The government should regulate vidya because

>the government should regulate vidya because...

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Other urls found in this thread:

...the independent entities tasked with ding so are not and microtransactions are ruining games

Then dont fucking buy games with microtransactions you statecuck

Voting with your wallet doesn't work when you effectively do not hold any purchasing power.

The "whale" customers are the target, the makers of the game don't care how many people who weren't going to utilize the microtransactions in the first place don't buy the game as long as some still do to keep it populated.

>the corporations should regulate my entire life

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Letting the market be completely unregulated has constantly harmed me to no end, from companies lying and getting away with thievery, to letting whales dictate the path of game design, and even fraudulent EULAs that turn games into services that you don't even own.

all these people advocating against government intervention unironically have no problem with any of the above, so screw em.'s a business industry.


The buy games not aimed at whales, cunt

Doesn't work when they plan on making every game aimed at whales. I'd rather destroy those games and push whales out of the industry.

You can boycott a company, you cant boycott the government

Is every game aimed at the same audience? No

you can boycott the goverment dipshit, just because your too pussy to stand upto big brother doesnt mean everyone else is too

This, also you can start your own corporations

Ladies and gentlemen, the current generation mindset

Another episode where Yea Forums defends corporate bullshit

>thinking there's going to be any way to get rid of the industry's biggest spenders without resorting to another video game crash
Good luck buddy

...because games have been riddled with predatory practices and it's the job of the government to protect its citizens from deception and abuse?


Stop going to buildings with asbestos in them then

Don’t buy them then

No, but there is a whale in every audience.

how can i when almost EVERY building ever made has asbestos in them? its like saying stop browsing the parts of Yea Forums that has no shitposting

>Your street is riddled with homeless people on opioids? Just don't buy drugs then retard lol problem solved

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Make your own buildings and start a boycott

fuck no im not building more housing for smelly NEETs

>housing for smelly neets
Nice self burn

milton friedman was a con-artist and a retard

If Yea Forums is any indication it should regulate the industry to keep stupid people from sending their neetbux overseas

project harder kike

>NO U!!

You can vote them out.

Voting is for cucks

Sounds like it would suit you, then.

>government regulates drugs and alcohol, which, when abused, cause severe mental problems

Yea Forums doesn't care

>government regulates video games, which, when abused, cause severe mental problems


IMAGINE thinking your vote matters

Again, the whales still buy them, I do not hold any purchasing power. Whether I buy the game is irrelevant, I'm not the target customer.

At specific intervals and only binary choices

you can mail a bomb to both

>refuse to pay company
>nothing happens

>refuse to pay government
>get jailed for tax evasion

that is assuming theres a big enough block of voters who care about that particular issue, and even then it would only matter if you win

meanwhile with the free market you have businesses that cater to your specific needs, there are games that market themselves on having no microtrasactions

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Like boycotting a product will be any better. You're choice doesnt matter because other retards are going to whale.

This kills the lolbert.

>government regulates drugs
you mean the "war on drugs" that had costed hundreds of lives and made drug trafficking worse

>and alcohol
you mean like prohibition which made the problem 10 times worse?

>which, when abused, cause severe mental problems

got forbid people deal with the consequences of their own actions

Good analogy desu

Lmao just dont be American retard.

you dont refuse to pay the goverment or corporations you CHOOSE to pay or not pay them
and if you ACTUALLY let ZOGbots jail you for tax you deserve to rot in jail

yeah, i guess i'll just make my own much better games and steal customers from the competition

>countries like chile and rwanda reduce poverty drastically thanks to free market capitalism
>the USA grows rapidly during the Reagan years

>con artist

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>you mean the "war on drugs"

They shouldn't. The fact that gamers™ have no self control isn't the governments problem.

However, I do find the squirming of the executives amusing.

>you dont refuse to pay the goverment or corporations you CHOOSE to pay or not pay them
>and if you ACTUALLY let ZOGbots jail you for tax you deserve to rot in jail

last i checked, McDonalds wont send the McSWAT SQUAD after me if i refuse to buy their stinking burgers

i can choose to not support companies without jumping through hoops to not get caught

>"war on drugs" that had costed
Imagine having such a strong confirmation bias you educate yourself on the fake war on drugs just enough to shitpost but still don't even bother to learn english.

>these shitholes that had literally no goverment for 1000s of years are better off under a modern system than under some african warlords
yeah, shitholes also did better with communism than their older system of nothing, doesnt make communism good now does it?

That looks like Huerta de Soto.

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>yeah, shitholes also did better with communism than their older system of nothing

you mean like ethiopia, which suffered a grueling civil conflict thanks to communism in which 1.5 million people died?

face it statecuck, only capitalism has brought wealth and prosperity consistently to every corner of the world, from africa to asia

Remember when Sweden went full socialist and didn't grow at all for 20 years xD

>yeah, shitholes also did better with communism than their older system of nothing
Worse than non-communist shitholes. Even semi-fascist Spain did better than the Soviet Union.

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>only capitalism has brought wealth and prosperity consistently to every corner of the world, from africa to asia
ah yes, all those shitholes that now have a nice coating of polish, how prosperous!

>reminder that a country filled with sweds didnt progress
yeah we all know

national socialism did better than the US whilst its bankers were killing themsleves en masse

and? most games dont cater to a specific whale

free market capitalism means that for every call of duty marketed towards stupid whales, theres a dusk or amid evil that caters to shooter fans not interested on microtransactions

Video games that rely on microtransactions deserve to be destroyed I don't give a shit about dev/publisher freedom.

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>Even semi-fascist Spain

fun fact, spain adopted free market reforms after the fascist government went backrupt in the late 50s, check the graph and notice the moment it really starts growing

>nazism did better in 1 decade due to completely ignoring foreign treaties and needed war to not collapse

Videogames no (but they already do with age ratings).
Gambling/exploitative microtransactions yes (while they're already regulating games might as well halt the damage mtx shit has been wreaking on the industry).

tl;dr EA, Activision fuck off.

>ah yes, all those shitholes that now have a nice coating of polish, how prosperous!

>people live longer
>have less kids
>new jobs are created
>create new products and services to export abroad and be enjoyed by the entire world

>this is somehow bad

wow you can stop anytime statecuck

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>"n-no stop, please papa government save me from faaaaaaacts!"

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>dat filename
you have to go back

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Don't forget to pay your taxes, user. Each year until you die. There will be repercusions if you don't.

>people live longer
that means they work longer
>less kids
how is that a good thing? (unless they're non white)
>new jobs!!!!
you mean more people to get put into slave labour
>create new products and services for goyim to consume!
yeah nothing says "im not a statecuck" more than being a totally expendable resource!

>economic freedom
>still tied to the central banking system

so if it needed war to not collapse then how come it survived 6 years without war?

6 years is not a long time. Reread my other post

>Doesn't work when they plan on making every game aimed at whales
watch as this never ever EVER happens

>my other post
quote it nigger, we dont have IDs so i cant tell which one is yours!

Yeah, like lack of roads.

>work is bad


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>wageslaving at a shit job for mr shekelsteingoldberg for 60+ years is good

That's right, roads.

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Don’t buy their stuff and there’s no oppression

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you do know the best choice is to start your own business and make others work for you, roght?

Why isnt everyone doing it then?

This thread needs more freedom

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this better be fucking bait

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Government regulation and it’s hard

>start up a workplace
>forced to hire women and niggers
>women say you raped them when they dont get a raise
>niggers call you racist and everyone boycotts your busines when they cant chimp out at work all day
>life ruined

>that means they work longer
Oh wow so you need to work to have money to live? The horror

>how is that a good thing? (unless they're non white)
We are talking about "shitholes" remember? I specifically mentioned chile and rwanda

>you mean more people to get put into slave labour
>can quit

>yeah nothing says "im not a statecuck" more than being a totally expendable resource!
You mean an individual instead of being part of a collective statecuck?

The government should regulate video games because gamers are trapped in an addictive hellscape that rewards them with tiny bursts of dopamine that artificially makes them feel like they're achieving something, when in reality they're just wasting their lives away. There's literally no purpose to have video games be available within our country, and they're just making our lives worse and worse. The internet can get fucked too.

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>lol just make your own network

not all shitholes are non-white and not all non white countries are shitholes, just look at america, its a non white country but far from being a shithole
>being apart of the cuckitalist collective of goyim and goyim cattle is being an individual!!
sure kid, democratic societies dont allow for individuality, your entire being is about consuming and being consumed

> because gamers are trapped in an addictive hellscape that rewards them with tiny bursts of dopamine that artificially makes them feel like they're achieving something, when in reality they're just wasting their lives away
so like smoking, drinking and gambling?

Quit and start your own business cuck

it's funny to make people on the internet mad

im trying, turns out making a product thats addictive and drains money from its users is hard

>so like smoking, drinking and gambling?
Yeah, exactly. All of which are massively regulated. Well done for making the point stronger.

How many video games have killed a person that doesn’t involve seizures, which already have a warning label for most media?
In fact, since this thread is just a dumb “REEEEEEE I CAN’T STOP SPENDING MY OWN MONEY!” thread, how many people have died as a direct result of buying microtransactions or lootboxes?

honestly gaming should just be outlawed just so buycucks can get bent.

Because not everyone has the capital or is willing to take the risk

You can chose to work for a wage or risk it all with a business

You are free to choose you statecuck

>massively regulated
you mean the prices have been increased so that the goverment gets more money from them? and regulation of the big three is only a recent trend, for 100s of years people have been doing that shit with impuinty, and during the early 20th century smoking and drinking were considered healthy, except in natsoc germany where smoking was being regulated heavily

you dont need a person to die in order to kill them, turing multiple generations into obese neckbeards that have poor eyesight from starting at screens all day is basically death

Regulate my ball you state cuck, i want my dopamine, i paid good cash for it

Be more competitive

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>Everything is perfectly fine
>Who cares if my brain is literally reliant on cheap dopamine chases?
>I don't need to find any actual meaning in this world
>I just want to catch Pokemon creatures!

Regulation is not just centered around making the government more money. Can argue that all you want but it isn't the case.

Also, the point about it being a recent trend doesn't matter in the slightest because they are still regulated right now as I type.

I dont want to be competitive, i want to make a complete monopoly over a common market using multiple companies that i won to wage a faux war against each other to get people to pick sides and enforce brand loyalty

Those who don't vote are at the mercy of those who do, and video game whales are not "voting" in your interest.

the only reason why you'd be ok with child gambling is if you're a child and like gambling

children don't have rights or freedom and need to be regulated because they're fucking stupid. they also need to leave Yea Forums

you cant just say nuh uh without giving some substance

spoken like a true commie

>you dont need a person to die in order to kill them
Yes you do. Jesus Christ, this is worse than the people who believe that consenting sex can still be rape.
>turing multiple generations into obese neckbeards that have poor eyesight from starting at screens all day is basically death
So, not only do you think having poor eyesight is death (god forbid someone is completely blind), but entire classification of things should be blamed if someone becomes unhealthy.

Well I will now proceed to stab my eyes out, and since you caused me to experiment with this, I will blame you for murdering me you sick fuck.

lolberts are such utter cucks.

There's no such thing as the "econ". Humans aren't fully rational and need to be protected, via laws, from scams and things that exploit their psychology.
>"B-but I'm fine! I can resist the purchases"
Well good for you champ but other's cant. We aren't legislating only based on you user.


because trump says so, and we do whatever trump says right fellow incels?


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You are saying that games should not because something that clearly should be regulated was not regulated until recently. And the only reason they weren't regulated was because of lobbying.

Imagine still being a lolbert in the current year +4

Then do it

no im not faggot

because scumbags should not be allowed to exploit and profit off of children and the mentally ill
>just be good parents!
we burned that bridge a long time ago, son.

>Nick Fuentes

Nah, I'm good.

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>Boomer memes

Damn, this is the most cringe shit I've ever seen. I'd strongly suggest suicide.

I'm sorry I don't want to listen to a fascist who is too piss-scared to admit he's a fascist.

imagine being so naive that you think the government can stop businesses from being scumbags, they have literally been trying to do this for thousands of years and haven't made a difference

...corporations ask for it. See ESRB

Not sure how you got here from resetera, but I'm sure they're appreciative of your decade old memes

The ESRB/ESA is private and came about due to threat of regulation spurned on by moral panic

You are aware this is the video game board right? You seriously think we are all looking for "actual meaning"

My meaning is what i choose my life to be, not what others choose for me

>Nick LITERALLY says that the strength of the state is more important than the liberty of the people because of some vague concept of "degeneracy"
>"Lol he's not a fascist lol go away Resetera you're such an SJW lol"

People like you are the reason why our rights are being stripped away little by little. Genuinely, I hope people take up arms and gun your family down before you become an actual threat to my country.

There is no keeping corporations in check with the existence of whales. With the government you can at least hold them to their word with your votes. I can't influence who Activision picks to CEO over their mafia but I sure can influence my local governor. Also, fuck lootboxes.

>With the government you can at least hold them to their word with your votes
people can't be this dumb, I refuse to believe it

because government is there to institute protections for people when businesses are doing shit that's clearly harmful but not illegal, you corporate shill

It would be funny

the state has been and always will be tool of the wealthy

They shouldn’t, but they should defiitely regulate game companies. Microtransactions aren’t video games faggot.

Not my fault you voted for Trump, buddy. Would you care to enlightens us how it is then?

>With the government you can at least hold them to their word with your votes

Here I was thinking Yea Forums couldnt get any stupider.

So you want a career politician to regulate an industry they barely know vs letting the people who spent their lives making video games controlling the market instead?

It's dumb fucks like you that led to stupid social programs.

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You cannot trust anyone with any modicum of power over you at any point, whether or not you put them there. Unless you have a gun to your statesman’s head, there is no need for him to fear immediate repercussions for actions against his citizenry.

democracy is a dog and pony show where the state pretends to care about the people; the state will always put the interests of itself and the people who can pay to influence above all else, and if you genuinely believe that state actors will act the way the're "supposed to" you're an idiot

voting literally doesnt matter, you really think democracy is anything other than giving the population a false sense of choice so that they dont rise up against the system? EVERY thing is pre chosen, no one wins or loses elections, its all about who counts the votes not who casts them

consumers are braindead fucking retarded. i'm normally a lolbertarian, but normalfags are just too dumb to be trusted now.

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even the cavemen had to work for their meal you welfare cuck

theres no such thing as a free lunch

>not all shitholes are non-white and not all non white countries are shitholes, just look at america, its a non white country but far from being a shithole

and every country regardless of shitholeness experiences the benefits of capitalism i mentioned as long as the promote the free market and cut regulations

>sure kid, democratic societies dont allow for individuality, your entire being is about consuming and being consumed

or you can create your own business and provide jobs, goods and services to the community statecuck

capitalism gives you the freedom to choose your own destiny

>liberty is not the most important principle in society

so this is what statecucks actually believe, they love the big government cock

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>mfw a bootlicking libertarian dies in medically induced debt near me

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neck yourself

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theres a difference between working for your survival and working for money that you can spend on useless shit to scrape by, id much rather live in a remote location and work for myself without being kiked at every possible moment
>every country regardless of shitholeness experiences the benefits of capitalism i mentioned as long as the promote the free market and cut regulations
capitalism is the most heavily regulated thing out there next to communism, there is no benefits from capitalism only a degenerate society thats killing itself for the amusement of the few rich guys at the top and the various corporations that controll everything else
>capitalism gives you the freedom to choose your own destiny
well i chose to remove capitalism from my country and install national socialism

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>Humans aren't fully rational and need to be protected, via laws, from scams and things that exploit their psychology.

and who is protecting the humans protecting humans, idiot?

see how this idea is fundamentally wrong

>Well good for you champ but other's cant. We aren't legislating only based on you user.

why shouldnt the individual face the consequences of their actions?

if you eat too much junk food you become obese, we dont take your fat and redistribute it to everyone else so everyone is equally fat and you dont get to become obese

thats a good question, how does the "collective physical and mental well being of society" affect you

if i eat 50 burgers do you get fat as well idiot?

And what alternative do you have when you don't want unwarranted gambling in your videogames?

you being a fat fuck puts the entire nation at risk, every man must be fit and able to fight in a war to defend the country or just generally not be a fat fuck that takes up medical resources that could be put towards greater things. you would also be greasy as fuck and more prone to disease and death

>theres a difference between working for your survival and working for money that you can spend on useless shit to scrape by, id much rather live in a remote location and work for myself without being kiked at every possible moment

then do it faggot, free market capitalism doesnt prohibits it

>capitalism is the most heavily regulated thing out there next to communism, there is no benefits from capitalism only a degenerate society thats killing itself for the amusement of the few rich guys at the top and the various corporations that controll everything else

lol ok naziboo, coming from the ideology that tried to regulate science because it couldnt deal with the fact Einstein invented relativity

>well i chose to remove capitalism from my country and install national socialism

your freedom ends where mine begins leftie, go implement national cucktism in your home

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Reminder that it's illegal to boycott Israel now as a US company.


You and I both know that when people like you say "degeneracy" you're not talking about the ACTUAL moral degradation of society. You're not talking about brothers killing each other in the streets, or snake oil salesmen conning innocent grandmas out of their retirement savings. You're talking about stuff christians tend to find "icky" and "gross". You're talking about gay people, you're talking about people with different religions (or lack there of) than you, you're talking about people recreationally spending time playing video games or watching anime, you're talking about people doing drugs or drinking. You want traditional christian values back in America, even if it means forcing the state to bring it back. Degeneracy is JUST vague enough of a term that you can apply it to anything you dislike.

Get fucked. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, get fucked. Your mindset is WAY too widespread, and it needs to be stomped the fuck out before you cause irreparable damage. Take that faggy little reaction image an shove it WAY up your dickhole, you fucking bugman.

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Except the issue is corporations influencing lobbyists in government. Everyone agrees this is an issue. Why do you pretend like if government regulation was gone that suddenly corporations would be able to create laws.
We would be regulated by the market.

>Thinks I'm actually gonna read all that
For a lolbert who actually posted a meme from 2008, you're more cringe than I initially thought

sorry retard thats not how the world works as the meme goes we live in a society so others choices have effects on us

> Einstein invented relativity
he didnt, other scientists before him collaberated on relativity years before jewnstein mentioned the thing
>go implement national cucktism in your home
my home is my country, my race and my people, you dont have a choice, unless you want to move to another country to not get purged

>you being a fat fuck puts the entire nation at risk

no it doesnt moron

>every man must be fit and able to fight in a war to defend the country

great idea, go die for israel cuck

>or just generally not be a fat fuck that takes up medical resources that could be put towards greater things.

what if we end public health care and make everyone pay for their own medical bill, if YOU dont take care of your body YOU should be the one dealing with the consequences

>you would also be greasy as fuck and more prone to disease and death

thats my own damn business, if i want to eat 300 hot dogs and die of a heart attack at 30, thats my decision

if games harm you, stop.
the pigs can't stop you from harming yourself.

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Your movement is tiny and peaked a few years back how does that make you feel.

I legitamitely don't understand how anyone can call BDS terrorism. Whats the fucking alternative? More rockets in your windows?

>he didnt, other scientists before him collaberated on relativity years before jewnstein mentioned the thing

lol ok naziboo, your naziboo friends still called it "jewish science"

>my home is my country, my race and my people
lol is my dick also your home faggot?

>you dont have a choice, unless you want to move to another country to not get purged

id love to see you try it fagtard, take a single step into my property

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Daily reminder that we live in a timeline where Yea Forums unironically supports the government banning video games. Republican astroturfing and shilling sure has gone a long way, hasn't it?

Not him but
>Gets absolutely BTFOd

As much as I hate the democrats, the more I am seeing what Yea Forums has become the more i'm feeling the russians or at least someone botted this place to change the narrative.

It’s like a “what if?” Timeline that became canon.

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because the worker is a smoothbrained retard that can be easily exploited


see ya on seas maties

>no it doesnt
it does, what use is an obese lardass to the nation or even himself?
>muh israel
Im not american
>if YOU dont take care of your body YOU should be the one dealing with the consequences
so you agree fatasses should be put to work in camps to burn that weight off?
>thats my own damn business, if i want to eat 300 hot dogs and die of a heart attack at 30, thats my decision
just like a smoker or a drinker it isnt your business, its everyone elses, everyone has to witness your fatass being out of breath and taking up space on transport, if you smoked 300 cigs you would stink up the place and endanger others and make anything white stain yellow, not exactly your business when you affect everything around you just by existing

> how does that make you feel?
makes me feel like an opertunity is there to convert my country

it is jewish science, taking someone elses work and casting it as your own is peak kikery
>lol is my dick also your home faggot?
cant you americans stop thinking about cock for 5 seconds?
>id love to see you try it fagtard, take a single step into my property
i dont need to step directly into your property to kill you, guns exist you know!

>I’m upset that you call degeneracy degenerate
>here’s some logical fallacies for you

why would i give a shit if someone beats their meat to a drawing?

>it's another /vpol/ gets libertarianism and ANCAPism mixed up

>makes me feel like an opertunity is there to convert my country
ok that's a fucking rich answer.

PLEASE explain to me a single logical fallacy I used. I called a spade a spade, and I will continue to call you a spade.

you dont know how national socialism took off do you? my country is the perfect grounds for it since people are fed up with capitalism and marxism.

>Wait, my views are morally reprehensible?


Hey, moron. If you don't play a game targeted at whales, it doesn't affect you at all. In fact, if you ignore all games with microtransactions, your life will become a lot better since they seem to cause you so much anxiety.

Literally zero people are forcing you to buy or play these games. Stop acting like it's mandatory or like you have to. You look ridiculous.

Hey, moron. If you don't play a game targeted at whales, it doesn't affect you at all. In fact, if you ignore all games with microtransactions, your life will become a lot better since they seem to cause you so much anxiety.

Literally zero people are forcing you to buy or play these games. Stop acting like it's mandatory or like you have to. You look ridiculous.

Oh, you're just ironically shitposting. Carry on.

needs a vape then it would be perfect

Ok, homo



literally no said that you corpo shill

I can’t fix stupid, sorry, buddy

>it does, what use is an obese lardass to the nation or even himself?
why should he have an use? cant a fat engineer or businessman still provide services to society?

>Im not american
good you will die for america instead

>so you agree fatasses should be put to work in camps to burn that weight off?

nope because that an artificial consequence, being fat is the consequence

its his problem he should deal with it

>just like a smoker or a drinker it isnt your business, its everyone elses

is not everyone else's either

>everyone has to witness your fatass being out of breath and taking up space on transport, if you smoked 300 cigs you would stink up the place and endanger others and make anything white stain yellow, not exactly your business when you affect everything around you just by existing

fatasses also have a harder time fitting inside the transport and private establishments can kick you out for smoking

>it is jewish science, taking someone elses work and casting it as your own is peak kikery

so since Einstein """took""" someone else work, nobody should use relativity right (even tough you said it somehow already existed)

i mean its not like we have proved Einstein's theory is consistent after numerous observations

>cant you americans stop thinking about cock for 5 seconds?

i dont know, can you stop thinking about my cock for 5 seconds?

>i dont need to step directly into your property to kill you, guns exist you know!

oh i know, and if you threaten me, my folks or my property you will get the appropriate response in kind faggot

Morality is nothing, means nothing and does nothing, it changes each second and is controlled by those in power to impose their will on the lesser people

Unless it's Christian morality, right? Absolute fucking retard.

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what is with your spaceing?

if someone is stupid enough to be exploited, they deserve to be exploited

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is a four channel tradition newfag

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>Peh, you think the government should exorcise reasonable regulations to companies that have gone rampant while maintaining the central infrastructure of capitalism? Fucking centrists LMAO!

I only give a shit if I can't escape exploitation

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No you don’t. You can just harvest and hunt for your own food that you grew.

>reasonable regulations

i too would like to find a unicorn user

>Companies should just be able to dump nuclear radiation anywhere they want! Regulating that isn't reasonable!

nuclear waste*

that depends

take me for instance, i dont buy call of duty or other similar games, i buy my games on discount and unless its a F2P ive played for dozens of hours i never pay for microtransactions

there are so many games nowadays i lose basically nothing by option out of micro transaction garbage dumps

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Smash Ultimate
Pokemon B2W2
Most Flash/Browser games, especially the classics.
Almost any single player game.
Almost any indie games.

Just because you exclusively play EA and Activision games, that doesn’t mean all games have microtransactions, you schizo.

>four channel tradition newfag

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"Services" that have unlimited supply (and therefore no meaningful value) and effectively zero cost to distribute ought to be controlled, lest they drive people to poverty through psychological manipulation to artificially drive demand.

if it affects someone else's freedom, its not ok

since dumping waste in say, rivers and such affects other people, its not ok

your freedom ends where mine begins

First of all, Smash Ultimate is VERY pay to win

Second, all of those games fucking blow ass

>fat engineer
>fat businessman
>dying for america
>its his problem and he should deal with it!
the problem is that he let himself become fat, therefore if he cannot control his body then why should he be allowed to wallow in his fat instead of being put to work? clearly he needs to be told to jump and how high
>some faggot smoking in public isnt everyones business
making someones building or a public place smell like ass or making others breathe in your smoke IS everyone elses business and you make it so
>fatasses also have a harder time fitting inside the transport and private establishments can kick you out for smoking
if there is no fatasses then there wont be a clog in transportation in the first place, same as if there are no smokers there cant be any non smoking areas!
>so since Einstein """took""" someone else work, nobody should use relativity right (even tough you said it somehow already existed)
im not saying that relativity shouldnt be used im saying that einstein had nothing to do with it, its not his theory
>i dont know, can you stop thinking about my cock for 5 seconds?
you brought your mutilated jew cock, no one else did
>oh i know, and if you threaten me, my folks or my property you will get the appropriate response in kind faggot
good luck lol

natsocs are not christian or have anything to do with kikestianity, morality is kikeshit no matter who uses it

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Virtually every game has lootboxes or microtransactions nowadays, you robot. Never mind all the phone games where you literally can't progress without paying constantly.

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I kind of understand what you're saying, but "affecting other people" is such a vague term, so I'm trying to tread lightly here in case you aren't arguing this in good faith.

We as a society need to do a better job at evaluating things that are worth regulating.
>I support dictatorships and fascism
>Because fat people are icky and gross

do you just lack foresight?

I wish we could've lived in a world where these fucking yids didn't control everything, anons. Just a decent world with no degeneracy or indignity.

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I don't play whale-targeted games, why should I care what you think? Stop acting like every business has to cater to you, and stop acting like it's justified to force businesses to cater to you.

Put your money where your mouth is, you fucking coward.

the health and well being of the people secures the races existence, just look at the capitalistic society around you, fat losers and mentally ill faggots everywhere and all of them not having kids, and if they do they molest them, you really put the future of everything to be built by these degenerates?

>yeah, shitholes also did better with communism

What a retard

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there is literally no games out this year that don't have P2W elements

They literally put lootboxes in fucking Crash Team Racing. That goddamn game was my childhood, and now it's fucking dead to me.

>First of all, Smash Ultimate is VERY pay to win
The fuck are you talking about? The only addition thing you have to buy are the DLC fighters and the game is pretty balanced for a game that has 80+ characters.
>Second, all of those games fucking blow ass
Imagine having this normalfag of tastes that you think the majority of indie and flash games suck. That or actually pretending the be this retarded to “prove your point”.

I agree, we should get rid of all the Jews but keep capitalism

capitalism is judaism, cant kill one without killing the other

not according to the market
who cares
then like i said, you will die for israel faggot
>the problem is that he let himself become fat, therefore if he cannot control his body then why should he be allowed to wallow in his fat instead of being put to work? clearly he needs to be told to jump and how high

its not your goddamn life retard, its not your business

>making someones building or a public place smell like ass or making others breathe in your smoke IS everyone elses business and you make it so

lol are you going to regulate my farts too retard?

>if there is no fatasses then there wont be a clog in transportation in the first place, same as if there are no smokers there cant be any non smoking areas!

hey i have a better idea, if you cant deal with other people in transports, get your own damn car

>im not saying that relativity shouldnt be used im saying that einstein had nothing to do with it, its not his theory

and your naziboo friends tried to regulate science and prohibit people from using relativity and instead use "aryan physics" (lol)

>you brought your mutilated jew cock, no one else did

you are saying "your race" is your home, that means in theory my cock is also your home fag tard

i take it you are homesick

>good luck lol
dont need it lol

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Get ready for jewish controlled facism

>I kind of understand what you're saying, but "affecting other people" is such a vague term, so I'm trying to tread lightly here in case you aren't arguing this in good faith.
>We as a society need to do a better job at evaluating things that are worth regulating.

i say milton friedman put it best, if it deteriorates my physical well being without my consent, the company must be held responsible

Capitalism existed without Jews and it can exist without them


Wow so it's not a magic spell and there's actually a lot of variation. You can have a prosperous non-free economy.

People who jerk off over libertarianism are as annoying but less dangerous than commies.

>ancap is a kike loving mentally ill faggot
not suprised

never gonna happen

>Capitalism existed without Jews and it can exist without them
capitalism was created by jews and is inherently judaic, doesnt matter if jews dont even exist anymore capitalism would still be just as jewish as marxism

>capitalism was created by jews
Trade was not invented by jews, Goldberg

I'm losing my ability to have any empathy for your position. Your argument that expanding the power of a government that already fleeces a quarter of my income and makes it impossible to run a fucking face-painting business to also encompass FORCING game publishers to cater to your hurt feelings and your inability to stop giving money to people you don't like is "muh childhood".

Fuck. Off.

>naziboo is a NPC statecuck faggot

not surprised

Okay, but when you say "deteriorates my physical wellbeing" are you talking about stuff like oil and chemicals in your food and water, or are you talking about a company putting an LGBT flag up? Because to conservatives these can both count as "affecting my well-being".

lol, you are TRULY a privileged straight white male living in the top 0.001% of the history of the human race. the biggest problems in your life are fucking VIDEO GAMES lmao

trade =/ capitalism you dumb capitalist

>You can have a prosperous non-free economy.

>free countries consistently perform better than non-free countries
>1 or 2 non-free countries are doing sort of ok


If you really think that getting the government to remove LITERAL GAMBLING SIMULATORS from video games is increasing their power then you have really fucked up priorities, my dude lol.

>Okay, but when you say "deteriorates my physical wellbeing" are you talking about stuff like oil and chemicals in your food and water


>or are you talking about a company putting an LGBT flag up?

>Because to conservatives these can both count as "affecting my well-being".

conservatives dont care who you do business with but care about who you take to bed, democrats dont care who you take to bed but care who you do business with

i dont care either way, personal freedom is sacred and only YOU should be held responsible for YOUR actions

Capitalism is a natural consequence of free trade and free association

Try looking at the retarded amount of regulations and taxes you have to go through to actually have a business. Here's the already outdated brazilian tax code I'd be dealing with if I tried to make my own business here.

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Fair enough. Like I said, I'm only treading lightly because a lot of conservatives use this talking point to justify regulating harmless recreational activities.

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stop giving them money then, if some other faggot decides to waste his money on lootboxes its their own fucking problem

and some of the F2P games i play get supported thanks to these faggots with more cash than braincells

How you people manage to conflate GAMBLING with "pressing the buy button for a chance at idiot shiny video game pixels with zero exchange value to anyone anywhere" is ridiculous to an extreme. Buying games themselves may as well be gambling, for the chance that you suck a bit less than the next guy and get shiny stuff as reward.

Stop buying the loot boxes. If you don't, convince other people to stop buying the loot boxes. The remaining people are idiots. A government that can step in and make mandates to the publisher can absolutely find arbitrary definitions of whatever wrong they like to step in and mandate the actions of my business.


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>It's not gambling! It's just...surprise mechanics!

retards in this thread think that microtransactions won't come to their game. corporations are inherently evil. if they can find a way to push anticonsumer and addicting practices in games and get away with it, they will. they WILL come for you favorite game and if you don't do something now while they are still relatively even with the consumer in terms of power, you can stop that from happening. please mind the quote.

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i consider that also an affront to personal freedom

we need more libertarian representation in politics, tough ill concede pragmatically that conservatives are less dangerous than democrats, because when the economy goes to shit, we all suffer

Oh hey, turns out games that utilize micro transactions are also the type of games only children or poor people can play, they can either play these 'free' games or pirate. But if they choose to play these 'free' games they are then forced to play on extremely unfair terms against people who can purchase the advantages. The children are then psychologically gamed into thinking they also need to pay not for games, but for an advantage. Games with any performance increasing transaction are a cancer and they prey on the disadvantaged, not the weak willed.

You are literally incapable of winning a match in Smash Ultimate unless you buy Joker or Hero.

> zero exchange value to anyone anywhere
the fact that people can sell their items for real money proves you wrong

adults need regulation because they're clever and predatory


so what? its not the only product, steam alone has tens of thousands of games, not to mention GOG, PS4, Switch and Xbox

if i dont like the business practices of a game dev, i take my money somewhere else

if a dev is not going to bend over backwards and beg me for my cash, they can suck my balls

>Then dont fucking buy games with microtransactions you statecuck

To be fair.... EA most likely bribed rating companies ESRB to not disclose it has microtransactions. They even go up to the government telling them it's not microtransactions, it's "surprise mechanics". And nowhere in the box does it tell you there's microtransactions.

We had to find that out from suckers who bought it and then made youtube videos on this shit. When companies outright lie to you that it's not microtransactions and bribes all the rating companies to not say it's microtransactions.... that's something government might want to regulate shit.

I don't, but there are lots of things that affect me downstream because of those who do.

Why are you so fucking retarded. It's like you can't even think passed Ayn Rand, voting with your wallet doesn't work, it's literally why governments are formed you fucking faggot. Sometimes companies, and economies become predatory and need to be put down. The people in charge killed or incarcerated. We should continue regulating intelligently before people get fed up and go the other rout.

>pragmatically conservatives are less dangerous than democrats

I know this might sound a little...centrist, but I think they both have equally horrific consequences. Republicans want to step on the throats of everyone through underhanded and rampant business tactics, while democrats want to use the government to trample over the working man. You're right though, we do need more libertarian representation.


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What surprise? There are literally thousands of videos and opinion posts and reviews and other private, spontaneous market self-regulation already out there for free that you can utilize to inform your purchase. This very fucking thread is one of those mechanisms. If people are saying there are loot boxes, maybe...don't buy it?

So it's everyone else's responsibility to pay for some other parent or poor person's irresponsibility. You know that these sorts of interventions create this sort of mess, right? Since it's everyone's responsibility to make sure poor minority mothers have money, they are now trapped in a perpetual cycle of poverty gaming their child care benefits to purchase the same frivolities they would've anyways because you CANNOT save them all.

Nobody got rich selling Overwatch accounts.

>maybe...don't buy it

>know this might sound a little...centrist, but I think they both have equally horrific consequences.

dont get me wrong, i wouldnt trust politicians with a bucket of water if my pants were on fire, that includes cons, but in very broad terms, cons somewhat keep the economy afloat and dont waste as much cash as dems

You shouldn't be arguing muh gubberment over lootbox regulations because those just bring vidja juegos in line with societal standards in general, if you're MUH FREE MARKET go fucking cry about not having toddler slot machines on every corner nigger, this individual case is not of grand ideological significance.

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you really had to pick the one game that doesnt have tradeable items? TF2 CSGO DOTA PAYDAY Killing floor 2 all have economies where you can buy shit with IRL money or sell shit for IRL money

>and who is protecting the humans protecting humans, idiot?
>see how this idea is fundamentally wrong
fucking retard

Sure, but I feel like there is a major tradoff for being a conservative. You sort of need to discard a bit of empathy to be one, you know what I mean?

Oh, countless Americans are unable to find jobs because robots are completely replacing them? WELL FUCK 'EM LOL! GODDAMN WELFARE QUEENS!

It shouldn't and never will in the US

There are countless developers on PC selling games with no microtransactions, class expansion-based models, zero DRM, and the works. If you're not willing to support those, then maybe find another hobby. The world is not perfect and will not always cater to you, and you cannot force it to cater to you with a hammer.

And? Am I supposed to cede ground based on games I used to play that I no longer do because of their ridiculous business models? You're just arguing that I have more discipline and self-control than you. And if you can't get rich trading hats, maybe get gud.


no its not you nigger

for every call of duty and battlefield there is a dusk and amid evil

the market is so vast and its so easy to publish your own damn game nowadays theres like 5 options for everything

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Fucking BASED

>you cant boycott the government
Maybe not in your 3rd world shit hole

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Holy fuck Dusk and Amid Evil were so fucking good

What the fuck is dusk?
None of those games actually fucking matter. I don't want to play shitty obscure flash games from the early 2000s. I want more good games with high budgets.

>I want more good games with high budgets.

So do normies who buy yearly football roster updates and DLC map packs. Maybe vary your taste instead of immediately running to the guys with the guns to whine like a kid to mommy.

:Responding To: You are so delusional, nobody said anything about minorities or mothers. I grew up playing games unsupervised and it was engaging and healthy, now it's predatory and manipulative.

It is literal gambling, compared to playing tag with the neighbors. You better believe I would expect the government to step in if a corporation was having sanctioned gambling games with handicaps based on economic class at the playgrounds.

If it was legal you'd be shreaking, "BUT IT'S LEGAL! YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY". Yea but there's a reason it isn't. And believe me there are times in the past where that sort of thing absolutely was.

By boycott he means refuse services. You literally can't refuse to pay taxes in exchange for whatever service the government gives you.

>games i used to play
imagine playing overwatch of all games

>for every COD game there are shitty retro meme FPS's
except thats blatantly false, because those FPS games only started to be made since 2018, and they all suck too

dusk is a shit game made by some commie that takes place in the brownest fucking places of all time and its pretty much a redneck rampage mod for quake

Why control how whales spend their money? Usually these monetized modes are contained in their own little game mode and have no bearing on the rest of the game, like Ultimate Team in FIFA

Or maybe

hear me out here

maybe I just want good games that don't jew me out of my money?

Companies like EA and Activision are shoving loot boxes and Microtransactions into games making them pure garbage. And they need to be stopped.

You know what else exists? Mantraps and drones and cyanide gas

Regulations exist already. If I'm gonna get my anus fucked raw waiting weeks for a permit to plant a daisy in my yard, I'm going to embrace regulations that actually benefit me.

Can you actually not read graphs? It's a mediocre positive correlation.

Also those charts don't note their significance value so they could all be bullshit.

Reminder that lootboxes would not even be an issue if not for the government vehemently protecting intellectual property. The government literally grants corporations a monopoly on ideas, allowing corporations to do whatever they want with properties without facing competition. Look at all the biggest offenders of lootbox shit. NBA, Fifa, Battlefront, anime licensed gachashit. All are attached to some big brand or property. If you want to play a Star Wars game you have to go through EA, not because the free market said so, but because the government said so. This is a problem that can only be solved by less regulation, as in abolishing all intellectual property.

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So somehow it's the responsibility of the company to ensure a child doesn't spend money from THE CREDIT CARD THE PARENTS GAVE THEM TO SPEND ON SHIT? Sorry, no, this is a shit parenting problem. If I asked my parents for a credit card and started racking up $10 transactions ad naeseum, first of all I wouldn't have gotten the card, second of all I'd get my shit kicked in and all privileges revoked.

The state is a poor parent.

>TF2 CSGO DOTA PAYDAY Killing floor 2

Can you fucking read? I'm referenced the games you cited to me. Become literate.

Those exist. Citation:

What games have you played recently that the entire game was negatively affected by lootboxes?

all those things are useless for the average goy, yet could prove extremely effective for a fighting force, the average civilian wont have a gas mask

after reading through this thread I've concluded that most people have no idea what they're talking about and Yea Forums is a terrible place to discuss politics

im not the guy that reference overwatch to your candy ass

So wait, when it says economic freedom what does it mean? Cause Norwegians have extreme social and economic mobility, otherwise known as economic freedom, but they also have an extremely tightly regulated economy.

>Le eventually every game will have Lootboxes and Microtransactions argument
The gaming industry is way to vast for every single game to follow the norm, no matter how popular lootboxes get with developers.
And even so, after lootboxes and microtransactions are gone, the companies that had them will just come up with a new gimmick or you will simply just complain about the next popular thing.

And secretly, having terrible content that’s popular is great as it weeds out who is knowledgable about the industry, and lootboxes/microtransactions also cull the idiots that actually buy them.

What does any of this have to do with children gambling?

>Sure, but I feel like there is a major tradoff for being a conservative. You sort of need to discard a bit of empathy to be one, you know what I mean?
>Oh, countless Americans are unable to find jobs because robots are completely replacing them? WELL FUCK 'EM LOL! GODDAMN WELFARE QUEENS!

i understand what you mean, but its what they say, the way to hell is paved with good intentions

things like welfare programs and better minimum wages might sound good in theory but more often than not they result in catastrophic outcomes

for instance part of the reason why more companies are option for automation is for rising min wages and work regulations, which increase production costs and the prices of goods and services (which means min wage works get more cash but also must pay more for everything else)

i dont doubt people supporting aid programs have good intentions, hell i once believed in them

but the more i saw the results, the less convinced i got

think about this, theres plenty of people who are against healthcare because they dont want to pay for some fatso's heart attack after eating 50 burgers, some dont want immigrants cuz they dont want to pay for their welfare

wouldnt it be easier to get rid of these public institutions so the fat person is responsible for their weight and the immigrant works for their new home?

i find the best way to avoid conflict and be fair to everyone, is to not take the fruit of someone's labor to fund someone else

I never understood the point of arguing shit like this. It's not gonna happen in the US

Most conservatives qualify as sociopaths

100% this.
Regulation always favors the big corporations.
Why do you think Disney lobbied so hard for the 1998 Copyright extension and why Walmart is lobbying for raising minimum wage?

Most liberals qualify as sociopaths

They destroyed the only thing I live for so I am going to destroy it for them, too.

Fuck corporate cocksuckers. They point the finger and cry bootlicker when they themselves are allied with an industry that requires full submission to your overlords if you anything worth paying for.

>What the fuck is dusk?

FPS inspired by the likes of quake and doom, very fun and with a great soundtrack

>except thats blatantly false, because those FPS games only started to be made since 2018, and they all suck too

im sorry theres no cure for shit taste

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What a retarded post.

>posts cal arts
>says anyone else has shit taste

>Can you actually not read graphs? It's a mediocre positive correlation.

check the economic freedom index

of the free and mostly free countries, which are not prosperous and/or rapidly growing?

if only they showed that NBA2K20 casino trailer with kids instead of adults cheering. that would have been fucking gold

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>No u
Amazing. Very impressive

Because that's what the government does.
The state is, and anarchist politics are an exercise in reconstructing the state in new language.

A real abstract kind of fucking ideology going on in this thread

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pretty much every industry needs some level of regulation to prevent fucked up monopolistic practices from occurring like the shit intel or microsoft pulled in the past, or worse, the fucking DRAM manufacturers and their price fixing which nobody realized was happening until RAM started hitting retarded prices like $250 for 16gb of low latency ram for no reason at all.

lolbertarians believe the market will police itself but never take into account situations where companies use their massive wealth or control over a market to fuck over everyone else involved whether it's competition or customers.

The fact that you don't know what Dusk is signals you're both a low-information customer and voter. If you actually cared about supporting good games without shekel-grabbing business models, you would've found out about this, literally just by searching "good indie FPS". But you're a moron, so you're totally ignorant and run to daddy gubmint to fix things.

>My opponents are evil and mentally deficient
Amazing. Very impressive

Should the government also regulate everything else then because people can't be trusted to spend their money wisely?
it's a real fucking slippery slope you fat faggot

to I never said a goddamn thing about the kids spending money or minorities, or welfare queens. I said kids who just download whatever free game because there parents WON'T give them the credit card are then forced to play against autistic man children who are willing to sponge hundreds of dollars into their games for an advantage. The children are being conditioned to accept this sort of behavior, the paying adults are being conditioned further to pay to win these games, and the companies are actively manipulating every single step. There is NO reason any civilized society should accept this behavior from it's citizens. Read philosophy learn about the Renaissance, care about what made Western Civilization so great. TL:DR it wasn't unhinged capitalism, it was meticulous and calculated advancement and a general concern for human life.

Do you have any evidence to support any of this? I could just as easily say that the kids lose interest in getting beat by autistic manchildren whales and stop playing and I'd have as much credibility as you.

Gamers have never felt satisfied with the regulatory groups in video games. There's been mockery and derision of things like the ESRB and its incestuous nature and even how it has historically given ratings to satisfy publishers marketing.

When the free market has failed the people, it is the governments job to answer the call. Games being free of regulation has caused the Western industry to flounder on scummy practices that fellators of the free market. The same people who insist "if you don't like microtransactions or DLC, just don't buy it!" imply that the problem self-corrects.

16% of all consumers actually purchase game DLC. 23% buy microtransactions. The vast majority want nothing to do with it. What do we get? More of them. The problem isn't self-correcting, the free market can choke.

think about this, theres plenty of people who are against healthcare because they dont want to pay for some fatso's heart attack after eating 50 burgers, some dont want immigrants cuz they dont want to pay for their welfare

>wouldnt it be easier to get rid of these public institutions so the fat person is responsible for their weight and the immigrant works for their new home?

But I just feel like that sort of mindset is so unsustainable nowadays. If this were during the early 90s then I'd be inclined to agree, but the fact of the matter is that our society is in a REALLY unhealthy state and it seems a bit morally reprehensible to just leave those folks to dry. I'd be inclined to agree with you if this were just a small minority of people, but surely you agree that America's will is completely fucking broken. People just don't have the drive to balance a healthy lifestyle while maintaining a good work ethic. Hell, most jobs nowadays REQUIRE you to sit in one place so you're unable to properly lose weight.

My problem with conservatives is that they're not interested in learning the root cause of WHY people are so sick and unhealthy nowadays. They don't care about the depression epidemic, or why Americans are so obese, or what we can do to solve it. Their solution is to just cut them off and leave them to die.

the real shocker is how this thread hasnt got deleted for all the hours of political shitflinging it has produced

This might sound really stupid, but why exactly are Japanese games exempt of these underhanded business practices? Does the Japanese government already have regulations for these sorts of things, or do they just not do it out of the kindness of their hearts? It baffles me that companies like Nintendo and even Sony to some extent haven't fallen into this trap.

Economic freedom in terms of private property rights. Outside of labor market regulation, Norway's markets are less regulated than the US, but have large social safety nets and tax burdens. They can largely afford it because they're an oil nation and are protected by NATO

Lolbertarianism isn't an ideology, it's a delusion.

>fat engineer or businessman
no fucking good to me if the fat fuck has a heart attack and dies before he's contributed enough to society to make up for all the fucking cake he's eaten

>Not embracing feudalism
Laffin at you goy

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>chopping Hong Kong off of China
>places like the Gulf States and Malaysia are "economically free" despite being interventionist, state monopoly-granting oligarchic economies

Low ranking countries like Vietnam and Brazil have been making major economic strides in recent years too. Then there's shit like Japan's weird levels of interventionism.

Heritage Foundation's shtick seems to be conflating "economic freedom" with "WTO jerkoff level"

Literally a problem invented by the government. See

ESRB came into existence because the government was threatening to censor games. Are you fucking serious?

It's not about how people spend their money it's about what corporations can do to you or other businesses. Go read up on antitrust laws to see the kind of underhanded shit governments try to prevent. Don't get me wrong, governments are also fucked up but they're inefficient when it comes to fucking up, corporations have it down to a science because it's in their economic interest.

>Brazil have been making major economic strides in recent years too.

>But I just feel like that sort of mindset is so unsustainable nowadays. If this were during the early 90s then I'd be inclined to agree, but the fact of the matter is that our society is in a REALLY unhealthy state and it seems a bit morally reprehensible to just leave those folks to dry. I'd be inclined to agree with you if this were just a small minority of people, but surely you agree that America's will is completely fucking broken. People just don't have the drive to balance a healthy lifestyle while maintaining a good work ethic. Hell, most jobs nowadays REQUIRE you to sit in one place so you're unable to properly lose weight.

but could it be because of a lack of freedom? you dont see the irish having this problem, and hong kongese fought tooth and nail against the chinese for their freedom

what do these countries have in common? they have more economic freedom than the US

the way i see it, we tried welfare and things didnt improve, but every time america embraced freedom, such as during Reagan, of before FDR, it was at the top of the world

a nation is composed of individuals, by exalting the individual, you exalt the nation

of course i dont see modern cons defending that level of freedom, only libertarians

>the government should regulate guns because...
>the government should regulate pharmaceuticals because...
>the government should regulate vehicle speed because...

Fuck off.

>My problem with conservatives is that they're not interested in learning the root cause of WHY people are so sick and unhealthy nowadays. They don't care about the depression epidemic, or why Americans are so obese, or what we can do to solve it. Their solution is to just cut them off and leave them to die.
You have a weak grasp of your opponent's position. It's not that people want to leave them to die, the argument is that obesity does not exist in a vacuum, it is the result of incentive structures that subsidize and reward obesity. The argument that those policies are "WHY" people are so sick and unhealthy. The same thing applies to shit like teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy rates were low and stable for decades until the war on poverty that targeted single mothers, leading to an explosion of non marital births. We don't believe that the solution is to do nothing, we believe that the solution isn't just having the government throw money around.

and brazil is only making progress now that they have elected a pro-market government

wanna know how vile government interventionism is? argentina was the 5th richest country in the world, not is the 60th and dropping, check its position in the economic freedom ranking

Regulations only ever arrive as the industry to be regulated is already dying. Hence lobbying power dries up.

If you think microtrans will be slowed down because of communist regulations, you're a complete fucking moron. Rules are easy to get around, and everyone will try as long as it is profitable.

Microtrans are shunned because of public pressure, people voting with their wallets and their time. No more, no less.

>has been an interventionist economy for 120 years
>recently had high growth
>that growth died due to corruption and market forces

People who fap to pictures of Friedman think this shit is hard-coded into reality instead of just an observable correlation that waxes and wanes based on many factors.

And look, games get censored. The ESRB failed. The leftists that brought that about should be hanged.

you forgot a few logical steps there buckeroo.

As far as Japanese game regulations goes I only know that CERO is insanely strict and is more consistent than the ESRB. As far as I can tell it's a goodness of their hearts situation.

Serious question, I know DLC and microtransactions are more frequent, but are lootbox games really that common? How many games with lootboxes have even come out this year not including mobile games?

>but every time america embraced freedom, such as during Reagan, of before FDR, it was at the top of the world
This is the funniest shit I've ever read

is it not true? who defeated the fucking soviets?

You forgot an argument.

Now you are getting it.

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Conservatives don't actually give a shit about teen pregnancy otherwise they wouldn't advocate against comprehensive sex ed

Humans don't deserve freedom.

>Microtrans are shunned because of public pressure, people voting with their wallets and their time. No more, no less.
meanwhile in the real world the profits go up up up

>and brazil is only making progress now that they have elected a pro-market government

Fuck man they've been a country for 200 years and they've only started making "progress" since the last election?

I love how simple lolbertarians think economic development is. Because marketization, privatization, and liberalization are apparently always foolproof strategies with no potentially negative repercussions outside of the narrow focus on "whatever economic indices I think are important because they most closely align with my worldview"

I'd rather have a suboptimal growth rate but actual domestic control of the economy than be at the whims of a global market that doesn't give a shit about dumping my entire economy in the toilet if a commodity changes value.

>everyone is the exact same

Yet there are plenty of worse materials less regulated or entirely unregulated.

Asbestos was cucked because they lost lobbying power. Hypothetically positive regulations always come after an industry is already dying to market forces. Always.

Government isn't the good guy. If you think corporations are bad, and you think government is good, you're a literal retard. They are the same thing. Institutions advocating security from competition for their own special interests. In a word: Corruption.

>My problem with conservatives is that they're not interested in learning the root cause of WHY people are so sick and unhealthy nowadays. They don't care about the depression epidemic, or why Americans are so obese, or what we can do to solve it. Their solution is to just cut them off and leave them to die.

Sometimes the best solution isn't always the prettiest one.

You aren't very smart, are you?

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Actually it's considered to be 519 years, user.

Holy fuck this is the dumbest post I've seen in weeks. You don't believe in the free market and want bigger government because you think that will make corporations LESS corrupt? Have you ever heard of "history"?

None of these should be regulated, just like video games

>Sometimes the best solution isn't always the prettiest one.
This, Leftists need to stop practicing the selective expenditure of care. Their empathy for the dregs of society drags everyone else down.

Oh shit, fuck, turns out the companies doing this hold their research statistics tight to their chests, and the bootlicking regulators are doing nothing to force them to give up their data. Must mean everything is great, and it's impossible to take advantage of anyone in a free market. My bad.

All I have is this patent by Activision on a method for driving microtansactions in multiplayer videogames.

Or this stupid article from 2001 on how industries are now gearing up on ways to alter the behavior of their players.

But you know what man that was 2001 I'm sure the industry has forgotten about all that, and they're nothing but the bassist of altruistic companies.

Provide a counter argument at any time.

>Have you ever heard of "history"?
Have you? Corporations are not on your side and if 16% of the market can dictate its entire direction it is time to realize your plan isn't working, corporate cock sucker.

My plan has historical roots in it that were so successful it took the entire world to stop it.

>the goverment should regulate what people, including minors, do with their money because...

...corporations are using gambling mechanics to cause corruption and poverty within our youth.

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It may be true that they have fewer laws on the books, but they're not less regulated. After all union representation, or civilian councils are mandatory for all businesses. This forces the companies into far more restrictive civil contracts, but hey, fewer laws on the books so less regulation amirite?

>Fuck man they've been a country for 200 years and they've only started making "progress" since the last election?

i didnt say that idiot, but they sure as well didnt make much progress during lula's rule or vilma's

>I love how simple lolbertarians think economic development is. Because marketization, privatization, and liberalization are apparently always foolproof strategies with no potentially negative repercussions outside of the narrow focus on "whatever economic indices I think are important because they most closely align with my worldview"

i didnt say there are no negative repercussions, but private alternatives are almost always preferable to public ones

most of the time you can endure the side effects of the medicine if it gets rid of the sickness

>I'd rather have a suboptimal growth rate but actual domestic control of the economy than be at the whims of a global market that doesn't give a shit about dumping my entire economy in the toilet if a commodity changes value.

but thats the thing, YOU DONT HAVE CONTROL REGARDLESS, you are simply allowing the government to restrict YOUR freedom using YOUR money