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Other urls found in this thread:




>kicked for toxicity




reminder that the anzacs are the best faction, all burgers and ricemen can fuck off

Attached: aussieflamethrower.png (1246x1488, 594K)

shitty choppers

GTFO you aussie nonce, ARVN is based and redpilled

All their maps are shit though

dựa trên

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you're playing the worse of the two, come back, brother.

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Remember to play on Mega Server!

>playing on [40-1] servers

>admins bitch at you even at the most innocent jokes

RS2 has some great moments but it's mostly buggy shite with bugs not fixed since RO2

Not even, I've been kicked for toxicity from RD, CoffeeHouse, FFO

It's surprising how many faggots have such thin skins in a fucking vietnam war game

MP games weren't like this back than. wtf happened?

Faggots raised in sheltered environments grew old enough to infest the internet.

There's literally nothing stopping you from hosting your own server where people are free to be racist shitheads.

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I've never been kicked from a server, I don't know what you guys are doing. I play on the low ping east coast servers like 29ID or something.

Bloodbath and Chicago are pretty chill

The fuck are you on about? Stop making your inferiority complex so evident.

They absolutely were. Since the original Red Orchestra mod for Unreal Tournament 2Kwhatever, they have banned people for curse words and especially for being racist little twats.


Why is having fun badwrong to you? Engrish NLF players are the funniest shit to fight. You hear them from the bushes since the game has 3D sound.

nope u lyin

Post your dudes.

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The opening weeks in this game where fucking terrible for mic spam. Just constant shitty REEEing at the top of lung, shitty /pol/ voice clips etc etc and then you hear the voice of the player behind the spam and they have a squeeky 15 yo voice. Fuck im glad theyve moved on.

I just make all my guys black and as covered up as possible.

Makes hiding in the bushes easier, which is also why Americans are better than Aussies

That's no fun.

I find the negros stick out plenty in the game. Good for a liver shot from my sks.

what kind of limp-wristed faggot are you

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don't cover up if your black.

this game is garbage

>covered up as possible
We have very different perspectives on what works, then.

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Don't worry user, you're almost half-way there to 99

Once I got to 75 I honestly got bored, I haven't played half as much as I did since the game came out, now I mostly play on the double XP weekends as bad as that sounds.

The only reliable time to play to get XP desu. The grind is fucking painful.

Dawn of Tet would like a word with you

>level 79 is 18k total XP
>level 99 is 52k total XP

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Don't post if you've never actually played the game.


Is that a custom map or something?

Yeah, it has zip lines

>custom maps
no thanks


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How much experience does it take to get from 80 to 99, user?
I know math is hard for you, but you probably used the megaserver to get that level anyways so you're not the brightest.

>Once I got to 75 I honestly got bored, I haven't played half as much as I did since the game came out
this 2bh except I don't play it at all now, I never did get the point of chasing levels/ranks

So you can get a bitchin' non-la

>GAM released
>completely fucked the damage models
>they finally fixed it
>barely anyone plays it anymore
What a shame

>first google result for GAM is a thread calling it a scam
that's what you get for shilling 15 bucks for a shitty cashgrab
you got everything you deserved

More than it takes to get from 0-80, which is what I was pointing out. I got to level 99 completely legit, by the way.


>More than it takes to get from 0-80
You're wrong. Thanks for proving how stupid you are to everyone.

I never did understand having to grind to get the most basic piece of headwear imaginable

(that's Chinese for "go eat a dog slant eyes")

I don't understand why they don't just let you buy it


if you bought GAM you're what's wrong with, and killing this game

What is GAM?

ching chong bing bong ling long sushi = take that nigga rice

Green Army Men, a soulless cashgrab capitalizing off a mod created for the game.

he did nothing wrong

i'd post mine, but its saying i cant post images from my isp
my character is Kazuhira Miller

Bushranger is the best helicopter in the game shut up

Attached: bushranger.jpg (640x461, 59K)

TW/AM turned real jewy towards the end of RS2's life, hell even their early skinpacks were awful despite being more expensive than the base game

GAM was the worst

All the shotguns are kino. I've gotten 91 meter kill with the double barrel using buckshot. And I've gotten a 61 meter kill with the pump. And it isn't that I try to use them in longer ranges. I definitely get in close and try to use smoke grenades for my team. But having the option to actually fight enemies more than 5 feet away makes those classes fun.

I never actually got around to playing GAM even when it first came out, it looked fun, but then when it was re-released I couldn't believe what I was reading about it real scummy

I really like the Sandbox map

I love the shotguns, but I still don't understand why anyone would want to use the birdshot. Beyond 30 meters it'll cause people to bleed so you might as well just have the sawed-off for maximum kill


Sorry pal I don't wanna smell like piss 24/7

youre not a real man unless you have slug fest


>it's another bug men fail to defend resort episode

I do, and it was fun rolling with the coach gun.

Attached: SLUGG.png (928x67, 16K)

Vietcong is unironically the most fun to play. Placing traps and shooting down heli's is a lot of fun

good man

Watched the whole thing and its kino. It put the war into an entire different perspective for me.

>it's a "no one on the american team knows how to fly a helicopter" episode
>vietnamese get so bored we form mosin nagant firing lines on the beach

Probably the most fun I had on that map

It isn't birdshot. It's like #3 buckshot or #4 buckshot. It has a denser pattern but slightly smaller pellets. Since pretty much all guns are generally lethal, all ammo options are going to pretty much be one shot kills. It is what I get the 60+ meter kills with. I almost wonder why you would use 00 buckshot in this game for the pump action.

I like that you can choose to go half buckshot and half slugs with the double barrel.

>commander calls arty on point right as smokes go up for a big push
>It's chu chi's foxtrot point
>commander calls us all garbage

Fucking 18 round ARs, I can see why there's stories of GIs picking up AKs. Yeah no recoil is nice but you are out of ammo in one second of burst fire. I honestly wish I could rock the M2 carbine as a general GI Army/USMC because of it.

I got banned for calling a guy calling us basedboys a nigger

Holy fuck I hate it when bad commanders do this, at least put it behind the point it's literal common sense that if you want to get rid of enemies on a point you either hold your team back and put it directly on the point, or you call it in behind it to suppress their reinforcements so that your team can move in.

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>playing resort

Probably the worst custom map made in a FPS game. And I've played a pantheon of shitty Source maps

Resort is a shit map but I can't help to love it just because of the helicopter landing section. I love being with other good pilots because it's extremely satisfying to land together and overwhelm the enemy team.

>Announcement says they added 4 new weapons
>Get excited and look at patch notes
>It's only for GAM
What the fuck is this

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I'm salty they I had already been subscribed to the free workshop version and all of those maps for months before they took it out of my hands and slapped a price tag on what is basically just a reskin of the soldiers. Hell, the "DLC" is twice the price of the base game itself if you buy the base game somewhere besides Steam.

Resort is unironically maximum fun when you can sit on a DShK and hose down every helicopter that even thinks of approaching the beach. There's a DShK in the rear, behind the beach trenches, that you can also sit on to catch anyone who thinks they're being clever by trying to land people on the flanks.


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>Want to play Sniper
>Within a second the class gets filled
>Snipers get less than 10 kills entire match

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>Squad leader doesn't put down a tunnel
>Squad leaders don't use smokes.
>lockdown at point alpha
>No tickets left, last guy alive on team is a sniper with his pistol out hiding in a bush doin nothing

Anyone have some claymore tips? They are pretty hard to use effectively

I hardly ever go it because I can't fucking figure out a good spot. I feel like I get the BF glint on my glass for how much the minute I set up somewhere I get hosed.

I wish I knew. the clumsy way of activating them and how quick people can dome you makes it feel like an utter waste. The only thing I can think of is put it somewhere you expect the enemy to go and then just blind fire and hope it works. Like in front of a building you are holding.

Pretty sure sniper is the filter class for bad players. I would say 95% of engagements happen within 150 meters, and that is probably being generous. No need for a scope.

You're only solution is getting a faster computer, though.
It's only useful on defense. Put it near the objective, it has really good blast radius. The nice thing is it stays up even if you die, so you don't have to keep placing it. So early on put them at a funnel and be aware when they are pushing that area. Think of it more as c4 than how its normally portrayed as a trip mine.

Snipers are only useful when they hang on a flank far out and kill the ones running into the point from behind.

This computer is past due for an upgrade, hoping to do that soon. For now, Hue City will be my nightmare.
Yeah, on certain maps I'll do that if there are bushes large enough to hide in. Most of the time they just run right past me.

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>Sneak around for tunnels
>Find one
>Place it down facing the tunnel
>Wait for a spawn

Here goes the worst

>Squad leaders being the first in every. fucking. time.
>into punji traps/frag nade traps

I wonder what this ugly son of a bitch is doing right now

Pick a point, go to the enemy's side of the point, plant a claymore in one place and watch another route nearby. See a guy? Shoot him. Point gets contested? Blow it up. It's a crapshoot weapon.

not playing this shitty game that's for sure

>looking forward to playing some RS2
>server I now almost always play on is almost empty
Well fuck...

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why did the aussies fight in vietnam anyways?

He was fighting on point so he's already better than 90% of this games player base

Just play in the GookNukem server


Because we asked them to nicely! :)

416 is my area code. what did she mean by this.

Havent played in a while till this thread, easy to forget how intense the game is.

>playing as VC
>someone on the mic: cmon everyone charge!
>everyone else on their mics: yaaaaaaaaa
that half assed yell always gets me

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Attached: burger beater.webm (960x540, 2.68M)

winnie the pooh

Why does this game run so poorly? I played it for awhile several months back, but the frame lag just got out of hand even on the lowest graphics settings

imagine being as fucking retarded as those guys

>he didnt cheat to level 95 when the game launched

fuck i WISH

I rember the old rising storm playing as Japanese when chip chiperson would orchestrate massive banzai charges and 20+ people would all yell TENNO HEKAI BANZAI!!! and charge into a point. And on the reverse side of that playing as American and seeing 30 screaming Japanese people running at you full speed through smoke. Shit was terrifying and couldn't aim for shit cause the screen would shake so much.

Those boring Hollywood games are for trannies.

I don't have to imagine

Attached: chopper.webm (960x540, 1.84M)

t. codfag

Banzai was legit OP but so few people seemed to actually utilized it.

This game really punishes people who do not have good map awareness. I love it.



I too don't get it. Not many people see want to buy GAM on it's own so what's the point of working on it


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She wants sum funk

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Can we all agree that M16 with the handle bar is aesthetic as fuck?

kill yourself shitskin

How so? Just finished it myself and I'd like to know it affected your perspective.

It's fucking stupid that the cosmetics are level-based at all, especially since basic stuff like a flak jacket is locked to level 40 or something. It should have either had everything unlocked from the start or use a point system where you redeem points for cosmetics like in Insurgency Sandstorm.

>138 posts
>still no fortunate son

Wanted to exterminate communist gooks.

last one

Attached: gook fucking grenade jumps at me and kills my teammate.webm (960x540, 3M)

Ho Chi Minh was ultimately in the right

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Reinstating France as a world power was a mistake after WW2.

Did you just make this?
>France *white flags* we're pull out zis iz your mess now USA

kinda right

Nah I've seen that before on /his/. 100% true though fuck France.

They were there before the US actually... They had some experience fighting Jungle warfare so France and then Vietnam kept them on to help train and fight Commies.

Thoughts on 83?


its funny becuase he actually didnt and you still read it that way in your head

based and FUCK FRANCEpilled

the poor fuck had to suck stallins cock and put a bunch of backstabbing ideological unterchinks just to have a chance on his own nations independence

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>call in an arty strike
>suddenly got 3 achievements
I wish my autism didnt make using the mic such a chore, commander is alot more fun when people are willing to get into it with you

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I hope it turns out well but I think they are making some rather odd choices. Like they posted in image of a late-model Bren for the British and those were phased out for the L7 GPMG long before 1983. Doesn't feel like it fits the setting very well.

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Is there anything worse than a commander without a mic? I guess a commander that doesn't ask SL to correct marks or warn of strikes, or puts strikes directly on points.

>Doesn't feel like it fits the setting very well.
I believe the setting is based on the 1983 incident where a Soviet listening post reported a US ballistic missile launch. So any guns available may be on the table given this is a theoretical conflict where it's uncertain if a nuclear exchange took place.

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Where is Antimatter Games based?

the UK I'm pretty sure

Britain still had plenty of L4 Brens in reserve but presumably the British troops will be based off of the BAOR, which had the latest equipment.
It's just a minor nitpick really but I can't help but find it a little strange. Also I think its odd that (presumably the first but not only) NATO force will be the British, not the US or West Germany.

The US and West Germany may no longer exist in the setting.

Hardcore Gaming vs Bloodbath, who has the better server?

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I prefer bloodbath for the Bantz and also because I can mic spam my shitty YAAA and GI GO HOME without being banned and or kicked

Don't take my word with any weight. I haven't heard anything regarding the deeper nature of the game premise. I just know about the 1983 incident. It could easily be a situation where the Soviet listening post reported the launch, the US detected a launch, and it was the US that held back and was absolutely fucking annihilated by Soviet nuclear weapons.

Wait... are the guys in the trailer supposed to be British? Why are they using FALs instead of L1A1s then?

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I hope they include vehicles and tanks in the game

Shrimp dick Asian detected.

but can you play as Space Vlad?


One of the best documentaries ive seen, was very neat seeing maps in RS2 that were visually similar and named the same as the irl counterparts

GAM is cool, they just killed it by botching the release