old games were not la-
Old games were not la-
Impressive, the devs managed to overcome the technical limitations be reworking what they had made, truly a feat that no dev team today could think of! :^)
La what?
Lan di?
-zy because they had limited work space, but somehow created doubled the game's playtime by using nip moon magic to shove alterable code into the game
>truly a feat that no dev team today could think of
Except they were made for MUCH less powerful hardware, with MUCH less resources than now, and still made a great job for said standards. Then they only improved technically, and adding different gimmicks, that they even had to delete and add again from time to time while still make fucking JRPGs, one of the worst and easiest to make genres in existance.
Reusing tile assets for different occasional little things other than just what they were initially designed for is satisfying as fuck.
t. shitty gamedev
Humanity have always been lazy. Pretty much all inventions were made to reduce input while still maintaining or increasing output.
>somehow created doubled the game's playtime by using nip moon magic to shove alterable code into the game
well i mean, old nip games were lengthened in a number of ways, think metroid for example and all the invisible walls you need to destroy. at least 50% of people aren't figuring that out on their own, probably closer to 75%, so they use nintendo power magazine and word of mouth spread the tips around. Meanwhile, the game is out for a month before anyone figures out how to beat it, despite Metroid taking roughly 45 minutes t obeat if you have someone just point out the obtuse secrets as you go along. Older RPGs were lengthened by adding time-consuming grind mechanics that only appeals to autists like me. That and, it's really easy to just keep making new dungeons and shit when you don't have to actually design gameplay.
Clever use of ressources is the opposite of lazy, though. Its lazy to not think about what youre doing and just putting more unneeded stuff in.
Your game may never make it, but you speak the truth, shitty gamedev
>Nip code moon magic
You can't be serious. The original pokemon games were notorious for being buggy fucking messes that was put together on virtual scotch tape and prayer.
>using gamefreak
those guys are the biggest hacks in industry
not the pokemon devs, remember it was Iwata who stepped in with the nip code moon magic.
zoomers think this is lazy?
Oh I know what you mean man. The pokemon rendering system that allowed such a small form factor to render that shit.
It's not doom's rendering system complicated but it definitely was impressive. Too bad GF are too incompetent to make anything on that scale.
honestly, GF should have stuck with 2D sprites with little bits of 3D here and there like gens 4 and 5.
They obviously knew how to work with that and ever since they swapped to 3D the games have been getting progressively shittier
>old game reuses the exact same sprites
>maybe a slight recolor
>new game reuses part of map and makes significant changes to it, only is discovered after data mining 6 months post-release
>"lol fucking lazy gamedevs"
Based Iwata. God rest his soul.
Work smarter, not harder
>only is discovered after data mining 6 months post-release
What game are you talking about
3d itself cheaper to render animation m8. Black and white 1 & 2 looked better then pretty much every 3d game that they made moving forward if you ask me.
Not to mention a lot of gamers nowadays don't really like 2d sprite work. They'll say things such as "It feels outdated" and "it doesn't look right".
Even after the 3d craze we had in the 90's we still have an insane prejudice towards 2d in general.
I've seen a lot of normies basically tell me they can't even play doom because it doesn't look right.
I feel out of touch user.
how does one not feel out of touch these days. everything is terrible