Have you ever considered speedrunning a video game?

Have you ever considered speedrunning a video game?

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Mega Man X4, but not because I love speed running. I just love the game. I don't do any speed stats, I just gotten good enough to do my routes consistently.

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No but ben franklin has


No, I like my penis where it is.

One time I wanted to see what the Final Fantasy VII run was like and it was all about counting steps and shit.

no cuz trannies and autism and autism and trannies lol xD

Nobody could tell when a person was supposed to be a female. You know, instead of shaving, dressing like a woman, looking like a woman, sounding like a woman or putting in any effort at all.

Would you?

i did a couple of games timeshift and the demo for a game called elechead

Link to the Past, and the DKC games, since they were the ones i played the most growing up. DKC dmeands insane dexterity to hit the important tricks, and Zelda hovering and pumping would wreck my hand, so i stopped trying

Oh and i forgot to add, kill all trannies.

Ty for reasing my blog

Not actually speedrunning, but using speedrunning techniques lets me enjoy DK64 as much as I did as a kid without having to bother with the garbage mechanics.

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I plowed through Super Metroid last night in 2 hours 11 minutes. It isn't anywhere near the best run, I only got 59% items, and the only crazy trick I did was the Draygon grapple beam trick, but I still had fun.

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Only one, and that was Super Metroid when I was a kid

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I was probably 7 when smartball came out for super nintendo and I would play it over and over. I thought I was good enough beating it in under an hour was good so I stopped. I don’t think I have since


How can you speed run a jrpg without it bein excruciatingly boring to watch?

I've speedran FF4FE a few times, but I mainly do LoZ3/SM combo randomizer, LoZ1, or FF1. I don't like speed running the base games because it leans more on rote practice and "solving" the game rather than discovery and on the fly adaptation.

I have a decent time in LoZ3/LttP's randomizer alone, but I run into fatigue during the combo randomizer since it's usually in the 2:30-3:00 time for completion, while LoZ3 alone clocks an hour less. Still, the combo randomizer is one of my favorites to watch since there's a lot going on throughout, and the length of the game means more mistakes and gambles get made, whereas in the shorter games, people generally know what they can get away with.

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Yes, I've done a couple of MGS2 speedruns, was pretty fun.

You can't unless your run uses a fuckton of glitches/is very short. That's why it's sucicide to run any modern JRPGs.


other possible combinations:

I only ever speedran dark souls to get the red eye orb earlier.

At least in the randomizer leagues, the games are patched to be somewhat faster to start. For example, FF1 leagues almost always have on randomized spell lists, which make casters a popular option to start with, since getting early powerhouse spells like NUKE, FADE, or even just FIR3/ICE3/LIT3 is enough to let you burn through early and midgame dungeons at low levels. This means you've got a sort risk/reward thing going on where you try to decide what dungeons you can do with your current loadout, how long your spell charges can last you, and how you can get your physical classes, who will be doing the majority of your damage late game, leveled at the same time.

This one was an interesting watch, no trannies involved either: youtube.com/watch?v=eFgRMNgRq6g The FF1 league seems to be good for that in general, most consistent community that lacks transvestites beyond maybe MM2 and LoZ3 stand alone. SM and FF4FE has quite a few though.

I don't get it. If you know your desire to use non-standard pronouns to the english language are going to cause confusion and derision, why not just stick to using a gender neutral pronoun for everyone and avoid the entire issue? Just use they/them for everyone and call it a day.

Why do the same thing more than once?


I once attempted to route a speedrun of Last Remnant, because I thought it could be fun to route it due to the sheer complexity. I gave up after realizing that when running as a speedrun, it means the lack of extra stats and gear gives most battles under 10% chance of winning. At that point I'd have to route in deliberate encounters to get stat ups and it got too complex.

no thanks i dont feel like cutting off my dick

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>using plural pronouns

I've never done any serious speedrunning, but I did play through Crash Bandicoot 2 once, and rushed through the game and just got the crystals, and beat it in about an hour.

Why do trannies do this.

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did hollow knight in 3 hours for the achievements, but other than that no.

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Just got into Any% no major glitches, very fun challenging run as you have to do the normal bosses with almost no upgrades and the platforming gets intense since you want it to be optimal, there are a lot of guides on speedrun.com when the site isn't shitting itself like it is right now

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last remnant and saga games are some of the only few games i cant for the life of me beat without grinding a bit at least,dont even know if it's possible to speedrun them without it

49 IGT any% Super Metroid. I run the game on my phone, playing with touch controls.

Don't kid yourself, you post on Yea Forums so you already have a micropenis.

Because it takes minimal effort and eliminates 99% of awkward misunderstandings

thought about trying Ninja Gaiden since its the way the game was meant to be played anyway

Fuck no. I’m acutely aware of the irony of speedrunning; in order to blaze through a game in record time, you’re going to have to play through it hundreds of times and spend ages mastering every know exploit. At that point, I’d find it more fun to play normally

Neutral they at least has a degree of history and isn't obviously constructed bullshit like ze or whatever.


There's no game I like enough to play it hundreds of times in a row with no break

Closest thing I got to a speedrun was beating the speedrun mode of Dragon's Dogma in 55 minutes.

What the fuck am I looking at here?

Holy shit is that a genderswap mod for FF1? It'd be neat if they didn't ruin Black Mage.

So you know what they prefer to be referred to as

It's a skip method in the Ice Palace on LttP. You use a bomb to propel yourself over the edge so you don't have to trigger the orb pillar thing, it lets you jump straight into the boss chamber instead of having to do a circuit around the entire dungeon. You also bypass needing the big key, which in randomizer can save you a lot of time if you know IP has nothing useful in it.

IP is notoriously long without the skip, and most players save it for last since it's slow to dig items out of.

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Sprite swap mods are getting more an more popular, LttP has a huge list of sprite swaps for Link, FF1 has a few for the characters (I'm really waiting for the FF14 pack a guy said he's working on), and LoZ has a few as well.

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I have tried playing along some routes and tutorials just for fun, learned some cool things about Aria of Sorrow

I did Duke Nukem 3D a fair few years ago, watched all the runs, learned the tricks and got pretty close to top 5, but that was more of a personal goal.

Splinter Cell games i've dabbled in for perfectionist pacifist runs, ended up quite good at glitchless runs due to it, mainly due to memorizing AI pathing, but i was more leaderboard chasing, before all the hackers with their 2s completion times.

it's fun, but i couldnt get into the crazy SJW GDQ Autism levels of speedrunning.

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I meant how that's clearly Celes with some altered colours instead of Link. But that was answered in the post below the one I'm replying to so eh.

Brainlord. A pretty obscure arpg on the snes.
It's my rom hacking child. I've pretty much tore the game apart using nothing but a hex editor, and heavily contributed to its TCRF page since I found a bunch of unused stuff.
I know the game almost inside and out at this point.
It's funny, because I don't even consider it *that* great of a game. It's good enough to play through if you like ARPGs, sure, but I don't know what made me cling to it.
That said, I've been considering speedrunning it. The best speedrun of the game currently out there is pretty flawed to begin with, but it also doesn't utilize a skip you can do to skip pretty much the entire first half of the game.
So I could beat the record with relative ease.

Buuut I think it's kind of no fun to speedrun a game that no one else is. It doesn't have a active speedrunning community at all, understandable though given how unknown the game is.
I think a chunk of what would make speedrunning fun for me is the difficulty. But given how low hanging the Brainlord record is, it just doesn't seem like it'd be very fun.

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Not really, but I've watched a few speedruns here and there. It's better when it's a single person instead of an autistic posse sat on a couch making uncomfortable comments amidst the deafening silence.

I replay Ninja Gaiden 2 every few months because I love the game so much but the thought of having to autistically optimize every single one of my inputs just to save as many frames as I can kind of takes the fun out of it. I might try no damage runs though, since I can already get through most of it pretty cleanly.

No because speedrunning is fucking retarded. They're forcing games to be something they aren't then seething when it doesn't go their way.
They should put that dedication to a genre like STGs or fighting games
Ia also hate speedrunning because my faggot friend keeps talking about speedrun strats constantly instead of playing the game

I don't have anything against the idea but I get bored replaying games normally, let along over and over and over with only the goal of getting faster.

you know why

honk honk

Considered it, but then I realized I don't care if I'm the fastest. And playing the same game ten thousand times in a row is sad.

>years ago
>very good/experienced at game
>decide to speedrun it for fun (before it was cool)
>did my best, finish in 3 hours
>proud as fuck
>look up "record times" online out of curiosity
some fucker somehow managed to get it @18 minutes with all sorts of fucked up bugs that no ordinary human would ever discover even if actively trying to
completely killed my drive to ever bother again

>Speedrunners thinking they're skilled when they just bug a game on easy mode

Compare yourself to glitchless speedruns, the 64 door bug has its own category.

>all sorts of fucked up bugs that no ordinary human would ever discover even if actively trying to
Well yes, it's a community effort. These runners aren't figuring all this shit out on their own.

Yes but manipulating RNG with steps is kinda gay and keeps me away from it

Once a year I hop on the dark souls speed run train just to see if I can do it.

I practice for months but I still end up eating shit once I get past orenstein and smough.

Good, dumbasses who complain about glitches shouldn't be in speedrunning

I always try to get the best ending in Super Metroid which requires going fast so maybe just for that game?

I constantly replayed Megaman Zero games to get perfect scores. Is that the same?

>Glitch constantly
>Complain the game is acting inconsistent
>It's everyone else that's being weird

based, randomizers are fun as fuck

I like doing time trials in racing games so yeah I guess so

>>Complain the game is acting inconsistent
The hell are you talking about?

trannies control speedrunning

BOTW and Sonic games come to mind. Super Mario World as well. Not an RPG though. Why would anyone do that to themselves? It sounds like torture.

>awkward misunderstandings
like when a man in a dress thinks he is a woman?

I prefer to be referred to as his royal highness, but transphobic bigots won't do that

I started learning the FFXV speedrun but I didn't really keep up with it because I don't know how the route changed since Royal Edition came out

ESL here. Isn't "they" supposed to indicate a plural?

Are you drunk or something?

No, "they" can be singular or plural, as with "you".

It's not about that. It's about their own twisted desire to make people uncomfortable. It's forcing people to say that 2+2=5 when both parties know that's bullshit, but just forcing you to say it gives them sexual pleasure.

The "singular they" exists in English and can be used when you don't know if you are referring to a male or female

My pronouns are host and guest

It's supposed to. Historically, "he" is used to refer to someone if their sex is unknown. However, corrupting language is causing confusion is the goal of trannies and their supporters so they'll do anything to fuck with your head.

I do. Mega Man games, Bloodborne, Hollow Knight - I run a fair amount of stuff just for fun.

Conventionally yes it does, but there's a history of using "they" to refer to a singular person of unknown gender in hypothetical and counterfactual situations, where another speaker might use "he" even if the sex of the hypothetical person is unimportant. Or on the internet where for example I don't know your sex, I might say "That user said they were confused."

Using "they" to refer to a real concrete person who definitely has an observable sex is a neologism.

Bitch about it all you want, but Yea Forums is one of the only places left on the Internet in which you can say a man is a man or a woman is a woman. Try that shit on twitter or facebook, if you get reported you WILL be banned.

MMX, MMX4 and Dark souls. Also, my speed record run for Mega Man X5 is my best time in any game I have ever speed run on twitch.

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oh, I got it. Thanks frens.

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English is a poorly designed language so good luck on your journey

not really, too much cheating involved

Np user, happy to help

No problem based ESL bro.

Fuck you, English is the greatest language on Earth.

I've managed to beat latest updated Cuphead in 35 minutes, but I would never be able to go any faster without autistically practicing for days and using just the peashooter and spread. I still have to use the charge even after it was nerfed.
My biggest wish for the DLC is that it adds a 1 HP mode that boosts your damage by a lot, but I doubt it'll happen.

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is there anything more autistic than "speedrunning" a game which is heavily reliant on RNG?

I'm far too stupid and lazy to get good enough at anything to do it competitively or even for fun

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I like to speedrun Hitman levels casually because they're made for repplayability anyway

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Speedrunning a shmup were the screen scrolls at a constant speed.

If you play it on Xbox and count the time on the loading screens during your runs your time would be even less than that and you could very well be speedrunning that game competitively. I think the current record is around 30 minutes

Speedrunning is really fucking sad
Im not even talking about the speedrunners themselves.
Im talking about speedrunning as a whole. It is nearly impossible to actually learn to speedrun 99% of the popular speed games. No one uploads videos or shares tutorials to allow it.
Another problem is that they are too big of pussies to ban certian strats. Windwaker literally fucking died after barrier skip. And is only fun to watch a all dungeons run. golden eye is just horrid, they don't allow emulators which can run the game faster. This is fucking horrible because nobdoy wants to watch someone play, or play for themselves, a game in which you look at the floor and just do muscle memory over and over again.
They say that limiting lag frames is a skill but thats bullshit. It literally makes the game unplayable and unwatchable.

How to make sure speedrunning doesn't just fucking die?
-Upload videos on how to do the fucking speedrun
-stop using the consoles and run the games on emulator (only really applies to older games)
-stop supporting their degenercy.

i causally speedrun 2D metroid, i spent a whole summer getting good at zero mission when i was volunteering at a library as a teenager

good taste, i hope that dev makes more cool shit like that game

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All the communities went to Discord, which is a fucking disaster because all their discussion and tutorials will be lost like tears in rain. Eventually those discord servers will be closed down due to drama or some stupid bullshit and it will all be gone, never to be recovered.

I've played megaman x 2 enough times that I can kind of full clear speedrun the game.
But that's really not a speedrun, that's just playing well and knowing how to turn the games anus inside out, it just happens to be a decently fast run as a result of this even if I fuck around.

Funfact: you can get the buster upgrade with just the wire sponge weapon.
You can get it with the leg upgrade too, but that requires wheel gator's weapon then going o overdrive ostrich's stage.
By getting wire sponge weapon first you can get the buster upgrade and the wheel weapon in one trip.
And since x2's buster upgrade is probably the most powerful version of the xbuster in the whole X series it really lets you rip through everything else much faster making it worth your trouble to hit up wire sponge first.

Honestly, give it 10 years and speedrunning will be completely forgotten.

I did in the past before I knew about "speedrunning" as a community
I beat Pokemon Blue, and Zelda: Minish Cap in about 5 hours each but that was maybe 10 years ago.

I kind of wanted to try speedrunning lust for darkness just because the one guy that did it was so deliciosuly close to sub 30 minutes but never bothered to break it despite a couple clear chokes in that run.

Can't. I'm not a tranny.

Are you mentally-ill or something?

I've tried beating RUINER's speedrun mode in under 45 minutes or whatever the time needed for the achievement is
I got super close to doing it first try and fucked up at the end multiple times and got pissed

i try to speedrun the first level of every game i like

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I used to speedrun a game nobody else ran two years ago. I stopped because the community started getting anal about people playing on emulators and I didn't have the money for a console, the cartridge, and a capture card so I stopped.

I'll always miss /srg/ pre-Narcissa days though.

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