How does anyone enjoy gacha games? The grind is really time-consuming and not very fun...

How does anyone enjoy gacha games? The grind is really time-consuming and not very fun. I know you people are just going to basedspam and shit but I would appreciate opinions from people who actually play and enjoy them. Please tell me what you see in them, I would love to know.

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Stop getting angry at stuff that doesn't affect you.

hey, cool it with the anime pics you faggot

You could tell that to just about everyone on the entire internet. You're also acting like I haven't played a gacha game.

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I have a good time playing them when I'm bored and just want to sit around on my phone.

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They're fun time wasters. But somehow its possible to spend up to almost 9 HOURS trying to get the highest score on a map

This is a terrible life philosophy.
>everything can be shit but as long as I am fine it's ok
Standards exist for a reason.

they don’t. it’s gambling. attach a franchise with cute girls and you have millions of people who don’t even know what the fuck game they are playing spending $$

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>tfw we will never get a Black Lagoon game

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Because tits

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Gambling at least has the promise of wealth to draw in it's sorry players. The JPGs rewarded in Gachas could just as well be looked up online.

inb4 people on Yea Forums claim they're big grown-up adults that have lives and can't play anything deeper

they have low standards and are suckers for skinner box mechanics

I like GBF because I can grind while multitasking and I love both grinding and multitasking. Also, no other game gives me the pleasure of seeing my shitty team and grid get better over time in order to defeat harder and harder things.
Of course I play other games but GBF is the one I always return to when I'm bored and have nothing else to do. I have also spent 60 dollars on the game since beginning in 2016 so I have definitely got my money's worth by this point.

>Also, no other game gives me the pleasure of seeing my shitty team and grid get better over time in order to defeat harder and harder things.
An opinion this low-iq would only be held by a gachafag

I really just dick around and collect waifus, anyone that takes this shit seriously has something wrong with their brains. If it was easier for me to bring my vita/3DS around then I'd be playing that instead.

I dont like too much grind, that said Dragalia Lost is simply too generous and playing with friends makes whatever needs to be grinded way less tedious

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fuck off gachanigger

That's fine by me

>9 hours
What kind of autism could drive doing that?

I got hooked on girls Frontline for a few months. The cute art drew me in and it's fun getting more girls and seeing their levels go up. Eventually I realized it wasn't actually much fun having to check in everyday and grind to make sure I didn't miss something. Once you really start playing one it feels easy to get sucked in, but I've stopped now and just look at art from it sometimes.

Easy, I turned my gacha autism into learning ahk scripts to automate grinds with as much randomness as possible. My scripts play for me and I amass a strong enough character base to play events when I feel like it. I also don't have much attachment to a account that could get banned at anytime so I never play the gacha.

black lagoon is based and /k/ as fuck you fucking redditor

I only spend 15 minutes to a half hour on /k/'s gacha per day. For me it feels like a routine growth until the next event.

It's a time waster