When was the last time you visited your grandmother, Yea Forums?

When was the last time you visited your grandmother, Yea Forums?

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they're both dead,so is my mom,why do i keep going on?

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Right now
for the past 9 months

She got cremated and thrown in the river. How the fuck am I suppose to visit that.

A few weeks ago for a cousin's birthday.
In general I visit her 3-5 times a year.

one died before I was born and one died like ten years into my life. My surrogate grandmother is also dead.

To carry their legacy user

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Sunday for her birthday :)

I just found out my died however long ago. I wouldn't have been able to make a funeral and it's not like I've seen her in the past almost 15 years. Still a call out or something would have been cool....

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To make her proud ?

everyone knows i'm unworthy,this is out of question

About two weeks ago

I saw her yesterday because I am not american and my family doesn't rip itself apart for absolutely no reason.

None of my grandparents have been alive for 10 years

Too fucking bad. You're the best they got, you gotta make them proud with your life.

She is dead.

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little under a month ago

One grandma died before I was born
The other died when I was 4
One grandpa died when I was 8
The other died when I was 9

I'm 26

I live with her, she has alzheimer so she thinks I am her brother sometimes

Visiting her right now! Make sure to see your grandparents frequently, user. They love you.

I went out for dinner for my grandma's birthday a few weeks ago. she's so happy. my other grandma died in 2014. she was so close to me. I love her so much. I'll see her again in heaven. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night. heres a picture of a cat

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