How does From pull it off again and again?
How does From pull it off again and again?
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They have really good art direction and concept people. Also good taste when it comes to gameplay and music.
In terms of development, this is an interesting one. Alot of game developers use Maya for their studio environment, because of animation and rigging stuff.
However, Fromsoftware does everything entirely in 3DSmax, including rigging and animation stuff. It's like 2x faster to do geo, assets and level design in max compared to Maya. Also, because they use alot of havok stuff for animation/rig, they can save time on not doing alot of dumb shit.
It's how they made like 8 games all of high quality this last 10 years. If they used Maya to do everything their games would take a full year longer to make.
Sucks there was no dlc
That's pretty interesting. I have been messing with editing RE2 models in 3DS MAX and doing stuff like painting skin weights properly with the given tools is a huge pain in the ass. Everyone says Maya is better and MAX is dying. All of FROM's animations look so good too. Do they ever use motion capture?
They are high IQ fighting game players.
It's been all downhill since Dark Souls 1
Has there been any info if there wont be one? All FS games usually get a DLC, atleast the newer ones. Would be weird if Sekiro didnt get one eventually
so why the fuck is anyone using maya?
>extremely tiny and linear maps designed for ps2 hardware
>hit for 1/100 health
at least its not armored core tho amirite
user theyre already working on the next game
just summon blue bro
Literally Miyazaki being a good director.
Look how quality went down when someone was put in charge with the second das.
Even when he's not the main director, he supervises. From is proof competent leadership is very important in game development.
by making the same garbage game over and over again
call me when they go back to their roots, fucking mecha games.
No one uses Maya any more
Their mech games were shit and didnt sell
So I guess we'll never call you
Because people are retarded and all the schools are teaching Maya because they're also teaching Animation, which Maya is great at. Alot of people simply know Maya and that's where modern talent pool is coming from, however alot of the oldfag game artists and people are Max guys. Most of Fromsoft would be oldfags with some youngins sprinkled in.
Purely modeling and doing anything OTHER than animation/rigging in Maya is pure dog shit and even Blender is better than Maya at pretty much everything. Max is absolute king for actually making a game, especially combined with havok and other 3rd party stuff.
I work in a games studio where everyone is using Maya and watching how slow everyone does anything is agonizing. In the time it's taken our 100+ studio to make one upcoming release, Fromsoft have made 3 full fucking games.
Souls games basically invented their own genre. The early AC games were great but From milked it too long with 15 games. They had no clear vision until Miyazaki came into the picture
A lot of it boils down to not overextending themselves. They don't add meaningless complicated side-systems and mechanics, their games are focused on their core ideas and intended user experience.
Which is a bit worrying for Elden Ring, they haven't done anything as expansive in scope before, had to make a sprawling open world. Still, I'm cautiously optimistic.
Im way out of my field here but even if they are working on Elden Ring I refuse to believe it can be extremely hard/time consuming to make a DLC with like 2 bosses
Sekiro sold decent so I dont see why they wouldnt wanna do it, but I dont know their work structure, maybe they have everyone working on ER
Elden Ring will literally be Dark Souls/Bloodborne format simply dropped in an open sprawling world. Jump button, ledge climbing, all that stuff included. Might get some mega massive bosses though and more Monster Hunter style encounters.
I'm personally expecting Monster Hunter Souls but with the backdrop of a Wiccan/Celtic version of Skyrim, more dark fantasy than high fantasy.
They've been in the industry since 1994, they haven't been super popular at any time previous to Dark Souls 1 so they had their time to slowly build up to this point.
This, why the hell did they abandon this game? This game's gameplay could have worked for years. Would love to see a multiplayer of a gameplay like this.
Why doesn't Team Ninja or From or some other dev just make a souls-style 3rd person action game where you run and jump around as a character who's like a Dead or Alive fighter, locking on to enemies ranging from basic thugs to strong enemies that can counter and throw you as if they were real opponents in DOA matches?
Armored Core fucking when
DS3 is trash, though
DS1 has the worst gameplay besides it's beta called Demons Souls
Sekiro was shit. They don't want to work on it anymore.
I loved the game but it has the worst OST of all the Souls games. There are a few bright spots though
The Owl theme was pure kino
Tbh I unironically enjoyed more Sekiro than any other Soulsborne title, maybe because I felt quite invested in the story
>sold great
>reviewed great
>is a GOTY contender
Just because you were shit at the game doesn’t mean the game itself is shit.
it is good but I thought the other Owl song from when you fight him at Ashina Castle sounded like MIDI music from a shitty Doom WAD
Is that really a diss, though? Souls music is top notch so it's not really saying much if a game can't match it. The sudoku ending, the second phase monkey transition, the forest flute, owl 2, Emma's fight, both Isshin fights, all the iterations of the main fight, these are all top notch.
I think overall this was my favorite fight in the game. Music, moves, how fair it felt, the right balance of gameplay and cinematic shit, story significance. SSI was just a fucking blur. I just remember staying up all night being stuck on the second-to-last phase forever and deciding to settle for learning each phase one-at-a-time, but then getting through the final phase on my third time making it through to it. Didn't see anything in the HUD at all. Just pure focus on Isshin.
Owl Father was less nerve wracking but more kino imo. Felt far less bullshit than Isshin too.
>"We want the Auron audience!"
>tfw we will never see the same amount of twinking again like it was possible in the DeS/DaS games
I just want to fuck up new players with end game equipment.
I was gonna write a comprehensive list, but I'm just gonna say this:
Could you have imagined an ape slamdunking poop into the protag looking heroic before a From game?
Sekiro was a mediocre game that will be forgotten and never get a sequel.
>sold more than ds3 in its first week
>124k concurrent players, 2k less than ds3
>made journos seeth
>GOTY contender
They don't try to pander to scrubs or stupid agendas.