What are your sad online friend related stories Yea Forums?

What are your sad online friend related stories Yea Forums?

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This one homo wouldn't stop annoying me so I removed and blocked him but he didn't get the mnessage so he made a new account to add me so I blocked that one too

None, I barely talk to them.
I think most people get annoyed by my autism, so I never message anyone out of my own accord, and the fact that they eventually stop messaging me further proves my theory.

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This but I actually told some homo "I'll be on tomorrow, see ya" and then created a new account. That must have been like 5 years ago now.

Do you know the bodybuilder guy Zyzz, hes on my playstation friend list

Like 6 years ago a guy I was friends with went on ranger training and got killed by a mountain lion.

It was the last day of my Runescape membership, and I was getting tired of the game so I pm'd all my friends I'd be going on a trip to Mexico
I never went back online

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what a cool way to die

The mountain lion died from stab wounds too apparently. So at least he didn't die like a pussy to pussy.

He probably grew up and got a life. Good for him

can't tell if this is a shitpost bc he died but I'm interested

I feel worse for the kitty.

pretty sure some guy i was subbed to on youtube died
there hasn't been any references to any of his usernames anywhere in like 2+ years and his last few videos involved him talking about stuff while drugged up on painkillers so i think whatever he was taking medicine for kiled him

online friend wanted me to sit in priv Diablo 2 game so he could transfer 40x HRs to another character. once he dropped all of them and left to get his other character I picked them all up and removed him froms friends list then /ignored his account.
I felt so bad for him.

RL friends I had on Steam when it was new (HL2 just came out) all have their profiles set to private, one has been continually offline since 2015 and only plays games sporadically, the other two never communicate at all anymore. My guess is because me and one other guy had a disagreement over something around 2013 or so (I believe it was related to some philosophical concepts or something else vague), we started to drift away since we couldn't agree on anything after that point, and eventually the group had a schism, me and one other guy on one side, the other four on the other. Guy that I still talked to took a job overseas in a place where internet wasn't always available and eventually quit video games entirely because it wasn't feasible to play over there.

It's like some shit straight out of SMT, you and the good friends you've grown up with develop strong opinions and suddenly you're pitted against each other. I suppose it's simply a part of growing up, people change and everything becomes awkward when the discussions get deep, so everyone decides to split instead of never bring it up. Everyone wants their own bubble and echo chamber to say their peace in.

damn thats a little too close to home what games do you play user?

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Human lives are better than an animal's.

What philosophical concepts?

>Make friends on the Paper Mario TTYD board on GameFAQs
>We take over a Commodore 64 board since they're unmoderated
>Be friends for years
>I stop going to GameFAQs except for like once a year
>Decide to make a group chat and post the invite
>Almost everyone abandons GameFAQs and starts using the group chat

>Message one friend on Skype since he stopped using GameFAQs long before me and only used Skype
>No response
>Check back months later
>He actually responds with his Discord tag
>Try to friend him, but since I use a different username than GameFAQs he never accepts it
>Another friend disappeared from the internet entirely
>GameFAQs, Facebook, Skype. All nuked.
>Can't get in contact with him anymore.
>Last time I spoke to him, he was going through a lot of shit
>He just recently left his abusive parents, and started attending classes, but he still had depressive behavior

Kent and Crimson, if you guys are out there, pls just go to the C64 board

>Had this friend who was always weird
>As awkward as he was he was a fun guy
>One day he went through a break up and told be in agonizing detail
>He had a mental break down
>It's been 2 years since he's been online

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>tfw I'm the ghost every time

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What a glorious dead for both

I used to play XIV a few months ago, I'm not really playing anything right now since I'm spending most of my time shuttling one of parents back and forth for radiation treatment for very early stage cancer, should be erradicated after the treatments, but it's still five days a week for six more weeks. I've just been playing singleplayer games lately, doing LttP+SM randomizer, city builders like Frostpunk, some Crusader Kings, that kind of thing. Anything that'll run on a crappy laptop and doesn't require an internet connection.

Things like morality, how society should be run, what responsibilities we have as people to others, that kind of thing. I've always taken an interest in it, but I'm just a computer guy, I don't really study anything other than reading some Yea Forums in my free time like Jung and a few other things, just to see what other people thought.

The guy was a sociologist, guy got a Ph.D. in it around 2012. During his time at university, I'd say his latent but dormant interest in those topics started to emerge, and when he'd try to strike up conversations about it, we found out we're almost polar opposites in what we believe. At some point, he decided it wasn't worth arguing I think, probably because he was holding eight years of study on a topic somewhat related to the subject while the best I could do was pull up anecdotes and occasional statistics to back up my claims. Later on, he simply began to shut out any sort of conflicting opinion because his dad turned in to a super-conservative, anti-government, live off the grid as much as you can kind of guy, so anyone who came anywhere close to him in lines of thought made his blood boil.

Back in 2012 I was playing this online pictionary-like game and I met this guy and we became friends. The game shut down in 2014 and he begged me to add him on a site called "Wattpad" so I did and I added him and some other users from the drawing game.

Skip to 2015 when I turned 18 and he suddenly started sending me extremely sexual messages begging to "touch my hair" and send nudes and cosplay for him and then I blocked him.

I am the person who hasn't been online in 10 years. Sometimes I still think about my friend and wonder if he thinks about me too.

>Ph.D. in Sociology

Damn he must've been pretty insufferable.

I met a group of artists a few years back on some site and ultimately I stuck around. We all talked with each other like people, listened to music, played vidya, drew and shared art and porn, talked philosophy, and had some genuine heart to heart moments. The owner wanted the chat to open to more people and be centered around their art so there would be randos occasionally, bringing more new friends. It was especially memorable to me because it was during a time when I was very lonely. A bit ago one of the guys got accused of being a pedo and left, never to come back which was a pretty big hit on us. More people left or rarely had time to talk because of life as usual. One even joined the army. Currently its just me, the owner, and one other notable person. The chat is still active, except its just 13 year old furries and fags because the server was publicly posted. Now its just children role playing, posting reddit memes, and bitching about their fake depression. I don't even bother looking anymore because I know its gonna make me want to revolt. The same place I genuinely cared and was happy to be with others is now filled with kids saying uwu and owo at each other and crying about a bad day at middle school

no cause being a friend is a two way relationship majority of the time unless you are a cute girl
cant just expect people to be the ones always messaging you
never starting a conversation with a friend or not asking to something with them makes a person thinks that you dont really care and just want to be left alone

Never really had online friends. I always panic when done friends me and ignore it. Not like we would have anything to talk about anyway. My main hobby is cycling and I just full time until my next ride

Why didn't you just change your Discord name to match GameFAQs?

Doesn't it cost money to change it? Or is it just the number?

Friend of mine online committed suicide I think after he got diagnosed with some sort of terminal illness. Never got the full details from his dad but after he hadn't been online for a few months I tracked him down via facebook and found out he killed himself. Kinda wish I played more dota2 with him even if I hated it, since he really liked the game.

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You can change the name on fly at no cost. No clue on the number.

Oh, he was. Growing up, he'd only play stuff that he wanted to play at that very moment, and you could never count on him to keep time or appointments he made in advance. Friday night would roll around and he'd randomly "get sick" based on whether he felt like actually doing something or not. He was certainly the center of his own world, which made it annoying to interact with him as a peer.

College really exacerbated his negative traits though. He would get exceptionally prissy when the people he'd spurn suddenly weren't catering to his every whim, as if everyone else only existed to entertain him. I can remember one time we were all playing WoW and doing arena for a season and he refused to group with me (Found out later it was because it'd hurt his ranking), so when I finished with a higher title then him at the end of the season, I made sure it was mentioned in guild chat a few times just to hit it home. Of course, there were mentions of "I got sick" and similar excuses why he didn't have his, but it was just a smokescreen of course.

At the same time though, I probably wouldn't have tried nearly as hard had that not been the case, so in a way I only got that title because I got slighted. It was a regular sort of occurrence though, he had in his mind just how superior he was to everyone around him, and he'd always make excuses when someone threatened his ego, didn't matter if it was someone placing 1st in Mario Kart, beating him in a fighting game, or scoring higher in an FPS.

You knew what was coming. Those people are ideologically possessed.

fuck off zoomie

I've never made a single friend online. And I've been online everyday for the past 20 years.

I think what broke him was getting his masters thesis rejected. He wound up getting sat in front of three professors who he had to pitch it to, and they told him it was too racially charged because one of the sections was dredging up statistics by racial segregation for completeness. After that, he was a good little soldier on what people wanted him to write, and after a time it became a part of him rather than a job.

>launch Steam once a month at best
>don't even use it to play games anymore just talk to like two or three people from my friends list
I'm not sure I even need Steam anymore on my PC.

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I'll cancel the friend request and then send another one so he gets the notification. Thanks!

All of my steam friends are my IRL friends
I don't like adding people I don't know

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or he probably died

>play some Halo with a guy on Xbox Live
>we become friends pretty quick
>invites fall on deaf ears
>never play with him again
A damn pattern I tell you.

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Here's a recent one.
>Be me, make friends with cute e-girl on twitch, end up being told a bunch of really personal stuff and become one of her two trustworthy people
>have huge hangups over anything sexual online, and don't let her know my feelings
>she ends up going to a streamer's house, he sexually assaults her, and she tells me in secret
>i offer support, but slowly get triggered over the lack of being able to help
>end up telling other people about the assault as a way to vent
>she learns, forgives me, and later tells me she's had sex with the other guy she talks to
>i got full incel, and end up talking to her rapist and lying about her, not sure why i did it other than i was a dickhead
>she learns, forgives me, and welcomes me back
>she later learns i also told other people about the sex, the rape and her other issues
>she once again forgives me, even though i don't deserve it
>she is pmsing one day, and opens up about her doubts, fears, etc. I offer support and it seems to help her
>she goes away for the weekend, comes back and doesn't talk to me anymore
>i ask her why she is ignoring me, and she says that it's because she talked to me in a moment of weakness, and that i never cared. she bans me, replaces me quickly with one of the guys i told, and tells me to move on.

I can't move on Yea Forums. And the 4 guys i told all used my information to get closer to her.

UK streamer?


You didn't prove anything, just confirmed your sillyness.
Just ASK people. You got a thought? ASK for input. You can't read minds friend. No one can.

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>join friendly FC
>start talking with a bong about sweets
>german girl chimes in "gimme your address I will show you german candies are better"
>she sends a ton of stuff for my friends and I
>only asks for weird flavor oreos because germany only has regular flavor
>she has stepmom problems
>whole FC is there to talk to lend an ear
>fast forward about 3 years
>her dad divorces shitty stepmom, she moves out and somehow her dad is the village mayor
>she's going to uni for medicine
>start talking about baking and her grandads chocolate wine cake recipe
>said she was making cupcakes for her work
>sends pictures and shit
>tell her "sgoing to bed, gotta be up early"
>don't hear from her for a while, figured shes busy
>get a random message if I hear about Ruby
>say no
>get told to go to the discord
>she dies shortly after I spoke to her, like 3-4 hours later

I still have her on my friends list and all I see is that "Last online" getting longer and it sucks.

Rest in peace Ruby, hope your making lots of cake with your grandpa in heaven.

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guy i played dota/hon with for like close to a decade killed himself

family's obituary page doesn't even have a write up about him, shits fucking sad

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