Pathfinder: Kingmaker

I'm still mad she wasn't romanceable.

Attached: Amiri.jpg (700x1022, 192K)

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Can't wait for their next game, Kingmaker was such a great ride.

i'm still mad her VA sounded like a man

Agreed. Especially when you contrast it with the dullest rpg of all time. Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.

>a-at least the writing was good though


The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.

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Would you rather play PoE or Torment:Tides of Flavortext

I know this flavor... it tastes familiar.

Blame Paizo for declaring her off limits. I'm just glad they didn't use her godawful 2nd edition art.

Most annoyed that dwarf and halfing pcs can't romance Linzi.

I dumped 300 hours of life into Pathfinder: Kingmaker. It was a surprisingly good game. If you want to romance Amiri just download the mod for it.

I wanted to romance undead elf but she cringed at me

>This is a 10/10 in the Stolen Lands.

Attached: Valerie.png (692x1024, 1.22M)

She gets better with the scar.

Post the 11/10 nymph

Gas the F*y

>tfw just downloaded the mod to make her 10x more attractive

no iam mad that they never patched memory leak like they promised

what mod

Post your portraits

Attached: Fulllength.png (692x1024, 1022K) have you tried using this?

Why is Amiri the only iconic class rep.

Why didn't the dumb tree hugger just uplift ant colonies into "kingdoms" and then stepped on the anthills?

Imagine not wanting to mating press Linzi as a half-orc barbarian.

Attached: Half-orc.jpg (1199x1060, 217K)

Kingmaker is the only game of the RPG renaissance that actually turned out any good. Every other game was agressively mediocre. Underrail too. Sethfags can fuck off.

>the world needs a Gundam CRPG with each character having their own unique Gundam.

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thank you for being a very effective general based amiri. kept my kingdom running smoothly

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>Not Regongar
can't say I expected any wisdom from a frog poster.

Any mods that turn amiri and valerie into men?

Women being front liners is backwards. It's stupid

>used to love top down crpgs
>fallout, arcanumn icewind dale, planescape torment and baldur's gate where some of my favorite games
>get excited when the genre makes a comeback
>disapointed as fuck by divinity OS series, literally prefered larian's old games
>pillars seems like it has everything and yet the entire game is a snoozefest, tyranny is even fucking worse
>can't get into wasteland 2 and playing it feels like a chore

Tempted to try this but honestly considering the fact I maybe have just changed tastes entirely and no longer enjoy these rpgs. I mean surely not all of the new crpgs are bad right?

sorry but regongar was too busy trying to have sex with everybody to do a good job with my kingdom

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It's a mix of your tastes changing and the genre changing

The world needs more Gundam games in general.

Real time action has completely ruined me for isometric turn based clicky shit.

PoE2 > snoremaker

weak bait

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The people who think Kingmaker is good are the lowest form troglodytes who play roleplaying games. The kind who think what’s important about a rules system is knowing all the ways to add +1 to a number to make it big, and mistake this for intelligence. Because that’s all Kigmaker offers.

It has among the worst encounter design of any crpg that I have personally encountered. There are only two kinds of encounters: copy pasted trash mobs, and overtuned enemies with inflated stats and class levels. For the former, guess what: if I could get through the first couple of encounters with undead giants, I can get through the next twenty you’ve uncreatively copy pasted in this dungeon. For the latter, this is where the crystalized knowledge of knowing the system and how to stack all the +1s comes in. You don’t approach either of these kinds of fights with anything approaching tactics, you just roll right through them if you know how to build a 3.5/PF character, something people figured out how to do 20 years ago. To the extent there were occasional interesting encounters, I always knew these were right out of the gm manual for the actual module.

I can rant on, but I’ve given enough time to writing this already. In B 4 “you must suck at the game” response. T beat it on challenging and got the cheevo for that. Why did I beat a game I didnt like on a harder difficulty level? Because I was sick of retards saying this game was good and wanted to point out all the ways it sucked.

Same but in reverse

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seethe lilura

I love the game but the final chapter felt like such a fucking chore to get through.

>i have got.... the cheevo
>i have... the cheevo... to prove it

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Its not Gundam but there was a indie mech game somewhere, not BattleTech either if that even was indie.
Good shit. Can't remember the namethough.

yeah i mostly loved the game but everything from the house at the edge of time on was a shitfest

You SHOULD romance Valerie user! She IS my BEST wife user! (She is! She is!)

Attached: Valerie.jpg (702x700, 123K)

It feels really good whenever I point out how bad the combat is in this game no one ever has an answer. What part of the combat did you guys enjoy? The copy pasted trash mobs? The brain dead enemy ai that beelines the nearest PC until it sticks on something? Was it how broken sneak attack is because the dumbass russian devs don’t understand the rules and were too lazy or stupid to implement flanking? Oh oh, I know. Maybe you liked how the game pretends to have time pressure but so long as you tediously remember to bring rations with you there’s nothing stopping you from rest spamming in dungeons.

I'm not into used goods, user.

Do NOT give ME combat user! Give ME Valerie user! (Give me! Give me!)

Attached: Pretty Valerie.jpg (719x720, 239K)

/^[^>].*[A-Z]{2,} ([A-Z']?[a-zI']+ )+[A-Z]{2,}( (\w+|'))*\!\)?/m
/\! [A-Z]((\w|'|\d)* )*\w*\!\)?$/
/\((.*\!) ?\1\)/
Get filtered, tranny.

What! It IS okay user BECAUSE Valerie IS a CUTE used goods wife user AND I AM used goods too user SO it IS okay user FOR me TO have used goods wife user AND it IS okay user! (It is! It is!)

Attached: Thigh Valerie.png (438x572, 283K)


That imagine reminds me of sending that slutty traitorous bard to the gallows. Ah, what a great moment that was.

The half orc was better imo

Lilura you have an entire blog for your autistic chink ravings. Yea Forums is a white man's board.

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Dullest rpg is the uninspired and highly overrated game of all time...Baldurs gate

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>implying all nuCRPGs don't universally suck

Amen. The only good f*y is a dead f*y

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Did you even play the game on hardcore mode? The mobs all work differently and different creatures require different weapons or spells to beat. What works on giant spiders won't work on skeletons. I guess if you're an autist who just sees RPGs as numbers and systems you might take umbridge with Pathfinder. But this is Yea Forums, not the RPG Codex.

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Fucking spoiler me, user, will you?
I'm playing LE and I already decided to overlook her stupid good ways when she stole from me treasury. Will I have to hang her later?

Give ME Aribeth wife!

If your only complaints are simple enemy AI and that sneak attack is good for once, you're not really making a compelling case for bad combat. Every game has repetitive enemies.

Is it autism? Or just her hormone replacement therapy backfiring on her bug brain? I really can't tell.

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Sounds just like the combat in kotor

I'm mad her mini was hard as fuck to paint.

user, unless “hardcore” is something they added after I played it, all increasing the difficulty does is inflate enemy stats. And the only difference between fighting giant spiders and skeletons is needing to remember to cast delay poison, a spell you will cast after every rest anyway because there is no opportunity cost to walking around with forty layers of pre-buffing. The only enemy in the whole game that requires any kind of different tactics are swarms, which is probably why theyre the most complained of enemy in the game.

This is a 10/10 in the stolen lands

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Different bard. But if you want to make Linzi suffer, don't build a library.

That's actually a pretty decent edit

Can I be an evil gnome and corrupt her with my evil gnome cock?

Finding and using your own portraits was probably the most fun thing about Kingmaker.

I had a folder full of qts ready for new runs.

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>that bikini armor
that will be a short run

Implying they're not a monk dip for Wisdom to AC

What's your thoughts on back-flipping not-loli catgirls with weapons 3x their size?

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She only fucks frost giants m8

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Should I play Neverwinter Nights Yea Forums?

I think they should stay in Japan.

It's incredibly dated and the official campaign is pretty boring, but the expansion Hordes of the Underdark is a fun high level romp.

Is this game playable yet? I heard it was infested with game breaking bugs.

sure but only play adwr or demonheart


>>female pc sex shit
Autogynephilia losers need to stop shoving their trash everywhere

They fixed it up pretty good. It's completely playable.

>There are people right now in this thread who didn't plowed Nyrissa's seedbed
Explain yourselves.


tiefling harem

What kind of faggot would filter Valerie's husband?

>Iconic character representing class fro 2 editions
>Allowed to be some idort's waifu

There's Dual Gear, which seems to be an indie Front Mission. I have to admit, that's the one I'm most excited for right now.