Do you actually have an argument against Twitch and videogame streamers that aren't necessarily buzzword-tier arguments...

Do you actually have an argument against Twitch and videogame streamers that aren't necessarily buzzword-tier arguments like:
>hurr durr just play the game instead, like ho people play sports instead of watching them oh wait
>hurr durr only zoomers watch streamers, my taste is refined because i was born in 1995 and not in 1996, making me a veteran
>hurr durr i dont like giving money to people even if twitch is 100% free
Like yeah, i'm not defending most of the popular streamers given they're fucking retards and we can all agree on that, but i don't really see any good arguments again Twitch as a whole.
This includes anything from generic videogame streamers to speedrunners and forumdads that do 5000 hours playthroughs of skyrim with 5000 uploads on youtube.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Steaming is incredibly lazy and basically is 99% intellectual property theft.
Their works aren't transformative, and don't meet the requirements to avoid DMCA takedowns (see, Nintendo)

I'm fairly sure most TOS allow streaming on digital platforms as long as copyrights are not blatantly broken.
An example would be streaming World of Warcraft on official servers and streaming private servers, the first is allowed pretty generously, while the latter never was, and people got banned because of it.

>hurr durr i dont like giving money to people even if twitch is 100% free
What a retarded argument.The streamer decided on his own that he wants to stream videogames. The act of playing videogames is something everyone is capable of and not deserving money in the first place.
If they decided they want to speedrun a game for example and wasting hundreds of hours over it, it was their own choice, because they enjoy it, not because they should get money over it.
The mentality that YouTuber or Streamers somehow deserve money even though they produce the lowest form of entertainment 95% of the time (if you can even call it entertainment in the first place) is one of the most retarded I've seen in recent years.

>99% intellectual property theft.
It's only theft if the intellectual property holders don't allow it.

They do allow it because they know Twitch streaming is free advertisement unless the product genuinely sucks ass.

Don't forget "hurr durr it's a friend simulator". That's one of the most retarded things I've heard from those that are against streamers.

For me, it's 39daph, the only good female twitch streamer

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>Staff doesn't equally uphold rules on the website and allows females to get away with literally anything as long as they look above a 6/10, even if they break a several laws while streaming.
>Founder of the website now has essentially 0 control over the website and cannot even ban someone whom they think should be.
>Streamers as a whole are essentially just glorified beggars and strippers that have no talent.
>Most cucks watching them are either just attention whores or desperate people craving any form social interaction.
>Deciding to give money to these people instead of using your money to just buy the toy or go to a strip club instead.
I fail to see the appeal.

>broadcasting intellectual property isn't IP theft
Nintendo and Atlus shut down streamers before.
So has Bethesda.

Also, it's a problem waiting to happen when someone tries to steal an IP and points to them allowing Twitch streaming as proof the IP holder doesn't want or value their IP anymore.

It enables attention whores(from donators to titty streamers)
It creates pointless drama(the TRUTH about streamer/youtuber X)
It creates a retarded fanbase that spreads out infecting everything else(twitch chat outside of twitch, l33t sp34k 2.0,omg X is streaming with Y get in here bros xD)
Every well known streamer is or becomes a massive cunt with a gigantic ego
Streamer X reacts videos

But all of that content is completely facoltative.
Nobody is forcing you to watch and interact with anything regarding twitch.
It seems like you're complaining about something that people like and you don't; and that makes you upset.

I just find it entertaining how YouTube "cancer" is acceptable Twitch content. The primary culprit of course being reaction channels. Regardless, I don't even use Twitch outside of events (EVO, AGDQ, etc.) since 99.9% of streamers are genuinely boring.

If they kept to themselves I wouldn't care. But they never do. I don't come to this hellhole to see threads about assmongold, about how many viewers that one fat fuck has or how he outlives his haters or whatever.

>Like yeah, i'm not defending most of the popular streamers given they're fucking retards and we can all agree on that, but i don't really see any good arguments again Twitch as a whole.
This has always been my point of view towards Twitch. Like anything, if you follow only the most popular people in the medium, you're in for a bad fucking time.
I fucking love Twitch solely because it offers the best look at long, unadulterated video games content. I haven't read a clickbait """journalist""" review in probably seven years or more or wasted time looking through bullshot trailers, because at a moment's notice I can go to Twitch and watch somebody play a game upon on release and decide if it's for me.

Also, this being said, Twitch does still have a cancerous impact on the industry at times, whether you donate and sub to the epic huge players or not. Devs catering content or updates to streamers who are often huge fucking faggots just because they drive a few more thousand people to their servers is abhorrent, especially when it leads to literal paying customers being banned because some dumb fuck like summit or king george screams "stream sniper" every time he dies.

>Generic korean plastic
Weird flex but ok

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Not really. Most of twitch is shit but that's true for everything ever. There are some decent and fun streamers out there still.
Yea Forums just has a hate boner for anything the gaming community likes that isn't Yea Forums as usual

I have nothing against twitch besides them hosting more softcore porn now, but I just don't like streams in general because I don't have the time to actually watch them live, and then I have to sit through what is basically a movie in length with no interaction with the streamer during the long stretches of nothing that happen. I'd rather watch a recorded and edited playthrough of the game if I'm watching someone else play since I can watch those on my time rather than their time.

kpop stans are mentally ill and water is wet

>when a once fun unique streamer gets big and starts whoring himself out and only playing generic popular shit cause it gets the views and completely loses all the charm he had before
Why does this happen so often?

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she will be banned soon just like all the other asian thots

>tfw just want to have a small comfy stream of 10 viewers chatting and play older games that I actually like playing

twitch wasnt made for boomers

That sounds hella comfy

What's stopping you? Twitch is big enough no one bothers to check the single digit viewership streams.

twitch doesnt have the tools for channel discovery like almost every other platform has, "networking" is aids.

the best chance i have is to try to get a following somewhere else and shill my twitch

There are no good channel discovery tools anywhere and that would be completely at odds with the concept of a small chill stream.

I pretty much only watch small streams and the way I find them is through looking for a specific game and not at the top lists.
And since I pretty much only look for niche shit they're usually small streams.

You PAY to watch other men play your videogames for you. You are literally a videogame cuck.
>like ho people play sports instead of watching them oh wait
Sportfags are retarded cucks too

Youtube desperately wants me to click this video, it shows up in my recommended all the time. I refuse to give in though.

>open twitch
>react streamer
>second monitor
>play vidya
>streamer and his chat curate funny/interesting videos for me to watch while im playing vidya
>don't have to lift a finger, the content just comes to me.

whats so wrong with this?

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Based intelligent Chad poster

Dumb illiterate tranny zoomer

I will say face can is cancer and almost always an uneeded addition to streams. Titty streamers are at least using face can for a purpose; 99% of streams that aren't just showing off their tits are just starting dead eyes in to their monitors. They should at least do something clever like crushing a beer can on their heads .

>watch streamer
>they do their 1 hour intro
>reddit recap of live stream fails
>get bored
>find new streamer
>does the same thing

To me it's basically early stage/ slippery slope problems with prostitutes or drug dealers or companies that make shit with too much sugar or caffeine or reality shows.

Time and time again you give "the public" the opportunity to decide how they spend their free time or their hard earned money and seemingly nine out of ten times it's on garbage. How many trash fucking things are out there now that people describe as their"guilty pleasure". It's just this small thing and it seems innocuous enough but when the majority of people are feeding into it and supporting it and encouraging it to do more (get worse). How long are you expected to wait before it becomes a problem or before the problem gets so big it becomes dangerous and unmanageable. And me personally I'm not saying all vice should be wiped out and purged. But I am saying proper regulation oversights, standards and regulations being put in place to keep things from cascading are an absolute necessity. You could argue with the things I mentioned before that you couldn't predict them getting that out of hand but you absolutely can in this situation. We've had more than enough examples of it happening in the past to see where this leads eventually. And that is Twitch a company, a money making entity gradually but steadily doing whatever it takes to make more money. I don't think anyone is under the illusion Twitch actually cares about it's content any more than what makes and what loses money. And if Twitch isn't going to responsibly attend to it's own content then at the very least those who are concerned should before it becomes a problem that actually causes serious regrets.

This is also true for youtubers

>>hurr durr just play the game instead, like ho people play sports instead of watching them
I don't really understand the appeal of watching sports either, but they at least have an excuse. The barrier for actually playing sports is significantly higher than it is for playing a fucking video game you retard.

>The barrier for actually playing sports is significantly higher than it is for playing a fucking video game
No? Not at all.

It created a wave of faggots who think they are experts because they watched some streams without playing the game and pollute discussion with surface level uninformed nonsense.

Besides that it's fine, just not for me because unlike podcasts I can't do more productive things while watching and checking vods is much more convenient.

why do people get so mad at the idea of people not streaming games on twitch? It's not like the IRL/just chatting streamers are stopping those video game only streamers from streaming. Just watch what you want.

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Wut? You need a team of people, you need to be in shape (very big barrier for americans), you need equipment, you can only play at specific times and there's risk of injury. Vidya you just sit on your ass and press buttons alone in a dark room, even abominations like Boogie can do it

At a high level? Some sports like soccor Id rather play than watch but good luck finding a football league as an adult. Technically you could box but then your risking bodily harm but I digress. As an aside, same argument can be applied to video games and those games ARE actually interesting to watch at a high level of execution, but imo only a few games actually work well as a spectator event, mainly CSGO, fighting, and MAYBE Rocket League

This. It's so nice just hanging out with a group of friends. Like this faggot.

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shit ive been getting that garbage too and i honestly dont know why


Ok, I didn't know you could play sports from the comfort of your own home without any other people needed.

isn't she chinese or some shit

yeah nah
also your stream has microstutters and gives my eyes aids

>Youtube desperately wants me to click this video, it shows up in my recommended all the time

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>At a high level?
No one said anything about a high level, retard. Its not like everyone is a 'pro gamer' that can score world records and shit right off the bat.
>not having a few buds you can call over to fuck around with and kick / throw a ball on the weekends
Man, I forget how big of NEETs you guys are sometimes.

Being a unemployed has nothing to do with not having friends idiot.


I'm guessing you aren't out of school yet? Cause yeah, it sorta does.

Yeah I'ma be real with you niggas. Only needed 3 more people to talk in chat to get to affiliate status. I'm a total fag like that.

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open your stream dashboard and your channel page thats 2 viewers

One problem with twitch is that it plays favorites and applies the rules unevenly to the point where it also serves as a barely-concealed camwhore site for 12 year olds who throw their allowances at them.

Twitch is cancer. Only millenials and the ultra depressed can't see this.

Nah, I need people to say something in chat to get it. Not just viewers. Even a "you're a cockbite" would work.

You want to dedicate 20 hours per day mastering a game to the level that you'll get to the finals of dreamhck or main stage of Evo? Cause if so be my guest, but I'm okay watching that and playing the game for fun

That was my point

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>You PAY to watch
No, you don't.
Twitch is free, user.

I got brain damage, I thought you were on the fuck streams/watching sports side, my bad

No problem man.

based projecting user

I miss television.

>Nintendo and Atlus shut down streamers before.
again IP theft/nda breaches don't count. atlus never actually shut any one down they just wrote stupid tweets and by release relented basically saying 'please dont spoil it'

Twitch is like Yea Forums in the sense that it's a repository for socially dysfunctional individuals, a type of person that is very common in today's world. It's just a place where people who struggle to socialize IRL can have some sense of community and friendship, even if it's completely shallow and never reciprocated.

It has a dark side and an ugly side but it helps people. I used to be a degenerate, basement dwelling NEET and Twitch was just another place I went to get some sense of belonging to a group. There's a similar quality to watching TV shows, you're returning to your group of friends, familiar faces and places, like an imaginary home. I'm a healthy adult now with a job, GF, friends, etc. who can say whether my time as a gaming Twitch NEET was helpful or hurtful. Was it a stepping stone to a normal healthy social life or a detriment to it? Hard to say.

Some people will never be able to climb out of the infantile hole of game/internet addiction though, many of them for circumstances outside of their control, and Twitch will provide them with a vital shred of meaningful human interaction.

my argument is that i don't have 50 followers so i can't get affiliate status

Bruh, is this even a word?

The only thing that really bothers me about the twitch community is that it sorta tricks people into thinking the streamer cares about them which allows them to take advantage of the viewers who are too socially inept to really understand that you aren't an actual person to the streamer

That's not really the fault of the community. It happens with YouTube, too. People grow attached to a person and they think it translates to them being close.

There are some nefarious people who will easily exploit their community, but I think most people aren't that level. Plus, streamers need to build that sense of belonging or else people will just leave for someone who will.

I suppose but I just wish donations weren't a thing because it's usually those folks who donate the most. Just feels scummy to me, even if I get there's not really a way to stop it.

Twitch streaming is promotion for a game that doesn't harm the IP holder at all you dumbfuck

Nintendo and Atlus would likely lose in court just as nintendo has lost in court before for dictating how people can enjoy products. It's fair use and for the purpose of criticism.

>opinion regurgitation machine
>grooms people to obey mass appeal instead of their own interests
>steals and bastardizes board culture from Yea Forums because it's just real-time-reddit
>is intrinsically geared towards sycophantic normies with more dollars than sense
yet even that is better than tv somehow

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Again it's always been out there but it usually wasn't as direct as giving the person money. It's a weird new system we live in. In some ways the lack of a middle man is great. Really just see the pros and cons of Kickstarter/Patreon vs a traditional publisher model and you can apply those.

>steals and bastardizes board culture from Yea Forums because it's just real-time-reddit

I don't like streamers but I respect them. The donators on the other hand, deserve to be euthanized.

it means optional in shitalian
guess he's from shitaly

Part time streamer quits their job to stream full time. Streaming is their job ergo it becomes about the money so they can psu the bills.

Horny ass cucks they ban spongebob emote but they don't camwhores

>Vanilla WOW
>does a bunch of bullshit he said he wouldnt do
>gets called out by the community
>gets in a call with a fellow streamer that calls him out
>everyone claps

>this was planned beforehand so they could reap the clickbait
it's all fake

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I've found 2-3 genuinely entertaining Youtube LPers, but Twitch streamers put me to sleep. 80% of their content is directed towards thanking donators or subs. They're all so fucking boring. I wish my boy would come back.

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I see this guy everywhere in my recommended