This is incredibly soulful, idk what Yea Forums's problem is

this is incredibly soulful, idk what Yea Forums's problem is

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Other urls found in this thread:

I unironically love the artstyle, I just don't love the price tag if the game is a 1:1 remake of the GBC game I already have.

this place is full of faggots

Is it “60 bucks” soulful?

The main issue I have with this is that they SHOULD have remade the oracle games as well and sold the three of them together

You pay a premium for Nintendo quality. Get a job

I hope that comes next. That would be so good in this style.

>if the game is a 1:1 remake of the GBC game
Good thing it isn't.

It looks like shit anywhere there's bright lighting and the character models are ass.

Anyone who thinks this game's visuals are creative hasn't been paying attention to Nintendo's B-Team titles over the past decade.

>Kirby's Epic Yarn
>Yoshi's Wooly World
>Paper Mario Color Splash
>And now the Link's Awakening remake

Every single one of them is a spin on the company's weird fetish for arts and crafts/miniatures.

It's not 1:1. They removed content from the original.

Have a job. It’s what helps me meter the value of any product I buy based on how long I had to work to afford it.
I wasted 4 hours of my life, only to play Links Awakening remake, a game I could easily play on PC.

It is. Don't misinform consumers.

Whats wrong with the screenshot? Its hella blurred at the top, jesus. Howd that even happen?

They added the stupid dungeon maker stuff

Fetish for making money and being more formulaic than marvel

>for a rom with new graphics

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It's a replacement for the photos. You're not getting anything more or less.

gayest retort award

Creative and good are two different things.

>what are you, poor?
low IQ rebuttal

I could be a billionaire and it still wouldnt be worth $60

But it's a whole mixed bag when you try and claim this shit is "soulful." It's something Nintendo's been doing for almost a decade. Only now their kink has gotten so big, they're forcing this visual style on remakes that previously didn't utilize it.

This place hates change of any kind while also whining about rehashes.

>shit artstyle
>censored even more than the western gb version
hard pass

Is the "soul" that people talk about that really shit DoF effect on the top of the screen?


Of course, it just annoys me that this has the potential to be good, but is wasted on a remake and isn't even polished well.

What a fucking faggot AHAHAHAHA

I fail to see how this game improves on anything that was perfected by the original. The only change that has any real value is button mapping.
Now if they wanted to make a 3D Zelda based around the original, I’d be all for it. Instead they just rerelease the 2D games because it’s cheap, and they rehash BotW because it’s easy

>You pay a premium for Nintendo quality.
Get the fuck outta here man. Nintendo hasn't done a remake with "their quality" for years. Just look at the love between AM2R and Samus Returns. And beside, Nintendo doesn't have anything to do with's all Grezzo

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>remove content
>crank up the price
makes sense

is that pre or post taxes

>It's a replacement for the photos
Then it's not a 1:1 remake is it.

I really enjoy the new Ballad of the Wind Fish with vocals

God I hate all these faggots who have better things to do with their money than video games. This one really brings them out of the woodwork


>can’t identify depth of field effects
I hate newfaggots.

Vocals are all auto tune

You don't get to keep tax money. With this value system you've been wasting more of your life on video games than you think you have

I feel like it adds to the dream like tone.

the blur is fucking eye cancer

The vocals are supposed to be Marins natural voice. A voice so pleasant it resurrects a chicken.
Auto tune is the music is more likely to kill than to revive

Not having money to purchase a game and complaining it’s not worth $60 is the problem.

But Marin isn't natural a non. She's a dream.

this. normalfags and their financial responsibilities need to fuck off to reddit

But you aren’t and it will sell like hot cakes regardless of your opinion.

Welcome to the real world outside of Yea Forums.

I will only buy if there's an option to turn off Depth of Field

You know how I can play "Nintendo Quality"?
By pirating almost any Nintendo game. Including the original Link's Awakening.
For Free.

Now try and convince me to drop bucks on the remake when the original is ready for me to play now, for nothing.

and I’m still the victor
>some dumbass buys it for $65 after text
>beats it in a week
>puts it on eBay
>I buy it for 40-45 and JEWtendo doesn’t get a dime from me

Nintendo is so concerned about losing $60 from you they just tweeted it should be a day one patch. They listened to you, user. Congratulations.

If it looked like the opening, I'd be so fucking excited I'd go to a 24 hour store or camp overnight to get it.

Instead it looks like a bunch of dumb fucking toys because they used cheap 2.5D shit. Naa, don't even want it.

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>You pay a premium for Nintendo quality.

Attached: soyboy_by_tullamoredew_dc79c49-fullview.png (1024x1151, 1.42M)

>$65 after tax

they’re doomed now, someone is actually PIRATING GAMES in 2019!! Who would have thought?

Not feeling it, chief, then again I don't really like top down Zeldas except Minish Cap.

wow, so smart, do you have a degree in economics or something?

I’d say it’s worth waiting a week or 2 to save 20 bucks and stick it to a stingy company

I'm not talking to Nintendo. I'm talking to Yea Forums. That isn't hard. Stop being retarded.

>says it won’t purchase a game to avoid supporting a company
>gets an used copy from someone else
>in the end you still spent money on it
user, I have some news for ya...

I don't agree with your opinion but I respect it

Minish Cap is top tier top down zelda][/spoiler

I giving money to the private seller not Nintendo dingus

My uncle works for Nintendo

He’s now crying in the shower.

The art style looks like it was auto generate from Miis. It looks awful, has that unreal engine reflection on every surface, making it look plastic as fuck. Unironically I'd rather just emulate the original and beat that again.

Hmm it lost the charm of the original sprite work.
It still looks good but not good enough to pay 60 dollars.

yeah, you’re the absolute madman for purchasing shit on eBay, I’m impressed

>Nintendo quality

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what does soulful mean in this context? or any context for that matter i suppose
just not liking an endless stream of remakes and ports doesnt mean i hate nintendo or my switch, it just means that games like this are not worth investing (more) time into and playing all over again in a toddler art style 20 years later

lmao why are you getting so flustered over this? Do you personally work for Nintendo?

Yeah, paying extra for every dropped frame, and boy does this shitty ugly reskin drop a lot of frames.

From what i've seen it adds content - some whole thing with Dampe where you can play randomised dungeons made out of blocks of the ones in the game, also Hero Mode which makes a lightish challenge if you know what you're doing much less so.

The 'theme music' that plays on commercials and such is literal 'ukulele and flute' tier garbage from an app game or something, but the rest of the remixes charm me and sound like Wii menu-esque versions. They sound comfy. The sprites translate well to this 'model' style now i've seen things like the ballthrowing kids and Papal's place/Richard's villa in it. I'd have loved it if some scenes got art in the style of the old manual - Marin's beachside chat wouldn't be half as charming with HD models, and only used standard game sprites originally cus GB limitations.

I just can’t get over your shitty logic, but that’s a standard for Yea Forums brainlets

The original was on the gameboy, and they did not remove anything. You seem to be confusing one of the other many releases of Link's Awakening on one of the many other gameboy versions.

>paying extra for a lower quality product

Just the way I like it

Pretty much this.

They removed the soul.

What are they removing?

It is literally so soulless that it actively detracts from the original and makes it worse.
It is the definition of anti-soul.

I hate the dumb tilt shift.

You heard it from these guys. Nintendo is so rich and successful that they don't even mind if you pirate their game.

>go on rads. dis one-u is on me!- Miyamoto

Never playing this shit after Nintendo's bullshit bait and switch with the reveal, teasing us with this SOULFUL anime-style intro and then slapping us in the face with the SOULLESS Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer trash.

Just imagine how beautiful this game would be with 2D hand-drawn anime-style art instead of whatever the fuck this low-effort shitsalad is supposed to be. I was mad when it happened in February and I'm STILL MAD

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They blocked off the north end of pothole field.

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You can turn it off

This man, it had so much potential. They fucked it up.

I think it's cute but I don't want to play it because I played the original to death.

it's incredible alright, incredible how soulless it is

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>all 2D games are secretly trying to be 3d games

What are these mental gymnastics?

It's really grown on me honestly but it's a 30 dollar game at best. Especially since it was originally made for the 3DS since it was the only game from that leak not to see release.

But the remake is 3D, do you have braindamage?

huge fan of the DX version, from what i've seen from previous and trailers, the game looks incredibly charming and beautiful,but personally, i don't think new art, music and QoL changes are enough for me to pay 60 bucks for a game i already completed, i'll be getting it as soon as the price drops (if it ever drops, Nintendo only have discounts during black Friday and xmas, and it's usually 2 years+ old games)

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Virtual Boy Warioland? WarioWare on the Switch?

I believe he was talking about the middle image.


and yet here you are

This actually was for a good reason. In the original, it was functionally blocked off because the bushes at the edge of the screen had holes under them, and you can't jump over holes on the edge of the screen. It was impossible to make that screen transition without glitches. The remake doesn't have screen transitions, opting for a scrolling screen instead. It wouldn't make sense to make these holes impossible to jump over for no reason; it only worked before because of the way the original would transition from screen to screen.

The heartpiece they added is fucking bullshit, though

thing is, they didn’t make this game for 30yo fags who had a game boy back then.

But they aren't going to reach zoomers with that shitty artstyle. The original is still playable and holds up to this day, just use an emulator and unironically get a better experience. I would be pissed if my first exposure to this game was the remake.

Framerate is all over the place.

That's not what the image is saying.

>idk what Yea Forums's problem is
V grew so edgy and contrarian its disgusting at this point. Normal discussions can no longer take place it's all just throwing shit and trolling. Oh yeah, and there's also pol bait threads if it wasn't bad enough.

You think there is a single person interested in this game who didn't already like Zelda and probably already played the original Link's Awakening? This is 100% a nostalgia play, which is the easiest way for entertainment companies to make money in 2019 and they still somehow fucked it up.

Yea Forums is literally the only place i've seen hate on this remake. You're wrong if you think they've fucked up and its going to flop or something.

Oh, I know why I hate nintendies now.
You're as awful and insufferable as applefags.

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What leak are you referring to?

Yes, people who were born past 2000s and now are in their 18-19yo and own a Switch for whatever reason. Some grew up with Twilight Princess as their first Zelda game.

If you’re below 30s you probably never experienced the original NES entries, and won’t ever touch them unless a proper remake comes out. That’s how the millenials feel about playing a Game Boy game.

I bought and played the game for $65-$40 = $25.
while you paid for $40 to play it like a cuuck?
Are you dumb?

It's sixty fucking dollars for a GB game remake
I'd rather spend that on Astral Chain or DxM

it's pretty good, but the framerate drops are pretty distracting

It definitely won't flop, because every corporate-dick-sucking Nintendo fan will buy it even though they've already played it. I say this as a lifelong fan of many Nintendo properties including Zelda, the average Nintendo fan is fucking retarded and will buy anything they tell them to.

I tried to tell him that but his IQ is the barrier here. Leave it alone.

>Nintendo quality
Imagine having a corporate brand dildo this far up your ass.

Attached: smug anime face 8.png (454x404, 158K)

I haven't watched any new footage since the reveal, but from what I've seen posted on Yea Forums, they have greatly improved the framerate since the initial reveal trailer.


Were the knight pieces rng before? Now you just have to predict how they'll bounce and land them in floor slots.

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do you even know what 2.5D means?

>thing is, they didn’t make this game for 30yo fags who had a game boy back then.
Actually, I think the majority of 30yos by now know the value of money and would not blindly "nostalgia" buy something that they already played.
This is marketed towards the younger generation that did not actually play this game and would get the most value out of this. It is questionable if they actually have disposible income though.

So, tell me, YOU were the one who paid for your own games back in 1995?

>take 1 thing
>replace it with another
>still have 1 thing
you were saying?

In video games, it refers to a game with 3D art that plays like a 2D game.

I'm only 18 and I've played every game chronologically since OoT in addition to going back to the originals. I won't say I'm the standard, but don't generalize.

Bro this shit looks fucking GAY!

Yes, though "heavily discounted". There are no more means for newer games to be purchased like this. That means the newer generation would have a hard time or not be able to afford it.

Yes, you’re not the standard neither the majority. Well pointed.

>all these poorfags ITT

Attached: Laughing human torch.jpg (1024x512, 53K)


>Yes, though "heavily discounted". There are no more means for newer games to be purchased like this
Please elaborate on this point.

basedfags seething

No matter what this game's artstyle was people who have bitched to high heaven because now that 3D Zelda and "2D" Zelda aren't segregated by "3D CONSOLE 2D HANDHELD" 3Dfags are going to be unrelentingly pissy about the top down/birds eye games still being made.

I already made my point. Basically, the gaming market is going to find that throwing out these remakes everywhere is going to have a diminishing effect in my opinion.

I wouldn’t be so sure of that. Did you go to any toy store lately? Most gifts you would get for your kid on his/her birthday are far beyond the $60 mark. One of those standard LEGO sets with a decent play value are about $50-100 these days. Things didn’t change that much from 20-25 years ago.

I don't think anyone is complaining that it's a "2D" game on a "3D" console. Not that I've seen, anyway. People are complaining because the game doesn't look anything like they would expect it to. It resembles neither the original spritework nor the original promotional/concept art.

My favorite Zelda is link to the past and I think this remake looks like dogshit. Unironically won't play this so I won't ruin my memory of the original.

>slippery slope fallacy

And who is? All you did is pull a generalization out of your ass.

No seriously, please elaborate on
>Yes, though "heavily discounted". There are no more means for newer games to be purchased like this
because I have no idea what it is you're trying to say. Did you used to steal games? Or did you buy them used? Both options are still available for kids today.

>ITT endless "anyone who questions product must be a poorfag or zoomer or TPfag or Sonyfag or soifag" falseflagging
Amazing how we were able to have actual discussions on this game for the past couple days but the defense force only cropped back up in high number again after the game leaked early and is found to be a shallow unoptimized mess.

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Keep an eye on the e-Shop. Nintendo sometimes does sales on digital games.

You don’t seem to visit other places other than this shithole.

Yea Forums is Yea Forums levels of everyones shitty opinions

You don't seem to be able to pull up anything factual.

What is GameStop
What is eBay
What is MyNintendo Gold Points


Nice argument, now that you realize that people don't fit into your strawman generalization you literally concede like a child. Congratulations!

>p-please listen to my opinion!
t. seething poor fag

I'm surprised that they didn't find a way to fuck up Facade's design.

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Idk man, looks like cheap plastic to me. Especially compared to Yoshi's Crafted and Woolly World, and Kirby's epic yarn.

No. I guess you are not from that era. You go ahead and buy a used switch game. Let's just say you are better off buying a new switch game.

Christ I hate people like you. You can't have any fucking discussion on this website without some faggot coming along and demanding you provide """"proof""""" of every single statement you make. Fuck you.

come on, user, Yea Forums is by far the worst blue board. It's been /pol/ lite for four years now.

Back in the day it meant 3D characters against a 2D background or vice versa, now it has has a larger meaning.

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>You go ahead and buy a used switch game. Let's just say you are better off buying a new switch game
How do you figure? Where are you going for your used Switch games, Gamestop?

>ad hominem
So you have no proof, and would rather blow air out your ass and call it the truth, got it.

Some will deflect this with
>but the original japanese commercial that nobody outside of japan saw used puppets and toys, that's how it's SUPPOSED to look!
>why yes I am ignoring that it wasn't depicted this way in commercials literally everywhere else int he world and that japanese commercials are as weird as their people

By this shitty logic the original vision for a link to the past (via the commercial) would make cadence of hyrule the most accurate representation of the game.

Valid point. Though this Lego is new to the kid and thus has more value. This game is heavily based on nostalgia values.

lol, your license to ever input on art quality has been revoked for life

This is why I don’t take anything too seriously in this board. We’re filled with immature manchildren who come here to bash anything that’s having a good reception elsewhere. This place used to be decent for discussing videogames a decade ago, now we’re left with a bunch of retards trying to sound contrarian and edgy.

Don’t waste your time with this cunt.

That actually makes it the best board. On Yea Forums you don't have shitskins and pakis pretending to be white. It's fucking glorious. Yea Forums is more racist than /pol/ at this point and that's fucking based.

Are you actually braindead?

You could hack all all switch games for free day one

Yes. I guess I'm limiting myself to not looking at other 3rd party stores by choice. But it's not like I should expect a huge difference in the switch market.

I really like the art direction and I'll get it eventually. I just can't justify dropping 60 on it right now when just on the Switch alone there's Astral Chain, Daemon x Machina and Luigi's in such a short time span. Without mentioning all the other September/October titles.

At the end of the day LA is pretty short. And the new Dungeon thing doesn't add that much replayability.

Which is also completely relative, they never marketed this as a “remake made for people who loved the original”. It’s simply a new way to present a classic to a generation that never had the chance to experience the 1993/1998 versions. You guys are the ones bashing this crap to death for “not being the game I grew up with” or “not paying $60 for something I finished multiple times”. By that logic movie tickets for Lion King should have been sold for half of the price since everyone already seen the 1994 film.

You people are pathetic.

Mamu is a cool frog with sick beats.

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>It's another retard who think's Yea Forums is a hivemind that he somehow doesn't belong to
Special snowflakes need to be shot already

Let’s begin with you

People just have an issue with the artstyle. It really looks terrible. Looks like a fan game made in unreal engine.

nobody is bashing here. I'm hoping this would improve the market. It's a chill discussion.
A movie ticket is totally differently priced than this game and that is where value should be questioned.

>it's fucking based the film and tv board never talks about film and tv unless its a thread where they pretend they don't care about capeshit

Gamestop has never really been a good indicator of the used video game market.

>t. seething shitskin or chink


you sure about that?

How does Nightmare Ganon look like here?

>At the end of the day LA is pretty short
I greatly dislike the idea of judging a game's value by the amount of time you put into it. It's the reason so many games are padded with stupid bullshit busywork, to stretch a 10 hour game into 30+ hours so you get "more bang for your buck." A game that is half as long but twice as fun is worth more to me. That said, I agree that LA isn't worth $60, especially if you already own one of the many versions that are already out.


Wow, I stand corrected. What is the consensus for the younger generation?

Nightmare Ganon

i'm looking forward to it...will be nostalic

I can't believe that they rendered Link's giant cock.

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i'm an adult with af ulltime job, $60 is not bad

No, a movie ticket has the same goal as a game: get the money back to the pockets of whoever invested into making it real.

The only difference is the length, really, but also questionable if you consider buying yourself the DVD/BD to watch as many times as you want. Back when DVDs were a thing, I don’t remember seeing as many people complaining about paying full price for something they “already experienced in the original release” as I see now with videogames. And since I mentioned the replay value, I’ve replayed more SNES games in my life than most recent $60 corridor simulators (The Last of Us tier) I struggled to finish, so they would be worth $500 a piece by that logic.

Pretty good b8, look at all those befuddled autists

yeah, i have a job and $60 is not...i mean i spend tht on food in like two days

Did you ever purchase a LA? for Snes, Gba, Ds, 3Ds, etc. just curious.

Just because you can afford it doesn't mean it's a good investment. The value here is clearly not on par with what goes for $60 these days. If you find it worth buying, more power to you.

Not him but I had DX and will be buying the remake this weekend

>frames drop for 0.5-1 sec when loading stuff then get back to 50fps

No video games are an investment

I hate this fucking shell charm that doesn't provide hints on what to do to get the shell.

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It looks like dogshit, even 3D dot game heroes looks better.

What's up with this board having all these Nintendo apologists?

Can't put my Switch down. Its so damn good. I haven't played awakening in like 20 years.

With that said, Nintendo doesn't deserve $60 for this fuck them. This should've been an eshop game for $40. This is why piracy is good. We can decide for ourselves with each game.

Are Spiderman, God of War and Uncharted 4 good examples of how to properly spend $60 on a 15-20h game?

Not that user, but for streamers and "pros" i think it literally is. (price of game - viewer monies)

No, it just means you got 5x your money's worth, meaning it was a good investment for you personally. I've got a buddy who's beaten TLoU over 20 times, it depends on the person.

It's up to the consumer to make purchasing decisions that will recoup their investments.

>Can't put my Switch down. Its so damn good.
T. low test beta

go cry in a toilet, you faggot

A Chad Between Worlds
>takes the core groundwork of LttP but makes a simultaneous reimagined sequel out of it
>the flow of gameplay is shaken up to be more dynamic thanks to the mostly non-linear progression and rentable items
>the in-game graphic style calls back to the original SNES sprites, being very simple but successfully evocative of LttP
>character models are expressive pared down chibi versions of the non-chibi artwork that still feel in line with said non-chibi art
>has a reasonably stable 60fps framerate and features satisfying analog character movement
>extra player interactions (Dark Link battles) don't beckon the purchase of scalperbait figurines to function
>music is triumphant and adventurous, mainly being faithful and energetic remakes of the original LttP score
Virgin's Awakening Remake
>is almost a 1:1 port of the original game, with little in the way of quality of life improvements
>the main game is the same short ride you knew back then, with a couple extra optional heart containers to fill out
>the in-game graphical style vaguely calls back to the same kind of abstract low detail of the Game Boy sprites, and goes on to slather a tacky shiny shader onto everything and then an unhelpful tilt shift filter to make everything toy-like despite that never being implied by the official art
>character models are lifeless and barely detailed, with the implied excuse being MUH GAME BOY SPRITES (way to show off that Switch power, Nintendo!)
>the 60fps framerate is hardly stable thanks to using Unreal Resource Hog 4 and performance can't even compete with its source Game Boy game, and movement is locked to 8-directions while forcing players to use the analog stick anyway (the D-Pad does nothing)
>extra player interaction (sharing levels made with pre-baked room layouts) requires scalperbait toys or fake tags to facilitate sharing because fuck taking advantage of that Online Plan Nintendo likes to cajole people to paying into

Attached: The-Legend-of-Zelda-A-Link-Between-Worlds-4 (1).png (1280x720, 865K)

When is this shit coming out?

You're confusing LA with ALttP, I think. LA was only ever on GB, GBC, 3DS, and now Switch.

You're thinking in terms of recouping money; that's not what I mean. I mean the amount of value; entertainment in this case, you get per dollar.

I was saying how it depends on the person, those games have a lot of content but some people might not get as much out of them as they would out of a Game Boy game. I didn't buy 2 of those because i knew it wouldn't be worth it to me personally.

>T. low test beta

Attached: Roach seething.png (800x1011, 420K)

"I love reddit & paying for over priced shit" This is you OP.

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I was posting ORLY memes on here when you were in elementary school

Wow, totally forgot
>LA Remake features absolutely low energy remixes of most of the original music, deliberately aiming to achieve a juvenile sound

How's the drought?

i'll get a lot more value out of this game than a $60 meal or a $60 shirt

You're taking the term "investment" too literally. Of course it isn't an investment in the sense that you'll make money on it. What they mean by "a good investment" is "the enjoyment received from playing it feels worth more the money spent on it"

it's not an investment, you fcking idiot


It's probably just Breath of the Wild fags mad that Nintendo is bringing out a real Zelda game.

today if you're a chad

>ALBW is now praised by Yea Forums shitposters
You people are the very definition of pathetic

Pretty bad, the Switch is fucking garbage.

If they had released a brand new Zelda game with this art style instead of a remake, everyone would be excited. It has nothing to do with it being a 2D-style Zelda, it's because it's a poor representation of the original game that it is based on.

Whatever you say, snoy

If he sold he'd be getting the game for free dumb brainlet

>testing a non day one patch or future patch version

its so stupid.
remember when BotW had its frame issues that the patches fixed?

What the fuck does what I say have to do with Sony? You paranoid retard. I have a Switch, and its complete shit.

Yes it is

Literally anything you dedicate resources to is an investment and you should be trying to see a return on that investment in some way, don't fritter away your time and money worthlessly. I invest my time and money in video games because they provide me a lot of entertainment, and an outlet for hanging out with my friends.

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Sounds and looks cute.

Not $60 cute mind you but maybe $30.

Attached: 828.jpg (960x955, 47K)

>post soi pictures
>not snoy

>That the patches fixed
Why do Switch fanboys always lie? Everything performs like shit on the Switch. Its just fanboys except poor 2007 performance as "acceptable"

Attached: 2.png (853x483, 595K)

I would unironically buy this day one if they included more little things you could do with Marin and added a different ending for her.

I havent posted a single picture.

autist detected


there are people that buy a stupid ass BMW for over 80k when a 400$ panda from 1980 works better and you are going to argue 60 fucking dollarydoos on a piece of software?

how fucking pathetic can you get?

>You pay a premium for Nintendo quality

Attached: 1560905494358.webm (960x540, 2.32M)

Did they keep the color dungeon and the red tunic?

Ok. So LA remake is a good investment then

Not me, you fucking moron.

Dumbfuck zoomer detected

If you think $60 is worth it then buy it, if you don't then don't

>These assholes don't get $2,200 in NEETbux every month.

Poor bastards, I'm ordering two copies just because I can.

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>removed the photos sidequest
>durr they didn't removed a thing it was the gameboy version hurr

>standing still

I have nothing against the remake, personally I think it is so full of charm and effort that I have to respect it.
However, one of my biggest nostalgia turn ons were for those old GB/GBC sprites like Pokemon, Survival Kids, etc.
This is pinnacle comfy to me, and nothing can top it.

Attached: 67647-Legend_of_Zelda,_The_-_Link's_Awakening_DX_(USA,_Europe)-3.jpg (640x480, 105K)

>goalposts moving
He's moving in both videos.

So why are you mad then?

>perfect opportunity to really go HAM on a not so huge game with a really intricate and beautiful anime style it was originally going for all the way back then
>take a huge plopping shit on a cement sidewalk instead

>If you think $60 is worth it then buy it, if you don't then don't

Premium? More like creamium

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You could not have possibly said anything more retarded than that.

>Meet QT on /soc/
>Asks what boards I read
>"Usually Yea Forums and Yea Forums."
>"LOL, user Yea Forums is pure autism."

I was offended for a second but then realized she was 100% correct. And this was coming from a weeb from Yea Forums and /cgl/.

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For you, maybe. You simply can't make that asssessment for other people. Personally I would play it for maybe 2 hours and get bored, so it's not a good investment for me. It depends on the person.

Mad about you being a retard? I wonder.

$60 is way too much for this game, I agree. However that being said it is my favorite Zelda game ever so they got me.

Yea Forums is much, much worse than Yea Forums and that's saying something

What kind of handicap do you have?
Genuinely curious if I can bullshit my way out of being a wagey

>framerate is factually better
>even in the worst fps drop area in the game
>cap a pic the exact second they align anyway

>ITT: NEETs absolutely BTFO about the $60 price tag

You fucking pussies just loooove to whine don't you?

They were pure rng

Mad about the drought? Yeah, thought so

>south americans auto filtered
Can I get a based?

How did you spell “accept” incorrectly and then correctly in the same sentence?

I have a switch retard.

>factually better
Does that mean good? God you apologists are fucked

Ok cool. But the drought still hurts, eh snoy?

You mean the side quest that only existed to shill Nintendo's $60 printer accessory? Yeah I'll definitely be missing that from the remake. Only thing worth bringing over from DX would be the Color Dungeon, which honestly sucks anyways.

Attached: Game_Boy_Printer.jpg (2515x3473, 1.19M)

dude, its the switch

did you THINK we were getting 30 locked smooth?

>Still runs like shit on latest patch
You fucking lying cunts.

oh my god you're either incredibly dumb, or an ignorant zoomer, or just baiting really poorly. I just came back to the thread now and you baited the wrong dude lmao

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>Does that mean good?
Yeah. MHW and Bloodborne set the bar of sub 30fps, remember?

you have to be physically handy to get above 1k.
i got tism and i only get 850, i'd get LESS if i WAS working a "steady" job.

It's not spelt wrong though.

But where's Seed?

Officially, Bipolar and Agorophobia.

Social Security has a list of conditions that if you have two of, you're instantly approved for Disability. I picked the two that were easiest to take and therefore be diagnosed with.

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>On Yea Forums you don't have shitskins and pakis pretending to be white. It's fucking glorious. Yea Forums is more racist than /pol/ at this point and that's fucking based.

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You doing ok snoy?

Yeah, that's /pol/ alright. kek

What country are you from?


nice, that essentially means any place of work

I wasn't approved until I was 23, I had several years of working jobs and paying into it. That's why I get so much.

What age did you get approved and did you ever pay into Social Security?

Yeah, the Switch has been pretty fucking shit over the past year. I hope 2019 gets some decent games soon or ill throw it in the trash where it belongs.

Attached: 2019-09-11_23-57-59.png (1398x783, 1.17M)

Are you? You seem to be stuck in a feedback loop.

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it's shit

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Most Switch games run worse than PS4 ones. I dont understand what you mean. Sub 720p is also shit tier.

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>You mean that fun sidequest that added gameplay time? Yeah I'll definitely enjoy my three-hours remaster

Grammar =/ spelling you stupid fuck

This game looks cute and fun, I have the Dreamer edition preordered.


If It was free people on Yea Forums would still complain, its just a bunch of people trying to stir up revolt for attention.

>not part of the floor but hovering on it
they fucked up

It is free,and its still shit

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>By that logic movie tickets for Lion King should have been sold for half of the price since everyone already seen the 1994 film.
not a great example when the new version was shit

>dodges the question

Okay, who started that shitpost about no "mirror shield"?

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If you consider adding a whole 10 minutes to your 3 hours then is it really worth bringing back? Aside from Marin's, whose you need to go out of your way to do, all the rest happen as you play the game so it's not like you're discovering anything new or getting rewarded for your exploration. Just follow the game's story beats and you'll get most of the pictures without any effort, again save for Marin's.

really dude? thats the best reason you got?

>wah i can't grind away at a useless sidequest that is literally outdated because it was tied to old hardware that doesn't exist. new game sux


I dont answer irrelevant questions

>tied to old hardware that doesn't exist
No one cares about printing the photos.

Some people complain intelligently and with fair reason, and some people are wojak posting retards like . That's just how it is.

ALBW was always good you faggot.

>lttp, awakening, and oracles link all the same link in canon
is it wrong for me to want remakes of the other games in this style?

>If It was free people on Yea Forums would still complain
No shit, because the majority of the complaints have nothing to do with the price

>I just shit in your face but I did it for free, how can you complain about it????

i mean i did when i was like 10

No because the Oracle games deserve a remastering.
Yes because the artstyle is awful.

and lttp?

ALBW is just a shittier LTTP. Why would I plan an inferior sequel that's basically the same game but way worse?

No because the artstyle looks fantastic

>inspired by a previous game
>HUURRRRRR it's duh saym game
You really are retarded, aren't you?

Because aside from the overworld map and sharing a couple bosses between each other Link Between Worlds is completely different from A Link to the Past?

It was originally just going to be a straight remake of LTTP, but it evolved into a (way shitter) sequel, with garbage mechanics like the item renting ruining the pace of the game, and there being next to no tangible rewards aside from the squid things and heart pieces.

You are completely delusional. The game shares so much with LTTP but does practically everything worse. It has next to no redeeming values when compared to the superior game that came decades before it.


>It was originally just going to be a straight remake of LTTP
In much the same way that LA was going to be a remake of ALttP, and the Oracles were going to be a remake of the original LoZ. It doesn't matter what it was "originally going to be".
>evolved into a (way shitter) sequel
I wouldn't call it shit by any means, but of course it will never come close to ALttP, the greatest game of all time.
>garbage mechanics like the item renting ruining the pace of the game
Disagree. It completely alters the pace of the game, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I enjoyed playing a Zelda game that broke from the same old formula they had stuck with since ALttP. Different isn't always bad.

>It has next to no redeeming values when compared to the superior game that came decades before it
You realize how little value your opinion holds for not having played ALBW, right? I'm not going to sit here and convince you to think otherwise either; go ahead and believe whatever helps you sleep easier at night.

Nintendo is the new applefag. Since price is now a measure of quality you're expected to get everything Nintendo gives you at full price. Nintendo has mastered customer Stockholm syndrome

What is it about them? What makes them different? That picture makes me feel bad

>I am telling you mate, TP was the last trully Zelda game. Not a good game, but the last trully Zelda game.
You guys just want everything with real graphics.

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I've beat the game and won't ever be touching it again, homo. Of course it was years back, but you know something is wrong with it when I play LTTP yearly and always love it, and this piece of shit made my stomach turn.

Any fellow pirate anons know if there's any way to increase text speed? Just started the game and it's bugging the shit out of me.

Did they increase the amount of seashells? I just entered Eagle's Tower and I'm at 39 already. Don't remember there being this many.
Also, I think some new warp points were added as well.

Press B instead of A.

Looks to be 50 shells. There's tons of warp points and you can use Mamba's to access any of them. The old 4 get those big pedistals.

50 makes sense. I'm warping all over the place already.
The amount of heart pieces wasalso significantly increased.

I'm 28 and have never played this game before. This is definitely for me. I also like the art style.

That's more to do with you than the game. Only thing I disapprove of was Lorule literally being the Dark Realm but broken apart. Outside that ALBW does enough to stand on its own without having to be compared to its predecessor, which was honestly a lot more than I expected.

Me not liking a shitty game has to do with me, and not the game being an inferior copy of a masterpiece? Nah dude, it's just a bad game. You get nothing out of playing it other than the longing to return to the real star of the SNES' library.

Link doesn’t have pores and ear hair visible. Also he doesn’t use a gun with his penis.

Yea Forums always exaggerate things. Im not buying it as I never really liked 2d zeldas.

I'm not sure why I remembered this guy as a rabbit/kangaroo.

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>"Burn, baby burn!" was changed to "Burn it all down!"

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Fuck off with your blogshit.

Oh my god... They changed Marin from left to right... how fucking dare they...

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upto 2nd dungeon, the art and music fucking sucks

fuck the blur
and fuck the generic orchestra music

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>Me not liking a shitty game has to do with me, and not the game being an inferior copy of a masterpiece?
Read your own statement and tell me it's not because you love ALttP that much.
>You get nothing out of playing it other than the longing to return to the real star of the SNES' library
No I'm pretty certain I get the urge to play it again because it was just that good and I'm not sizing up with something it has no business being compared to. I grew up with A Link to the Past as well and took offense that they were bringing back as much as they did from the game. Despite all that I was still prepared to judge ALBW on its own merits and overall I really enjoyed it. Plus I don't hold ALttP as highly as you do. It's part of my childhood, but I wouldn't even consider it in my top 10 Zelda or at the very least it would be the 10th but barely.

The artsyle has really grown on me but I can't be the only one who's bothered by the blur effect that happens when you move away from an area.

Right is still a cutie.

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>go on rads. dis one-u is on me!- Miyamoto

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>This game looks bad.
>Oh I get it you're just an assblasted TPfag who wants it to look realistic!
>No, I'd prefer it to look more like the game's original artstyle from the manual/promotional art/into scene. What we got here just isn't very faithful to the original material, and what's worse is that the modern lighting effects they used are uninspired and don't seem to fit the cartoony direction this game seems to be going for.
>Uh, you know, people said the same thing about a certain other little game. That game's name: ... Wind Waker.
>No, Wind Waker's artstyle is minimalist. It has a clear artistic focus, and didn't throw in any unnecessary effects for the sake of looking impressive, whereas--

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What in the fuck does nintendo do to your brains to make you people like this?

>No, I'd prefer it to look more like the game's original artstyle from the manual/promotional art/into scene. What we got here just isn't very faithful to the original material, and what's worse is that the modern lighting effects they used are uninspired and don't seem to fit the cartoony direction this game seems to be going for.

It's still functionally 2D. It's not like your movements are equitable to Super Mario 64. It's why some people refer to Metroid games as Zelda games turned on their side. You're not actually moving around in a 3D space. Unless people want to actually argue that Bomberman 64 is the exact same thing as Super Bomberman, when you aren't going up mountains or any of that shit you can ordinarily do in BM64.

the reason it feels soulless is because it's an identical more expensive remake.

>They didn't even try making a final dungeon
>They just took the old maze and added some water

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>Doesn't run on yuzu yet.

cringe zoomer alert

How long is it compared to ALTTP or LBW?

Probably like 10 hours, same as ALTTP.

Just beat the final boss. Around 8.5 hours on hero mode with a lot of previous knowledge going in.

guys the only thing i want to know is can you 3 heart run this game?
as in, once you beat the boss can you continue without upgrading your health?

A link to the past and the original Links Awakening are the only games that require you to pick up the heart in order for the boss door to open, if you dont pick it up you're fucking stuck

so did they fix it in the remake or did they lazily force the same shit here also?

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You're literally a fucking retard. Kill yourself nigger. The game could never successfully look like the intro movie. It's the same thing as thinking the gameboy game could look like the opening cutscene and then you realize it looks like pokemon. Stupid nigs like you make me hate existing in the same space lol. All the hate for this game is coming from the $60 price tag which is to be expected from nintendo at this point. Not saying it's justified but if it was 20-30 all you faggots would be licking DX cock right about now

Shit posters btfo thks user

Looks like it was 1:1 with minor mechanical changes. There was no obvious indication that something new unlocked after beating the game so I doubt there's any postgame / second quest.

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sounds like your a fucking retard, then. that's way too much for 2 days of food

can you skip the heart powerups tho thats literally all i need to know

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I'll watch a gameplay video for you...
yes the boss door starts opening before you get the heart.

Attached: door.gif (390x261, 1.55M)

Yeah, you're right, user. No game could ever pull off a detailed hand-drawn-inspired artstyle. And a tiny company like Nintendo would never be able to afford the costs of something like that.

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>You pay a premium for Nintendo quality. Get a job

not all Nintendo games are quality

Attached: fuck you sakamoto.jpg (640x898, 83K)


That's Team Ninja, not Nintendo

>this is what he wanted LA to look like
Actually kill yourself

Sakamoto was a slave driver. He had the final say in everything

It's generally agreed based on various interviews that Yoshio Sakamoto, the Nintendo developer who wrote, directed, and produced Other M, was behind pretty much every contentious aspect of that game.

im a massive faggot that will always prefer visuals that arent fucking gay

That's my entire day salary.

More like this actually.

Attached: awakening-720x576.jpg (720x576, 97K)

>t. ,n1ntoddler, shill
what quality? the art direction of the link's awakening remake is complete fucking ass
literally "HIRE THIS MAN UNITY" tier garbage


This plastic shit isn't soulful

So exactly what LA remake is?

Lmao you triggered all of these man babies that have no job/money

No, LA remake looks like this.
Do I have to walk you through everything?

Attached: legends_of_zelda_links_awakening_uhdpaper.com_8K_5.534__1_.jpg (1200x675, 179K)

How was the final boss music? Also did they make him harder/ give him more moves?

why play any 2D zelda besides ALTTP (honorable mention to Zelda II) then?

Oh shit is that the ending?

Already forgot the music. Didn't see any new moves on him. The forms were
>Little snake
>Clockwork arms

Same as GB version. Link wakes up, hears Marin singing then sees Windfish.

Imagine buying this playdoh simulator and thinking youre not the man baby

Is the maze password required from the trade quest? What does Final Nightmare look like btw.

wh-what is this?

Needed magnifying glass for the book. The route was LLURRRRU.

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They look the same

Link gets to touch all the cute girls.

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Is there still a secret (slightly) extended ending for beating it with no deaths like in the GB and GBC versions?

Full of retards who only wants to troll and hold no reverence for source material. $20 matters enough for them to poop their pants and shit on the game.

Protip: $60 is the price ceiling for any game right, not demand. If Ninty could charge $90 for BOTW without upsetting the media they would have and it would have still sold millions of copies.Thkse $40 “remasters” had far less work involved.

Don't know. I died in the first dungeon several times.

I just beat the first dungeon.
No deaths.
Ask me fucking anything.

> idk what Yea Forums's problem is

Is not only one thing.

So the nsp on switch-xci is legit? 3 days early and free payfags btfo'd again

Quarter pounder or big mac?

Thank you user.

i hate it
and I loved the original

How many time will you gonna get btfo before you realise that not every kid is a mature gamer who only play cinematic trash? You'd think the last 5 massive success of nintendo would have clued you in

Quarter Pounder.
I hate mac sauce.

Jesus nigger, we get it, you are a massive contrarian and literally jesus and also brave. Kys faggot