What's the best radio station?

What's the best radio station?

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Worst radio of any GTA. Only a fanboy would deny it.

Literally zero good songs in GTA 5. The few songs that were good and happened to be in GTA 5, are no longer good just by virtue of being in a game as dogshit as GTA 5.


None. It has one of the weakest radio stations in the series.

Non Stop Pop FM

Los Santos Rock Radio
>virtually every song is a classic
>each is a classic rock anthem
>Kenny Loggins as host
Not really a dad-rock fan but there were a fair few good tracks. I only rate it highest since its the most consistent in decent quality songs, every other station is ruined by intolerable crap.
Like others have said, best station in GTAV is worse than every other station in every other entry.

the one with the song high pressure dave on it, it's my favorite radio song from V

This. Mid 90s dance music is the shit.

>best station in GTAV is worse than every other station in every other entry.
Nothing can be worse than Radio San Juan.

Best Radio station in the series right here

Attached: TheJourney.png (500x250, 11K)

>best station in GTAV is worse than every other station in every other entry.
I literally can't remember a single station from GTA IV, they might be worse than GTA V


thats a song from the band that did the mp3 soundtrack, really talented


Rebel Radio, easily.
>Whiskey River
>D I V O R C E
>You Took All The Ramblin Outta Me
>It Don't Hurt Anymore
>Aint Living Long Like This
>The General Lee
>It Wont Be Long And I'll Be Hating You
>She Made Toothpicks of the Timber of My Heart
Tons of great songs, but the station is still not as good as K-Rose which will forever be the god tier standard of GTA radios. Its a shame all the other stations in GTA V are kinda forgettable. After Rebel Radio the second best is the one with Kenny Loggings as a host, while the third best one is East Los FM. This is an objective fact and you literally cannot dispute it.

Attached: vvv.jpg (690x388, 202K)

It’s not bad at all, it just suffers from not being a period piece, so it wouldn’t make sense to have the God Tier stations like VC and SA had. IV has some extremely charming stations like the New York hardcore one hosted by Jimmy from Murphy’s Law, the whacky Russian one, the world music and the acid jazz one that plays nautilus. There’s no reason the hip hop stations and modern pop aren’t S rank though. Besides the niche stuff I think V’s is better.

Kind of retarded desu, that’s like saying the few good cars in IV are no longer good by virtue that in IV they drive like boats.

GTA5 is shit but Vinewood Boulevard Radio

Custom Radio


No good talk radio like VC but this soundtrack is better than GTAIV

LCHC hosted by a real Hardcore punk legend Jimmy Gestapo
Classics hosted by DJ Premier
Fusion Fm hosted by Roy Ayers
If99 hosted by femi kuti
Massive B sound system with Bobby Konders and JABBA
Radio Broker
the journey
Ram Jam
The Karl Lagerfeld station
Vice City radio
All the current era shit
IV has the best actual music of any of the games. Maybe I’m biased because I’m from New York and many of these guys are NYC personalities and legends.


Shit blew my mind when I heard Phillip Glass on there. IV’s radio is God tier.

FlyLo is pretty good.

Bit upset no one has mentioned Radio Soulwax desu. I love 2 Many Djs

This. LS Rock Radio is a very close second.

Sucks that it only has like five songs

I never lisen radio in GTA V, but i really liked radio in GTA IV.

Radio los santos

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WCC, Channel X, SoulWax, Flylo fm, WW fm


Journey is great.

Attached: fucktrevorlmao.jpg (779x371, 46K)

I liked it more than K Rose, Highwayman alone is pure gold, I would stop anything I do and just sit in the car until it ends.
GTA IV music selection was shit until expansions improved it.

Unironically this.

Non-Stop Pop FM

Soulwax is definitely my 4* hot pursuit jam.
Rebel Country was my shenaneghans in the sticks music.
West Coast Classics was my Los Santos drive by music.
And FlyLo was the default.

> Half the radio stations are just nigger music.

And. It. Hurts. With. Ev-er-y heartbeat

80% of the GTA fanbase are 13 year old Creaturas, what did you expect?

deadmau5 radio from china town wars

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Good radio stations all around
God I wish they'd drop 6 already. 5 is old as shit