This was bugging me for a while now, i need to get that off my chest. Will contain spoiler so be aware

This was bugging me for a while now, i need to get that off my chest. Will contain spoiler so be aware.

>Devil May Cry 5
>Changed stylistic, kinda like reboot
>The great tracks of Tetsuya Shibata are missing, instead we're treated with rather generic techno-dubstep mixups that don't stick to the brain
>Characteristically everyone is way too simple, Nero clinges to the fucking "dead weight" insult the whole game over
>No emotional sequences or magic moments whatsoever (as a reference: DMC3's ending when Vergil falls down to the demon worldor DMC4 when Nero tells Sanctus why the sword Sparda won't work. Scenes like that)
>No over-the-top cutscenes like shooting billiard balls accurately across the room or new weapon showcases such as the lucifer scene
>The rivalry of Dante and Vergil, the "there can only be one of us" attitude is completely gone. All we're left with is them making fun of it
>The philosophic part of the game regarding the sentence "Devil May Cry" is completely gone either, they are, again, just making fun of it in the end. "Don't say cry! Devil May Cr- FUCK!"
>Gameplaywise it didn't evolve TOO MUCH. I'm not discrediting what the game accomplished for the stylish gameplay section, but Nero gets no new weapons (i know, the Devil Bringer, but they rather feel like the equivalent of Dante's style change), 80% of Dante's arsenal are rehashed weapons from previous games and, let's not fool ourselves, V's control is just terrible

I wouldn't mind the series having a little down with a title, there is always a chance of getting better with upcomming sequels. But THIS is whyever considered as the best DMC game ever made. Really? It's missing so much love, work, and a big chunk of the essence of a DMC, how can this in any form be better than 3 and 4? The over the top sequences are missing? The great soundtrack has been replaced with generic ones? No emotional scenes at all? Am i the only one who thinks this is so lackluster in so many levels?

Attached: devilmaycry5.jpg (640x360, 236K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Basically, you are saying game ain't great but it ain't terrible either.

Soul vs Soulless

DMC old tracks are shit. It's either garbage suck-the-devil's-cock shit for the battle theme, or a weird monstrosity for the boss themes:
>Angelic chorus.
>Drum machine and midi drum garbage kicks in.
>Shitty rectifier guitar riff.
>Farty digital synth arpeggios from a garbage microkorg.
>Bridge with just the shitty choir.
>Everything else comes back in for the big cacophony coda at the end.
>Recorded and mixed by a hobbyist inna broom closet for a bottle of saki.

>No emotional sequences or magic moments whatsoever
The whole last quarter of the game is filled with these.

>new weapon showcases such as the lucifer scene
Faust, Cavaliere and Cerberus get cutscenes.

>All we're left with is them making fun of it
After they nearly kill each other and Nero stops them.

>The philosophic part of the game regarding the sentence "Devil May Cry" is completely gone
The whole of V's character is dedicated to Vergil's humanity and why he needs it.

>80% of Dante's arsenal are rehashed weapons
DSD and DKA are like half new moves and functions, Cerberus is more than that, Balrog, Faust and Cavaliere are new. It's ridiculous to complain that the weapons they brought back from previous games didn't change enough, it was never the point for them to change.

>The whole last quarter of the game is filled with these.
Good one

>Faust, Cavaliere and Cerberus get cutscenes.
Yes but nowhere near as over-the-top as the lucifer scene or when he shoots down several baels/dagons with pandora. Remember what he did with nevan?

>After they nearly kill each other and Nero stops them.
And that one would have been great if it wasn't for the stupid epilogue afterwards, them going "hEy CaNT yOU cOUnT wE ArE eVeN" and everything else to laugh off their rivalry

>The whole of V's character is dedicated to Vergil's humanity and why he needs it.
Yes, him smart-assing some couple of sentences around. It's nothing to scenes like "Sparda had a heart to love" or "maybe even a devil may cry if he loses a loved one", scenes that had way more emotional impact than 5 in it's entirety

>DSD and DKA are like half new moves and functions, Cerberus is more than that, Balrog, Faust and Cavaliere are new. It's ridiculous to complain that the weapons they brought back from previous games didn't change enough, it was never the point for them to change.
I didn't want them to change anything, i wanted !new weapons!. Yes i will give them props for the new moves integrated into them, but that's not replacing new and fresh weapons. Where did the freaky ideas go of a fucking electric guitar as a weapon or a box that shapes up into countless different canons?

>Where did the freaky ideas go of a fucking electric guitar as a weapon or a box that shapes up into countless different canons?
Dante literally uses a motorcycle as a weapon. Faust is also rather interesting and creative as a weapon. A bunch of Nero's arms are creative. I know it's cool to hate whatever is new, and if dmc6 comes out you'll hate it and say how great dmc5 along with all the games before it was but please try to keep a consistent argument.

> I know it's cool to hate whatever is new
>but please try to keep a consistent argument.

At this point i'm not sure if you're just trolling

>Good one
You might not like them, but they're there.

>nowhere near as over-the-top as the lucifer scene
Nothing else will really be.

>he shoots down several baels/dagons with pandora
Eh, meh.

>Remember what he did with nevan?
Remember what he did with Cerberus, or A&R, or what Vergil did with Beowulf?

>Yes, him smart-assing some couple of sentences around.
You missed the whole thing then.

>i wanted !new weapons!
And you did. Balrog is much more unique from previous fist weapons. Cavaliere is brand new and, unlike Lucifer, doesn't suck ass. King Cerberus and DSD keep the basic movesets and ad lots on top.

>Where did the freaky ideas go
To the triple form nunchuk, the bike, the hat that shoots red orbs, giving Dante summoned swords and the double bazooka that combines into a laser cannon.

I genuinely have no idea what you're rambling about but no, in fact, saying "youre trolling!" Is not an argument despite what you seem to think.

you couldn't be more wrong OP

>Nero clinges to the fucking "dead weight" insult the whole game over
The whole game takes place over like a single day, pretty reasonable that it would still be in his head until the end of the game.

No, it doesn’t.

He had his fucking arm ripped off, his sole source of power was violently taken away and he was left feeling weak and useless, obviously Dante's demeaning words would resonate with him. The deadweight comment and Nero overcoming it at the end epitomises his arc in the game, it's about finding strength in the desire to protect your loved ones which in the DMC universe is the essence of a human's heart. It's supposed to reflect Vergil's quest for power except it's reversed; Nero strives for power and overcomes his weakness once he finds out he has a family left to protect, his father strived for power because his family was torn away from him for which he blamed his own weakness.

Honestly this is some simple shonen tier power of friendship writing with clearly defined characters, and yet faggots like you keep whining 'hurr the story is so dumb nothing makes sense lol', I mean Bingo wasn't going for anything profound here yet it manages to confuse your average normie

meant for op

Based user explaining grade school tier difficulty themes to retards

>No emotional sequences or magic moments whatsoever
the fruit recreating dante and vergil's house is one of these moments user
>No over-the-top cutscenes like shooting billiard balls accurately across the room or new weapon showcases such as the lucifer scene
the hat????????
>>The rivalry of Dante and Vergil, the "there can only be one of us" attitude is completely gone. All we're left with is them making fun of it
gone? more like evolved
>>The philosophic part of the game regarding the sentence "Devil May Cry" is completely gone either, they are, again, just making fun of it in the end. "Don't say cry! Devil May Cr- FUCK!"
that's pretty stupid user

just say you don't like the game alredy, it's more honest

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>Remember what he did with nevan?
Yeah, exactly the same shit he did with Dr Faust. Not even a showcase of the weapon powers, just a musical number, fucktad

i just found half of the game backgrounds and set pieces boring. And enemies and bosses were also forgetablle.
the comabt was good tough.

I don't even disagree with half of this but you sound insanely autistic
Also both Nero and Dante are leagues better than they've ever been and Devil Trigger is a fantastic theme

I unironically enjoy subhuman.

jesus christ user

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hope your not implying 5's are much better
also 1's tracks were fantastic

>Am i the only one who thinks this is so lackluster in so many levels?
Of course not and your post pretty much sums up everything I though about the game as well. It's lacking in great highs, the climaxes. It simply trudges somewhere in the middle between not being bad, but not being exceptionally good either.

nusubuman is unironically a great track, the vocals fit it perfectly since they have that growl to them, and it's generally well mixed

Hear me out, the numix grew on me over time as did crimson cloud. Devil trigger sounded much better to me otherwise and I can perfectly like all 3.

Also I want to add that there's no use trying to argue with people that have told themselves that 5 is the best DMC, nothing will reach through them. It's how they say that cutscenes like Agnus/Dante recital and getting Nevan are equivalent with the Dr.Faust cutscene. However I completely understand what you're saying here user and I've been struggling myself when trying to explain why I feel DMC5 was a let down.

It's literally the worst game in the franchise

No way it's worse than 2 or the reboot.

Attached: DmC.webm (512x288, 2.62M)

>>Changed stylistic, kinda like reboot
not realy
DMC1,2 and 3 had "realistic" graphics , the ps2 graphics just didnt show it very well,. for the time they were amazing
If anything DMC4 is the strange one, Amazing backgrounds with not very realistic characters

>No emotional sequences or magic moments whatsoever (as a reference: DMC3's ending when Vergil falls down to the demon worldor DMC4 when Nero tells Sanctus why the sword Sparda won't work. Scenes like that)
there is literaly a scene of nero running to stop his uncle from killing his father

>>No over-the-top cutscenes like shooting billiard balls accurately across the room or new weapon showcases such as the lucifer scene

>The rivalry of Dante and Vergil, the "there can only be one of us" attitude is completely gone. All we're left with is them making fun of it
both dante and vergil had time to think about it, there is a great quote vergil says, "if our placed had swaped that day, would you have my life and i yours?" or something like that
>>The philosophic part of the game regarding the sentence "Devil May Cry"
Because nero FINALY broke the ethernal cicle despair his family had.
>>Gameplaywise it didn't evolve TOO MUCH
because thats what people wanted. They didnt wanted the reinvention of the wheel. they wanted DMC4 with a budget.
>V's control is just terrible

Git gud.

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Play it then kill yourself.

Crimson Cloud grew on me a lot, but Subhuman just straight up makes the game worse, and ruins the ending

Barry back at it again with his shitty takes.

I've played all three. No way DMC5 is worse than DmC or DMC2.

Nah he gets called dead weight a month or two before the game, but he's an autist that took it personally and he hadn't seen Dante since that time.

user save yourself the trouble and don't respond to those posts, they aren't genuine.

How does it ruin the ending aside from the one time it briefly (and optionally) shows up in the post game credits fight?

Speaking of the reboot, I finally finished it a few minutes ago. Played on Hardcore Nephilim and it was both challenging and fun. Osiris was definitely the standout weapon in my opinion because it feels really good to use (and Donte's dumbass YO's and HHAAA's are funny). In fact, both angel weapons are great. The game had some MAJOR problems, though.
1. Bosses all suck and use gimmicky grapple shit (except Vorgil).
2. Color-coded enemies ruin fights.
3. Fights right next/above bottomless pits.
4. Inputs like Rainstorm and Fireworks are very awkward.
5. Having 2 grappling hooks is redundant.
6. Some levels have long stretches of nothing just to give some shitty dialogue.
7. Enemy, character, and weapon design are all lackluster. Rebellion is just an anorexic Red Queen, Osiris is just a bone scythe, Arbiter's just a shiny axe, Aquila's just made up of boring glaives, and Eryx has to be one of the dumbest-looking weapons I've seen in a video game. The guns are nothing special and the villains just look like plain shit.

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No real fan plays DMC5 more than once.

Because that's literally the note the game goes out on, it's the last thing you hear before the final short clip at the end
How the fuck is it optional?

>Fights right next/above bottomless pits.
This was the worst. An overwhelming majority of my deaths in that game was caused by falling off of cliffs.

Subhuman plays as Dante and Vergil jump from the top of the tree.

I know, right? It fucking sucks, especially for the flying enemies. I also forgot to mention that Hardcore's style meter is really goddamn strict. The highest I got was SS, and some of the enemies make it almost impossible to get good style because they either have shields, are color-coded, and/or near a fucking pit.

> a quick leitmotif ruins the game as Dante jumps from the tree

>they don't agree with my shitposting so they aren't legit!

You should lurk more

>Changed stylistic, kinda like reboot
That's because the reboot had its fans, Itsuno being one of them, and they didn't want to leave them out.

>The great tracks of Tetsuya Shibata are missing, instead we're treated with rather generic techno-dubstep mixups that don't stick to the brain
Yeah. Pretty generic music from start to finish.

>Characteristically everyone is way too simple, Nero clinges to the fucking "dead weight" insult the whole game over
This has been an issue since the anime. After 3 Dante went down hill. He's a hobo. Lady for some reason just keeps being deceitful, even if that was never a part of her character in 3, and Trish is just there with no defining characteristics. Once they finished a character's arc in the series they just don't seem to know what to do with them.

>No over-the-top cutscenes like shooting billiard balls accurately across the room or new weapon showcases such as the lucifer scene
They certainly lost their charm, haven't they.

>The rivalry of Dante and Vergil, the "there can only be one of us" attitude is completely gone.
Same deal as the characters.

>The philosophic part of the game regarding the sentence "Devil May Cry" is completely gone either, they are, again, just making fun of it in the end. "Don't say cry! Devil May Cr- FUCK!"
Just about everything that was important before has become a point of mochery. It happens a lot in this series.

>Gameplaywise it didn't evolve TOO MUCH.
That's because the biggest complaints about DmC were that it wasn't DMC4. Any progress DmC made to the formula have been thrown away because of the mere fact that they were in DmC. Whatever remains are the few things that can still be done within DMC4's style of combat.

>there is literaly a scene of nero running to stop his uncle from killing his father
Just because it tries to be emotional doesn't mean it's succeeded.

That's not the ending you retard
There's like a solid ten minutes after that

the entire dante flashback with eva was emotional as fuck

Which weapons do you miss most, anons?

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Alastor for the aesthetics
Agni and Rudra for the gameplay
Also Nightmare beta/Artemis

>Yea Forums still trying to shit on DMC5 months after
lmao, focus on Death Stranding and Cyberpunk, at least those aren't out yet.

Too bad it featured really dumb writing in service of a lore reference, and capped off with the damn near slapstick-quality ending of her taking two steps and immediately getting ganked so that the flashback could end sooner without leaving anything up in the air

the lore says that she was killed IN FRONT of dante so the two step's rule is not that far fetched

Give Barry a break, we're the closest thing he has to friends.

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inifitechan didn't like 5 so we're getting all the dmc hate thread because their website is down.

Gilgamesh, because nailing those just frames is almost orgasmic.
Beowulf, because it was so smooth and normal punches felt powerful.

The entire flashback with Eva was fumbled and made the whole idea very generic. There was no thought put into making that scene interesting or of significance outside of hitting every canon that it needed to. This was one of the most significant events in the canon but it would've been far better to have never shown it than to have it just for fan service.

>establishing why dante changed his name and seeing eva isn't significant

>There will never be a Vergil DLC that takes place between 3 and 1
>He'll never journey through the underworld killing demons, and have actual boss fights with Alastor and Ifrit, picking up their weapons as replacements for force edge and beowulf
>He'll never fight Lucifer, and then dual wield it with Yamato
>You'll never have a flash-forward to a final boss fight with Dante during the main game's epilogue, where you have his SDT

That scene actually makes the whole moment seem less traumatic and impactful than we were previously led to believe. It was poorly executed and failed to convey any real danger, the way Eva days was just the cherry on top. I would've preferred if they didn't show that moment.

Dante changing his name was pretty self-explanatory, her blurting all that shit out while they're both supposed to be surrounded by imminent mortal danger takes you out of the experience

>bad soundtrack
>over the top sequences missing (???)
>the rivalry of Dante and Vergil is gone
Dante and Vergil's rivalry only goes away because Nero wakes them up to the fact that they're both acting like children.
5 is the best in the series, do not @ me

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What fucking experience? you're witnessing everything in first person

Not Lucifer for sure. A&R, though he had dooal bike to compensate.

user he hasn't played the game.

>my favorite devil arm from 3 returns
>along with the rocket launchers
>and the inclusion of the best fist weapon in the series
>and cavaliere, which is so fucking fun
I don't see how people can prefer 4 Dante to 5 Dante, he's so much more fun

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Eva likely knew she was going to die, and that Dante would be hunted by demons considering their grudge against Sparda; her telling him to change his name and start a new life was perfectly justified and the only way she could think to protect him
It indirectly adds a lot more to the DMC1 light novel and the canon as a whole when he throws away the Redgrave alias and assumes the Dante name once again, fully embracing the legacy of his family

Never said that, you fucking liar. I said that the whole flashback was done poorly and that since we all know it happened it would've been better to never show it.

>He thinks that's what I mean
Literally excusing bad out-of-character writing because "it's in first person so there can't be anything distracting about it"

>Two movesets in one
>Boxing moves complete with bobbing and weaving
>Break dancing/Capoeira moves
>Fire themed like Ifrit
>Flint Wheel is fucking great for parries

How can other gauntlets even compete?

That thing was tight.

And that could have easily been presented well and had room to come across naturally instead of being a bullet point on a script that someone threw in with no thought for the setup

>bad out-of-character writing
>for a character that never appeared until 5

Maybe some people miss those older weapons and want to go back to them. Part of the reason I replay DMC3 is because I like the arsenal Dante had in that game. Same can be said for 4Dante as well.

Same as with Dante's SDT, the edgy generic demon fire aesthetic is gay
Beowulf is the pinnacle of visual design

I used nothing but Agni and Ruda once I got them.
Beowolf or whatever the gauntlets seemed alright, but I was too far in to change.

>Never said that, you fucking liar
Read your own posts you retarded man-ape

You're gay and so is your shitty light themed cat paws you furry faggot.

gothic otherworldly atmosphere gone
literal corridor A to B fight arena levels
forced character sections

DMC5 is garbage. Does anyone defend that game still besides shill discord homos? In just about every aspect, it's a downgrade from previous installments. I also like how you can pay to win now. MH's producer mocked the concept yet Itsuno with all his experience just bends over completely to these bullshit practises.

Also fuck Matt Walker.

>We don't know much about this character's personality, so it's totally fine for her to say shit that doesn't make sense in context
user, if that dialog was any more jarring, she would be telling you to press the X button to skip the cutscene

Christ, this is like when people say stories don't need to have basic internal consistency because they take place in unrealistic fantasy universes

You are literally so retarded you're incapable of removing your headcanon from what you watch.

>the demon aesthetic is gay
>plays Devil May Cry

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>I also like how you can pay to win now
That was in DMC4 too and you didn’t need those in order to get all of the combos in that game either. I sure as hell didn’t.

>doesn't make sense in context
you mean she should have hid dante in a closet and told him to change his name before the demon attacked her and not when she was panicking?

>Not knowing that the devs went out of their way to circumvent the pay to win shit with regular game mechanics
Yet more proof that these people have never played the game

>DMC5 is garbage. Does anyone defend that game still besides shill discord homos? In just about every aspect, it's a downgrade from previous installments. I also like how you can pay to win now. MH's producer mocked the concept yet Itsuno with all his experience just bends over completely to these bullshit practises.
Nice meme.
>Also fuck Matt Walker.
Now, that's just mean.

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Not a single bit of that is headcanon, nigger
What's headcanon is the reaching you have to do to make any sense of that dialog, as in


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Me on the left

I was 100% satisfied with this game. Matt is the hypeman.
Lord, what a good game. Easily one of the best I've ever played. No, I'm not shilling. I have over 100 hours played.
This is the first time a game has met all my expectations in a long time. I'm happy that the vast majority of threads and people who shit on this game are just 4babs who have no legitimate complaints beyond "there's not enough level gimmicks!" and "muh inertia!"
Game was godlike, whining fools begone

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This isn't reaching. That's literally what happens.
All she says is "You need to hide, if I don't come back, change your name and run away", that's literally it, it takes no reach to figure everything else out


More or less, yeah, but only if she knew for sure she was going to die and Dante was gonna live, which the whole "looking for Vergil" thing kinda throws a wrench into
Really it'd be better if it was removed entirely and possibly gotten across in another way, like in a letter or something that she wrote long in advance and left to him in the event that she died

>Also fuck Matt Walker.
He sucks because he broke our hopes and dreams of vergil dlc.

I don't recall DMC having demons that looked like some shit out of WoW
4 drifting away from the SMT Devil Trigger designs was already bad enough

The devs could've just said no like the MH devs did. But Itsuno has never been the one to take a fight. This is why Dragon's Dogma was unfinished, DmC being outsourced and DMC5 being "please casuals buy our game" pandering. I've lost all faith in him. He also surrounds himself with trash people.

kys Matt

We're lucky we got the game at all
MH devs can do whatever they want because they make all the money(and World has limited time events now anyway so whatever)

All that shit just to satisfy some retard autist need for people to like DMC4

Fuck guard fly and fuck you OP, 5>3>4

>We're lucky we got the game at all
This cuck attitude. Is there any other fanbase this pathetic? The game is shit. It sold like shit because it is shit. We're not lucky at all. Luck would be if the game was a worthy DMC3 successor and not just DmC with DMC characters.

DmC was outsourced because of Inafune. Itsuno had to fly over NT's headquarters to teach them the basics of a fucking action game while he was working on DD. If you want to blame someone, blame Capcom and their shitty decisions.

There are all sorts of things that are perfectly realistic and understandable to say when hiding your young son in a closet to save his life from the murder demons actively attacking your house
"You need to assume a new identity" is not one of them, it's some shit you'd expect to see in a joke fan comic, immediately followed by "Mom I'm 10"

Right, Itsuno had to shit all over his magnum opus because he bent like a bitch to corporate orders. He should've stayed finishing DD instead.

Dante didn't know he was part demon so her telling him to change his name beforehand would make fucking sense since she never had a reason too. Eva didn't have to know she would die she could have thought she would have been captured instead and she's a mother, why would she think about dante dying? Her thoughts were of her sons safety first and foremost. You don't think straight when you're panicking either.

Dante wouldn't be able to find the letter because a. mundus could still be keeping an eye and b. the house burned the fuck down how could he find it?


>"You need to assume a new identity"
You are the dumbest nigger

You are either a retard or someone without a job. Probably both.

Yes telling your boss to get bent is a great idea.

>It sold like shit because it is shit
So let's compare it to the best game in the series
It sold more than the original release of 3
Or the special edition of 3
Or the HD collection

>this thread
I’ve been playing through the game and having an absolute blast, honestly. Nero feels fun as hell to play, V is a neat little addition, and Dante’s moveset is just fantastic. One of the best games I’ve played this year, honestly.

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>sold like shit
>highest selling DMC in it's first weeks
>outsold the reboot lifetime sales
>It's only been 6 months since it was released

Yeah, a total failure.

>The game is shit.
hot opinion
>sold like shit
2nd highest dmc
>DmC with DMC characters.
you're just retarded

>V is a neat little addition

DMC5 Discord homos should just give up. The game flopped so hard that it's now free on Game Pass.

Watch him bring up some other franchise's sales as if that means shit.
Garbage outsells quality all the time.

Another shitty bait thread. Wake me up when Capcom's got some news. Not a fan of forced negativity.

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What’s wrong with him? He’s a bit basic compared to Dante and Nero but his gameplay style is pretty interesting.

>on xbox
I'm sure they lost many sales

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>someone lists genuine complaints
>it's bait!

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Some of the complaints have merit, but let’s not fool ourselves. The majority of this thread is clearly bait.

I’ve noticed. Still, I’m not gonna let that ruin my enjoyment. Game’s been a real treat.

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It's interesting same way it's interesting watching poop dry out.

Why are DMC5 homos this fragile?

>actually watching other people defecate
What’s wrong with you, man?

>i'm not baiting
>why are...

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Saying that the game flopped and that the microtransactions get in the way of the gameplay is pretty big bait, my man.

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As a newcomer to the serie that game an overrated piece of shite. The graphics are the only redeemable part of it.

Got dabbed on by Sekiro and RE2make

"get dabbed on by these games that are completely unlike"

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t.couldn't get past urizen

Lol. Pathetic.


The pay to win shit exists. Which is out of principle a disgusting thing in a $60 retail game.

Which you don’t even have to use, dumbass.

The game hands out free revives like candy. It's impossible not to beat the game.

Same is true for every pay to win game ever. DMC5 shills know no shame.

It's only p2w if you actually get an advantage by paying that is beyond what you'd get from regular gameplay
The orb buying shit is a scam for dumb people who don't know how easy it is to get them

You must really hate DMC4 then, huh?

SE yes

>check on twitter
>DMC5 has no upcoming DLC
>people say DMC is dead

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>The orb buying shit is a scam
So why are you defending it then, shill?

>he didn’t already hate DMC4 for being unfinished but the orb thing is what really crosses the line
Jesus, you sound pathetic.

DMC5 is even more unfinished since half the game is just recycling the same corridor textures and Urizen fights.

>he says this when the second half of DMC4 is literally backtracking

>he uses revives
>calls the game shit

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Which is still better since you traverse actual levels and not just the same fucking arena mode corridors. DMC5 devs gave up on the game after 10 missions. You fucked up Matt.

>people say DMC is dead
Matt shouldn't have said Dev stopped because everyone is freaking out now.

Not what I said insecure shill. I said it's impossible to fail DMC5 since even if you suck, you got all those free revives anyways. Using the git gud argument in DMC5 is hilarios when the game is easier to beat than even western AAA titles.

>actual levels

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Yup. Some nice change of pace instead of just endless arena brawls.

>impossible to fail DMC5 since even if you suck, you got all those free revives anyways
Sounds like you have quite the experience :^ )

>gyro blades
>nice change of pace
Now this is peak contrarian.

Is this the best defense shills have to defend their piss easy impossible to fail at corridor brawler?

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This is pretty gay and I hope it won't get worse in future games.

Why do DMC5 Discord homos use the backtracking argument against DMC3/4 when second half of 5 is just a tiny recycled corridor of nonexistant level design?

>Dev stopped
What's his next game?

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>The rivalry of Dante and Vergil, the "there can only be one of us" attitude is completely gone. All we're left with is them making fun of it

That has not ever been what their rivalry has ever been about though. In DMC3 they were diametrically opposed in goals but otherwise loved and respected on another.

In DMC1 Vergil was a zombie and pretty much his only goal was to defeat Dante as a puppet.

It was in DMC5 where their rivalry developed into Vergil's envy of Dante's strength, in spite of the fact that to him Dante never had to sacrifice anything. And ultimately Vergil simply sought to score a win over his brother. Which would possibly even mean killing him. If that has any real weight to them at this point.

>the level design sucks - I wanted more forced shitty puzzles to keep me from the combat!
>V sucks - a completely subjective opinion!
>the story is bad - also subjective!
>the music sucks - extremely subjective!
"Genuine". Sure.
She told him that because Mundus was going to hunt him down and kill him while he was still a child if he did not lay low for a bit and grow stronger. She knew that.

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Because I’ll take corridors over shit like the poison mist floors and gyro blades.

>he keeps replying
You don't have to defend the fact that you used revives, don't worry.

You liked the dice and gyro shit?

I'd rather have actual puzzles back than dealing with brain dead button mashing V.

But let me guess, hating puzzles is objective fact?

DD2 is most likely what he's working on.


>this game is hard! Git gud!!!
>but you can literally revive your way to the ending, not getting game over even once

DMC5 Discord homos are mental

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>gyro blades
>actual puzzles
You’re joking, right?

No. I love puzzles. Tons of my favorite games have puzzles. Just not in Devil May Cry. Devil May Cry's greatest strength has always been its combat. By removing puzzles / exploration and making levels linear, they've fixed DMC's greatest flaw - forced shitty puzzles when I just want to attack shit.

Yes I'd like some actual variety and level design over a glorified arena mode.

You can also pump $1000 in quarters to finish the Simpsons arcade game but that doesn't mean you're good at it.

>he actually liked the gyro blades, dice, and poison floor
This is just sad.

What fucking puzzles? Walking back and forth to auto use an item to open a door isn't a puzzle.
Jumping up spinning blades while time is slowed isn't a puzzle.
Playing a shitty dice game where it's stupidly easy to always land on the number you want isn't a puzzle.
The only god damned puzzle is that stupidly obvious lost woods shadow shit.

You mean they've turned all of DMC into a glorified Bloody Palace. There was already that mode if you were too ADD for puzzles.

Besides, the way DMC5 degrades from fairly open levels into recycled corridors tells us this is more due to troubled development than intentional game design.

The only good point you brought up is that V is not fun to play

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My biggest issue with DMC5 would probably be that they still have yet to try going back to the design of DMC1's map

Not that user, but what I think he's trying to say is that you will be robbing yourself of what makes DMC fun (going for the S rank) if you revive nonstop. You can revive nonstop, but you won't be getting a decent score. It's not a flaw of the game, since people who will be using those revives wouldn't care to dig into the depths of the game anyway. In fact, it's fine that the game gives you all those revives as an option for those who'd like to use them.

>Besides, the way DMC5 degrades from fairly open levels into recycled corridors tells us this is more due to troubled development than intentional game design.

But missions 15 and 16 are the most open ended levels in the entire game you lying piece of shit.

>but you can literally revive your way to the ending, not getting game over even once
If that's they way you want to play the game then sure. People who have more than two brain cells to rub together wouldn't need to use revives and will know how to play the game properly.

Of course an opinion is subjective you stupid dumb redditor tourist. You know what else is subjective? That your worthless excuse of a post has any worth what so ever. Yes I am mad, because what you're doing is disgusting. Trying to discredit a properly expressed opinion like OP's just because you cannot comprehend the mere fact that someone can think ill of something you like. This is the death of discussion and of these threads.

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It is a huge flaw though. DMC3 is rewarding as fuck precisely because you had to learn the game to actually beat it. Now a literal babby can finish DMC5 because the game has pretty much no game overs unless you purposely limit yourself. These devs have no faith in letting players fail and dealing with it.

Thanks for confirming you don't brain cells to finish DMC5. That ties up this argument then.

You mean those bland dark-red corridors just made slightly larger? Get the fuck outta here.

>These devs have no faith in letting players fail and dealing with it.
Itsuno pretty much confirms this in his DMC5 GDC

DMC5's levels are pretty much the same throughout in terms of openness.
Mission 2, 3, 4, and 5 are all fairly open with lots of secrets. Mission 6 is a boss arena. Mission 7 has lots of secrets and hidden stuff. Mission 8 probably has the most of any level in the game. Mission 9 has plenty, as well. Mission 10 is fairly straight-forward, but with lots of hidden side arenas. Mission 11 is similar to Mission 10. Mission 12 is entirely non-linear, and you can skip a large portion of the fights in that level if you're inventive with your movement. Mission 13 is a dedicated combat arena. Mission 14 is a boss rush. Mission 15 is probably the most open area in the game, with several branching paths. Mission 16 is straight forward, but with added verticality so you can't turn back. Mission 17 is a boss. Mission 18 is a boss gauntlet. Mission 19 and 20 are bosses.

The levels are all decently open and have exploration. There's just no puzzles / keys / map shit. My favorite levels in the game are probably 2, 3, and 15, though.
I'd love another Devil May Cry with puzzles and things, don't get me wrong. I love DMC3 and DMC1. But I appreciate how DMC5 went away from that and focused entirely on the series' greatest strength.
I'm not ADD. Like I said, some of my favorite games ever have tons of puzzles. I just don't like them in DMC all that much. Peep my 3x3.

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What a world we live in where a fucking God of War game requires more of the player to beat than DMC.

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>As a newcomer to the serie that game an overrated piece of shite.
Ah so you're a roleplaying nigger?

The corridors in those chapters, and every chapter taking place in the Qliphoth actually all have very unique color schemes and atmosphere.

I'm sorry. Was DMC1 too samey for you with "Castle Corridor 1" through "Castle Corridor 23?" Of course not. But you're just talking out your ass because you've become a cynical faggot and can't accept that things can be good today

Get it all out of your system, user.
I love DMC5. The vast majority of the complaints with it are not objective flaws. I can respect anyone for having an opinion that isn't necessarily a flaw, because I have a ton myself for tons of factually great games. But lets not act like OP's word is suddenly truth when the vast majority of people have said they love this game.

You're welcome to discredit my opinion. I'm all for the discussion. I'll admit that my post was a bit inflamatory, so I apologize for that. I just don't agree with practically anything OP said.

>corridor level design
>shit Marvel-like atorytelling
>not objective flaws
More delusional than Bioware hambeasts at this rate

>The corridors in those chapters, and every chapter taking place in the Qliphoth actually all have very unique color schemes and atmosphere
You don't need to lie on the Internet. It won't get you anywhere.

I wrote this up 5 has corridors, but there's still plenty of secrets and hidden stuff to find. Even if there wasn't, it'd still be great that it's just letting the player fight shit in an ACTION GAME.
V is fun. He has about as much depth as DMC1 Dante and DMC4 Nero, which isn't much, but he's still fun.
I thought the story was great, and so did the vast majority of people.

>Muh puzzles
The only actually good "puzzle" the DMC series has ever had was that one bit in 3 with the old "walks on X numbers" of legs riddle.
The rest has just been shit like Take item A from room b and use it on Room D's second door.

Not him, but it's kinda true. Lets look at the Qliphoth levels.
>mission 8
Blood red theme. Very dark and atmospheric.
>mission 10
Purple. The outer level of the Qlipthoth.
>mission 13
Yellow and black. Still the same architecture, but different colors.
>mission 14
White, calcified bone. Purple glowing sigils. Completely unique.
>mission 15
Stalagmite cave aesthetic. Very unique.
>mission 16
Weird, fungal theme, with purples and reds. Even has a snow section.
>mission 18
White and blue. Set in the outer atmosphere.

All the Qliphoth levels look relatively different to feel distinct, to the point where I could write this up without having to look anything up.

But it's true. Missions 8 and 10 even look different and they lead to the exact same room. Mission 15 and 16 are totally different from each other in every respect. Just because they have this weird HR Giger look to them doesn't change that and you're being completely disingenuous for trying to say so you fucking scumbag.

The light beam puzzle was pretty good imo.

>V is fun. He has about as much depth as DMC1 Dante and DMC4 Nero
Absolute bullshit. Nero was an easier Dante. V is anti-Dante. Made to appeal to fujoshis that hate DMC's actual gameplay. It's funny to me how hard you try to justify shit level design with "but it keeps the game focused!". While at the same time defending V which turns 1/3rd of the game into an absolute anti-DMC slog. This is why DMC5 shills are hypocrites. It doesn't even go two sentences before contradictions start dropping.

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>he cares about muh story in dmc

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I liked V and I loved Dante’s and Nero’s gameplay styles. Not sure why it has to be one or the other with you, man. People can like multiple things, you know.

>V is anti-Dante

That doesn't change the fact that he's about as deep as Dante in DMC1, user. That just means they're different in how they do it.

The rest is just your weird delusional ravings.

>it's not the same because different colors
The textures are the same. Just lazily covered up with post-processing to hide that the entire second half is a recycled mess. Atleast older DMC titles didn't try to hide this fact from players with cheap cynical tricks.

There's also the recreation of the Sparda house in the area where the fruit grows.

The secret mission version was okay but the regular one was way too simple.

>he says this when DMC4 exists

Proves my point. Having V which plays NOTHING like DMC is fine but god forbid the level design goes beyond arena brawler mode. DMC5 shills caught in their hypocrite act.

>V is anti-DMC
How so? You didn't tell me why.
He's unironically one of the most focused characters in the series. All his tools serve a purpose. Royal Fork can act as an escape. His side and back dodge can remove his pets from danger. Nightmare summon can save him in a pinch. Everything he has is tight, focused, and serves a purpose in the game.
>Nero was an easier Dante
Nero plays nothing like Dante, especially in 5.

I love all the Devil May Cry games (except for 2, obviously). Don't get too heated, yeah? We're all fans here. "DMC5 shill". I just like the game. What a concept, right? Amazing how I get told I'm ruining the discourse and discussion about how shit the game is, but the minute I voice my opinion, I'm a hypocrite.

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Read the last sentence again discord homo.

They're not just different colors but different layouts for each and every level and even different overall aesthetics like some sections being fungal gardens while others being viny brambles.

Again, did you have a problem with DMC1's level design of Castle, Castle, Castle, Dark Castle, and Wavey Upside-down Castle? No? Then shut the fuck up.

First, what the fuck is she wearing and why does she look so god damn silly?

Second, you don't get to pull this 'only fags care about the story in DMC bullshit.' People either praise it when they like it and when they don't they get condescending about it. It's either always important or it never is and after 3 you are god damn right it is.

Are you schizophrenic? Because I don't see how changing the topic makes you right on either fronts

>sit back and mash square at safe distance
>how is this not like a combat system that promotes aggressive melee combat????
Are you pretending to be retarded now?

Boy, I sure do love having to fight the same enemies and levels designed for Nero as Dante again.

I'm starting to think the people that have a problem with DMC5 just have a severe mental disorder given how erratic and inconsistent this bullshit is to read from why they hate it.

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Atleast both are fun to use unlike Kylo "try not to fall asleep while you mash shit at a safe distance" Ren.

>get absolutely BTFO when discord shill tries to defend V
>y-you're mentally ill

I can tell you never even played Son of Sparda let along DMD


I wasn't even talking to you. But thanks for proving my point, basket case.

>The vast majority of the complaints with it are not objective flaws
Yeah great way to deflect any criticism anyone ever said about any video game.
>But lets not act like OP's word is suddenly truth when the vast majority of people have said they love this game.
And we obviously know, as proven times again, that what the "majority" thinks is always the most appropriate and correct, right? Your post is full of blanket statements. You chose to like the game and as such you chose to ignore its perceivable flaws under the premise "well that's subjective" which is a horrible stance to have for a discussion.

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There's a lot more than that, and you know it.
All of V's moves serve a purpose. Y - Y Y is a big sweeping AOE. Y Y - Y is a focused barrage on a single target. Hold Y is an even bigger AOE. Back-forward Y is a ranged poke that can even give you some movement if you jump on the spike.
Hold X is a large AOE, best combined with the Hold Y. Back-forward Y is a continuous AOE in one small field, great for trapping enemies with your Y Y - Y. Back X is a defensive move that can blast enemies away who get to close to V himself. Forward X is an instant launcher.
Dodging to the left / right or back summons V's pets to him, getting them out of danger. If you just mass Y like an autist, your pets are gonna die frequently.
What am I about to say may go against traditional teachings: V is more fun than Vergil, but not as fun as Nero or Dante. He does get a bit boring on DMD with the absurd health, but frankly, so does Dante and Nero.

>sit back and mash square at safe distance
>get your shit rocked anywhere outside of human and devil hunter difficulties for trying that

And yet that has nothing to do with the actual level and enemy design. Or how the game is centered around Nero’s campaign while only having scraps for Dante.

You know what else is a horrible stance for a discussion? Hating something with no intention of changing your mind.

You fucking pedantic faggot.

If you mean the new one, and you like it because yuo heard it while playing, I can understand, other than that, you have a shit taste user

Name me ONE objective flaw with DMC5 other than annoying pre-level menus and the fact that you can't have a favorite breaker list that you can auto-equip with the tap of a button before the mission.
Pro tip: you can't. Liking V is subjective. Liking the straightforward levels is subjective. Liking the story is subjective.
Even now, you're not listing any real flaws, because, truthfully, DMC5 has almost none.

>what the fuck is she wearing
It used to be a modest black outfit with red shawl, but somewhere along the way they decided Sparda had a fetish for slutty Chinese dresses, probably from his Vietnam days.

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That's not quite true. In previous games it wasn't bad because they actually change chunks of the areas. It wasn't just changing night into day or the color of the corridors.

DMC1 removed doors, changed camera angles, removed rubble and reconstructed damaged chunks, added were details and/or removed and the entire area became different.

2 did that better. It morphed the streets with this growth that look like webs, curved the layout of the land, added 'demonic' changes.

3 was very clever about it. It changed the placement of locations as the tower shifted. It added destruction, replaced connecting rooms and altered the layout of existing ones. It's not as visually impressive as 2 or as horror based as 1 but it WAS pretty creative about it.

4 is where it all went to shit because there were no actual changes to the areas. Exact same fucking room with slightly changes to the lighting or environment, but every corridor, every room, every leaf and rock exactly the same. This is where all this shit got its bad reputation. Before 4 this was never an issue.

I think DmC is the only game where areas are not reused. Every stage is its own.

5, though, is so samey I didn't even notice when they reused areas and changed the color. It all looked the same to me.

She's wearing her sexy gothic dress.
And her expression is funny.

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This confirms it. Arguing with DMC5 homos is literally on par with discussing Mass Effect Andromeda flaws with the hambeasts at Bioware's subreddit.

>why does she look so god damn silly?

Cause she's trying to ditch her kids and make them think a demon killed her. She started a new family without demonic autistic twins.

>he actually browses Reddit

It's not a gifted horse, people are allowed to have an opinion about it that isn't just blind praise. The only ones with mental disorder are those expecting the fandom to be a hivemind.

>5, though, is so samey I didn't even notice when they reused areas and changed the color. It all looked the same to me.

I'm sorry to tell you but you're blind and retarded, user.

They resembled each other aesthetically but other than that none of the levels in previous games have been more disparate between chapters.

Again, what you're putting forward is as retarded as saying the castles levels all looked unique and different. You're lying if you say they look more differentiated than the Qliphoth.

Even now, you refuse to list objective flaws.

This game got styled on big time by both Sekiro and GoW4. We went from DMC3 to this travesty. Just bury the series and move on. It's for the best.

No I'm pretty sure these people who think the level design is worse than DMC4 are actually batshit insane

Sekiro is godlike, but they're so different that there's no point comparing the two.
DMC5 is a game which gives you nearly infinite tools and lets you go crazy.
Sekiro is a game which gives you a small set of tools that you need to master.
Neither is better or worse. Stop forcing this nonexistent fued between games. It's like people who are saying Bayonetta 3 is the DMC5 killer, even though 99% of people who like DMC5 will play Bayonetta 3.

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Now this is quality bait.

Can we just track down Barry and kill him already? It would solve almost every problem this board has.

Not to mention how they fucked up her face. She looks nothing like her model nor how she did originally. Why did they do that? This was in no way shape or form an improvement. to either of those.

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Your bait should be more subtle.

>No emotional sequences or magic moments whatsoever

"How? How are you so powerful... you never lost anything!"

"Thank you, Nero."

"How many times have we fought?"
"Hard to say, it's the only memory I have of us since we were kids."

The entire Kyrie phone call.

"I'm not letting you die" climaxing Nero's development as a character in the story by having him achieve a moral sense of superiority over his two brothers, who had both failed to save each other in DMC3.

"Fuck you"

5 was full of kino, magical and emotional moments. That's just scratching the surface.

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>replying to his third bait post seriously

They have westerners on the team that urge them to make their characters uglier. Wasn't there a debate how Lady was too masculine now, especially compared to her model?

Maybe they like level design that stands out more? I mean, DMC4 had areas so different you wouldn't believe they were on the same island, and it certainly made a lasting impression.
Different people, different strokes.

I'm being civil.

Tryhard post. Just the intro of DMC3 with Lady narrating had more emotional pull than the 10 hours DMC5 lasted.

Bait posts don't deserve it.

Kek, that's a good one. But her dress in 5 is unique and pretty, so I can't really complain.

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Dante and Vergil smiling at each other was kino.

It made no sense and was stupidly waved off as "demon dimensional bullshit." There is no sense of a timescale like in every other game in the series, there is no aesthetic cohesion in their design. It's just "the red level" and "the green level" and "the blue level" and each one has some dumb ass shit going on in it making it a chore to go back and forth through.

Don't defend them. It's simply wrong on all counts and to say it's "better" is definitely worth checking as symptomatic to some disorder.

you dmc5 mongoloids are fucked in the head.

>You feeling accepting, yet?
>Of your existence? Or your strength?
Nero pushing Vergil’s shit in was absolutely based.

for me it was the difficulty curve. i mean, why make normal easy mode?

Hearing Dante get ticked at Urizen was great. It was the first time we've really seen him properly express his anger towards Vergil.
"You've been chasing this power for an eternity, and it's nothing but useless SHIT!"
People who say DMC5 has no emotional or memorable moments are straight-up lying.

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>How dare you get mad when people constantly deflect everything by saying "uh-nuh actually this is good because I like it"
>but u do da same
"I" do not, what I do is write my opinion and post it only to be met with the likes of "you're wrong", "it's bait!" or "shut up boogie man". If that's all you can respond with then better don't do it at all. And you're right it is my fault after all for posting here.
Way to miss my point, which is that all discussion and opinions are inherently subjective and that saying "it's subjective" holds no meaning at all. You might as well have written "wet farts" and it would make little difference.

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I don't give a shit about your ivory tower bullshit princess. I stated facts. Shut the fuck up.

We finally have graphics good enough to portray CG Lady in-game. Then what does Capcom do? Turn her into a manfaced Asian. WHAT THE FUCK

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No. Some statements are objective. It's just that nothing in this thread is.
Here's an objective statement: all the DMC games except for 2 are good. Here's a subjective statement: I don't like Devils Never Cry. Here's an objectively incorrect statement: DMC5's music sucks.

I'm not denying that. But that doesn't even come close to dismissing my claims. DMC3 is an almost perfectly written story. Very simple, but extremely effective. It hits all of it's character development notes perfectly and the climax of the story is perfect. It doesn't mean that DMC5 wasn't great.

>Here's an objective statement: all the DMC games except for 2 are good.
Are DMC5 mongoloids just illiterate? That's a subjective statement.

Your statement is subjective

I'm glad some still recognize how crazy good DMC3's storytelling is. It's generations ahead of the clunky poorly paced mess of DMC5.

No it isn't. You can objectively quantify "good" games. It really isn't hard. The hard part is convincing retards like you to divorce their feelings from these genuine qualities.

She's, what, 40? Pushing mid-40's in this game? What the fuck do you people want? She looks amazing for how old she is.

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>Power bombing your own father while yelling that he will accept your existence.
Fuck you was great but that was the most satisfying buster move Nero's ever had.

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It's "ONLY" subjective that entering a discussion on the basis that you hate the subject and have zero inclination to have your mind changed is unhealthy for the topic?

Maybe you should try subjectively committing suicide then

dicksucking faggot.

No, it's not. Look at the reviews.
Objectively, Queen is a good band. Is this statement incorrect? No. There are facts in this world.
All DMC games are factually good. This is not subjective. You can dislike them - that's a subjective opinion - but to say they're bad is subjective.
To say DMC5 is bad is subjective. To say DMC5 is good is objective, because the vast majority of players / reviewers outside of this shithole we're currently posting in think it's one of the best action games of all time.

>You can objectively quantify "good" games.
Stop write retard. You're just embarrassing yourself even further.

Tell me how this looks bad. You're not one of those people who just misses the anime artstyle and wishes she was still a little schoolgirl, right?
Here's a subjective opinion that I hold: 5 Lady is hot as fuck, and women 30+ are almost always more attractive than younger women.

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Final Urizen is the most underrated fight in the entire game and the most underrated fight in terms of story-telling in the entire series.

The fight starts off with him not even recognizing his family home, the place of his most severe emotional trauma. Then as it goes on he begins to regain more and more of his memory as the fight goes on, as evidenced not only in the dialogue between him and Dante but the fact that every phase he starts to do more and more Vergil moves (like starting to sue summoned swords and doing Beowulf moves). Culminating in his enraged "DAAAAAANNNNNNTEEEEEEE" when he gets to his final phase and does his giant spike explosion, which is in direct contrast to when Dante first encounters Urizen. Where Urizen doesn't even know who he is until he is shot at by ebony and Ivory, which jogs his memory, to which he gives a very passive and quiet "Dante".

>Stop write retard

Go back to Bosnia you fucking roach. Quality can be objectively measured in entertainment mediums. Whether you personally like them is a different matter.

>who just misses the anime artstyle
I didn't know the lead singer of Tatu was anime.

>women 30+ are almost always more attractive than younger women

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I thought it was "the jackpot" that made Urizen recognise him.

>Quality can be objectively measured in entertainment mediums.
Ok you really should stop now. For your own sake.

Kill yourself autistic dmc5 tranny.

5 was almost as good as 3 for me. And Cavalier's boss theme is probably my favorite track in the series.

Yeah, that's it. I remembered incorrectly.

user, that's literally factually true.
See Is Queen a good band? Yes. That's objective truth. If you don't like it, that's a subjective opinion.
Is 5 a good game? Objectively, yes. If you don't like it, that's a subjective opinion.

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>Yea Forums trying to turn on a good game
Of course you shits are at it again, especially since all the naysayers got btfo'd when the game came out.
Now you are trying to revise shit when the game's peak has passed.


I feel you. Finishing DMC5 left me unsatisfied in several ways

But realize that these people who adamantly insist that DMC5 is the best game in the series are people who are so mindbroken by a decade long wait that reason and argument will not apply to them. they are just going to go about their lives insisting that you are wrong and then proceed to gossip about V's dick size. That's all they've been doing this past 5 months and nothing will change that.

But more and more people are waking up to it and soon DMC5 will have no following, similar to controversial games like Zelda Skyward Sword. There is no "Zelda Cycle" here though. What DMC5 does in terms of music, plot, gameplay, art direction, stage design...etc. previous installments did better or at least significantly renovated them. DMC5 adds things by way of gameplay options but doesn't significantly renovate the game the way the style system did in 3, or completely rethink how to approach things like how Kamiya introduced dodge offset in Bayonetta.

Oh, man. I don't know who's going to be more pissed, Vergil, Dante or Trish.

Well, first of all, you are being an asshole.

Second, yeah, DMC5 is all very same looking or, at best, just not very interesting to look at. Yeah, there are landmarks but there is nothing memorable about them, nothing so unique, even to itself. It's all chucks of the organic looking walls with lots of modern objects littered around. So don't try to argue that DMC5 has to most variety in it's design when those designs are neither that different or that memorable because that's the same as saying that it's more important to be different than bing good. DMC5 is one of the most boring pretty games out there, just a one step above DMC4, which is the definition of safe and being a dick about doesn't change that fact.

DMC5 was solid and fun; gameplay wise is refined and much more crisp and fluid than the earlier ones without changing everything from the ground up, also the devil breakers actually alot of fun once you get the hang of them. The only thing which I don't like personally in the gameplay itself is the way they changed Nero's Blue Rose. I know can understand that the change was made to make Blue Rose more different from Ebony & Ivory but meh, I liked the gun more in DMC4.

Now as to the stylistic changes, the design choices and the story... That's where it begins to fall off. We have those over the top cool moments and straight up fan service in the game which everybody wanted, yet most stuff in forgetable IMO. If I compare the boss fights or the story or the design of enemies and stages or the general atmosphere of the game itself from DMC3 and DMC4 to DMC5... It's no contest; 3 and 4 were far superior. Exploring Temen-Ni-Gru or Fortuna Island, fighting Vergil for the first time in 3 On top of the fucking Temen-Ni-Gru or fighting Echidna or The Savior to the designs of the characters and enemies, 3 and 4 feel just more cooler soulful, if it's true that Itsuno is a fan of the reboot and wanted to keep that "spirit" in DMC5, I'd say that was a mistake.

All in all, 5 has the best gameplay, good and fun moments that remind us why we love this franchise and an overall redemption after the croc of shit that was DmC: Devil May Cry. But besides that, it will have to somewhat live in the shadow of DMC3 and DMC4.

Attached: Electric Demon Lady of Rock n' Roll.jpg (1593x1241, 381K)

>DMC5 will have no following
This is the thing I don't understand. They're single player games. What the hell is a following for DMC5? If your favorite combo-wank uploader makes a new video or talks about how much he wants Vergil DLC?

My friend, that woman is not 40. I don't know where you got the idea that a woman ages not to look like an older version of herself but to look like a completely different young woman.

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It can you moron. You just don't like it because then it's not "your truth" which is sad and faggoty of you.

The game has amazing graphic quality, music, controls, and gameplay elements. Overall it is a good game. Whether or not it is better than DMC3 or 4 is subjective, but the fact that the game is good isn't up for debate. The game is far too polished and functional to question if it has merit that attempting to insinuate otherwise indeed calls to question not just your honesty but your sanity.

5's soundtrack is very underrated.

Devil Trigger
Crimson Cloud
Voltaic Black Knight
All three Faded Tone songs
Undeniable Fate
The Duel
Silver Bullet

All 8/10 songs, at worst.

Games don't need to reinvent the wheel every installment, perfecting a wheel is fine too

Nah mate, it definitely surpassed 3 and 4 (lmao).
You are just delusional, it's ok champ.

What's cool as well is the more Urizen gets beat up the more cracks start appearing in the illusion they're in.

Don't forget Unwavering Bravery.

The only game she hasn't looked retarded in is 3, same as Vergil

If she's 18 when DMC3 takes place, she should be around 40 or mid-40's when 5 happens. She's Dante's age, and he looks mid-40's.

Attached: tumblr_ppdezx8Ekw1trjjqjo1_400.jpg (400x516, 66K)

>Well, first of all, you are being an asshole

Boo-fucking-hoo. I'm an asshole but I'm right.

>DMC5 is one of the most boring pretty games out there, just a one step above DMC4, which is the definition of safe and being a dick about doesn't change that fact

You probably are lying about liking any of these games but this game is far from boring you fucking curr.

>The game has amazing graphic quality, music, controls, and gameplay elements
None of this is objective.

Not even the user you're responding to but damn I haven't seen cur used as an insult since I watched The Two Towers extended edition a couple months ago

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>you hate the subject and have zero inclination to have your mind changed
See now you're just making uninformed assumptions.
Going by this definition something like new GoW is a good game, which devolves into popular=good.
This is all missing the point, sure DMC5 as a game is perfectly functional, but is it the best DMC ever? Now that's subjective indeed.

Attached: Dark Slayer.webm (578x360, 1.83M)

Keep crying.

Objectively, the new GOW is a fine game. I don't enjoy it, but it's not a bad game by any means.

Frankly there is one thing that could have been done is to remove style switching and just merge all the styles into a unified button layout. Basically have a RG, swordmaster button...etc and that would free up the Dpad to do other things. I remember someone saying they modded the game to do this and had some success with it.

>Character is saying important story points mid boss fight
>Gets cut off mid sentence and you miss out on important dialog

Wtf? DMC4 was terrible. I don't understand why DMC newbies try to pretend that DMC4 is anywhere as good as DMC3 or even DmC for that matter. DMC4 was literally a mistake, and just amounted to 9 levels of filler

Attached: only good DMCs.png (1745x747, 2.67M)

>remove style switching and just merge all the styles into a unified button layout
You mean kinda like what DSD did

That sounds like a free way to abuse automatic combos, which I’ll pass on.

That's your opinion, obvious falseflagger lmao.

>only good DMC
>posts DmC in the middle
Oh, you think you’re real slick, huh?

Nice bait image faggot
DMC4 is the Melee of DMC

So unintiutive and clunky shit that only feels alright if you play it autistically for 10 years straight?

It had the most technically deep combo mechanics of any game in the genre has ever had, by a significant margin. So it has a "smash bros. melee" mentality about it due to all the combo mad gods who played the game for a decade.

3 4 and 5 are rly awesome

Are you blind? There's like one guy actually calling 5 trash. The problem is that people are listing flaws with the game, while others go on ignoring it and saying 5's the best DMC in the series.

DMC3?, yes.

I'm sure you play the game more than once user.

It absolutely is. You can judge a games graphics by resolution, model quality, particle and lighting effect quality and the game's stability as well. The game has a lot of effects going around and is rocksteady.

The soundtrack has boss tracks and combat tracks for each character that are all dynamic. Each are distinct and recognizable.

The controls are all very intuitive, but also modular so that you may adjust them to your preference.

The enemy and encounter designs all work together well and provide decent challenges without many instances of the player feeling cheated by strange mechanics that break flow of the combat. Comparatively, the game has the most diverse boss line up in any game in the series, and not one of them is outright unenjoyable which every game in the series suffers at least one if not half the line up sucking.

All this together can objectively discern the game is indeed "good" as it doesn't do anything that fundamentally breaks the game or renders it unplayable in any capacity.

Once again, moron, you not liking it is not a qualified assessment on its quality. Just an assessment on your preference

DMC4 feels like ass compared to DMC3. I say this as someone who got into the series last year after DMC5's reveal.

I'm not saying she isn't. I'm saying that THIS is not a 40 year old woman, I'm saying that THIS is not an older version of that girl from 3. This is a completely different young woman, altogether. Fucking look at her. That's not a 40 year old who aged very gracefully. She doesn't even look like she's 35, yet, arguably not even 30 yet.

Attached: 72-1553349364-1094694524.jpg (1366x768, 465K)

I’ve played DMC3 on Turbo recently and it’s held up really damn well. Not sure about what’s so clunky about it.

>See now you're just making uninformed assumptions.

No. You're just a fucking retard that's taking a general statement as a personal one you maladjusted dipshit.

I mean if you think that, then that's just like your opinion, man.

Attached: f649ce2a588fd571345272ba8f50ec3b.png (761x422, 257K)

We can all agree DMC5 is a monumental letdown. It's time to move on and let the series die. Just like MGS, it peaked for more than a decade ago. Don't hold on.

Attached: dmc3.gif (500x281, 3.16M)

user you're not allowed to dislike BASED ITSUNO dmc5 here

Agree. I'd rather play dmc 3 a dozen more times than ever touch 4 again.

>M-muh interia

I dunno, user. I've met some fine-ass 40-year-olds who can pass for being mid-20's.

Weak bait

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I don't even hate DMC4, but the gravity feels like shit and the enemies are annoying. Hits have no impact compared to 3 or 5.

man, DMC5 is just fun, that's it.

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>Hits have no impact compared to 3 or 5.
Here we go again. The DMC5 homos caught in the lying act again

Attached: dmc4-5.webm (640x650, 602K)

Her face model is in her 40's you fucking retard.

DMC5 intro levels are pretty cool. And then it just becomes a boring rehashed mess of corridors.

Saying something is subjective and then trying to pass it off as a valid critique is what's truly disgusting.

A rather unpopular opinion but if you aren't trolling then I'll answer your statement seriously.

It's a matter of history, you see. Those who love 4 aren't in love with it because it's a good game. God, no. They are in love with it because of its combat system. Since 3 was so beloved people played it so much they started finding ways to exploit it's mechanics and physics and came up with an entirely new way of playing, one that is niche and hard to master. When 4 came about they didn't care about it as a game, they cared about it as an extension of that combat system. To them that IS DMC. Everything else is secondary to being able to continue playing the game like that but with new weapons and enemies.

>There's like one guy actually calling 5 trash.
>others go on ignoring it and saying 5's the best DMC in the series.
Perfectly capable of seeing the truth about one side, but still projecting made up shit about the other
Strange, that

Attached: 1354353.gif (460x259, 1.93M)

What does this webm prove?
I played all 5 of the DMC games since last E3 for the first time, and 4 just doesn't feel as good as 3 or 5.
And hasn't it been proven time and time and time again that DMC5 and DMC4 speed is 100% identical? DMC5 just has more crunch and hitstop.

It's generally true though, because of the fact that the enemies in 5 seem to react and stagger to your combos more visually in 5 than 4 where you do a flurry of blows and they twitch a bunch. In 5 they wobble and rock around to the weight of the sword.

That doesn't excuse the flaw. They could've easily incorporated those lines into a cutscene.

>This is your brain on backtracking

It proves that DMC4 has way superior hit visuals than the mushy unsatisfying trash of DMC5.

Hi folks just here to ask the million dollar question:

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No she's not, she was born in 1989. She just turned 30.

fuck off.

All I fucking said to you was
>You know what REALLY isn't helpful to discussion? Going into a topic hating it with no intent on changing your mind.

That's an objective fucking statement that I've not changed on e you fucking retard. That's all I've been saying this whole fucking time you fucking idiot holy fucking shit are you stupid

>Andrea Tivadar (born 18 March 1989)
>30 as of March
Nice try, you lying piece of shit.

Is it cool to hate DMC5 now? The fuck is these threads keep springing up after release 6 months. Talk about slow ass shitpost.

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How so? It makes DMC5 look better because of how crunchy the spinning sword move looks. That Empusa is getting shredded. You can feel it with the hitstop.

Newnigger go away.

>5 has blood and a realistic looking spark effect that comes out of the point of impact, and the sword seems to 'stick' in the enemy a bit on every hit
>4 has big flashy anime effects to disguise the slight floatiness
I'm one of the guys that actually liked those big dumb color explosions 4 had coming out of half the attacks, but come on

You're confusing the heated posts that are trashing certain aspects of the game as a critique of the overall game. As I said maybe there's one guy that actually thinks 5 is a bad game and that'd be the one who makes "dmc5 is the worst game ever" types of comments.

>try and discuss game
>incels immediately ruin the thread

Attached: king.png (898x710, 555K)

Adi is working on it, have patience.

There's some good SOL fanart out there in the meantime.

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Ok now we hate anime effects. Fuck I'm so glad DMC has never been associated with that trash!

It certainly is. I'm fucking dying over here waiting for playable Vergil. I can't be fucked practicing any other character because he has always been my character. I really want to play again.

Attached: Goliath exlplosion RG.webm (500x280, 2.9M)

you go away first nigger

You've got me the wrong way around buddy
Criticism is not hate for the game, but nobody is saying it's perfect either

We all have. That chick who played 7 of 9 in Voyager is like 53 and she looks hot as fuck, that vampire bitch, but this girl looks like and entirely different woman from lady. I don't want her to look like an anime but this isn't even a realistic version of the girl she was, she looks like someone else entirely. A scar on her nose and heterochromia don't make the rest of her face resemble the old model.

The fanart just makes the craving worse.

>not game

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Come back with a comparison between 1/3 and 4
I'll wait, and I'll even ignore you changing the subject

>>Characteristically everyone is way too simple, Nero clinges to the fucking "dead weight" insult the whole game over
>>The rivalry of Dante and Vergil, the "there can only be one of us" attitude is completely gone. All we're left with is them making fun of it
Based retard

I want both, but an anime would allow for more story telling and general Sparda bros hijinks. How many cutscenes and dialog can you fit in an action game?

>Slice of life DMC game
>Missions are actually missions this time and you get paid for doing them
>End goal is to get Dante out of debt

I know what you said and implications of your statement are wrong. I am not hating on the topic(the game) nor do I hate it. I am merely referring to my original point of why I got pissed off. You are getting tangled up into irrelevant points.

>Not liking them finally getting over their dumb shit that didn't have much of a reason to exist anymore and turning it into a friendly rivalry

>all this salt
>all this anger
>and yet, nobody is shitting on her
Truly the best girl.

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I love the way this artist draws Vergil.

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Bro you sound like a total beta loser, oh my god lmao.

She is so cute with alt color

Her spilling spaghetti over meeting Dante was cute.

Attached: 21.gif (459x459, 2.6M)

>seething anti-DMC5 squad has mostly vanished
>fujos will take their place

Attached: 1568222679230.jpg (552x472, 52K)

She's annoying by herself but she's a fantastic comedic foil to Nero so she gets a pass

Her geeking out over Dante was adorable. I was surprised to find myself really liking Nico.

The general problem with Capcom and longtime running series is that they forget the appealing parts of their products so the newer entries always feel like they get boiled down to comical levels of memery and missing the overall point of the original titles.
DMC doesn't suffer from this as much as another Capcom franchise that I will mention soon, and that's mostly thanks to Itsuno still being there, so people who were fond of 3 and 4 will also be fond of 5 despite the minor changes, but it still does occasionally suffer from these changes. The game relies now on photorealism more than ever before, characters don't feel as well thought-out as they were in past titles (although I'd say the whole thing about DMC4 Dante first being some kind of a villain only to turn out to be the usual good boy was an interesting sign of things to come), characters like Vergil lost any form of emotional punch that goes beyond "OMG MUH VORGIL ES BACK" and I'd argue that making him a good guy all of a sudden while completely ignoring the evil he has done in the past games is quite bad, some weapon designs are all over the place and probably done because of cost restraints (which may explain why DSD looks more like a MHW Nergigante sword than a DMC one), and in general V is just bleh.
That being said there is still value that is preserved despite the shortcomings and that's because, well, Itsuno is still there. Even if you may dislike some streamlines decisions the gameplay is as good as 4. Major problems are still the overall difficulty being way too easy and the very bland level design.

Compare that to Street Fighter now. That series is suffering from the issues I said before, but 1000x worse. Akuma is presented as this mysterious villain that has a connection with Ryu and Ken because he killed Gouken, so his appearance in ST was so fucking cool, only for revolving door developers to rewrite the character into something that is nowhere near as threatening.

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I liked his drunk "I have lost control of my life" Vergils the most.

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All rivalries are cool, fucking fight me

>but nobody is saying it's perfect either.
That's not what I said either. Some people are however calling it the best in the series, you should know that if you've been in these threads long enough.

No, I don't expect a DMCdrone to be able to read, they're mentally incapable of doing that. Or breathing.

>too easy
>bitching about difficulty post initial dmc 3 release

Nobody cares about this skank

TORtanic forever ruined this board.
>new game announced
>go to Yea Forums
>first thread I see about new game announced is "OH NO NO NO NO NO", " what went wrong", "aaaand dropped", "x series is dead because reasons"
>this goes on for several months
>metacritic reviews are up
>"OH NO NO NO NO NO, only 85 score! game is officially a flop"
>constant "what went wrong" threads
>months after
>" forgotten...."
>"Now that the dust has settled, can we now agree that x game is totally shit?"
>several months later, another new game announced
>same shit happens
>this cycle will never end

Why do you bring up fujos all the time?sounds like you actually want them here.

Attached: teef.jpg (899x951, 346K)

super based

Absolutely hit the nail on the head there. DMC5 is stuck in the shadow of its predecessors.

>Vergil lost any form of emotional punch that goes beyond "OMG MUH VORGIL ES BACK" and I'd argue that making him a good guy all of a sudden while completely ignoring the evil he has done in the past games is quite bad
There's not a whole lot else that could be done with him without making him some sort of cartoon badguy, and he really didn't do anything unforgivable outside of technically the events of this game(which, incidentally, was done by literally turning part of him into a cartoon villain)

Of course it'll never end, aspies fucking love repetition.

reveal trailer I thought she was going to be cringe but I was willing to give her a chance. In the end she had some close-to-cringe moments but was overall a pretty endearing character that had good chemistry with the rest of the cast and some fun scenes with the phone booths.

Her conversation with Nero at the end in the van is also one of the best emotional moments in the series and really drove forward both characters.

Should could've had screentime, but I like the character actually.

I'm quite certain TORtanic's influence has long faded since then. Nowadays it's just kids wanting to trigger the other side even more than usual. It's devolved from console wars to literally anything.


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Imagine going from DMC3 which is one of the greatest games ever made, to DD, which is also one of the greatest games ever made, to this forgettable westernized trash?

What went wrong bro?

Attached: itsuno1.jpg (2048x1366, 210K)

>How many cutscenes and dialog can you fit in an action game?
They could make it coop game and that could kinda be a way to get more Dante and Vergil scenes together.

>Vergil and Morrison working together to get Dante back on track

Attached: 1554348549294.png (645x465, 212K)

Vergil was never evil bruh.

Same. I really like his art style.

Attached: 1559496422761.jpg (522x590, 120K)




It is the best in the series, in some respects
If parts of it can be criticized without hating the game, then parts of it can similarly be praised without loving it

>Morrison's A rank "You work of that debt son!" is now for real

Damn I meant to say "could've had less screentime"

It's like people forgot about both DMC1 (Nelo Angelo) and DMC3 Vergil.

The staff was burned out on DMC. They went from 2 to 3 and they poured everything they had on to 3 and after that, rather than getting a rest from the series, they went on to 4 and they were tired of it. Add to that the rumor that DMC4 had its budget and resources cut and allocated to the development of RE5, which IS a bigger priority franchise, and that Kobayashi forced Dante into the game since Itsuno thought that an entirely new lead would let the staff feel like they were working on a fresh game. Kobayashi thought that the fans wouldn't stand for it if Dante was ditched after the popularity of 3.

She and Dante have the best ex color

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 126K)

Yeah the just can't figure out how to properly write the characters beyond their first appearance. They simple devolve into parodies of themselves because capcom is insecure and tries to pander to fans in worst of ways(see Trish and Lady in 5)

The worst part is that those threads could be ignored and forgotten about if people learned to lurk and sage more.

I don't think Nelo Angelo really counts if you're talking about Vergil's character

Trish is better written in 5 than she's ever been
She was an empty cliche in 1 and a joke in 4

what are they playing

I guess he's been retconned, which fits with what I said about Capcom and longtime running series suffering from revolving door developers and writers.

It's a PS3 controller so MvC3.

The guy that was prone to achieve power at the expense of human souls, the guy who unleashed demons on Earth by making Temen-ni-gru, the guy who would go as far as killing his own brother in order to be the king of Hell is not evil.

Dunno what game you're talking about 4 or 5? If 5, they played it too safe and forgot what made the games great. If we're talking 4, well then they got screwed over by the budget in part and also though that a new protagonists would solve their problems when in stead it just added a bunch of new ones.

>Truly the best girl.
>Shit voice
>Shit personality
>Shit glasses
>Shit hair
>Fucking tattoos
She's one of the worst pieces of garbage I've ever seen, that fucking crackhead

Not necissarily. Nero is a significantly more well-written character in 5 than he is in 4.

>Shit glasses
>Shit hair
Shit taste

There was a thread the other day where one of the "V is shit" posters was talking about how they won't play on a difficulty harder than Devil Hunter because V is in the game so they probably haven't played anything beyond that.

Yeah, he went from angry boy who was angry because of stolen coochie to angry Steven Universe who put down bad blood between a hobo demon hunter and a literal mass murderer with the power of sin- punching people in the face.

>used by arkham to raise the ni gru so it's not completely his fault
>vergil never wanted to kill his brother or become king retard

>The general problem with Capcom and longtime running series is that they forget the appealing parts of their products so the newer entries always feel like they get boiled down to comical levels of memery and missing the overall point of the original titles.
Well, yeah, but it's not as simple as that. With both RE and DMC, their creators are gone. The people that game the games that appeal aren't there and the people who are left can only do an interpretation. In DMC's case, the most iconic game, 3, still had the benefit of having Kamiya give the team advice and occasionally pushing them to get even crazier than what they were doing.

>characters like Vergil lost any form of emotional punch that goes beyond "OMG MUH VORGIL ES BACK"
Being back at all makes him lose that punch.
A huge part of what made Vergil special was his limited but significant presence in the series but now he's turned into cheap fan bait.

>and I'd argue that making him a good guy all of a sudden while completely ignoring the evil he has done in the past games is quite bad
The games seem to care very little about human life in general. This is a side effect of the characters being 'too cool to show emotion' and has actually transpired into them being passive about it. Nero doesn't care about the loss of human life but god damn it if being called a dead weight doesn't make him lose composure.

Nico-Nero interactions made Nero way better in 5, change my mind.

Well besides loosing the "muh Kyrie" thing Nero isn't much different as a character in 5 compared to 4. All he ever does when things get though is get angry and scream at the clouds.

The not recognizing his home is actually a mistranslation in the English version. Someone posted the Japanese script and he doesn't say anything about having no memory, but that he doesn't care about anything but the fruit.

seek help

After the remixing it became pretty solid. I unironically listen to it while I work sometimes.

>The games seem to care very little about human life in general. This is a side effect of the characters being 'too cool to show emotion' and has actually transpired into them being passive about it.
Because isn't about moral shit it's all about Sparda's kin and their connections. DMC is goofy shit not some 2deep4u story bullshit. Dead civilians are there as props to set the tone.

In 1 she's very relevant do the plot and has character development. Though 1's story deliver is somewhat clunky admittedly. In 4 she's kinda relevant? But honestly 4's story is a mess of its own and Trish might as well have not been there and little would change. In 5 she says a few lines and gets naked while doing nothing of importance beyond throwing Sparda to Dante. Her debut game is the only one where she feels like an actual character.

>kinda like reboot
not really, if anything it's closer to 1/2/3 than 4 was.
>generic techno-dubstep mixups
DMC music has always been techno/electronic inspired
>everyone is way too simple
Nero has way more going on than 'muh Kyrie', Dante is conflicted and forced to lie to Nero, V's character arc is probably the best in the series...
>No emotional sequences
Nero fleeing from Urizen, Eva's death, Vergil facing his mistakes through V, Nero reacting to his parentage, Griffon dying, Nero deciding to save Dante and Vergil, then confronting Vergil? Nothing?
>No over-the-top sequences
Every time Nico is called, the Faust hat, "cheer up crew cut", dodging Artemis, dodging Gilgamesh, Cavaliere intro, King Cerberus acquired...
>making fun of it
They've always been making fun of it, doesn't mean they weren't serious in 3.
>The philosophic part of the game discussed at length between Nero and Nico, where they literally compare how much humanity they each have and question whether they're good people? Yes, it ends with a joke, just like how 3 ended with Dante screaming about how CUHRAYZEE he is.
>Nero gets no new weapons
Because new weapons and weapon switching is Dante's thing. Nero gets depth, not breadth. It would have been easy to give him a new weapon but they evolved him on a different path than Dante.
>80% of Dante's arsenal are rehashed weapons
Faust is new. Cavaliere is new. Balrog is mostly new. Kalina Anns are almost entirely new. King Cerberus is 2/3rds new.
>V's control is just terrible
If you mean lag, that's the point. He's a strategic character. You need to plan your moves in advance.

All in all a very poor analysis. Feels like you didn't play the game. Or you're just a seething Dontefag.

Retconned how?

But it's also about these half-demons realizing the important value of their human side. Which is why they made V, after all. Being Sparda's kin is also relevant considering that Sparda himself risked his own life trying to save humankind from Mundus and his demons.

You can literally cheese high difficulties with V by just mashing buttons while looking away
Enemies that aren't on screen won't attack you

Different writers, only partially considering the events that happened in 1.

Yes it's used as character development and nothing more.

Bringing back Vergil was a mistake. At best we should've had him appear for just a little while, perhaps for an important story moment and then have him disappear again. Full on having him back to stay and making him a good guy to boot is what indeed made him loose the punch.

cheer up crewcut

No, the fact they (should) value not only their human side but also human lives in general is what drives them to fight demons. Of course they're being written off more as mercenaries rather than heroes, in a sense, but the fact they themselves are half-demons and still decide to side for humanity is crucial to their life choices. But that doesn't really reflect in 5.
3 was about all that wacky shenanigans we know and love but it also had Dante reminding characters like Lady and Vergil how the human side is important, and to a degree he does that too in 4. Nero on the other hand doesn't give much of a shit.

You can literally cheese high difficulties with Dante by equipping Faust and holding the shoot button.

>rivalry of Dante and Vergil, the "there can only be one of us" attitude
You're an absolute retard.
The entire dichotomy of Dante and Vergil was their disagreement on embracing their human or demon heritage, not that only one of them could live.
The entirety of 5 has Vergil through V realizing his humanity is as important as his demonic heritage, hence he doesn't need to hurt others for power, hence their rivalry can finally end.
I'm fucking convinced you people have selective memory just so you can find things to bitch about.

It's still being shown though with V monologing throughout the game about his mistake, Dante and Urizens last fight and Nero trying to save the civilians in the prologue and after his fight with Vergil.

Yeah, so much for Nero being the most human person Kyrie's ever known and Dante valuing his humanity and putting the human world high on his list of priorities. Who gives a shit about Trish's humanity if the game treats humanity as some who gives a shit thing.

>not some 2deep4u story bullshit.
You think just a general concern for human life, even a passing one, qualifies as 2deep4u? Batman must be fucking Shakespear to you. Have you got charts of the plot to Superman comics online to it's very profound storytelling? Then again, Trigun must be Lain levels of intricacy to you.

Then it's shallow and extremely insincere. It shows a lack of consistency and values, and don't pull that 'it's just a game and it doesn't need to be' bullshit because if the developers put enough attention to put any effort to the plot then it matter or we'd still be getting PS2 era levels of cutscenes.

>Kobayashi thought that the fans wouldn't stand for it if Dante was ditched after the popularity of 3.
He was right in hindsight.

Oh, I agree. Thinking back on it, if there had been no Dante I would've skipped 4 and probably been very vocal about it.

He's on good terms with Dante because of circumstance, just like how he fought him because of circumstance

I think this makes sense. It's clear that after 3 Itsuno wanted to do something entirely different while still sharing the DMC dna and that's why he created Nero.
No wonder he stated multiple times he's more of a fan of Nero and Vergil, creations that were born and defined by him and his team compared to Dante which was more the product of Hideki Kamiya and the team who worked on DMC1 at the time.

Don't forget that you have do dish out extra cash to get a move for Cavalier, that was very obviously removed from the original weapon for the purposes of DLC. The damn DLC weapons shouldn't offer additional functionality and should be just skins like the banana one. And between you and me I think DLC skins for a single player game shouldn't even be a thing and instead you'd get them as unlocks.

I wouldn't, but I'm probably one of the very few that find overall experience more important than who is in the protagonist role.

The story and cutscenes do suck, on many levels. Lacking a lot of emotional moments is one thing, but the biggest issue I had was the lack of cool moments. Weapon gets were toned down from 4 I feel, and overall no cutscenes even compared to 3. Dante running down the Tem-ni-gru, going back up on the motorcycle, the intro cutscene in his office. DMC5 really lacked that, most felt pretty tame in comparasion. Even the intro slowmo around the car was mediorce for me.

>Kobayashi thought that the fans wouldn't stand for it if Dante was ditched after the popularity of 3.
I think Itsuno was more tired of Dante than the entirety of the series. Nero still ultimately feels like a DMC character, probably easier all things considered but still very true to the DMC canons.

I wish there was more buildup for each scene. It felt like you had to already know the context before the fifth game to really appreciate each line.

Notice how all those characters are within the immediate relationships of the Sparda kin? Also notice how Dante cares more about his brother than some no name civilians? Him letting Nero take over in 4 just because and how that caused more destruction than if Dante just took care of it himself. You get what Im saying? Civilians are used as props to set up the story.

Worst part is that you can't even use it in bp either.

The intro cutscene really did lack something, it's hard to explain but it just doesn't look cool enough even though it should, if that makes sense? Maybe it could've had less slowmo, dunno. Agreed on all the other points too. Also this might sound shallow but I think the whole game would've benefited more if it bothered less with the story and had more impressive feats with peak crazy cutscenes.

That was the whole point tho, it was a fanservice game for people who have played each of the previous games.

All I know is that Matt Walker is a fucking fraud and I hope people will soon realize that.

>Likes Vergil more than Dante
>Likes Nero more than Dante
Can't tell if based or gay

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>weapons toned down from 4

you mean weapons feel toned down in 4 compared to 5

enlighten us then, why is Matt Walker a scam?

Yeah, it felt too bogged down with talking moments and such. The perfect example for me is how Dante used Cavalier in the weapon get cutscene, it was alright, but it can't compare to running up a building using a motorcycle as a nunchuk. I still love 5's combat, gameplay, and I actually thought it looked great, but the story and cutscenes sucked. Also, big agree on the slowmo. It looked great, sure, but I remember just being bored waiting for the next shot, went on way too long.

This. The cutscenes were a huge letdown. They were Netflix-tier. Also the constant timer which only further killed an already shit pacing.

The weapons gameplay wise in 4 suck dick, by far the worst of 3-4-5, I mean the cutscenes of getting them. The best DMC5 one (Faust) can't compare to Lucifer.

He is. He's desperately trying to censor Japanese devs from being Japanese. I hope he gets fired when that REsistance game inevatibly flops.


Voice your reason at once or stay silent for all eternity.

Why are shills so defensive of Walker?

Not defensive, just curious.

They're not, they're attacking you for being retarded and complaining about someone nobody knows without any explanation

Walker Grimtongue

>ask for explanation
>why are shills so defensive?!!
Ok so you're just retarded

I guess no matter what they do, Dante will always be a Kamiya character. He always sticks out like a swore thumb when surrounded by Vergil, Nero and Lady.

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vergil when.


I mean sore.


Go to sleep Matt

Then why did the beginning of 4 starring Nero suck so fucking much? SO FUCKING MUCH I'M STILL MAD ALL THESE YEARS LATER AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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This weekend.

Eh, he fits in okay with the rest of his family
Vergil's trying to be cool just as hard as Dante, he's just an autistic weeb who studied the blade while Dante was out banging chicks
And then Nero's kinda like a synthesis of both, with his asshole spiderman routine
They range the entire coolguy gamut
I can only imagine how much of a fucking nerd Sparda must have been, what with his cheesy ass aristocrat outfit

A decade from now when everyone has already killed themselves from the wait

And none of "his" characters ever touched Dante in terms of popularity. Itsuno is a great man, but he sucks at creating characters. The whole edgy big brother concept was done by in 1998 during RE4's development. He just put that concept into a good game.

You take that back or I will come over there and give you the judgement nut

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Vergil is into British poetry and clothing, that's not a weeb, but I don't think he's also a proper anglophile.

The man slicks his hair back, wears a flowery asian trench coat, and is so well versed in the art of the demon samurai that he can cut through dimensions at a distance without even perceptibly moving
Exclusive or not, he is a massive nerd and that absolutely includes weebery

Just let it go user.

Did Vergil let it go? No. Then we shouldn't either.

He kinda did. He gave up on himself and became someone else.

Fine. Time to split myself then.

His DMC5 coat clearly draws inspiration from 18th century admiral coats, whereas the DMC3 one leans more towards aristocrat fashion, including the patterned inside.

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Gilgamesh and NOTAlastor had fucking fantastic themes in 5. Cerberus was also hilariously hype as a song.

>giving up
He's still arguing with Dante about their wins.

>He gave up on himself
He literally achieved his goals and has nothing else to strive for other than proving he's cool to the family he has left

The only moment that got me in DMC5 was V telling Trish who he is and that he regrets all shit hes done and was seeking Dante to right his wrongs. And then Vergil comes back and throws everything away until Nero shows up and Vergil has a "oh shit i have a family" moment.

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Vergil gave up on his DMC3 self and became what he did at the end of 5.

His DMC3 self died for a failed goal that he was holding onto purely out of pride
The only thing he gave up on was the murderous parts of the rivalry that he had literally forgotten the purpose of and had no legitimate reason to continue other than possibly out of the lack of a will to live

Hideaki Itsuno is a perfectionist, he likes to improve ideas made by others and he does that to a degree that is frankly speaking very mechanical, and I love him for that. But he's not a good creative mind, and that's why I prefer Kamiya to him even though Kamiya's systems may appear less mechanical compared to Itsuno's.

>Shoehorning the same shooter segment into every game
>creative mind

Matto-san is more based than you will ever be.

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>you don't brain cells to finish DMC5

DMC5 was GOTY and in contention for best in the series.

more like devil may fart in the wind 5 haha when's dragon's dogma 2??

I'm hyped for that too. Hopefully it has more DMC style combat.

DDfag here.
I hope it never gets a sequel.

>DDO shutting down
>We may never see that sick ass Alchemist casting Fist at enemies ever again

Can somebody explain to me when the fuck the dmc fanbase has been flooded with insane storyfags who talk about cutscenes and emotional storytelling?
Nobody gave a mad fuck about dmc storyline before, did some youtuber make a video celebrating it or something? Whenever I hear dumb fucking opinions like that on Yea Forums they seem to always have originated from youtube

I would take any kind of combat if it meant Warrior could stop being the most gimped class and have more than just the monhun-tier hold X to win move going for it

Why? What a stupid thing to say.

I have always thought DMC3 was a modern shakespearean masterpiece, fight me

It was the backlash to DmC, everyone had to adopt these positions to properly explain to normalfags why that game's characters, tone, and world were so fucking terrible and was hated by fans of the series despite on the surface having similar component parts

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OP here. I opened this thread at 2am, slept soon after so i couldn't keep up and didn't expect so many people to reply here.

I read all of your posts and gotta say: you die-hard DMC5 fans are so fucking pathetic. Every reply of you guys (outside of few good examples) were either insults or explaination drawn out the deep fucking ass to justify a decision in the game. "Hurr durr, Vergil changed when he was V" and stuffs lile that. You guys are interpreting way too much into things that just haven't thought properly through and there is to this date no official explaination of the writer to these things yet. It's also funny how everyone comes up with something completely different to justify DMC V. So yea, that should tell you everything.

Not everyone who disagreed with me was that much of a retard though. Some of you had good arguments as well and i at least respect that, you guys are not sucking something from the thin air for no reason. The people agreed with me were the most civil here funnily. Everyone else calls me retard and what-not without any sort of argument behind it. It's astounding how people can love such a lackluster game such as DMC V. Nowadays you really don't need to put much effort in a game, do you

Good morning

>You guys are interpreting way too much into things that just haven't thought properly through and there is to this date no official explaination of the writer to these things yet
You mean exactly like all the shit people liked about the writing in the other games