What vidya in your opinion has the best cast of characters?

Attached: Undertale.jpg (938x938, 137K)

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Any RPG with 5-6 main characters.

frisk is such a cute girl

Rune factory 3

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chrono trigger honestly like for real

Tales of Berseria.

Attached: Berseria.jpg (1920x1080, 705K)

Cute AND funny


>he doesn't know


In their headcanon Frisk is a boy, when Toby specifically left the sex nebulous so you could insert either cleanly.

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I don't play Undertale but that character is CUTE as fuck and I want to touch her heart.

Like for real bro deadass serious?

Don't, you'll make her take damage

This may be bait, but I liked the characters in Undertale and thought they were really endearing for the most part.

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Did Persona 5 copy the heart health thing?

This is not Video Games. This is a hidden loli softcore porn thread.

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Vesperia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Berseria

>girl frisk

But there's no loli or softcore porn you lying fuck.


Cait Shit aside FFVII’s cast was GOAT.

1) Literally best girls in vidya
2) Unironically the deepest vidya protagonist, blank slate shittards need not apply
3) Turks are almost Gary Oak tier of legendary rivals
4) I’m more of a Robotnik guy but Sephiroth might be the most popular vidya villain of all time

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All you really said was popular = best. So by your logic Undertale's cast is better than FF7's. That game's cast is more beloved and popular than FF7's.

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this just makes me want a tifa x elena doujin

Read the thread fag, everyone is on topic except for you and me.
And I'm going to hop back on topic.
As much as I like Midna, OOT had the better characters overall.
Zant was wasted potential, Zelda barely had any characterization at all, all the village kids were throwaway, and Dorf was at his worst outside of Skyward Sword.
As much as I like fat imp ass, and as much legitimately good characterization she had over the course of the game Midna can't carry Twilight Princess alone.

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It's a stunted development among contemporary young adults.
Guys and girls in their twenties should have parental feelings towards underaged girls and boys, but no game exists that caters towards this feeling.

>All you really said was popular = best
No I didn’t you illiterate zoomer

It really isn't, born in 2002.


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Gonna quote your our own words:
>1) Literally best girls in vidya
You didn't provide any reasoning why, retard weeb. Anyone can say this about anything.

>2) Unironically the deepest vidya protagonist, blank slate shittards need not apply
There's nothing deep about Cloud or any FF protagonist. It's very rare that a JRPG has a decently written protagonist because gook writing in general is just terrible. The fact that you think anything in FF7 is "deep" or deeper than anything shows that your IQ is in the single digits.

>3) Turks are almost Gary Oak tier of legendary rivals
No one knows what that is compared to Gary Oak.

>4) I’m more of a Robotnik guy but Sephiroth might be the most popular vidya villain of all time
Muh popularity.
Popularity =/= Quality and therefore is not the criteria of GOAT.
Unless you're saying GTAV and Minecraft characters are the absolute best then popularity means nothing. Numbers don't lie. Also Undertale's cast is now more popular than FF7's because of the internet and meme culture, maybe back in the 90s your statement would have been true. Asking random people, more will know Undertale characters than FF characters in this day and age.

I'm shitting this last (you) into your mouth, bitch.