Mega Man Legends is one of my favorite games of all time. What is your opinion on Mega Man Legends?

Mega Man Legends is one of my favorite games of all time. What is your opinion on Mega Man Legends?

Attached: mega_man_legends_remakes_01.png (572x356, 267K)

Other urls found in this thread:

6/10 game
10/10 artstyle, characters, and world

Attached: comf.webm (800x600, 1M)

Loved it. Hated the big robot that was invincible until you stopped the lava. he legitimately scared me when I was a kid

Attached: breakfast at Volnutt's.webm (800x600, 2.83M)

i want to make a game with this art style

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Going back to play this has been pretty hard, I'm having trouble getting over the movement. I wish I wouldn't have tarnished my fond memories.

I feel the same way revisiting any 5th gen 3D action games not named Mario, Banjo, or Zelda.

Controls really were a work in progress that generation. Even some Nintendo first part stuff was pretty jank for some reason.

yeah i liked it but i also know that i'd never want to play those games again
they're truly a relic of early 3d era's worst feeling of controls for every single kind of action

i'd be really worried about a sequel

Legends 2 is actually pretty playable if you played with dual analog and controller layout D.

It's leaps and bound better than revisiting any of the Tomb Raider games on the PS1 which is probably it's closest cousin in terms of controls.

Attached: diggers not welcome.webm (640x480, 2.87M)

I love it but I dont want to play it again... 'cuz if i do i fear I'm gonna realize how terrible it is

great overworld, character design and charm

terrible and ugly dungeons

Attached: girls_MML.jpg (1972x1892, 668K)

Good game

It really is one of those games where it probably would have been better received as an anime because the game part was the weakest link.

I really liked it. Agreed with that the gameplay itself could have been better (though I’d say 7-8 for me), but the style and world were top shelf.

My favorite part of the game is how once you had the drill/etc the dungeons were all entirely connected. That (and the robo-cities) really made it feel like the stuff belonged there, and was there before you. It was so cool and I can’t think of a game that’s done something like it since.

I think it has the best depiction of Roll. Very cute and wifeable

Love both of them. Great games. The first was a bit more pleasant than the second but the second made up for it with improvements in mechanics.
I wish there was more.

Happy to see there's at least one thread here at the moment that doesn't immediately disgust me

let’s see what I can do to help

God I love these


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It's like a condensed culmination of all the charm Capcom had in its bones leading up to that point. Gameplay was mediocre to bad even for its time though, at least the combat portion. If we ever get a sequel Capcom just needs to realize that you can't innovate the adventure game genre so all they need is modern controls and throw the rest of the budget to world detail, style and density. It's like that Undertale game, outside of a few boss fights the gameplay was barebones but people remember that game for its music, directing, cast and atmosphere and how it used it in synergy with its structure.

I think if Legends 3 launched back when they were working on it it would've been a commercial failure, but right now would be a perfect time as Zoomers are hungry for the "Soulful" style games with distinct characterization which is why Japanese games are on the up and up again.

I mean, the controls were wonky and awkward, sure, but I didn't think the combat was that bad...

no but it was easy to break every boss by runing in a circle and shooting

doomguy style in this bitch

So what modern game's combat style would you ducttape onto MML to fix it and bring it out of the PS1 era?

What the fuck was her problem?

Dragon’s Dogma

hmmm maybe I need to fire up the emulator and check it out again.

Tron > Roll

In fact it's probably also Tron > Megaman Volnutt considering she has more appearances than he does at this point.

Attached: latest[1].jpg (267x500, 32K)

She hates diggers, simple as that.

Metroid Prime

>playing this game as a kid
>dad walks in
>what’s up with the crotch plate
>sister walks in
>what’s up with the crotch plate
>mom walks in
>what’s up with the crotch plate
>show game to friend
>what’s up with the crotch plate

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The original was better

Attached: Devilotte.jpg (210x240, 17K)

>Tron > Roll

lmao, no fucking way. Tron has an old lady hairstyle, while roll is prime c*nny.

I think they're both really cute in their own way.

Attached: roll.gif (192x192, 189K)

Really loved it, especially the first which I have fond memories of just messing around in for hours after coming home from school. I've never gone back to them because I have the same worries as other anons in the thread.

>bought her game
>put her on my mahvel teams
I had such a crush on her.

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I guess I could see it being something like playing Magik Archer

Would you make it first person or retain the third person camera but use MP's dodge system? Having a hard time visualizing how this would work exactly unless you're going for that canceled MMX first person game.

real question is
will roll or tron show up in the next protoman album?

Both Roll and Tron are turbo top tier.

Attached: roll 34434323523423.png (1260x881, 401K)

Attached: tron bonne.gif (500x375, 1.21M)

One of my favorite games from childhood.
I actually been replaying again on emulator and its still just as amazing.
The fact that ML3 will never be actually makes me tear up.

>Hating diggers
Based and redpilled

>there could be DIGGERS around here, she thought to herself

>no vietcong ever called me a digger

who's top right?

I dunno don't have much experience with Third Person shooters.

Perhaps Ratchet and Clank. That had a lot of diverse weapons and some platforming elements from what I've heard.

I remember enjoying the Jet skates, maybe evolve on that and make something like Vanquish?

Name a PS1 game with better cinematics than Mega Man Legends and 2.

Characters are voiced, the voice acting isn't terrible, the characters emote convincingly, it's all done in-engine and the cutscene artstyle never clashes with the rest of the game. Hell in that last regard it's better than some PS2 games.


>tfw i did those tv shows minigames dozens of times to get those top scores

when you unlock skating in the first game it's the best thing in the world

I found I spent too much time wandering around hallway floor plans. Wasn't really my style, but I can see where people would find it enjoyable, the world was pretty navigable for its time and Megaman had yet to really toy with concepts outside of JUMP'N'SHOOT MAN

What are you using? I tried that and had odd flickering on some edges. Bothered me too much to continue, and couldn't get rid of it.

One of my favorite games of all time

I just finished it, it's an excellent game and I want more.
Think I'll wait a couple years to start the sequel, I don't want to run out Legends content and be stuck waiting eternally for L3.

she cute

thumbnail made it look like she had massive tits

Quiz minigame girl.

no it didn't.

It's one of my favorite games of all time and it is the apex of comfiness in vidya.

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if the first one had more side quests and more random no history shit to do i would the perfect game but i guess thats too much to ask for a ps1/nintendo64 game

Is it just me or is Xenoblade's 2 plot sort of a plagiarism of MML2's plot?

This list is kind of cheating because you've got the Quiz Minigame girls from MML2 in there. Otherwise, it's nice.

Why hasn't anyone built another game that looks like this? Low-Poly, No lighting, and anime style hand drawn textures?

Seems like this artstyle would be pretty easy to emulate since it features almost no lighting at all and everything is drawn into the textures. There is Mega Man Legends and the Arale game and that's it as far as I know. It's like proto cel shading but often ends up looking better than most game's attempts at cel shading.

Attached: Arale.gif (500x400, 1.93M)

I've been training myself in this art style for a while.
I've basically figured it out for the characters.
The environments are another story tho.
Now I just need to learn programming...

godspeed user

are most video game artists also programmers? i assumed those were generally two separate jobs

exactly this
and mml2 is more like a 5/10

Ex Troopers

to me it did

Is it possible to emulate both games without any errors now?

Mega Man TPS with Max Payne style shooting. Gaming saved.

Generally if you're into game design it's good to have a T-shaped skill set. Where you broadly know how to do everything, programming, music, UI design, modeling, animation, animation/rigging, level design, ect, but a deep specialization in only one or a few of them.

Awful music that loved to start from the beginning every time, even if the area you transitioned into played the same music. This includes store shops.

That game had really crappy controls, at least the 3DS version did anyway.

Specialization is a cancer, spread by the capitalist class to convince workers to stay in their lane and act like cogs. All innovators are generalists, all great men are generalists.

It's my favorite game as well user. I've been putting off playing it so It can fade in my mind, but I would like to play it now. I would do anything to get more.

Nope, the controls work great. MML had shit controls though

ah, got ya. I don't know how to program either, I sympathize and wish you luck. we need more games with this comfy style

Without programming specialists you have what we have today which are developers who can't even get a stable 30fps on modern consoles at 1080p.

I had a crush on Roll AND Megaman in this game.

Fair point, but still, people training on JUST materials shader programming, or something that specified is so limiting and a waste of talent (which is what is happening).

I only do networking!
I only do gameplay coding!
I only do GUI coding!

makes me sad when ps2, ps3 and now ps4 went by without a proper sequel or even remake on updated hardware

Same exact boat as you. Its my favorite game of all time.

why should i have to learn to be good at something i have no ability in or interest in getting good at if i'm really good at something else that i do have interest in?
if person is a really good artist
person b is a really good writer
person c is a really good musician
person d is a really good programmer
and person e is decent at all of it, that seems like a better system than everyone just being okay at everything.

the game was great for it's time though. open world. rpg/mmo elements to upgrade system. hidden areas, triggerable cutscenes and sidequests etc. plus the end game gear like the laser cutter and super jump was so good

Tron Bonne is an 11/10 character design

Gameplay coding is the most disposable of the three since anyone else can pick that up. Doing good UX shit or knowing how to network are vastly more valuable, and not limited to just games.

I see your argument, I just think a lot of game dev is being split into tiny little specializations which causes the games to be fractured and lacking cohesion. Obviously art and programming are separate, but things have lost soul because there is not enough overlap.

Leadership though, they have to be generalists, if they aren't your project is dead.

MML2 > MML imho

Attached: roll.png (644x906, 634K)

I love the sound design so much, sounds like vintage anime

Pretty much agree with this. Only played through 1,2 and Tron Bonne recently. 1 is great as an experience than as a game but it's flaws are forgivable, Misadventures of Tron Bonne was cool experimentation, 2 while there were movement improvements especially with Analog support felt like a step forward in some areas and two steps back in others; the Nino Ruins is one of the worst things I have had to endure in a video game and 2's story especially when the hype for Legends 3 was in full swing was shilled to me as a masterpiece in story telling and it wasn't at all.
I only played them recently as I thought Legends 1 controlled like ass when I was a kid who hated tank controls and wanted classic and X Megaman games. The series has its charm but as it's not an alternate universe instead copping out for far future unlike Battle Network this isn't the Megaman I knew or wanted and would rather it had been a series on its own rather than a sub-series and that Inafune despite 1 not selling super hot wasn't a retard and ending 2 on a cliff hanger.
Legends 3 for years was the last of Megaman before it was cancelled, Inafune bails and Capcom cancels MM Universe (Mario Maker before Mario Maker), cancels Online (likely would have been shit), Maverick Hunter didn't even get announced (concept stuff looks cool but I would have been pissed if this replaced X). All that Megaman hinged on was Legends it truly felt as if Inafune's favorite held the rest of the series hostage along with his departure.
I do hope Legends 3 happens one day what was shown in those trailers looked cool but I will say this subseries was shilled hard with cameos in Battle Network, Tron and Servbot in MvC2, in general cameos in various Capcom games; this shit had more cameos than actual games and after finally experiencing this series while I see the appeal it's definitely overhyped.

Easily one of the best artstyles for the time. It took full advantage of the blocky nature of 32bit 3D games and found a way to make a perfectly coherent looking world around it.

MML3 being cancelled hurt so hard.
I don't know why but I equate the pain with my father abandoning me.

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Depends, you really do need some level of specialization in game design because game design is more complicated than rocket science (according to Carmack at least) so no one can really be a polymath virtuoso especially when it comes to 3D games. That's why the T-shaped individual is important. If you're lets say an level designer and you're building a puzzle and you want it to play a certain sound for each piece of the puzzle it's way more efficient if you can just go ahead and make that sound and program it to play yourself than to bother a specialist, then explain what you want them to do, potentially losing something in translation for both of these minor tasks.

That's sadly by design in most cases, they target 30FPS purposefully but don't really care if they can't hit it because the average consumer isn't perceptive to framerates. When games target 60fps your average consumer won't celebrate it's accomplishment but instead will often complain about how bad it looks in comparison to all the 30fps games on the market.

>good gameplay
>memorable artstyle that helped make it timeless AND helped the game stay at a stable framerate
>decent replayability
>bunch of worthwhile sidequests and items to collect
>left on a really bad cliffhanger

There's quite a bit I'd change up if given the opportunity, but it's serviceable as a game series.

Is it just me or is this post really hard to read for some reason?

Hmm years ago I used PCSX like usual for ML or any other ps1 game and never had visual glitches.
Now I moved everything to Retroarch and ML emulates even better with some visual options like shaders as well.

If you wanna use Retroarch, heres how I do it: pick core Bettle PSX HW as it has the most visual options, set Retroarch Video Driver to Vulkan, and when ingame open QuickMenu>options>Set Renderer to Hardware if it isnt already/Internal GPU Resolution to as high as your PC can handle to make the game look better/Set WidescreenModeHack and Adaptive Smoothing to ON.
Basically theres a ton of options but those are the most important to make the game look better. Set Shaders too if you desire.
Just try not to change the speed of the disk loading cuz it causes problems in some games.

Attached: Mega Man Legends (USA)-190917-192535.png (2798x1749, 1.53M)

Posted wrong screenshot, and forgot to mention that the WideScreenHack can cause those white spaces in the corner of the screen so you can turn that option OFF if it bothers you.

Attached: Mega Man Legends (USA)-190917-192735.png (2798x1749, 1.25M)

Swallowed a bit too much commie propaganda there friend.

>told to leave
typical digger behavior.

>When games target 60fps your average consumer won't celebrate it's accomplishment
Because targeting 60fps usually means a wavering 40-50 with tearing.

The weakest Megaman series with one of the best enviroments. 1 is great, 2 is mediocre and Misadventures is ok. I have the feeling 3 would've been despised if it did get released


The first one had a bit more involved with combat since only the buster gun auto aimed and even so it wasn't the best at it but in mml2 it was literally just spin to win with everything.
To make things worse they introduced a "stun" mechanic in the second one where when you do a certain number of hits, they would do an animation relating to them taking damage (usually it's just the reverbot falling over and getting back up).
The problem is that they don't take damage during this animation so combat is just you standing there shooting it till it falls over, it gets back up, you shoot it again, it falls over again, it gets back up, shoot, fall over, get up, shoot. Eventually the stupid thing dies and you can continue to the next reverbot and repeat the process. Combat is now super fucking tedious because of this mechanic which wasn't present in the first game.

I used the same core for MML2 and I couldn't see shit in the water dungeon

This. And since lock on is pretty much mandatory now, it gets pretty shitty when you don't lock on to the enemy you want due to multiple enemies in the area.

it isn't, shut the fuck up, retard

sequel never ever

I havent tried emulating MML2 to be honest.
Maybe try changing the Video Drivers or using another core.
Some games straight up dont work unless you try a different video driver.

It's the wave effect they use, it only renders at the native resolution.


Yeah I mean I can see your line of thinking.
I think I mainly disagree because I would love to work on games but have no programing talent and have a hard time getting the basics done.
But, desu, what you're saying does make sense, and I certainly agree, a leader should be a generalist

>mfw i spent hours painstakingly trying to remember every answer, writing them down in a notebook just so I could get that fucking Blade Arm

child autism is a hell of a drug

Blocky text. If he broke it up it'd be much easier to digest

I just asked my mom and dad, between them they got most of them for me.

i'm too old and dumb to figure out another emulator lol, i'll try to keep that in mind tho

Still no Megaman Legends 3

If anything it's easier now than it used to be because you don't have to download and configure 20 different plugins.

And you know, the mayor of that town.

The Franco-Prussian War began in What year?


How many discs are in the Bruce Springsteen live performance collection
"The Live"?

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oh god i'm getting flashbacks of the quiz games i never knew i remembered...

How many days were there from January 1, 1990 to December 31, 1999?

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Dr. Slump for the ps1

I want to fuck Roll.

Heh, ezpz

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s o u l v e r l o a d

hell yeah, my guy

He already posted it, that's the Arale game.

>first time going through this place
>misread the D as an N
>even more confused when I saw Black zero on the wall

Boy, that was an awkward intro to the game.

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Mega Man Legends 2 is my favorite game of all time.

Attached: repairs.webm (800x600, 2.97M)

It was super comfy. I spent months messing around, I think I never even finished the whole thing

tfw you walk in on Roll changing

on purpose

Attached: roll 7870890.png (635x958, 856K)

Do you see it?

Attached: Gold Data.jpg (450x450, 52K)

I'm having a hard time remembering specifics, was there a scene were the trons give you something necessary so you can do something important while their ship sinks into the clouds sadly?
I recall this scene and thinking it was really sad but can't recall now if it is actually in the game or if I'm thinking of something else

Devil may cry / Astral chain / KH3 (Just to name the most recent i've played) style of being able to mix and match weapons mid-combo.
Obviously dont copy the combat styles directly, but use them as inspiration.

Attached: Dante_Monster.jpg (400x400, 32K)

does this hold up today? Never played any legends stuff.

the gameplay? it's passable
everything else? totally

Legends 1 is jank as fuck but it's fun once you get acclimated to it. Legends 2 is evergreen as long as you have gamefaq opened up for one section

That depends on how tolerant you are of older games. I grew up with the games. Back then and now, I have no problems playing the game, even though new, better control schemes exist.

Anyone got a webm of the scene where Rock sees Tron Bonne naked?

It's absolutely amazing how they managed to improve the graphics between the first and second MML

A leader is someone who specializes in people.

please, i had gone months without a reminder of the pain

>4Gamer: "What can you tell us about the next game to be developed? The most recent game - Mega Man 11 - was amazing, and we [4Gamer] are expecting the revival of the Star Force series. Personally I would like to see the Command Mission saga to be brought back. (laughs)"
>Tsuchiya: "I see (laughs). There are a lot of titles I personally want to work on, but to tell the truth the next game to be developed has already been decided on, I'd just like to keep the specific details hidden for the moment. Please wait until we make an announcement. Still, I think that the there's no such thing as a spin-off in the Mega Man series, every saga is a main series on its own. When speaking of "Mega Man", there will always be people who think of "X", as well as people who think of "EXE", and I think that's why each one's concept of what Mega Man is changes depending on the generation. For that reason, we don't want to deny any series of its future."

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>that coat


god... sucks that Inafune was too much of a hack that he salted any possible future legends game to come out from Capcom and bombed Mighty Number 9 so bad that even it's rip off Red Ash will never get made

Attached: MML2 dedgurl.jpg (1920x1080, 312K)

I fucking loved that quiz bitch and the song that plays. I dont remember any question but I remember spending a good part of my play time there.
Reminder that the lead producer of the mega man franchise was drinking with CC2. I will still be hopeful for MML3.

I loved running around while shooting at shit at the same time. It made bigger fights feel really chaotic.

The fucking monkey

Was Legends MegaMan really a full-on robot? Or was he like a cyborg that had human parts? This scene makes him look like a regular human that just puts on a robotic suit for fighting.

yes he was a full on robot, the suit is just armor that he puts on. remember roll replaces his right arm with different weapons


Attached: RetroArch Screenshot 2019.09.17 - (1920x1080, 1.66M)

The producer definitely seems interested in doing non-Classic/X games, based on his comment about how he sees the different series as equally Mega Man, as opposed to spin-offs.

how do I get a roll gf

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I personally see half the franchise as "X Games" what with Zero and ZX inheriting the design philosophy.

convince women to be mechanics, pilots, boat captains, and van drivers

There are no humans alive left in Legends. Just super advanced robots called Carbons.
They're advanced enough to basically be able to procreate and age too.

Am I the only one who noticed how heavily inspired by Neon Genesis Evangelion the game is? Moreso the first one, but the second one too.
>bosses are inspired by angels
>Juno seems to be inspired by Kaworu
>final boss is classical music
>Textures for unit-00 are in game
>Ruin door sound effect is used in NGE also
>Juno wants to wipe out carbons (implied evolution from humans). Angels want to wipe out humanity
I'm not claiming that MML has similar themes or anything - but the inspiration is clearly there.

ooo, that's good. i like that

yeah that seemed to be a common theme of the time

I felt that MML2 had more in common with Gundam Turn A than Eva, but I can see what you mean with MML1.

"Humans" in the Legends series are able to replace bodyparts with cybernetic ones on the regular. Rock might not be quite the same thing as the rest of the carbons, but being able to replace his body isn't unusual for the setting.

You could strafe circles around everything in the first game with absolutely no issue as well, that isn't something that started in 2.

japan has an interesting relationship with christianity. the idea of angels and rapture is cool.
alot of sfx were cheap to buy and royalty free in those days so many games shared a couple of them.
it's just a coincidence, but of course there would be when they're inspired by the same thing

He was an alien. Didn't you play the games?


I dont remember much about the plot but wasnt the last boss like a robot angel or something?
Also the brown girls in the second game.

Don't forget how they all have a bunch of cutscene-specific mouth animations drawn at certain angles so that it looks like they have a three-dimensional mouth. Tiesel does it the most, and the most obviously in that particular cutscene. In Legends 1 there's a funky alpha transparency effect on his mouth while the camera is side-on so you can see through to the other side through his polygon.

Attached: DV2iYgGXUAEYIvy[1].jpg (338x321, 12K)

Anyone think the pacing of MML1 was weird?

You can see it here on his texture sheet where he has missing teeth to create the effect.

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I tried to play it on my PSP and Vita but it runs like ass

>Tron has an old lady hairstyle,
Not all of the time.

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>barrel was originally going to have a nurse as an assistant but she got cut and reused in the hospital instead
Adding another character would probably mess with the whole family dynamic of the Flutter crew but her design is incredibly cute so it's a shame she got written out.

Attached: 26.jpg (1280x1675, 645K)

Needs to be longer. Feels like it'd rank alongside the likes of OoT if there was just a bit more to explore and do. It's on that level for style and setting, but I crave that bit more of depth.

He's not a robot. He's some sort of reborn mechanical being the likes of Yuna and Sera in the body of a "carbon." If you don't know what I'm talking about go play Legends 2 right now.

It crowds the flutter a bit. And then they'd feel the need to flesh her character out or it's wasted opportunity. Given the scope of the game, it makes sense to shelve a 4th (5th if you count Data) flutter resident.

has a hard drive, has a memory storage, is a robot

Data has those things, Volnutt does not. At least, not anymore.

data is a robot, with a soul.
volnutt is a robot, with a soul.

fuck forgot the monkey was also named data. oops. doesn't change anything tho.

You thought I meant TNG Data?

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The PC version of ML1 is good?

were any PC ports of PS1 games ever good back then? I feel it always seems to fall apart

yup, i'm in the middle of watching it right now so you could excuse me for not thinking of the monkey i haven't thought of since like 5 years or something

Fact is that the design documents show the developers -DON'T- Agree on the exact mechanics. So everything's up in the air about their exact nature.

I think he's a robot in some crazy alternate tech from a carbon. Similar but different origin, considering we don't know if the original Trigger bodyjacked a baby with nanomachines or just reverted his own form into an infant.

All carbons are manufactured. They could have built a legitimate carbon baby and uploaded him to it somehow.

Loved it when I was young

>I have the feeling 3 would've been despised if it did get release
Why? because it would have added a new protagonist or because it would have been on the 3DS, pre "New"/C-stick built-in model?

Attached: MML3-Barrett (1).jpg (1152x2670, 734K)


I've said it time and again, but there's no way the game wouldn't switch back to Volnutt like halfway through. Barrett is only there to bridge a gap because Volnutt is stuck in late game territory.

The best way for main palyabe are Roll or Tron.
Maybe the idea of a new character was one of reason for Crapcom rejecting the game

For all you know "New character" was a Capcom mandate because they needed to generate an interesting spin.

Regardless, Roll is not suitable to playable Role
We already know she's basically helpless in combat situations in MML2. And Tron basically requires a mech to function.

I seriously doubt Capcom Corporate was micromanaging that. Fucking Volnutt was well ahead on the poster real estate.

I know we don't have answers but I find it as baseless a claim as "The game was canceled because Capcom's CEO hates superhero briefs, and that design for Volnutt won".

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I don't think "manufactured" is the right word for it. I think carbons have kids like humans would, but Volnutt was found in a restricted area in the Nino ruins as a fucking crystal that transformed into a baby. While he ages like a carbon and can swap body parts like a carbon, I don't believe that he's a carbon because no carbon has been capable of shit like that to my knowledge.

Hey, I'm just throwing out ideas since someone else did. I'm not honestly suggesting that's what happened. Also this is why I don't take people seriously who complain about Barrett being the lead role. Volnutt WOULD have been playable with this kind of promotion. It's probably just a "triumphant return" they're playing up that would happen later in the game because everyone is waiting for it after the 11 year wait from MML2.

Only in the demo you would have played as Barrett, apparently.

>I don't think "manufactured" is the right word for it.
Yes, I definitely misspoke. What I meant was they are all artificial, and the means to create them is in the hands of Elysium's resident and Trigger.

Loved the games. But you can go fuck yourself if you think Im gonna go through that underwater level again.
And fuck the old city with those dogs too!

So what are the chances of Crapcom changing their mind one day in the future and picking up the Megaman Legends 3 project again?

The dogs are fine. You can just avoid most of them since there's virtually nothing of value in the East district. Even less if you understand how to get into the Bonne's makeshift hideout.

meh game

10/10 flawless artstyle and the literal pinnacle of low poly saturn/n64/ps1 era graphics

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Memes aside about the game being comfy and having soul, how much of the game's focus is on acquiring new gear and experimenting with it around the map? I love all the Zelda games and metroidvanias like Super Metroid and Hollow Knight, but have yet to give the MML series a shot.

>the means to create them is in the hands of Elysium's resident and Trigger.
Again I don't think so, since Juno was supposed to be responsible for population control on Kattelox. You wouldn't need population control if the system could just say "only 3 families have babies this year." Also now I remember that in MML1 you help get a pregnant woman to the hospital and she greets you with a baby later.

Real talk, what are the chances of MML3?


there is a severe lack of porn

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Kidnap one

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MegaMan Legnds 3 is the Shemue 3 of Capcom.

but maybe one day in 10-20 years capcom will reboot the franchise and completely revamp the graphics and aesthetic into something
souless and unrecognizable

There are really only 2 pieces of gear that help exploration, but your job is to explore ruins. It's closer to Zelda with a sprinkle of Metroid than outright Metroidvania, but it really carries Metroid's atmosphere when you go underground.

Again, you're taking what I said too literally. I'm not saying they have an assembly line for carbons. But carbons were artificially created originally before they began to reproduce from the earliest generation. And Juno's "Population Control" is just genocide. That's his role. Since this isn't the only island with carbons, there's really no reason to believe he was going to produce more himself.

Thanks user, I'll probably give them a shot

This games soundtrack..
I will love the Main Gate OST to my grave.

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I'm also a big fan of the ambient sounds of the generic intersecting ruins. Super fucking creepy.

On model or bust.

It's up in the air, but it's not 0. Definitely more likely as of right now but it'll depend on a few things. If there's a Legends Collection (most likely after a possible ZX3 or if a BN/SF collection then SF4) and it sells well, it will be much more likely. CC2 had said that they'd be willing to develop it with Capcom for a while now and MM11's producer has been shmoozing with some of the CC2 guys within the past few days. I'd temper any expectations but keep telling Capcom that you want it and they might ACTUALLY deliver within the next 3-5 years.

clank clank clank clank


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Do the games emulate well?

3D games are too costly to build from the ground up, and staying true to Legends style would mean it has to be portable, so it can stay a low-effort affair. They're certainly not going to go full Triple-A onto a niche legacy title that was never a huge sell like Legends. That's just not money-smart.

The Juno boss fight was kino, but I barely even remember the final boss in MML2.

I fucking loved this game, I loved how you could destroy buildings and it would actually take time to come back.

Yes, both Legends emulate just fine. Misadventures of Tron Bonne is tricky though. I had a lot of soft-locks with it, so save state often or look up a configuration that works if someone has worked one out, I suppose.

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The invisible ones spooked me as a kid.

Considering the population gets refreshed every 100 years, I think it would get repopulated with a small control group. Since carbons were supposed to be the guinea pigs for human repopulation of the planet eventually, it would make some sense.

That could still imply that outsiders take root and get overpopulated every 100 years. Plus the master commented on carbons' evolution, so I don't think they're implanting base level carbons into the mix. 100 years isn't very long to evolve into something reminiscent of modern humans.

What is up with megaman fist pumping when he saw his robot sister naked? Then roll pretty much saying that she liked it in her journal. She also sells all his vidya and doesn't tell you what she did with the money. She also gets jealous when tron flirts with you.

Is this really how relationships are? asking for a friend

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Roll is not a robot. This isn't Megaman classic Rock and Roll.

And Roll didn't say she liked it. I think she said she had trouble looking at him after that or something similar.

And she didn't sell his vidya, that's a Yea Forums edit. She sold his weapons.

I don't remember Roll being jealous of Tron, but Tron is absolutely trying to smear Roll with what she uses a voice modulator to say in 2.

True. We just don't know, at the end of the day. All I'm saying is that I don't think Volnutt is an outright Carbon.

OK, well that I guess I can agree with. He's very likely a "very special animu boy" even after his rebirth.


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To be fair they're being raised under the same roof since they were babs. They've probably imprinted on each other as such.

>Tron is absolutely trying to smear Roll with what she uses a voice modulator to say in 2.

Tron is too good for this world

The japanese love that shit. it basically means you're engaged to wed

Everyone who went to Forbidden Island was scientifically magically returned safely through the storm and blizzard thanks to Yuna's powers and nano-machine or similar super advanced system's intervention, and the local church has the crystal as graven images.

Only these robots seemed to be able to identify others, and have some kind of difficulty at that since they couldn't like read Volnutt/Trigger's serial number instantaneously. Sera was found butt naked and no one comments on her being a barbie doll or having obvious robotic parts.

I'm almost certain the twist in the 3rd game would involve finding out that Carbons really aren't -THAT- different from whatever the appropriate post-reploid generation's name is that the Mothers, Servators, and Mega Men are a part of. Seriously fuck "Unit"

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>it basically means you're engaged to wed
Animu harem rules do state the first girl introduced means endgame pairing.

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>Sera was found butt naked and no one comments on her being a barbie doll or having obvious robotic parts.
I thought they did intentional camera cuts and angles to avoid showing naughty bits. And that we only know about barbie doll shit because of the debug room. I don't remember robot bits on Sera either, for that matter. Not until she took on her role back in Elysium. Unless you mean her "tattoos."

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I feel like 3's twist would be the reveal of what Reaverbots' original purpose was, and what the old system was designed to do. Some revelation of what happened in the old world leading up to humans' extinction. I don't think they'd go back on what we learned about Carbons. The master would have no reason to be surprised how the carbons turned out, unless he didn't know what kind of genetic playdough they were playing god with.

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There's a questionable couple of frames but even though the audience might not seen it: in-universe Volnutt got a facefull. But no one so much as mentions she's resistant to frostbite, or the like. So people either didn't notice a difference or the game is just similarly obscuring details that could give the endgame away.

just started playing this for 1st time and that butt took me by surprise. Only the second butt I've seen on a PS1 game since Fear Effect.

she's worried about being raped by a pack of diggers as they look for the mother load

We don't know how Volnutt saw it. If they didn't show it to the player, that says to me "barbie bits is not canon, that's just how you avoid nip-slips in a retail game."

Trying to brute force this quiz filled an entire pocket notebook

>there are people in this thread right now who don't remember which one is megaman's girlfriend

Reaverbots would have been revealed as good robots actually trying to keep the real baddies sealed in. The real baddies are all reploids but every single one of them are mavericks, but not from the Zero/Sigma virus. The new virus came from ZX's time and that's because the bad guy there created a dimensional crossgate, took viruses from the BN world and infected his world with them.

>mfw Tiesel's voice replaced with Jimmy Neutron's Dad's voice

I was convinced by the 'reveal' scene in MML2 that the destruction of Kattleox is probably related to the testing of "Carbons" not just trying to "control" them.

The System thought this was just environmental testing and thus Juno followed the book about strict limits. But The Master was using it to iteratively introduce more and more human-like traits to the Carbons. But for each tweak to be fully tested he'd have to create a new batch to live out a generation to see the results of his tests. See if changing a 1 to a 0 somewhere made them, in general, love their mom or something.

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Both games were comfy but I prefer the 2nd one. Would happily main Megaman if he got a legends skin.

Megaman sees naked chicks the entire series. he doesn't even flinch anymore.

That's dumb. Legends should have all its own lore and plot reveals. Trying to tie all of Megaman into Legends is just trying to make a neat little bow, not an interesting story in its own right.

No thank you. Dump all that shit and make Reaverbots something original all on their own. Just like how X basically disregards everything from Classic to stand on its own feet. Barring Light capsules and a brief implication in X5, that is.

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That's kind of my point too. Mega Man could have a weaselly explanation around him not seeing her full frontalness in front of him. But he has a run of seeing naked girls in this game, and doesn't make mention about how the one with green hair has a SCSI port. Which I'm taking to mean that physically they look the same as the Carbons when naked, or at least can. Even though the artists did not render real-to-life anatomy.

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If you read Roll's diary throughout the game, you eventually find out near the end she doesn't see MegaMan as a brother and that she actually likes him romantically.

haha that was literally me

I don't remember specific diary entries, but yeah, she's obviously being lined up as a love interest. Realistically they'd be brother and sister. But the writers obviously intend there to be some harem antics.

I remember being creeped out by this girl and her grave, what the hell was that all about?

The plot about people having graves was they were frozen and presumed dead on the neighboring blizzard island. But they were actually just preserved by Yuna and nobody knew they were still alive. It was over the course of a fair amount of time. One woman comments that her presumed dead husband is significantly younger than her now.

Oh yeah

huh, I personally just chocked her up to being punk. That the type of shit me and my friends would have though was cool when we were younger

Oh crap I remember that, I didn't think she would be an expedition member.

Imagine being that guy returning to your now old-ass wife.

A great-for-it's-time action/rpg that deserves a remake of the highest quality.

I'm with you. I similarly find the explanation that ZXA seemed to be winding up to. "It turns out Albert flooded the world because planned to take over the world" boring. Not just because it gives too much importance to Albert, a character that game just introduced, or because it seems to contradict layout of the world in Legends. But because it seems to want continuity so badly that it would rather destroy everything intriguing about the series it's trying to connect to. To suggest a span of history longer than the time on Earth since the construction of the Pyramid of Giza passed with nothing of note happening.

>Classic >100 years > X >100ish years> Zero > 20? 200? years > ZX > 6000 years > Legends.

If a genie granted me a wish to screw with the sorcerer who owned him and that had 15 Legends games come to pass: I'd prefer if every revelation, that confirms the history of the ruin/site/island/robot satisfying or not, just harked back to a further possibly complementary, possibly contradictory suite of details that suggests rather than confirms what the initial purpose it was for, and who, and what wanted it to fill that purpose and if it was even still serving that purpose by the time our heroes got to it.

So even if we could track 800 years of history and a secret scientist's evil plot through half a hemisphere: that'd just be the tip of the iceberg to finding out anything else the next game might come up with.

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i suddenly got a wave of memories back with that picture.
>tfw you see a crack in the wall and there's tons of shit in it

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Man I love this game.

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I emulated my own copy for years and never had problems. I think a rip's got circulated.

>Your actions have an effect on how everybody treats you.
I mean I usually don't care but calling Roll a busybody and her being sad and angry at you I had to drop the evil route.

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I remember losing my shit discovering this.
and even more so in the second game where you can become light

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Something like that but also testing the planet to see how sustainable life is. The end goal was to repopulate the planet with humans, but the Master had a thing for his "pets" once he learned that they think and feel just like humans should and made the argument for them being the inheritors of the world now.

I just realized the little yellow tron robots are a lot like those minion things from those pixar movies...
in many ways...

>and a brief implication in X5

Yes, Capcom got ripped off hard. Just like they ripped off Lego. But that's what you get for sleeping on a profitable idea I suppose.

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In X5, Sigma basically insinuates Wily is still alive or around fucking somehow, just behind the scenes, waiting to meet Zero again. And then there's a battle with a Devil machine. And of course this is never touched on again.

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Servbot's Japanese name "Kobun" pretty much directly translates to "Minion".

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Did you do it Yea Forums?

I ran away as fast as possible so she wouldn't hit me after touching her

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It hurts me for a different reason.

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have I played a game without doing it you mean

I still find it strange.
>Go inside to take a peek.
>She give you weapon discounts afterwards.

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Maybe lock a door once in your life?

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>once was requested to make a cool robot out of primative shapes for a mobile game
>made something heavily inspired by megaman legends
>lol why is it so pixelated and blocky?
>had to make redraw the texture to be stupid basic

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>end of ML2 has Megaman stuck on the moon alone while his friends plan on making a rocket to save him

This just makes the whole ML3 situation so much sadder.

I thought you meant something more subtle.
X5 was hardly the first one to do it. Serges in X2 is 99% confirmed to be Wily, referring to X as "the robotic memento of Light" while Sigma brokenly calls Zero the last of the Wily Numbers. The localized script was less overt about this and flat out removed Serges' line.

$40 legends remake/remaster on the switch would sell like hot cakes. hell even a $20 port would sell good.

Tron Bonne was my first waifu before my dumbass even knew what the fuck that was as a kid

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My overall point remains the same. X had teases, but did not need to lean very much on Classic at all. Had they wanted to, they could have brought back robot masters left and right, brought back Rock and Protoman and Bass and delved deep into classic cast and lore, but it didn't.

Legends isn't the kind of game you remaster. The charm comes from the basic shapes armor and enemies, the low poly set pieces, and the neat moving texture faces that resemble animu. Trying to upscale that would be very strange, and make its age show probably even worse. These aren't tricks modern games use.

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Want to hear what's sad about how I feel sad? I played the fan translation of Namco X Capcom. The Flutter and Gessleshaft show up on another planet casually flying through the solar system and raiding ruins on other planets. Even though I new the whole narrative was a bunch of excuses to get different series and characters together: I couldn't help but feel discomforted about casually giving them space flight.

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that hasn't stopped developers lately

These games are basically AU's for all the characters anyhow. It doesn't fit into anybody's lore, so go wild with it I guess.

that's cause tisel's english VA was charged with and distributing CP

Capcom's business model is very clearly not Activision's though.

And let me give it to you straight, Crash and Spyro are bigger draws that had way more exposure in their prime than Legends. A Legends remake that goes to the extremes of those other two would not be a guaranteed hit. I wish it were, but it's not.

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I'm going to assume there are people who visit Yea Forums who actually know some of the details of the industry. I do not.

What are the actual profit margin projections needed to get a game like Mega Man Legends 3 greenlit?

Capcom filled the last 7 years up with "HD Remakes" too.

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Those are texture upscales and not much more. They didn't do anything on the level of Crash and Spyro's reinvention. At least not that I'm aware of.

Capcom is full retard more often than not. I don't think profit margins have anything to do with the majority of their decisions.

I think they're dopes, but I wouldn't go that far. They very clearly gravitate to moneymakers like Street Fighter and MvC over and over again, instead of their many more niche fighters. So I'd say it's in their thoughts.

And on that note, you don't just upscale textures in a game like this.

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That's the exact opposite of my perception of the X series. X1 opens with the longest continuous monologue in the series about how and why Dr Light made X. X2 as user mentioned has Serges, but also in English a giant red exclamation point in the confrontation between Real Zero and Sigma. X4 goes a layer on that showing Zero was specifically made to kill X. Then in addition to the Light stuff: Wily, somehow, in the alleged flesh directing Sigma in X5 and seems to also be Isoc in X6 where he actually facilitates a cataclysmic event.

All of this seems to me to be begging to reveal more about the past Classic series that gave rise to the X series than actually highlighting how it stands. At least until Axl gets involved.

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Legends would need a full remake, rather than a remaster. Something that captures that anime style but with modern graphics.
Dragon Quest tends to do a good job of that, so I don't think it's impossible, but I doubt Capcom could nail it.

no, no, no. you guys are imagining too much on this remake. no one is asking for a crash or spyro level remake. it's simple:
-modernize the control scheme
-turn all the 2d appliance sprites into low poly 3d renders
-redraw all textures

>X4 goes a layer on that showing Zero was specifically made to kill X.
I thought they were developed simultaneously. Wily even starts Zero BEFORE X if Power Fighters 2 is to be believed.

>All of this seems to me to be begging to reveal more about the past Classic series that gave rise to the X series
And yet that's all it amounts to. Teases. A wink wink nudge nudge. Almost all of your noted references are interpretations. Serges, Issoc, none of that is spelled out to be Wily. Just "fans think it might be." And in 8 games and an RPG spin off, later, how closely knit is it to classic for all of these hints? Almost not at all.

Low-poly wouldn't work in today's world.

well why the hell not?

I'd settle for an alternate, more modern 3rd person shooter control scheme. Nothing else. No art changes. Unless they want to make some additional areas or something.

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1 is pretty amazing but I'll accept that it was lightning in a bottle. If like six + Battle Network games and an X rpg couldn't recapture the magic then nothing will. 2 is much more repayable though. Love the artstyle, and the dungeons, and the world, and the gameplay but I will concede it was a poor man's Zelda but fuck it I just love the universe too much.

I'm not sure what Crapcom could have done to build consumer confidence because ass much as i hate to say it Devil May Cry and Resident Evil 4 changed how the ballgame that was Capcom's game design. Maybe they could have toned down the story of Legends 2 so it's more self contained like 1, then tide things over with a servbot gba game and Namco vs Capcom cameos. Then when psp came around and allowed cheap 3D again instead of just fellating over X they could have done a Legends 3 that could have set up the plot Legends 2 shoves on you right at the end. If Kingdom Hearts can go on so long that 3 became a underwhelming disappointment then Trigger can do it too.

what the fuck are you talking about zoomers love this shit, it's cool looking and different from what we already have right now. i'm bored of realism

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I think the twist in the first game was just that he wasn't a kid wearing a suit but a robot with a human head like Juno in world of humans. In the second game they went "Nah fuck that" and made Megman a real humon bean (But also a robot) but made literally everyone else cyborgs.

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That depends on what the board says. They were convinced that Mega Man had to be a million-seller or it wouldn't be worth doing. Those projections are unreasonable obviously, but the demo was supposed to gauge interest. The DevRoom kept count and aimed for a hundred thousand people initially, but nobody really knows what it would've taken to break even by the end of things.

God I love these games. I'm about to hook up my ps3 and marathon these games. I can beat one in under 2 hours

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>y aren't -THAT- different from whatever the appropriate post-reploid generation's name is that the Mothers, Servators, and Mega Men are a part of. Seriously fuck "Unit"
That's one thing I would have hated about a possible MML3. Legends 2 plot was written only with the knowledge of the first game (And a bit of Megaman X). A I'd rather it stayed that way with the revelation of the Elder System because as much I don't hate Inti I don't want any of their headcanon about what Reaverbots , Carbons or the Elder System are pouring into the Legends game.

Does anyone know where i can get a ML2 BIOS?

I wish more 3d anime games at that time did the flat face/ sprite overlay thing, fucking love the way it looks

I didn't beat this game as a kid because I was scared of the dungeons and their music. I finally got around to playing them years ago on my fat PS3

>I thought they were developed simultaneously.
Zero has a memory of Wily whispering his order to kill X to him while lying in his capsule. Maybe they were at different stages of development, but even if Zero was ready right then: he didn't have Zero try to take over the world. He put him in a pod and told him to kill X. The very same X that was probably in a pod at the time.

>And yet that's all it amounts to. Teases... how closely knit is it to classic for all of these hints? Almost not at all.
Sorry brother. I'm fine with oodles of name, image, title, and scenario drops in Legends, ZX or BN without scraping out a timeline array to make sense of a toy. But X is different. It is fundamentally bad storytelling to put nonsense in at the climax. Which is what excusing all these allusions, and callbacks amounts to. Since more attention is paid to this during the final stages in the first 6 X games than any specific plan of Sigma's.

Honestly about the intent you may be right. That no one specific developer on the X series that wanted to shine the magnifying glass on Classic. But that's what was put in the games we got. So we have plots either driven by Classic callbacks or Reploid eugenics.

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Reminder that these cars are driving around when tron picks them up and hurls them at buildings.

Tron murders without care

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Motherfucker Tron can steal apples from a pine tree. She totally stole the driver out of the car to ransom him back.

X8 actually does make a direct reference about Zero being antsy about Sigma using him to make the Zero virus. I always though the game's plot was entirely self contained but that's an obvious reference to X5.

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I guess I don't see the end result as a series that is tied as tightly to classic as you do. It's just indecisive "hey Classic exists" reminders without much ambition to solidify the link. But I'll grant you it's a closer relationship than Legends has to any other branch of the series.

>the comic book you give to the boys was actually a girly magazine

>This is canon to the megaman universe

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That's really disappointing. It's really disheartening learning how incompetent big corporations and institutions are.

Interesting records of human history remain this far into the future. And that anyone bothers to learn it.

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Why aren't there MML Rom hacks?

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Incompetence on one hand, corporate spite on the other. I agree though: it's such a fucking bummer and I can really see why a lot of developers wanted to leave, considering how upper management handled things. It's kinda heartbreaking. That said, people have bitched at them for a long time now and they're starting to pull their heads out of their asses now so all we can do is encourage them to make more games and hopefully they'll set more realistic expectations (like they did with MM11), although I have a feeling those expectations were in place with MML3 specifically because Inafune has done some other funding shenanigans in order to even get games made. Inafune may be a hack but he also had to do a lot of crazy shit to even get some of those games made.

They saved rock history. Probably another one of the Master's hobbies.

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source on the cc2 meeting.
God after solatorobo I'd do horrible things to get them to do MML3.

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The studio lead said it in an interview like two days later

I don't hate the games but Hack.GU was pure melodramatic shonen drivel where characters scream at eachother and keep secrets for no reason. Sure technically Legends is too but that was more lighthearted like a old Tatsunoko show.

I remember liking 1 when I emulated it, but I played 2 off psn a couple years ago and kind of hated it.

In my completely uneducated opinion: I feel the Prototype would likely have sold more copies than the final game. It was supposed to launch as the only new content on the 3DS's eShop. Then it was supposed to sell for 200 Yen and maybe up to 3 USD.

If anyone intended to spend any money in the eShop at that time:they would've been likely to get the game just as something to to pad out the library. But the game would likely have taken another year to finish. I imagine widening the pool of games, so that desperate system holders and value hunters probably wouldn't pick up on the full title.

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Potentially, however the prototype was there to see if an audience existed in the first place. The 3DS certainly could have used a few high profile releases to put a spotlight on the platform a little sooner than when it actually happened, and MML3 could have easily been that game, though. Not a AAA release, sure, but there's a legacy behind the game which brings older fans to the table. There are also many people who buy consoles for specific releases, and this has the cult following to be a system seller for those fans. I'm not justifying that sort of behavior, but I at least acknowledge that it's there. That said, it's all speculation by this point.

Love you anons.
Solatorobo had FANTASTIC worldbuilding and atmosphere despite furry shit. I think they could handle it much better than current day capcom.

fuck off mml 2 is at least 8/10 REEEEEEEEE.

Right but no matter how many true 10-year-wait suffering fans do attach: I imagine the version of the game selling for Steam dollar menu prices would move more units. Though being $3 at most, they weren't likely to get rich off that. I don't know really how to provide further weight to my point further though. Since I guess there's still a chance the 3DS would have a drought by the time L3 proper hits.

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Nino Ruins brings that shit way down bruh

All I know from Megaman Legends is that Tron Bonne is a character from there and that Megaman himself is from an alternate dimension to the main Megaman. Might give these games a try soon, I love using Zero and Tron Bonne plus Frank West with his megaman outfit in ultimate marvel vs capcom 3, they're some of my favorite characters in that game but i never gave the megaman series itself a try beyond the first 3 megaman games and battle network 1. will get to it soon

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yeah, that's my line of thinking too. I'd imagine the solatorobo folks would want to work on this thing, and to be fair they'd probably be the best out-of-house guys for Capcom to team up with to make it happen. So long as it's written well it doesn't matter so much who makes it, but at least solatorobo captures the atmosphere of MML somewhat, furshit notwithstanding. That said, any new game would probably happen after a MML collection, which would happen after a (possible) ZX3 (or SF4, which would happen after a BN/SF collection), which would happen after most likely X9. A long wait, but at least there's a chance. That said, any assets used in the prototype most likely would not hold up to whatever platform it would be put on currently so I think the whole thing would have to be rebuilt from the ground up more or less, and I could easily see that being where the CC2 folks could come in and help.

Well, the demo was only 3bux. The full game? I dunno what that would shake out to but that drought lasted for quite a while so it could definitely have filled a niche.

>tfw I never managed to obtain the ultimate digger license in MML2
I swear, that qualification test is fucking rigged.

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Nope, the MML games happen thousands of years after the Classic series, not in an alternate dimension. Classic > X > Zero > ZX/ZXA >>>>> Legends. BN > SF is the alternate universe. All the games emulate well, and the worst of the games besides X7 are only okay as opposed to bad. There's a very good reason why peoples' favorites within the franchise are so hotly debated: there's a lot on offer, and the vast majority of it is very good.

I could have done without the post apoc stuff. I only give Legends a pass in that regard because A. it's told to you right at the beginning of the first game and B. 2's twist seems to imply that both parties involved in what happened to the planet (The people "eking out a living on islands"and the Humans on Elysium) got a good deal out of it.

Have you thrown enemies into each other? The lifter is one of the most damaging attacks you have.

Oh dude. Legends is the way to go. It's the same megaman universe just thousands of years in the future. You should also try another of the battle network games. 3 5 and 6 are great ones.

I forgot this was a thing, but just remembering it makes me feel a little sick

I honestly forgot how you quickly kill the ball things that spawn the floating squid things with only the piddly gun they give you. I just do Hard mode because fuck that nose.

Throw stuff at them, iirc.

I was almost tempted to give that kickstarter the time of day because I love the world so much and wanted something resembling it back.

The game never had a chance since it was never going to be given to a competent developer but the OVA is fairly charming as the first episode to something that doesn't exist.

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Alright, starting a new game now.

What weapon should I main? Already beat the game hundreds of times

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I might have to give that a watch then.

Main the Powered Buster for maximum clunky gun aesthetic.

anyone else want to blow their Mother Lode on Roll?

6/10 + 10/10
8.0 average

I miss these games so much

God I want to go on lighthearted adventures with roll.

Bottom right obviously

You don't get polygon wobble, that's the only real benefit to playing it.


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Will we at least see a rerelease of some sort now that Capcom isnt being turbo-gay?

You'll find out this Christmas

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I don't think it'll be legends but there's a possibility of a Cyberconnect2 collaboration of some sort. Maybe a crossover fighting game where a bunch of Megamans from the series history beat the shit out of eachother? Who knows.


Yes pig bites hurt a lot.

but servbots are made of metal

And do you think that gives the servbots any power over the pigs?

>fucking minions ruined any hope of there being a servbot cartoon

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Holy fuck I forgot how bad megaman's voice is in the second game.

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Yeah it's sailor jupiter but his original VA couldn't reprise the role. Puberty hit him hard.
