Why don't Muslims make more games?

Why don't Muslims make more games?

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>implying muslims are competent enough to do so

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The better question is: why do Yea Forums and /pol/ hate muslims?

>hate women
>obviously hate trannies
>hate all minorities
>want all power to be in the hands of men
>legally fuck lolis and legally rape shotas in public
>open execution of faggots in the streets
>family valued over anything, and by family it means just male members with female members being little more than objects

It seems to me like Yea Forums and muslims are on teh same exact wavelength.
Why do are you two fighting again?
Because they hate the west?
I'm sure with some minor adjustements and some ground rules laid down you'd get along just fine.

They made Crysis and the Cryengine.

the absolute state

The ones that are competent are usually North African or Lebanese, and they usually emigrate to the west and join companies like EA and Ubisoft. None of the gulf shitters are capable of anything beyond having fuck you money thanks to oil. If you're asking why haven't any of the countries have a team that made a GOOD game, it's because the govs will find a way to fuck your over and ask for bribes to the point where you won't be able to release a game and probably go bankrupt. Only noticeable ones are mobile games which are even far more garbage than what indies make, like literally pajeet tier and always coming from the gulf which again, dont do any work except outsourcing things to pajeets and young guys who aren't from any royalty and literally from peasant classes

spent more than a week in the UK or any other infested place and you will understand.

Because they follow the wrong prophet

Also you cant drink or eat pork

Because Bomberman is dead as fuck.

Too busy taking over Europe, and soon the rest of the world.

Same shit have happened in your shithole of a country

SEA Muslims usually went to mobile "game" developer as far as i know.

>drinking pork

Jesus, user

kek how does this happen

I got mutilated ("circumcised") because "it's Muslim tradition" so yeah they can all rot in hell.

nope because we aren't retarded and drink camel piss

Hating muslims is 2015 dead jewish meme for migatards. Muslims are based.

Same reason why alt right cucks can't make games bro

>it's not ok when it happens to me
How do you expect me to take you seriously.
If you want to hurt, kill, and subjugate everyone else you should understand when another culture wants to do the same to you.
Isn't it only fair?
It makes perfect sense to me.

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this is pretty much what some european pagans thought, before they got raped by christianity

>what is eastern europe and japan both far more nationalist and right wing than the us

Because most conservative Muslim countries don't like media of any kind.
Just look up modern cinema in the middle east. They get maybe 1 movie every few years, and it is always praising Allah and Muhammad.
>There is a funny post-9/11 FPS shooter made by Al Qaeda that is horribly made, but hilarious to witness

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Muslims are worse than ever. Californians are just astroturfing in their favor because they believe the sons of millionaires and diplomats that can afford to move on their continent are "the regular deal".

>Because most conservative Muslim countries don't like media of any kind.
That's interesting, /pol/ also really hates any form of the "electric jew".

Semite death cult. Low IQ due to generations of inbreeding. Like most brown people, they only really destroy shit. The death cult they practice is just the extra tax to make the more loathsome.

Not if that culture hates anime and porn

you're building a strawman of what very few people on this board actually think. Are you paid to write this shit?

Can't we just hate all semites? Do we have to settle with one of these implied literal hell spawn?

>implying I have to give a shit how invaders feel

They tried to do this before. The response was the crusades. You people never seem to grasp that the shitskins struck first and never learned their lesson.

Haha nigga how do you get crushed to death just walk away

You look at the wrong muslim nigga, SEA muslim made a lot of vidya

>the response was a cascade of continuous failures
Bonus points for getting bamboozled by the dandolo


Because there can only be one ruler of this world. Try asking the sandniggers the same question they will give you the same answer. /pol/ is reddit, they don't get this and will agree with you because "they hate jews too, we can coexist if we just stay in our sides of the world, there's no historical evidence that suggests this won't work".
>I'm sure with some minor adjustements and some ground rules
Whichever side loosens their grip gets to watch the other slowly assume full control. Furthermore why should either side try to coexist by giving up resources/religious values and not just simply eliminate the competition?
There's more to western "right wing thought" and islam than what you have crudely identified and even then the methods used are radically different. Basically you're a brainlet peddling horseshoe nonsense.

>Because there can only be one ruler of this world
stopped reading there. Word of advice, stop watching movies and go read a book or two.

Yeah, I love Yea Forums

I'll make one eventually, but say shit about my religion anyway so you wouldn't know.

Literal wilderbeast "people"

Your religion is shit and you are going to die like a dog. Enjoy!

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No one that hates dogs counts as a human being.

>They get maybe 1 movie every few years,
That's utterly wrong, there's an huge arabic movie industry

Because islam has a very distorted view on art.
For example a large part of muslims believe music is haram and thus dont listen to any.
I figure the same sentiment is for vidya

>he can't drink pork
literally lmao'ing @ ur life senpai

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That's new to me. There's a dog at my parent's home and we love him?


tfw user gets crushed to death at black friday stampede as karma

Which countries?

Arab TV blast music all day though, in between their shit movies. Complete with belly dances.

because they're subhuman rapist animals that have no place in white countries

nah dog, in raw numbers its large, i am speaking about tens of millions.

but nigslam has over 2 billion mudniggers

>family valued over anything, and by family it means just male members with female members being little more than objects
The woman is entitled to her money, according to muslim societies. The reason why women are like second class citizens is because, suppose the father of the family die, it's up to the eldest son to provide for his mother and siblings. Which is why you'll have, for example, older men, then younger male child and THEN women and young girls being less of a priority at the hospital, for example. That is also the reason why there are a lot of young male "prostitute" in their shithole country.
If a man allows his woman to work, she is entitled to her own money. The man still has to feed her and pay for the roof over her head, everything she earns is her belonging to her only.
I'd rather live in a first world country where, if my wife works, she pays her part.

That's not "large" and I've never heard of fog hating rules anyway.

>No one that hates dogs counts as a human being.
Did we insult your father?

>subhuman rapist animals
sounds like /pol/fag whi*teys who go on shooting sprees because they can't score a gf.

/pol/ are self hating mutts, and they see themselves in muslims

Pakistan, Afghanistan etc

I don't hate muslims, I hate those goat fuckers from the peninsula.

/pol/ who can't stop sucking trump's(the greatest ally of Israel) dick hates Muslims? Well that's not surprising.

Because you need capital and education to make games and most Muslim countries are mud huts with literacy rate of less than 20%.

>muslim game
>muslim music starts playing

Not really the middle east, but okay lol. Plus I never claimed all Muzzies, just ones in the ME tend to take the Islamic banning of things of movies, music, and other media more serious.
I do need to watch some Paki and Afghan movies though. Should be interesting.

But you're a furry bastard of a woman that lost her virginity to a dog, what's your problem with goatfucking even if it was common?

>Why don't Muslims make more games?
Because they all bomb

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You shouldnt need religion to do all that.

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Which Arab countries have banned cinema?

>I can't respond, because I've been btfo
Go read a book yourself you stupid nigger. You'll find many wars that were fought on the same idea. And then you have to come to the conclusion of how these different armies believed they were fighting for a just cause. They believed their way was the right way.

>open homosexuality
>no open homosexuality
you're contradicting yourself.
which shows you ppl arent all of the same groups.

lastly, the
>no trannies/homos
mentality comes from ppl who think all/most of them are pedos.
(and even then, the argument is based on "all thumbs are fingers, not all fingers are thumbs" logic, where they claim most pedos are gay, even though statistics seem to vary quite a lot on that.)

as for hating musIims, theres 2 groups.
the ones hating middle eastern races, and call them musIim, and those who believe in far right religious beliefs IsIamists.
(with studies showing 20%~ dont support isIamists at all. 20% consider themselves isIamists, and 60% say they arent isIamists, but support isIamists actions.)

So this gets real complicated real quick, depending on which group you're talking about.
(issues like, most ppl who leave a musIim country, usually arent extremist, due to literally leaving their country. but some of those who leave in large groups, could do so with the intent of spreading their religion. which is usually far right in nature, like old school christian religion.)

None have outright banned them. But they are highly selective about which foreign movies can be shown, and even more restrictive about what types of movies can be produced domestically.
Plus places like Saudi Arabia still won't allow females to even view movies, or on the rare occasion they do it is a one off thing.
It's not a cut and dry situation. And of course I am talking Middle East more than North African countries.

>Why don't Muslims make more games?

>lying on the internet
ok dogfucker

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>None have outright banned them
so, full of shit, as expected.

Most muslims I know own dogs, this is one of those memes I've only seen on this site

Which country?

>talk about new england
>lol i wasnt talking about maine


I never said they did. Seems you should work on your reading comprehension.

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They can't. Their Asian and African slaves, however, can.

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That's the exception when you compare it to most of the other ME countries.

very good reasons. the actual question is why do educated anons bother to care for them.

>t-the biggest Arab country d-doesn't count!!
Retarded lying dogfucker.

What brain-dead logic is that? Sure you can chose to ""understand"" it. Doesn't mean you should like them

Last time I checked no one here have beheaded anyone.

Thats a larger scale Hillsborough Disaster. Happens

Also your lying rabid ass didn't even know what that "exception" was until I told you, further proving you're full of shit.

Millions of people in one spot

Learn where the middle east is. You're probably the same faggot who thought Afghanistan and Pakistan were middle eastern, lol.


Too busy smoking on college campuses and trying and failing to get laid on tinder.

Check harder because it wasn't long ago someone here beheaded a girl for rejecting him.

why can't westerners?

>the most liberal arab country, also coincidentally bordering with european countries like greece

Those are indians

>MUSLIM tradition

You got that wrong. That's on the jews. There was an American Muslim that sued the hospital where she gave birth to her son because they circumcised him without her permission or in her own words "They made him a jew."

Arabs do it too, but yeah we usually get the adult ones moving over who always have to move due to their domestic violence incidents.

Americans that have a problem with circumcision have a problem with christians. They're the ones directly responsible, not jews or Muslims.

WTF im muslim now?

Aniconism, while not universally enforced across Islamic cultures, does make it less likely that you'll see any games that aren't about animals or abstract shapes.

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>Arab countries that borders the mediterranean sea don't count
Literal fucking retard.

Most of the world is too invested into religion, servitude, or family to have a video game industry.