Never ever
Risk of Rain 2
first for kill all waifufags
Because those 2 weren't a male in the previous game
>malachite enemies are still way too tanky and decide to show up early just to fuck with you
note to any niggas trying to unlock loader; the prismatic trial right now starts on the new level, it's the fastest way to unlock right now
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[your id number]\632360\remote\UserProfiles
So what the fuck do i change to cheat that I have the extra skills?
Don't mind them being tanky but
>disable healing
That's gay
>glorious battle
literally impossible to get
enjoy the game dying out thanks to the coombrain fapbase running to the next waifubait game, peace
Play Huntress.
>being this upset about a female character
>Kill secret boss in new level
>go to summon real boss and it doesn't appear
>but still drops item and i get achievement for charging teleporter without taking damage
>/pol/ is actually trying to wage war on horny people on Yea Forums
Jesus Christ lmfao
Nah, too small of a healthpool and her kit ain't that good.
stop giving him attention, he's a lonely sperg
replaced for waifubait :^)
>Loader's secondary attack does no damage and is pure movement
>Loader's movement skill does tons of damage and is less useful for movement since you have to charge
this makes no sense
turned into an item and a skin for mul-t
Post it right in front of 'achievements'
Her new R is good.
It actually lets her kill the wandering vagrant so that has to count for something.
wait is update out?
You mean to tell me that we've been playing with 250% hp regen and this shit went unnoticed for almost six fucking months?
thank you for killing the game
small indie company
prease understand
its so backup mags allow you to swing more
I've only played Huntress three times in almost 60 hours, am I missing anything?
He's already in the game user, just go to the character select and look really close in the background.
tomboy loader art when
I'm sure they'll just give MUL-T a punching skill down the line.
back to vp retard
What does it do? I didn't like the arrow rain because of the small area(length from top to bottom)
the FIST skill is way, way more controllable and is meant to be used in conjunction with the grapple. grapple on right click is way easier to handle than grapple on shift I think
gearbox QA obviously never played above drizzle, they're paid to do literally nothing
They've lost the plot at this point, trying to stop people fapping is hilarious
Full offended christian mother tier
but if they were the correct way around you could still get afterburner and swing more
The house at the northeastern end of the village.
>it's not waifubait I swear
you guys were right, hopoo really is a greedy cunt
learn to combine them to literally fly across the entire map on stage 1
What the fuck are you even talking about?
what does pol have to do with not wanting a game I like to die out because of waifus? and you tell me I've got trannies living rent free on my head? zozzle
>the sperg is a buttmad han-dcap
does anyone have the files for 3d printing the character figurines?
turrets move now?
so what the fuck do the Celestine enemies actually do?
t. miner main
make shit invisible I think
Havent seen anyone talk bout this yet, new blue item looks like a /pol/posters arm and replaces your dash skill (3rd skill) with the purple and black ball with feathers we got teased with. this makes it so you go into a ball that can move freely, heal for 2 by default (+1 per stack) and makes you invulnerable to all dmg. it lasts for about 5 seconds, not sure how much per stack
they have a big sphere AOE around them that turns enemies inside including themselves invisible
They create some weird forcefield which cloaks enemies
>we're going to have to put up with this "waifubait" shitposting
>when loader is as flat as a washboard and whose ass is hidden by her power loader
Does anyone else feel kind of motion sick when they get that red ice item? I hate the way it zooms out the screen.
try loader ;)
Got a screenshot?
Why does poopoo keep nerfing everything?
So we can all agree Clay Templars are the hardest enemies in the game?
>looks like a /pol/posters arm
how is adding a ripley reference making the game die?
what did they nerf this time?
>motion sick
Weakling detected
he just switches to the tranny angle when you mentioned that because he's underage and never watched alien 2
Yep, the big burly "dude" is a her.
not the same character, confirmed by ghor
You can unlock alternate skills now.
You sure user?
>tfw retards can't understand that this loader is old loaders daughter
>tfw they understand and call it a "cop out for a tranny character/waifu bait"
i just want my L O R E man
I wish monster tooth orbs came straight to you like the blood vial things do
You mean clay templars
Literally the worst things in this entire game bar none.
Does anyone not like the regen nerf? I feel like the game feels more RNG based than 50% skills 50% RNG. Play commando and artificer feels like dodging and praying to RNGsus simulator.
wouldnt that just make them leaching seeds tho?
can someone post the pastebin of what needs to be edited in the save file to unlock all the new shit
A loader is literally just a warehouse/construction worker who uses an exo suit to carry heavy shit. Why would you think they're related at all?
>Being THIS MUCH of a pleb
Basically, you jump up in the air, and fire three big arrows kinda like multis railgun, but the firerate is as fast as you can click. You have like 5 seconds to aim around while just hovering there, if you don't shoot they'll just fire on their own and you fall back down.
Its crazy damage though, 900% per arrow.
Not unless you come across a backup mag printer and at least two predatory instincts, and possibly a hardlight afterburner
>no movement speed item drop
>always die to wisp or clay niggers
He opted for a nailgun instead
>Most of the challenges aren't hard but want to try out the new skills asap
I'm conflicted.
work for your right to GET OVER HERE
>he doesn't know
Scrub here, how do i do the merc no hit prismatic trial challenge?
Just use cover and stun the templars out of their fire, or get too close to them for them to turn fast enough, and don't wait until there are 10 wisps before clearing them.
oh shit he wasn't shitposting
Because having fun is for chumps
Cool blue
Git really gud, or wait until there's a prismatic trial that has an early obtainable transcendence.
wait for new seed
Best to wait for a trial that has a transcendence in the first level and do that.
I hate it. It ruined Artificer.
>you can give MUL-T a fucking sawblade now
MUL-T gone from pussy to 100% chad pick.
I play ps4, so I haven't experienced the changes yet, but Commando is my 2nd highest damaging character once you KNOW how to play him. Cube is ridiculously good once you have a couple backup mags and any procs.
>also unrelated to that
I swear XxXToxicXxX420, if your bitch as is in here, fuck you man. The most absolute jew I've played with yet, taking multiple feathers (4), 5 sodas, and keeping a syringe printer hidden to himself until after completion. Oh, was anyone else trying to use it? Better teleport before they can pick it up.
And of course he only played Engineer.
wish it added more movement speed on stack
How come we don't just fuck aliens into submission?
the new loader character is a girl
How long's the cooldown? Sounds like you only need 2 for it to be a full heal. Will be a good pickup for everyone who hates the ice wall especially considering that's the ONE ability she didn't get an alternate for yet.
get her flamethrower augment
never have to worry about anything ever again
Anyone knows what the new equipment does? Not the egg, the one you get from dying to fire 3 times.
>giving up all that damage
Holy shit. 10/10 update.
had a really great monsoon run as loader and picked this up. alt+f4 immediately when I realized what it was
Oh I'm gonna be unlocking the loader legit at least. It's just the skills I have the desire to try right now.
Around 6 seconds.
Gonna be a must on arti imo.
loader's alt makes her grapple do damage but it makes you pull small enemies to you, it requires you to obliterate yourself in 25 minutes
>actually using the flamethrower after the first cycle
>he doesn't believe in fire stacks
Yeah commando is undoable. You basically have to instantly focus the wisps or die every time. I don't know what the devs expect you to do against imp overlords
>have to focus dodging the imp spikes
>have to simultaneously focus dodging and shooting wisps
>your utility has noiframes
Did I fuck up
US 1/4
t. coward who can't use vertical mobility to dodge
So it says "you hear a distant whirring" but nothing is happening
Am I supposed to wait or do I just go to the tele?
blow up another egg
>Replaced his best ability with a decent utility
Im guessing the new skills are unlocked through random drops in game like most things? Or does the Salamander Jew sell them.
challenges, they're in the logbook.
You are supposed to kill another egg, preferably after doing the teleporter.
just get a slug duh
or get fucking good
What was even the point of it?
The scorched acres changes already made Moonsoon less fun to play, now its even less than that.
I bet next update, they'll start nerfing reds
So are any of the new skills better than the other base skills?
>try to get unlocks starting with commando
>shit haven't played in a while
>can't fucking get a good run going for shit
>trying to do all 3 of his on monsoon
>finally get a good run going
>on new map
>something whirrs?
>kill mountain shrine boss fucking 5 vagrants goddamn
>some big machine fucker spawns
>doing great
>get him down to ~1/4 hp
>suddenly a bunch of AOEs
>can't run fast enough to get out of the way if I'm shooting when they're placed
>can't see them half the time because terrain
>die when it has 16k hp left
fucking hell
So bandit is fucking dead then
Has anyone tried a corpsebloom with the new aegis yet? Seems like it might finally have a niche.
>11 focus crystals (printer)
>frost relic
this is retarded
>get slug
>have to wait for it to activate
>an already slow commando now requires even more time to loop
>huntress' new blink
Maybe I'll be tracer...
>Throw nade as Commando
>bounces off a wisp
>kills another wisp
>Will-o-the-Wisp kills that other wisp
Intangible is not invisible, and you can't break the effect at will like you can with his stealth.But yes, he's dead.
Tell that to the drawfags and the "m-mommy" "muh tomboy gf" posters
I have no fucking idea why hotpoo did this, commando and art is so fucked now on monsoon.
>better kill all the whisp you see!
Honestly most of the challenges are dogshit and not in the very least fun to do.
>Artificer has alt skills for everything besides her one absolute garbage tier ability
Fucking brilliant Hopoo
as much of a siren call it is, I just can't switch back especially with another map that'll fuck you over if you haven't dropped any feathers
>b-but it's an aliens reference
>Collect 7 crowbars as Huntress
This isn't even a Challenge, it's just wait for RNG to not be bad.
What the fuck guys Commando is dead?? I guess this confirms he's not going to be added.
>FINALLY, Siren's Call
>Can't find the 6th egg
>Game goes from Hard to HAHAHAHAHAHHA in the time it takes me wandering around the map.
Sixty niggers.
>she has more than one alt ability
what the fuck, hoppo?????
I should have known something was up. This faggot would never make the game fun to play or make even 1/10000000000000000 of the shit in it actually playable.
How the FUCK does rex work
what items are even good on him
I've killed 3 more but nothing happened
Searching for more now but I can't find any
Huntress can autoaim on the eggs, if that helps.
The game was (unknowingly) designed with drizzle's regen rate. Playing as a no i-frame survivor like Commando sucks fucking dick now, more so than it used to.
hey each icicle does 100% damage and also helps deal with asshole imps rushing you and you can stop clay priests from a distance
her m1 augment isn't too hot, it removes the dots and adds a larger aoe that works even if you miss the enemy
Why is Loader dressed like Artificer?
stupid coombrain
mercenary abusers BTFO, not only do you want infinite i-frames you also want HP regen that's way too insane.
>it doesn't count if I add a stutter to your post
it literally is an alien 2 reference
how to unlock new codes?
are you going to post this another 5 times? it's not going to make it more legitimate
Literally nothing has changed. One slug and you're set.
loader as miner's dash and swings around like spiderman holy fuck this is so much fun
my bad I meant skills
Here you go champ
it's not /pol/, it's discord trannies.
of course you know that, you're a discord tranny trying to misdirect
Yes, also MUL-T's grenade launcher steals the 'Your primary weapon has X charges that ALL refill after X seconds' thing.
see fine if you really don't agree, but I know you're able to see why so many people see it as a reference
capacitor can spot them easy
Not so. Bandit received heavy updates this time, changes are as follows:
- Lights Out works like in ROR1, meaning if you kill an enemy, you get *all* your cooldowns back.
- Vanish now stuns and deals damage when going in and out of cloak. Has new visuals.
- Primary fire now has spread when firing at long distance
- Primary fire damage tweaked
- Hat now falls out on death
- Speed increased from 7 to 8.5
- More damage on all attacks
- Hooks tweaked; now almost always land their mark.
I know they are similar concepts dude, be it an intentional reference or not, why do you insist on it? is it your favorite movie or something?
You CANNOT refute this.
>b-but it's just early access, they'll add more soul later.
Thats good, but i tought Hoppo said that the last 2 survivors of early acess were new. Maybe they will be post-launch content.
>why do you insist on it?
because I'm certain that's what it is. why do you have a problem with me insisting on it?
>tfw only 2 classes I'm playing are artificer and occasionaly commando
No, like fucking, really. How do they even. How do I. Like, what the actual everloving fuck is this.
Explains the difference in the kits, if this one is a girl, and the first one was a guy, and just to quote RoR1 just in case anyone doubts it: "...and so he left, ready to rebuild his life, brick by brick."
at least we have waifus, right?
r-right bros?
it doesn't matter that the devs are pandering to their discord tr*nny audience, we still have waifus we can fap to, right my fellow 4channelers?
So merc's new skills are literally high time and judgement cut
then go play 1, it's a complete game and nobody is forcing you to stay here
>(2.83 MB, 3300x1777)
what the fuck
that it's not relevant to the discussion of loader being waifubait
holy shit you're still going, I thought you were just joking in that other thread
it's been hours and you still refuse to explain what makes her waifubait
Is it normal that the new skills aren't appearing in the menus for me?? I can't see anything about them anywhere...
you have to unlock them
check the last few pages of challenges in your log book
fuck off listfag
Their Challenges are listed in the Logbook.
>he's still having a meltdown
multiple people explained in the other thread, but you are going to continue ignoring anyways
Once you unlock one all the skill menus unlock, its a weird way of doing it,.
Wait, you're saying that the unfinished HAN-D and Bandit in the files were updated?
whatever that means
I still can't un-see these being the same.
>at least we have waifus, right?
This is a VERY compelling argument.
our only option is spamming their email
how is loader my dudes
>Trying out Loader for the first time, things are going well
>Get lucky and pick up THREE (3) Tesla Coils, a Brilliant Behemoth, and a Frost Relic
>Round 30ish decide that im pretty invincible and try a shrine of combat for the achievement
>5 Burning Stone Titans
Instantly lasered. Fuck
holy fuck is it him? has his autism infected another community?
>Content I'll never see in my lifetime
Makes me angry
can someone post the list of new skills and skins so I know if I should even bother unlocking them?
So does this mean there could be a slight chance?
Fucking sick as fuck. Kinda like Mercenary but slow and harder hitting
This isn't working for me, anyone else?
I don't want to bother regrinding through everything. Screenshot of what I did.
just unlock it in your save file lazy fag
no they didn't. they just said it's because she's a female and loader was a male in the first game. I say that's because it's a different character and most likely a ripley reference, but you just call me a tranny and say that anything I post is irrelevant
>decide that im pretty invincible
He used to call people schizo all the time back when threads were active, both here and in MH threads. The posting style is also very similar.
Same insults, same posting style, same constant posting? I think it checks out.
user please stop posting and finish your homework. after that you can post about trannies and dilation again ok?
More than that, this shows that they are still working on him. I bet that they were gonna let them unfinished but started working on them again after seeing how much the community liked them.
Time to buy?
I loved the first game (130+ hours) until I realized I was spending every two-minute interval not getting to play until I found the teleporter. Is that downtime any more interesting in this game (i.e. not just walking in one direction)?
I don't give a fuck if regen was a "bug" they mysteriously missed for the last six months, this is yet another change that sucks even more fun out of the experience. Hopoo won't be happy until nobody can beat the first stage as the game shows you footage of your pets being murdered in a small seperate window.
Games are supposed to be fun, faggots. The desperate attempts to turn the experience into a chore is both annoying and baffling.
Just stop responding, he's only here to collect (you)s from you.
>lol your underage
keep projecting, lizard brain
keep projecting, lizard brain
>underestimating FUCK YOU titans
Game just became unplayable above drizzle for most survivors. Now's not the time.
>pandering to the discord tr*nny audience
If making the game fun is pandering to them i have no complains.
>he's still going
you're letting a fictional female steal hours of your life, go do something you enjoy
find a newt shrine in stage 2, grab transcendance and pick rallypoint as the next level
>game crashed on a Monsoon run for doing Rallypoint without dropping below 100% as Huntress
>like 10 Crowbars
>had the four leaf clover, 5 Will O Wisps, 3 Fuel Cells, Gesture
FUCK. Like the second crash ever in almost 100 hours of playtime
I thought so too at first, but he genuinely seems upset over loader
Holy shit I'm retarded.
Someone help this lazy nigger (me) out please. I really don't want to do the grinding again, just want muh new skills.
No, because Hopoo are just nerfing anything usable every single update at this point.
You put it infront of Achievements right? Hang on I'll try and get a screenshot of mine.
Maybe if you're shit
I think "listfag" is a term from the Monster Hunter General
Slower than merc at least.
It's a new game but somehow isn't getting the new thing bad stigma that Yea Forums uses to avoid playing games
That should say enough
explain newfag
>siren call gets red item cheat equivalent
>scorched acres still had no preon
it's just a way harder and less rewarding map compared to rallypoint, I hate it
I can loop just fine on monsoon and rainstorm, it really isn't that much harder.
109775241053314996 3/4 US
It's more
>It's impossible to improve in this game
versus me being lazy. I can spend 100 hours but it won't be as fun as the original, and the first level always sucks the most
>No money
>No spawns
>RNG gates determining whether I can get content now
CommandoClearGameMonsoon CommandoKillOverloadingWorm CommandoNonLunarEndurance EngiArmy EngiClearGameMonsoon EngiKillBossQuick HuntressClearGameMonsoon HuntressCollectCrowbars HuntressMaintainFullHealthOnFrozenWall LoaderSpeedRun LoaderClearGameMonsoon MageAirborneMultiKill MageClearGameMonsoon MageFastBoss MageMultiExecute MageMultiKill MercClearGameMonsoon MercCompleteTrialWithFullHealth MercDontTouchGround ToolbotClearGameMonsoon ToolbotGuardTeleporter ToolbotKillImpBossWithBfg TreebotClearGameMonsoon TreebotDunkClayBoss TreebotLowHealthTeleporter KillEliteMonster CompleteTeleporter Discover10UniqueTier1 StayAlive1 CompleteThreeStages LoopOnce MajorMultikill TotalMoneyCollected Discover5Equipment FailShrineChance KillTotalEnemies RepeatedlyDuplicateItems RepeatFirstTeleporter Die5Times Complete30StagesCareer LogCollector CompleteUnknownEnding TotalDronesRepaired KillElitesMilestone UseThreePortals FreeMage CompleteTeleporterWithoutInjury RescueTreebot KillBossQuick MultiCombatShrine DefeatSuperRoboBallBoss KillBossQuantityInRun EngiArmy
>Replace it with this shit.
BASED user
now for that fucking merc prismatic trial
Health doesn't regen anymore, basically.
>discordfags are drizzlets
>discordfags edit files and say achievs are fine
>hopoo only talks to the discord ponyfuckers
QA didn't notice a drizzlet bug for 6 months. It's over, Jim.
Semencerebellums will do anything just to get that dopamine boost
You get to see the cute groovetender.
Thats enough reward for me.
Health regen got cut by 60%.
Not reduced to almost nothing.
just did commando mastery first try, cry more
Shit's going to get patched.
no you dont. you have to not get hit. "outside of danger" = like 3 or 4 seconds of not getting hit it doesn't prevent you from doing anything besides getting hit
I mean I'm sure it's fun when the action gets hot, but I have a crippling aversion to unnecessary downtime in action games. That's more where I meant my inquiry to land
If having to play on drizzle holds me back then I can wait.
I also forgot to ask before; is multiplayer easier to get up and running? I found it a headache in the first.
>I mean I'm sure it's fun when the action gets hot, but I have a crippling aversion to unnecessary downtime in action games.
Literally every run first loop is shit and if you don't have RNG on your side, it'll stay shit
No more port forwarding required. The game gives you room codes to send to your friends () or you can just jump in with randoms in quick play.
When the fuck are we going to get a proper lobby system? When I play quickplay I want to guarantee I can host my own lobby without jumping through hoops since shitters ragequit so often.
I did it first try with:
The new Dragon Egg item
2 shaped glass
2 crowbars
I was fairly lucky, but grabbing some glass can make this challenge really easy, you just have to make 1 shotting wisps your top priority.
Can't wait for hotpoo to remove preon from rallypoint.
>I also forgot to ask before; is multiplayer easier to get up and running? I found it a headache in the first.
As easy as pasting a code
>TFW only thing I ever file edited in RoR1 was the Drown 20 Whorls thing (years after release since I never got it)
>Have absolutely no desire to file edit in RoR2
Max comfy.
Based. Thanks user
I haven't played since release. Is there enough content now to binge on it or should I wait for a few more patches? Was boring repetitive shit at release.
Is there any reason to not grab Transcendence now?
If you thought it was "boring repetitive shit" at release, then your opinion won't change now or ever.
i can't do it... monsoon is just too hard.... ny dps is almost nothing and yet the game continues to give me cloaking devices...
>edit fuck easy achievement
desu I thought you were gonna go full fag in the 2nd
Wait for release
No problamo user, enjoy yourself.
Definitely wait.
>RNG gates whether I can get content now
Just activate a newt shrine and seed the level, they literally added this to prevent rng gating your content.
don't you like all these useless items user?
Drowning Whorls is easy, but extremely boring, takes far too long, basically requires a character I don't like, and requires you to do something that doesn't come naturally to the game.
Challenges should either be natural progression milestones, genuinely difficult challenges that require you to aspire to a higher level of skill, or something fun to do on the side.
>can choose to never go to scorched acres again
Truly the highlight of this patch.
>250 hours and dogshit at the game
>Still haven't found the gold coast or whatever that level was
I assume you can't seed that.
I actually like cloaking device, saves you in a pinch.
Now, 5 cloaking devices in, I stop enjoying them.
I just spent hours trying to obliterate on Monsoon with Engie, only to find out his skin isn't out yet. Feels bad man.
engineer is still the best class by far
>every first loop run is shit
I don't know what this means. Does it take too long or something?
>if you don't have RNG on your side, it'll stay shit
It's a roguelike and I played the first one; I know what I'm getting myself into.
why would u want shields with recharge delay over constant healing?
>getting scorched acres as a character with no mobility skill and with no feathers
Absolute agony.
>RoR2 now has me achievement conscious for this skill update
>Can do these challenges
>Not as the fucking characters they want me to use them on
Next they'll neft all the good reds like tesla coil, leaf clover, behemoth, and sentient meat hook and nerf wake of vultures again because lol
Manwhile Frost Relic will still be useful on only one class, and you'll still want to shoot yourself when get get aegis out of the legendary chest
speaking of legendries, where is the legendary chest on Siren's Call?
bro, like, just play again until you get good drop bro
based engiebro
get the fuck in here
This, except I spent two hours trying to reach the new map for Loader.
thanks bro
>I don't know what this means. Does it take too long or something?
Yes. Your damage is garbage, your movespeed is garbage supreme, and quite frankly it's boring until the first loop ends.Or unless you get stupid lucky.
This too. Game's getting worse over time. Everything must be Fat-rolling edited HP to 10 no stamina no strength holding a heavy weapon Dark Souls.
I feel like the regen change is actually an attempt to make heal items more valuable. I mean, how could it go unnoticed for so long? then again, chronobauble still exists to maybe the drizzle excuse is true
what are the huntress' loadout options? what about engineer's? are they fun?
also what are their new skins like?
you have to activate the gold golem shrine you fucking moron, i did that with less than twenty hours
maybe actually look up something if you can't figure it out
my profile corrupted wtf!
>about to die
>press Volcanic egg because im pretty sure it makes me invincible
>die somehow, except im still floating fire and can still control my character
>very confused
>detonate the fire and I can control myself with negative health
>I can still attack and move and get hit im now invincible
>forgot to take a screenshot because im a pea brain
If you think getting to stage 6 in 25 minutes is a challenging speedrun you really need to start moving faster. Going slowly to grab every single chest is only going to make you weaker. Loader has a shit ton of damage and mobility if you aren't stupid with her skills.
You're allowed to play drizzle if you have to.
I didn't spend as long but I had the same feels bad man moment
maybe they could give him tf2 engie colors
You actually can! I assume it's still a chance to show up in the seeds, but i have consistently gotten it from portals on lvl 2.
>Look up guide
>Get called casual
>Play game and try to git gud
Based undead bro.
Egg doesn't give immortality. But it does glitch out if you die in fireball form.
Damn, I thought Loader's alt skill removed the swinging and made it a zipline like the first game. Disappointing how similar they are. The alternate one seems basically just superior since all you're losing is the ability to swing on tiny wisps.
The speedrun challenge isn't that hard, 25 minutes is fairly lenient. I did it in 20 with friends.
it's legitimately successful in raising the value of items like monster tooth, healing drones, regular drones (for aggro) etc.
The problem is that the game is fuckstick difficulty in the early stages now and even more stratified based upon your items. I can't even clear the first stage with commando on monsoon anymore.
Heals will never be valuable when those 5 slugs and 10 mushrooms could've been literally any other movement speed boost that's not red whip or damage items.
This is how you can cheese one of Mercenary's which involves you having to stay in midair for 30 seconds (keep in mind I already unlocked it so it didn't pop up here)
Can't really say I like Loader since I was massacred by Wisps to death when I tried it a few times. Not a fan of being helpless and auto-aim wisps not being slightly nerfed yet. If I'm moving, they shouldn't fucking hit me damn it. Also, I never mastered Risk of Rain's time management.
>Slow = lose cause difficulty, Fast = lose cause 0 damage.
Without enforcer bro I wouldn't even mind if it came out as dlc
Thanks for that, user.
does the new 4th stage also have a guaranteed gold chest?
BOOB lol
Goddamn Engie's new turrets & mines are fun to use
wisps are dodgeable if you jump at precisely the right moment, but I agree they're fucking annoying and doubly so since the regen change.
I adore loader though, my favorite character by FAR
no instead it has the giant ball robo fight which drops a guaranteed red. I don't know why you would ever fight it aside from the unlock though, its health is WAY overtuned
>geyser momentum carries me right into an elder lemurian that spawned
god damn
what's the catch on the moving torrent'z
I have played this game for like 100h of hours and never once seen 3 shrine of the mountains spawn in a map.
RNG based achievements and unlocks are just retarded and should not be in the game.
based 8008 sighter
Transcendence works on Blood Shrines now, it just takes shield away instead of nothing
any of the character skins worth doing?
Commando's new skin seems worth it for me.
Waifu fags in Risk of Rain?
i have like 10h and got it play more look more scrub
>red item cheat
he hit A instead of S
>Every update nerfs something
>No buffs ever
Heaven forbid the game gets too fun, right Hopoo?
So how do I host servers bigger than 4?
probably meant chest
Commando and Merc's skins are the only two that actually add more 'things' to them, likes physical objects to the armor while the other ones are just color pallet swaps.
are you legitimately retarded? serious question. did you not learn to read in elementary school?
>Remove the 250% regen
>Literally forced to start killingwisps on moonsoon
It's kinda worth the fight in multiplayer, since it's one red for everyone. If you speedrun to him, at about 15 minutes (plus preon if you're lucky) it's fairly easy for 4 red items. Me and my friends did this in monsoon, its pretty fun.
>No buffs ever
Why do you lie?
>thread slowing down
I told you waifu cooms this'd kill the game
good call I haven't tried it in multi, that's definitely value
>stickies finally in playable tier
Hopoo spends all his time tweaking numbers, but somehow thought 2.5% per sticky was fine???
Worse range, kinda slow moving, no use for bungus
>you cant stick mines to allies anymore
>wojak memes
>no more MUL-T car bombs
Haven't played in months, what's kind of meta at the moment? Did that Vergil skin for Merc ever get finished?
Anyone got an image of all the skills and new shit added? At work so I can't boot up the game yet.
A lot of these skill challenges are more involved than I was expecting them to be. I'm not sure that that's a good thing, I think a decent chunk of the playerbase is just going to be annoyed that they have to do all this to get skills in a way that they wouldn't be for items.
Who /Drizzle Chad/ here?
I did aurelonelite in one kill without losing shrines, but didn't get the cheevo, anybody got the unlock name so I can throw ti on my cheevo list? Game is buggy AF
When I replace my profile's XML with this:
CommandoClearGameMonsoon CommandoKillOverloadingWorm CommandoNonLunarEndurance EngiArmy EngiClearGameMonsoon EngiKillBossQuick HuntressClearGameMonsoon HuntressCollectCrowbars HuntressMaintainFullHealthOnFrozenWall LoaderSpeedRun LoaderClearGameMonsoon MageAirborneMultiKill MageClearGameMonsoon MageFastBoss MageMultiExecute MageMultiKill MercClearGameMonsoon MercCompleteTrialWithFullHealth MercDontTouchGround ToolbotClearGameMonsoon ToolbotGuardTeleporter ToolbotKillImpBossWithBfg TreebotClearGameMonsoon TreebotDunkClayBoss TreebotLowHealthTeleporter KillEliteMonster CompleteTeleporter Discover10UniqueTier1 StayAlive1 CompleteThreeStages LoopOnce MajorMultikill TotalMoneyCollected Discover5Equipment FailShrineChance KillTotalEnemies RepeatedlyDuplicateItems RepeatFirstTeleporter Die5Times Complete30StagesCareer LogCollector CompleteUnknownEnding TotalDronesRepaired KillElitesMilestone UseThreePortals FreeMage CompleteTeleporterWithoutInjury RescueTreebot KillBossQuick MultiCombatShrine DefeatSuperRoboBallBoss KillBossQuantityInRun EngiArmy
Nthing changes. my og profile got corrupted and I had to delete it and the new one doesn't change
>unlock Loader
>it's literally just Hammond + Doomfist from Overwatch
Nice originality, hopoo
how do i unlock loader
close any notepads you have this open in and then restart steam
god tier bait
>He's played Overwatch
The absolute state of your ass.
Do the Prismatic Trial, and kill the egg nests.
hows the update fellas? havent gotten a chance to play it yet
>Complete a prismatic trial without getting hit
Fuck off with this shit, nobody likes shit where you have to reset a long attempt if you make a single mistake
they're basically alts and a lot of the skills aren't worth using or are very situational. Locking them behind class achievements is a good idea because you'd want players to know how to play the character before fucking around with it
No pic yet but Loader was added and I got all of Merc's shit done
>M2's spin is replaced with a shoryuken that deals more damage and carries enemies up with you, DMC style. Sacrifices the horizontal mobility of grounded M2 for slightly more damage and more height. Range feels a bit short but I'm still fucking around with it. Can be used in the air, being airborne doesn't change the skill
>R is replaced with a wind slash projectile that deals more damage. Gives merc some nice range and more damage, but you obviously lose the I-frames and mobility that Eviscerate
>Skin is a Red Oni
You can gain uncapped height with Artificer with no items now, and MUL-T is a melee character.
how do i git gud with melee MUL-T?
Definitely better than the last one. Better new character, better level, more fun stuff like alternate skills to choose for each character, and unlockable skins.
Anyone know the save file text for unlocking "Warm for Life?"
Legit way is "dying 3 fiery deaths."
Have a complete save besides this 1 item unlock, I can post the completed version if I get this.
Ineed a drawfag to redraw this but with loader grappled to mult instead of commando.
Or just add her to the picture without replacing anything
The new seed that just came out has two topaz, first right on the bridge in front of you and second in the cave that is sometimes locked, hidden in a multishop that is partially underground. I got to the second stage, which is rallypoint delta, before getting hit.
I'm not saying that it's necessarily a bad idea to lock them. I just think the challenges are at a level where a large portion of people are going to look at them, get mad, and then cheat to ignore them. Although looking at this thread I see that people do this for basically everything no matter what it is, so what do I know.
Does anyone know how to unlock Loaders Secondary skill? I did what it said to do but it didn't unlock for some reason. I got through the celestial portal in 24 minutes and 55 seconds, cut it close but it was less than 25minutes. Any ideas?
it's die from fire guys 3 times
just do the prismatic trial, run straight and summon the boss. it's a blazing elder lemurian
The skills are walled off behind some stupid challenges and they almost entirely removed the already slow health regen on all difficulties outside of Drizzle, so the game is even harder now and its progressively getting less fun with each update.
The new character is nice, but I'd enjoy them while you still can because Hopoo seems to take away anything the players enjoy.
Thanks user.
Im 35 minutes into a run with no crowbars
I need 12
whos shitty idea was this? where the fuck is command?
what file do i need to edit to unlock all the new goodies added?
new elite prefix type same level as malachite
Just play on Drizzle...
I know malachites are anti heal so what the hell is the celestine aura?
Thank you sir
lmao just find a 3d printer nigga
Invis and death.
>Just want to unlock new character
>Been having shit luck all day, horrible drops
>Finally have a halfway decent run, get to the new map
>Someone double mountain shrines, we get our shit pushed in
>Get another run going
>Get insane drops, two tesla coils, fucking 11 lens maker glasses, everything is insta-dying
>Don't get the new map in first rotation, whatever lets power through another run
>Get blow a million feet into the air and die by I don't even know what
>Fuck, whatever my team can do this no prob-
>Watch our commando run straight into three fucking stone pillars from the golems in a row
artificer's chrome skin SUCKS!
Are mods still working?
How is the music in this game so good, bros?
They just go invisible? I thought they were intangible.
>Doing MP with pubbies when you want unlocks
>tfw these new eng turrets
>playing with randos
Just play solo.
boss is beetle queen :/
109775241053314996 US 3/4
mechanical eyeball boss is kino tbqh
>the game is too hard on rainstorm and monsoon
Drizzle might be more your speed, my guy.
You can sprint after you begin using the saw, but starting the saw will cancel your sprint.
Post a pic of it if you're so great
>3 Clay Dunstriders on Loop 2 just nonstop pull and I can't get away to get my Rallypoint 100% health and Obliterate done
2 Would have been easy to handle but 3 is just obscene without extra teleports
>The only 2.0 skill artificer didn't get was her most useless and boring one
Does anyone have a pastebin link to a 100% save file
Why are you doing quickplay, your own teammates are harder than the enemies in this game.
>Loader can swing around like spiderman
>The alt grapple skill pulls smaller enemies towards you like Scorpion
>don't get the map
Just seed the level. They added this feature for this exact reason.
Where can I check the requirements to get the new skills?
Short one item of 100%, will post when complete
I don't really notice the regen nerf. Base regen was already pretty damn slow, and getting one healing item early even if it was just a medkit, slug, or a healing drone was always nice.
>thinking ice wall is useless
git gud, this argument is had every damn thread
challenges/achievements menu
How the fuck do you do that?
>having a great time running loader with a mercbro
>get overloading vagrant
>mercbro dies to a glitch
>start wailing on the overloading vagrant so it doesn't regen
>it does its detonation bullshit
>lose all health
>forced to back away and let it get ALL its health back
>quit to desktop
Blazing and Malachite enemies aren't shit. The real cancer is Overloading.
Oh I also meant the new skills
Ice wall used to be unique and useful, but now it gets its niche replaced by a green item, and is only useful for its chance to proc items, and ability to interrupt stuff by stunning.
Fuck, that is pretty bad. Good thing I have Loader now so I can forget about her
Is Miner next?
there are three characters with zero vertical mobility for traversing levels
>god tier engie who embraces being a sitting duck
>horizontal mobility god MulT
and then
>commando, he has a roll
why is commando such a cuck
they should double his damage and give him a reload mechanic
Host when?
Bazaar beyond time has a new feature that lets you pay to select the next level.
Don't even fool with the merc prismatic trial, this skill sucks. I wish I hadn't bothered, it wasn't worth it at all.
user, I...
That was a drawfag yowesephth from here to begin with, so he might do it.
Christ some of these skills challenges are nuts
I usually don't even play until I get to stage 20
No but hotpoo will nerf reds and remove preon next.
we're probably getting a new survivor next, and then after that we'll get Enforcer with a brand new overwatch style barrier shield that he got from exploring
They made his R shoot more with attack speed like Merc, so that makes him a lot cooler by default.
Did they add skins for all the characters?
Why have the not buffed daggers yet?
The catch is they're now worthless. Worse range, bad tracking, bad ai, constantly walks off cliffs, and what feels like worse damage. Also they can't use fustling bungus
Currently just trying to get Thiccmod to work. Doesn't seem to matter where I put the dependency file, it keeps sending back an error and not loading it.
We need to compile a list with everything fundamentally wrong with Commando. He's been in the cuckshed for the entire duration of RoR2's early access and he slips deeper in with every update.
i want the last two characters to be acrid and miner
none of the new characters are fun
Are all these posts complaining about the new skills bait?
Or just retarded?
I couldn't get it to work either, it didn't give me an errors though.
Really sad that only 2 slots left means I won't get Sniper, Chef and Acrid.
Hopefully someone mods in whoever we miss out on.
EU Monsoon 109775241053400788
What if I don't have any friends, does this have a matchmaker
The error was in the console, not the game.
It was a bug which was in the game for so long they actually balanced around it
Removing it literally fucked the game up. They have to add it back now.
quickplay exists, and people here post room codes all the time
they're definitely gonna add more post launch
yes but most people on automatchmaking are literal retards that die on the first stage in drizzle
fug wrong picture
>but it's ok because we buffed cautious slug to be 1/2 as effective as it used to be
>They have to add it back now
Or balance it around the new HP.
You can also just use milky chrysalis and fly upwards, then spam all your abilities on the way down.
im 50 minutes in and I have a single crow bar
I need 12
nice fucking challenge, hopoo, wheres command
>people complaining about the game being harder now and cry for nerfs
>when they can easily just play the easier difficulties
I don't get it, if you think it's too hard and don't like it just lower the difficulty?
Is this the same people that want the glass mode added into the game?
>doesn't understand how difficulty scaling works
don't worry bro i got that first run i played in the new patch, found a crowbar 3d printer on the 3rd level. i just used up your luck is all
just find a 3d printer mate
a lot of these achievements are easy as fuck and would've been completed already unintentionally if some of them were in launch
Wait, how do you get the new skins? And how do they work? Does an option pop up that lets you swap between the two?
desu I think Enforcer would work better if he was in a 3d environment
took a look at the roadmap again, and it says "new" survivor every update, and not "final". That's good, hopefully you're right
God I hate how many retards RoR2's popularity attracted.
Spider mines are at least good, but hot damn those new turrets are absolutely useless. Might be worth it if they weren't so fuckin SLOW
>I think Enforcer would work better if he could only block 1/3rd of everything coming at him instead of 1/2
obliterate yourself on monsoon
not all characters have alt skins yet, though
One more get in here
>game is already easy as it is
>people cry for nerfs
So which of the new skills DON'T suck? Because I already had to suffer through prismatic trials to get a really shitty projectile for Merc that removes his best skill.
The sword uppercut is alright though.
One thing I never understood. If you start at drizzle and you survive long enough. Would it become as hard as monsoon or does each difficulty have some sort of cap?
looks like that durarara show
>how to get
obliterate on monsoon
>how do they work/how to swap
you use the loadouts tab, same thing for the alternate skills. Not everyone has a skin yet though, so just check the achievements list first
Nigger, the problem with RoR1 enforcer is that enemies just walk behind you. Enemies/characters have collision in RoR2, so that problem wouldn't exist.
>alternate engineer turrets are mobile and walk around with little robot legs
I like the huntress other "R" ability, makes it work more as a snipe and you can actually do decent damage against flying enemies at the start.
What are the essential skills 2.0 to unlock?
iirc it becomes as hard but the scaling is much weaker in comparison.
back when the spawning AI didn't have higher tiered enemies to spawn, it would take only a few loops on monsoon to remove enemy spawns. Meanwhile it would take several loops before drizzle runs would run out of enemies
Can you RISE UP in this game?
Rex' doesnt suck is straight up garbage, holy shit
so how is the new update? i havent played in 5 months what has changed?
It's hot is what it is, and google+yandex can't find shit.
yeah merc got a new skill that does that
maybe id find a printer if the game fucking spawned one
Bro no, Rex is my dog. What is it?
Loader was always a girl?
Rex's new ability is way better for shredding enemies caught in his R, though, especially since it procs items more.
Then what about these new skills that I'm hearing about? Are they also unlocked with the skins?
ive been playing more risky 1 because of this
2 really feels like a slog right now on monsoon
also its way more kino
Alright here you guys go: 100% save
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\(Your unique Steam Friend code)\632360\remote\UserProfiles
Mini Huntress R replaces his M2 for 30% HP instead of the 15% that the original M2 costs.
You get them by completing character specific challenges, check the logbook
Arti's ult 2.0 is literally her rising up
If you didn't play the june update there's 2 more characters, 2 more stages (new stage 3 and 4), bosses, enemies, items and extra Skills and Skins that can be unlocked. Only 2 new skills for characters at best for now, tho.
The other not-obliteration related challenges unlock skills.
Except for Loader's, still gotta kill yourself for that one.
Complete with the horrible jank that arrow rain comes with I'm assuming. Guess I can try to get his skin at least.
Rex is literally the M2 character, take it away and you destroy the character.
that's not what's bad but the fact that it has 6 SECONDS OF COOLDOWN.
host when
Oh wait doesn't he have two new abilities? At least looking at the achievement logs.
>that's not what's bad but the fact that it has 6 SECONDS OF COOLDOWN.
Just get mags, though. It's still a M2.
Commando's piercing shot replacement is a multi hit shotgun with good damage making him a better proc monster.
Artificer can just go airborne forever instead of using the flamethrower. She cab also get AoE in place of ignite on her primary.
Loader can add a punch to the grappling hook, but cause it to pull in smaller enemies instead of always pulling.
MUL-T can become FUN.
>the shittiest ability in the game
>kinda shit skin
why did they do this to rex i loved him so much
eh it's nothing too great. Hope he eventually gets a proper remodel.
Wow that looks excessively lazy.
anyone want to play with me? trying to do monsoon run for commando
Why is Artificer so fucking bad? I want to like this shitty character but I'm legit getting my asshole stomped in on the first level on normal..
>Futa loading her dick into Lemurian asses.
I'm sorry bros, I never thought that I would be a drizzlet, but here I am
Some of these challenges are too fucking tedious
is that really worth losing the one piercing skill he had?
here is your hentai ost
Look at this dude...
Does anyone have a working 16 player mod?
any monsoonbros finding loader literally useless? i'm trying hard as fuck to use the "high speed significantly increases damage" on the charge punch but from what i've seen it literally does nothing, or gives a increase so small you might as well hit it instead of setting up a fall or a grapple loop.
this character isn't viable on monsoon without insane item synergies, which is the only time i see it being talked about in a good light.
Most of the skins are just palette swaps, Commando's and Merc's are the only two that have more.
>weren't a male in the previous game
>the female form of hunter
nobody is viable on monsoon with less than 9 eyeglasses
thats just how it is
Alright that's fair, I only have Merc's right now anyways. I assumed they would all be some sort of model swap at first.
I can't find the legendary chest in the new area, am I just missing something like a locked off area like the abyssal depths' cave?
The one time I've been able to do fucking retard-tier damage as Loader was when I found a crowbar printer and was able to oneshot all bosses with the power of fifteen crowbars.
He's dead...
his previous ability had 1-2 seconds of cooldown and did 450% damage INSTANTLY for half the cost. he didn't need no mag before.
I think the egg boss always drops a legendary and is basically the chest equivalent.
well great I can't find the last nest this is pissing me off
is this working?
it says i'm int he lobby but it's not going to the lobby
His new ability is 450% Damage every second for 3-4 seconds. It's meant to synergize with his R.
Ganbare. Just keep on the look out for those mushroom-like things in corners.
Loader is totally fine on Monsoon once you learn to combo.
Also, grapple, then start charging a punch, release grapple preferably so it flings you up, then aim, and release.
Alternatively, get up close and personal and use it as a charged escape.
From the official Discord.
>Nintendo post IDS
>xbox post Gamerfags
>ps4 post PSN
Find other who understand the importance of sharing, going fast, and don't you dare take that item from me; the cornerstone of Risk of Rain cooperation. The longer you wait, the less likely you'll be stuck with a mediocre run. I've made the fag flop on a few other snoyboys who aren't spazzes; voice chat helps too.
Just run around as huntress, she can lock onto them
M2 becomes a big dick shotgun blast, R becomes an AoE grenade
only affects his primaries. One is a powersaw that's pretty fun but it's mostly shits and giggles stuff
Blink has autosprinting and 3 charges, but each shorter
Special leaps you backwards instead of upwards, and lets you shoot 3 snipe arrows
Mines are the old mines, damage is average between instant and fully charged
Turrets are a literal fucking upgrade. They become mobile, and shoot lasers that slow enemies
M1 trades the DoT for an AoE explosion
M2 trades the stun for a freeze and is basically an upgrade
R trades the high damage flamethrower for a fucking superjump with a stun
R Projectile is too skinny. I can see it's uses but I'll probably stick with Eviscerate for the I-frames like you said. It needs a lower cooldown or something to compensate because it's just barely a downgrade.
The M2 uppercut needs a bit more range imo so that it can catch enemies just a bit further out, it feels a bit too niche since you're already giving up a large amount of horizontal mobility with it, but it's pretty fun to carry shit into the air
I haven't gotten plantbot's yet, the only loader one that I've got changed the grapple into a scorpion hook for small enemies
Do the thick huntress and arti mods still work?
still garbage, why would i want to damage per second instead of instant damage?
>gee i killed one enemy, now to wait 3- 4 seoncs until my skill is on cooldown to target another enemy
>gee i killed one enemy, and another enemy... and another enemy....
Up close and personal without using either of the mobility options that would serve as your escape? Most bosses are either melee that'll destroy you, in the air ranged, or completely untouchable, like worm. The only bosses that loader is actually good at is Beetle Queen and Stone Titan.
No amount of comboing is going to fix her shit damage.
It's an AoE you fucking retard. It's intended for you to pull enemies in close with his R then slap the M2 on them for more overall damage and procs than his regular M2.
Excuse me what are these mods? post pics
also has anyone compiled a list of what all the new skills are?
>collision glitch with Merc still exists
>It can still one shot the enemies and bosses bosses that float which include the new Sepiks Prime
Hey Hopoo, instead of nerfing everything, how about you fix your game, or don't because fuck Jellyfish and fuck floating eyeballs!
but I'm commando
>Try out loader
>mfw realizing that I can aim the charged dash like Merc and go flying everywhere
>start holding down M2 and flying around like Spider-Man
>mfw charging the dash while holding M2 and swinging around a vagrant until It's fully charged and smashing the vagrant
Wait, what glitch?
new skills
insult me if I missed anything or screwed up cropping and pasting
yes i know is an AoE retard, the damage still is garbage, the cooldown is garbage, why would i want to do less damage when i can do more and i can choose freely more than one area at a time?
The instant i use this garbage ability i have to wait if i want to kill another enemy in a different area, not to mention the enemy can get out of said area, meanwhile with the old m2 is almost instant.
You're an absolutely fucking moron. The new M2 is for sustained damage and procs combined with the R as opposed to the largely single-target bursts of the old M2 for overall more HP, you absolute mongoloid.
update on this, found a royal capacitor. time to play some minesweeper
Artificer's are incredibly boring. I don't think I'll use any of them.
I understand that, it still sucks though.
you are a godsend user