>almost fall off ledge in-game
Almost fall off ledge in-game
Other urls found in this thread:
>quick save
>try to jump off ledge
>invisible wall
>Almost fall off ledge in a dream
>violently wake up
>trip or otherwise fall in a dream
>wake up feeling like i'm falling
FYI this happens if you fall asleep too fast, leading to your brain thinking you fainted
It's a shame the tombs in Nu Tomb Raider were too small to have that sense of tension of "Oh fuck, if I fall now I have to start again".
What's it mean when your legs suddenly jerks forward?
Ur gay.
The "knee-jerk reaction" which is your brain reacting to something in your mind even tho its not happening IRL.
>Always jump a little as I wake up when this happens
>headbutt the wall one night
>jump off high ledge
>character starts flailing around in air
>hands start feeling cold
>do this
>dog flips out and starts barking at me until I turn on the light
>character jumps high
>jump off of a ledge accidentally
>mfw didn't realise there's no fall damage
>Dying Light
>being chased by Volatile
>panicking, not looking where I'm going
>see cliff
>see water beyond
>fuck it
>missed swimming depth water by inches
>The swaying bridges in blighttown
Platformers give me severe anxiety and I fucking hate them
>get really far in game
>save and quit
>load back in
>save corrupted
What if you've been asleep for a long time , it feels like your bed is turning and you're about to fall off?
Then some nigger is robbing your mattress m8. Wake the fuck up
it's not so bad, user. you can totally make the jump!
This but I feel it in my balls
>messing with honey select
>want to make a beach scene
>download water layer mod
>get an endless expanse of water on an empty map
>looking into it suddenly makes me feel uneasy
>Astral Chain
>That exaggerated wobble when you approach a ledge
>boss I'm struggling with almost dead
>can't survive two more of his turns but I can POSSIBLY survive one and kill him with a really strong attack my turn
>don't defend so I have more power next turn
>fuck yes the goddess of RNG was on my side and I miraculously survive
>hit the boss with my strongest attacks and use all my AP, do about 3-4 million damage total
>he barely survives with 500 fucking health and wrecks my shit
I fucking love that and ledge animations in general.
>long in-game fall
>irl vertigo
That giant fall with Sheila in the greek level Spyro 3 was something else
>at any time in a game, you can glitch through the ground
>Dat penguin slide in Mario 64
>go out of bounds in a game into a flat void / nothingness
>always get the feel of dread that something sudden is going to happen or the game will freeze with a high-pitched whine
>going underwater in FPS
>starts holding my own breath
>panic when feeling chest get tighter
I don't know why I do it
Came here to post this. Happens all the fucking time.
>game about freerunning across buildings has the most terrifying deaths for every fall
>you don't get to see her kneecaps explode
>climb on 300 ft (about 91m) drop bridges for my job
>feel nothing
>run into a big edge in a video game
>feel unsettled in person
I don't even understand, how am I more afraid in a video game
>fall off ledge
>devs programmed the character to auto grab ledge
Based devs
>first level in L4D2
>walking on outside of building on thin ledges
>hear charger roar
all games should have this shit by default
>fat finger it and let go
>still awake in my bed
>suddenly feel like i'm falling even if it's not happening
>scared shitless
What is your job, user?
It's funny that I get dizzy even if I look at a tall building from up close and get fucking sweaty from thinking about heights but games do nothing to me.
>turn around jump up on the ground
>do a spin jump back
>walk around the room for several hours
>sit down
This happens to me in souls games.
>huge fall
>balls get colder
Has anyone else been laying in bed trying to sleep and all of a sudden you feel like you're falling and get rush of adrenaline.
it's called a hypnic jerk and it's basically your muscles randomly deciding to have a spasm for unknown reasons, either related to stress, stimulants like coffee and all that other stuff
>this happens to me in a dream
>wake up tossing and turning
>fall off the queen-sized bed as a result