An argument against Banjo in Smash

An argument against Banjo in Smash

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OP, I hope that’s not your voice because you sound like an autist

20 years of fan support

gay fake and gay

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what kind of gay vocaroo is this
is this some new level of coping?
pathetic steve discordfags

don't worry OP, you can just not buy Banjo and pretend he isn't in

This is the most pathetic thing I've ever heard in my life. Have sex

>most-fitting addition since the 64 roster

Fuck off.

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not listening to that but first for fuck banjo

1) Too late;
2) Just don't buy the DLC if it bothers you so much;
3) Its just a videogame.

Fuck Microsoft.

>starts as an actual argument/analysis/theory
>ends with evident seething

Fuck on outta here OP, I've wanted Banjo since melee and I couldn't be happier that he's finally in.

I wanted Banjo since at least brawl, found out he was supposed to be included in melee (rumor). I’m just glad I can spike you nerds into oblivion with the dumbest move.

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OP is a

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I am not listening to your autistic raspy neckbeard voice. Fuck you smashfag

Lemme guess, reimufag?

work out and have sex incel

I’m pretty sure the guy in OP is one of these assholes, his voice sounds similar

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>know people who have been eating for this guy since Melee
>finally gets in
>plays like garbage
>they all say he's "okay" and stopped playing him
That's what they get

>THIS is the faggot that keeps claiming people haven’t played Banjo Kazooie or Super Mario RPG

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Nice headcanon


Thank you reddit

>Banjo before Bowser, Mewtwo, Peach, Wario etc..
Fuck off, besides he was too new to be in the first game. BK came out in Japan December 1998, literally a month before Smash 64 was released.

Thanks for the chuckles. You weren't even born when Banjo-Kazooie or SSB64 came out, and you're just projecting your own ignorance.

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Listen you zoomer faggot. People have wanted Banjo since smash 64. Get over it, queer. He’s already in. There’s nothing you can do about it except not buy him.

Fake, he had 18 votes on the other poll

kek, thank you OP, you made me laugh.

Well you can see for yourself. I'm taking what it says at face value.

Learn how to deliver an opinion you lip smacking faggot

I disagree, I played the shit out of banjo games when I was young. Yes some people band wagon-ed him to be in smash, but that was a result of the people who grew up in the n64 era had influence on those who have not played the games. all and all he a fine addition to smash.

>in Japan
He came out several months before in NA.

Would "most fitting series" quell your literary take instead?

I refuse to believe this is genuine, I refuse to believe that rosterfaggotry is real and not just trolls trolling trolls

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This level of seething shouldn’t be possible

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lmao too late

Bowser is the only one of those characters that should have been in before Banjo.

This is genius levels of bait.
>The voice tone
>Unironically implying that he was just memed in
I couldn't get passed that last point. This is some solid bait. It's just dumb enough for someone to actually believe you could think that.


But there are kids who are this ignorant, and think everything from before they were born is bad.

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Nice argument, have a rebuttal

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>No one is talking about Ridley anymore because he's in the game

Exactly, we don't need to talk about an accomplished victory, you don't see the NASA bragging everyday about how humans landed on the Moon 30 years ago.

And saying that he is forgotten is just stupid. I've encountered a lot of Ridley players online and i play him from time to time, you'd know that if you actually played Smash...

Which by the way, have you ever played Smash Ultimate? OP? Do you have a Switch?

Back to Ridley, why would people ever forget about a main villain from a main Nintendo series that is still relevant to this day and with a new game coming out?

Maybe Dr. Mario and Dark Pit might be forgotten some day but no one from the Roster aside from them will ever be forgotten.

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Oh boy! I can't wait to hear this funny vocaroo of one of the BanjoKazooie soundbytes recontextualized in a way to argue that banjo shouldn't be in smash bro-
You're a sick bastard, OP.

>these are the stevefags that have been shitposting for the past 8 months

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Idk, projections and delusions such as this were the only arguments that zoomers could come up with against old characters like Banjo and Geno.

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That’s kinda funny OP, I have to wonder why you made a vocaroo though? I guess you just didn’t feel like typing it out? Now I kinda wanna make one talking shit about Terry Whogard. People will make fun of my voice but I kinda get off on it

I watched the whole thing. Pretty cool

nice headcanon

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I hate Banjo and Banjofags but he's fun as hell to play and may even become my secondary

It's really just the influence of the popular smash e celebs telling the smash community who to like, as well as nostalgia.

Man these smash threads just keep getting bigger

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Careful! Jannies take their preschool humor character very seriously.
>inb4 "tripfag"
Not anymore. I'm a good heterosexual user now.

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What a fucking autist.

That post was absolutely drenched in falseflagging.

Obviously, it's been posted dozens of times. But it's directed at the whiny kids who only care about muh sales and muh relevancy.

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>being so underage that you would rather have Steve than Banjo

More like an argument for not letting faggots in middle school post stupid gay shit on Yea Forums


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Oh it's literally one of those faggots, you can hear it immediately.

>that Tweek v ESAM match
Looking forward to seeing Tweek play when he has more time with the character under his belt, he SD'd twice in that set. Pika v BK is an awful matchup for BK but Tweek did pretty well despite that.

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I never said I wanted Steve in. Honestly, I think Minecraft as a game is the worst cancer in vidya history, and anyone who enjoys it should be killed off. It's just autistic to claim Steve is a "zoomer character for babby" when Banjo literally has a move dedicated to silly poo poo joke. As much as Mineshit pisses me off, at least Steve remains a silent character with no personality so childish toilet humor doesn't come out of him.
Really, Microsoft doesn't deserve a rep. Their games (and products in general) are shit, fuck them. Wish they didn't hold a monopoly on Gaming OSs.

>Caps lock
You should have been banned.

didn't listen but who cares since he's already in KEK

Like I said, I dropped it. Anonymous and straight now.
>Caps lock
Only during the mocking section, not the serious section.
I have a PC

I wasn't banned for any of that shit. Supposedly, it was because of "starting a flamewar", which is almost on par with Reddit banning you for calling someone a faggot.

It's a fucking egg, where do you think eggs come from, you disgusting urbanite

You're still a faggot.

>Yfw Banjo&Kazooie are in Smash Ultimate and there's nothing no one can do about it

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It makes a fart sound in the original game though.

(You) too. You're at pink level, faggot.

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>yfw he's finally in the game and he's solid as fuck tier wise and fun wise that the second rank pgr player is secondarying him

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>kids who only care about muh sales and muh relevancy.
I don't know. I just can't believe that a single person would ever want a character in smash for this reason alone. Wanting the character in smash just for more games in the series when it's brand new isn't a reason I agree with either. It's like totally missing the point of smash in the first place. People want to see their favorite characters duking it out. Arms would have been a lock had it been as well received as Splatoon, but it wasn't.

They were the mascots for the second biggest dev for the N64. You weren't there, I don't blame you but you're wrong. I'm sorry.

>Argues about Banjo-Kazooie.
>Already in.

What is there to argue about? Use your time on something better since you are fighting a losing battle here... No amounts of coping and seething will help you change the minds of anyone here...

Just... Fuck off... This is cringe as fuck and even the smartest autistic people would have noticed these toxic levels of cringe.

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My argument against Banjo being in Smash:
>Wonder Wing is fucking overpowered and makes him one of the most braindead characters in the game.

>This character that already got in isn't being speculated about anymore, therefore no one cares
Hey dumbass, have you considered that since he got in and we know everything there just isn't more to say? Is Mario an irrelevant Smash character because he's not in roster threads anymore?

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Try using L, R and Z for once

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I do, and I still get hit or can't grab him in time.

git gud fag

Thanks for the non-answer fag.

git gud is the answer, underage
get to it

>can't grab him in time
So he threw out one of his very limited moves and got nothing for it.

Alright boys pack it up, Banjo was fun while he lasted but some fucking autist made a vocaroo about him, he's gonna get patched out any day now.

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>An argument against Banjo in Smash
Actual autism. Nothing in your argument holds any water because he's already in smash. You're just bitching because you think he somehow "stole" a spot. Fuck off underage

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isn't this the final boss in f-zero gx on the gamecube user?

Based. Banjokes continue to dodge the subject when you point out how irrelevant their bear is and no, relevance is not limited to sales. Banjo is not a gaming icon, his games don't sell, his track record is mediocre, he's not as well-known, and he hasn't had a game jn a decade. I firmly believe that his inclusion in Smash is Microsoft putting him to rest. Nobody cared about Banjo before Jontron's video and everyone who pretended to care about a bear whose games barely sold is a zoomer.



you should have been a good stevefan but its too late you evil steve jerks


There’s starting to be a very noticeable amount of garbage opinions from Youtubers who think they lose an opportunity when they don’t get what they want and then blame it on others

This is on the same level of retards who think the Pikmin team are making Kirby games

what stupid gay shit user

this video is awesome

We all understand that OP is a falseflagger, right? I get the feeling this is some Discord effort into forcing the Banjo vs. Steve narrative again on behalf of Banjo fans.


BASED also i remember that guy i loved when he would say YOU NEED TO SHUT THE FUCK UP he was cool

How would that help actual Banjo fans? I think anyone who sounds underage and complains about optional DLC is genuine and beyond saving.

Reminder to zoom zooms that banjo was right beside Mario, DK, and Pikachu on an N64 box.

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whats a vocaroo user?


facts i love banjo

I knew it was one of these faggots

Mr.Caption?! I see reports of your death were greatly exaggerated

It's just character wars and trying to relive that hype. E3 should've ended the debate, but it's still getting forced with these ridiculous strawmans with the same people in each thread.

I wonder if you’ll kill yourself if a new Banjo Kazooie is announced


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>james bond
I remember this fucking ancient meme, but I didn't know Japs joked about it too


op will cause op is a HATER hater gonna hate lmfao

Holy shit, this made me laugh so hard.
You're a fucking retard user. I bet you want Ashley in Smash.

you smack your lips a lot.....

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This is what it sounds like to seethe. He's a smash bro, and like ridley, they'll be remembered as long as people are playing this game. Stay butthurt in your little butthurt-over-banjo bubble

Also OP I'd like to add that I can hear the anger in yout voice. The thought of people being happy over Banjo rots you to the core. Butthurt ass bitch, why do you have to be so mad? Especially your voice at the end, i could imagine your head pointing down with your eyes looking up at me in your dimly lit room. Leave your house for once you pissed off little prick. Seethe harder.

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Hello smash/Steve thread, this is your resident Steveposter.

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Are you unironically gay?
Just curious.

You can curb the autism, but I agree with your last point. Smashfags don't actually care about the characters or the games they're from, they just like speculation discussion and HYPE reveals. Nobody talks about K Rool or Ridley now that they're in, and those two were literally all over the fucking board before they got in Smash. Smash is where literal who characters go to die.

Just wanted to type the following for OP: I am happier to see Banjo and Kazooie in Smash. Grant Kirkhope is happy they're in too.

how do you feel about wario?

OP please never breed