Get woke...
Yea Forums got intellectually BTFO'd.
Make women soak!
Not a single black male in this game, why?
Trump is a fag huh I'll slap the shit out of that pussy
Yes. Fuck the man no matter who they are. Fuck forever.
>being blind
Not Video Games.
but Mads actually looks like if Trump was born more handsome
But seriously I can't wait for his fat autistic ass to drop from a coronary
Because being single is for white bois.
>game creator, game character, game actor, and game poster
>not vidya
the mods have deleted like 20 of these threads so far today
President Trump has really broken the libtards' minds completely
>Mads is just liek Trump, if Trump was completely different!!
no shit man
be careful what you wish for
>President Trump has really broken the libtards' minds completely
Yeah because its the liberals making these threads.
>kojima not actually holding anything
What the fuck? What a poser
He got killed by XoeQuinn, not because he hated Drumpf
It's not Video Games.
i sincerely doubt there are enough conservative Yea Forums accounts in silicon valley to evade all the bans the mods are dropping
People who base their lives around Trump, whether it's loving or hating him, are fucking weirdo losers.
He's pretending he is kissing a dick.
>deleting a thread = banning someone
mads is so hot,kojimbo literally ruining the photo
half of Yea Forums is made from /pol/ rightwing tards by now
And then people say he’s arrogant and up his ass when he’a drooling over someone he respects and is constantly preasing other peoples works.
you might just get it
He was gracious enough to pose all the other way to the left so you can easily crop him
Most of these threads are made by false flaggers that false flag on both sides
technically he killed himself
or, at least, that's what President Trump WANTS you to think
strange how that happens, it's like liberals can't survive outside a strictly moderated hugbox so any extreme free speech forum always ends up dominated by Nazis
>pretentious Kojimbo bullshit
>literal walking simulator
>now it's political baiting
I hate the king of shabbos goyim as much as anyone else, but this is fucking pathetic.
This is sad when you realize they're all like 50
I hope Trump doesnt kill Kojima before DS ships
God mads is sexy
Kek what are those fucking punches
What, old people can't sit on the street now?
it also gets dominated by pedophiles so that must mean they are right.
That nigga looks familiar
Thanks for letting me use this
absolutely and truly based
>This is sad when I realize 50 year olds are cooler than me
>when some other poster brings up politics
That's when it falls apart. It's almost always the /pol/tard that STARTS with the politics and then are offended when no one wants to stoop down his shitty level.
really? try posting c&f and see what happens
man, i wish i was kojima.
that pic looks comfy.
I'm so angry. Oh my God I'm so mad.
>“When you connect, you can use UCA services, but at the same time, they’re retrieving your information 24 hours a day,” says Kojima of Death Stranding’s fictional network which provides coverage of “strands” across the continental United Cities. “It’s like 1984. Some people may not like that, and say ‘I’m not going to connect to UCA, because we’re going to repeat the same thing that we did.’ Like Trump, or the EU, these things. It’s a metaphor.”
what did he mean by this?
>It's almost always the /pol/tard that STARTS with the politics
Absolutely not. It’s always someone who cries about /pol/ that derails genuine discussion of games and gaming news.
>what did he mean by this?
"I-i'm still relevant! Please buy my game!"
Thats literally not what he said.
A bunch of men that are aging better than a bunch of malding Yea Forumsirgins? That's not sad at all
Any developer who can make /vpol/ mad is based.
>homo demons watch out!
the resistance
>kojimas game will sell 20 mil
>cyberpunk will sell 20 mil
>tlou2 will sell 20 mil
Face it drumpftards, video games arent for you. Im literally not even being ironic.
You want to know what's actually sad? /pol/ is the best board on Yea Forums. That's how awful Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums are. Boards that should be fun are complete shit and overshadowed by politics of all things.
Look at the way their dressed, specifically kojima and Reedus. They're 50 year olds dressed like 19 year old skaters.
Like some autist on Yea Forums knows what cool is.
That's a black mask not his real face retard.
>a game by kojima has political undertones
>Tommie Earl Jenkins
>not black
That unbridled s o i rage. Looks like the new gay anime Zozo's Bizarre Adventure.
He's wearing a mask. That could be anyone.
user, are you being obtuse or do you really not know?
Cory and Restooplicans got creampied today
If you guys are upset about a kojima game being political, just wait until you play metal gear solid 1, 2, 3, 4, PW, and V.
I don't believe most of you are old enough to vote. Furthermore I don't believe most of the ones that are do. Finally I don't think ANY of you voted for trump.
why are americans so obsessed with politics
Kinda sad really
Imagine the smell
Why are you so obsessed with americans?
>only 19 year old can dress like that
>they should dress like my grandpa
fuck off.
Where are you from?
because this board and this whole website is full of american posters
italia, mio caro ciccione
I think a lot of people think it's a college football game.
This isn't Video Games. You should transfer that thread to /pol/. This is a clear political discussion. It doesn't talk about the video game itself.
You are not very smart by the way.
all our tv shows and movies are bad.
Maybe if you invested a little more interest in politics your country wouldn’t be a vassal state
Fuck your bridge, Hillary's the president of Jack Shit.
America is the capitol of earth.
I read that totally wrong, I've been on /pol/ for too long.
>it's an Ed Hardy wearing boomer gets mad because people laughed at his shirt episode
>Journos created outrage-induced click-bait article with no source
>Yea Forums gobble it up as usual
This board needs to be purged
imagine unironically listening to joy division whilst calling yourself a male
burgers are special breed of people
but hey i have to admit, things would've been boring without them
When did Kojima said this? Also, based.
Is this legal?
Imagine using the word whilst and calling yourself a male.
>imagine unironically listening to joy division whilst calling yourself a male
Joy division is good.
not enough hard riffs for you?
All this says is that Australians are based and Kojima is an attention seeking child. Both of which are common knowledge.
except no one is laughing at them except you because they are dressed like skaters and not like proper boomers,you retrograded mongoloid.
wait a second guys......im starting to think metal gear solid was political all along
I marked Trump on the ballot.
It was a vote against Clinton.
So you are technically correct.
joy division is still manlier than any japanese music band, tho
This board is clusterfuck of autists, shitposters and paid shillers and promoters.
Why do you think that the mods keep on allowing these threads to exist?
But he didnt? A literally who site made a clickbait article to fool leftards into clicking it.
Did kojima say something about drumpf? What's going on?
>seething so hard he won't even give anyone a (you)
u mad?
He's a 50 year old Hollywood fanboy that dresses like he's 20 and posts about as many pictures online name dropping whoever he can for clout like a random desperate whore on the internet
What are we supposed to do if trump doesn't win next year?
Kojima just made a whole game to shit on Trump
I will laugh so hard if kojima just said it was about Trump just to get the journalist to hype up the game and it's like the most misogynist thing in the world
i'm not defending him,but i'm defending a person's freedom to wear whatever the fuck he wants,as long he don't look like a fucking loser,like you.keep seething just because boomers won't dress like dead people.
He literally didnt say that. This thread is just manufactured outrage.
Only a certain people should be afraid of the right gaining prominence in America again. And since Kojima says he's afraid, well...
WOW while male aggression is ALWAYS problematic...this...huh...woah......GET EM! f*@k drump!
even if Kojima caters explicitly to SJWs they will just find something to be even madder about
never appease the professionally offended
Laugh and shitpost /pol/ of course.
How many kids do you supposed Kojima has raped now that he's in with Hollywood?
It can be about trump, hillary, elvis, or willie nelson for all i give a shit, as long as there's NO TRANNIES
And fuck white people too
wolfenstein 2 sold 20mil
youngblood sold 20mil
anthem sold 20mil
Apex is a huge success
this is why the left and right are at wat
>the left wants to preach, and can't understand why their enemies aren't preaching
>the right wants to laugh, and can't understand why their enemies are so offended by it
>Projection img post
Are you sure I'm the loser here friend? You're the one getting completely ass blasted because I had an opinion you don't agree with. So far the only person seething here seems to be you, autistic edhardy wearing boomer user