Why arent you playing csgo?

>worlds best online shooter
>free to play
>online multiplayer
>mic spam
>can say nigger and any other derogitory word in the dictionary and not get in trouble
>hack without getting vac
>scam kids for their skines
>lan with the boys
>can literally play on a potato
so tell me why youre not playing one of the best online shooters Yea Forums?

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keep matchmaking with brazilian shitters

normies play this garbage

>Move as fast as a retarded soggy potato in winter, speed halved if you get shot
>Bullets don't go where I point
No thanks, it's pretty fucking shit if you ask me. inb4 "Durr bullet pattern is skill hue hue"

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I did back before the gunhats killed the community

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I did. Was pretty good at it but I've never played a more incredibly rage-inducing game. Never has anything every made me angrier honestly. And it was as addicting as it was be enraging. Picked up som real-life hobbies and just lost interest.

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>valve is now shilling csgo
that was a long time gabe

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>brazilian shitters
I'm Brasil and i'm better than you dipshit!

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gimped the awp movement speed

>cheaters everywhere
>over 50% of the community is underaged fucks screaming in the mic
>the other half is ruskys and sandniggers, being bitter fucks and evading bans by playing together

That game became the same clusterfuck as this place

Thanks for reminding me, gonna try to play it

Lol that's basically what OP said but he tried to make it sound like a good thing

>worlds best online shooter
>free to play
Became a far worse game once any child could play it, smurfs too
>online multiplayer
This is a must now, not a bonus
Ruined the game
>mic spam
Fun in casual, which nobody plays
>can say nigger and any other derogitory word in the dictionary and not get in trouble
Not true, you can get game banned for derogatory speech
>hack without getting vac
Overwatch exists.
>scam kids for their skins
Hardly happens anymore
>lan with the boys
True and fun
>can literally play on a potato
Hardly a positive

>he doesnt have a set of micspam tracks for half time in comp matches

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i'll comeback when they bring back old voices to those guys, as for now csgo can fuck off

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because i can't stand bad teammates
not bad as in lack of skill
i mean bad as in unpleasant to play with.
the community is very rough

>>hack without getting vac
>this is supposed to be a good thing
Imagine being such a nigger you cheat at video games

imagine getting mad playing a video game

too many cheaters, i'd rather invest my time somewhere else

Wait when the fuck did this become Free to Play? I remember picking it up on a steam sale, trying to once, then stopping because my toaster couldn't run it.

i believe last year. you can still buy the game for 15 dollarydoos if you want to get prime status the fast way without playing with cheaters. thats if youre not a shitter and youll continue to play with shitters only