Are you having fun?

Are you having fun?

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Yea. 47 Tauren Druid on Grobbulus, I'm really enjoying myself. I like using the Spy addon to keep track of players to kill

Not really. Leveling alone sucks ass and I don't feel comfortable paying Blizz $14.99 a month just to play this.

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Deviate Delight here. Also loving the leveling and WPvP. Heard Grob was an elitist shit show, any truth to that?

Yeah just partied up with 2 mages for fat ass pulls lmao7

39 Warrior. Just did WW Axe quest and I'm loving it. Gonna do SM runs tomorrow and hopefully get enough gold for my mount.

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Ded game, ded threads

>WW Axe at 39

Im just spamming rank 2 hellfire while mages frost nova these troll bitches

no carry like most others

Not original guy, different Alliance Grob player but that's not my experience generally.

People are nice and chill, wpvp is active but since people started hitting 60 we've had a few griefers camping lower quest zones.
Some people are clearly children and have no idea how to RP without shitting it up with memes though. That'll be a problem anytime the population pool is larger I suppose.

I love have an established presence on a grind spot

Allies aint getting shit here today

Have run into a few bad eggs, notably last night a druid refused to bring me in for ZF because he didn't want me rolling on a helmet from there.
Maybe at 60 I could understand but not a 47 dungeon.
I just blacklist and move along, most of the people I've run into Horde side have been very nice I've made 5 new friends in my leveling

yes i am

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I wasn't very interested in Classic since I played it when it originally launched, but since I still had some money on my account from tokens I decided to buy a month and give it a try.
I got up to level 30 before calling it quits since it just wasn't holding my interest. It was basically just the same as I remembered it including all the irritating parts.

Bored at 29.

>be fire mage
>pretend to be a frost mage during mc raid


>play rogue
>nobody wants a rogue
>not even my guildies ask me to group with them
I was angry at first, now I'm just sad.

>start leveling in STV as horde at lvl 30
>mostly empty with a few orange allies that might try to gank me
>lvl 43, last batch of stv quests
>allies run mostly in packs of 5 ganking everything that has less numbers
>horde is nowhere to be seen
>barely finished a quest in an hour or so
Holy fuck I cant even say if I hate it or Im glad I finally get to experience the real stv

Too much
I haven't done anything else in my free time and I've lost an unhealthy amount of drive to do any of my responsibilities

Yeah slayering retail trannies is real fun too bad they cant create level1 characters to seethe in pms

Yes. I quit question at level 18 and have just been tanking dungeons ever since, had a good bit of fun with it. Been trying my best to stay clear of spellcleave groups and just go through dungeons with lots of people. I also managed to finish my Scarlet set last week.

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30 is too low for STV. Come back at like 34

I logged on for 5 minutes before I got bored, I played it non stop 12 years ago but it just isn't the same. Maybe it's because none of my friends are playing.

be a man and respec like everyone else

Im 44 now and im fucking scared to go there to finish the bloodsail pirates and elite quests

Based tauren mommy

I thought combat rogue was the goto melee dps

Me too, friend. Nobody wants me even with my UBRS key. I just want to PvP

28 warrior doing quests in stonetalon peak right now and just logged off after 20 minutes of playing today.
honestly just getting really boring for me to continue it feels like.

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It is but
>melee dps

My group always takes rogues when we have a slot open, doesn't step on our core groups loot tables and having the lockpick is handy.
Screw the tryhards, find a better guild that actually wants to play the game with other like-minded / fun players.

It’s all warriors and mages because everyone just wants max AOE. Unless you can heal.

Warriors don't want to compete with them for pre raid dungeon gear and are usually the ones setting up the runs.

Level 42 shaman with +70 spell damage gear. Having a blast in STV three shotting anyone I walk across

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heh heh... ''fun"...

Balls deep in guides rn

Yeah, been having to juggle three different characters (one for playing with all my friends, one for playing with one of the friends from the group who is almost always on, and one for playing when I’m the only one on) which I imagine is going to wear thin eventually but I haven’t hit that wall yet

i quit after the realization set in that i'm just trying to reach goals i've already gotten once before. it's just another retail patch

Literally me. So many assignments to do but I'd rather play WoW

It's not really fun because class design is totally fucked. If only we could have the class design of retail and nothing else.

31 warrior, 27 warlock, probably not going to play much anymore.

no, westfall is making me hate life

Retail's class design is far inferior to Classic

Dumb retail tranny get out

>29 warrior
>make a group for RFK, no corpsemaker. Group offer without me asking to run it again so I can get it (I do, along with tusken helm and some amazing BOEs)
>get my fire hardened mail, get the other pieces too
>do my berserker stance quest, arms specced so have sweeping strikes already, ready to cleave
>gonna hit up gnomregan, south shore, get my WW Axe and head to STV for a bit then Badlands

Max comfy

41 Dwarf Priest, 42 when I get on since I was at 98% when I fell asleep last night. Having a pretty good time.

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get the bonebiter at that level dude

I spent 2 days trying to get Brokentooth but the hunters on the opposing faction will outright kill you for breathing the same air as them and your faction's huntes niggers will fucking sabatoge you just so you don't get this stupid cat first. This stress nearly made me quit, I just hearthed back and realized -.2 attack speed aint worth this stress, I'll just wait for ZG bats instead.

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Enjoy your one button rotations. The game design of classic is better, but the classes are not.

Not rly
Got a lvl 30 lock
20 warrior
Just kinda boring. Canceled the sub so it doesn't auto renew

Oh shit i forgot Gnomergan existed, is it lv 29? just got to 29 on my Paladin duskwood is dope as fuck btw so i am having fun OP

Get some friends to help. Classic is all about helping each other out for the tough stuff.
I helped a level 30 guild warrior get his WW axe a few days ago

No one wants to help anyone thats not a mage or a warrior. This community is straight up worse than any private server even with the chinks and russian bots.

I am enjoying actually having a mana bar instead of it being cosmetic

*fireballs you to death in 3-4 hits*

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>Hey I'm down inv
Find a new guild.

Once I hit lvl 40 I just started doing pvp in the badlands for a few days. Killing alliance left and right.
Today I was getting ready to fight an alliance warrior. He was just finished from a fight, so I sheeped him back to full health. I try to fight fair and square, can't learn anything from ganks. Huntard came out of nowhere, starts fighting the warrior. I let them fight, huntard gets slaughtered.
I've never seen anyone this assblasted before. Guy starts /w me, full of salt.
>U are big noob
Like that actually matters.
Why are huntards such noobs?


Ps. Yes, I'm having loads of fun with WPVP. But only that

>Casts through charge stun

Yeah I go in at 30 but that’s because I’m tanking, healing you can go 29 no problem. Tons of quests and some decent gear , definitely worth doing. IVe never gotten past like 36 though so gonna have to start figuring stuff out soon

Didn't they say they would remove layering after a few weeks / when the player base's levels will be more scattered out ?

I dunno, after playing on private server for a good while, it feels weird to have to wait an hour or two in queue to get in a server but ending up by myself in 90% of the zones.

As someone who really wanted to play an elemental shaman I disagree.

Can't you get banned with the Spy addon?

No, all my friends capped before me and left me behind.

imagine having an opinion that is objectively wrong

Wrong. I'm a mage and I join groups all the time consisting of every class. No one cares what class you are.

I am when I'm doing dungeons normally or questing during quiet times.
But trying to quest during peak hours when there's about 5-10 people doing the same quests and my exp gain grinds to a halt, I basically hate everything.

There's nothing to be learned kiting a warrior.

imagine not knowing what mana is spent on in retail

Tbh you sheeping a warrior to give a fair fight is retarded anyway because you’re pre 60 and looking for pvp. He’s levelling. It’s like a 9-1 matchup to begin with, there’s literally nothing a warrior solo can do vs a frost mage who isn’t absolutely retarded
>2 novas
>2 blocks
>perma slow/root

I find help all the time. Try having a good guild If you want to raid play FF14. It's class design and PVE content are top tier. WoW is for PVP

>Immediately downloads addons

Summoning battlepets?

That sounds like and argument in favor of "energy" meters in phone games.

>SM Runs

You make fuck all gold doing SM my dude. Mobs drop nothing but cloth which sells for fuck all. Gold comes from vending greys.

I hope not

I think I've become a bigger social dumbass over the years, I used to have no problem talking to random people when I was a teenager but it's really off putting now.

its spent on dilating your gaping wound vagina

it is actually unironically the budget hybrid classes are allowed for healing, so this answer is pretty close

This. Are they going back on their words and making layering permanent ? I must've missed it.

Yeah I'm talking generally though, vs every class. Plus he was 2 levels higher

already hit 60, got pre bis, killed rag and got bored
already did this shit on private servers so the spark is gone and i got to relive my EPIC VANILLA NOSTALGIA XD on Nostalrius so it doesn't mean anything to me anymore
i'm completely over the game


>walking in silverpine as a low lvl priest
>see someone passing me on the road, right click thinking it's a friendly
>it's a human, accidentally hit them with my staff for 0 damage
>oh, no big deal, i'll just keep walking
>she turns around, two shots me and laughs at me
I honestly would not have cared if she attacked me on sight, it was the fact that one simple mistake is all it took for that asshole to get angry.

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Hell yes. I have friends who play though and i met my wife on vanilla wow. We are always questing together and when one of us gets camped/griefed usually someone is close by to come help on the off chance we arent together for some reason. We are all almost level 50. Getting ready to do some Zf/mauradon in about an hour

You got taught a lesson

He could have been 5 levels higher and it would still have been trivial.

Just did sunken temple, that last boss doesnt fuck around

You just don't like it as much as you used to. It's fair to expect a varying degree of interest in the game. But calling it vanilla nostalgia is completely retarded at this point, you're proving it yourself: you still bought classic and leveled to 60 even after doing it on private servers.

Godspeed in your new endeavors, user. You can't play the same game forever.

Loving it.
Forsaken players are a cancer unto the world though. Orc, Tauren and Troll players are cool, attractive, and intelligent, but Forsaken players seem to have double-digit IQs and lack several chromosomes.

Having loads of fun. Got a 42 mage and I'm in a guild with some of my friends and we just quest and do instances together, sometimes PVP together. Taking my time, not racing to 60, not doing meme-shit, and it's been enjoyable so far.

Also leveling an alt Warlock who just hit 20. I'm gonna go the dungeon grind route with that character. Basically only quest for dungeon pre-reqs. Warlock is the least played class on my server so I'm hoping I can get some clothy gear drops that the mages and priests don't roll for. It's kind of an experiment to see what's more enjoyable and what gets me geared better, the mixed questing/dungeon route or pure dungeon route.

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This is some of the most shallow, uninspired game play.

Who actually wants this?

Yes because I don't play classic

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just got anger management and cleared wailing caverns one go,

mages warlocks and priests all roll for the exact same shit so good luck with that

i just wanted to feel young again user, is that too much to ask?

>bought classic
just outed yourself, friend

It turns out the reason I was having fun all those years ago is because literally a dozen guys I knew from school played at the same time and we would all be on teamspeak together.

>have lots of fun
>get to 60
>start doing dungeons and MC pugs for gear
>realize the gear treadmill is the same shit as in retail anyways
>uninstall game

I think I really just missed the leveling experience. I might come back when BGs are made available in phase 3.

This + the game wasn't datamined/theorycrafted/played to death and everything was still new.

>undead in booty bay
>accidentally right click dwarf flight master

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This is what peak warrior performance looks like.

Blizzard 2019

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>Mage vs Warrior
>Sheeped him to make it a fair fight

Did you give him a free action potion as well? Because there's nothing fair about a Mage vs Warrior in a 1v1. I was rank 12 in Vanilla on a Warrior and I've been kited to death by Frost Mages starting the fight with less than 10% mana. The Match up is entirely one sided without extra consumables.

ya my guild gave me hella items due to that exploit and will be rich

I tried it last night, levelled a druid to level 9 in about 3 hours
Then it hit me that I will eventually get bored with the game and quit, so I figured I might as well quit right now and not waste literally hundreds/thousands of hours playing it

I don't get it, is that you? Nobody cares bro

combat system has 0 skill expression

all these issues with classic and people unironically defend it and ignore it
anyone still playing classic is a blizzdrone

>people are so bored after 3 weeks that they're doing ragnaros speedkills

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probably just another example how big joke this games combat is

Armory has very good grey drops, especially since you're guaranteed 1 weapon and 1 armour box.

If it's so important that you press multiple buttons to do the exact same thing you could always just put your frostbolt onto five different buttons.

that is the inevitable result of replaying the same game for 15 years and being unable to move on

>3 button rotation
classic is so hard...

The game isn't about rotations you fucking zoomers

its almost like there is nothing to do because its a theme park with no content

>"top" players just used xp exploits or are spell cleaving just to rush max lvl.
>then just exploited to get all preBIS as fast as possible
Why did these people even want classic if they just wanted to rush down endgame content that's been out for years? It just seems like these people want the current retail experience.

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They are IRL losers that want to feel proud of something and feel good about winning battlegrounds or ganking other people

Imagine coping this hard.

Got to 40 and got my mount and vanq blade+sword of omen then got bored. Also blizz couldn't help but fuck up with all this layering and other broken stuff.

Imagine being this much of a fucking zoomer.

I wish I were a zoomer, so I could be younger.

Me and 7 friends all started playing again and we're having a blast. Dunno if we'll bother with raiding beyond the first few tiers though.

>Retail's class design is far inferior to Classic
oh no no no

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Paladin quest in Westfall is pissing me the fuck off. Guess I should stock up on mana juice. It’s fine until the last (I hope) wave of 5 Defias cunts. Guess I’m used to my retail wrecking ball.

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It was nonstop fun for the first ~25 levels during the first week of launch.

After that here's what happened:

- The new meta cemented itself. Spell/Meleecleave dungeon spamming. Regular dungeon runs are now a rarity because zoomers only want to AoE grind dungeons 50 times a day.

- The community is complete and utter shit. It isn't even remotely like the actual Vanilla community from back then. Those HOME threads being spammed 24/7 attracted the absolute worst of humanity to Classic.

- Once you hit level 30 or so it becomes that what you're 50% of your time is spent grinding mobs and 40% is just walking from place to place. Quests in Classic are really just an excuse to grind more mobs.

- Dungeons and raids are massively undertuned. You don't need to CC or manage your resources or change strategies whatsoever. The game is braindead easy. The only difficulty in Classic is whether you're able to withstand the mindless grind or not.

I love running around and polymorphing ally cucks then running away

>join guild that I've done a few dungeons with at the low 50s
>not many high level people, but friendly enough
>friend joins as well
>play with them for a few days
>notice that some people type what seems to be nonsense in gchat from time to time
>this keeps happening
>get curious and run it through google translate
>it's arabic
>it's all fucking arabic
Did I manage to unwittingly join some IS recruitment scheme or something? Getting pretty spooked here.

I don't have time to really play it unfortunately. Was going to log on last weekend but that fell through. Every day I'm not playing I feel like I'm falling behind, but I have more important things to do, even as far as time wasters and hobbies go.

Thanks for the regen.

>all arabs are isis
yikes oof not a good look

Nah, I already quit. Reached level 50 and I realized the game just isn't very good. Should have released classic+ or bc instead.

1.12 was a mistake and you fucking know blizz is going to do 2.4 for tbc servers. What a joke.

they probably have backups of BC patches

Know your place, Horde subhuman

sound like a smash player

>Should have released classic+ or bc instead
Yep. Unfortunately the mentally ill boomers who just wanted to relieve their teen years again were loud enough that they drowned out everyone else so blizzard adopted the "#NoChanges" bullshit.

TBC or Wrath with changes would have been literally orders of magnitude better. Vanilla is just not a good game

Playing with a group of IRL friends every night, it's kinda fun, almost at 7 days /played lvl 44.

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damn I bet she amazonpressed you

that would be pretty funny haha

I just got whirlwind axe at level 31 and I feel like splurging because I'll be using it for so long. What enchant would be best for it?

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It's worth it just to keep transmog out imo. I would be okay with a certain degree of changes like most people but the problem is everyone's idea of what would be acceptable varies wildly and a not insignificant amount want Cataclysm style classes where each spec is basically its own class, which goes so far over what vanilla is that it could easily ruin.

having a website run thousands of simulations to detect the best possible dps isnt "good design"
to be fair, the 2-button specs in vanilla wasnt "good" either but atleast you could look at a tooltip and see if it was worthwhile both resource-wise and time-wise to cast a specific ability


Having to execute more inputs in certain ways to achieve optimal damage while dodging/dealing with more mechanics is objectively harder than one button rotations.

It's so easy to pick out the private server autists who worship vanilla, they act exactly like tranny speed runners.

Normal people will correctly recognize that classic has the advantage in community due to less sharding fragmentation, less teleportation, more instances of bumping into one another in the actual world. No one sane gets angry about people pointing out one button rotations.

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fuck off lil zoom

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got my mount and got pretty tedious after that. They also recently crunched a load of layers, tons of people in full groups questing and autists terrified of another human being denying group invites are making it a chore to quest

also gnome mages are fast becoming the pandas of retail for me now, probably going to make a horde char with the prime focus of killing these midge minmaxing little faggot aoe farmers soon

people who get good gear like that would generally not mog over it

>having a website run thousands of simulations to detect the best possible dps isnt "good design"
or you can use your brain and figure it out yourself

Why would anyone start playing a month after the game launched on a PVP server?

>people who get good gear like that would generally not mog over it
Literally everyone does though
Shut the fuck up, you have no clue what you're talking about

>not flying

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Zoomercleaved my way to 60 and layer-abused for all the best gear and cash- yeah I'm having a good time.

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And this is why I'm okay with no changes. The death of a thousand cuts starts with a dozen or so changes that most of the community is okay with and probably wouldn't stop at LFG.

thanks for posting that retarded image you stupid faggot

neither do you faggot, stop clinging to the past so much.

That looks horrible for your knees, what the fuck

server only LFG is better than not having one. dungeon lfg chat spam ruins any semblance of server community.

>playing alliance

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Yes. I've been slowing down my play time though.

Concession accepted!


going to try this at the gym tommorow.
i hope the lads will be impressed.

enjoy your ghost town in a month with nothing but brazilians and mexicans playing

Slowed down my play a bit. Focusing on Gym time and some education stuff for work. Classic is easy compared to retail. It's kind of comfy.

nice Yea Forums pass you loser faggot


where do i lvl at 32 as horde?

explain this sentence


Arathi Highlands

Warrior orc 27 here, got finished helping out a priest with leveling in ashenvale. could have got further but I have other hobbies I partake in and I'm generally lazy as well.
This honestly revitalized my interest in WoW, it feels like genuine progression instead of "oh heres another rep grind you need to do to access the content".


Shimmering flats, RFK, desolace, STV, Arathi are all early-mid 30s. Grinding shimmering flats is good trash for your mount.

hit 50 today, two more weeks till 60 probably.

Please don't post screenshots of my ragnaros logs

God I want her to sit on my face

51 Mage, 300 Skinning/245 Tailoring, 178g
Wish I were 60 already.

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>be Blizzard
>invest millions of dollars in creative teams for writing, artwork, game mechanics, raids, dungeons, leveling zones, ect to give player newer, better things all the time
>fans do not care and complain that its not like the old version they used to play
>they would rather play a finite, clunky, broken version of your game from 15 years ago, including all of the hideous game models, boring raid mechanics, and lengthy painful grinding to get anything because this is somehow more "fun"

I quit a week ago. Game is shit. WoW is shit.

>23 Forsaken Warlock
Yes. Victory for Sylvanas

Lv 36 rogue first time playing

Where the FUCK do I go to level?
Everything is out of my range to reasonably solo.

Killed Ragnaros yesterday and Onyxia today bros

not your bro

t. zoomer

Had the worst fucking pug of my life last night.

>almost pre-bis on my pally
>still no dress drop from strat UD

*breaks line of sight before even one fireball goes off*
You were saying?

STV, desolace, SM

>with changes
And you unironically trust Blizzard to make changes for the better? I'd personally love to see classic+ (raised lvl cap is one of the main things that ruined the game so fuck bc and wrath), but they'd just ruin it, so "no changes" is sadly the only way to go.

Haven't seen neck or chest but I've seen a handful of capes. Shoulda rolled warrior.

I didn't in Legion. I was pretty proud of my mythic set even though it looked stupid objectively.

The whole GEAR IS REP argument is just coming from scrubs who never got out of clown suits or quit WoW back in TBC and Wrath when raider was a different tier of WoW player instead of something everyone just plans to do like now with Classic or are doing in retail.

Transmog is perfectly fine for customization and allows people who collect armor they actually adore to not lose it when their upgrade clashes with the set.

Nah it's dress up for fags. Kill yourself

>server faction balance is 30:70
>breathe the wrong way and ZUGZUGZUG intensifies
>either abandon a level 43 or suffer

My GF has never played WoW so she really wanted to try classic. We just hit level 21, I've been supplying us gear as a leatherworker and she loves it so far. Seeing WoW for the first time through her eyes has made me fall in love with the game again.

It's having fun. Quit being a bitch

Why would you want your gf to play wtf

Blizzard will never incentivize balancing the factions.

Fuck I know that; took the transfer off that shithole. New server is bout 50-50 and it's crazy how much more enjoyable it is. They should force queues but do it based on horde/alliance. Force a 60/40 max split. Once it hits there the side that is over 60% sits in the queue and the other side can go fuck off.

Should I buy this for $15 a month

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>On Benediction
>Constant bored level 45's and level 35's showing up in Duskwood and Redridge to kill lowbies
>always end up getting camp by alliance.

I think it's good to be on a 50/50 since I've seen whitemane and I really don't know how people survive the endless queue and horde-camping.

They're doing Battlegroups lol.

>that feel when playing on a 50:50 perfect split pvp server

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>They should force queues but do it based on horde/alliance.
so much this

Jesus fucking christ.

>Blizzard will never incentivize balancing the factions.

[Laughs in Blood Elf]


Anyone having fun with over 40 Ret Pally? Just seeing what I am getting into.

>le epic Thanos maymay inbound ecks dee

Well it's either that or you roll a dice to see if your server is going to be healthy for BGs since that's where all the pvp progression is going.

Shit was in vanilla so it's coming.

Professions are 99% useless.

>Unable to play as much as other friends
>Log on to my 28 main today
>All my friends are already 60

It's fun, but it sucks leveling/playing alone.

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Just got kicked from a Strat run cos our Pala tank (lol) died at the pack just before Rivendere and I couldn't kite the last mob cos I just picked up Peacemaker and had no skill in Polearms for Wing Clip. So no, I'm not having fun.

If any of you guys browse here, fuck you all.

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It's something we can do together when we aren't out doing normie shit.

Whatever you're doing now with auto-attacking and spamming judgement, you'll be doing that same thing till capped.

With an execute added in.

You have to tolerate that if you want to get to sixty as a paladin.

what did brain aneurysm user mean by this?

Getting a bit tired of levelling

hunter fuck off

60 Paladin here, if you're focusing purely on doing DPS the best way to go in Shockadin, I'm enjoying the fuck out of it, I out DPS everyone in every dungeon I'm in and I can pump out amazing heals, there's a TON of strength gear with spell power on it that just turns you into a beast, it's awesome.

Never played an MMO before and I'm having way more fun than I expected. Didn't realize the world was this big. level 33 warrior mostly playing solo and taking it all in, exploring and questing as much as possible. The quests that have you delivering messages back and forth between two far away areas is kinda grating but that's really my only complaint. Nice game to just turn my brain off and listen to music to while talking to friends and grinding.

me =/= everyone

Depends wildly on your luck. My server is suffering from nobody except one guy who leveled blacksmithing. Guy is jewing the shit out of all the poopsockers for anything from spikes to armor. Doesn't matter if you're bringing full mats or not.

Imagine being this retarded

same boat here, all my friends rushed to 60 meanwhile I'm just hitting 40, most of them already quit, so once I am 60 I'll just have no one to play with

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>Using a weapon you don't have the skill for in a dungeon
You deserve to get kicked

Grobby boi.
Wish there was more RP. People just seem to be in to get 60...
Having fun, lots of WPvP

Just hit 40 and only have 25g
End me

Only the core mechanics of Vanilla were good, the actual gameplay sucks compared to TBC/Wrath. I don't like having to play a class that feels gimped because all the fun stuff got introduced after level 60.


But nobody wants it

Has anyone transfered to Earthfury? Is it as fucking dead as I expect it to be?

go to desolace and get the crab cages for that troll. Its 1 gold per 4 cages

You can make 15 g an hour

ty. i could actually use money over xp atm. im in shimmering flats and this is pretty good. not alot of people here so im not getting ganked nonstop like in stv and hillsbrad

is this what having a stroke sounds like

anyway, is he saying hit chance on gear counts as a buff, so it can be lost if you reach the buff cap or something?

Old WOW had addons, faggot.

One of my friends had a meltdown and quit leaving a huge message on our friendly discord

Like, we're in BRD, not even 60


Don't play it then, fag

Having a ton of fun desu

Nice blog post nigga

The people who did this are retail players.

Way ahead of you buddy, already quit because it's so boring. I'll come back when they add more core spells and 99% of which aren't just situational utility.

How does this happen?
I hit 40 with 80 gold. Just did like 6 more quests and got 90
One gathering profession and engineer.
Just AH any excess.

STV, (northern) plus you have grim grol (or whatever its called) fp so you are lucky

He probably trained every spell and maybe also spent money buying a bunch of useless patterns for profession trainers.

Out of character?
Am I missing something?


This but I strongly advice you do STV last to make the hemet quests fast.


>have to kill the elite uncc-able mob outside BRD
>BRD entrance is a fucking Nesingwary killzone 24/7

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It's completely retarded to let an ally die just because you wanted the fight to be "fair," especially for such a one sided match up anyway.

Im leveling warrior as my alt for PvP. Class is pretty comfy

>it was the fact that one simple mistake is all it took for that asshole to get angry.

They didn't "get angry," they took the free kill on a retard who flagged himself.

real RPers are on retail m8 due to all the styling tools and transmog, rePvp is just where everyone who was afraid of streamers went with no intention to rp. Notice how the classic RPpve servers are all completely dead

>tfw Skinner
>spend more time skinning than grinding in some zones

that axe sucks in my honest opinion. duel wielding in pve is way better

only if you're fury

>literally everyone did
>me: I didn't
>literally everyone did

I mean this is basically just you shouting at yourself in a box. Like, just ignore my post if you're going to be like that.

Transmogs are just fine in current WoW and still reward people who don't suck at the game and get mythic items that scrublords can't. All it did was remove clownsuits and let people who like playing casually design their avatar with armor from an old raid. You can still identify the 1% of the game as easily as in vanilla.

>wait 4 seconds for another swing

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Was in a uldaman group yesterday. Was only level 41 as a warlock. It was a really painful group. The healer kept running out of mana and I had to constantly give health stones to everyone.

Was just shit talking a little and the shitty shaman was in the same leveling zone i was. Was bitching my dps was lower than a 2h warrior tank with ravager that was 4 levels higher than me. I called her back on her stupidity as she was bitching I was wanding and dotting for dps as that was "toxic" to her. I told her she has no idea wtf she is talking about in general chat. If she thinks I shouldn't be using a fucking wand and not understanding why the warrior was doing more dps.

Everyone in general chat took her side of course and called me a "loser". It honestly pisses me off the level of stupidity. I even gave her a stack of mana pots as she was constantly running out of mana. It pisses me off that these scumbags play the game while also being a shitter. Oh and of course she insulted me and quickly ignored me after sending the message of course.

As is tradition of scumbags using ignore to escape conflict.

>"duel wielding in pve is way better"
>full damage


>mob loses half hp

Yes, but I'm never doing Jintha'alor without a proper tank again, "we are tank+dps" my ass when the warrior never even enters prot stance and does shit damage to boot.

see2Handed fury and arms are more efficient for leveling by math. Fury only outpaces in dps when you get hit gear to make up for the absolutely shitty auto 16% (closer to 25% while leveling) miss chance you get from dual-wielding.

This has been known for decades and has been labbed more times than you've had sex.

its just women bro. I was in stv the other day and some girl started whispering me asking what 'cooming' is. I told her it was a meme. But she took that as insult??? she then kept harassing me "you having fun yet?"

literal mental illness

I'm having fun by not playing it yes

>labbed more times than you've had sex.

You were too low for Uldaman.

>bitching at a warlock dotting mobs and then wanding
Isn't that what they are supposed to fucking do?

not wanting more dodge procs to overpower

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Everybody who plays a gnome deserves to suffer.

>mob dodges
>crit overpower then crit the auto and mortal strike instantly deleting the mob

RNG never felt so good.

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I was having fun with the grind for a week or two, but have come to realize this game really is as lonely and anti-social as retail WoW at its core. The height of socializing is doing an instance and having to co-ordinate crowd control. Nobody has time for anything more, just getting XP and gear. I can't imagine getting to end-game will be much better.

I explained that also as a level 41 trying to hit a fucking level 47 end boss is quite difficult.

Spy doesn't do anything that's not allowed, it just makes rogues seethe because it helps people notice stealthies

Leave up to a frogposter to level dual-wielding.

not wanting to take a mob from 100-25 in a single overpower

Should've been weaving shadowbolts or aoe'ing instead of dotting. Shit needs to die faster if the heals is low on mana and as a warlock you should be crushing that warrior's dps if all he has on you is a few more levels.

you were also too low for Uldaman most of your damage would be resisted when it really needed to matter.

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I quit already

How in the fuck would hit on gear count as a buff? It's a character stat. It shouldn't even be interacting with buffs differently from Str or Stam

Do you think they'll change retail at all after the success of classic?

Life tap, put your dps on the healers back. Theres no reason for you to have to bear so much of the parties burden yourself when the goyem have so much spirit and are happy to heal you!

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A two handed overpower does more damage than a duel wielded overpower which also has a greater chance to miss.
>Auto > Sunder / Gouge > Auto > Sunder > Auto > Repeat.
Use overpower inbetween autos.


dont forget, we need to know all three specs to be viable :).
Being a warlock is fun.

>doing Uldaman at level 41
it's your fault
hit the gym and get a clue

If I aoe I pull all aggro as the tank could never keep it. If dots get resisted a shadowbolt will also get resisted. Wanding was the best I could do after getting successful dots up. And if you think a 2h warrior with ravager at level 45 is going to do less dps than a 41 warlock you are dumb also.


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missing doesnt proc overpower

Why the fuck did I pick a warlock

She could barely keep the tank up. Life tapping was barely an option.

>be a 43 lock
>people message me randomly daily asking if i wanna run a dungeon
>get invited to guilds after most dungeon runs
So fucking glad I picked this class. Everyone appreciates it.

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to be fair due to phase 2 not being out yet there's not much to do, no bg, no honor, no bwl or zg etc

dude needs to get off the computer for a few minutes his brain is literally rotting

>tfw getting random messages from people asking to buy my soulstones, healthstones and summons
feels pretty good man

>If I aoe I pull all aggro as the tank could never keep it.

How the fuck would you're tank fail to do that? I've been 2h ravager tanking aoe groups just fine. Sounds like you're right, painful group with a shitty tank.

>And if you think a 2h warrior with ravager at level 45 is going to do less dps than a 41 warlock you are dumb also.

My warlock friend was topping dps during my ravager tanking and he was only three levels behind me. Mage friend was beating him, but it's no excuse to be running into a high level dungeon underleveled, makes you a waste of a dps slot. But honestly, it's the tanks fault for bringing you in since dps are common enough to find one an appropriate level.

you are witnessing the difference between a retard who cant figure out the class and someone who has at least 80 iq and did

>was topping dps
was near topping dps

I tried Stranglethorn Vale as alliance today. We are outnumbered something like 3-7 on the server. Never again.

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What's the worst class for raiding?

The raid literally needs only 1 at max and 2 if you are memeing.

>mediocre DPS
>if your guild is real try hard, all their loot will get given to DPS warriors
>every raid isn't given at least 1 fight designed around making rogues useful like it is in retail

What song is that?

Dude even my friend who tanks can't even keep aggro if I aoe. I can almost never aoe in any groups as tanks can never keep aggro? What should they be doing? Tab target sunder? Which I never see either.

>retards filling the AH with individual crafting components instead of full stacks
>6+ pages of individual pieces of silk cloth, copper bars, peace bloom, etc

fucking WHY

>Never again.

heh, hope you're in a spell-cleave group.

>2h scrub
that dodge should be coming any day now

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>He doesn't have the AH addon

user if you want to dungeon sometime I’m a 43 orc warlock


>2h ravager tanking aoe groups
Sure you have, user.

Objectively wrong which is upsetting because i wish duel was worth it. Saw a dwarf with bright red hair and two axes which reminded me of a Slayer from warhammer and though that was awesome.

But this has been proven to death. 2hander fury > 2 hander arms > anything else for leveling warrior. 2hander fury simply does the most single target damage but that being said arms has more versatility for PvP and better AoE so its fair game to level either.

The problem with duel is you miss too often, it only becomes viable when you can start stacking %hit chance effects in the late 50s at which point it will outdo 2hander fury.

the rock toss does like 400 damage, you could potentially be sitting there with 401 hp. Even then life syphon does more damage then your wand probably. life tap siphon is going to out dps your wand. You could even life tap yourself to 1 hp and bandaid / life stone if youre scared of getting killed by the rock toss.

most bosses dont even AoE, dont be scared of dropping to 0 life if no one is going to hit you.

why are people so mad that people are playing and enjoying classic? is it just retailcucks?

Get on my level, got it at 31

There is nothing quite like walking into gnomer with your WW axe and dealing 3x more dps than anyone else.

>every post in reply to this is mentioning raids
Once again retail players fail to understand that class versatility in leveling vanilla is infinitely better than anything retail can offer.



Imagine actually being this fucking stupid

Balkans never cease to amaze me

You came in with the argument you assclown, the burden of proof is on you. People just reapply their dress up outfits every time they get a piece of gear, recognizing people's power and progression by their appearance is dead and transmog is the killer.

No. It made me realize I've outgrown MMOs and can't justify the insane amount of time they ask.
The shitty bugs blizz somehow allowed to slip in isnt helping

quit 3 days in, I don't think I can go through this all over again, rather keep my memories

Going to be honest, if you install shit like QUESTIE that is degenerate as shit.

>Get on my level, got it at 31
helping low level warrs get their WW axe is fun. I've killed Cyclonian for every warrior in my guild except one

what's wrong with it?

> I can almost never aoe in any groups as tanks can never keep aggro? What should they be doing? Tab target sunder? Which I never see either.

Here's some tips as a leveling warrior

>revenge is top-tier threat, far better than sunder. It should be on cooldown or unactivated, never waiting
>for aoe, demo shout in the early levels but charging > whirlwind > plus challenging shout whenever off cooldown allows groups to melt mobs. If aggro is ever ripped, tab-target mocking blows and taunts should hold threat on mobs due to the duration. So long as dps is fast mobs should be focused on the tank for 90% of the time and other 10% of the time in transit to the group before death
>Rav procs help help with threat but its best to have it going after you've build aggro to hold with whirlwind and tab-revenges

Tab-sundering I usually do to glue mobs on me when revenge isn't available. You want to approach groups with as full a rage bar as possible to get threat leads. For me I do this with Anger management /stance mastery. I'm not aware of any optimized cleave builds, but I'm able to hold attention until mob death which is what matters.

If you can't rav tank, just stick to sword and broad to learn how to keep revenge in your rotation and tab target.

which one?

I am creating new memories. So many quest I missed out on when I played in vanilla. Especially group elite quest. I was rarely able to find people to do that shit in vanilla.

nothing. he just likes feeling superior by reading vague quest directions and then googling where to go

>Sure you have, user.

I've tanked them for friends. Am I cutting edge top tier spell-cleave master? No, but I cleared SM just fine while memeing it up and keeping mobs on me.

it saves you 10 seconds since you don't have to look up the quest on wowhead, which literally everyone does anyways even without quest addons. and everyone did it back in the day too with thottbot

Might as well be.

Not gonna lie it would be shit without Questie

fuck off zoom zoom

Way to oust yourself.

I am trying to convince myself it's more enjoyable to read the quest text and explore the world. I'm sure I'll believe it any level now

Man you questie shitters are amazing. Can't you fuckers read? And yes I sometimes fucking Google, but it's not every fucking time.

worse than pservers

Guy says literally everyone does, but I don't. We're argue anecdotes anyways, so there's the proof.

I've seen plenty of guild mates in Legion do the same because you don't just have You raided for it, and when I got it I was part of three guilds in my server that cleared Mythic.

So I mean if you want to gatekeep, my ugly mythic set put me over scrubs just like my stylish T5 did back in the day. All I've seen transmog do is give something to casuals to do which is something old WoW rarely did anyways.

+5 damage

It's enjoyable right up until a couple of your friends play one or two days without you and you have to play catch up. Game immediately turns into a second job like that.

The reason you want a slow weapon and what makes twohanders so strong on warriors is Slam. Its the only warrior ability which is a cast, meaning its not impacted by your swing speed. With a 3.8 speed weapon you wait until the animation starts for your swing (or use a melee swing timer) then use slam for a 1.1 second swing. Being able to hit a 3.8 weapon in 1.1 seconds is insanely powerful, and if you learn how to time it right you'll see a significant increase in your damage. It replaces heroic strike.

You cant slam properly with two weapons in addition to the miss chance. Overpower is fairly overrated. Its good if you leveled arms since you can stance dance it in-between your berserk stance attacks, but fury/slam build is stronger for leveling.

Its quite funny when someone ganks you as a warrior when you're killing mobs and have fury built up, then charging them and chaining an auto attack and two slams. I've killed clothies in seconds doing it.

Just fucking play retail if you use questie. Jesus christ faggots.

You forgot to switch to classic, use the drop down bar in the launcher.

>2+ hour queues nightly
>blizzard's solution is a free transfer to a dead server

haha sure is fun


blizzard are right, how is there any discussion whatsoever?
if you're knowingly abusing a loop that you know shouldn't be possible to gain an advantage over other players, then you deserve a ban. get fucked faggot.



gr8 b8 m8

holy based

>Left = Simple & concise. Focused and easy to learn while being effective
>Right = 30000 word essay on every possible situation with each optimal rotation meticulously mathed out and if you don’t master it all gtfo noob

And they said Classic was autistic...

Samefag retail player

try slamming mobs lol
>what is interrupt
but yes it would shine in pvp against people not hitting you or if you're not tanking in pve

Questing is literally 95% of the content in the game faggot. I would say it's even harder then easy ass raiding. If you don't bother with questing you are missing out on so much fucking content.

You don't get slam until 30 so overpower is most of your life and slam prevents you from hamstring kiting with swing timer which is a better way of playing since it lowers downtime.

Slam is also too rage-hungry to grab over mortal strike once you have it as an option which is a better ability if you're specced arms.

Fury comes into it's own with gear, but for leveling I only miss some talents like cruelty, which I get anyways with arms after MS.

>then charging them and chaining an auto attack and two slams. I've killed clothies in seconds doing it.

Sounds like you're fighting super scrubs. Slam, even improved sucks for pvp when you fight anyone decent since 0.5 is still a cast speed.

>Class design

>Left = I sleep
>Right = Fun

>I can almost never aoe in any groups as tanks can never keep aggro?
Tank warriors need to use both their shouts after pulling, it applies a lot of aggro on every mob and is instant, you can afford both after a single hit + that fury generating ability i keep forgetting the name of.

>using slam

lmao at u my fren

it also puts quests on the map that you haven't picked up
i've played since EU launch and it's helped me find a few quests i never even knew about

The problem with fury/slam is that you lose out on Sweeping Strikes, and Overpower isn't the only thing you miss out on by being unable to stance dance. You want a 2H in general, not just for Slam and regardless of spec, because dual-wielding fucking sucks without hit gear. I leveled dual-wielding in vanilla and the first private server I went to. When I grabbed a 2H for the first time and stuck with it, it was like playing a different game. HS/Cleave, Whirlwind, MS, Bloodthirst (or whatever the Fury ability is), and Sweeping Strikes (because it's 5 autos) all use weapon damage and benefit from your 2H too.

im lvl 44 and i have no idea where the fuck to level lol

>travel for 30 minutes to a zone
>do 2-3 quests
>have to go to another zone

>i enjoy questing

biggest yikes in the thread. there's literally no point after you've done it once or twice

DDR isn't fun if it's just your fingers

Hamstring Kiting doesn't work in Classic against most mobs because of the massive lag compensation.

will i be banned when i get home and logged in? i may or may not have farmed lots of gold gear and recipes

class design is better in retail, you even have different design depending on your spec unlike classic where where all the specs have the same spells

You = autistic

I dont use questy but i do look it up online if im having trouble and I always check for quest hubs when entering a new zone.

Don’t listen to this guy you need.melee dps and rogues are the highest.

>2 of the posts you quoted were made 12 seconds apart
>inb4 you're "only pretending to be retarded"
If you're gonna troll, do a good job of it so that it's actually interesting to read, please.

Well you are on a quest user, quests aren't supposed to be easy

>Get a quest
>it explains exactly what I need to do, where to go, and what to kill
>even gives some lore
>Get another quest.
>it literally tells me to go to a city
>Just gives me the name and no other info other than whose the turn in
>ask /1
>one person responds
>it's an obvious meme answer
>have to look up the fucking city on google

It works better in the earlier zones. Getting questie helped me catch up to friends who were reading thottbot anyways.

Even back in the day I just used thottbot or general if I didn't find it immediately.

Even if you get interrupted, which you shouldn't be getting often, 2.2 speed is still faster than 3.8. I shouldn't even need to point that out. 2 hander slam is the best PvE build for warrior while leveling there are a million guides showing it.

Hamstring kiting is a bit of a meme, it doesn't reduce your downtime as much as people think it does, and again fury does more single target dps so there is no reason to take arms unless you want the utility for PvP. Arms and fury are both entirely viable, its basically personal preference. But slam does deal more damage.

>Sounds like you're fighting super scrubs. Slam, even improved sucks for pvp when you fight anyone decent since 0.5 is still a cast speed.
3 second stun from charge is enough time to land auto attack and two slams. Player skill has nothing to do with it.

Stop taking people's hammers


As someone that leveled to 60 in vanilla TWICE I am doing quest I never done before every fucking day. The game has an insane amount of quest. Continue trying to find excuses for using questie faggot.

dont assign that variable to me fagget, you dont have permission to write to my file

To be fair, in classic you are your class, not your spec.
There are also some wild specs that cross talent trees.

Hahahahha I’m rewriting you right now!!!!!!! Hahah now you are gay yes how about that???????? Let me suck your di I mean suck my dick!!!!!

>only druid trainers are in moonglade
>the only way to get out of moonglade is to go northernshore or thunder bluff
literally why? why cant it be connected to other flight paths? FUCK SAKE

I'm not using questie as I'm not questing. Imagine being so autistic that you enjoy doing the same collect and kill quests multiple times

The 50% attack speed from fury and the existing AoE abilities are more than enough for a fury warrior to match or beat a arms in dungeons for AoE clearing.

But all specs in retail are the same.
>Build resource
>Spend resource
>Resource dump
That's literally all dps specs. It's boring as fuck, and part of the reason nobody plays it anymore. The only "classes" in retail are tank, dps and healer.


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Please tell me the SM grind isn't so bad I finally hit 28 for it and want to try and get Ravager from it

only if you put on the dress user

>3 people drop from our M+ retail group to go play classic
>no big deal, the 2 of us left replace them with new regulars
>M+ runs are a lot smoother now
>we're clearing higher keys than before
>the 3 quit classic and want to rejoin the M+ group
>tell them their spots have been filled
>they start their own new M+ group
>can't do their weekly 10s
>they go back to classic
I hope everyone is having fun playing classic.

>But all specs in retail are the same.
and they're even more the same in classic
>spam shadowbolt
>spam shadowbolt
>spam shadowbolt

Yeah there's no way you could make 2 posts at once, like on a phone or something. Sure user

>leveling tailoring to 300
>start making 20 headbands and fuck off to do other things
>come back 15 minutes later and it's not done yet

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t. cringy retail cuck

>implying you always use the same rotation when fighting mobs while leveling
Lol. No.

And I'm talking about weapons, not specialization. Dual-wielding is fucking garbage before 60 on warriors. Most of our abilities are based on weapon damage. You realize most of the people who know what they're doing and go fury are still using a 2H weapon, right?

Are you blind?
There are several druid trainers outside of moonglade, there is even one camp mojache in feralas.

t. also a cringy retail cuck
Classic is the best thing that will ever happen to you. Fucking make it work.

>n-no this incredibly unlikely circumstance could happen, and I'm totally not just backpedaling like a retarded faggot

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If you aren't questing that means you are stupidly just grinding mobs like a moron defeating the purpose of exploring a world.

>Guy says literally everyone does, but I don't.
Are you legitimately retarded or is this just shitposting?

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So you didn't read what I wrote and agreed with me anyway?

I dont get your point. I never said duel was good.

>no enchant

25 - 45 is the lull of leveling. Keep going my guy

>so there is no reason to take arms unless you want the utility for PvP

Stance mastery and anger management are exceptional talents to have early and are an absolute necessity for pve as well. Arms and fury are comparable when you're running two hands but slam's cast time is too much of a hamper in any situation that the mob isn't still. During the 30s it can shine earlier for questing, but mortal strike gives you more bang for your buck while being the superior leveling tanking tree because stance mastery is so infinitely useful.

>3 second stun from charge is enough time to land auto attack and two slams. Player skill has nothing to do with it.

Any player who is getting dominated in three seconds either isn't prepped for pvp or its sixty and you're rocking gear.

Yeah, until you play a different class. How many different dps specs are there in retail? And yet they all have the same gameplay

>friends and i all play together
>get to about lvl 15
>staying later at work and focusing on social life and trying to keep up with hobbies
>friends are already in the 40s while im still only 25

Attached: 1550275538235.jpg (1024x962, 67K)

>there are several
>2 in mulgore
>1 in thunder bluff (mulgore)
>1 in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
yes, thanks.

>exploring a world I've explored literally hundreds of times


Fuck off, retail trannies.

>Posting from your phone and PC at the same time

>making up storys to brag about retail


serves you right normie

>redundant addons

Thunder bluff is a great city though, very underrated.

>And yet they all have the same gameplay
they don't


>literally everyone
>as in everyone

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I think you to return from whence you came, redditor.

in terms of \\\balance\\\ maybe, but in terms of identity retail is fucking shit and that's why i ended up dropping wow. why the fuck do i care about having all these heals and "utility" if every other healer class has the exact same stuff?

too bad it had no zeppelin

No, I rolled firemane and I think I made a mistake picking the worst server for EU, the Spanish players pick the same servers and games I do even though its English speaking and I'm almost about to hit 50

I enjoy wearing dresses. They make my boner look good

Not really.

Evens: Druid Shaman
Odds: Tauren Druid

tell me more about that

You should try again.

i'm a dagger rogue and warriors still won't invite me. no faggot, i do not want ironfoe or dal'rends just invite me

Good thing you got odds or you wouldn't have been playing

what class do i play if i don't want to give a fuck about my party members but am also not gay so i wont play rogue

>3 second stun from charge is enough time to land auto attack and two slams. Player skill has nothing to do with it.

shouldn't the GCD render this impossible

ikr they should add level boost, it would help a server population!


>but slam's cast time is too much of a hamper in any situation that the mob isn't still
Which is literally every single combat situation. There is nothing to actually talk about here, slam fury is the best dps build and its been prove to death.

>Any player who is getting dominated in three seconds
Again, three second stun from intercept followed by an autoattack/slams was based off getting ganked while doing mobs, you're being autistic about what is just a funny situation to be in. And with a WW with those abilities its easy to kill any clothies as warrior.

You cant argue against actual math user, feel free to go look up the million spreadsheets showing it.

Ret pally honestly.

At the most you give a buff. You don't contribute anything else and you don't have the utility to be called to cc like a hunter would be.

>in terms of identity retail is fucking shit
on retail rogues can be either
>use poison and bleeds
>use shadows
depending on your spec
on classic rogues can only be a dude that poke someone with his daggers/swords and use poison

Who comfy SoS grind

Its a cast, its triggered when you use slam not at the end of slam.

This is a message to all Yea Forums users

if you're friends are already sixty and aren't coming back to be your guardian angel, they're not your friend

the difference is classic is class-focused, not spec, so nice try dipshit.
the differences between the comparable classes in retail are all cosmetic, it doesn't matter what you pick.

you forgot that rogues can also be paladins with their combo points and every speck has less abilities than a lvl 10 vanilla char

>on retail rogues can be either
>>a gambling simulator
>>an actual rogue
>>Sasuke Uchiha

imagine thinking pressing more buttons somehow makes it fun

>the differences between the comparable classes in retail are all cosmetic, it doesn't matter what you pick.
this is your brain on wowclassic

You were initially talking about Slam being the main reason people want a 2H, which implies that dual-wielding would otherwise be decent, which is primarily what my first reply was disagreeing with. So I figured your follow-up was at least partially related to weapons since that was big part of the existing discussion. But sure, in that niche scenario, we can agree that Fury is fine. If you ever need to solo level or tank, I'm still gonna argue in favor of Arms. And you still want a 2H for reasons other than Slam.

They do
>Press numbers 1-5 in a particular order
It's all the same bullshit, most of your spells and abilities don't get used on their own, only in the sequence

>Play hunter
>Never invited to dungeons
>Never invited to raids
>Never thanked for doing anything
>Seens as a burden out to steal everyones loot
>Every treats me as the ez mode class when efficient hunter is actually hard and 60% of the server are mages
>Quest and grind solo while taking what little pleasure I have gibbing people in wpvp
Hunter life is a lonely one.

Attached: 1360794561510.jpg (800x680, 100K)

>Trying to tank instances at 43ish
>Everyones fucking terrible
>No focus on targets
>Random warriors charging other groups
>Locks/Hunter pets aggro attacking next groups
>People starting escorts before everyones on same page
Its fucking terrible.

wow so just like every mmorpgs in existence?

Is there any reason to cast Slam ever?

he's literally right. Every DPS spec in classic is either a rogue or a death knight, just with different colors of magic

All classic did was make me want a mix of both. Classics map, leveling pace and the talents/buying skills combined with retails QoL improvements (Not DF though) and its quest variety.

I also miss playing my draenei

RFD can be rough with retards.

You realise he would stop paying sub so he can’t be playing retail either dipshit

thats why you have a pet.

That's why they gave you a pet.

>Which is literally every single combat situation. There is nothing to actually talk about here, slam fury is the best dps build and its been prove to death.

I prefer to have my MS and stance mastery for pvp gankers and early tanking. Arms also chucks mobs just fine. Where's the math for this anyways? And it better not be some shitty 5% difference like we're splitting fucking hairs here.

>feel free to go look up the million spreadsheets showing it.

How about you start linking man, I'm not googling shit when endgame is already known and leveling still has me beating mob ass just fine.

Except classic


Can you give me some undead tips user?
I'm just starting and I have no idea what's good or bad.

>Quest vari

yes because you only have one button to press

What is spell cleave?

My man right here

well not rly coz im drinkin 24/7 for like a week
honestly feel like killing myself
i just can feel my brain dissolving away

whats to enjoy? leveling is boring af, the dungeons and raids are piss easy and the community is generally filled with fucking cunts pretending to love a garbage game

long way from true bruh.

It is, lost the plate chest to a 38 warrior and first one to escort started it while we waited for an afk. I've lost motivation to replay it for that ring I need.


im lvl 30 horde, how much more time is it going to ding to 60?
then start raiding?

I think rarely, if ever.
>delays your next auto
>suffers spell pushback
>1-1.5s cast depending on whether or not you spent 5 talent points on it (you can't get Mortal Strike if you get the talent)
It's probably better than Heroic Strike when you have a slow weapon, start casting it right after you do a normal attack, and can avoid getting hit by a mob to avoid cast time delay. Otherwise, Sunder Armor them.

1. Tank - warrior with rav or druid tank (druid tank does higher tps and is better)
2.mage- for blizzard
3.mage-also for blizzard
4.mage-certainly for blizzard
5.healer to keep tank alive.

It dominates SM, which is the dungeon people like doing. Other ones like Uldaman have mobs that hit too hard to make it as viable, but it's a meme that streamers and their audience are invested in and has everyone who isn't one of the good classes in vanilla salty that the same do things the easy way mindset exists in classic as it always had.

I never once killed VC legit by burning down/cc'ing his mobs. we always just dps raced him down and ran for the wheel

what kind of idiot company designs a game to have a lull anyway.. it's just trash. Fact.

What kind of rp character should I make on Grob?

So 50 to 60 is the hell of leveling?

I swear I was going a night and a half for every level from 55-58.

I'm so close now that I have to finish, but I'm also so burnt out on all the killing.

Doing anything is more fun than M+

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Autistic warriors aside, as long as you don't go prot, keep your weapons up to date, don't fight more than 3 enemies at a time, it's ready hard to fuck up, unless you use, like, rend or something.
Over all warriors aren't super efficient leveling machines and its tied more into down time than anything else.
Just get a swing timer mod, user

>Game has it so that a ragtag group of 5 individuals are able to clear out multiple caves, dungeons, and castles full of race hating humans with ease

it is

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why would i not want to rend?

If your weapon is 2+ second swing and you're not being attacked slam otherwise HS is how I understand it.

This is your brain on zoom. You can't open up with aoe now that demo and battle shout was fixed. You also can't open with a shadowbolt even because it will 100% rip threat. Best thing you could do is cast corruption, curse of agony and then tab target immolate. If the dots last their duration you will achieve your maximum dps that way. Wanding is typically then the best way to ensure Mana Regen so less time is spent drinking. Aoe can be nice at that point.. but only if your comp allows it. Hellfire is insane but no warrior can out threat it. Literally three ticks of it will a snap most targets onto you. Can only use it under mage snare... Which is a specific circumstance. Rain of fire can also be used after dotting if it's there targets as the mobs will be slowed by the mage should you snap threat.
If mobs are dying way before immolate and corruption drop, then don't curse of agony.

Also am I the only one who duel weilds so I can get more dodges so I can quick equip my 2h for sweet overpower crits?

Is there anything more disappointing than missing an overpower crit?

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>with ease

Attached: wowhead_35590.jpg (673x807, 143K)

This meme is retarded.
I played Alliance for my first classic char when all I've ever played is horde and these guys are a joke.

this is what im trying to tell these autists

>all the classes are the same
cope classicbabs

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Rend is fucking horrible by itself and still barely worth it with 3 talent points in it.
>10 rage for 66 dmg over 18 seconds
>15 rage for slam with bonus 43 dmg

Yes I fucking am
Did SM runs literally all night

>tell everyone that DM stands for Dire Maul and not Deadmines
>have game taken away

Attached: game stolen.jpg (549x591, 196K)

>This is your brain on zoom.

More like, this is your experience with a shit tank.

How the fuck are you people finding all these tanks that can't hold threat over shadowbolts and aoes.

Thought a lock would be viable for his Hellfire/Rain of Fire

Battlegrounds fucking WHEN?

WHAT THE FUCK were they thinking not including BGs in phase 1

you deserved it. If you were talking about Dire Maul you'd give a direction

Quit at 54.. fuck this boring shit.

everything this guy said is 100% unironically correct but the blizzdrones will just call him a zoomer or some shit

Fucking REKT
Now you learnt the lesson, that enemy faction can only kill you in your zones if you attack them first.

Good, that shits so tiring in /lfg. You're not the first one and now it's memeing into Cookie's Cove.

It's just a really low damage to rage ability. It's primary use should be to have it up when fighting a rogue. That's about it tho.
I fell like its a real fun way to play a 'master of arms' type warrior. Spells coming st ya and you can swap the shield, switch to the 2h for throwing out phat damage and dw for rage gen and procs. Shits fkn fun

It's VC

>tell everyone that DM stands for Dire Maul and not Deadmines
You deserve a bullet to the head, not a ban.

uhhhhhhhh NO CHANGES (except for the ones blizzard implemented like layering, spell batching, nerfed trolling mechanics like infernals, untold number of bugs that weren't in vanilla and still aren't fixed, those are ok blizzard would never do anything wrong)

It works against almost all melee mobs.
Once in a blue moon I even close in and land a hit without the enemy getting one.
Just remember to never let go of strafe.

fuck off commie

>so I can quick equip my 2h for sweet overpower crits?

As long as your weapons are updated, both 2h arms and fury outpace your dual-wield dps even if you're doing meme shit like dodge fishing when 1 in every 4 of your attacks will miss anyways.

Besides weapon updates are easier to get with 2h and you're abilities in both arms and fury function better for 2handers since your miss chance is too much of a detriment when trying to use things like bloodthirst, whirlwind, cleave, or HS.

Rend is good when you're level ten but rage-to-damage it's awful. It's only utility is keeping rogues from restealth.

That rage is better spent in any other ability and even talented its such a waste that you shouldn't even buy it from the trainer. that money is better saved for your mount.

>drinking when you can just life tap and get a full heal from passive low mana heal over time spells from the healer who is stacking spirit.

L m a o, only time to sit down is when your healer is sitting down.

i can only imagine the amount of salt this guy got for pointing out the obvious truth

BT is pretty much only useful for pvp, and even then only against casters. You should be working on getting Arash from Feralas instead. Or getting max level howl for a wolf.

Just so everyone knows,

Classic was never 'hard' it just needed prep work. Every time some faggot gets on here bitching about how in classic ret pallies or feral druids or some other sub-optimal spec wasn't viable is missing the point entirely. Classic wasn't 'hard'. It was about the amount of prep work, coordination and team composition based on what the group was comfortable with.

To put it simply, it was about friendship and overcoming challenges together with your friends and comrades. Raiding is like, 50% grinding mats for enchants, potions, and other shit and thats part of the charm.

>be undead on kurinnax x
>reach lvl 34
>it's STV time
>go there
>there are alliance everywhere
>there's also horde everywhere
>and they're not fighting
>they just fight mobs next to each other
>some even help others kill mobs
So this is the STV experience.

Nobody can hold hell fire agro. I never do it unless an ice mage is freezing mobs.

I thought the sm grind was fun as fun, I loved it

I mean I feel like you're being too atustic to actually understand why that's not entirely accurate but realistically it doesn't matter. I do it because two chances to hit on a short time make me happier than one slow one, and you can miss that slow one, and the game is slow enough.

That said, can you back any of that up?

be the change you want to see in the world user



Only thing I wish is that specs weren't limitations and that they redid everything about the current design.

It's the worst fucking thing when all I'm doing is grinding a number to grind the number again. Upgrades in TBC and WotLK came from a new gear piece and loading it with enchants, and gems. I prefer that system to the azerite crap, especially when Legion was on the right track to bring back progressive talents and customization and actually gave class quests back.

Are you retarded?
Rend does half the damage of an auto attack over the fuck duration.
The only reason to use rend is to stop stealthies from leaving combat etc.

I thought styles didn't have that extra miss chance when dual wielding.

Keep trying for those yous



Lock is second choice. blizzard slows, which is why it's above because if there is aggro loss, dps can continue because most mobs are slowed.

I don't understand why it's better than heroic strike, heroic strike adds more damage and slam resets your swing timer. Is it only when your swing is significantly slower than slam's cast?

You fucking deserve it for thinking DM stands for Dire maul,
It's dire maul WEST / EAST etc

the amount of times ive had rend tick and kill people kiting me is enough for me to keep using it

They don't

Incredibly based

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Because warlocks hellfire at rank 1 is 140 damage per second per target you retarded mongoloid. If warlocks were in cleave groups and weren't afraid of dying they would triple or quadruple mage dps.

Boy what varied gameplay, pressing 1 2 3 4 5 in order!


What that dual-wield has a higher miss chance that deceases your overall dps and slows mob killing and that up-dating two weapons is harder than one?

I can prove that.

I can't prove that you're not having fun.

What if you're doing them all?

Start killing, see what happens

Pls don't
Keep the peace
Lets make stv a dmz

Depends on your level. When all you have is Rend and Heroic Strike, Rend is great. Once you get Sunder Armor, you'll still want to Rend before stacking Sunder Armor. Once you get Sweeping Strikes, Whirlwind, and Mortal Strike/Bloodthirst, Rend is shit. It doesn't scale well, and you'll see its damage scaling start to trail off by the time you have it at rank 3 or 4. It's better damage/rage than Heroic Strike though, which on top of its cost replaces your next auto attack, eating the rage you would otherwise get from it. Check these out

>ignoring the fact that Slam delays your next white hit
>ignoring the cast time of Slam and potential for pushback from damage taken
It's not as clear-cut as your post implies.

>What that dual-wield has a higher miss chance that deceases your overall dps
That's a really character specific thing and keeping your 2h/2 1hs/sheild updates is as easy as questing so I feel like you're splitting hairs.

Three times I have been jumped by enemy rogues of a higher level than me, all of them opening with cheap shot, and each time I killed them instead. During the third one I thought I was going to die because his level was red to me so I staggered over with crippling poison slowing me down to hand in my quest to nesingwary, and then a hunter started shooting me too, but I still wasn't dead so I started fighting back and killed the rogue and sprinted away before the hunter could finish me off. How I'm the world is this possible? Is it something to do with how the player base tries to play a rogue, perhaps something zoomers do that's terribly wrong? To reiterate: they are higher levels than me and take me by complete surprise, opening on me from stealth.

Special abilities interact slightly differently but do have a higher chance to miss when dual wielding.

It's why getting hit capped is required to outpace in dps as a warrior.

That didn't balance the factions, it made it an inevitable unbalanced failure. Once the factions were normalized, Horde was allowed to dominate via racials with only a few hiccups in the game's lifetime. They will never chase a faction balance, only Horde dominance.

>Once you get Sweeping Strikes, Whirlwind, and Mortal Strike/Bloodthirst, Rend is shit.
*Unless the mob is gonna live long enough for Rend's damage to ~fully tick down. But once you get MS and WW, that's frequently not the case.

if you didn't know this after 14 years you're beyond stupid and just in denial.
I'm glad I enjoyed and grinded real Vanilla and not this fake corpse.

Blue 2hs are just easier to snatch. You're replacing one weapon at a time, and for threat you're 1h/shield isn't as important until you get shield slam since threat comes from the abilities you use moreso than white damage.

It's simple logic, if you have to reach your maximum by having two weapons you have to keep updated, and I only need one, it's easier to do it with one. Especially since 2h is so labbed that every weapon of note for every bracket is mapped out.

Dual-wields miss chance impacts dps. It fishes for overpowers easier, but that also comes with more parries that increase mob damage output, and just misses overall.

I'm not stopping you from doing it, but you're the one that keeps interacting with this autism.

lol when horde accidentally attack me I just fear them into a bunch of mobs and watch them get shredded so they get armor penalty

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>just in denial.

If you've ever been in WoW threads before you'll see retards argue until they're blue in the face that old wow was hard when Mythic makes old wow raids look like DM (as in deadmines you stupid faggot)

I have a job, and go to school. I feel every multiplayer game requires me to play only that game to make any sort of progress or keep my skill.

I have to grind Smash Bros to stay in Elite smash.
I have to grind Fortnite so I don't get rusty

By the time I do my errands, cook food, workout, I barely have time for games. I have to sacrifice sleep to get things done in WoW which is ass.

unless you're using 100% of your rage after every fight (excluding executions); you can afford to pop a measly 10 rage for a rend that doesnt interrupt your swings. Rend haters are brainlets