Dispite the cancerous fandom and controversy surrounding it, I actually quite like this game. What do you think, Yea Forums?
Dispite the cancerous fandom and controversy surrounding it, I actually quite like this game. What do you think...
what fandom and controversy?
What controversy even surrounds this game? It's so inoffensive.
Mogeko drew fanart of SalWada on request through their Tumblr (Formerly okegom), which was NSFW and had implications of rape. The lack of trigger warnings for the post had brought up a flame war so large that Mogeko left the site. To be fair, Mogeko actually apologized, but the fact that such a sensitive subject was brought up without trigger warnings had made some of the fans grow more furious and message that it's not enough for an apology.
Yeah but I am not seeing you posting the fanart
What a bunch of babies. And isn't that Mogeko person making games about implied torture and stuff like that anyway?
Nigga fish be like: yo son we already played this shit.
Mogeko made Wadanohara. I dunno why user said "fanart"
Ace the Underdog, thrown 'em on the back bender Cause I change my outfit more than transsexuals change gender Eating Belgium waffles with Italian biscotts I sold my soul to the devil for thirty percent off
please tell me that wasn't a real attempt at a coherent sentence
Rape, murder, crucifixion, cannibalization, torture, decapitation, you name it. Honestly, I think his fans should have known that these subjects are prevalent in his works but this is Tumblr we are talking about so it's fuck all when it comes to apologies because it takes only a few meanies to upset them. Fuck Tumblr and fuck anyone that uses it.
I can't seem to find the art but I am doing my best to look for it.
It's alright, I prefer Mogeko Castle though.
There wasn't enough edge on the game to fully satisfy my childish side and there wasn't enough vanilla in this game to fully satisfy my soft side.
pretty sure this was it which is weird since it's less offensive than the one in the game.
It was good, but too long for its own good.
I think Grey Garden did the friendship aspect better and was way comfier.
Mogeko Castle was my favourite.
So basically it's like when all the normalfags watched Devilman Crybaby and decided they were Go Nagai fans then lost their shit over Cutie Honey Universe.
>Cutie Honey Universe.
Never watched it myself, what was so horrible about it for them? I'm guessing it's not Devilman lady tier
It's not weird, it makes perfect sense because everyone on tumblr is retarded, a woman, LGBT, or a combination of those. 90% of the "fan" presence on tumblr probably never even played the game.
i think the issue wasn't the rape art on its own, it was the "Happy End" attached to it
It's even stupider, because the requestor was asking for shipping art of the two in the first place. You know, despite him raping her in the game.
Wadda's game > Grey Garden > Mogeko Castle
if GG had something more going on in term of plot it'd be way better than Wadanohara
Too sexy. It was actually a great adaptation that did a bit of its own thing and breathed new life into the property as a result.
Would you recommend it to someone that hasn't seen any of Cutie Honey's like me?
I've gotten cancer just reading this post. Serves me right
do you read this as dai unabara or oo unabara?
He did nothing wrong
It's terrible. What turned me off the most was how poorly written it was, at a point that it was hard to let it pass. character dialogues are bad and so artificial it looked like it was a bad translation. Characters are so one note that it seems like mogeko creates fashion designs and have no idea what to do with them. If the story and characters were beyond mediocre then at least the gameplay could be good right? It's also pretty bad because the enemies couldnt be more boring if it tried and there wasn't anything to add meat to the traditional rpg, not even cool equips or skills.
The world and enemies are pretty unimaginative and I always hate the edgy toned twist in cutesy games trend. I actually thought about playing some of other mogeko games like gray garden but if this is considered her best, I don't want to know what is the worst.
There's literally a rape scene inside the game.
Got the pic bra?
Yeah man, this isn't top 10 games of all time material. It's an indie JRPG that barely even counts as an RPG, it's just for the dev to put his story and characters in an interactive half-game. If you didn't like it, it's completely justified, these aren't good games. I personally liked them because I could turn off my brain and enjoy cutesy shit with some edgy stuff sometimes, but otherwise, I recognize they're not good. Japanese writing tends to be bad.