Call someone a "nigger" on dota

>call someone a "nigger" on dota
>get banned for 20 years
yeah I'm thinking video games fucking suck

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they're doing you a favor

>have 200 behaviour score for feeding and being a nigger
>get banned like a nigger
get fucked faggot


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Make a new account it's free to play.

It's fine, only a moron would actually be stupid enough to say that shit with the rules they have.

Maybe in 20 years you'll be reformed user

who is it racist?

>say it all the time while playing dota
>never get banned
>its only people who feed and abandon who have sub 1000 behaviour score for doing said things that are getting banned
nice try, nigger

>pee on top of the daily poop tray
>get vanished from the feces temple for 5 minutes


>agrees to terms of service to play
>breaks terms of service
>they ban you
>"I'm thinking video games fucking suck"
Are you retarded?

not him but this wasn't the case a few years ago the world is slowly turning into a mind prison i don't even swear and i feel restricted

calling someone a nigger isnt racist

russian are very senstitive to the word nigger since it reminds them of what they are, please understand

what the fuck is a behavior score? your good goy points? lmao >the absolute state of dotards

LMAO, I bet you will be back in two days with another account.

What drugs are you on because I want them

Stop feeding retard.

i call people niggers in like 90 percent of my games and my behavior score is 10000. you must be a literal degenerate to go out of your way and actually work on ruining everyones matches

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imagine having your experience ruined just because someone said nigger

this is the kind of person that giggles about the fragility of masculinity or whiteness or w/e

>food analogy

it literally means black

You eat shit?

basically getting reported in dota 2 does pretty much nothing but lower your behaviour score meaning you're a faggot who can't play with others, you get put with other retards in the same behaviour score range as you when you queue up, valve today introduced a new system where if your score is the lowest of the low, which you can only get if you're constantly reported, constantly feeding, constantly destroying your items etc you get banned for 20 years for being a nigger

Pretty sure it means a little more than just being black, otherwise you could just call them black

It doesnt user

Nigger refers to a specific kind of person.
Negro is the word you're thinking of.
You are a racist.

>can't even greentext correctly
how's your first day been faggot

Negro means black user

>Call everyone fuckface.
>Still have good boy points and 55% win rate.

Meanwhile lel can actually ban you the moment you say nigger.

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So OP is such a massive faggot not even the other faggots want to hang out with him

>dota stopped being fun because I'm not allowed to say 'nigger' anymore
a sign the game wasn't fun to begin with.

lmfao and dotards cry about getting banned on league
ive said nigger plenty and im still not permad

Ahahahahah magacucks btfo

Meanwhile back in WC3 custom maps everybody says nigger every other word and nobody gives a fuck

You also have to be shit at the game itself so OP most likely sucks ass at the game,feeds the team then calls his teammates niggers for not playing the way he wants.

go cry about it/pol/

Based fuck niggers

>You are a racist.
big shock
but no you only think it's racist because you chose to believe that

pretty much, saying nigger in the game does nothing, you might get one or two reports but that does literally nothing to your behaviour score meaning nothing is done

Based retards

LOL tough break, kiddo.

some of the biggest niggers ive ever met are white
>back to tthe cuckshed nigger

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unbased nigger

The word nigger isn't racist on its own. If I call you a nigger then it can't be racist because I have no idea what race you even are.

You can say whatever you want as long as you're winning and carrying the team.

A support who buys wards can call everyone every slur under the sun and people won't give a shit

You don't get banned for saying nigger, you get banned for being a nigger.
I have played with and commended countless of people that shit talk in chat even "racists"
You are just that unlikable and bad at the game everyone reports you, kill yourself.

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>but no you only think it's racist because you chose to believe that
Yeah, me and every other sane person in the world who actually has seen a black person once in their life

>I'm not racist YOU are because you know what I said is used a derogatory word for black people

misusing the word kills the original meaning

Super based and dumbpilled

>good videogame gets ruined by corporate bullshit adding dumb terms of service
>complain about this trend
He's not saying they don't have the right to ban him. He's saying it's dumb to do so.
If people can't stand the sight of the word nigger, they shouldn't be on the internet.

Who invited you to this website nigger
Dont reply to me again


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>ruined by corporate bullshit adding dumb terms of service
How is the goddamn game ruined because you can't bitch about blacks? Litterall how does this effect the game?

You have to be a special type of person to want to casually drop racial slurs on the reg. In what context do you say a racial slur and not expect to be racist, except in an academic setting?

act like a nigger get shot like one

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

I'm not the one that thinks niggers and blacks are interchangable.
That's you.


Apparently middle eastern people fought for the right to be called white on immigration papers in the US

bro are you actually an ESL ebonics spitting nigger
how many times are you going to samefag in this thread

Doing it anyway sugartits

well they are

>No argument
An hero

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>the term is unoffensive if you treat like so

Saying nigger is fun. It relieves stress, just like every other curse word.
But the fact that one couldn't say it in public without getting assaulted makes it even better than fuck or shit, which have lost all meaning when even politicians will say them on stage.

Why do they think it's a good idea to let the Dota community moderate itself?

>used to spam the living shit out of techies to get to master tier
>behaviour score hits low 3k
>get to master tier on techies with like 1.35k games on techies at the time
>stop playing and just play other heroes because I'm bored and what to do other things
>behaviour score goes back up to a good positive 8k
also btw, Yea Forums is bad at videogames and you should just be shitposting in /d2g/ since it's only 90% completely full of retards as compared to this cesspool

it actually feels really nice to be not playing techies so fucking much

>twenty years
Holy shit dude. I'd consider a day overkill for that.

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Holy shit does that mean I can report random niggers with my premades and fuck them up 4noraisins?
Nice game

Then why do niggers call each other niggers instead of negros?

Doesn't mean they are.

that is fucking pathetic

Can you tell me why people say it on games like this if not to be offensive?

I call people niggers in real life with no consequences, why should a video game be different?

You can do it in game, people have already pointed this out multiple times.
You are just insufferable, the piece of shit OP is probably a feeder or ruins every game he is on.

Black people don't speak spanish stupid.

Wow you really convinced me with your well-articulated argument bro

Here's your final (You)

to get a reaction from nigger faggots who hold some words on pedestal like you

It's fun to swear

Because video games aren't public spaces.

You have to be a special type of person to actually get offended by a word in a vacuum and not based on the context it's used in which determines its intent and meaning.

do you guys freak out this much when someone calls a white person honky or call an asian person chink? you've literally been brainwashed to act like nigger is on the same level as 'voldemort'. fuck off. you can say nigger and not be a racist just like you can say dance honky dance and not be a racist.

This, you can be toxic all you want as long as you're not trash. If you're a shitter who feeds 0/11 then says "ez mid" when your team carries you, you deserve to be in low priority pools with other retards.

Oh I know, it's just funny you mention that

i want you to seriously think about this
how fucking fragile are you that you need to be replying to everyonr, defending your race just because someone said a mean word
i hope youre shitposting, otherwise grow the fuck up nigger

So they want to be offensive yet also tey to bitch and moan that people don't like it? Maybe they report you because they know you'll be offended.
I'll give you that

user do you know what nigger means? it refers to the violent thug monkey demographic of black people, not all black people as a group. that's why it's used as an insult, not because it's racist. being racist would mean hating all black people, which no one here on Yea Forums does
it's the same as calling a woman "bitch", you only call some specific women "bitch" because they annoy you in some way and it's a gender-based insult, but calling them bitches doesn't mean you hate women as a group, similar to calling a black person a "nigger"
this is why it's not hate speech, liberals claim it is to feel morally superior but reality is very different from what you think it is

No ones arguing
Just said truth buddy

Shut the fuck up, nigger.

is this autistic frog thread?
yes you should be banned from life

It's different when you actually cohabit in a city with real, actual black people, user.

>You can be racist and not be racist
Also yes those words are racist as well user

>Maybe they report you
i don't even play with strangers i coop with my boys like the chad i am

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Lol I rage at feeders and get a behaviour score of 1.5k. it takes 45 minutes to find a game. Meanwhile the feeders who ruin your game don't get punished. The try hard fucks who report you for not giving them a tango don't get punished. The people who spam those valve approved voice taunts don't get punished. The people who have no idea how to play the game but report you if you stray from the "meta" don't get punished.

maybe for you
i have a black fuckbuddy and she loves it

yes, absolutely, a lot of people do that all the time

Go fuck yourself you stupid faggot.
You are so trash at games absolutely no one likes you.

>I call people niggers in real life with no consequences
Your classmates?

>being racist would mean hating all black people, which no one here on Yea Forums does
Yeah fucking right

>be black man
>Say nigga in a videogame
>get banned
defend this

kek i say nigger all the time in csgo. thats the game you should play my nigga they legit dont give a fuck

If your behavior score is so low that valve literally ban you, you did more than say a bad word.
Enjoy your ban tinker spammer.

because its better than intrusive moderation where you get banned for stupid shit? you have to be all levels of fucking stupid to get banned from dota 2


The context is always to get a negative reaction out of somebody, black or not. There is not an adult out there who doesn't know what it means, so I don't know where you're getting being in a vacuum from.


incel wh*toid btfo

>the word nigger is racist because if you say it you're a racist because the word is racist because only racists say it
Fantastic circular reasoning there.

>Replying to everyone
I'm mostly calling you retarded and agreeing that you're racist

I can't even imagine how many times I called people nigger or faggot in LoL. But I never said it in a particularly angry way. Always in a joking way. Amazed I've not been banned or even suspended a single time. I've only played here and there for the last 4 or 5 years though. Mostly ARAM because I don't like worrying about lanes.

In a better world, worthless /pol/scum like you would be sterilised and forced into labour camps.
Fuck off and die.

Sorry racists the free market has spoken it's no longer profitable to appeal to your kind of trash