Are you still playing CTR?

Are you still playing CTR?

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Never jumped on the train.

waiting for superior PC version

they refuse to fix the online, so no, sold it about a month after it came out despite loving it like hell
fuck Beenox and fuck Activision

I'm taking a break. Got all the Spyro GP stuff except some shitty stickers but I don't care about them. Outside of that the game is held back by its terrible item balance and no host migration in 2019. Could be a truly amazing kart racer but it will never reach its full potential under Beenox and Activision.

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I will be again

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>2 Grand Prixes are they are both shit compared to Nitro Tour

Apologize to them right now.

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In queue right now

y e s

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Waifufags gonna fag.

Online is busted. Game is unfinished, as far as I can tell. If I wanted to play single-player, I could just load up the original.

coco sits on my lap and I give her hugs and kisses!

They already made clocks and orbs rare. What more do they need to fix? Only thing I would like to see is a no items mode.

The singleplayer is the only worthwhile part.
As cool as having Spyro in ctr like he was in the gba nitro kart game, the online is still terrible.

I'm taking a break sort of? I played a little today just to do a few challenges.

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there's no host migration so if the host leaves it kicks everybody out, the loading times are awful, no dedicated servers, still no cup mode, shit user just about everything is broken when it comes to online

literally just bought the switch version just because I'll be on holiday when her GP starts

What did they mean by this?

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Items in general aren't balanced from beakers to clocks. I posted last thread and it only got a few replies but I'll repost. The problem in CTR is that there's a number of ways to go from 60 to 0 and depending on the track a few ways to go 0 to 60. I would change the items in a way that if you get hit you still have the bounce animation but you don't lose reserves. I had more but people only replied to the parts that were already an obvious problem without really mentioning the part I think would fix how races wouldn't be such runaways.

Yeah. Got what I wanted from the current GP, so I'm taking it pretty easy.

I'll be coming back if the GP catch my attention.

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>racing games
>on PC

nigga what the fuck?

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Learn to construct a cohesive sentence, retard.


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If they made Turning and Balanced viable it would be worth it

You act like racing games don't exist on PC?

That's part of the problem you dummy. Let's get one thing straight, items are part of part racing, and this game's are terrible. Items are meant to even the playing field so trying to make a "skill" based kart racer around items is stupid to begin with. Right now anyone in first that establishes a solid lead is untouchable. Clocks and Orbs were a bandaid solution to this problem. Every game is first place getting the best defensive item in the game while the other 7 racers rape each other with missiles. It's fucking terrible. Don't even give me that "well the most skilled player wins" shit because all it takes for someone to establish an insurmountable lead is to be the one not to be item raped at the first roulette. If two people play the map perfectly the person hit by a single Bomb or Missile is never catching the person in front. That's not skill based.

god shes so fuckable

>Like doing Time Trials
>Some of the leaderboards are fucked now because of glitches

How the fuck does Coco put that shirt on with her giant fucking head?

>If two people play the map perfectly the person hit by a single Bomb or Missle is never catching the person in front.
I've had people make a full stop to hit me with an just so they can get a big enough lead to not be touched. At no point in a racing game should you be rewarded for making a complete stop to use an item.

>nitro tour burned me out
>skip time gp
>thought spyro gp would get back me in
>still burnt out

Looks like I'm buying all of those nitro point rewards

>samefag is bad at the game and can't be bothered to learn U-turning so he whines on a malaysian basket weaving forum

had a hardy kek

Haven't touched it since Thursday
I got bored with how every race goes
Either I win with no competition whatsoever, I lose and reach the podium or there actually IS competition but they rarely ever stay since they either rage quit or the host kills the lobby
I don't want to play when I ain't getting that thrill of racing good people
Also with how the current item balance is, it's actually putting me to sleep since it turns into online time trials for the top 3

If you know how to u turn and the guy in front of you does as well you aren't catching if you got hit by an item. That's my point you dumb nigger. On certain maps like PP the rmwinner can literally be decided in the first 10 seconds.

I can't imagine what your life must be like

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It's hilarious how console-only players can't comprehend using a controller or some other peripheral on a PC. Having a choice is a completely foreign concept to them.

Oh, you poor sewer dwelling Ghoul. You have my sympathy.

That game had no right being as good as it was.

playing online a little bit every day to save up some coins for the next GP, which I hope to god is more interesting than this one

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No, haven't played in a week or so and the spyro gp was the one I was most looking forward to.

If you were actually decent at the game you would understand that not every track is prehistoric dogshit, I consistently get 1st in lobbies and when I do get raped by items I still place top 3 because I don't throw a tantrum and ragequit like a baby.

I guarantee you looked up how to U-turn, decided it was too difficult for you, and then decided that everyone is just as shitty as you

Shame the second was kinda lame.

>Win a race without hitting any crate
>Do exactly that
>Don't complete the challenge

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i'm super burnt out from trying to maintain my rank on the championship leaderboards
didn't get the decal or kart from the last 2 GPs. i just really want that spyro decal

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wumpa fruit count as crates if you're getting those
yes it is very retarded

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No, takes too long between races on switch to feel like grinding for shit. Shame because I love CTR


Dont have to. I liked their GP the best.

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Of course. I love playing this beautiful marsupial on the race track.

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Hey lady!

Get a lobby going, bitch

Post 'em

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I really should, I'm just more into the platformers Crash and Spyro make.

CTR is best kart racer I ever played and this coming from someone who only played Mario karts, but I stopped playing cause I just got bored after time. I just fucking hate the idea of Ami being forgotten to time in this game, I hope they bring her back in some way in future games.

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Champion kart was made for Isabella

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I was waiting for the PC version

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Based Amibro. I kinda want all of them to be used again. Their umbrellas from the original CTR open up serious gameplay possibilities.

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No I ran for the hills the moment MTX happenedm I didn't even come back for the Spyro event when that was the main motivation for the purchase in the first place

thanks tumblr

An user here suggested a fun idea of them using their umbrellas as weapons. Guns and the works.

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Here's a motorsport variant. I can't decide if it looks better with the car or not.

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I'm still not tired of it

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I want her to suck my cock.

Its really not much. Purple gem, the 4th TB decal and imperium wheels.

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Honestly after a while, I forgot MTX were even in the game because it's still easy to get a lot of coins online during Wumpa Time and on the weekends. While I'm not happy they're in there, at least they're not the most egregious MTX I've seen, nor did Beenox fuck with the coin earnings.

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Hard to say they both look good

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The track is totally rad bro
You should just play it more
Imma just put one vote for it right now

I've DNF'd entire lobbies on that piece of shit and still people vote for it right after. Even the people I know are good seem to vote for it for some reason.

The time it took me to reply was 3 minutes. It took you how long to make that shitty edit?

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I dunno what I'm talking about.

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i still can't find these fucking containers anywhere

I quit. I got burnt out half way through the first GP after grinding out all 3 rewards tracks

Imagine being this petty and retarded, enjoy the last (You) you'll get from me

I don't understand why anyone would willingly play that track
There is nothing good about it
The portals can all be rigged
The wizard area is nothing but bullshit
The payout is shit
Why do they keep picking it?

The fuck are you guys on about? That's literally Me (You)

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If I had to give a rationale it's new and it's Spyro. Not much else I can think of really.

Have you tried the shittiest stores yet?

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>Just 2 (TWO) more Sticker Packs in the entire store before I'm finally free

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Speedway is your best bet if you have some near you.

im trying to get a digital car not to get shot

I hate pokemon because of what it's become but Blastoise has a special place in my heart.


Fuck it i'll read it give me a minute

>devs made a good game
>le across the pond style downplaying, and le inanimate objects have rights language
We truly are having fun : )

stopped when they added micro transactions
Not going to buy another one of their games again,

>It's a video
>events that I go through every time I play online
user, why did you link this?

This is quite possibly the gayest fucking post I've seen in months

>Playing without using items
>Throw beacon on accident
>Karma strucks instantly

I always spam the "?" and TNT crate stickers on lobbies and try to see if anyone gets the message.

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It's his video


I hope I didn't give him reddit karma or whatever for looking at that shit

>remember playing the track when the spyro gp first started
>try to jump at the bump in the wizard area
>"neat I'll just slide across the grass here an-"
>out of bounds
thanks beenox

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Still waiting for Tawna Pick to return along with some Twilight wheels I missed.

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>everything on reddit is dumb

I missed Crash Test Dummy N. Gin and Painter Dingodile.

yes, I'm 83rd on switch for nitro

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I missed Pharaoh Cortex

yes trying to get the coco skin before her weekly missions are gone

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That hurts

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even with reserves the items need to actually work because you'd still get a massive lead even if they kept reserves.

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what a heartbreaking clip

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>Massive lead
How so? The reason people make such a big gap is because you kill the entire person's flame with no real way to get it back if you're not on a track that provides constant boost pads

>items need to actually work
What do you mean user like missiles not being retarded because I agree with that. What you get when can really make or break a race too. I've had people in front of me long enough to hit them with a bomb or something but only kept getting tnt. I've also had shields given to me out the wazoo while I was in first so rng needs to be touched as well.

Nope. I got really burned out on it around the end of the Back N Time event. The grinding was just too much for me.

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This is the only bad Bandicute skin. It looks like she fell asleep in the solarium.

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Looks like a fucking clown.

All of Isabella's recolors are garbage. Same with Liz really.

>All shit, from square one
>Finally have a good idea with racer Isabella, red outfit, orange hair
>Give her this weird fucking patch around her mouth and eyes that looks like she snorted a ton of coke

>Not one person, NOT ONE, said 'hey maybe we should give her a black suit and red hair'
>No one thought of a skin with black hair and a white racing suit
>Nobody thought about a golden suit and blue hair

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>Same with Liz really
I disagree

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I like the mermaid one
Makes her look like a Dr. Seuss character


It's okay, wish you had an Isabella skin you liked

>like missiles not being retarded
yes and cannon balls not surviving for no reason. with the current state of items even if you keep the flame they'll probably be far enough to the point items that you'd get in second place are useless.

I like Lizs pinky and ocelot skins when i see them but im too much in love with vanilla Liz. And vanilla isabella seems to work the best in motion but i dont really play her.

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I hope next GP's course has fun gimmick and traps.
Not warp

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>even if you keep the flame they'll probably be far enough to the point items that you'd get in second place are useless
That might be true, all of this is pretty contextual but i'd rather get hit and still maintain speed than get hit and have to start from square one. The gap will always be worse when you have to wait for a boost pad to pick up speed.

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>but i'd rather get hit and still maintain speed than get hit and have to start from square one

>The gap will always be worse when you have to wait for a boost pad to pick up speed.
well there is the boost items but you wont have 10 wumpas after being hit so it's not sacred it's just normal boost meaning you'll end up waiting for a boost panel anyway

Shiggy diggy friend

>but you wont have 10 wumpas after being hit so it's not sacred
I'd change it to make it always sacred fire but only add squish effect at 10 wumpa, but fuck if I know. Certain items I think need to be reworked but no idea how to go about it.

>waiting for a boost panel anyway
And anyone who knows what their doing wait for after the boost pad for maximum item fucking.

Swim suit Coco when

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I see it

Princess Coco is best Coco

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