Well, will it, Yea Forums?
Will Last of Us 2 make the gays normal?
Well, will it, Yea Forums?
lesbians are normal. homo gays are gays
Fiction doesn't affect reality.
Reality affects fiction.
>not cropping your mobile screenshot
I've got unlimited data m8
did you come here for answers? There are none. The call of the tranny is strong. But it is the call of the dead.
Imagine being so up your own ass thinking your Netflix special is going to change the world because you have two girls make out in it
>can finally normalize LGBT relationships
LGBT relationships shouldn't be "normalized" because they aren't normal. It's a deviation. It's rare. Quite literally contrary to the norm.
I can see LGBT relationships being accepted. But that's an entirely different thing altogether.
That's only because you've been soceitized to hate them for 100,000 years. They are normal.
But lesbian shit has normalized since the 80s or something it's playing it safe they're not doing anything groundbreaking.
Something so rare can't be normal. By definition.
I am not normal either. I am not gay or anything but I've got a rare illness. You don't have to be normal.
You don't make a big deal out of blue eyed people even though they are rare. Blue eyes are normal in the way that homosexuality should be but isn't due to the twisted values of society.
Reproduction is normal. Homos do not reproduce
If society has hated then that long its cause its not normal
I suppose this line of thinking has some logic to it.
But if two blue eyed people have a baby together, it is very likely to also be blue eyed.
But if two homosexual people have a baby together, the child is still likely to be heterosexual.
Homosexuals cannot have a child together, they only reproduce by molesting kids and turning them into homos
Gingers are rare and they face discrimination
Reproduction is primal instinct.
We are humans.
Yes, we're still dumb animals, but we possess the freedom to choose to do whatever we want rather than being COMPLETE slaves to primal desire.
Unfortunately, most of us still are!
I hated being born ginger so much as a kid but now I'm very thankful. All my freckles cleared up, my red hair turned mostly brown, and best of all I got to keep the perfectly pale albino skin.
>Find what you’re looking for amongst the 40%?
faggots and trannies aren't normal. By definition, they aren't normal. When you're forced to view their "pride" celebrations, it becomes very clear that they have no desire to be normal, either.
They already are in vidya. Vidya normalizes nothing in the real world though, literally nothing.
Choose one
Gay isn't normal, it is correlated to notably higher IQ. 98-100 IQ is "normal." Normal is the blue pill
sure, but that has nothing to do with them being "normal". like you said blue eyes aren't normal either, so trying to "normalize" them would be wrong because forcing them to become normal isn't right. hell that's what the Nazis wanted to do make a world where blonde haired blue eyes were the normal.
>inb4 Godwin's Law
not technically true. a homosexual man can have a child with a homosexual woman even if neither enjoys the physical process.
You and all of your genes need to be shot down
They all fall within the norms of expectation. They are normal.
But Ellie and her GF both die?
An illness afflicting 1-5% of the popularion will never be normal. All gays burn in hell eternally.
A man who isn't disgusted by gayness is a gay man. We pretend not to be disgusted out of politeness but we will never not be disgusted.
Finally, we talk about some real issues that matter to regular people. Finally! Iran attacking those Saudi oil rigs? What a fucking niche issue.
Let's talk about gay relationships in video games.
(we should do a gay Holocaust)
that's... actually a really good way to put that. alright you win this round user.
Big talk from a genetic dead end, incel
If anything, they've un-normalized anything that isn't a white male. There's no humanity or empathy when gay or black etc. people are only ever used as political symbols and bargaining chips, and the developers themselves proudly announce their cynical boardroom intentions.
why does (((Hollywood))) hates gingers?
Thanks user, nice to see someone willing to argue in good faith and change their mind on rare occasion.
arent they currently the norm?
>Says the gay
LGB is normal, T needs to be gassed.
I have faith nobody is going to give a shit.
>to be fair, you need to have a high iq to understand being a faggot. the genetic damage is extremely subtle, and with a solid understanding of theoretical genders, most of the pronouns will go over the average viewer's head. there's also the 41% nihilistic outlook, which was deftly woven into their characterization...
Imagine the outburst if they changed Ellie to be straight in the final retail version.
They're already normalized in the west, but who gives a fuck. I want more anime lesbians, especially in video games.
>talking about homos
>suddenly tranny shit
Are you retarded?
>Finally a decent female character that isn't over sexualized
Oh yes
>She becomes a dyke
This, I’ll use as much of Jewrizon’s data as I want
they're the ones who wanted to combine all the defects into a movement
>theyve been wrong for a millenia but now theyre normal because i complain about it a lot
Only retards actually support trannies, be it heterosexual retards or faggot retards.
>normalize relationships
I do not know why they keep taking normie concepts to the demographic least likely to empathize with human contact and intimacy
What the fuck happened to 'video games?'
Why is everything about emulating social contact you people don't like or want anyway?
If everyone was as "normal" as faggots the human race would be long fucking gone.
Political baiting thread. Sage and hide.
>treat people like sideshow attraction for years
>"I sure hope this normalize them!"
I can't wait for TLOU2.
10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10
99 on metacritic. 800 GOTY awards. Woke articles being made every single day.
It's going to be a great watching Yea Forums melt down.
Yeah that's pretty accurate to how these people speak
The best way to normalise it is to not reference it every few scenes. Which they won't do because they cannot help themselves
They're less than circus people.Circus people are entertaining.
ITT: good gay characters
Why would we melt down? We know it's going to be really mediocre, but journos will love it anyway. Sales will be good but less than expected. The only people posting about it will be gafugees who haven't even played it but want attention.
This is some A grade brainwashing. What
Said is factually right and inoffensive
People DO make a deal about blue eyes though? Except in a positive sense
t. Blue eyes
>at least 10% of the world population is LGBT
>not "normal"
There are more gays and lesbians in the world than there are Germans, guess being a german shouldn't be "normalized" either.
thanks, gov
Being a passive offensive asshole turns nobody to your side bub
They already are outside shit holes like Yea Forums and certain parts of the south.
no you're supposed to celebrate their diversity and fuck every tranny that propositions you or else it's rape.
shit tier reasoning desu
Start posting then
Goddamned faggots, I can't believe I wasted hours of my life a decade ago on Web forums arguing for their rights to marriage. Holy fucking shit, you fags can get married now. Fuck off already. Leave my goddamned vidya alone. If your goal is 100% acceptance, then you might as well kill yourself now. We can't even get everyone to agree that raping little kids is wrong, but somehow, everyone will magically accept fags? Accept the fact that you're abnormal, and that you will never receive 100% acceptance, and go get aids, and fucking leave us normal, non fags alone.
we tried to warn you, bro
Isn't that mostly ginger boys in britain? Hollywood loves redheads.Actresses get famous for dying their hair red.
Every society that has ever existed for the entirety of human history has hated them up till modern times. And even then only the civilized (I.E. white) world cares for them. Homosexuals are despised everywhere else in the world still.
If the gays aren’t bothering anyone why’d you care?
What do they mean by "normalize"?
Bad example but you get my point, neither of those are choices you make, you're born a german, you're (probably, we don't really understand exactly why or how) born gay, this shit isn't hard to understand, everyone should have the right to be free and live their lives to their best capacity, no one should give a shit about who you have sex with besides you.
make everyone LGBTQ+
Ignoring them is what has led us to this point.
I know...
These people, not just fags, but leftards in general,just have to fuck everything up
>Leave my goddamned vidya alone.
It's not "yours" you egotistical maniac
But they obviously are by constantly trying to be put in the limelight. If they wanted to truely be normal, they wouldn't be chasing it
twin studies confirm that you aren't born gay but there may be some genetic component
You literally can't be born gay.You can be born such a way that the world makes you gay.
The gays fight really hard to include themselves in every little thing. It ain't normal when you force it. 3% of the population should appear be 3% of characters in media. That's normal. Numbers don't lie. Know your role.
Point to the gay gene timmy
And it's not the "gays" either, yet they bitch an moan when underrepresented.
See the latest Fire Emblem
Why do they use language that's popularized by suicide prevention? Are they trying to tell us that putting gays in videogames will save lives?
gays are by definition abnormal
having kids and all
fags, homos and trannys are the end of civilization
they will never be normal, no matter how much (they) try.
People aren't born straight either. Girls have cooties until sexual maturity sets off the bang beacon.
So, have you done the statistical analysis to show that they're overrepresented? Or are we going by your gut?
Normalize is a dogwhistle for anti-Trump rhetoric
These past 9 going onto 10 years have made me hate faggots with every bone in my body. They ruin everything they touch.
what is a mega character?
You can't normalize the abnormal.
This is a post on Resetera
Slippery slope user.
Whatevery they are doing right now is probably hurting the society's acceptance of the LGBTTQQIAAPP+ more than anything.
Minority acceptance is grounded in the goodwill of the majority population. Constantly talking the majority down is not a good way to maintain that goodwill.
That's not what that says
Sure, I called that a fallacy back then. It clearly wasn't.
You can only normalise the abnormal, in fact.
It clearly says that normalize's new meaning was coined by Trump himself and popularized by John Oliver as anti-Trump and quickly picked up by mass media
Something is either normal or it isn't. Our view of whether it is normal or not is irrelevant.
man it's all so tiring
Normalization means brainwashing now user.
>>at least 10%
Based on what? Never before heard such a huge number.
>See the latest Fire Emblem
>has a couple of gay characters in it
>whine that not every character is gay
Brokeback mountain already happened. Any straight male who doesn't admit to sucking his homie every now and then is lying.
No, because it has never been about normalising anything.
The majority don't have a problem with their depictions, it's the shallowness of those depictions that are a problem.
You could go back and say a thousand characters in previous games were part of them because there's no indication one way or the other that they weren't. It's largely irrelevant to the character and wouldn't matter if it was included or removed.
What we have is nothing more than LGBT types basing their entire personality and character around being LGBT. No nuance, no complexity, just rigid labelling. LGBT or not should be an afterthought, create a character instead of a caricature.
It doesn't say any of those things either, in case anyone else is wondering.
If you manage to reproduce unlike fags just teach your kids that fags are abnormal and to not drink the kool aid.
Our view of whether it is normal is in fact the only relevant metric which decides what is and is not normal in this context.
>Last of Us 2
Sexuality is such a boring fucking theme for a video game.
>...critics of Donald Trump have used the term normalization to describe the process of making something normal
>...normalizing a man (Trump) who has threatened to tear families apart, who has bragged about sexually assaulting women and who has directed crowds of thousands to intimidate reporters and assault African Americans. Their fear is legitimate and we must refuse to let it fall through the cracks between the fluff pieces.
>The comedian John Oliver devoted a monologue to the suggestion that Americans resist "the normalization of Donald Trump,”
>A recent article in The New Yorker titled "What Normalization Means" reflects in-depth on the mechanisms and reasons behind normalization. In these and similar pieces, the meaning is clear; it's also clearly different from the definition you'll find in our dictionary.
Clearly normalize is a dogwhistle
I had a shot or two but fucked it up both times. Come on I'm here at almost 1am at midweek. At least lord shekelstein pays well enough I can just coast
And yes I know I'm no better than these degenerates which is why it's even more tiring. I'll just slip into nothing one day
That's not what a dogwhistle is. There is also nothing particularly Trump-related about the word. You're focusing on all the wrong things and making some up in the process.
Sexuality is not going to be the fucking theme of TLoU2, ffs
Sexuality is such a boring fucking theme for a video game board
So you're retarded AND defending anti-trump rhetoric from 2016? Still regretting that Hillary tattoo?
>a message communicated through words or phrases commonly understood by a particular group of people, but not by others.
They are normal, wtf.
Not everywhere, but equality looks pretty boring.
But what are they expecting?
It just doesn't mean that they become the majority out of fucking nowhere.
If you replace "normalize" with what they really mean it becomes clear.
"Do you have faith that TLOU2 will BTFO Trump?!"
Yeah you better tell me this isn't real
>Not maybe 2%
In general, it's a pretty boring subject for media. What is there really to explore? There are no important ramifications specific to it; no insight to be gained in looking into why some people like to bone who they do. It's like doing a bit on 'what is your favorite color'
>implying borderlands didn't already normalize gay couples/being gay in general
user, I am only pointing out the gaps left by your terrible reading comprehension and the way your persecution complex filled them. That article by Merriam-Webster is talking about a linguistic development which has happened entirely independently of Trump. They are merely using some of the rhetoric surrounding him as a relevant recent example. There is certainly nothing inherently anti-Trump about the word. You'll note that these facts are entirely non-partisan, as if your own bias could be any more obvious.
Relationships in video games are an aberration, regardless of the sexual orientation.
But Trump loves gay people, he has had many gay friends
Normal to you, not to everyone.
Go away, schizo.
Oh yes look at you with your high IQ and shifting goalposts
>There is certainly nothing inherently anti-Trump about the word.
>Literally a cornerstone phrase of the #resist movement
I don't know about that, from all we've seen so far it feels like it's going to be at least a minor theme.
You redditspacing faggot.
>guess being a german shouldn't be "normalized" either.
This but unironically.
user, I have never once shifted any goalpost.
>Literally a cornerstone phrase of the #resist movement
So if I said "fuck Trump" the word "fuck" becomes inherently anti-Trump? Nevermind that, the word "resist," according to your own example, is inherently anti-Trump?
Do you hear echo?
Germans aren't even normalized in their own country.
>You redditspacing faggot.
It's a proud Yea Forums tradition since before reddit was a twinkle in some neckbeard's eye
ya git
Why are you on neogaf?
Are you literally eight years old? Good grief.
LGB is fine, I'm ok with that. It's the mentally ill T that's just latched on that needs to go away.
For the record, since we're talking about shifting goalposts, you are still wrong about...
>Trump coining the word
>Jon Oliver popularising the word
>The word being an "anti-Trump dogwhistle"
Things I am wrong about:
It’s not normal to be German for most of the world besides Germany.
yare yare daze...
>Phone posters
How to spot a casual/zoomer
Sexuality without sex is just lip service that nobody cares about in the end. It works in TV and movies because people fuck in those, but you aren't allowed to fuck in videogames so sexuality has no place.
Go to Twitter and type in "normalize" into the search bar, what do you see?
>Fuck bras
>Fuck police
>Fuck pedophiles
>Fuck Kavanaugh
>Trump did 9/11
>Fuck bigots use pronouns
>Fuck Sean Spicer
>Cheat on your boyfriend
>Don't exercise
>tfw home wifi won't connect to my phone
Do you not realise that's roughly the equivalent to the entire population of Europe?
>at least 10% of the world population is LGBT
Even 1% is a fucking stretch
A word being co-opted due to agenda does not preclude its use outside of it.
>Go to Twitter
That right there is what you are doing wrong. What else do you expect from NPC central? Literally, the site is filled with bots.
You are aware OP is a post from Resetera right? Kill yourself you fucking faggot
being a German is a crime to many people.
Well having any kind of reverence or respect for your German ancestors and culture is anyways.
Name one (1) situation where it makes sense to have a video game character be gay.
Turning around and asking "well when does it make sense for a character to be straight?" is a fallacy, as based on sheer metrics being straight is simply the default setting for a human being.
he was reacting to a Rise of Skywalker teaser IIRC, not that that's any better.
So Trump is pro bras, pro police, pro pedophiles, etc.? What are you suggesting? You realise that the meaning words depends on their context? I won't deny that the full phrase "do not normalise Trump" is anti-Trump. But that has a lot to do with the inclusion of the negative "not" as well as mentioning Trump. Even if you want to argue that the word is associated with the anti-Trump camp, that would make it a shibboleth, not a dogwhistle.
I notice you're not even trying to argue any of the other points any more, speaking of moving goalposts.
>You are aware OP is a post from Resetera right?
You are aware that proves nothing, right?
I thought they already were? Tons of games have trannies dykes and faggots in them now.
>do not normalize the acting president
If a democrat wins are all non-democrats just supposed to pretend the president doesn't exist?
Based on sheer metrics, it makes sense for some video game characters to randomly be gay. However, video game narratives aren't built around sheer metrics, so in reality the answer to your question is "when the author feels like it".
when DARPA comes knocking and tells you to
Excuse me, we're having a linguistic argument here.
Leviticus 20:13. Just end yourselves, faggots.
Incidentally, when you go to the /pol/ archive and type in "normalize" in the search bar you get very different results, but plenty of them still.
>nothing has any meaning
Why do all arguments with you faggots end this way?
I like how TLOU discussion is forever destroyed because of that kiss.
How is that your takeaway here? I guess my words might as well not have any meaning for all the good they do you.
>Twitter culture has nothing to do with Resetera or mass media
Probably this line of logic
That is not the point, user. You are making random connections. Not every word used by someone on Resetera becomes "tainted" forever. It's a normal fucking word. This is "Hitler wore pants" tier of damning by association.
>You are making random connections
>Anti-Trumpers have no determinable lingo or concrete identifiers
Do you have an argument
>0.2% of the population should become 100% of video games
Pretty much this. F/F romances are common in vidya at this point, it's M/M romances that are still rare/handled poorly (ex: FE3H having only one actual romantic male S-rank option for the male protag, with the other two S-rank-able men being platonic.)
This is partially because of the overlap between the push for more female representation in games and the push for more LGBT representation in games but probably mostly because of the fact that men tend to be just fine with watching girls kiss other girls but grossed out by seeing dudes kiss other dudes (and are to a lesser extent uncomfortable with playing as a girl who kisses dudes, which is almost certainly a big party of why they're making Ellie gay in the first place.)
As I already pointed out in one of the posts you quoted, so I know you saw it, /pol/ uses the word in exactly the same way. In fact, looking a bit further reveals they have been doing so since at least 2013. And guess what, "exactly the same way" doesn't mean "fuc DRUMPF" but what Merriam-Webster says:
>Rather than removing variables and regularizing something to make it conform to an established standard, the new normalize seems rather to shift the standard to make something considered an outlier “normal.”
Your brain latched on to a random meaningless detail and assigned it great significance. You may have actual schizophrenia.
Oh so if both sides have used the word now it just cancels out and becomes nothing. Logical
It's a normal fucking word. Are you able to make sense of the actual, literal meaning the dictionary says it has? Can you imagine the many, many contexts to which it is applicable regardless of political affiliation? There never was any question of the word being partisan until you randomly came up with it and somehow became married to the idea.
>it's a normal word, nothing political about it, definitely not associated with the 2016 or 2018 election
Wait what's this
Missing an axis.
A concept becoming a hot button issue doesn't make the words we use to describe it partisan.
Social justice isn't partisan? Are you insane?
Again, putting the cart before the horse with that schizo brain of yours.
If normalization isn't associated with social justice and anti trump then what is it associated with? In your mind it's nothing, but that wouldn't explain a 188 year old English reference company going out of their way to link it to the 2016 election and Propagandist John Oliver.
Oh my fucking God, the shift in meaning just happened to correspond to a time period where this new meaning became very relevant to one side. As my /pol/ example has already shown, however, this shift was already well underway before the recent election, nor is it at all restricted to one political side. Merriam-Webster was just pointing out recent and relevant examples. The age of the dictionary has absolutely no bearing on this discussion either.
fuck western devs and fuck faggots. they don't even make the boys cute anyway
t. just jerked off to Idolmaster Side M doujins
Why should relationships be normalized?
Why not normalize good gameplay instead of dumb shit?
Gameplay is problematic. Can't have that.
It's already been normalized in RPGs for like 20 years
>Fiction doesn't affect reality
Tell that to Goebbels
>the shift in meaning just happened to correspond to a time period where this new meaning became very relevant to one side
So you're ignoring #normalization peaking around 2016 and 2018 and Merriam Webster? Is there anything I could ever show you to convince you otherwise? Anything at all? Is any amount of evidence able to convince you of anything other than your predisposition?
I could very well ask you the same question, considering Merriam Webster doesn't actually agree with you and there is overwhelming evidence of the word being used by people all the time regardless of political affiliation and in contexts which have nothing to do with condemning Trump. Did a lot of people talk about the normalization of Trump? Sure. Does that tell us anything about the social function of the word itself? No. I find the very premise ridiculous. So no, in light of the evidence you yourself provided me with and the further evidence you caused me to look up, there is nothing you can do any more to convince me otherwise regarding this thing I didn't know about until you introduced it to me.
will you fucking homos shut the fuck up about normalization?
I mean it's pretty difficult to assume the position of "there is no meaning" but I would definitely be impressed if you showed any evidence of that at all.
It's the fucking apocalypse. One human being is immune to a world-ending disease. But, y'know, fuck trying to pass those genes down or nothing. Nope, gotta eat that yummy vag gobble gobble gobble!
>being a german shouldn't be "normalized"
Yes, what the fuck is that even a question?
The meaning is what it says in the dictionary: to cause to become normal. Why you would even think this concept is partisan is beyond me, let alone relate it specifically to Trump. That's like saying the word "orange" is partisan because a lot of people suddenly started tweeting about the orange man in the White House. It's inane.
There's no reason to believe her immunity is even genetic. The first game seemed to suggest it was a mutation of the fungus, rather than her.
>Recently, we've seen it used to describe a change in what's considered standard. In this new 'normalization', the standards change to make something considered an outlier 'normal'—not the other way around.
So you're wrong about the definition, got any more breakthroughs?
As long as people keep treating sexual identity as the primary defining character trait in someone's personality. It will never be "normalized".
People wanting others to like a character because they happen to be gay is stupid. All you're doing is dehumanizing them and it feel disingenuous.
Ah, we're back to you completely misreading the article that's your only source? How is that not what I said?
They infact did that because only one was gay
If she legitimately decides to not give a fuck about humanity and do whatever she feels like, that would be actually pretty good.
Are semantics your only argumentative tool? Do you have a long beak like nose, beady eyes and a habit of rubbing your palms together?
They might as well make everyone bisexual, because in a game where every relationship is player-defined, what the fuck even is canon.
While you have the dictionary open you might want to look up "semantics" too, because I'm curious how else you wanted to have this argument.
So you've completely given up because I realized you have no argument? Here, I'll close my eyes and let you find one.
1... 2....
Please, do look it up. Then we can resume our argument where we left off because you're actually the one who went on this tangent rather than answer my point. Furthermore, I do believe it is your argument that I am wrong because I do not follow the exact wording in the article, thereby introducing the argument about these particular semantics?
I'm going to let the ad hominem and well poisoning slide.
Still waiting, post some proof too. Faggot
Canon isn't the only issue. Verisimilitude is another.
TLOU is my favorite game ever. I plan on preordering the most expensive edition of Part 2, attending the midnight release if that's possible, and taking off two days of work so I can dedicate myself to it.
All right, so firstly: semantics is the study of meaning. This has been a semantics argument from the start. Secondly, you have not refuted any of my points, but rather just quoted a line that agrees with me and pretended it didn't. I can see why you want to avoid a semantics argument; because you're completely ignorant about it and furthermore you also suck at it.
Not as long as religion exists.
Where's you proof?
You're not going to play it so why do you care?
In the thread. You've seen it already. Don't pretend you haven't.
I have seen no links or images
One of my sources is the article you're so fond of misquoting. I'm sure you can find it. The other is /pol/'s archives. You don't know where to find Yea Forums's various off-site archives? You cited twitter and I wasn't so petty as to demand you link it.
Is your device super fucking old? Enable the g band if it isn't already enabled and if it still doesn't work enable the b band. This usually shows up as a drop-down with "n", "g/n", "b/g/n" as options.
>The other is /pol/'s archives. You don't know where to find Yea Forums's various off-site archives?
gays have been normal for like a few decades. what backwards shitwater place do these Neanderthals live in where it isnt?
We have Days Gone, we don't need TLOU2 anymore.
rest of the world confirmed GAY
It seems like normalization has been used in conjunction with social justice and degeneracy as early as 2013. Is that the same conclusion you reached?
>not even released yet
>prolly won't even be on the ps4
what the fuck
homosexuality isnt too outlandish in the US surprisingly. even in my mormon run idaho town I knew 2 or 3 gay people, which is around the normal amount I'd think. Probably even more common in coastal cities.
Why are Western games filled with identity politics? I'm sure some Japanese games have them, but they seem to be rare, whereas it seems every Western AAA game features identity politics.
>Is your device super fucking old?
galaxy 6 I think.
>Enable the g band if it isn't already enabled and if it still doesn't work enable the b band. This usually shows up as a drop-down with "n", "g/n", "b/g/n" as options
is this a phone or wifi option?
God, you're really trying to shoehorn this, aren't you? Weren't you trying to prove it was used BY the SJWs and degenerates? The usage by /pol/ stems organically from their preoccupations and the natural meaning of the word. Nothing more.
Look motherfucker. Quit trying to justify wanting to fuck someone in the orifice designed for waste elimination.
America legalized gay marriage before most of europe
Blue eyed men and women could bear a child
Butt fucking faggots cannot
Are you seriously implying that Yea Forums of all places is the heart of linguistic creation
No shit, dumb fuck. Get them to do that. Convince them that it's a good idea. I know fucking dozens of male and female homos, and not one, NOT ONE, will cross-pollinate. The only lesbians I know with children that gave birth are couples in which one dyke and one "bisexual" woman exist.
Thanks, guv.
Since you're so retarded, here's an article from 2001 talking about how removing the foundation of modern classrooms and curriculum and teaching hands on "normalizes" children.
When will people understand not being liked or accepted by someone is not a Human Rights violation?
Nothing of the sort, if anything it shows the new sense of the word had already been normalised by that time. Incidentally, note how it can also be used in a linguistic context. Or indeed any context in which we have norms and standards. It's such a straightforward word, really.
>In Montessori education, the term "normalization" has a specialized meaning.
The very first line indicates the article will be discussing a specialised sense of the word. I don't even know what point you're trying to make with this. You seem to be back on your bullshit. I'm done anyway. I won't be reading your reply. Doubt I'm missing anything. Keep seething over normal English words and probably confusing normal English word-users in the foreseeable future.
It's thought policing, it's never gonna stop.
So you admit defeat? I just disproved that 2013 Yea Forums is not the origin, doesn't that mean you need further proof to continue this conversation?
Question. This will be normalized at some point so to those of you who absolutely hate it: will you never accept it until you can't anymore at death?