>Game has moral choices
Game has moral choices
Other urls found in this thread:
Ok where’s the next page with the old fat man mating pressing her?
Turn her in.
>I really want to post this random pic Yea Forums - the thread
>lead her away from the children
>bullet in the head
Anyone who disagrees is a limp-dicked fag.
Unironically kill her.
Based lawful good
blackmail her into sex stuff
A scar is hardly a good method of identifying someone, especially after a war.
Where'd you get that picture of my wife
>10 years later
>a teenager leads you away from your family
>shows you a picture of yourself holding a photograph
>shoots you in the head
Nice cycle of hate retard.
where video games
This. Kill the children, too.
Force her to bear my children.
Look at the photograph, Mr. Clarence
That's neutral good.
>implying a killer would have a family
>implying some brat would find me in the middle of nowhere
>implying I wouldn't shoot first
That's Lawful "if detect evil returns positive, kill it on sight" Good.
>execute criminals during war time
>hurr durr you evil
>POWs == criminals
You're next.
I literally have no idea what this image is supposed to be conveying. but I'd rape her
>not making her become your cute war criminal gf
we barely know the context of the people hanged
they could very well be footfags
or worse
armpit fags
Is this from a game?
Armpits are based, though.
Rape her
Blackmail would be the obvious choice
You shoot the one in front of you user
Your body is found with 2 shots in the back.
It's from the Game
>wasting a perfectly good womb when there's a country that needs repopulating
>moral choices boil down to "be an asshole" and "don't be an asshole"
>antifacist brainlet tier choice
kill her
>profacist brainlet tier choice
leaver her
>radical centrist chad choice
wife her
>it's a "feel sympathy for this piece of trash because it's got tits" episode
There's a ton of stuff where a dude does horrible shit and then when he's found living a comfy life later it inspires rage. Why is it different with women?
Does it indicate anywhere that these are NOT criminals that deserved to be hanged? Because if yes, kindly point it out to me.
Who said that's not her home country she's in?
The american way.
She's not depicted as evil though. She's depicted as someone that was apart of evil acts but is now trying to do some good. Only the strictest code would codemn her still so without defering to an established law system, you're mostly doing it for yourself.
How the fuck would he appear behind me in my comfy cabin? Unzip katana and teleport?
Not possible, fag.
They aren't wearing uniform and they are wearing indoor shoes
don't you have some soi to drink kid?
Because women and children make people sentimental, and the poor explanation of her crimes leads the viewer to believe she isn't all that bad.
Watch Der Hauptmann (The Captain)
That's not how it works, nigger. Prove they are criminals first.
Who cares? She's getting the bullet.
I like these images, where can I find more like them?
Does make you think about post-war life in Germany. Nice old man Hans from down the street would babysit you and tell you toned down war stories, omitting the time he shot Polish farmers and raped their wives.
>her family
That "woman" isn't a mother, it doesnt look like her kids. Looks more like a daycare center.
War makes monsters of all of us. Let the children keep their teacher.
There's more than one kid there goofball.
Vampires are nothing but vermin. They don't get the convenience of human rights and laws
because most men are not homosexuals like you
you people have autism
not all Germans were monsters, fuckboy. You don't genuinely think every single German soldier ate Hitler's shit with pleasure, right?
>lawful good
>murdering someone who might be redeemed
arrest her but then testify on her behalf so that they don't execute her.
The kids found her forbidden nazi technology
Which you idiotically left behind for them to find and kill you with.
And I have more than one bullet. Your point?
Uh, the impression from the picture seems more along the line of "soldier had to do bad things but now gets to be themself as a normal person", which is used a ton fr moral dilemmas regarding normally male soldiers in media
Oh! In a cabin?
Even better! The doors are barred and the cabin is set aflame, you die the very, very painful death of burning to death. I am Calypso and I thank you for playing... twisted metal.
I never said all were. I’m just imagining the scenario where your nice neighbor did some really fucked up shit during the war.
Its after a war
Its 100% an orphanage, guaranteed
good post
soiboi tier posts
I think I saw this on pornhub once.
>forbidden nazi technology
I spit on such faggotry. A bayonet is enough to kill them all.
but the germans were the good guys.
Why is everyone assuming she didn't commit these horrible war crimes for your side? What would you do then?
it is the only way to make sure she never kills again
*impregnates her*
>implying a traumatized war vet wouldn't have underground trenches and tunnels
I can do this all day
>inspires rage
Please, I have nothing but respect for this man who got away with literally everything.
She wasn't just some random soldier, but a commanding officer.
>people must do bad things during war
>feel sympathy for this piece of trash because it's got tits
The contrast plays a bigger effect honest. She is depicted as being dead inside in the picture while happy with the children. Leads the viewer to believe she's more inclinded to do good than evil. Especially in a world where people can be brainwashed to do enjoy doing malicious shit for "the greater good".
Actually i read the author comments on twitter right now, she is just a teacher.
I dont get it.
Based and pacifistpilled
>find a vampire
>kill it and take its blood for sick stat boost and long life
>keep doing this forever
>vampires are so scared of you they abandon entire cities hoping your vamp juice runs out before you pop another
Killing is wrong. So the only acceptable answer is to breed her till she gives enough birth to make up for all those kids she executed before.
wat gaem
killing people is a good thing. sorry you grew up with a single mom
is nobody aware that her uniform is more communist than nazi
she was a gommie, she gets the bullet
wasn't it supposed to be morally questionable, in some fucked up way, that Thanos got decapitated in Avengers Endgame?
The general public thinks it goes both ways.
A war crime is a war crime. We rightfully acknowledge My Lai, even though the army tried their hardest to bury it. That said, Dresden, Tokyo, and the atom bombs don’t count.
More like shit and faggotpilled.
I have enough ammo to end her and the entire "cycle of hate".
I assume her side won
That's how our brain works. We give women more accountability than children and less than men. Visit any female prison and you'll probably feel bad for some of them.
Because this is a 2D fictional woman. The last time I checked I don’t remember any anime women committing war crimes in history.
>Kill people as part of your job
>Adopt the kids and love them
>Best case:They grow up and instead of the cycle of vengeance, play rounds of mahjong and minigolf between decimating your enemies.
Worst case: Because of time fuckery they kill you because you kept trying to go back in time to kill all existence so they don't kill you, which is why they kill you.
>Bonus case: they kill you mostly because the NWO needed to test out their new facebook news curator AI.
Orphanages are a spook
This. Violence and terrorism is the ultimate answer.
Enchilada Yea Forums.
>Twenty-six soldiers were charged with criminal offenses, but only Lieutenant William Calley Jr., a platoon leader in C Company, was convicted. Found guilty of killing 22 villagers, he was originally given a life sentence, but served only three and a half years under house arrest.
Ah, business as usual.
>More like shit and faggotpilled.
>I have enough ammo to end her and the entire "cycle of hate".
War crimes are only war crimes if your side loses. Conveniently, everything the losing side did during the war is a war crime, and nothing the winning side did is.
at least u admit ur gay lol
I didn't say it wasn't. Sorry you went to government school.
>moral choice
you always kill the nazis lol
at least I'm not a nigger
>all these retards killing her
She probably has information that's worth a lot more then her dead body.
Its a woman, she'll sell out her old comrades in a heartbeat, they have no sense of loyalty.
>Kill the kids
Didn't see that one coming did you?
>We rightfully acknowledge My Lai
There were literally thousands of similiar incidents that were completely buried.
Also took decades for the helicopter pilots who stopped the massacre to get properly honored.
This. Why not torture her and extract some juicy information?
Well at least they had graves, then!
I think a better question is why is anyone assuming executing people during a war is some kind of great travesty that matters in any way, epecially after the war is over. Nothing will be gained from killing her. Or why everyone assumes her side lost.
I like random picture threads, they always lead to interesting discussions.
>can't properly reply
>attaches his picture
Get a grip, faggot
The truest form of justice.
torture her by breeding her every night
This is unironically the best option.
Force her to experience the same pain and loss that she caused to others to go through.
How do you know we didn't find her because we already tortured another anime girl?
If you’re referring to the Phoenix Program, that was CIA led and a whole different beast. Not excusing it, but wetwork has the expectation of being unsavory and illegal.
Convicted soldiers can't be used as cannon fodder.
Because a side that won wouldn't have those pictures published and would have done their hardest to hide them.
Let alone a random joe schmoe uncovering them and deciding to investigate it himself and not go to the media
Make her give me enough kids to replace all the people she killed
>antifacist brainlet tier choice
kill her
>profacist brainlet tier choice
leaver her
>radical centrist chad choice
wife her
>God choice
kill all of the children and then yourself
Sound like an lawful stupid paladin
>Women get scot free because cunny
Thats...an interesting point user.
>Not taking the woman, marching her through every place the families of those dead kids used to live, and (somehow because you're mute) convey that she is responsible, to the point that she wets herself at your mere presence in the future.
what game is this
The caption for the picture was
>... I finally found you. Did you really think that you could live comfortably after what you did, "Captain"?
There won't be a cycle if you murder all of them
Any game with shitty moral choices?
>Should I feed the children?
>Or should I kill them all?
So then you torture this anime girl to find more anime girls to torture and so on
>implying gender is important as long as the character is trying to make up for their past evil as best as they can
Good news! We have a whole board for that:
Don't come back!
Fire Punch
>headshotting the guy in the pendant
Ok, this? This is based.
Cute girls can get away with anything
My fucking ass its Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
>interesting discussions
Pick one user.
That's an assload of assumptions to make simply to justify other assumptions. It's not hard to find video of American soldiers doing questionable things in war, and plenty of veterans have personal pictures of themselves or soldiers they were with doing "bad" things.
still warm?
Basically this movie scene: youtu.be
>All I see is 1 skeletal warrior and multiple skelechildren skirmishers.
Necromancers: All moral choices are quantifiable!
Might as well fuck it. Be a waste not to
I like your style
>seemingly total stranger randomly murders a woman in town
>is promptly arrested and given 25 to life.
Since she seems a lot more emotional now, I’d make her cry a lot and get her to regret her actions
Kill all wh*toids.
It can't be helped
*unzips dick*
What are some games where cute girls struggle to deal with the horrors of war?
The concept of fucking a reformed war criminal is incredibly hot to me
you guys are faggots
here are the 2 best choices
either torture her and make sure she both repents and sells out more criminals
make her go through the same thing her victims family did
So what is the viewer meant to do? Have I been hired to kill her or what?
not video games
Just wait for you turn, lucky boy, she'll be warmer and more wet inside.
that's basically what Fire Emblem is now.
We actually have four: Yea Forums, /bant/, Yea Forums and /trash/.
Niggers insist making off topic threads here. And get mad if you call them on it.
That’s chaotic good if she’s still somewhat bad or lawful neutral if she’s actually redeemed.
Valkyria Chronicle
kill the woman
rape the kids
episode 8 is best episode and firmly cemented kanata as best woto
it is your reasoning that causes it, not the direct circumstances
I'd probably question her to see if she feels immense guilt. If she does then I walk away. If she doesn't then she's going six feet under.
Reminds me of this.
Those boards are all populated by brainlets though.
Yea Forums is only like 65% brainlets.
A dude who hunted down a person for years must be at least be ok with going to prison for his revenge.
fun image
Shoot the kids in front of her, the leave.
>if she does I walk away
That's when you get the bullet in the back.
Easy there Woolie.
Yea Forums has been and always will be Yea Forums 2.0
The point was that people will always be more sympathetic to a woman regardless of what actions she commits. Women have the luxury of extra leniency.
Fuck with my waifu for any reason and I'll commit a war crime of biblical proportions.
To add onto this, then I become a teacher and surround myself with children.
Then when she eventually hunts me down, she kills all the children around me.
Jokes on her though, I merely hate kids.
Yea Forums will defend this
No kid is that attached to daycare employees.
So we should ramp up the brainletness in order to get less off topic threads. Duly noted.
Ok where is the porn?
fuckin butterfly was a commie
>Yea Forums is only like 65% brainlets
Are you joking? Yea Forums is easily one of the dumbest boards on this fucking website. it would be closer to 90% for Yea Forums.
>Invade Chechnya butterfly
>Morpho that acts as a spotter/distractor for snipers.
>That fucking butterfly that keeps causing all the tornadoes.
I'm beginning to think butterflies are the apex predator of humans.
Violet Evergarden
Those are the struggles that get the most people.
If this was a man nobody would hesitate in killing them due to the pedophile undertones
That didn't happen silly
What for?
>he didn't marry his christmas cake daycare employee the moment he turned 18
I pity you user. I truly truly do.
Yea Forums is the most sane of those 4 boards and the only one of those where you might find a semblance of discussion. The solution is a SFW Yea Forums
You know too much
You could walk out, no blood on your hands and then just sell her location to someone else.
She still dies and now you have a pocket of cash.
>Yea Forums is only like 65% brainlets.
Yea Forums is literally the most retarded board on this site. no, it's not Yea Forums because most of Yea Forums is just bots, Yea Forums is mostly console gamers, i.e people with absolute lowest iq possible. you
cannot refute this.
>Yea Forums is only like 65% brainlets.
Oh, what a grand and intoxicating ignorance.
Then you never really cared about justice, because anyone could end up on any side of the coin at any time. You avoid wars precisely because objectively, you end up taking away a person someone else loved, and that isn't a cause for celebration. Going full edge "if the kids come after me I'll just merc 'em" means you never cared about justice, you never cared about doing the right thing, you were just making yourself feel better taking a mark down.
why the fuck are you retards whining at a commander doing her job ?
there are many good reason to commit war crimes.
maybe she kill those randoms to prevent another country going agro on them. thereby, kill few thousands to save millions.
>Hey you like anime right?
>Uh, I mean I watched DBZ once and evangelion, sure.
>You should watch violet evergarden
>isn't that for chicks? I'm good.
>Bored one night
>May as well give it a go.
My fucking heart man, jesus my fucking heart.
>GAME has Boob Drink
>translation: it's okay because it's a woman
She deserves the rope.
I rewatched episode 10 after the kyoani fire
*teleports behind him*
nothin personnel...
I could just reassure her that I wouldn't snitch. What did she even do, anyways?
They probably would have made him hokage at some point if he just limited his research to enemies of the village, but he got away with it all anyway the absolute legend
/pol/ will say this while also arguing for the death of the commie faggots who raped and murdered thousands under the red menace machine.
Translation: please fuck my wife and kill my kids cause I won't kill nobody
not enough games
Would you forgive her if you had married her and then only found out later she was a war criminal?
So then kill the kids too.
Murder is illegal, retard
I'd kill her. In front of the children too, it would be funny.
Read the synopsis. Was was the moral of the story here? I'm low iq.
He runs away from an actual superior for deserting and then ends up acting like that guy when he finds the uniform of a Captain.
Nobody's going to marry you
only if your a bad person
>not entirely sure if the artist was trying to imply physical depth to her eyes or that she's casting a side-glance at the person holding the picture, aware that she may have been discovered but still not trying to alarm the children
>lawful good
gathering evidence to incriminate her in an international court against war crimes
>neutral good
turning her forcibly to the local authority
>chaotic good
killing her with no remorse
>lawful neutral
letting her go if she has repented heavily
>true neutral
not caring
>chaotic neutral
deciding what to do with her based on your mood
>lawful evil
cancelling her retirement and forcing her into the army again
>neutral evil
robbing or raping her just
>chaotic evil
raping and killing the kids in front of her
I'm more upset about Kabuto getting to run an orphanage despite starting another ninja war. Orochimaru's based though
Nigger just fucking watch it
Some do, some don't. A man becoming a schoolteacher and redeeming himself elicits as much emotion from me as a woman doing so. It's the act that touches you, not what set of jibblets someone's got under their clothes.
>lol I would just kill the kids infront of her!!!
Because pissing off a war criminal in hiding is definitely going to work out for you retards. She would disembowel you on the spot.
Especially in anime land where everyones face looks the exact same
If you kill her you become just like her.
I never got this pic. Is she about to be hanged?
Pol is always right
Yea Forums has the biggest brains on this entire site
The war is over, you can't keep fighting. It's the only way to heal.
Your idea of Lawful Good is the pussy modern version of Lawful Good. The original definition was all about "eye for an eye" and getting shit done as efficiently as possible.
It doesn't matter what you personally respond to. The phenomenon of people viewing women and children as more sympathetic, regardless of any crime committed, is a factual one.
Holy fuck why didn't you say so? Yes fuckinhg please
>half of this thread is assuming she is a former war criminal living in hiding
>nobody considers the idea that it may just be a part of her history and she fought for the future of her people
Haha you fags are doomed. If your loyal wife has the iron ovaries to hang some motherfuckers for her nation she's a keeper. Fuck the haters I'd gas a city for that level of dedication in a mate.
Astute summary of japanese media
If I really cared about the people in the back of the picture I would kill her but I'd hate myself for it. If I didn't know the people in the back I couldn't care less about if she killed them - especially if it was in a war.
what game is this?
I want to marry the war criminal.
>whiteknighting a fictional gook character
holy fucking cringe
women can't beat men physically anyway you absolute retard
You got CG and LN mixed up.
>not just killing yourself once you've done the deed
Who said that
>not waving the picture around and screaming loud as possible for everyone to look at it
war will never be a fair game of chess.
there are no good soldiers, just useless ones
if you aren't willing to brake your morals yo survive you're better of dead.
all I'm saying is that no one should be hanged for doing their job.
Looks like the bait worked chaps, let's get the rope and hang the co-conspirator
But that's lawful neutral
Well son, I got a few reccs for you:
Black Lagoon (quite relevant to this thread)
And if you fancy mood whiplash, Narutaru
Nah, blackmailed. In the next pic there's an old fat guy that puts her into the mating press while her kids are playing outside
so be it
the guilty pay the price
You don't even have the balls to do anything right now while Jose and Tyrone replace you in your own home, pussy
Which alignment lets me put her in a mating press
Butterflies are the actual apocalypse bringers.
Does the image imply the hanging to be her past or her future?
Kys jew cocksucker
I see you played Trauma Team as well.
>Hey bro, you wanna take a photo in front of all these hung children because we're winning this war so much?
>Yeah man, that'll be great I can't wait to show this sick ass photo to all of my children to show them how much of a war hero I was
consensually, true neutral or chaotic neutral
Nigger I live in Ohio. Jose doesn't exist here and Tyrone lives in the Cleveland Containment Zone.
I can't handle sadness if there isn't an uptick at the end. I'll take a look but just outright misery kills what little shreds and scraps I have left of a soul.
Why would you lie on the internet?
Calm down, Antifa.
Chaotic stupid
>woman in the military ever reaching a rank where they're given responsibility over others
The coombrain
Shut the fuck up, pussy.
>10 minutes in photoshop is basically all we'd need in a modern setting for 80% of this thread to shoot a daycare worker.
At least the vampire you can double-check with the cross first.
Why would she take that photo? Kinda self-incriminating.
What's wrong with hanging enemies of the state?
If you get evicted from your home you have to leave. If you sit around like an entitled ass you're going to get thrown in prison and dealt with. You don't get to inconvenience people.
>I can only empathise with things if it's presented in anime format
unironic double digit iq
>I suppose you'll be lookin to take off that snappy SS uniform, won't you
Nigger please, people have done that forever. Ancient Romans took trophies to show off. War trophies were extremely common throughout every war. You watch, another decades and there'll be retards getting court martialed for OPSEC violations by taking selfies of their kills.
>this is a moral choice.
She committed crimes and now she must pay.
You tear apart one family for a good reason.
She tore apart hundreds.
>>nobody considers the idea that it may just be a part of her history
Yes, and her history is a child murdering scumbag.
>inb4 it wasn't a war crime
It was a war crime.
Thread would be dead if this were a guy.
Why do we instinctively find female villains to be attractive?
>In the next pic there's an old fat guy that puts her into the mating press while her kids are playing outside
>Ok where’s the next page with the old fat man mating pressing her?
Based taste
It's only a war crime when you lose
Also Ohio here. Niggers are all over Columbus.
More like her history as a soldier for the state. She's in uniform in the photograph.
To attract future bounty hunters so that she will always have a steady flow of retards to quell her murderlust.
It's natural to want to fuck an evil girl, whether it's to dick her back to goodness or otherwise.
for the love of god don't Narutaru then
That's lawful neutral.
>What's wrong with hanging enemies of the state?
They're little kids, about the same age as the ones she's comforting.
Speak for yourself. There aren't nearly enough games that let you treat female villains the way you do male villains. It'd be great to freely slaughter them but it's rarely ever an option. Half the 'evil' sluts we see exist just to be redeemed. It's pathetic.
>game forces you to accept party member you hate
>he actually cares about anything 3dpd
lmao what a faggot
At least my murderer will get whats coming to him in time.
Wow those fuckers must be rotten to be committing treason at that age.
Why do people think neutral evil is also some kind of "lol be an asshole for no reason" alignment? They literally just do what benefits them the most, they're opportunists. If helping a granny cross the street or getting a kitten down from a tree would let them gain the biggest benefits, they would do it in a heartbeat. Conversely, if backstabbing, blackmailing, or stealing candy from a baby somehow helped them get the most benefits, they would do that too.
Yes axis were actually the good guys
Lmao absolutely seething
You are projecting your hopes of a female actually killing children, albeit in your specific favor, to justify her actions.
It's just a picture. You wouldn't give half a fuck if it were some dude standing over some dead other dudes.
if i'm part of the race she was trying to exterminate, kill her, if not i'll marry her.
>letting her go if she has repented heavily
Bro, that's Neutral Good, because you are working in the spirit of good, where one would prefer to nurture forgiveness and penance, that isn't law which only nurtures a doctrine and not the spirit the law was written for.
Based chinks. This is what will happen to the west when China is superpower.
robbing and raping her are 2 benefits, you get money and sexual pleasure
I always choose the asshole option, but only if it's really funny. Like tying large balloons to people and releasing them toward the sea.
She has nothing to fear.
Japanese war criminals got away scots free.
All the had to do is them handing over state secrets and pledge to use their knowledge to fight communism.
she looks so happy
No user, lawful good is usually based on following established law. What you’re describing, someone who enacts what they perceive as justice based on their own moral code, is lawful neutral.
>it doesn’t matter who this person is now or how far removed we are from where those war crimes took place. She must receive a punishment proportional to her crimes, and the only thing that will suffice is her own life
Lawful neutral
>Hanged for a+ rank bullying/conspiracy to abduct innocent hot-blooded adults easily cajoled by offers of beer and rock CDs
So I'm there to give her a medal or what.
But she's literally shown executing children.
Bullet to the head
Pro fascist here, I would like to wife her as well and join her in the killing
Why is the scope on her gun so fucking tiny
Stupid faggot.
t. (((allies)))
>I've been wronged and im out for vengeance
>Im just going to care for whatever reason they fuck me over and let them go
COs are also subordinated to someone.
But it also runs you afoul of the law. A proper neutral evil character would first ask themselves if sexual gratification (since the money robbed would likely be pathetic) is worth having cops hounding them, and in most cases the answer would be no.
Lol Ohio is full of nonwhites. You aren't gonna do shit, just keep talking big online you pussy.
>crucifix works against Shinto vampires
American education
Well it'd be a bit fucked up if the SS is there to kill her.
>Cute girl
Yawn. Of course people are going to pull out the waterworks for her.
I know Orochimaru only lived because Kishimoto didn’t have time to address the loose end as he barreled towards the ending, but snakeman actually getting away with it is almost accidental good writing.
They celebrate christmas in a commercialised way, so all you'd need to do is get a blinged up cross sponsored by KFC and BAM, that chink chomper/nip nipper is ash.
Bullet to the head.
>fire emblem
>struggles with horror
The anime girls in that enjoy themselves and laugh and cheer and have fun while murdering people and then talk to their friends about memes in shitty support conversations
The body proportions of the people she's hanging don't look like children to me. Look at the proportion of her head versus the body. They're in the background by a couple meters, not directly behind her head.
In modern WRPGs it's more like
>be an asshole
>be a retard
How are you so sure the prisoners she killed didn't deserve death?
You weren't there. I bet they were really annoying and complained the entire time. You would put those nagging prisoners to death too if you were stuck with them.
Your headcanon is irrelevant and useless. Lawful Good is inherently defined as enacting unbiased justice and retribution via the law's capabilities. Lawful Neutral is simply utilizing the Law for personal self-benefit. You guys have the misconception that Lawful Good is meant to be Superman.
I keep her close by marrying her so that she can never do evil again.
>Some do, some don't.
Oh you sweet summer child.
>implying it's not based on your own strength of faith so crucifixes can fuck up any supernatural if you have enough true belief in what you follow
You are not my nigga