibles, or how to get better ranks. Consolewar shitposting is just shitposters, I don’t even know why you count that one in as something that determines the quality of the discussions.
The ESA (the people who run E3) don't really have much of a choice. E3 provides most of their yearly funding through renting out the halls for the press conferences and floor space for booths. The money has been drying up though with companies like Nintendo not bothering to run a live conference and Sony completely pulling out last year so most likely they're trying anything that comes to mind to try to keep the money flowing. It also doesn't help that they leaked all that personal information for people with press passes.
Some Instagram almost-a-stripper who has 10 million followers and once posted a pic of a Nintendo Switch clenched between her ass cheeks
This hobby is suck a trainwreck, I love it.
Heh, a new generation of Micro/Nintenchad dominance over the Snoycucks.
This is just because people lost their minds at Keanu showing up at E3, isn't it?
I guess E3 had to die at some point. Just wish TGS coulda dropped its fucking Japanese style format bullshit to easily replace it.
I love how they pretty much admit that leftists are simply perfect consumers who ironically rail against capitalism. What worthless people.
even baseder
>social good
I remember e3 being big fun 02-07. Maybe it was the more relaxed time, maybe it was the boothbabes. Either way I remember begging dad to drive me to frys electronics just so I could buy a copy of EGM and some bawls to readup on upcoming shit from E3...
>two extremely redpilled celebs who have maintained their sanity and didn't turn to drugs or scandals unlike 99% of celebs
That's based though?
E3 has always been one big joke fest with the upside of maybe MAYBE getting an announcement for a game that you actually care about. That's all it has been and all it will ever be, lest they kill themselves in a fire.
Not at all, but E3 is dying because showing off your products at a single grand showcase is meaningless in a fast paced social media world where consumers now expect consistent communication from companies.
Why waste money on E3 when monthly announcments, tweeter, Directs and other formats are both cheaper and more in line of what consumers want?
This same exact shift of communication is how Valve went from the golden child of the industry to one the most hated by consumers by (literally) doing nothing.
Why are califags so retarded? Stop shooting yourself in the foot dummies.
>positive chits
I mean, it's been years since I just care about the trailers and the direct. I dont even watch the treehouse anymore.
I googled it. It's like an IOU, I guess. So they think people will go
>oh, EA killed fourteen children? But at E3 they all did some social good so it's fine
So quick question, how do influences get away with not disclosing that they are being paid to advertise a product? I don't buy that certain big streamers, Shroud would start playing a game like Overwatch out of the blue for instance.
Fuck yes, it's about time E3 became a cringefest again. The last few years have been so sterile.
"Social good"? I'm a fucking gamer, the only social goods I care about are fucking a woman in the ass while gaming.
I'm "passionate" about getting more GAMES and if E3 is going to become Gay3 then the only thing it's good for is me getting another excuse to complain about jews.
>the only social goods I care about are fucking a woman in the ass while gaming.
I see you're passionate about works of fiction.
I honestly don’t mind celebrities shilling because well, that’s what they do. If someone like say Leonardo De Caprio shows up at E3 I ain’t gonna think “Wow he must like vidya. Is he here for X” no I already know that the nigga is here because he’s paid to shill for something. With influencers they pretend to be part of the fanbase or fan of the genre to shill when anyone with a working brain can tell that what they are saying doesn’t really sync with what the fans are thinking. At the end of the day they are just different sides of a coin but Influencers just feels slimier. I know I ain’t making this clear but I hope people get what I’m trying to say.
Some fuckin 10k viewers twitch streamers nobody but actual 10 y/o/ recognize. That’s what usually happens when companies try this shit.
>Pewdiepie and Nintendo declare the return of the Japanese Empire
>Ubisoft surrenders
>Sell out to the sjws
That's a funny way of spelling Jews.
just put this hype culture cancer fest out if its misery already
That would actually be pretty based
You as well, considering you think you're a woman LOL time to dilate, suicide then dilate again just to be sure.
>how do influences get away with not disclosing that they are being paid to advertise a product?
Ever heard of Quid Pro Quo?
Maybe the company doesn't explicitelly gave them money but instead as a way to promote their product they decide to have an event party where they give very specific infliuncers some swag, allow to use their products early and good word of mouth to other companies in the industry.
And maybe the infliuncer very thankful of what the company provided decided to give them some good markting. In which case the compnay, thankful for them continues to give them these extra benifits which in no way includes actual money or contracts of any sort and thus needs no disclosing because it is in no way related to business and just a bit of fun for the companies part.
Someone who isn't a nazi, probably.
>cornered, user has no choice but to field the "tranny" card
That'll be a yikes to go, please.
Why did Yea Forums get into a "hobby" more mainstream than film and music and then cry it isn't niche?
cope and seethe
>Quid Pro Quo?
Figure it'd take more than swag but connections would be way more valuable than a quick splash of cash. Totally forgot about that term.
>Imagine a NBA
I wish I was paid ten million dollars a year in cocaine and videogames to write at the third grade level
Name ONE (1) thing that normalfags haven't ruined
>imagine e-celebs, NBA players and Hollywood actors participating in E3 because we have social good componnts
Yeah, but how that would make my video games better?
Your virginity
Model kits.
This is the best post in the fucking thread.
I just want Toby Fox to walk out on stage and french Sakurai's throat. Throw a leg over him and all.
Pewdiepie is reddit... I mean Yea Forums's bro! Evil Corpos wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole!
Why the fuck can't they just make and sell video games like a normal industry?
Cancer given human form
I don't see how video games could be dead when 2019 has given us Astral Chain and Ace Combat 7.
>b-but muh E3
Nobody cares, the west only makes shitty games anyway.
What the fuck is with this “influencer” shit? I don’t give a fuck what some limp dick faggot enjoys.
i own a shirt similar to that and the weirdest people know what it actually is.
We have woke razors what fucking planet are you living on?
The bottom line is if you'll buy leftism you'll pretty much buy anything. It is a cult of consumerism populated by people who have lost the capacity to question. You'll have self proclaimed socialists working freelance to shill the new Disney movie and you better fucking like it.
I had a feeling it was going to get worse. Didn't even see E3 this year or last.
When was the last time it was worth physically attending E3?
Kizuna is fucking dead though, unless you mean Chinkzuna.
What part of "normal" did you not understand?
What is normal if not relative my man? When video games conform to every other industry in what way are they going abnormal?
Damn, they're serious about their social engineering.
Why are they pretending like this hasn't been the focus since it opened to the public?
This is what you console fags get lmao. PC is always on top, even with china and epics shittery we will always be THE platform for gaming.
Games now take longer to make because people wanted 4k, 60fps. And e3 happen once every year, so showing the same game every years gets boring. Remember when Sony show days gone twice during two or maybe three e3.
Videogames aren't yet dead, but E3 sure as fuck is going to be. Didn't every relevant company do a no-show last E3?
Social good? lmao what would america know about good society in this day and age it's going to be more filthy commie bullshit
Literally nobody ever asked for 4K anything. 4K was never anything but a scam so that Sony could sell new TVs.
>woke razors
That's radical. Which isn't normal and also why P&G had a net loss of 5.2 billion dollars.
Even with all the bullshit at least remember that you are not anthony burch
>a NBA
It's all because of censorship and making games appeal to as many people as possible.
Creator freedom is a thing of the past.
Nigga go into a TV store, just because we aren't the target market.
So I just continue to play Japanese games as usual?
Did Sony secretly buy E3?
So basically nothing changed then.
>pc master race
We get it you’ve said it enough times faggot now go back to wanking to anime girls
>professional paid shill
By definition ALL shills are paid.
If someone isn't getting paid, then they're just a rabid fanboy.
You faggots cry about muh SJWs but this shit is 100% zoomers.
Zoomers don't really care about products themselves they want to "feel" like they're apart of something or watch others doing something for them. This is why twitch is popular and so many commercials today are meant to be inspirational with nothing to do with a product like a car commercial where some black chick helps up a down syndrome guy that fell in a puddle.
Brand names and feeling apart of a community matter more to zoomers than actual product quality.
This isn't even up for debate, they teach it in modern advertising and it's why commercials are rarely about the product themselves anymore, but about the experience you get being apart of it
btw your precious PewDiePie was a key part of it getting this way
>Chink ai
PC is the master race you stupid faggot, you got that right. I've never been happier watching consoleniggers get fucked OVER AND OVER again and still taking more. It's fucking hilarious.
>social good
Do normalfags not notice how conceited this corporate faux moralfaggotry is? It reminds me of American foreign policy and their harping about freedom and democracy.
>legacy gaming press loses ANOTHER press only event
It's literally on their website. ESA/E3 have given up and are doing anything to save themselves, they've been increasingly irrelevant for years now. Some executive's kid probably wrote that shit.
Can we please go back to when people got bullied and insulted for playing game and keeping it as a hobby, mainstream was such a fucking mistake
this man is an empty (stock pot) shell of his former self
I can see it in every video I watch, he just does what he can to get by and knows he sold out hard and made the wrong choice with his career
pretty depressing to see what can happen to a man at the absolute top level of his field in his prime years
Thank you Nig-
>people are out there, ACTUALLY wearing this in public
How is this conclusive to the state of video games as a whole exactly? Do people really give a fuck about E3? It’s easier and more efficient to just release footage of upcoming games online and the like. Makes sense to me as E3 seems to have always been a giant circlejerk filled with cringe inducing presenters and talking heads. Just release the gameplay and trailers with no fuckery please.
I didn't, he's a great actor an all but I really just wanted to see Halo Infinite, now that this is the case, I'll just watch a separate Microsoft and Nintendo games showcase event, E3 is dead, officially now.
This, let Master Chief and Samus Aran rain down hell on all of these worthless bastards!
How would they manage this focus shift after the massive persobal info leaks? What the fuck?
what the FUCK
This planet is becoming weirder and weirder. By the year 2077, it will be so weird that it will open a black hole to consume the planet through Bizarragic, a hitherto unknown form of physics whereby the universe recoils through massive "cringe" as humans would call it
I don’t see the big deal here.
If enough people ignore it and everything and anything associated with this shit, as well as ads and influencers etc. then it unironically goes away. The only problem is the "enough people" part of that. Until then no point wasting time or effort trying to combat the adbux menace, just ignore it with every fiber of your being.
>If enough people ignore it and ev
They won't. This was the argument made about DLC. This was the argument made about microtransactions. This was the argument made about lootboxes. There is never enough people that actually care because there are always more ignorant normies. Even when a normie starts to care they think all the previous shit they ignored is fine, so you will never gain allies only lose them.
>E3 is going from shit to a new color of shit
wow this is a travesty
>EA Gaming show.
>Jake Paul is advertising Fifa 2021.
>Ross Scott jumps on stage and shoots him, then holds EA's president hostage until they stop making games as a service.