this mission was pain, the AI just refuses to do anything
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Yea the AI’s in this are just bullet sponges honestly. Also do you have to go inside the ice cream shop to use the secret factory?
Yes, you always have to enter it to access secret factory
Are all of the C rank missions just complete bullshit? Is this the point where the game stops being fun? I just finished Eliminate Invading Arsenals and now they expect me to win a 2v1 in Measuring Arsenal Performance.
Is there a way to make laser blades good? The femto cost makes them really bad.
Only difficulty spikes I noticed was when I went to the "don't bring any weapons" mission armed and the last boss. What weapons are you using and what exactly is the trouble you're having?
All of them. Literally every weapon. I've tried the mission so many times with so many weapon combinations that I can't even remember which one worked best. The brothers just have too much goddamn HP to burn through.
Full hud editing and full custom rebinds are fucking amazing
Maybe pump laser attachments in them and turn them into nukes? I have trouble as well.
>"don't bring any weapons" mission armed
Son of a bitch. So that was the trick. I went and fought the terrors because it didn't occur to me to go unarmed.
just use 4 silver ravens bro
zoa is super easy to bait into running into your bullets because he's so eager to use that sword
get garuda II and just spam rockets and bullets into his face
Do you ever go to space in this game or it's the same desert all the way through?
I redid the mission you're having trouble with. I used double silver ravens, double grim reapers and a thunderbird missile launcher. They seem to go down quite quickly and I lost like 10k vp (only a third of my health but might be more for you). Swap between the weapons depending on if they're in your face or spazz out and decide to run from you.
what kind of arsenal are people falling into using?
lightweight speed demons?
mid weight all-rounders?
big 'ol chunky tanks?
finding myself gravitating towards Sif's heavy torso with light arms for the fast reload speed and mid legs that have decent ground speed. head is the type Knight uses, that has a really wide aim reticle
finding the air mobility too floaty and being on the ground isnt an absolute death sentence just yet, so im kinda happy. sucks at some bumpy stages but my air speed isnt much lower
somehow managed to pull through this on my first try with two towers standing
honestly was a good stressful mission to break up all the braindead Arsenal fights, as you had to balance priorities with the towers, meteors, and getting ammo off the AIs
I went in armed because I didn’t trust those fuckers.
Beating the three of them into the ground was pretty fun though.
Soloing the airplane immortal, accidentally fly too high so the game forces me to descend. I cant dodge as it starts doing those multi lazer things, Arsenal blows up. Outer useless. Mission fail.
Heavy dual machine gunner.
I compensate for low mobility with blink and the giant boosters from the secret factory.
>double bazooka
>double sniper rifle
>vertical launch missiles
>full goliath
Is there anything else that I can get to make myself more of a walking piece of artillery?
The upper flight limit is more annoying than the outer mission barrier, especially since enemies can fly higher than you are allowed to.
ARs and machine guns would be more enjoyable if they sounded better. Also machine guns don't play audio for each shot
Beating all the Terrors makes the rest of the story seem extra silly because your character just solo'd the entire team on his own yet everyone is still super nervous when confronting Grief or the people working for him. I was so confused about my character just standing around in cutscenes or people deciding that Chrimson Lord would be a better choice of pilot against Grief.
For the 2 or 3v1 battles I use mirage as a distraction, fly somewhere, get off my mech and quickly set a trap or 2. Trap stuns are pretty nice if you can pull it off without getting your pilot shot down
Bring a sniper rifle or laser cannon. They'll reach it from below the warning altitude. Or just wait for it to come down.
Story Bolt fight
forego arms entirely and just become GUN
i thought i saw an even more chunky armor set someone posted a couple threads ago. also had some murrican fast food slapped on for good measure
and i havent gotten any of them yet, but can you punch with the gun arms after youre out of ammo?
Medium weight dual rifles with backup sword and blitz shoulders. final weapon for flavor.
It’s worked for me since AC3 and carried me through every game since then.
do online coop arsenal fight missions for better weapons/armor. there's also the bullshit stungun + backlasers combo if you need further help.
So did I, but I had to pick up new weapons from their bodies and then finish the fight with my fists.
Hecatonchier chest and legs, whatever arms suits the weapon and fluorence dominion head. Honestly I'm mostly going for memory and fire support. Every build I want to use ends up at at least 2k memory.
I don't think so, I haven't been able to.
There's also a pegasus if you look around the lower buildings.
tend to use dual ARs for trash, for bosses/arsenals/hp sponges Ill use melee more
Didnt find the pegasus but I did find an octopus in the free mission of Bolt
forgot pic
why is the UI so cluttered? I played the demo and enjoyed it but looking at this where you can only see 50% of the screen is straight nauseating
You can customize it.
You can move, resize, and/or hide every part of the HUD.
>Gun arm mods on regular arms
Beat the game.
You have to finish the game first user.
fuck everyone is going for that head, huh
might swap over to the Longsword just to have a similar reticle but achieve hipster status
So how is it?
Is it worth 50 bucks or should I wait?
So how is it? I played the demo. Does the loop change at all?
>that D rank side mission where you have to pilot the giant mech
>sub-mission: beat mission in 4 minutes
>my fastest time was 5:30 with no downtime between waves
How the fuck?
How's the frame rate?
It was like sub 20 in the first demo.
It's probably the worst sub mission in the game. You kinda have to hope that Johnny doesn't drag enemies away.
I can confirm Solomon's mission unlocks once you complete all the other onlline missions missions.
For those uncertain play the demo(demo also offers 2 immortal missions on co-op) if by then youre still not sure its probably a good idea to wait for the PVP update or a price down.
Played the demo and enjoyed it but I'm feeling like things will get stale when I play the actual game. I really like the customization but I'm worried about every enemy just being a damage sponge
have you figured out it has a giant fuck off aoe move?
you can figure out what friendly ai actually has their ai tuned to attack by how much they cost in free missions, but not like this helps in story missions since you can't pick
25-30 most of the time, sometimes sub 20.
Wait too long and the multiplayer will be dead. But if that's not a concern then by all means wait.
Much better now. Solid mostly, though you will probably get some pretty bad drops in multiplayer.
So according to this Grief has a four piece Halberd, anyone know the last piece?
Trying to recreate his arsenal.
I made a tank first then after i got tired of being slow i figured i'd try the Halberd set. Bullet dmg has gone way up, happy with it so far.
>investigating structure mission
>suddenly 3 fellas appear
>everyone refuses to tell you shit
>only one character sensible enough to actually defend the rookie
what the fuck
So... Why it's called Demon x Machina? Everything goes wrong in the end?
Grief calls you his Daemon and the Dominator/Four literally calls itself a Deus Ex Machina at the end.
BASED(I guess???)
A daemon, in computing, is a background process. A program that performs its task absent of user input.
>Demon x Machina
>Deus Ex Machina
oh shit I didn't get that
maybe I'll replay the demo
Okay, has this game been out long enough that people know the difference between:
Damage/ bullet damage/laser damage?
Defense/bullet defense/laser defense?
Obviously the difference between bullet and laser isn’t unclear, but how does the unlabeled defense factor in?
Is it simply added to bullet defense so a part with 100 defense 50 bullet defense is functionally the same against bullets as a part with 10 defense and 140 bullet defense?
Has any character had more death flags than BG in the history of video games?
Anybody have recommendations for getting through enemy shields?
I don't think anyone really knows yet. Bazooka shots deal less damage than a couple of gun shots against enemy mechs despite having thousands of pure damage and explosive/blast damage.
Bash them with a big stick or bazooka. It'll force them to lower their shield for a bit at least.
Any assault rifles worth using? I can make the dreadnought ones but going from grim reaper I to those seems like a massive ammo downgrade.
They're good if you stay in the optimal range. I think the one you're talking about does even more damage at optimal but even less otherwise.
oh you mean my dumb liberator mech? you get the parts blueprints from rebellion.
Have you added the burger to it?
hadn't found it yet, need to remake the loadout actually I think it got deleted during my huge "make sure I have one of everything and sell the dupes" effort since loadouts get blammed if you delete anything being used in it.
There is also a Pizza decal but I forgot where it was.
It's in the car escort mission. You might as well add the ice cream mascot for eating ice cream 50 times too.
why is the title screen music so fucking sick
Anyone know where to farm bazooka gun arms? I don't see them in
anyone up for co-op? Nightmare RT alpha, im needing the blueprint for Hermes
Getting blue prints is worse than finding gems in MH.
>Jump makes you steadily ascend
>stages have invisible height limit
>If you fly to high your mech freezes up and you drop
Whose bright fucking idea was this?
At least you get a decal for beating the boss 30 times.
Sky Union's logo reminds me of Project Aces logo
i'm 6 hours in and the combat feels so weak. do the weapons get better later on or is the whole game like this? the shoulder mounted missile launcher is probably the worst weapon I've used in a game they shoot out then just fizzle into thin air.
That mission was easy, all the missions are easy, fake bosses excluded.
for some reason I thought the game would just force remove your weapons the way they force you to play without your arsenal in other missions.
some weapons improve, stuff like the shoulder mounted missile gets some variants, some of which are really good
Bought it today, pretty cool. Are you supposed to come back later for the 150 seconds sidegoal in the first D rank free mission?.
Nah. You can do it then.
I just lost 20 hours of gameplay because I thought there was multiple saves. Am I retarded or is there any way I can go back to my first save?
Gonna have to git gud then
I'm sorry user. I have no idea why this game doesn't support cloud saves.
Ok, I am actually pissed off. We are living in the year of our lord two-thousand-nineteen and there are video games on the market that don't have multiple saves? Guess I have to start over. Are flamethrowers good?
Forgot image
Pretty good against arsenals because they drain stamina. Tho they are better online than in single player because you have more people who can truly capitalize on a drained enemy.
I don't have online. What build should I do for my new game?
i'm still on the D rank do the ranks stop after A or is there more after like S rank stuff?
>Rank A mission where you to meet Grief in the stadium map
>popup from Four telling me even being in an arsenal could be considered threatening
>I exit my arsenal and walk into the cutscene trigger
>Grief reacts like I'm in the arsenal
I did have weapons on my Arsenal since it seemed like a trap. Do you actually get a different outcome if you take them all off before the mission?
A is the last rank. There's one free mission and a few co-op missions that unlock after completing A rank.
You get story dump if you take them all off.
yeah, its just a cutscene if you do
Just build what you want. Almost anything works early on. You won't get everything from just single player anyway.
Fuck him up its the hidden trigger for that map anyway
I mean secondary objective
Is this game fun if I love mechs? Are the controls tight (i always felt awkward playing AC controls)?
Favorites include: msg, victory, zeta, and runaway ideon,
you character can have an afro like the Ideon protagonist
There's a demo you can try. It's all of D rank and two co-op missions although you can't play those two online like in the full game. You'll probably like it if you like mechs. The controls are good although you'll probably want to up the right stick sensitivity and turn on gyro. You can customize the control layout as well as the hud.
>official art
Could they have gotten someone better at making it look like I know whose ass that is?
Also seems like terrible attempt at trying to get interest for the game.
How much customization is there on the mechs? Can I do some MS from zeta/zz/or victory
Wonder if they also wanted characters to not all have the generic plugsuit but run out of time or budget or something. All the NPCs being obviously made via the character creator but with accessories equipped sometimes that players cant use makes me think that, plus the costume choice thing only being for pre-orders, now this art.
Does the demo play exactly like the finished game?
DxM is basically AC showing the actual humans for once (Outside of old official art for MoA and some non game stuff like manga) when I think of it like that. It somewhat makes sense even if they could have tried better
Yeah. The save data even transfers over. You won't have as much weapons to play with in the demo, but it'll give you a general idea.
What are the most fun weapon types?
What sensitivity are you guys using for gyro? At a default 5 it feels like it's not strong enough to be useful but I don't wanna lose detail aiming from bumping it up too high. Maybe I should bump up the stick aim instead.
The faces and outfits are great but that ass is confusing the hell out of me.
8 or 9 with stick sensitivity at max.
It is very satisfying to hit something with a Railgun but they kinda suck against half the bosses in the game or against anything super fast.
>finding a 3 slot mace off Gargantua
I know its slow windup makes it sucky to use but giant mace
I really wanna like this game because of all the customization but god the combat feels fucking boring. I've only played the demo but it seems like every mission in it is
>Shoot tanks
>Shoot little floaty things
>Maybe another mech
Does it get better? Are boss fights any good? There was that one thing with the giga robots but they just felt like huge bullet sponges, but I'm not sure if that really counts because it seems like a "meant to lose" fight
no whats worse about its anyone you knock down is invincible till they get back up
How? It obviously belongs to Nemesis.
Mechanical Legs
>"maybe" shoot another mech
Main game is a lot of shooting other speedy mechs. Those adds you're killing in the demo are mostly for refilling your ammo in the main game.
>torso appears upright
>ass is directly facing viewer as if resting on side
>person would have to somehow folded into a sideways L
I'm pretty sure she doesnt have any of those mods in game, but then again none of them have those costumes either.
What name did you guys give to your Arsenal?
Twisting spines in an unnatural fashion in order to show of both tits and ass at the same time is nothing new.
Ima tell you right now if you didnt like fighting any of those things you fought in the demo dont get the actual game
I wouldn't be surprised if the named character only accessories and more revealing suits like those ones will eventually be DLC.
Clues because it is Sapphire Blue.
Try the coop missions, they're available at a console to the right of the main one. There's two that you can do in the demo, it's tuned for four players so they'll be "bullet spongy" though.
The 6 people left playing the game at that point will appreciate it.
Seriously I expect the player base to have a massive sharp drop off worse than any niche fighting game, there is actually not much content, I am almost done with 100% all dev already.
There is no real endgame content to truly use all your minmaxed builds in either. Right now I technically have no reason to ever do any boss fight ever again because I have every factory weapon.
Are yall playing this on handheld or docked? I find it much more enjoyable docked
I only use my Switch in handheld mode, haven't had any issues.
no framerate problems? I just find using pro controller much better for controls so maybe thats the issue
>finally give in and give myself robolegs
>mfw the loud metallic CLUNK when I jump out of my mech
>no framerate problems?
Not any that I've noticed (well, maybe some in the free mission where you pilot the giant robot but the thing's so clunky and unwieldy as-is it's hard to care).
gunfort's hand lasers and YEETing someone with mace are the best feeling things in the game
Does inverting the control sticks still inverts motion control?
W-wait what?
Eat your ice cream user. No really eat your ice cream, that's how you unlock it
Who wants to farm Gunfort and Bolt with me?
Any tips for going melee only? I know you can cancel your attack with the boost if you know you're gonna miss
Let me do one quick run of aviator. Code is SW-5063-3631-7434
Already finished with the farm on both but ill join in
>was considering if I should do the upgrades that add shoulder pauldrons
>the thought came in my head about how making love to and holding my character to cuddle would be awkward with giant hunks of metal on their shoulders
>this actually influenced my decision to not add them
what's wrong with me
sent a request
tell me when the lobby is up
Make a room.
Honestly I think ill settle with this design for good
What does getting every body enhancement look like at the end? I don't want my qt3.14 to look like a robot.
Looks like a Rooster
It’s up 4026 9449 0024
the Red COCK
Ok yeah no, fuck this shit.
What are the stat adjustments for S, L, F?
>my fucking face when secret factory
in general:
>S = More damage, less range
>L = More range, less damage
>F = More secondary damage, less primary
story is kino
Overall it's typical anime nonsensical shit, but I actually did like the characters and the mercenary corps and the companies and how it all entertwined into a big ball of fuckery. The "Horizon has requested that you sneak into Sky Arsenal's base to steal their new Arsenal so they can copy their tech" made me laugh my ass off, yet the way Orbital treated the matter was interesting too.
Anyone know where to farm Radiant Gleam parts?
left is top path, middle is middle, right is bottom path
thanks for the runs, Europe time just doesnt let me stay longer.
should i keep using the silver raven or switch to the gunarm i just got.
about to reset my augs just to get rid of it
shit is way too touchy for something you cant rebind
Wait to get to jack an Arsenal?
That sounds really cool
>get to the mission where you have to talk to Grief, Gloom and Regret
>just kill them all instead because I didn't knew how to start the mission as an outer
You needed to remove all your weapons and leave your Arsenal when the mission starts.
oh wew
well whatever
t. Regret
Fuck you cunt, get back and fucking fight me
Damn, Bonebox with the bantz.
If you get blink, you can never not look at the minimap or you will die
I made my Outer look like grizzly old Kisaragi Gentaro so I gave my Arsenal Cosmic State Fourze's color scheme and named it C.OS//MIC
fuck blink
never using that shit again until they make it not so fucking sensitive or rebindable
as bad as it is it's the only way to cancel your laser shoulder cannon firing sequence and it's very controllable on a fat arsenal
I feel like blink works best on fat arsenals. You should move nearly as quickly with a fast enough boost.
>mission to steal an arsenal
>four makes a jab at your intelligence if you don't immediately get to the exit point
>her voice gets worried/concerned when you're escaping in the followup
why is this ai so cute?
>D rank final mission
>have to fight a giant plane
>oh this is cool, I'm doing well against it
>fuck you it escapes in a cutscene
>fuck you again BG steals your kill
>BG and Johnny go full retard
>"we know we've been pitted against other outers for similarly suspicious reasons in the previous missions, and even though we like you we're still going to fight even though we have no real reason"
>"no Johnny stop, I just wanted to almost kill these people to test their power levels"
>mission ends without you being able to kick the shit out of the two of them for being such assholes out of nowhere
You better get used to the whole "WHOA, IT'S OBVIOUS SOMEONE IS PULLING THE STRINGS TO MAKE US FIGHT EACH OTHER but let's fight anyway for no reason" shit.
Johnny boy is honestly the worst case. Nigga was willing to fight to the death and he still acts like nothing happened.
To be fair I kicked his ass really hard because I still remembered how he fucked me over on the Immortal testing mission
My bad knight didn’t notice you had to restart
Lets not forget dumb shit like Empress being an AI out of nowhere.
Or Grief creating Rookie for...whatever he was trying to do.
Why are you using Blink if you're a ranged weapon user?
if i had to guess
>have to pick a thing
>can use it to dodge boss attacks without fail if you dont bring hermes
>almost a soft requirement if you're fat and not bringing hermes
Also the fact that Empress is on edge and we get this dramatic cutscene about the first “setup” fight, then she acknowledges it on the second(II vs Panzer Crown) and disregards it.
Ice cream shop polar bear X Lappy the Police Dog porn when?
it's a fact of life that mercenaries can be hired by opposing interests man, it's fishy but mercs gotta get paid.
Honestly, the moment I stopped giving a shit about the story and skipped any and all cutscenes is the moment the game actually became enjoyable.
>Is an AI
>Literally walk and sits down like she's an actual human
>when the vocals kick in
Okay the final boss is bullshit
>This is fine
I didn't end up using it but here's another user's strategy.
-First thing Go directly to the bottom floor. You'll get destroyed if you stay airborne for too long.
-This Boss is a pain in the ass, if you don't have a plan and time your movement. First off. You're build and weapons don't matter. I went in with full Dakka and barely took off 25% of its health. What the game doesn't tell you is that you're suppose to lob bombs at it to take it down quickly.
-Here's the thing, you have to keep moving and abuse your Mirage. Mirage is your friend in your fight, not for killing but to be a distraction. Safe spots are in those walls on the outer arena, you can jump into. What I did was jump in and heal my Arsenal with my augment.
-But you have to know when to go in and try this because it can STILL hit you if you're positioned wrong.
- What you want to do is Grab a bomb, Dash to the outer part of a wall and wait for the boss to get closer, wait till it does its tornado attack, throw your Mirage up and hit it with a Bomb. If you're in a Safe Spot and its doing its massive beam attack, get out of the safe spot the first time it fires. The Second beam tracks on ground and it CAN hit you in that area. If you get out, grab a bomb, distract the second beam with your mirage and lob another bomb, should be easy since its standing still.
-When it sends its drones after you, keep moving, in and out of the out of bounds and throw up your Mirage.
Keep doing this, I beat it in about 10 minutes using this Strategy. Hope this helps.
somehow that scar on his face is the least trivial blemish on the human form
I disconnected
tell me when I can join again
She made a human body from wherever.
Fair enough
>missions outside the mech
What the fuck were they thinking? Kill 10 flying enemies while trying to aim with a fucking joystick and pray that you hit every shot or they're going to spawn reinforcements. Did they playtest this shit?
It’s open.
locking on is like the first head upgrade, but if it makes you feel any better there's a grand total of 2 missions in the entire game where you need to be on foot.
Get the lock-on mod. Makes that mission a cakewalk.
or go into the options and turn the gyro on and rejoice that aiming is a thing you can do if you insist on never getting any augs.
But I want my waifu to be pure.
Did that mission AND got the time bonus as a human. Fuck cyborgfags.
kek are we raiding now? This reminded me of FFXIV
Thought the same thing. I saw that image and was reminded of raiding C'thulu back in vanilla WoW.
If you press the left bumper it'll fire a tracking shot that one-hit kills the floating enemies as long as they have the target box on them, just shoot them before they notice you and sound the alarm, dumbass.
>being racist to machines
fuck fags
*makes you eject and gets out of arsenal*
*double jumps behind and slices you*
psh nothing personnel see you when multiplayer drops
You're going straight to the recycling bin tin can.
DXM definitely scratches a long neglected itch, but it still doesn't compare to peak mech autism of AC:SL. Will there ever be a mech game with that level of customization and an actually decent story again?
chromehounds was way too niche
but you could tell it was made to be realistic and may have done better as a PC game than on XBOX360
>see a pilot running around
>zook the area near him with free aim
pfft hahaha
I'm actually kind of disappointed that Xenoblade Chronicles X actually had better visual customization on your mechs than Deaemon X Machina.
Overall the game is too easy except the final boss
Have to wait for cutscenes to finished to kill someone is a pain
Too little enemies variations.
Hopefully the next game will be better
I disconnected again
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
Dropped the game when i have to explore 90% of the world to progress to story, so tedious
It's supposed to be Kar Ate Star, but because 10 character limit it's KARATESTAR.
I think it's an improvement.
Too many errors, I’m gonna call it a night ggs.
>pilot running around
>forced ejections
Cyborgs can do that?
you can reset the body mods
This the blueprint for gunfort:a a random chance or am I missing' something?
Forced ejections only happen if you lose all VP i think.
But running around on foot is a thing you can do. Sometimes when we have no Arc guns we get a guy on foot to lay traps against the NPC Arsenals and we take turns doing it. It's not any better than bringing an Arc gun, but it FEELS like we're accomplishing something.
Yes. Four also tells you that destroying exposed cores will give you more data, so we think drop chances increases thanks to that.
You can see the difference between a fully de-cored Gunfort Alpha vs. any Bolt kill (people go for the stabilizers instead of the cores).
the primary use of getting outta your mech as far as I can tell is to screw around in the post mission complete state, and do dumb shit like get in each others mechs.
are maces the only melee things that smash the fuck out of arsenals?
do the liberator swords do that?
when soloing bolt and i take way too much damage against the zappy attacks i just fuck off and repair my shit
damn bottom and top are actually pretty cool, I only ever see people posting the middle.
Yeah. We stopped doing it when one of our friends got killed as an outer.
Does the radar jammer actually affect AIs or is it completely useless until PvP?
How? You mean just heal? Or are you doing it in outer?
characters are really enjoyable, especially seeing the way they react after you get to know them and they become friendly with you when they're suddenly on a mission to stop you from stealing their secret arsenal tech by blowing you up while you race through pipelines at mach 5 while heavy metal music plays. Honestly this shit's just fun as hell. The actual story is confusing though.
Exit mech, hold down D-Pad (right).
You need the torso skill. One of the upper ones.
look in the controls and one of the outer commands is repair
you DO need a cybernetic augment for some reason but yeah guerilla repairs are a thing
No it does jack shit to your part durability
Yes it can take a comically long time so as long as it persists I imagine the radar jammer against other people would be used for this moment
there's an arm upgrade that lets you repair your arsenal while stood next to it
the moon didnt just make AI crazy, it made people retarded, hence the etymology for LUNATIC
Yes this is my headcanon, but its so i dont hate the characters so much
>Char shows up and btfo of giants
Sasuga The Red Com- I mean The Crimson Lord.
That’s crazy, wish natty had stuff like that.
New headcanon.
What missiles are the best?
How'd I kill the end boss? I just run out of bullets. Every previous mission has been a one-and-done for me except at the very start where I was still learning how to play so I'm not a total shitter, not that this game is hard either.
no this is not practical in all fights but in this one particular mission if the bitchass dragon wants to fly around im going to go land and repair
In the actual game, what kinda of weapons am I gonna see? Are there shotguns? Giant hammers? big-ass laser cannons?
Japs are honestly so fucking stupid with their stories.
See here's the secret to everything -- 99% of all writers are hacks. They're not bad people or anything, they just don't have that special spark or intelligence or talent enough to write something that's grand and 'new'. Hollywood understood this pretty fast and set up different 'formulas' for their writing so that even if you went into a movie written by a hack, you'd at least come out with that 'good' feeling. Like yeah it wasn't amazing but it was fun to watch.
Jap writers want to be Hollywood, but they also don't want to acknowledge that they're hacks. This is why almost all manga/anime/videogames have these fucking plots that start to fall apart in the latter halves. How many Japanese medias have you indulged in where halfway through it just begins to shit the bed hardcore? The Jap writers try to take that 'Hollywood' base and then spin it into something crazy, but of course they never even come close to sticking the landing so it just ends up gibberish shit, and you leave the plot going 'what the fuck was that'.
It's no surprise that 'Your Name' exploded in Japan. It was just a Hollywood movie in anime form. A movie that you left feeling good about.
Daemon X Machina is the same way. The plot starts out and you think "Okay the setting is cool, the characters are fun, and we're getting into this plot line where someone is making us fight each other". Then shit just quickly falls apart. It's fucking annoying.
>Running away
Sasuga robonigger
Healing shoulder, anti laser armor and a sword. Get a gun arm too.
Soon maybe, we have maces
>Big ass cannons
A lot
Best male character
Best female character is Guns Empress
>they just don't have that special spark or intelligence or talent enough to write something that's grand and 'new'.
a generic plot is not a bad thing
the problem here is you just dont know whats happening
this plot is like a standard final fantasy
which is to say "non sequitur"
you end up wondering who or what or why and things still progress regardless youd think an alien wrote these character interactions
I havent beat the game yet but i swear to fucking god if this is like macross 7 where only the first 3 and last 7 episodes actually advance the middle 30 are just the same, inexplicably pointless shit happening
>have 80% of health and couldve finished the fight but i figured id capture an example for repair
cool your tits
the only reason you stayed fleshy was so you could worship your OC waifu
this looks like a copypasta
BG has a refined taste for ice cream
id poor some fuckin kraken over my vanilla any day myself
He has the dumbest moment in the game
When he was pinned and threw his sword at Diablo who was trying to help him but killed Drake I fucking started crying from laughing so hard.
>inb4 pour
cant remember the last time i used that word
>End of the game
>Not Char and Amuro literally have a newtype space moment
I almost burst out laughing
does not-the-major have an /ss/ moment?
This showed that the writer felt the need to reference shit because they got their voices on board over actually writing something coherent.
Not him, but I understood somewhat, it just had no consistency, and a lot of “big” moments just fall. The setup fights get spotlight for one moment, then some characters investigating it just shrug it off. Johnny was about to kill you over jealousy then is back to normal the next day, not even sure if he emailed the character about that. People keep treating Rookie like a Rookie despite characters like BG praising him, and the next moment they aren’t.
A speed+defense+melee build
It fun
fucking dumbasses forgot they were making a game
It's not Anime
Drake? She teases the younger men (Read Johnny) a bit but well, she kinda ended dying.
who cares
johnny stands out
i was just wondering "where the fuck did this come from" when he turned it up to 11
some "he used to play the piano"-tier shit
I don't always missilespam, but when I do I use garuda II's.
lockon missiles are a pain in the dick, just fire off a hundred heatseekers in their general direction.
Johnny was just channeling his jealousy to fight you. He doesn't really hate you or anything.
rouge cinderella shares a VA with "the major"
not scarface drake no
yeah when someone pointed out the fire and forget nature i relooked at the description and saw that they actually put a lockon radius for heat seakers
pretty neat desu
Still no /ss/ moments with her however
Yeah okay, he was planning to do a suicide single stroke slash if BG didn’t stop him.
You fucked him up pretty badly. Pretty sure he thought he was gonna die either way until BG told him to back off.
but why? where did this come from
at least with adachi you had a chance to pick up on his otherwise dopey "normal" nature
You backed him into a corner. He didn't want to run away in front of BG and shame himself, so might as well go out in a blaze of glory.
I don’t know, I’m pretty sure I can recall Empress telling him to back off when he was bleeding, then he sperged out.
I don’t even know, they don’t even acknowledge it after it happens.
I just figured Johnny had some serious bottled up envy issues and just picked a really bad moment to let it out.
Empress isn't his boss though, BG is.
He listened when BG told him to not kill himself.
oh yeah how's the game's performance
pick up the demo and find out
the only blatant meme worthy performance drop is
Western VII Reclaimer fight number (i think) 3
I dont know what mission that is but every mission on the blue forest map is meme worthy powerpoint shit.
>Virgin Coomer
he aint cooming no more
The most noticeable one is in the loadout test room for some reason
wouldnt mind a cyber body
>need to bump up my rookie numbers
>just stimulate the brain and spine for the sensation
So what, Daemon X Machina plot went full Screamers plot?
>now you under stand
Not really
>bring weapons to the unarmed meeting Terrors invites you to
>they get really butthurt about you bringing weapons when they brought weapons too
fuck 'em
if you dont bring weapons he says he was certain you would bring weapons lol
It's okay when Terrors do it.
Can we add slots to stuff we make from the factory?
What the fuck? I've never experienced this and I've fought Gunfort 50 times.
Probably had a host with a shitty ping
I dont have that either but I do often get massive stutter like that whenever something new spawns in, example if you go to the right side of the training lobby or end of a free mission is extended.
I mean when a new arsenal spawns in*
It's the same deal online whenever someone new joins or they massively change their loadout in the hub.
Then what happens?
>Build mech that is full Sword Autist
>Swords for days
>All enhancements to SWORDS
>Name Outer Sundowner
>Mech named Red Astray
massive cutscene about dumbshit
and four gets a 500iq moment
>playing by himself
You get more story basically. That's all.
I've done close to 30 Terrors runs and no 3 slot Halberd legs
Godammit just drop, its all i need.
>if you take out Gunfort's cannon you can pick it up and fire at him for instant kill tier damage
w e w
do you want to run that in a lobby
I need 3 slot halberd legs too
No idea then. I've run Gunfort 2 dozen times and never gotten fps spikes like that
you can pick up the giant humanoid bosses sword iy you knock it off too to swing it once
also the giant snake boss you can pick off the massive bits of fallen "armor" to throw at it
how do you knock off the sword?
it has a weak point in its right elbow
Don't have online, sorry.
reminder if you use silver ravens you're a massive faggot
Not any more, they patched that
>deletes everything in the game minus the final boss no problem
customization autism lmao
I use dual 3 slot silver raven S model IIs
Where does that rate on the faggot scale?
someone want to open a lobby
or join one
I want play with someone
>by the time they fix the lobby display bug there won't be enough lobbies to scroll through anymore
>Mfw my new favorite weapons from Aviator
You can go suck a dick, sir
Post your code and make a lobby. I can play for a bit.
when I fire off heatseekers I feel like maybe one of a dozen will hit.
wheres a good spot to farm those?
7161 6512 6241
Guys help me I'm falling in love with the laser cannon.
thats why you have like 280 of the fucking things.
using scarlet scar, it seems like the best as of now based on the stats
assault rifles just aren't as satisfying, man
he shot my mech down right at the end so I had to finish him off on foot
Just came back from playing 3-4 missions in the demo. Never played a mech game like this but it seems kinda cool. Is there more depth to the full game or is it just
>hold down weapon buttons
>boost to dodge missiles periodically
>fly around all the time
why is grief such a nigger
is this game any good?
Despite it's flaws, of which there are many, I can't seem to stop playing. So I'd say it's good enough for that.
I got mine from Terrors online mission.
Try demo if you're interested, you can carry over progress to full game if you do like it. Otherwise you save 60 bucks.
so is the oval link surrounded by some kind of... fence... thing?
Is it actually an oval?
Is the continent Australia?
well, look up, it's enclosed in some bizarre way to keep the femto from spreading, some kinda forcefield shit I guess?
When funnels get destroyed, do they no longer count towards the weight of your arsenal?
smacked her so hard the fucking game froze lmao
Here, now stop asking how to unlock the secret shop.
So where's the neutral zone? Outside?
>introduce scary zombie ghost mech pilot that is super duper strong
>he dies in the same mission he's introduced in and you never see him again outside of an optional co-op mission
That was really strange.
With all of the set up I thought Solomon was going to become the main villain.
lel nevermind they answered that question right after I asked it in the mission I was doing.
>The neutral zone is surrounded on all 3 sides by consortium territory
OK then
Good games we should play again sometime! Your arsenal is super fast by the way, very cool. I got a lot of nice items from that run.
yeah it's just some turf in the oval link nobody owns
yeah I was honestly really surprised by how slow your mech was when I got in it, if you don't spec for it the difference is massive
I remember even in the first demo everyone was getting thrown off by how slow it was without realizing you could farm faster parts to go sanic speed, of course dumbfuck reviewers who don't even know how to boost wouldn't realize that in the full game either
also beware of giving your mirage a mace in case it has too much fun
Damn, i thought i had high hours played at 52.
>spot a health tank next to a building
>shoot it and swooce down to get comfy and heal
>building falls on me and I die
>rank D
>82 hours
progress the fucking game jesus christ
Yep as soon as I got in yours and saw how fast it was I realized that mine is a fucking turtle. Makes sense I guess I'm mostly specing heavy armor and defense. I equipped some faster items from that farm so hopefully I'm not as slow.
That mace is hilarious. Was pretty neat burning them with flame plus the laser you had, works pretty fast.
What is the best track in the game, and why is it Savior's/The Five Hells theme?
Spoiler tags you big fucking stupid cunts. Some us of have been working and not had time to complete story and want to enjoy it.
Stay off Yea Forums until you finish a game dummy.
wagie wagie get in cagie
I'm at work being paid to browse Yea Forums because all my work is already done.
I don't want to miss out on gameplay discussion etc.
It's easy enough to just spoiler tag out story discussion, half the people in the thread are clearly capable.
You did it to yourself. Not my problem.
Not like the story is good anyway.
Look dude, it's mecha, and ANIME ass mecha at that.
if anything the anime drama seems to come out of nowhere, it's like you walk in halfway through an episode of gundam 00 and all the npcs treat you like you know whats going on.
stamina drain and stun absolutely fucks arsenals, and even bosses
having a gun that does both at once is dumb
The plot is basically
>Rookie we must fight even though you don't want to and we have nothing to gain from it
>repeat 20 times
>character you barely know dies
>Look at how deep and serious our plot has become! Doesn't it make you question your humanity and existence?
>*audience laughs*
You lose nothing from getting spoiled.
I wish the rebellion sword smacked shit around like the mace does
wow i sure do love how in this MECH GAME if i fly any higher than 5 feet off the ground my controls get locked up leaving me helpless while every enemy in the world takes a nutty putty cave diving trip down my asshole.
I loved how your build for the final boss doesn't matter since the optimal strategy is sitting in the middle and tossing the semi-hidden bombs at him.
yeah the flight ceiling is surprisingly low, I don't really fall prey to it unless I'm fighting nightmare though, bastard.
really? I discarded all my weapons and took him down with my sword
I think the final boss is the only boss in the game for which MGs are not a good option because the auto-aiming of your mech will constantly try to shoot the guns instead of the enemy weakspot unless you are right in his face, at which point you might as well just melee.
You know what would be cool? If you could jump out of your arsenal while it's going fast and maintain all that momentum as an outer then crash to the ground and ragdoll 200 feet
Did anyone ever try that self destruct aug in battle? Does it just straight up make you fail the mission in single player if you ever use it?
So apparently the localization was by XSEED
quality of the localization was probably better than the game's story warranted desu, but at least it stopped things from being even worse.
How do I beat OP's mission?
It's absolute bullshit.
Ignore all towers but one
Which parts would I need to closely match this in appearance?
The only way to beat the OP mission is to suck more dicks than OP
it's nearly impossible
I hope this leads to a PC port till December or next year.
On start, stand on the tower to your right.
Neat. Just noticed all your weapon equipment starts to populate your hub area all over on the walls and stacked on the floor.
I like hosting rooms and then watching people just look at all my weapons, especially the gargoyle sword and the other version of it.
>rookie don't do it
>rookie does it anyway
flamberge arms, legs theres a few I think that are kinda similar but dont remember off the top of my head, flash phantom body is close but I think the orsa torso is closer (there could be others too that I havent really checked out yet), and radiant gleam head would be good
Honestly I feel sorry for S2 Setsuna.
>I wonder what Lockon is doing right now
>I can't believe Tieria wore that dress
>how do I politely turn down Feldt and Marina because Exia is my waifu
>ore wa gandamu da
What do you get for doing all the sub missions of every mission?
Your cock increases by double the length if you 100% sub missions on all ranks.
I've heard some decals are rewarded for hitting side goals.
So you're saying DxM is a great comedy?
Rookie's completely apathy makes things hilarious, definitely.
Atlas legs
atlas legs are way too thick for that
Go behind him.
>obtain disco laser
>test it out on nightmare for giggles
>it just melts
jesus christ
Stolen from /m/
Should I transform my Dainslef to Arondlight and then to Dainslef again just to gain one slot ?
It doesn't bust weak points so blue prints never drop.
Yeah the story in this game is full blown retard. I'm at Rank C and the plot literally hasn't moved beyond "Four is suspicious. Someone is doing shit behind the scenes." It keeps repeating the same beats.
Are there beam rifles/smgs?
Just reached rank A. How many missions does it have? Rank B was very short and if A is as well, I could probably finish the story in this sitting, so I'm wondering if I should stick with it for a few hours more or take a break.
9+ a 3 in 1.
So the tenths mission is the one that leads to the finale, right? Thanks, user.
The last mission might need more than a few tries.
could it be useful for breaking armor or enraging boss to expose weakpoints? as for weakpoints, I've been wondering what are decent weapons for those, I've been using dual SMGs but not sure about rifles, pistols or snipers
There are a couple of laser rifles that are either
>decent fire rate but can't be charged
>slower fire rate but each shot can be charged
>one continuous beam lasting for several seconds that can also be charged up but has to be aimed completely manual
You can still melt weakpoints with it but you have to get extra close. Bosses in co-op missions also don't die in seconds from one guy using the disco laser. The Nightmare in single player is balanced around 1 player who only has equipment that can be found in D rank.
name a more fun weapon than gunfort's laser
>Manual aim
>been farming the rank A free mission for a three slotted left SMG arm for three days now
>still nothing
this is fucking brutal bros
Are decals that you get from scanning the environment map or mission dependant? Many missions take place on the same maps.
definitely map
they dont go away or change if you play different missions
Blueprint for Bolt β never ever.
Is the "your body will change drastically" shit on lab modifications actually important to story or just flavour?
Also how the fuck do i get more blueprints? I got shield one first try but nothing else
They add more stats depending on the upgrade you get, either to you (Outer) or your Arsenal. They also have different cosmetics, so if you just want them for cosmetic purposes you should turn off auto save, save, and try them out to see which ones you want.
I believe you have to destroy immortal weakpoints for a chance of getting one. But that's just what people say so I don't know if that's true or not.
So only cosmetics, no story importance? This warning is too suspicious
>destroy immortal weakpoints
It's when the weakpoint fucking blows up? I have field day on that dumb plane and nothing happens, are all of them have to be destroyed?
As far as I've seen no.
I think the warning is just for the people who get really attached to their customized characters.
I had to reload a save and pick a different torso augment, this one scares me.
all the torsos look like shit, which is why I never got them.
same goes for the final head upgrades
I like this one, so I went with this.
What is the purpose of gun arms? How are they better than taking normal arm and equivalent weapon?
No reloading animations. However, cannon arms and shotgun arms still have cooldowns
So it's a trade of no reload for not being able to wield anything in that hand?
I finally got it this morning but now I kind of miss how comfy Bolt was to farm.
holding down Garuda II + two of any machine gun or assault rifle for a mess of numbers on your screen.
>jet under Gunfort
>hold down Garuda and Silver Ravens
Man that's satisfying.
So that's why they're called Immortal Innocence
I don't know what to spend my money on anymore. It's honestly the only reason why I'm okay with respeccing costing 1.5 million credits.
What are the best music tracks in this game?
>play defend the factory in C
>get 4/3 blown up helicopters despite two flying away with no one close
>diablo supposedly dies and gets stuck in floor as i have zero other explanation why did i get a blue triangle on the map with him being blown up and nothing in that point
>have to solo both annoying cunts
what is wrong with this game
Why does my head believe those games happen in the same universe, with Astral Chain happening in the Ark while down on earth people are struggling for survival with mechs and shit?
>fight all of Immortal Innocence at once
>they all scream and cry and are extremely being dramatic as each one "dies"
At the time I didn't know why they're being so dramatic since every pilot I've shot down just comes back acting all buddy buddy, but now I know and i feel bad. Wish the game gave me options instead of just following orders like a good dog.
Based Savior's theme.
I like the mission briefing music.
What co-op mission(s) should I do if I want a lot of module drops ?
Sounds like a TV news music
For anyone who's interested, Playasia is taking pre-orders for the OST
Garuda 2 is still good? I thought Wrath of God was still better.
Is the coop forced like the guild quests on monster hunter? If they are do they scale or do you get AI if you go alone?
You can have AI with you if you go alone, but they're useless at actually fighting anything and exist purely to take fire for you
pls answer
can i chain eat ice cream until secret factory unlocks or eating is once per mission?
once per mission
I've seen people say both that spamming worked and that it didn't work
Because they are both action games that came out very recently and have a pretty similar artstyle, at least at first glance
Alright lads, I need your help.
What is the meta strategy to consistently farm Investigate Solomon? He's too fast for me, I can't hold him down.
This. The assault rifle sounds like a fucking pea shooter.
Garuda II is my fuck it weapon, i use it for assholes like Regret or Solomon
you can spam it, 20 in a row
it was actually worse in the prototype demo
the ps3 AC games had gun sound effects on point
This game online reminds me more of pso than armored core (and that's a good thing)
colossal immortals drop the best modules
is there one that drops better modules than other ?
It's the best option user. 2nd largest lock on area, top 5 lock on range, 6000 durability... The other heads struggle to compete.
I prefer my Atlas
no, they each have a specific list of drops for modules. rebellion drops a lot of melee related ones, gunfort drops laser and bullet related mods, etc.
Gunfort and Bolt.
I also use Atlas but only for PvE
Once versus is in there's no excuse not to use meta head and meta chest
Good to know, thanks
Gunfort Drops Laser and Bullets
Rebellion Drops Melee
Bolt Drops Protection
What exactly does larger/smaller aiming reticle do?
Same, I use it just for the style.
any idea which one drops armgun modifiers?
i really dont want to have to farm that one rebellion free mission for them :(
makes it easier to aim since all you have to do is keep them in the reticle to continue firing at them
if you're fighting in close range it's necessary to have a wide lockbox so that the slightest movement doesn't break your lock
Farm Five Hells I, Abyss has them
From my experience, destroying 1 weak point = 1 drop, either a mod or rarely BP.
The later MP bosses have hilariously tough weak points; if the team isnt focusing on one the boss will die before a weak point explodes. And then its another lootless go.
How do I get attachments to drop for Dominator or Eclipse?
Daddy needs Special upgrade augments.
oh so i get bukkake of mods just because of real lucklet hours and if i keep going it will be a BP someday? Where is even the weak spot on the train thing?
On top and in front of its "face"
So I should be destroying Nightmare's wings if I want to get it's blueprint?
>need a 3 slot arm, look up the h mission, get it on the second try
>Need a blueprint, boss drops it on the second try
I'm going to get raped farming for a three slot sword aren't I? I got so lucky.
Thank you user.
Pretty sure it's not just wings, the booster parts open up eventually and you see those red coil looking things previous boss had on its bottom. those are that needs to be nuked the fuck up
You're done
So have we heard anything from the devs? Sale numbers? Dates for future updates, anything? It it takes more than a month for pvp I don't know if we will still be around, which is a shame because I want this game to succeed. I don't think I'll have a single thing left to do by this time next week, and I'm not even a NEET either so I know there's es people no-lifeing the game way harder than me. I've got 30 hours played or so.
Pandora's Box > Garuda
I don't understand what you mean by this post. Done farming? No I'm not, I still need the sword. Done with what? The game? Am I done because something bad will happen to me?
Do you know something I don't?
I can barely scratch the final boss, help wtf
Go full blades, one femto, one with multiple attacks
What's the name of the disco ball and where do I find it?
You're done, boy
Deadly Drive, it's from Nightmare
How is the pvp and co-op? I'm debating whether to wait a while to pick this up, or stick with 4a.
Famitsu sales are out, it did 28k over 2 days. It's currently number 1 best seller on the Nintendo eShop in Japan.
non-existent, for now
monster hunter with mechs
Currently nonexistent
it's alright
PVP isn't in yet and co-op is really only meant for farming equipment/modifiers very quickly. Like, most fights will be over within 3 minutes, some fights even earlier.
How do I unlock the co-op mission for Solomon?
Do 3 slotted immortal armor/weapons exist? Or are they all just one slotted?
Beat all the other missions or join someone hosting the lobby
I had to beat all the other online missions first.
I can host a lobby for it now if you want, currently doing it solo
I hope pvp turns out alright, but I'm a bit disappointed the co-op sounds really basic. Maybe they will add more to it down the line.
Man do you know what boss drops Special modules ?
maybe they can rebalance some of the immortals, i really doubt were supposed to kill immortals so quickly that you dont even destroy any of their weakparts, which means no drops