Pyra opinions?

pyra opinions?

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trash girl from a trash soulless sequel

Better than her counterpart(s).

built for paizuri

I'd show her a thing or three.

more like Pyra onions


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Mythra is hotter

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I think her design would look more consistent if they either
>remove the black/red mesh on her stomach and chest
>cover her skin below the neck with that mesh
Her design is so bright, that the mesh actively detracts from it by drawing the eye too much to what is essentially nothing.

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Good, your waifuspam deserves to be ruined.

Pneuma > Mythra > Pyra = Nia > Poppy = Brighid > Praxis > T-Elos > Rest

Pandy is excluded because she belongs to Zeke.

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God I wish I was Rex.

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Pandora gets cucked

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Meh character from the undisputed JRPG king of this gen

~ahem~ WHO??!!

you know they say all blades are created equal, but you look at Pyra and you look at other blades and you can see that statement it not true

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Pyra proves that one-piece swimsuits are better than two-piece swimsuits.

Mythra wore it better

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Pyra is heavy!

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I like her sister more

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I want to stick it in Mythra's pooper.

Did anyone say that?

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10/10 girl who I wish wasn't in her game


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Did someone say Pneuma?

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She has a BIG heart

I dunno man, I just bought Pyre. You think it'll be a good game?

She should have been the ending

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how to spot the virgins

My wife is perfect, so much so that I can’t really pick between her and Mythra, luckily I don’t need to.

I think her brother is extremely perfect!

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why are first posts almost always best posts?

Cringe and, dare I say, bluepilled.

Pretty much

Why does Pyra dress like a slut?

She’s nice I’d be friends with her