Is there any reason for this to exist once the Switch Lite comes out?
Is there any reason for this to exist once the Switch Lite comes out?
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No, not really.
Yeah, just like Nintendo continued to support and develop the Game Boy Advance after the DS came out. Remember, they're not competing with each other, they're separate pillars of Nintendo's market strategy.
To play 3DS games...?
Far as I know, the Switch can't do that.
To play all the 3DS games that have released over the past near decade? Are you retarded?
To play the entire Nintendo library from the NES to the 3DS for free?
>its a zoomer unironically screams "ITS OUTDATED" again
unless the switch comes out with an second screen that attaches to the main unit and enables you to play 3ds/ds games, i dont think so.
Uh yes? It has an entirely different catalog, you can't play stuff like the Zelda N64 remakes, Fire Emblem Awakening and Echoes or a laundry list of SMT games on the Switch.
Also, the 3/2DS are retrocompatible with the DS so you can play the actually good Pokemon games (DP/HGSS/BW/B2W2).
That's not a 3DS game
why would you play bw or dp when pt and b2w2 exist
Some old games that require two screens to work still exist.
Who knows maybe they'll make an attatchable screen to the Switch that'll allow you to play DS and 3DS games.
Are these able to be easily hacked to play games and use emulators on?
I have a DS with an acekard, but I would like to play snes and genesis games on there too.
I don't know how DS hacking is, but all 3DS firmwares are hackable and it's very easy.
>strap on
>have to hack in order to emulate
Hilarious, now show me how well the 3DS games run
i would love for the dual screen gimmick to die off already, and i would love a gameboy type handheld console strictly for mobile gaming to come back, but desu, the switch was really a great move by nintendo as far a as a versatile form factor is concerned. would rather just a switch 2 with some upgraded hard ware
Platinum, yes, B2/W2 is a different game to B/W, many may want to play both.
DS hacking was perfected over 10 years ago, just buy a 3DS compatible R4.
try playing kid icarus uprising on this and tell me how it goes.
>i would love for the dual screen gimmick to die off already
why? its great for any game
>access map, inventory, enemy/player information without going to another menu
there was no downside to it
2DS is literally superior to switch. Switch is dumbest thing ever. Too big to be real portable console and it's dock is just fucking HDMI out. Joycon's are shitty gimmick inferior to having 2 screens.
Nintendo creating new generation of DS with better spec and high res would create best portable console ever.
But they aren't dumb and they know they can't they needed gimmick like joycons and switching so it would sell, even thou most people probably don't use it anyway.
Also Switch Lite is garbage, not including HDMI out on it pure greed.
Dual screen was the best gimmick introduced to portable consoles to date.
DESU, it'd be miles better than the 3DS version if they just remapped the touch screen controls to the second stick.
"support and develop"
nigger by 2005 the GBA was dead and there were no new Nintendo games being released for it, everything was DS.
In general I agree, although I don't think it was nearly as good when it was introduced as it became later; many early DS games used the two screens too much, often trying to create a vertical screen effect that was very distracting and often caused perception problems due to the separation between screens; the more restrained use of the screen for inventory and maps like in Zelda was much better, it was so good that it was the only use of the DS screens that translated well into the Wii U.
my thing is that barely any of the games on 3ds that i have played ever really made clever use of it, and when playing games on switch, i don't ever really miss the second screen.
>switch lite
Those bulging analog sticks it has aren't going to feel right in a standard pants pocket, but that's only if you manage to fit the console in the pocket in the first place
>No clamshell
>too bulky
I wonder..
Nintedo going only portable is good thing,
Nintedo making their portable console not really portable is bad thing
Dual screens are so good and I wish another portable console like that came out so Etrian Odyssey can stay alive and satisfy my mapping autism
i was gonna buy one for virtual console, but then switch got snes games so whaaatever
>implying that they don't port 3ds to switch
just use a carrying case or keep it in a backpack/messenger bag or whatever. commuters and kids on car trips both usually have a bag with them anyways
Switch can't play DS/3DS games. Get a brain.
also, coat pockets are usually more than fine for the switch, i imagine the lite is even better in that regard, so it's at least winter-portable
That's an online service, user. Those ROMS won't be assessable once your membership expires or when the switch's online inevitably ends. Meanwhile VC games will always be playable once downloaded
you seem to be half right
>switch lite doesnt have a known exploit yet
>cannot play physical cartridges
Stupid nigger
3ds homebrew is amazing, you normalfag
Do you know what DS stands for? Do you know how many screens are on the Switch?
i have a super nt and a snes classic anyways, i just wanted the games on the go until i inevitably get sick of them. also, they'll be assessable, they just won't be accessable, and that's assuming the switch dies any time soon since 1.7 bucks a month is not a problem whatsoever for the foreseeable future
turn it on the side, put a dividing line in the middle, voila, c'est un ds.
also it technically does not stand for 'dual screen' according to nintendo
it's a switch lite, not a snake bite
>not even trying hide it's a phone anymore
what about all the dual screen wii-u games on switch you brainlet? there are maybe a handful of games that actually need touchscreen functionality that can't be replaced with motion controls, otherwise it's not really a problem
Really makes me wonder why Nintendo has not made the Switch lite like the GPD XD and use the extra space to increase the battery size.
The level of mental gymnastics to argue that is somehow comparable to getting a 3ds/ds is fucking astounding.
Hey retard, why not just emulate instead at that point?
Kinda true, still it'a s burden to carry case and other stuff, clamshell design protects screen so you can go without any case. Cases also add to bulk, and I can carry new3DS in suit pocket no problem.
that's my point. if you really want to play ds/3ds games on the screen, it'll eventually be totally doable on a modded switch. otherwise you can move on with your life like you have before, or wait til it dies out completely and buy a used 3ds for like 50 bucks
They will redesign it anyway
that'll just inevitably be the switch boy advance SP
It has better games and is way more easier to hack
way easier. the 'more' isn't necessary because that's implied in the -er suffix you n00bl3t
I'd like to think that a Switch Boy Advance SP would look more like a GBA SP folded and a regular Switch unfolded by way of one of those folding screens that will likely be popular by the time it comes out. Just a Switch that folds down to the size of a wallet.
Nintendo isn't making any more games for 3DS, nor is anyone else. Even if Nintendo did, almost all of their games after Pokemon Sun/Moon have been remakes or ports. Atlus was the last notable third party to make any games for it over the past few years (Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, Etrian Odyssey: Nexus, SMT: Deep Strange Journey, PQ2)
at least the games don't cost a fucking fortune.
>being a switchnigger
yes, cling to your dying consoles while you still can. invest in minidisc and betamax players while you're at it
We can hack it. That's what I did, and it's surprisingly pretty fun minus worrying about maybe bricking my 3DS.
I'm planning on getting a hacked 3DS but I'm not sure yet. What can I play on it? Which games are a must in this console?
Hacked mine recently and I've been playing
>all of 3ds pokemon
>pokemon vc
>some snes classics (before snes online dropped)
>warioland 4
>Metroid: Samus Returns
I actually have two (new)3ds one normal and one XL that I should hack but I'm lazy as fuck. How long would it take to hack the XL and then get all the dragon warrior games on it?
>Fire Emblem
What are you interested in? Jrpg? Action? Platformers?
That's DS not 3DS dumbfuck
I can play pretty much everything pre 3ds on my 3ds but I keep my nes anyways. Are you saying all old people should also curl over and die?
I'm pretty much open to everything, the more games the better.
>Is there any reason for this to exist once the Switch Lite comes out?
Yes, it will protect the lowest end part of the market until Nintendo can release a revision of the Switch that hits the sub $150, or even sub $100 price points.
Hacking takes a good 30-45 mins of time. maybe an extra 20 downloading the games. Done it recently on my normal new3ds too.
Nope. Unless you never had a 3ds in it's entire lifetime, that thing is worthless, and a new 3ds xl or regular new 3ds is better than the new 2ds xl.
Wouldn't they attract dust & other stuff like crazy?
Just stuff it inside a small backpack and be done with it if you want to take it on the train m8
>Is there any reason for this to exist once the Switch Lite
Why the fuck do Switchfags care if the 3DS still exists or not, people still play on previous systems. Not everyone has to jump to the company's latest turd.
Well the games I played and liked are
smt 4, smt 4 apocolypes, radiant historia, fire emblem conquest
monster hunter 4u, mario kart
I also play a plenty of ds games.
gyro or bust
do this on your switch
>inb4 this smoothbrain posts a picture of an emulator
>gba vc injects
>3ds xl
...but also cringe
thats not even my whole collection of handhelds
I see, cool. Thank you guys.
XL is the objectively superior way to play GBA games, because you should run them on perfect pixel mode unless you're an absolute nigger and it's just too tiny if you're not on the XL.
>Is there any reason for this to exist once the Switch Lite comes out?
For retarded poorfag of a parent who don't know jack shit about vidya to buy it cheap for their child.
IIRC, same shit happen with the original Wii and I think either the Gameboy Color, Advance or DS
Switch still has less exclusives worth mentioning than 3DS. And 3DS doesn't have many.
Is there any reason for you to exist when you're obviously mentally retarded?