>Yea Forums are moralfags now
what the fuck happened?
Yea Forums are moralfags now
Other urls found in this thread:
Go away Akagi. You have no power here anymore.
We grew up and realized hatred and racism has no place here or any where on the internet.
Being a dick online is fun but being an actual asshole is just shitty.
Yea Forums hasn't stopped being the villain.
Yea Forums has just become a different type of villain, the type that truly believes what they're doing is right, and they're the real heroes of the story.
Soon, Yea Forums will transition into becoming another type of villain when this form no longer suits them.
Can you guess which one it will be?
Oh my god you sound insufferable
>Yea Forums is slowly climbing the villain tier list
who here /arguably better justification that the heroes/
But it's fine because he's being ironic! XD
>what the fuck happened?
watched too much little girl anime
Nigga the majority of the world is racist. It's human nature. I'm pretty sure it's not just something some edgy kid made up because he disliked indians or some shit. Also not implying it should be that way btw
Fuck you Kenshiro, I should have been the successor to the Assassin Fist of the North Star.
How is me being against hate insufferable? Hatred ruined this site and others its time to grow up and learn to love one another. Black, white, gay, or straight lets just love.
Faggots like you migrating from reddit ruined this site.
Ever since some tards escaped this mental asylum and on to other social media it’s just gotten kinda distasteful to be a vulgar asshole. When you’re on an anonymous message board anything is really fair game, but when you take that mentality to places like Twitter, you make an ass of yourself and suddenly everything is fucked up for the rest of us.
I feel like that user's just baiting you.
How did Jagi get the seven scars.
Define "moralfag" without sounding like a retarded zoomer from /pol/
>It's human nature.
This is never an excuse for anything. Human nature has many self destructive elements and humanity will not survive if it can't overcome the worst of them.
how the fuck are you falling for the most obvious bait in the world you stupid motherfucker
he's not even trying, jesus christ
He has no power if you don't pay attention to him
20 IQ poster, unsurprising he is the type to get super triggered
Wanna say that again?
Morality is counter culture now. I wish I was lying.
I have been on this site for years the hate on hear use to be ironic but now its unironic. Its time to grow up user and stop blaming reddit for everything. Look inside and love your fellow man and stop the hate.
chad samurai stance
Hasn't it always been?
Probably for your life time.
He did it himself to Larp as Kenshiro
Wouldn't say Yea Forums are moralfags, people are just so fucking tired of the fags with brains filled with cum shitting up the board when people just want to talk about vidya
nice joke
But Hokuto Shinken doesn't have those finger stabbing moves. I could never figure out how he got them.
discord trannies are not "people"
If you stopped be a jobbing scumbag for one second you might've had a chance. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn jobber.
fuck off /pol/tard
Yea Forums just became edgier and edgier, hating anything remotely popular and trying to be the cool kid who has to one up everyone.
I liked the cynical and pessimistic takes on things before, but now it's just boring. Hurrr new game sucks, Hurrr casual racism durrrr women bad.
Cool cool but it's boring as shit. Atleast we used to discuss shit in some extent. Now it's only edginess for edginess sake. Yes, it's been going this way for ages, but it's gotten to a point for me when it's boring. I want to talk about my vidyagaymes, man
Plebbit found us
i fap to erotic videos every day, all day. no men allowed on my video collection. what now, fagtron
I left Yea Forums 6 months ago with the name change and just came back recently to check if something changed. And yes it did. There is really no discussion anymore but just shitposting. Moralfagging is also in an all time high. Posters from other boards is also high. The brigading from reddit and discord is also high. And Yea Forums is now newfags and zoomer central.
It's extremely unusable now. Even just lurking is unbearable. Back then, more than half of post are at least interesting or unique or not the same shit all day but now 90% are the same shit.
>edgier and edgier
no. This kind is not edginess.
>I liked the cynical and pessimistic takes on things before, but now it's just boring. Hurrr new game sucks,
Been like this forever
>Hurrr casual racism durrrr women bad.
literal reddit Opinion discarded
He has self-taught Nanto Seiken doesn't he?
>I grew up
If you don't hate yuri and futa you aren't my brother
>anons just want to talk vidya without having tits shoved in their face 24/7
Enjoy your autogynephilia fag
have sex
But that's gay user.
I-I’m not jobber
The final nail in the coffin was when you had threads full of anons defending bans for saying nigger
Live cool die fast
I never thought i'd miss the tryhard edgy athiests, but i'll take them any day over these mainstream moral religionfags
Why are leftists always flirting with full-blown pedophilia all the time?
>Jagi resorts to his own form of Nanto Seiken, which Kenshiro disparages as 'slow' and an insult to Shin's style.
Bloody hell your right.
Straight edge for life.
>hating anything remotely popular
Really now? The same place with daily Dark Souls/Persona/WoW threads hates "anything remotely popular"?
No friendo, Yea Forums doesn't hate popular things, in fact Yea Forums only talks about popular things at large, actual niche or less successful games are frowned upon until a youtuber or E-Celeb makes them hip enough for the underages here to care.
What Yea Forums is however, is tryhard and deliberately provocatory for the sake of it, people here revel in anonymity for the sake of getting some kind of attention, most people in here talk and pontificate about games they never even saw a youtube video of just because they're in desperate need of someone to talk to, most people in here don't even play videogames, it's a miracle they even play the normalfaggot trash of the month and stay on topic instead of talking about /pol/ stuff or just post the new wojak flavour of the month ad nauseam while bitching about an imaginary nemesis like "weebs", trannies, SJWs and whatever else.
This place is just another fucking failed normalfag forum but without accounts and names.
you truly are a /pol/tard
you can't just ignore an image, you must open it for the "secret redpill"
Who are you kidding?
Imagine being this much of a r*ddit fag. Fuck off homo, Yea Forums is a racist board.
Love is the way :)
Imagine being a /pol/al crusader, joining Yea Forums from between gamergoy and the election, believing that it is not you doesn't fit but the site that you invaded.
Post-election these memes make you look worse than the person you use them against
Akagi was absolutely correct about SJW (at the time what he called moralfags) infiltrating vidya and lowering the overall quality of the games. Notice how every protagonist today even in games like RDR2 is a good goy and liberal sockpuppet. Kenshiro, Kamen Rider etc are really proto-SJW characters and Akagi knew.
You laughed at him then, but I bet he's the one laughing now wherever he is.
I use edginess as a catch all term, but your take on it is pretty good and agreeable.
>Been like this forever
I know? That's why I I used to like it. Now it's just to an unironic shit posting nth degree. I think you saying
>Back then, more than half of post at least are at least interesting or unique
is a tad wrong though. Or atleast that ratio is way off for only 6 months ago.
If love was the way
I'd stop meeting sluts all over Yea Forums
Sjws get a bad rep but most of them are pretty cool. Besides some things should be opposed. Such as pedophilia.
>believing that it is not you doesn't fit
Maybe wait until you've been through a few more summers before trying to type a coherent sentence user
SJW/libtards/degenerates have no good concept of justice
>but most of them are pretty cool
>opposed. Such as pedophilia
Fuck this board I'm out.
Fucking retard, it's called SOCIAL JUSTICE. There entire identity is based upon it. And in case you didn't notice SJW liberals and zoomers fucking adore Kamen Rider.
I have never seen zoomers or SJWs mention kamen rider
Reminder that /pol/tards aren't welcome on Yea Forums and you all belong against the wall.
>"I hate politics in these AAA games that I can just ignore"
>"I'll post about these politics everyday to show how much I don't want them"
Election tourists are what have ruined Yea Forums, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise
You jobbed so hard to Kenshiro that you nearly played the role of sloth from The Goonies.
Using firearms to defend yourself instead of your fists is not what I call "cool".
>SJW liberals and zoomers fucking adore Kamen Rider
You make some good points m8. Think I'm just too jaded to even try and understand the utter shit that goes on here sometimes so I am missing the nuance to it all.
They still have the diamond in rough every now and then where I can actually appreciate some of the opinions here, but yeah, my god is that rare as hell amongst all the other stuff that happens.
twitter and tumblr are full of them, open your eyes retard. Same crowd as JoJo and Stephen Universe trash
It's like you WANTED us to reply with this image with a post like that
>Besides some things should be opposed. Such as pedophilia.
If you are a legit anti, you deserve a bullet.
Normalfag scum like you have absolutely no fucking place on Yea Forums.
1/10 bait
I've been here since 2005 and he's half-right.
We weren't like that serious about everything until recently. It was a joke you know, a fucking joke.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Then you fucks invaded this site, you ruined it. You invaded it and you took it into the real world to share the dumbest ideas we had with the rest of the world. They were meant to stay here. Not to leak, you leaked them and ruined not only this site but everything we could ever create in the future.
You ruined this site. Always remember that. Always remember that.
To be fair, we're the ones that label them SJWs. None of them do that themselves. Think the label us shit too and make that all of our identity and treat us that way too.
Here, let me fix it for him
>Imagine being a /pol/al crusader, joining the site between gamergoy and the election and believing it is not you who should conform to the site but vice versa.
The older I get, this.
Most memorable and beloved villain despite being a jobber and insignificant
He's the creator of the series' favorite character too
But they can't ignore the mainstream examples because these migrants from Right leaning Reddit and Twitter were never brought up on anything but the mainstream, so they insist on dragging it around here when the oldfags and contrarians couldn't give less of a shit
They specifically refer to Social Justice as their goal and something admirable.
Do twitterfags REALLY watch PawPatrol
>applying the slogan of Yea Forums to the entire site
Geez you really are retarded, and you accuse others of ruining the site, absolute madness.
Because so little of us know user.
Fall away from lust and turn inward
Could you imagine being so underage that you think Wojakposting is cool?
>Blaming /pol/tards for chanology
Friendly reminder that there are 5x more Discord circlejerks dedicated to paranoia of "muh trannies" and "muh Reddit" than there are actual Trans/Reddit based Discords
It is what Yea Forums is meant to be.
We are a place of anonymity and inside-jokes not a place where important political movements are formed. Not a place that brings itself into the real world.
The fact you responded like this blows my fucking mind.
You are who Yea Forums was meant to escape from.
This is not and never will be a website meant for you despite you trying to make it be that way.
I spit on you
Yea Forums stayed the same, they're still kinky faggots but the problem is that the world around them became worse. so awful that Yea Forums looks moral compared to them
>board exists for vidya
>board exists for porn
>faggots post porn on the vidya board
>people rightly point out that shouldn't be the case
Literally that simple
Fuck off with that fascist shit.
Tbh if jaggi actually hit pressure points with a shotgun, that'd be pretty cool.
I am surprised there was no cowboy character in Fotns
>he unironically thinks that everyone outside of Yea Forums is authentic in what they say
That guy was maybe being a bit dramatic, but you're just being dumb.
He could just be referring to ideologues.
If "memorable and beloved" means absolutely pathetic, then I would agree.
I try to be as polite as I possibly can be in real life but, when it comes to internet and Yea Forums especially then anything goes
also thread theme: youtube.com
Oh wait...
audibly kek'd at these
At least that was under the term of "anonymous" which was know from its hacktivism, it wasn't simply a Yea Forums endevour despite its name.
Also notice the name anonymous?
We have faces and names and figureheads for these movements these days
Porn boards are boring and filled with normalfags except maybe /d/, haven't been there much but it seemed decent.
Yea Forums is legit the place I've had the best porn and doujin discussions in.
Imagine being this much of a faggot.
>Porn boards are filled with normalfags except maybe /d/,
Yea Forums has always been normalfag central full of retards like MUH MANIME faggots like vinesauce joel or mandalore
you retards are called Yea Forumsermin for a reason
This. Especially for gay ones
not him but do you think that making all boards red boards will fix this place?
this website will never cater to you.
>someone who has unironically fallen for the /pol/ trap discusses the tranny trap
you two truly deserve each other
>Casual lewd posting of fanart/doujins on Yea Forums to accompany posts or head a thread
>Meanwhile on Yea Forums and /pol/
No the issues stem into general culture and the aftermath of 2016.
Insta-banning anyhting to do with twitter or twitter raids is the only thing I see doing anything
Yea Forums is shitposting so it's expected, but the same principle applies on both Yea Forums and /pol/ when it comes to porn, it shouldn't be on either board.
fuck this thread best build to be Kenshiro in NV???
Who can punch faster, Kenshiro or Star Platinum?
the ripoff always loses
Not him but that would only justify the shitposters (the majority of Yea Forums it feels like) and their habits. Stricter enforcement of blue board rules (unless its actually videogames related would improve Yea Forums imo.
But then people will cry about censoring and muh Yea Forums culture and what not.
Unarmed 100
Paralyzing Palm
Piercing Strike
Take Turbo or Rushing Water
>What is /pol/
>What is /r9k/
I don't use /r9k/ but stay seething, faggot.
Love is for children and women, not men
So they both lose to Bruce Lee?
>faggots post porn on the vidya board
>Oh no! Threads about vidya girls!
Yea Forums has had those types of threads for a long while. Yea Forums has had ample discussion about MGQ and Rance, both porn games. Yea Forums has had porn vidya threads for longer than you have probably been here and you have the GALL to say what does and doesn't belong. This is the problem with you fags that came after 2014: You can't just hide things that you don't like, and you don't just want to get rid of things you don't like, you feel that it's your MORAL OBLIGATION to MOLD the host site to your tastes like a brain parasite.
Kenshiro is fast, but I'm pretty sure not faster than light.
Have sex
2 containment boards you absolute fucking moron and you think this is catering to you?
How is SP faster than light?
Don't wanna.
Both containment boards. /pol/ in particular. /new/ was removed by moot due to it basically becoming a stormfront board, and the biggest mistake he ever made was caving and bringing it back as /pol/. Genuinely did more damage to this site than Yea Forums invasions did.
sorry, try not to shoot up your school over it
also video games
/thread /keked and almost.../checked!
This society requires a paradigm shift in gender relations. Not the one feminists are suggesting, though very few have good ideas
Time Stop shenanigans.
That’s his only trump card though.
It will never happen because somebody has to pay for this shithole to stay up, it's not 2004 anymore and this place now has MASSIVE traffic, it's too late to go back now.
Unless you know one of the secret club chans to fuck off once in a while and have some peace and quiet you have to deal with this place, and the secret club chans are mostly dead because they're secret.
The only fix for this place is death, moot made the mistake of making this place more attractive and open to undesired people, he did it in good faith mind you, but he still fucked up, that and Chanology, the rest is just the inevitable snowballing that lead us to what Yea Forums is today.
>coombrain talks about others having a brain parasite
And there are countless nsfw containment boards for you to fap to muh vidya waifu as well you faggot
Your hand is ready when you are
>>Yea Forums are moralfags now
All the 3rd worlders bringing their medieval Islamic homophobic misogynist mindset here.
This is a board for white people from christian countries that celebrate LGBT pride and feministic liberties. Don't like it? Then fuck of.
He never should have caved, I know they were shitting up the rest of the sight but if he had of gotten a few more mods on a temp bases to just go mad banning everyone they would have gotten bored and left eventually
Yeah yeah, very ironic. Surely that's not why there's a coomer discord with the express purpose of sanitizing Yea Forums(nel), right?: archived.moe
Been here since 2006 and this user is right. Yea Forums was not like poltards try to say it was.Racism was comical and light hearted (watermelons, dancing hitler gifs etc ) and stormfront was actively raided on multiple occasions. If you went into a serious discussion about the attitude was generally that race didn't matter as long as they were a decent person (usually phrased in 'I have no problem with black people but hate niggers' or similar).
The other weird change, probably from the same ultimate cause is that the board used to be quite anti-christian, which obviously isn't the case now. I haven't seen christfag said in years.
I get it baits are delicious but seriously take a chill pill
Nothing wrong said there. Only advanced white christian democracies are fighting the good fight for LGBT pride and female liberties.
i love making this thread
what the fuck?now i'm starting to understand that waifu meme.
Not quite the same as christfag but christcuck is said very frequently , strangely becoming a thing AFTER the elections
>being this absolutely butthurt about /pol/
>not a single lamentation about Anonymous being taken into real life well before
There's a certain site you're welcome to go back to.
I've never really believed containment boards work honestly. /mlp/ is the only one I can think of that kind of worked, and that's probably just because the fad passed than anything else. What often happens instead is that the retards congregate and form a retarded self-reinforcing group culture. If they don't cross board it isn't an issue, but /pol/s issue was the obsessiveness of its posters and the fact that they widely crossboarded. Virtually every board, but especially the popular ones suffered from the furry like mentality of /pol/tards in tha they would try to make every discussion about their obsession and would always try to present themselves as the victim if opinion ever moved against them for the shit they make everyone else deal with.
/pol/ needs to go back
Go back to /pol/ and stop ruining Yea Forums
Not that user but, would you say you've been here longer than him? Care to share your version of what Yea Forums and Yea Forums was like?
Trump happened and the idiots are now a vocal majority. We went back to 1950s.
Not him but I honestly think that /pol/ is more responsible for the state modern Yea Forums is in than habbo hotel and chanology, and that is really saying something.
its bait but hes not wrong
Not giving as much of a shit and just learning to like more people despite their oddities makes you and everyone around you happier
>Yea Forums
Fucking kek
You want us to literally explain the joke to you incel? Maybe lay off the fapping to cuck porn and attractive males for a little while.
Yea Forums and /pol/ are culturally the same board
Why does it matter? Kenshiro can kill someone with just one touch.
It just occured to me that the funny thing about /pol/ is that they act exactly like the immigrants they complain about.
>flood Yea Forums and ruin its culture with their bullshit and tribal behavior
>be incredibly vocal and needly and overshadow the voices of the older posters
You guys need to take a long hard look at yourselves
Stop trying to be le ebin chad normalfag newfaggot tourist. This site's new obsession with LE MANLY is part of why it's shit and filled with normalfags
lol, the point is that i don't care about sex you fucking retard.
And stop deluding yourself.
You poltards are so delusion with your bigotry.
You have just linked to a flat contradiction and one that is wrong so I don't really know why you linked that
>implying gamergoyim and electionfags can introspect
You need to check your complaining and realize Yea Forums was shit before /pol/ and it will be shit after /pol/.
>but muh older posters
Sites change. I've been here since 07. Who gives a shit? You can leave if you don't like it.
Always keep that in mind: leave if you dislike the site. Or, you can stop pissing and moaning and ignore posts and hide threads that anger you so.
I'm not disputing that, Yea Forums and Yea Forums always declined in quality over time, but /pol/ is the issue right now and has been for like 5 years.
All Redditors, including you, need to go back.
Yea Forums is shit; /pol/ is shit. Leave at any time or keep shitting up the board with whining.
>people hating Trump and his allies on reddit and /pol/ are anti-semitic 3rd worlders
Not surprising
I see that you have trouble reading. You should seek help. Let me try to explain it in the most basic way possible:
Yea Forums,/pol/, equals.
>You lived to see /pol/ sacrifice their once undying hatred of jews to support a shitty GOP stooge
Shouldn't the equals be placed between the two things you're trying to equate? Or is that now how they taught it in your education system?
I'm gonna sound like a fucking tool saying this, but there's also growing up playing a factor.
When I was 18 and started coming here, I did specifically to join into Yea Forums raids to milk lolcows. Back then it seemed hilarious to spend weeks on end just harrassing some teenage Deviantard with psychological issues until they were threatening suicide. It seemed hilarious to just spam shitty forced memes all day and raid other boards.
Now I may not be 100% less of a fucking faggot, but trolling has lost its luster with time. I really want to believe it was better back then because it was nearly 15 years ago and I'm a bitter old fuck and "trolling isn't what it used to be.", but the truth is it's exactly the same, now with different memes I am out of touch with.
It all seems so fucking childish, like things only a fucking disturbed and profoundly retarded teenager would enjoy, but that's what I used to be. Now I'm just a disturbed and profoundly autistic "boomer", but I just want people to drop the retard act.
Can't wait for pols meltdown in 2020 when bernie wins.
Post the Kamen Rider one. I always get a kick out of the Rider Kick at the last panel.
Fuck. It's already been posted. Disregard.
Actually /pol/ is pretty split on the matter, with maga boomer fags from reddit in support of him, and other normal /pol/ users against him, so it isn't /pol/ as a whole, but part of /pol/ sucking up to trump
>t. /pol/fag
You do understand these articles are clickbait and these books are written by people with serious emotional problems? It's not a good example of society as a whole.
See this is exactly the problem with electionfags. I don't give a shit about you or your politics, but I can have a reasonable discourse with you without someone screeching Buzzwords
You are what all of/pol/ should be and I thank you
“Growing up” is definetly a part of it as well, yes. You only have so many peanuts to throw at the elephant man until you start to think about how he feels.
same fag
When anons entirely believe what other anons say, I'm pretty sure they're just as disconnected from reality as the people they hate are.
Ofcourse they think this is representative of what "normies" look at, in the same way that incels genuinely believe that only Chads get girls and if there is a non-Chad with a girl, she's probably screwing the dog or something.
I hope you know that even if you were just pretending, it doesn't make what you did any less retarded.
Yea Forums and /pol/ are equals. That's what i wrote.
I think everyone here can agree the board would be better off if all partialism retards (breast fetishists, footfags, fatfags) along with the Fag Fifth Column and their Gaystapo discords were expunged. Even the shit posted here in web 1.0 2003 when I came over from a link in the SA hentai review thread (discussing old C's ware games like Dividead) it was normal pussy lovers and actual Japanese taste in explicit doujin porn mixed with racist "toxic" introvert interests in games and anime. Nowadays fags are just posting clavicle, feet, and JUMBO TIDDY THIGG HNGGGG and trap shit incessantly in off topic garbage threads with their template memes. If you want to see who among you does not belong simply show them a cute anime girl gaping her pussy and showing off a beautiful fertile hole. Rugae, cervix, waiting to receive then. If you receive "ewww roastie weeb pedo"... then you know your enemy. You have a Dividead thread here now? Nocturnal Illusions? pfft. They're hostile to straight pussy lovers and male sexuality. Enjoy your increasing discord Gayops.
Where is he now?
>let me make it as simple as possible by removing basic grammatical words
So smart!
Culture changed, most of the old guard left to smaller social circles to meme around in. New people joined and brought their own culture and they too will leave for smaller circles to meme around in when the next age rolls around in. It’s a public place that is ran for profit not any sort of culture or agenda, and if this eternal battle of sjw vs muh Jews vs people who want to shitpost for The lulz is profitable it will be ran forever,
Stop being a misanthropist.
>So smart
The intention was to make it simple enough for a neanderthal to understand yet your autism got in the way.
I just hate how unfunny the boards have become as a whole over the past several years, and I don't think the change in culture is a coincidence. Lurked since 2008, it does not make me some kind of fake expert but it's something that has been very noticeable. The people who were the target of the jokes seem to dominate most boards now
hey, remember when we didn't call each other reddit and just called each other faggots and niggers?
Cope, seethe, dilate, have sex, tranny redditor SJW cucck soyy boy libtard
While it might be frowned upon, can take the Greased Lightning for even faster punches.
We called them Gaia fags with a picture of a big dawg, let’s not get ahead of ourselves
>you've only been here 3 years
No all boards were edgyshit. And Yea Forums can be serious when needed.
>11 years on Yea Forums
>still need edge
But you failed in making it simple.
>A and B are equals
Should be simplified to
>A = B
Not some dumb ass reduction like
>A, B, =
Other user pointed out that what you're referring to is bs, you tried to simplify it, and I just called you out on how dumb you are that you couldn't even do that. Failed to see his point, and tried to be smart and failed. gg