ITT: What's your favorite hack and slash game, and why is it Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
ITT: What's your favorite hack and slash game, and why is it Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
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because it doesn't overwhelm me with a bunch of weird combos or weapons or styles and it lets me be EPIC with quick time events!!!
short and fun
Because of the memes.
For me, it's Ninja Gaiden Black, Shinobi, DMC1, and W101.
The combat maybe simple but the bosses are fun as hell, the music kicks arse and the characters are enjoyable to watch.
I prefer the Jetstream Sam fight over the final boss though.
If any game deserved a remaster this gen is was revengeance, if any game deserves a sequel its revengeance.
it cuts out all the bullshit and gives you the good stuff
fucking true
e3 version had really nice gore.
Fuck it's the best action game there is
Why is there so much S O U L here?
MGR is B-tier at best
it's worse than Bayo, NGB, NG2, DMC3/4/5, God Hand, even Shinobi, although I'd have that in B-tier as well
It's NG2
Show me a good time, Jack!
>God Hand
>hack and slash
challenge: name a memorable DMC boss fight that's not Vergil
protip: you can't
Nightmare, Cerberus, Credo
There's no reasoning with MGRfags. It's babby's first action game for a reason.
damn i cant
You can still play the original on Xbox One
It reminds me of the good old days
Threadly reminder that Armstrong was right
cerberus, time stop horse, jackie chan fuck
libertarians couldn't be more wrong if they tried
My favorites in the genre
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>The Wonderful 101
>Metal Gear Rising
That's wrong, though. MGR has a ton of bullshit that could've been cut.
Nelo Angelo
Phantom, Credo, Cerberus, Cavaliere Angelo, Mundus
The Savior for the wrong reasons
>b-but what about my NEETbux
fuck off leech
It doesn’t overstay its welcome. It wears its premise on its sleeve and executes the premise flawlessly before bowing out with a final boss that by all conventional narrative logic shouldn’t work but wins the player over with how well the villain and his fight are executed. Absolutely unforgettable.
Agni and Rudra
Armstrong was armwrong.
>muh markets
This post reeks of reddit.
u reek of gay
it's literally the exact same genre but with slightly different attack ranges and different animations/visuals
"hack and slash" and "beat 'em up" are the two, only stupid genre names in the English language
Because I replied to your post, fag.
>DmC Devil May Cry gets a redesigned and remastered edition and MGR doesn't
wasn't my post
you're high bitch nigga the game is short as fuck
Just because it's short doesnt mean there's no filler.
You can cut just about anything in the game though, except in place buildings.
This makes no sense. You don't know what that means.
DmC is actually a better game than MGR, contrary to popular belief.
How did you know?
The "stealth" sections, anything involving that stupid spic kid, the missions where the boss is the loader.
Why some people don't call them hack n' slash but character action game?
Because they're faggots who want to have their made up term used. Like how "Soulsborne" became a thing
Isn't that kinda on par with all the other MGS games though?
I had a much better experience with MGR than DMC1 or 4.
Not for the good ones.
There are character action games where you shoot guns instead, hack n' slash doesn't include games like Vanquish.
Probably because you have questionable taste in action games, seems more like you want the game to tell/show you what what's cool instead of doing it yourself.
So you mean anytime it slows down a little you don't like cause you're a tard. Filler refers to segments in anime that have nothing to do with the canon in the manga it's being translated from. Doesn't make sense here.
>Anime invented the term "filler"
The absolute state of MGR fans
maybe in terms of gameplay, but absolutely not a better game overall. can't argue about overall combat being better in DmC, but DmC combat is still shit compared to any other Devil May Cry series game
DmC took a successful franchise and made a bad spin off, MGR took a successful franchise and made a game people still remember and enjoy 6 years after it was released.
of all the Devil May Cry series, DmC has the least relateable or memorable characters and boss fights. that's why MGR will always be better than DmC
It might just be my autism but I see hack and slash, character action, and beat 'em up as separate sub-genres.
Does the game have long combo attacks, lots of weak enemies, long levels, and an emphasis on mobility and crowd control to survive multiple threats instead of a singular boss? It's a hack and slash.
Does the game have unique mechanics like qtes and alternate gameplay segments, the ability to switch between ranged and melee gameplay, and an emphasis on using a variety of attacks to fit the situation? It's character action.
Does the game have a focus on proper spacing and timing of hits, temporary powerups, difficult bosses, and an emphasis on good fundamental play over flashy combos? It's a beat 'em up.
MGR is more satisfying to play.
Uhm that's a stylish character action game dude
DmC has its charms, but it is too easily cheesed and has terrible bosses. MGR is more shallow in many ways but allows for really difficult strategies like setting up enemies to all be defeated with a single parry.
And the story/style is way better in MGR. Weird that a bunch of Japs made a far better English script than actual Westerners hired specifically because they're supposed to make good stories. DmC is a dumb game that pretends to be deep, MGR is a deep game that pretends to be dumb.
DMC1 is a classic that still holds up today, only contrarians hate it.
Played it yesterday. once you get into the rhythm and can counter parry everything it gets too easy.
Because no other games have characters or action at the same time
hack and slash? what's that
>MGR is a deep game
Alright hold the fuck up, DmC is stupid but don't pretend like MGR is more than a couple steps up the ladder from it. The difference between the two is that MGR embraces the edge while DmC pretends there's something more to it besides edge.
Nah MGR is just a better package. Has a better story, villain, bosses, music, etc. DMC's drab medieval edge gets old fast.
>literally predicted the future of American politics
and yet even mgr is better than astral chain
It's not that. It had a lot of cool mechanics I'd love to see used and maybe polished a bit more in the sequel but that game has like two actual good levels to play through while the rest the only thing that keeps you going are the boss fights.
hack and slash is right up a zoomers alley with its brainless fast and flashy gameplay.
i have to go with god of war 2. peak
Same here. I can acknowledge that 4 is the better game but MGR is so much more enjoyable than both of those. I'd even put it roughly on par with 3 in terms of sheer enjoyment.
0/10 too obvious but you'll fool someone
This, but unironically.
I can give you story because outside of DMC3, the series doesn't really offer much for the story nor care to. The story is just a means to push the action along. You're absolutely wrong about the rest and your opinions sound like you place action games once and then move on
Fuck that, Legend of Korra is better than all of them.
if it had better enemy types then yes.
firebending has no right being that satisfying.
>game pretty much discontinued from a platform
>better than anything
DMC3 SE, Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma and DMC5 for me.
>hurr I never played is so it doesn't exist
Next you'll tell me Wolfenstein 09 is worse than TNO and TNC
You are correct user, don’t take the bait
>better than anything
>shilling a shitty action game
>shilling a shitty action game based on a bad spin-off
>shilling a shitty action game based on a bad spin-off that was so bad the publishers couldn't be bothered to renew the license
> One of the most breath taking and exiting OST in all of gaming
> Amazingly fun combat that isn't hair-pulling complicated but still in-depth enough
> Fun story with some of the most memorable characters in the history of games
Is there a more kino game?
>implying anyone at Activision can actually judge the quality of a video game
>he thinks DMC combat is complicated
No wonder we get shit like automata and astral chain now
you may not like it but this is the best action game ever made
MGR has clear and concise themes of freedom, the characters are all distinct and people still debate to this day whether Armstrong was actually right or not. Nobody does this to DmC and nobody cares about DmC's themes.
It's was always at least three ladder steps above DmC story wise.
I'd say a bunch of TES games are more kino
Doesnt make MGR any less than " kino as fuck " though
It’s the worst action game I can think of and one of the only two games to make me actually upset and completely uninstall it on the spot.
The other being Yoshis New Island.
Whenever I play a new Metal Gear game, I always set the difficulty to the highest (not European extreme), and when I did for MGR, it was a nightmare.
First boss took an eternity because of artificial health and when I got down to 1/4th health it auto pushed me into a qte that insta-killed it.
Which left a terrible taste in my mouth. After fighting a couple more bosses and realizing just how tedious but easy the game was I couldn’t fucking deal with it.
Y’all only like it for memes and because it’s so easy.
Shitposting for (you)s isn't a debate. I can say Hitler was wrong or I can say Hitler was right, but I'm always going to say whichever gets me the most replies because that's how Yea Forums works.
Ninja Gaiden 3: RE
>artificial health
learn to perfect parry
>plays on hardest difficulty available first in a platinum action game which is designed to be replayed
You're retarded,
Still makes more discussion by itself than anything about DmC, aside from shitting on the game itself.
How the fuck do we not have a sequel yet?
Maybe dont be a retard and imediatelly go for the highest difficulty
The first boss can be taken down in 30 seconds
You dont need to perfect parry MG ray
Any block grants you a fuckton of damage
You’re literally retarded
damn she is hot fo dayz
The hardest version of RAY can be S-ranked easy if you know what you're doing
like everyone in this thread i had fun playing both games/franchises
That's the correct way to play, though. You don't start on easy
There is nothing else to tell about, other than the wacky shit like mexican kid becoming the main character or sam surviving and going full cyborg.
>its tedious
>its so easy but I had a hard time
Then start on very hard and not reveangence.
I'm not the one saying MGR is good because it doesn't have DMC's "complicated" combat
I havent touched MGR in years but pretty sure it's only hard when you first start. The other two have to be unlocked
>mfw all the shitty streamers arrive at hard difficulty armstrong without nanopaste
Very hard is harder than revengeance because you cant delete everything by parrying.
Truly doesn’t need a sequel. MGR is the true MGS5
You can delete anything that way on any difficult though?
>First boss took an eternity because of artificial health
>literally uninstalling a game because you failed to understand the tutorial
even on the highest difficulties (which cannot be selected from the start, you were playing on hard mode, not vh or revengeance) he can be easily beaten in under a minute because you are supposed to PARRY his attacks to deal damage, not wail on his legs for ages like a retard.
He didn’t say it was good because it doesn’t have complex combat. He simply stated the combat is deep enough without being overly complicated
Only revengeance has retarded damage multiplier on counter-attack
>can only pick normal at first
>that filename
Titan Quest because it's fun and I like the setting
MGR:R isn't a hack and slash game and has literally none of the hallmarks of the genre
>parry everything
I guess
MGR does have a load of combos though
It does everything right and doesn’t outstay it’s welcome. A blast from start to finish.
>triangle to jump
>first person swimming segments
>more Resident Evil than action game
>combat design is dated as fuck
>annoying bosses aside from Angelo
there is literally no reason aside from being a contrarian to put it over 3 or 5
>hack and slash
Do you slash hacks on those games? Can you slash Kojima?
The only potential negative you listed is the swimming. The rest is either nitpicks or false, I replayed DMC1-4 earlier this year and 1 was still as good as it was back in 2001.
>as good as it was back in 2001.
which shouldn't mean jack shit when DMC3 and Ninja Gaiden came out and upped the quality of the genre into a different universe
I'm sure Rising Zan is as good as it was in 1999 which is exactly why I wouldn't want to play it today
>not as good as 3/5 = bad
fucking stupid wojakposter
Revengeance difficulty can be beaten by absolute luck for everything in the game just because parries do so much more damage, "deleting anything" with parries on VH requires landing parries over and over for the larger enemies while on revengeance landing a single parry in ripper mode will take an enormous chunk out of even a bosses health.
The double GRAD fight is probably the best example, on VH its a fucking nightmare while revengeance is landing like two parries immediately and turning it into a regular 1 on 1.
Excelsus was harder than Armstrong though
not true
Rising Zan was always shit. DMC3 made your combos flashier while the rest of the game took small hits failing to exactly replicate DMC1's design and atmosphere. The core remained exactly the same, and to be fair, DMC1 is the way it is because it was supposed to be the original RE4. There's no way to recapture that feeling of dread as you navigate the castle grounds even through you're a superhuman demon hunter. The only true innovation DMC3 had was the inclusion of the style meter so players could accurately gauge how well they were doing.