

$499 USD

1TB base storage

Death Stranding, Ghosts of Tsushima, FFVII Remake, new WipEout game and new IP from SIE Japan Studio are all first-party launch titles

Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PS4 games

*drops mic*

Attached: 1567913554965.png (1356x592, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP
You absolutely lost me there.
In fact, i don't even think we're going to get any of those games as digital releases.
I think they're gonna bleed us dry to the last cent by releasing "remasters" and "hd ports" that are half assed and full of bugs.

Well, by "we" i mean "you".
Because god knows i'm done with Sony.
Got a Switch and haven't looked back since, i'm not buying a playstation ever again i think.

The studio that made wipeout games was closed.

>1TB base storage
Absolutely laughable.

What is this, a fantasy thread? Lmao

PS4 can't even run ps3 games, why the fuck would you even claim such a retarded thing.

We'll be lucky if we get PS4 compatibility. I be ps1 and 2 compatibility comes with updates like Xbox one has been doing with 360. PS3 may as well not exist.

PS5 isnt the PS4 retard

>SIE Japan Studio
That studio is completely dead ever since the PS HQ moved to that California shithole and you know it.

To be fair Sony has had a WipeOut fetish for its last few generations

500GB was base storage for PS4 and Xbone, with the option to buy one with 1 tb
chances are that 2 tb models will be available

>remake (port)
>one new ip

>Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PS4 games
So just bloodborne?

There was zero reason to not have BC on the PS4. Why the fuck would they suddenly add it.

Yeah, it better be more then 1tb. The average game for it will be over 100gb so you won't fit many on there.

>Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PS4 games
Absolutely fucking not.
Even disregarding the inevitable technical issues, there's no way they'd opt for BC over just re-selling you those old games digitally.

Attached: 1474348734920.gif (286x258, 1.03M)

Will we have to update our vore wojak?

Attached: 2C69D619-01B6-4FA3-9BC4-7BD05821F6F0.png (755x757, 342K)


Will sonybros finally get Bluetooth headset support?

My guess is no.

Attached: 1561675769596.png (888x894, 520K)

Blu-ray drives can't read CDs.

Because PS3 was different technology, would have made PS4 way more expensive. Maybe the found cheap way to do it or there gonna take loss for selling points and recoup the costs from software

My wireless logitech headset works fine between pc and ps4

>1TB SSD and console for $500

Attached: boss.jpg (640x480, 87K)

Almost all Blu-ray Disc players will play standard CDs/CD-R/RW discs, and some higher-end players are compatible with HDCD, SACD, and DVD-Audio discs.

A new wipEout and a new Japan studio IP actually sounds like decent games that I might want so K know this leak is fake and we’re just gonna get trash like Horizon zero dawn 2 and another ratchet and clank

Yeah but will it have games?

Yea, for 2020 that's just going to be pathetic.
I've already got
>250 GB SSD bootdrive
>2 1 TB HDDs
>750 GB HDD (from my original 2006 pre-built, it has both Windows Vista and Windows 7 on it, literally had it for a decade)
No excuse to not have at least 2 TB of storage total.

the first ps3s were able to run ps2 games but they fucking blew up, sony wont try that shit again

They have to keep prices down to stop another PS3 tier disaster

>Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PS4 games
If they actually pulled this off it'd be unironically the greatest console of all time
>no Vita
Well... I mean I guess there isn't much to mourn there

And how much you pay for that. They need to make it as cheap as they can, a 2 tb or more version will probably come out a year after or it will be easy to upgrade

the first ps3s had a literal micro ps2 inside them that's why. it cost a fuckload and its how they managed to cut the price to $399 whilst making a profit with the ps3 slim because they removed it and those slim models don't support native back compat anymore.

That's not the reason they took out BC because the software emulator later is pretty good. They did it because they realized it's much more profitable to make you download the digital version. It also helps them shill PSnow as a service.

>*drops mic*
You gonna pay for that?

>bragging about having that little storage
8TB hard drives are like $130 now

Attached: 8tb bby.png (1014x784, 173K)

It's all because of CELL

The PS3's architecture is so weird and fucky that it ruined PlayStation BC forever
The original PS3 could only play PS2 games because there was literally PS2 hardware in the system. The PS3 itself cannot run PS2 games.

Similarly, the PS4 would require PS3 hardware to run PS3 games natively.
There's a reason PS3 emulation is still jank at best over a decade later.

PS4's architecture is standard, so it'll be significantly easier to make the PS5 run PS4 games

>And how much you pay for that.
Less than $250 total.
>Original HDD came with prebuilt
>Bought first 1 TB HDD for $60
>Bought second for $35
>Bought 250 GB SSD for $39.99
>Bought 1 TB SSD for $89.99
>USB 3.0
Yea, sorry, I'm not poor so I need an SSD, since those can actually take advantage of my download speeds.

> No PS All Stars

USB 3.0 (also known as SuperSpeed USB) has a maximum bandwidth rate of 5 gbps (gigabits per second). That translates to 640 MBps (megabytes per second)—ten times faster than USB 2.0 (aka Hi-Speed USB). And if you had a brain, you would know that those external drives have internal SATA hard drives inside them.

Well its different one person buying shit online vs a corporation buying millions of different things in bulk

Cell shit is the only one that fucks with PS# retrocompatibilty, PS4 one is confirmed and 1 and 2 are already emulation-friendly

no way is PS5 gonna play PS1-3 games. That would need a memory card port and it would cost them a lot of money to produce it.


>Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PS4 games
Good bait bro

funny thing is this all sounds very reasonable and realistic.


>That would need a memory card port
PS3 had virtual memory cards
There was also a USB memory card adapter peripheral

Attached: 1551282758744.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

ps3 just sold a usb adaptor for that shit if you really wanted to use you old saves. Otherwise it's handled by virtual memory cards.

>Got a Switch and haven't looked back since, i'm not buying a playstation ever again i think.

Attached: 1562951661000.jpg (396x524, 61K)

>Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PS4 games

Attached: d5c.jpg (625x626, 40K)

To clarify, when I mean backwards compatible, I dont mean putting a ps1, ps2 or PS3 disc inside the system. I mean ps1 and ps2 games would be available as digitally via emulation off the PS store under a "classics" category. PS3 and PS4 games would be compatible through PS now. PS4 games would be the backwards compatible software where you could insert PS4 discs and they would run through the hardware.

>$499 USD
>Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PS4 games

Attached: allaugh.png (646x431, 339K)

PS1 emulation is perfect
PS4 has perfect PS2 emulation
PS3 emulation is decent, Sony can do it better with little cost


Well at least you admit you'd have to rebuy shit you already own. This sounds way more realistic. Especially the part limiting ps3 games to ps now which is already something you can do on ps4.

It should do the Xbox One thing where I can put a PS1/2/3 disc into the system, and it recognizes what the game is and gives me the PS5-compatible digital version

Maybe sell an adapter to do the same thing with PSP games

Oh wow such a crazy guess!! No way that could possibly happen

>it's nothing
Thanks user!

>what is PlayStationNow

I seriously dont care about my current console being able to play old titles from previous generations. The HD remasters you can download are fine but otherwise I dont care.

Whether it be the ps5 or next xbox machine, I want to see 4k 60fps with ray tracing. Give me that and i won't continue to game on my PC. I say this knowing they wont deliver on it unless the price is well above $500. Doing that would be a drop the mic moment. Not this gay shit the OP posted.

>Because PS3 was different technology,
>It's all because of CELL

You're both fucking retarded, holy shit.

Do you know why the PS3 was BC with PS2 games? Because it just had the PS2's guts in there. Same goes for every Nintendo platform that's been BC, its not emulation.

That's literally all it would take to make PS4 BC with PS3 games, just shove the bare-minimum hardware in there for them to run. They didn't do it to reduce costs and so they could "remaster" the games and resell them. Fewer customers would have bought TLOU on PS4 if the PS3 disc also worked.

XDev and SIE London Studio are working the new next WipEout

>Because it just had the PS2's guts in there
Yes, I quite literally said that in my post, thank you for reading

>I say this knowing they wont deliver on it unless the price is well above $500. Doing that would be a drop the mic moment
Selling the console at a massive loss and losing shit loads of money (again) would be a "mic drop" moment?

That's exactly what they did with 360 and PS3 and both lost billions of dollars and caused the 7th gen to drag on years longer than it should have.


Most PS3 graphics aged poorly though and look jaggity, remasters were pretty benefitial imo

So why would they somehow be unable to do that with PS3? Is the cell magic or something?

PS4 wasn't BC with PS3 discs because of costs, that's all there is to it. Its why they removed PS2 compatibility from PS3s when it was tanking and losing money.

>Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP
So not a ps4 huh...guess i'll keep my money.

No, hang yourself.

Ps2 emulation on ps4 is terrible. Tons of bugs and inaccuracies.

>So why would they somehow be unable to do that with PS3?
I didn't say they wouldn't, stupid
In fact I quite literally said that the PS4 would've needed PS3 hardware to run PS3 games

Maybe read the posts you're replying to before sperging out

You're right about ps3. They lost about $300 per unit but the ps4 only lost $60 per Forbes (sourced below). You can pick and choose your side but to deliver 4k 60fps with raytracing would mean AT LEAST a $500 loss if they sold at $500 per unit. The ps3 was a blunder compared to the ps2 and ps4. Sony isnt making that mistake again, especially doubling down and selling at a higher loss and thats assuming they can even get it to $1000 per unit in hardware and production costs.


Inb4 dismissing a source. At least I bothered to back up random claims.

>No Ape Escape 4 or Ridge Racer 8

Attached: fuckingcrying.jpg (934x960, 36K)

Ps4 wouldn't have but due to how annoying the cell was it would have been best to limit the scope of ps3 emulation to native res and minimal framerate improvement.

>It's all because of CELL
>There's a reason PS3 emulation is still jank at best
>PS4's architecture is standard

But none of this this has anything to do with why PS4 is not BC with PS3 games.

You went on and on about how the PS4's architecture is different and how emulation is still janky, but that doesn't matter since, as you said, the game would just run on the PS3's hardware. So why did you even bring that up? PS4 having "standard architecture" will have no bearing on whether or not PS5 is BC with PS4 discs.

The problem wasn't "DA POWAH OF DA CELL" it was that Sony didn't want to spend the money to implement the feature. Again, Sony removed PS2 BC from PS3 after the first refresh by removing the hardware that enabled it. If Sony had wanted to produce a BC PS4, they would have, there was nothing about the PS3's hardware or architecture that prevented them from doing that cheaply and easily, like every other console that's had BC through hardware.

>Theoretical max speeds
Yea, no.
In fact, here's a fun test, here's my 320 GB external HDD running via USB 3.0.

Attached: USB 3.0.png (400x298, 64K)

vs. my decade-old 750 GB HDD.

Attached: Decade old.png (397x281, 65K)

probably an old 5400 laptop drive


stopped reading there

And just for shits and giggles, my 1 TB SSD.
Nope, it's a relatively recent (2015) WD passport.

Attached: SSD speeds.png (393x274, 61K)

They dont need a merory card port you retard
It can just be saved to a fucking file like on PS3

I remember when Google Fiber came out and people needed SSDs to take advantage of the download speed. And then they realized how quickly they would fill up the space and built a NAS instead.

How many south americans are in this thread?

VII remake by definition isn't a first party title, even if it's exclusive temporarily or permanently.

Shitty larp

>$499 USD
Confirmed failure.

You can get a cheap decent 1 TB SSD for like $80 nowadays.
No reason not to have at least 1 TB of flash storage in your PC in 2019.
Or even 2018.

If by decent you mean a chunk brick.

Will they ever get rid of that shitty font?

I was referring to
>since those can actually take advantage of my download speeds.
and you can obviously use a SSD as a cache drive for downloading and transfer to a much larger HDD for storage
>bragging about that little amount of storage
I've had SSDs for a decade now. I know how fast they are. Glad you just got one.

Shoo phoneposter, shoo.

>I think they're gonna bleed us dry to the last cent by releasing "remasters" and "hd ports" that are half assed and full of bugs.
>got a Switch

>just shove bare minimum hardware
>just shove
lol, I guess ps5 just needs more dakka

Hollywood is the same, they're rebooting everything because they're creatively bankrupt and desperate.

No DQ12 no buy

>Using your main PC for archival

or you can buy 5x more storage for the same price in hard drives instead of wasting money on low capacity 320 GB drives

>1TB base storage
>Every game will be 100gb.
They call it the ps5 because you can only fit 5 games on it.

Attached: lmao lol rofl.jpg (293x236, 30K)

Do I have to pay extra for the lightbeams and black bars, or does that come standard?

I believe the $499 part

No, NAS.
>using SSDs for downloading

bros this logo looks like korean or some gook shit.

I've always wondered what brought people to just blatantly lie like this.

The cheapest non-shit (at least 7200 RPM) 5 TB HDD is $120.
I don't care a ton about space so long as I've got at least 3 TB total.
All my Jap doujins barely take up 50 GB, no need for tons of extra space personally.

>Yea, sorry, I'm not poor so I need an SSD, since those can actually take advantage of my download speeds.
Hard drives are fine for downloading. Stop using shitty laptop drives.

Attached: steam download.png (1244x247, 148K)

maaaan, ps all stars was the shit, too bad they cancelled their future dlc plans due to shit sales

> 1TB HD
> Not SSD
> 1 TB when games will probably weight on average 70-100 GB

Attached: lookingdownonyou.png (470x508, 193K)

has WD80EFAX (Red) inside, made for NAS and goes on sale every month or so

>Got a Switch and haven't looked back since, i'm not buying a playstation ever again i think.
Lost me there, try to be more subtle next time.

gay jewshit that gives you access to mortal kombat 9 and bloodborne for $100 a year

>USB 3.0

you can shuck them
that's all I'm going to spoonfeed you, keep overpaying for inferior storage

How is your drive so bad? I just tested my 10 TB external on USB 3.0 and it's so much better.

Attached: diskbench.png (402x367, 44K)

2.5" laptop drive vs 3.5" desktop drive probably


user, the I is next to U on the keyboard.

>no FIFA at launch

You're not serious? FIFA is why the PS4 sold.

>compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, and PSP
>implying there'll be a UMD slot
what a fucking joke

kill yourself OP, toss yourself into a vat of molten metal, an active volcano, anything that'll destroy every trace of your DNA

>I want to see 4k 60fps with ray tracing.
Top-end PCs can't even consistently do that. There's no way you will see that in a console for at least 2 more generations.

I don't understand the point of this post.

desu anyone buying a new console within a year of its launch is retarded.

>PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PS4 games
But I can already play all of these without buying your shitbox

>1TB base storage

I'd say you're being too generous by saying it's ONLY a $500 loss. The graphics cards that allow the top 0.1% of PCs to reach 4k, 60FPS with Raytracing, are over $1,500 by themselves - not including the PC. The PS5 would be eating at least a $1,500 loss per unit to have that kind of technology

Also, semi-related, it's basically impossible for a console to do right now. That graphic card uses more power than the entire PS4. (actual power, as in wattage). Consoles can't use that much power because of space and cooling restrictions.

You won't see 60FPS/4k/Raytracing on a AAA console game for at least 20 years. You'll be lucky to see 60FPS/4k alone on the PS5 games other than Minecraft. I have serious doubts about that, as well.

>Compatible with

The entire point of it is to make it easier for companies to resell you old games. You absolutely won't be able to just put any old PS1/2/3 disc in and play it for free.

Considering there's already been a leak for a Navi 10 Lite, which is slated to be the GPU in next gen consoles and is weaker than an RX 5700 (which puts it on the level of an RX Vega 56), there's a chance that next gen won't even be able to compete with 2018 mid-range PC parts like an RTX 2060 or possibly even a GTX 1660 Ti.
People don't seem to understand how hot Navi runs without some beefy cooling, there's a reason every aftermarket RX 5700 XT uses a triple-fan design, and there are no single-fan RX 5700s outside of the shitty reference model, which runs at upwards of 80C at load and sounds like a jet engine.

Hilariously enough the OS will take up around a quarter or even half of the storage alone

And PsP? Not happening.

you almost had me until you said BC with ps3

>$499 USD
no way fag

Fuck onions
Nice selfie, soiboy

>Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PS4 games
I want this to be real so they try to look cool while showing a system with 5 disk drives on its front

Attached: PS5 hardware threads.png (1560x1776, 1.92M)

>5 disc drives
based retard

Nope. Games run exactly the same and at upscaled resolutions

>logo uses the PS2 font
mega fucking based if they do that

Attached: 1564102041900.gif (233x350, 83K)

Sony hasn't made video games since 2010

*picks mic back up*
>dont forget a yearly online fee, censored games, constant hacks, and NO GAMES

Attached: IMG_20190813_113219.jpg (1024x512, 15K)

>Got a Switch

>online fee
switch has this
>censored games
only incels care
>constant hacks
>no games
more games than switch

You saying I can play BB and DeS on the same system?

Nobody mentioned the Switch.

dead on water
>Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PS4 games

You can do that now.

Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 39K)

literally ONLY switchfags complain about censorship.

>you already can
Abd what about DeS? I never got to play it because I never bought a PS3.

You can play them both on PC.

Attached: sddefault[1].jpg (640x480, 57K)

switch has a shit-ton of remasters and ports what is there not to get?

What if it's backwards compatible and has a solid launch line-up?

RPCS3 Emulator can play Demon's with a few mild hiccups. Bloodborne can be streamed via PSNOW. I can't speak to how good PSNOW is personally but I've not read good things about the service quality overall.

>Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PS4 games
Good one OP, you almost had me going

Attached: 1567022404742.gif (253x270, 314K)

there is no way on earth you can play bloodborne on psnow and have a good experience

Being better than a technological turkey like the Switch doesn't automatically make the PS5 a good product.

Come on now. We all know PS now is sheit. Streaming games... what a joke.

Okay this is based.

Yeah because Sony really killed it with the ps1 classic

it's got nothing to do with the PS5 and everything to do with how the Switch is a Wii U port machine.

the "cell makes it harder to do ps3 BC" meme is just that, a meme.

>what are virtual save

Attached: 1505072632141.gif (234x159, 315K)

Are you stupid?
What are virtual memory cards you retarded nigger?

Whataboutism isn't healthy. "It may be bad, but at least it's better than THAT other guy's" is never a particularly convincing sales pitch.

I know OP is full of shit but does anyone have ANY idea about how the PS4 BC might work?
Will the PS4 games run on PS5 out of the box without patches? Will they run better than they do on PRO (or at least just as good) or will they need to patch updates to make them perform better than they did on PS4?

I hope we're not on our way for another age of remasters. Cause BC or not, if the backwards compatible games only perform at the level of base ps4 or pro without patches, there is no chance in hell they won't release "definitive editions".

Tldr The minimum requirements for me to buy a PS5 is for BC PS4 games to have PS4 pro performance at worst on PS5.

Attached: 1568666623931.jpg (1776x1062, 149K)

>there's no way they'd opt for BC over just re-selling you those old games digitally.
why would I buy the same games again ? If I have a PS3 game it means I have a fucking PS3 console to play it. some of you people are retarded.

fpbp, ignoring the comment about the Switch, or even however the next Xbox might turn out being, why would anyone continue to support Sony? The PS4 was fucking awful

>why would I buy the same games again ?
Improved graphics, audio, and frame rate? New elements like characters, levels, and whatnot that were never backported to the original release? That's why most people buy remasters.

With that having been said, I agree with you. It was especially jarring seeing Shadow of the Colossus and the Devil May Cry HD Collection re-released for three generations in a row.

I love how scared Sonyfags are of Nintendo/Switch. They're fucking obsessed

>FFVIII Remake
>First Party
Did Sony buy Square Enix or something?

Attached: YuFJJ.png (356x390, 116K)

500gb was fucking pathetic even at the time of the PS4's release. Even if it's not like it's hard to upgrade it or anything, it was still beyond laughable.

it'll probably be a timed release

Attached: 1429659494892.jpg (3829x1847, 1.43M)

the post he was responding to said he was dropping sony/playstation in favor of switch, which as the poster pointed out is retarded because they do the same shit but to even worse degrees. it's very very simple to understand but somehow you went several posts allowing it to go over your head

based video game hating soiboy

I'm an idort. I literally only use consoles for the few worthwhile exclusives they have.

Attached: 20190914_151736.jpg (4032x2268, 3.04M)

PSP, not gonna happen.
If you meant to type PS Vita, thats a tiny bit more believable, though i doubt that as well.

Not how it works

Cool, I'm going to triple dip FF7!

Attached: se2abw33gtm31.jpg (3072x3072, 572K)

Guerilla is more or less confirmed working on a multiplayer-centric PS5 game.

>Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PS4 games


Attached: 1563836253261.gif (299x217, 1.6M)

PS3 will forever be the black sheep of Playstation consoles. PS5 won't play PS3 games unless done in a fashion similar to Xbone BC. But I doubt this aswell since Sony has already converted the most popular PS3 games to PS4 as remastered.

PS4 BC is already confirmed by Cerny. So is SSD. 1TB sounds reasonable since next gen will have 4K assets and probably even more useless bloat. But with expensive storage, how much is left for the GPU? I doubt native 4K/60fps AAA titles will be common. But atleast devs should give the option of choosing 60 fps over resolution now that CPUs are way, way improved for next gen.

Attached: 1526138525605.png (631x544, 442K)

Now this is how you counter bait threads. Nice user

>complain about last gen ports while also shilling Switch
That's a new one

>OS will take up around a quarter or even half of the storage alone
800 Gb at minimum will be for OS

Yeah ray tracing for consoles will be nothing more than marketing gimmick. Sort of like with PS4 and its revolutionary 8GB GDDR5 VRAM which proved overhyped marketing buzz in the end. PS4 GPU was barely matching a 2GB 7870 from 2012.

I'm only interested if PlayStation Home comes back

Attached: sisko-infp-pics-011.png (500x200, 142K)


Lower image gives so much more information provided in a way easier layout to comprehend.

>tfw have 4 TB for PS4 Pro
Feels good

>Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PS4 games
I fucking wish. Playing ps1 games on my ps3, creating a virtual memory card that displays the animated icons for saves and shit was comfy as fuck. Why did the ps4 not have any kind of bc? Ps1 emulation is not a huge investment and makes the console feel less restrictive

Why do pepole forget that all ps3s are bc with ps1 games?

>Why did the ps4 not have any kind of bc?
Lack of R&D and too few using BC. When Sony was designing PS4, Sony was in some deep shit losing billions. The PS4 is a simple and cheap solution. It just uses netbook components that were already available on the shelves. They're in a completely different position now. They can actually design a proper console this gen due to how better both SIE and Sony as whole is doing.

2015 is practically stone-age in terms of storage technology, especially the 2.5" drives. Plus, you may have bought it in 2015 but the drive technology is older than that. Internally, it's probably a 2.5" WD Green looking at those poor speeds.

it's like that is a demo menu vs a full game or something.

of course
you fucking retards try too hard

Attached: 1568469793971.png (1200x675, 1.04M)

But top is how XV menu looked in the full game.

They've been using that format since XIII, and KH3 had it. Shut the fuck up.

Which proves my point you thin-skinned nigger

You didn't have a point retard. XIII and XV had great menus.

XIII maybe but XV menu was a mess and VIIR seems to follow up on that. The older menus were both simpler to read and also provided more info. Rendering full 3D models in a menu is nonsensical.

XV menu was fine.

>Rendering full 3D models in a menu is nonsensical

Fuck is the difference? This is literal autism.

>Compatible with PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PS4 games
If that's real I'm getting it day one, I still got a backlog of PS3 shit I need to finish.

How retarded is this board? 2TB SSD was already confirmed

>How retarded is this board

You don't want to know..

Attached: 1568686759019.png (471x513, 124K)

It's retarded. Use a 2D portrait instead. It gives the menu a unique flavor. Now the menu is just the 3D models on display as you navigate text with shit font.

Attached: ffx-sphere-grid-wakka_6gk7.png (960x720, 802K)

old good new bad etc etc

This gen was the first gen I ever got a console within the first 2 years, I wish I waited a few more months for the announcement of the Pro. Will play through all the PS4 games I care about before getting a PS5 Pro version with all the knick knacks and more power. If it really does have backwards comaptibility that would be great, my issue is will they drop it for some reason like when they basically had a PS2 inside the fat PS3s and later dropped it. If that happens I would be concerned. Otherwise, that would be a godsend especially for games that due to old console lasers are harder to run. Especially if we are talking ALL games we own working which I couldn't even imagine.

literal fucking autism

see post below yours and neck yourself

how do I put my umd in the ps5?


So will we be able to buy PSP games or download digital PSP games we own onto the PS5 and I am guessing this includes Vita? Sweet. If Sony does this I think they would win back the few stragglers.

PS4 BC will never be dropped since unlike PS2 BC on PS3, they don't need to put an actual PS4 inside a PS5. Similar architecture means it's not much different than upgrading your PC components. I would be sceptical of PS2 disc BC happening.

Why so mad? It's just a video game.

fuck off retard

I beat Bloodborne on PSNow, performance wasn't awful.
Even played some online.

The biggest flaws with PSNow:
worth maybe $5 / month, at most
>potato quality
720p is shit. not sure why 1080p can't be an option for those with faster internet
The delay aspect honestly wasn't that bad for me either, I beat MGS4 entirely on PSNow.
But as it stands, not worth it at all.

I just used the 7 day trial shit, don't even care about most of the games on PSNow.

it’s PS V retard

Same here. I just wanted to test it and I never got to play MGS4 since I went 360 that gen.
For the asking price, not worth it.
I would rather just have the option to buy older games, download them, and never touch a streaming service.
They could improve in the future, but PSNow, Game Pass, Stadia are all overpriced.