Let's be real, it wasn't as good as Metal Gear Rising

Let's be real, it wasn't as good as Metal Gear Rising.

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I hate platniggers so much

If only DMC had more QTEs.

you forgot your link barry

Why Platinum fans despise Devil May Cry so much?

FF15 sucks, now stop falseflagging you faggot

yeah it kinda sucked
but so did revengeance

Because it's the one franchise they'll never compare to. Only a couple platinum games come close but MGR isn't one of them

The gameplay was better, the story was worse, and the level design was roughly comparable in my opinion.

I don't understand how to play this game. I get Bayonetta, and Sekiro, and other action/rhythm games that are similar, but something about the timing of this game feels off. How do I enjoy it, because I love William Blake.

Platfags don't like MGR either, it's way too shallow, this is obviously a bait thread by Barry.

>william blake
this game has nothing to do with that expect for a few scattered lines, dmc references divine comedy

Metal gear rising is trash can game based entirely around a mechanic that functioned better in Bayonetta. It survived entirely on the basis of memes and the fact that it was portrayed to stand in opposition to Devil May Cry: Devil May Cry when it came out. If I'd had the choice of Devil May Cry 5 or Metal Gear Rising in 2013, my copy of Raiden's game would probably still sitting on GameStop's shelf to this day, or a dumpster somewhere.

Nier Automata is more shallow than rising and also better to play

You didn't cringe with the William Blake part? I think inserting that is just very out of place tbqh.

I hate this board

Copy paste this on every other board and you have Yea Forums, ladies and gentlemen.

I wish the boss music was as good as Revengance, but literally everything else in DMC5 is better. I wish that Vergil's 2nd theme from 3 was remixed.

Why is Barry going so hard on DMC5 all of a sudden? Over the last few days I've seen so many obvious bait threads it's ridiculous. If anything, I'd figure he'd shitpost KH3 more since it actually got news at TGS.

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Urizen is—as far as I can tell—the big bad boss of DMC5, to name one example.

William Blake's mythos is extremely metal, and lends itself well to over-the-top stuff like this game. But I'm not a fan of the series and started the game just last night.

hes just ass mad that final fantasy's combat will never be as indepth as dmc

And then retards respond and don't sage the thread.

>Urizen is—as far as I can tell—the big bad boss of DMC5, to name one example.
That's pretty much it. V quips some lines that borrow from William Blake. DMC's story isn't deep but it does have some good meanings behind the story and its fun. You should have started with 1 or 3 first thought, you'd enjoy the story more.

Vergil is V and he's gone by the end of the gme.

That's what I first liked about it: it's not very deep, but it references things that I think are spiritually important and (most of all) it looks fun. But I don't understand the rhythm of the combat very well, despite being fairly good at action games. Would it be easier to grasp the gameplay if I started with the HD collection? Or is it just Nero who plays strangely, while Dante is more typical?

Who's gone — V? Haven't played as him yet, but I know he reads a book during combat. I also know nothing about the series lore.

DMC is really fun you got the right mindset going into it. 5 is actually the easiest entry for new fans like yourself, but if the story interests you the DMC collection is the best way to start. ( You can skip 2 because it's pretty awful). Start with 1,3,4 and then 5.

>Or is it just Nero who plays strangely, while Dante is more typical?
Nero is better suited for newcomers and V is as well. Dante is the one with the most mechanics so he's pretty difficult to grasp. DMC is all about styling on enemies in a way that you find fun to work with there's really no "right" answer. You can look up video on youtube that explain which weapons are better to use but it's better if you work through the first time on your own exploring.

>I love William Blake.
You're in for disappointment. William Blake stuff is just pretentions fluff.

>he waited 10 years for this
>he actually defends it

Attached: DMC5 'combat'.webm (900x506, 2.63M)

>I don't understand the rhythm of the combat very well
Keep constantly attacking the enemy at any chance you can and avoid an odd attack or two. DMC's combat is all about aggression and offense. The best way to deal with it is to learn enemy behavior and how they respond to your attacks, then exploit it.

>I hate platniggers so much

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>Using that amount of red orbs to beat Urizen

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Are you on Yea Forums 24/7?

It wasn't as good as bayonetta either

I'm going to sound like a fucking faggot e-celeb-worshiping zoomer for saying this but I never realized how shallow MGR's combat is until i saw the GamingBrit video saying that DmC Devil May Cry has more engaging gameplay than MGR and I realized he was right. MGR is still a fun game though

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I don't know about that. I haven't played Revengeance in a while but I don't remember it being particularly well presented. The game had production and schedule issues and after the release the people at P* told stories of how when they landed the contract the poor bastards had to crunch time the game for a whole year to get it out on time so it was hell for them getting it done. It shows in places where the production value seems less polished than others and I don't blame P* since it represented a huge opportunity for the whole studio.

DMC5, if nothing else, has that polish.

Sure, it's much better than MGR.

DMC could learn from MGR honestly, but like another user said, MGR is more shallow. I still had a better time with it though

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Says the guy who defends THIS that was worked on for 10 years

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

>Metal Gear Rising has corny writing but great banter
>DMC 5 has corny writing that makes no attempt at engaging dialogue leaving it at just marvel quips and quirky one liners that are forced as hell
>Metal Gear has Sam as an optional character outside the main story who is fun as fuck to play as
>DMC 5 has fucking V who is an absolute slog that you're forced to play as for way too long

Game should had been released 5 years ago

this is the game these fags are defending? Pitiful

You're just bad at playing V.

>samefagging this hard

The only thing MGR has over it is the soundtrack