Always thought Black was the GOAT

>Always thought Black was the GOAT
>every NG thread shits on 2
>they finally make it backward compatable in Xbone
>buddy has a copy so I try it out
>It literally continues where Black left off but gives you more abilities, and ups the gore factor by 10
Why did I ever listen to you faggots? This game is 10/10 action and shits on DMC and everything else
Also Ninja Gaiden Thread
What are the best weapons in 2?

Attached: ninja-gaiden-2-xbox-one-237894729.jpg (1280x677, 506K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Play the entire game first, you fucking retard before you act all high and Mighty with your biased opinions.
Fuck off.


What's so bad about it

I remember that scythe thing on the pic being good

NG2 is my favorite, I'm still playing this game every now and then.

As far as the weapons go, they are all good. Talons: Use forward Y and flying swallow into XY for easy Izuna Drop, 360Y is good when you are surrounded.

Lunar: the best 360 lvl1 super in the game. 360Y is great even if not charged. Use it against the dogs. XXY for fast deliming, X+A into XXY for an easy Izuna drop.

For Tonfas, check out your options out of the tonfa-dash, you can instacharge a super out of it, like you do out of on land state.

Pretty sure evrione liked 2.
You might be confusing 2 and 3.

>What are the best weapons in 2?
All weapons are fun as fuck (except for the Kusari-Gama imo but then I never used it much) but my absolute favorites were the Vigoorian Flails and the Tonfa.

Also this. The combat system is definitely better than Black's but the game is outright broken, OP.

2 is great tho, it's a massive pleb filter because it takes black and hyper turbo charges the shit out of it
Only real complains is that >muh explosive shurikens are unfair and that it's a bit more jank interms of enemies and areas. The gameplay more than makes up for that tho

i love this game. i love exploding heads with nunchucks and the staff.

The game is fun as fuck, whoever complains about it surely is a shitter who never got past the first screen (which fair enough was a massive pleb filter).

>What are the best weapons in 2?
I'm a sucker for the scythe, massive range and it just satisfies my inner chuuni. Killing all the ninjas in the stairs before the final bosses felt so satisfying with it.

I've always wanted to play NG, but it looks like the only way to do so in 2019 is to buy a dead console. Is emulation an option?

Dismemberment executions were a bad addition and they really cranked the bullshit offscreen projectiles up to 11. Great game overall though

First game is playable on RPCS3, second game is still being worked on.

I love it when you're fighting Vangelfs, pop the head, go for the OT anyway and Ryu just blows away the entire body.

Found this on video:

Also I feel like charged ultimates were even more broken than they were in black but my memory might be kinda spotty on that, correct me if I’m wrong

>>every NG thread shits on 2
NG3 vanilla get shit on hard for moving away from the first games and trying to be more modern. It was decent on its own, but did nothing but ire NG fans. 3RE played like an apology letter. Yaiba was just garbage and nobody will defend it.

No thanks

My ultimate fantasy is to torture the shit out of whoever decided to make the "Fiend's Bane Bow" visible on Ryus back the entire game ONLY in the remake. Its my favorite action game and I will NEVER be able to play the remaster cause I just cannot a decision so mind numbingly stupid made it to by idk... Everyone. WHO IN THE FUCK CAN STAND TO LOOK AT THAT GIANT OBNOXIOUS COMPOUND NOW.ON RYUS BACK FOR THE ENTIRE GAME. WHO FUCKING THOUGHT THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA. YOU DESERVE TO FUCKI G SUFFER FOR ETERNITY FOR THINKING THAT LOOKED OKAY

Lunar XXY is amazing for this.

In fact, that whole string is actually super OP.

Play a higher difficulty level and you will understand why the hate exists.

fucking rocket launcher bullshit

>be koei tecmo
>Make literally the 2 most satisfying action games ever made
>Then make ports of the first two games that randomly change random shit for no reason
>Then make a shitty sequel to it that fails in every way
>Then make an even worse spinoff, the only game to get a pc port for added injury
>Bury the franchise outside of crossover shit in DOA and musou shit
Fucking WHY
nioh is cool tho, hope the Izuna drop returns in 2

Neat, thanks.

Explain further

NG3RE is also worth to play and works decent on Cemu. It crashes randomly, though.

there is nothing wrong with sigma 1
Its sigma 2 that butchers the original

Doesn't sigma 1 like remove half of the puzzle/platform sections

OTs are amazing. The most efficient way to fight humanoid enemies in Black is knockdown and finish off. Delimbing coupled with OTs just make everything viable.

Not to mention they create crazy flow and spectacle in the combat.

Ninja Gaiden 2 is cheap as fuck, and anyone who disagrees either didn't finish the game, or they played on an easy mode.

It's also buggy and ran like shit at certain points.

Just finally beat NGB this year so I'm looking forward to running this in a month or so, first time I only beat Alexei.
Also every weapon can run essentially solo the game, hence the 'beat the game with only the scythe/tonfas/claws/etc' cheevos

Most XXY/XXXY strings are like that. Same with onland X, and rolling X, or forward Y. These moves will have very good delimbing rates for most of the weapons.

first post worst post

- Intro FMV removed
- Enemies gush more blood
- Human beheadings removed
- Added a few more save points
- Added many more Muaramasa statues
- Added a couple enemies from higher difficulties
- New backflip and somersault animations
- Aquire Flying Swallow a few chapters earlier
- Aquire Lunar a few chapters later
- Murai severely nerfed
- Horseman boss redesigned
- New burning village area
- Doku intro FMV now real-time
- New scripted Doku battle
- New weapon: twin katana
- Black ninjas redesigned
- Ticket fetching removed
- New enemy: biker soldier
- Healing Xbox replaced with healing monolith
- 3 new chapters as Rachel
- A couple new cutscenes as Rachel
- New boss: Gamov
- Crazier boob physics
- New enemy: floating spirit ball
- New Alma music
- Army choppers now drop bombs
- Strongbow "puzzle" removed
- New boss: Dynamo rematch
- Tank and chopper bosses nerfed
- Underwater segment significantly shortened
- New enemy: merman
- New enemy: RPG turret
- Doku battle theme changed to emperor's theme
- Platform puzzle changed (switches removed)
- Ore puzzle changed (ores no longer necessary)
- Fire cavern tunnels removed
- Flame worm boss buffed (now two of them)
- Purple zombies redesigned
- Pyramid puzzle removed

Did you know you that when guard broken you can release block and hold it down again to go back into blocking immediately?

Also, op, I hope you are aware of onland charging and shuriken cancelling. Start charging a super when you land after a jump and you'll skip the wind up animation. You can also cancel your moves with shurikens for combo opportunities.

Huh, I didn't know that. Shows how much I know about the game.

What's rolling X? Self-explanatory? I don't think I ever fiddled around with any of those much.

I finished it on MN and it's my favorite action game along with bayonetta.

Attached: Anor Londo.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

>acquire Flying Swallow earlier
Did they keep it nerfed? If not this is retarded.

only time i recall that it ran like shit was that long stairwell in hell

If I remember correctly, when you dash in onland state Ryu rolls instead.

Here's an example.

>New Alma music
But that was literally the best track

Thanks for the pro tips bro
This game is literally NGB, but EXTREME
Really enjoying the combat and aesthetics so far but I'm not too far yet, I probably should reserve judgment

I didn’t like control being taken away (if only for a bit) while making you invincible to boot. I just kept enemies dismembered and if something was about to hit me I’d trigger an OT to exploit the invincibility. Kinda bullshit

OP here, coolest thing about the game is delimbing enemies and how it limits their attacks
>cut a ninja's arm off, he does one handed combos
>cut a ninja's leg off, he crawls after you on the ground slashing all the way
>if they get close they kamamkaze themselves with an exploding shuriken
Why don't more modern games do this? This is a 360 game for Christ's sake

Get used to the Guillotine Throw (double press X+A), it's very useful for fast invul frames and delimbing if the enemy hits the wall. Wind Path (jumping on enemy heads) is also very good for repositioning.

Whenever you get explosive shurikens stuck into you, go for OT, throw or super.

Based and aestheticpilled

My vita(s) are the only consoles I own that have NG but I still love these games, especially the first one

Attached: 2019-07-13-140323.png (960x544, 863K)

I really like how much artistic effort they put into the Gates to the Underworld in both Black and 2.

do you think dmc's successful comeback with 5 will convince team ninja to revive ninja gaiden? i miss this series so much and want it to be good again

Attached: 1551099831019.gif (680x703, 606K)

Why did they remove the beheadings only to make NG2 10x more violent?

Team Ninja is fucking legendary
Why are we in this shitty timeline where they fell off?

KT always struck me as a company that can do good work if someone more competent oversees their efforts. Otherwise their efforts become the epitome of wasted potential.

We need oatmeal cookie back.

Sigma changes a few things and cuts the puzzles out
most people think Sigma 1 is fine but Sigma 2 is bad

You're confusing 2 with Sigma 2

You're the one who's confused.

to be fair most of this is ripped straight from OOT

Attached: 2019-07-11-231802.png (960x544, 686K)

Fuck. black is being taken off gamepass and i kinda wanna keep it

After itagaki left it was all downhill from there.

I dunno who talks shit about 2 even if they don't like it more than 1.

Do you think you might be confusing 2 with 3? Because people rightfully dislike 3.

He's right though faggot.

Also dual katanas bitchin

2 was obviously pushed out the door too soon, but it was by no means terrible.

I beat it on mentor. Get good. If you want help you can infinitely respawn enemies in the first stage and upgrade the sword and staff to max

No, I meant the part about everyone shitting on 2

I didn't say it was unbeatable. I said it was cheap. Don't be so defensive over your buggy rushed game.

>start making threads about Ninja Gaiden over the past couple of weeks
>more people are making threads about it more frequently

Cry me a river, you don't see anyone else complaining because unlike you they actually got good at the game, you bitch ass fag.

I couldn't believe how many answers there were when I was asking about it a few days back.

I just want to know when 4 is coming out. Please. I'll even take an HD "remake" of the trilogy. PLEASE

Sorry, looks like I was the one confused all along.

>titties in 2019
You are either very brave, or very foolish.

you love to see it

Ok just say she's trans then, problem solved. nobody can deny titties if they're trans titties or else its bigoted

When playing 3 play the RE edition

Attached: Ninja Gaiden RE 1.webm (900x506, 2.95M)

fucking BASED

God I want to play Ninja Gaiden again. Is it a bad idea to connect my Xbox to my 55” to play Black?

you remember how triggered people got about the trans advertisement thing with cyberpunk?

Well fuck just say its a dude with tits then, no labels, one time I was on vacation and I was checking out my cabin, walking around the property after putting my luggage inside, and I see a dude get out of a car with some lady, dude is wearing sluttier clothes than the lady, he turns around he just has a huge pair of titties. beard, guy haircut, slutty chick clothing, but he had fucking tits. made no effort in being a woman

I will admit the Xbone BC capability is astounding in this regard, I recently beat NGB on my 40" 4K TV and it was magnificent

I only have the first xbox. I haven’t tried hooking it up to my 55”, but I assume it’ll look terrible. But damn do I want to play NGB and KOTOR again.

could work

Attached: ok.png (600x1188, 430K)

You should use the Kusarigama more. Funnest weapon in the genre. All the stuff you can do with it is insane.

This. Did all the "use only this weapon" plays back in the day. The cuhrazy moment you have in NGB when you get the Flails is matched in 2 with Kusari-Gama, they've got great distance and aren't shabby up close either.