Fix it Yea Forums

Fix it Yea Forums

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Monika and Alisa

Remove tranny and whore.

Some combination of Cag, Vampy, Aliza, Naru, and Zooey.

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Make S1 DLC free for people who buy it within two weeks of original release.
Make the netcode not utter JP tier shit.

remove ladiva, lowain and the male draph

Replace tranny with Aliza or something, he's by far the worst offender, he's not a popular character and he's not well liked, he's only there to try to pontlessly appeal to westerners

ladiva is there to be a grappler

Can start by not having the initial roster be only 11 fucking characters.

DLC pass 1 is part of the base


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put in literally fucking everyone from What Makes the Sky Blue. ESPECIALLY Belial, Sandalphon and Lucifer/Lucillius

RoBoomers please go

Ilsa, Scathacha, Naoise, Alisa, Gandaghoza.

Vampy is popular enough on her GBF merit alone. In fact she's had a huge resurgence since her 5*. Unlike say, Forte, who flopped in the transition.

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Secret 12th character Orchid

Bahumut characters are the best ones though. Vampy, Olivia and Grea should all be in.

Cag and cunny

>Forte, who flopped in the transition.
Damn I wonder why, maybe because she's been kept in shit tier since her release

She wasn't that bad early on, she's just been power crept like hell. If she got a good 5* then she could go on Stamina dark teams.
Her lack of popularity is mainly because they butchered her character and pissed off all of her original fans.

Ladiva is there because he is a grappler style that grabs people, Aliza fights by kicking, they are not the same archetype.

The roster needs less blonde chicks and more Narmaya.

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get rid of the disgusting tranny bait

Maybe it's because they took a cool character and turned it into le midget cow mommy meme shit


Remove all male characters, because who gives a fuck about males in a gacha game (or gacha game-based franchise, in this case).
Put in more big titty draphs. Sturm would be first choice, but it's hard to make a wrong choice.

Olivia and Grea are garbage in GBF

>Remove all male characters, because who gives a fuck about males in a gacha game
GBF is a fujo game and there's no fighting game that ever gets popular with a majority female cast

Djeeta. Preferably a Djeeta who isn't just a Gran clone.

Wait, he has a GBF counterpart? I thought he was RoB only. He was a damn decent 2pp follower when there was need for damage mitigation

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