Shantae Thread

Completely missed that a demo/the first part of the game is actually out on Apple Arcade, including one of the animated cutscenes showing off the other half-genies.
Don't even recall them saying it'd be released in parts, maybe I just missed that.
It looks off in some motions, being honest

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and the animation

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I like the Shantae games but I'm still salty about how overpriced the dlc for half genie hero was considering you play all the levels again for EACH character with minimal changes.

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You could have just backed it at 15 bucks. I think the only thing I didn't get was the blue outfit

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so i assume this is releasing in a month or two?

>It looks off in some motions, being honest
It looks choppy as fuck, but i guess people are too busy popping a chub to say anything

It looks low budget.

I assume that's due to the platform or the capture device. HGH was butter smooth that I can remember. It's not like it's a particularly strenuous game/engine
>Wayforward widely known for being all about jiggly tiddies
>no jiggle on any of the girls in cutscenes

So is it back to being a Metroidvania?

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Trigger knew what they were doing.

I've barely even touched HGH yet, and I was a backer on that one.

It's a mishmash of every game in the series
>multiple towns, interconnected overworld (original)
>designated challenge rooms (RR)
>Heart Squids, instant transformations/abilities (SatPC)
>HGH artstyle

The Part 1 thing is only for Apple Arcade IIRC. I'm assuming it's to get (part of) the game out for the launch so they can get those Apple bux.

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The backing period ended before I even knew about the game.
DLC was bad and overpriced and now I won't buy the new game.

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Holy shit the music is terrible

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this. i hope the stuff they have in is placeholder and they get that dude who did SatPC back.

People will ignore this point, but dont you feel that sidescroller plattformers now feel barren empty because of the bigger field views and the microscopic models, heck if you play New Super Mario bros Wii and onwards and compare the level design and areas to Mario 3 and World, you noticed level design have basically become nothing but tunnels.

Also new shantae looks like ass, including the lame animation, lemme guess, its done by Koreans by Mir and only the intro by Trigger

Cinematics are in house.

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imagine all those girls, capturing risky and taking turns on her with their futanari magic

>they get that dude who did SatPC back
how do you not even know who that is by now
jake kaufman is constantly mentioned whenever it comes to shantae music as he did the entire series up to hgh at least

oh, of course.

Jake? He's gone from WF. He wanted to branch out and do other things and follow his own schedules. Last I heard he was doing shit for CN shows.
So instead we're stuck with this generic ass chiptune trash.

This series was carried by cute girls and good music, and it just lost one of them.

in house? oh so the intro is all the thing Trigger did.........................thanks for the bait dipshits.

whatever Trigger is nothing but garbage keyframes.

Please say you're kidding, I can't listen to the video at the moment and the music in these games is generally always good

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I wouldn't say it's terrible but it's distinctively not-Jake.

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cute CUTE

She will never ever be in Smash as a playable character, keep seething Shantaecucks!

>oh so the intro is all the thing Trigger did
literally something they told you on twitter
man i miss when people on Yea Forums actually paid attention to things but now they're like mtv girls who chew bubblegum and twirl their hair like moron bimbos

current Yea Forums is the result of constant spoon-feeding, something people used to be rightfully ridiculed for here. It's pathetic.

Same problem with new Yea Forums

The mayor is totally going to be the/a villain based on the fact that he has a portrait.

Yeah, he did the theme for the show OK KO: Let's be Heroes, and as expected it's good even if the show wasn't. Didn't realize that meant he straight up left WF.

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>rosterfags come into a thread that has nothing to do with smash

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shantae as smash dlc when?

>comparing in between frames to actual animation
the cutscenes look awful, for once i actually prefer just having the portraits and sprites talking than this shit. i pray its still in development. it needs more frames for sure, and some of the characters shantae ironically look really off model sometimes

He left WF's payroll and started his own studio (Mint Potion) after Pirate's Curse's launch. He still composed for them up until either Half-Genie Hero or Catgirl Without Salad released. After that is anyone's guess, but he's probably just wrapped up in other projects and his boneitis doesn't help matters.

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lolwut? it is absolutely Jake. What's hurting the composition right now is that it's all over the place. Some half or even three-quarters chiptune instrument while other songs have none. He usually picks a style/theme and sticks to it. I dunno if the throwback sound is his choice or WayForward's.

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>even if the show wasn't
oh look, it's another Yea Forumsfag with retarded high standards

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I really hope they change the portraits being aligned to the top instead of just having them on the bottom so they don't awkwardly cut them off.
Either have it only happen with Apple because the controls are down there, or just change it entirely.

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Maybe if enough people bitch about it, then maybe. Part 1 may as well be Early Access for SS.

I don't understand how they had a working solution in a demo and went back on it for the final release.

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I'm largely just being harsh cause I doubt anyone here wants to hear anything positive about a "calarts cartoon" and going further is pretty off-topic. If you want my honest opinion: I don't think it was that bad, though I do think it had problems that were conceptional rather than due to it being made poorly or any of the common Yea Forums complaints. Half of the few times I tuned in, I did find it enjoyable and fun even if the other half not so much. I dig the vibe they wanted to get across, it just didn't maintain my interest compared to other shows..
Regardless of my opinions, the show was done dirty.

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The music is awful

Neat, more zombies.

That underwater dungeon reminds me of Earthworm Jim.

Since when Rotty was a half genie?

That's Fillin, not Rotty.

She's obviously pretending to be a half-genie so she can get a free vacation. Either that or it's a red herring.

Based. Based. B A S E D.

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Would you look at the thighs on that shawnty

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>best lwa as best shantae
this is perfect for me

>only did barbara
where the fuck is hannah

lol, you faggots know nothing about animation.

lol Studio trigger can't draw or animate for shit.


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Speaking of Trigger, Shantae's opening appeared in theaters today, since the movie came out and it's showed before it

did you actually go to see the movie or are you just bringing it up

Can't wait for the rest of our precious giant monstergirls.

Just bringing it up

It looks so ugly compared to all the other 2D indie games that have come out.

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Well shit this thing is months away from being released and I already have to avoid spoilers

Do you think Trigger Studio should've helped Wayforward with the UI design as well? I don't get it, it looks perfectly fine in River City Girls, why does it look so bad in Shantae?

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It has to be some kind of intentional meme to just never have good UI

Arc* but yeah the UI is kind of ugly. I prefer the HGH's E3 demo UI. I feel like wayfoward made way too many other game and put more attention into them, rather than Shantae 5. They should've just made River City Girls and Shantae 5. instead of making 5 games back to back and releasing them so close to one another. I honestly hope the game gets delayed.

Wayforward knows full damn well how it is, and is doing shantae the way it is on purpose. I mean they did a good job on RCG, its not like they can't, they just actively choose not too cause shantae.

The pause menu UI is fine, if basic. It's the text boxes that need work. I'm pretty sure is on the money and WF/Matt just keeps using the same shitty text boxes as a joke.

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why the fuck would you think Trigger could do UI?
they can't even draw.

>Those thighs
Yes lawd.

So how long until twitter tries to cancel Wayforward?

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Sell me on this series.

All I know is that it's got platforming and has cute girls and is basically softcore porn

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likely soon
cancel culture is just an extension of outrage culture: no one is allowed to have fun, you're supposed to be mad at absolutely everything all the time for not being 200% perfect in every way and even then it needs to be destroyed because it's problematic/doesn't adhere to some arbitrary values/is made by people you don't like/someone did a bad thing once/etc.
It's all an excuse to destroy shit.

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this looks super interesting

Take from me they always come for the lewd designs and stay for the great humor OST and interesting characters, the gameplay is the only thing that is So-so, also the story has one of the best post-apocalyptic settings.
Until they become mainstream

Well that Adam Tierney guy just reeks of "will be #metoo'd" and considering he's been at wayforward for over a decade, that definitely won't look good on them.

They already tried to raise a stink over Shantae's age being 16 due to that old ass tweet but that fizzled out.

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Mediocre platformers With Waifu titites for manchildren slash pedophiles.

Everything Shantae does has been done better (Touhou luna nights, Popful Mail, Magical Pop'n, etc). Shantae is pale immitation.

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Might wanna strike that one, Kaufmann left wayforward and was replaced by someone else for this game and the songs we've heard so far are meh and boring

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so fucking a zombie is necrophilia?

Imagine having a big enough dick for quadruple paizuri.

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Tierney has worked at WF longer than the average Yea Forums poster has been alive. Given the rate WF rotates staff, if he had diddled someone something would've been said by now.

Nobody knew who he or wayforward was until Ducktales Remastered came out


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I was under the impression Ikarashi only worked on the OP, so why does all of this look like half-assed copies of his design work? Same for the in-game character portraits.

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At least from the first game, decent game-play, alright dunegons, good sprite work, good music, fun/anime humor, cute girls, hit or miss with whether the dancing is fun or a hindrance. Only issue is a rough start and small camera. After that the games are all average at worst, supported by how much you like the characters and world, and the gimmick of the series, transformations.

Then Pirate's Curse ditches that gimmick but also ends up being a solid somewhat fast-paced platformer, which everyone loves.

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Ducktales was a different director (Ivansmith).

Nobody gave a shit about Tierney until some Yea Forumsirgin got pissy after he got blocked for calling him a cuck.

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wait, lemme rephrase this, is fucking rotty necrophilia?


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I was confused about why River City Girls was lacking Jake Kaufman. At least most of the music in that game ended up good (especially the vocal tracks), but the chiptune music for the bosses was mostly underwhelming.

This is your harem tonight

Pirate's Curse is very fun. And the original GBC game has retro charm.

Skip Risky's Revenge and Half Genie Hero. Not worth it.

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Tierney himself has always been in the background, he only got SOME attention with catgirl. And anyone whose followed him since then has realized he's a hyper sjw prick that nobody likes outside of artists hoping they'll get hired(which makes him even more suspicious) which is probably the reason he'd been kept hidden for so long.

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The portrait positioning is pissing me off

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No one got blocked by him, he just made his twitter private because people found the shit like him white knighting a girl who accused wayforward of misogyny and talking about how he hates video games and shit. I don't really like the guy, but part of me hopes that he's just the token SJW at wayforward only kept around so they can deflect them.

Character portraits are cut and would look better if they were placed below but that would obscure the character positioning in the game.
It's a compromise that didn't end well.

shantae is low budget trash made by west cuck SJW faggots from wayforward
the only good game in the series was pirate's curse because they had actual nips working on the game
also fuck river city shills
inb4 they drag that "GIRL POWER XD" shit into the new game

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I need this

This sure is uh
A new Shantae game
Is there actually some reason other than porn that this series is popular

Then you reframe your scene. I refuse to buy this excuse when they have full control over how to present the scene. This is such a lazy fucking approach to a non-problem.


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Most of WF's leads are left leaning but this really shouldn't be a surprise since the studio is in fucking California. Matt is the only mystery since he only retweets fanart/announcements and posts a random development fact every now and then which puts him above most western devs on twitter by default

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meant for

You need help. Not everything is SJW you /pol/fag. And RCG is a great game.

Don’t you love those contrarians clashing face first against each other like the headless chickens they are? Then again their head where the first thing to go

With how inactive Bozon is on Twitter(dude doesn't even have a checkmark), wouldn't surprise me if there are people who think fucking James Montagna is the creator of shantae since hes by far the most known and online wayforward employee(despite barely having anything under his belt outside of that bland looking vitamin game they're making)

wordfilter, wordfilter, WORDFILTER?

This girl right here has seen an remembers when the Pirate master attacked and I hope she offers some insight on how he did it

>he thinks there's going to be continuity

She's probably not that much older than Shantae anyways.

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Pretty strange that such a nothing member of wayforward is so well known, heck, this dude is the reason people can't shut up about smash when people say shantae

this series has gone to shit since pirate's curse
half genie hero was mediocre at best, and none of this looks good

This game is more bland than bad, it doesn't seem like it will be BAD, just super forgettable and extremely boring since it does nothing to really differentiate itself with the millions of other games out there that are like it. At this point, I feel like this game is gonna rely on the brand recognition of shantae more than its quality. Essentially I feel like wayforward is now acting like your standard corporation now that they've gotten a small taste of success, producing something kinda generic and by the books since they now have enough of an audience to where they can probably break even off of brand name.

Part of the problem is that WF hasn't bothered with advertising the game AT ALL (the Promare thing doesn't count).

Look at RCG, which had shit posted CONSTANTLY (trailers, website updates, artwork, etc.) for the two months before it released. SatSS has what is basically a free demo out for everyone with an iPhone and WF...posts about that other game they announced alongside Shantae 5. It's like if Nintendo shadowdropped a new Mario game but only put out commercials for ARMS 2.

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Shilled thanks to shit like smash rosterfaggotry and artists jacking off everything wayforward does since most of them are in the same area and assume that by licking boots, theyll eventually get hired

Again, the assumption is that everyone will buy it off of recognition. We won't get an official trailer or anything until a couple months before the game comes out and they'll assume that people will buy it because they think Shantae is more popular than it really is. They think they'll be able to pull people in with a trigger opening and that's really it. Calling it now, even the trailers for this game will use clips from the 30 second opening instead of any of the in game cutscenes.

I'd understand him wanting to leave to do other shit but I'd still be surprised if he turned down Shantae specifically. That's pretty much what put him on the map as Jake Kaufman and not "that guy who can sort of imitate old 'house styles' well" Virt

He's also doing the music for that new shovel knight game, I doubt that's the reason he can't do this game though.

Why is Rotty there?

No it's totally not rotty believe me, it's Fillin!

I think it has more to do with their PR being inept rather than some belief that Shantae is super popular now. Remember that SatPC's big marketing push before launch were a bunch of cutscenes that weren't actually in the game.

However, apparently a lot of developers didn't know that Apple Arcade was launching early with iOS 13's beta, so that could be part of the reason why there's been silence from WF, but still.

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>no jiggle on any of the girls in cutscenes
I hope it's not SJW related.

I'm aware that many developers are rushing their announcements out because arcade launched early, but it still makes no sense for wayforward to not do ANYTHING to promote this game outside of that demo that nobody even knows about. Really gives the impression that they have faith in their own popularity, these are the same people who just randomly put out the final HGH expansion and a crossover event with blaster master with literally no warning outside of a quick trailer the day it released.

I doubt it. If it's truly in-house they probably just said "do it tastefully or not at all"

I don't like the chibi flash direction they took with the artstyle. It looks really cheap and soulless for some reason. This was a world with goofiness and character and making it look like generic anime kind of strips away all the charm. I also think Shantaes personality has been changed for the worse. She came off as this strong fierce woman I'm the first few games and now she seems kind of childish.

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Trying to be anime is basically everything about wayforward. Shantaes personality is basically the stock anime girl lead, her personality now is just the basic quirky and perky bitch, which is common across all wayforward games

At least the gameplay is decent overall.

She's had the same personality since RR. GBC is the only outlier due to how old it is.

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It was only until Pirates Curse that they tried making it more anime.


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Even fan animations have more tiddie jiggles in them

>they're keeping the truncated portraits

damn I was hoping they are going back to the pirate's curse huge portraits, those were fucking glorious

We're going to kill them right. Please tell me we'll get to kill them. I promised daddy Dagda I'd kill every last god and demon out there.

I hope there's drama.

There's bigger problems than misaligned portraits.

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I got a feelin' she's evil.

How do you know the creature isn't like a flamingo?

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I hate this so much.

I don't actually think that's Rotty. She's missing all her staples and isn't doing her typical wiggly dance

So Shantae still has only a single good looking and good playing game? That being Pirate's Curse?

user, bland IS bad.
there are so many games that you could play, why on earth would you bother with something bland?

Her name is Fillin the Blank.
There's no way this is a red herring.
Way froward isn't known for being smart, funny nor for good writting.

Sadly yes, I don't understand people's obsession with Shantae and Shovel Knight.

>Shovel Knight
While I only liked Pirate's Curse, I consider all of Shovel Knight campaigns pretty amazing, so here you lost me.

i knew about wayforward before Ducktales Remastered
one person =/= nobody

>all new portrait artstyle
>using the same character models + style from HGH

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No point in re-making all the sprites.
Besides, the sprites have never been very representational of the portrait art or box art renders.

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still prefer 3

GBC is fun, too, but punishing like NES Metroid.

i mean sprite art to portrait is whatever, there's obvious need to concede detail. i'm pretty forgiving on that. the HGH one pretty directly downscales the HGH artstyle in general, but that doesn't work with the new portraits for SS at all.

Risky at least has fun DLC for HGH.
(neutered Pirate items are still better than magic Shantae)

>HGH one pretty directly downscales the HGH artstyle in general, but that doesn't work with the new portraits for SS at all.
True, but I'm willing to overlook it since we've already had PC portraits' huge aesthetic shift, but mostly kept the old sprites.

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